1c enterprise 8 construction contractor. "1C: Construction Contractor

Industry solution“1C:Enterprise 8. Construction contractor. Control construction industry” is intended for automation of construction production management, production planning (drawing up calendar and operational plans), maintaining production accounting and analysis of the progress of construction and installation work at any time.

Configuration “Construction contractor. Construction Production Management” contains the following subsystems:

    Construction production management;

  • Inventory management;
  • Construction machines and mechanisms (CMiM);
  • Procurement management;
  • Personnel management.

The “Construction Production Management” subsystem includes:

  • Possibility of making calculations scheduling for a portfolio of projects;
  • Formation of work schedules with the ability to set any hierarchy (phases, groups, subgroups) for a large number of construction projects;
  • Formation of operational work plans according to the approved calendar plan;
  • Purpose and reflection of logical relationships between works, the ability to reflect delays in time and volume;
  • Formation of network diagrams indicating the estimated periods of work completion and highlighting critical works;
  • Formation of weekly and daily work schedules for any period of time;
  • Formation of work assignments for teams and contractors;
  • Keeping records of the actual implementation of work on the calendar plan;
  • Filling out acceptance certificates for work performed (form KS-2) and certificates of the cost of work performed (form KS-3);
  • Keeping records of actually consumed materials in the context of works and construction projects, generating a report (form M-29);
  • Formation of a general work log (form KS-6) and a log of work performed (form KS-6a);
  • Formation of the document “Certificate of Hidden Works” and printing of the Certificate of Inspection of Hidden Works;
  • Constructing a report on the implementation of the work schedule with analysis of implementation and forecasting the timing of further progress of work (both in the context of one construction project and all objects of the organization);
  • Generating reports on the degree of participation of the organization’s employees in the work;
  • Generating a report on the participation of contractors in construction;
  • Display information about work plans in graphical form, including graphical display of critical work;
  • Issue accounting finished products and cost calculation in terms of material costs, according to specifications, and overhead costs;
  • Accounting for write-off of materials for construction projects (form M-29) both at average cost and using the FIFO method, depending on the settings made accounting policy;
  • Cost analysis of work performed on our own and with the involvement of subcontractors;
  • Analysis of payment for subcontract work in the context of construction projects.

The Inventory Management subsystem includes:

  • Accounting inventories: warehouse accounting of materials for materially responsible persons, warehouses and the organization as a whole;
  • Capitalization of materials according to previously generated orders for materials;
  • The ability to conduct an inventory of received materials and the ability to process the return of low-quality materials to the supplier;
  • Possibility of writing off materials for completed work;
  • Determining the materials needed to complete the work within the schedule;
  • Possibility of reserving materials for materially responsible persons;
  • Accounting for the transfer of inventory items from warehouse to production;
  • Analysis of the consumption of materials for work on the schedule and for the facility as a whole;
  • Analysis of material balances by materially responsible persons, warehouses and organizations.

“SMiM” subsystem (control construction machines and mechanisms) includes:

  • Receipt, movement and write-off of materials and materials;
  • Analysis of the state of the system of materials and materials for balanced operation of objects;
  • Assignment of machines and mechanisms to work on the schedule;
  • Actual accounting of the use of machines and mechanisms;
  • Plotting schedules for the use of machines and mechanisms.

The “Human Resources Management” subsystem includes:

  • Formation of the staffing table of the organization's employees;
  • Maintaining personnel records (hiring, personnel transfer, dismissal);
  • Automatic verification of positions, qualifications and number of employees during formation personnel documents By staffing table employees of the organization;
  • Accounting for work performed as in individually, for each to an individual individually, as well as work performed by teams, with the possibility of subsequent distribution of costs among team members;
  • Construction of labor movement schedules.

The “Procurement Management” subsystem includes:

  • Formation of plans for the supply of materials both for departments of the organization and for the construction site as a whole;
  • Formation of material requirements based on the supply plan for any arbitrary period of time;
  • Ability to manage procurement based on needs;
  • Multi-level procedure for approving applications for the purchase of materials;
  • Formation of purchase requests for unaccounted needs and automatic generation of receipts for them;
  • The ability to adjust orders to suppliers with the ability to analyze primary data;
  • Formation of documents registering the return of materials to suppliers;
  • Analysis of completed and overdue orders and their closure;
  • Generating reports to obtain information on product items displayed in orders;
  • Formation analytical reports according to the status of orders current moment time.

Service capabilities

    Separation of access rights to edit various areas of the program, with the assignment of personal responsibility for filling out any document;

  • Ability to assign tasks to other users information base;
  • Automatic backup of the information base.

Data exchange

The configuration allows for integration with software products: “1C:Enterprise 8. Estimate” and “1C:Enterprise 8. Construction Contractor 4.0. Financial management.”

To automatically generate a work schedule in the software product “1C: Construction Contractor. Construction Production Management”, the ability to download estimates in ARPS 1.10 format from the 1C: Estimate program and other estimate software products has been implemented. The procedure for establishing work relationships and calculating construction duration when loading planned data from local estimates has been automated.

Formed calendar plan in “1C: Construction Contractor. Construction production management” is the basis for automatic budget formation in the “1C: Construction Contractor 4.0” configuration. Financial management.” Data integration is implemented using universal data exchange in XML format.

Control and elimination of error situations

Configuration “Construction contractor. Construction Production Management”, edition 2.0 provides various means of monitoring the work of users at various stages of working with the program:

    control of the correctness and completeness of the entered data;

  • control of balances upon write-off (movement) material assets;
  • control of modification and deletion of documents entered before the “date of prohibition of editing”;
  • control of the integrity and consistency of information when deleting data;

Loading reference data, classifiers of units of measurement, positions and professions

The program provides for downloading reference books and classifiers:

Data Search

The configuration implements full-text search according to information base data. You can search using multiple words, using search operators, or using an exact phrase.

Control access to credentials

The ability to introduce restrictions on access to the credentials of individual organizations has been implemented ( legal entities). A user with limited access rights does not have the opportunity not only to change in any way, but even to read data that is closed to him.

Online user support

Users of the program can directly, when working with the program, prepare and send to 1C company opinions on the use of the program, requests to the department technical support, and receive and view responses from the technical support department. Users can also take part in a survey of program users conducted by 1C in order to study problems that arise during operation.

Automatic configuration update

The configuration includes a configuration update assistant that allows you to obtain information about the latest updates posted on the customer support site on the Internet and automatically install detected updates. If an update file has already been received, the assistant allows you to update using an update delivery file (.cfu) or a configuration delivery file (.cf) from any local or network directory.

Product composition

Product “1C:Enterprise 8. Construction contractor. Construction production management” (article 4601546109309) includes:

  • Distributions:

– platforms “1C:Enterprise 8”;

– industry configuration “Construction Contractor. Construction production management”;

  • DVD release of ITS Construction;
  • A set of documentation for the “1C:Enterprise 8” platform;
  • A set of documentation for industry configuration;
  • Coupon for preferential 1C:ITS support;
  • Key software protection platforms “1C:Enterprise 8”;
  • Hardware protection key for the “Construction Contractor” configuration. Construction production management”;
  • Licenses to use the 1C:Enterprise 8 system and the Construction Contractor configuration. Construction production management” at one workplace.

Configuration “Construction contractor. Construction Production Management” is secure and contains code fragments that cannot be changed by the user, and has hardware protection against unauthorized use. At the same time, the principle of maximum openness of the code is implemented to ensure the ability to adapt the product to the needs of end users.

Expansion of the number of automated workstations is carried out by purchasing client licenses for the “1C:Enterprise 8” platform (for 1, 5, 10 or more workstations) and client licenses for the “Construction Contractor” configuration. Construction production management” (for 1, 5, 10 jobs).

The number of purchased licenses to use the “Construction Contractor” configuration. Construction Production Management” and the “1C:Enterprise 8” platform are determined based on the need for the maximum number of simultaneously working users with the “Construction Contractor” configuration. Construction production management" on the "1C:Enterprise 8" platform.

To work in the client-server version, you must purchase a license to use the 1C:Enterprise 8 server.

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Functionality product

The program "1C: Construction Contractor 4.0. Financial Management" was developed on the basis typical configuration"1C: Accounting 8.0" and supports full configuration functionality and all the advantages technology platform"1C:Enterprise 8.0": scalability, ease of use, administration and configuration.

"1C: Construction Contractor 4.0. Financial Management" is a solution that implements a closed cycle of accounting, tax accounting and financial management construction organization from planning to analysis of actual data. The software product can be used for complex automation financial departments(departments) of contractors and other participants in the investment and construction process.

The software product "1C: Construction Contractor 4.0. Financial Management" is a functional continuation of the automation of the activities of construction organizations, embedded in the programs "1C: Construction Contractor 1.4" and "1C: Construction Contractor 2.3" and differs from its predecessors:

  • the presence of mechanisms for planning, budgeting and financial analysis of the activities of both all organizations, which are recorded in the information base, and each organization separately;
  • a user-friendly interface that makes working in the program simple and comfortable;
  • ability to maintain accounting and tax records economic activity several organizations in one information base;
  • the presence of a separate chart of accounts for tax accounting, close to the accounting chart of accounts;
  • the ability to explicitly indicate accounting and tax accounts in documents;
  • an improved mechanism for customizing standard reports.

As a result of using "1C: Construction Contractor 4.0. Financial Management" the user gets the opportunity to:

  • promptly receive information about progress financial plans and providing financing;
  • reduce the time required for preparing management, financial and tax reporting due to the possibility of maintaining accounting, tax accounting and financial management of several interconnected enterprises in one accounting database and the use of automatically generated unified forms of documents and reports on construction activities;
  • increase the efficiency of the financial, economic planning and accounting departments by organizing work in a unified information base;
  • increase asset turnover through sales integrated management finances of a construction organization;
  • reduce the time spent exchanging documents with estimate programs of leading developers:
    • downloading local estimates and reports of completed work in ARPS 1.10 format for the formation of budgets for construction projects;
    • Loading the materials write-off sheet according to form M-29 in BOSB 1.00 format with synchronization of resources for the write-off of accounting materials.

Main features:

  • Planning and control of all types of enterprise budgets: budgets of construction projects (budgets of orders for construction and installation work, costs of materials, labor costs, costs of operating construction machinery and mechanisms, etc.), operating budgets, basic financial budgets (income and expenses, movements cash, budget according to the balance sheet).
  • Flexible budgeting model - customization individual characteristics work of the organization, formation of its own set of budgets.
  • Planning of all budgets of the contracting construction organization in the context of construction projects.
  • Formation financial structure organizations for budget planning in the context of financial responsibility centers.
  • Formation of budget plans for costs of materials, construction machinery and mechanisms, payments to production workers based on estimates for construction and installation work and standard prices.
  • Formation of the financial result of the contractor’s activities for construction projects, taking into account all indirect costs.
  • Planning budgets and operational plans of the organization under several scenarios.
  • Management and control of budget planning according to established budget limits and controlled indicators, generation of reports on compliance with and exceeding established limits.
  • Control of budget planning regulations: formation of the history of the process of coordination and approval of the organization's budgets, recording changes in the status of planning documents and responsible persons.
  • Formation of an operational cash flow plan (payment calendar), including based on data from cash flow budgets.
  • Formation of the planned cost of construction and installation work with the ability to create a local estimate, a statement of labor and material resources, calculation of marginal income according to the estimate, and then reflection of the transfer of completed work based on the created estimate calculation with the formation of a unified act of transfer of completed construction work No. KS-2.
  • Accounting for construction and installation works in the context of construction projects, accounting for work in progress by cost items, reflecting the stages of implementation of construction contracts in the form of certificates of the cost of work performed using standardized printed forms No. KS-3.
  • Possibility of generating a summary certificate in form No. KS-3.
  • Separate accounting of construction and installation work performed in-house and by third-party contractors, as part of the cost of construction work and as part of revenue from the implementation of construction and installation work.
  • Accounting for the customer's services accepted from the subcontractor, reflecting the sale of the general contractor's services to the customer with the ability to calculate their volume both as a percentage of construction and installation work and in direct amounts.
  • Accounting for accepted subcontracting work on objects with the possibility of using accepted acts when transferring work to the customer, as the transfer of subcontracting work.
  • Industry accounting of production inventories: warehouse accounting of materials by materially responsible persons, accounting of workwear, special equipment, inventory and equipment. Automated generation of industry unified forms for accounting of workwear and equipment "Workwear Accounting Card" according to the MB-2 form, reports on the movement of materials "Material Report" and "Vedomosti 10-c".
  • Accounting for uninvoiced supplies with the possibility of using the unified form No. M-7. Accounting for write-off of materials for objects according to form M-29.
  • The ability to distribute indirect costs for construction projects according to the volume of machine-hours spent on construction equipment used during construction and installation work.
  • Accounting for mutual settlements with suppliers, subcontractors, buyers and customers with the output of universal Reconciliation Reports. Formation of order journal No. 6 for suppliers and subcontractors, statement No. 5c for customers.
  • Carrying out bilateral and trilateral acts of mutual settlements on settlement accounts with counterparties. Inventory of mutual settlements with the possibility of creating a unified form INV-17.
  • On-farm settlements on account No. 79, taking into account: current transactions, allocation transactions separate divisions allocated property, debts (advances) to third-party contractors. Formation of reconciliation reports for branches with detailed analytics of the state of on-farm settlements and a report on the state of mutual settlements with branches.
  • Organization of operational accounting in the context of materially responsible persons or storage locations on off-balance sheet accounts for the accounting of work clothes, special equipment, inventory throughout the entire useful life, accounting for the return, write-off and re-issuance of used items.
  • Accounting for products, works, services produced (performed) through auxiliary production. Calculation of the cost of auxiliary production.
  • Analysis of costs for work performed in-house and with the involvement of subcontractors. Analysis of customer payments for accepted stages of construction contracts. Analysis of payment for subcontract work in the context of construction projects.
  • Preparation of regulated accounting and tax reporting.
  • Control of the operational cash flow plan according to the cash flow budget.
  • Possibility of operational accounting and control of execution of cash flow plans.
  • Formation of actual budget execution and operational cash flow plan based on data accounting.
  • Multidimensional plan-actual analysis of reports on budgets and operational cash flow plans: analysis of deviations, analysis of construction projects, etc.
  • Generation of comparative reports that allow you to analyze activities on various construction projects, according to various scenarios, financial responsibility centers and other analytical sections.
  • Formation of forecasts for budget execution and operational cash flow plans.
  • Financial analysis planned and actual results of construction activities, calculation of analytical coefficients characterizing construction activities, comparative analysis various options for sampling data according to scenarios. Factor analysis of profitability equity according to planned and actual data in the context of various scenarios, construction projects, centers of financial responsibility, comparative analysis of options.
  • Factor analysis of return on equity based on planned and actual data in the context of various scenarios, construction projects, financial responsibility centers, comparative analysis of options.

The industry solution "1C:Enterprise 8. Construction Contractor. Financial Management", edition 3.0 is intended to automate the management of construction production, production planning (drawing up calendar and operational plans), maintaining production records and analyzing the progress of construction and installation work at any time.

The configuration "Construction Contractor. Financial Management" contains the following subsystems:

  • Construction contractor;
  • On-farm calculations;
  • Vehicle management;
  • Financial management.

The "Construction Contractor" subsystem includes:

  • Registration of orders for construction and installation works, control of their actual implementation and recording of deviations;
  • Generating analytical reports on the status of orders at the current time;
  • Accounting for the implementation of construction and installation works in the context of construction projects, construction projects, construction cost items, technological cost structure, contractors with the formation of a certificate of the cost of construction work and costs in the KS-3 form;
  • Accounting for construction and installation works in the context of construction projects;
  • Formation of a summary certificate (form KS-3) for construction projects;

  • The ability, based on the work transfer act, to automatically generate documents on the write-off of materials for the production of work, indicating the list of materials to be written off and their quantity;
  • Formation of the planned cost of construction and installation work with the ability to create a local estimate, a statement of labor and material resources, and calculate marginal income according to the estimate;
  • Separate accounting of construction and installation work performed in-house and by third-party contractors;
  • Accounting for the write-off of materials for construction projects (form M-29) both at average cost and using the FIFO method, depending on the accounting policy settings made;
  • The ability to distribute indirect costs for construction projects according to the volume of machine-hours spent on construction equipment used in construction and installation work;
  • Industry accounting of production inventories: warehouse accounting of materials by materially responsible persons, accounting of workwear, special equipment, inventory and equipment;
  • Generating reports on the movement of materials: “Sheet 10-s”, “Material report”;
  • Accounting for uninvoiced supplies (form M-7);
  • List of uninvoiced supplies by warehouses, documents, materials;

  • Inventory of uninvoiced materials in production;
  • Accounting for products, works, services produced (performed) through auxiliary production;
  • Calculation of the cost of auxiliary production;
  • Analysis of costs for work performed in-house and with the involvement of subcontractors;
  • Analysis of customer payments for accepted stages of construction contracts;
  • Analysis of payment for subcontract work in the context of construction projects;
  • Order-by-order accounting with the construction contractor, generation of local estimates and KS-2 based on the buyer’s order, analysis of the status of orders;
  • Equipment accounting and building materials in the context of construction sites and storage sites;
  • Accounting for procurement and storage costs for equipment and materials by cost items;
  • Accounting for the customer's services accepted from the subcontractor, reflecting the sale of the general contractor's services to the customer with the ability to calculate their volume both as a percentage of construction and installation work and in direct amounts;
  • Accounting for accepted subcontract work on objects with the possibility of using accepted acts when transferring work to the customer as a transfer of subcontract work;
  • Accounting for the issuance of materials to contractors as customer-provided raw materials and write-offs as they are consumed;

  • Possibility of offsetting the guarantee retention according to the data entered in the contract with the Customer.

The subsystem "On-farm settlements" includes:

  • Possibility of generating incoming and outgoing advice notes;
  • Possibility of generating reconciliation reports between branches based on transmitted and accepted advice notes;
  • Possibility of generating a summary report on advice notes.

The subsystem "Fuels and lubricants and vehicles" includes:

  • Accounting for fuels and lubricants, coupons and fuel cards, issuing materials for vehicle repairs;
  • Registration of issued and received coupons and cards for reflection in management accounting;
  • Analysis of the OS state in part vehicles for balanced operation across facilities;
  • Accounting waybills;
  • Formation of accounting movements based on registered data management accounting in the vehicle control unit;
  • Generation of analytical reports on the analysis of data on the balances and turnover of fuels and lubricants and vehicles with the possibility of automated registration of fuel drainage;
  • Maintaining records of the operation of construction equipment and vehicles;
  • The procedure for registering vehicles, drawing up summary reports on the operation of construction equipment, determining the percentage for each construction project;
  • Registration of the implementation of work on vehicles and mechanisms for management accounting as a separate document of the system;
  • For accounting purposes, the possibility of distributing costs for construction materials and materials across construction projects based on the data from waybills has been implemented;
  • Automated reconciliation of settlements with fuel suppliers, both in monetary and quantitative terms;
  • Possibility of changing fuel consumption rates depending on the time of year;

The Financial Management subsystem includes:

  • Formation of the structure of the budget model;
  • Planning operating, other and basic financial budgets;
  • Summary results of budgeting and their analysis;
  • Operational cash flow planning;
  • Accounting for actual data operational planning;
  • Formation of a payment calendar;
  • Formation of requests for spending funds;
  • Operational cash flow management;
  • Formation of specialized requests for payment for subcontracted construction and installation work, for construction and repair work and for payment to material suppliers;
  • Formation of forecasts for budget execution and operational cash flow plans;
  • Formation of actual execution of plans based on accounting data in an automatic template version;
  • Multidimensional analysis of planned and actual data: analysis of deviations, analysis of efficiency for construction projects;
  • Financial analysis of activities, profitability analysis, analysis and optimization of costs for objects;
  • Formation of organization budgets in various variants and further control of their actual execution against the plan - factual analysis at the selected point in time.

The configuration includes a chart of accounts in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation “On approval of the chart of accounts for accounting of financial and economic activities of organizations and instructions for its application” dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n. The composition of accounts, the organization of analytical, currency, and quantitative accounting on accounts comply with the legal requirements for maintaining accounting records and reflecting data in reporting. If necessary, users can independently create additional subaccounts and analytical accounting sections.

Document accounting

The main way to reflect business transactions in accounting is to enter program documents corresponding to the primary accounting documents. In addition, direct entry of individual transactions is allowed.

Support for different tax systems

In the program for commercial organizations The following taxation systems are supported:

  • general taxation system (income tax for organizations in accordance with Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation),
  • simplified taxation system (Chapter 26.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation),
  • taxation system in the form of a single tax on imputed income for individual species activities (Chapter 26.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

For individual entrepreneurs A simplified taxation system is supported (Chapter 26.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Accounting for trade transactions

Accounting for transactions of receipt and sale of goods and services has been automated. When selling goods, invoices are issued, invoices and invoices are issued. All operations on wholesale trade taken into account in the context of contracts with customers and suppliers. For imported goods, data on the country of origin and the customs declaration number are taken into account.

For retail Supports both operational reflection of retail sales and reflection of sales based on inventory results. Retail goods can be accounted for at purchase or sales prices. For retail sales Payment with bank loans and the use of payment cards are supported.

Automated reflection of returns of goods from the buyer and supplier.

The configuration supports the use of several types of prices, for example: wholesale, small wholesale, retail, purchase, etc. This simplifies the reflection of receipt and sales transactions. It is possible to keep track of product items.

Accounting for agency agreements

Automated accounting of agency services on the part of the agent (provision of services on his own behalf, but at the expense of the principal) and on the part of the principal (provision of services through the agent).

Accounting for banking and cash transactions

Accounting for the movement of cash and non-cash funds and foreign exchange transactions has been implemented. It supports entering and printing payment orders, incoming and outgoing cash orders. Implemented accounting of monetary documents.

Based on cash documents a cash book of the established form is formed.

Accounting for the paying agent's funds has been implemented and a separate cash book is maintained.

Transactions for settlements with suppliers, buyers and accountable persons have been automated (including transfer of funds to bank cards employees or corporate bank cards), depositing cash into a current account and receiving cash by check, purchasing and selling foreign currency. When recording transactions, payment amounts are automatically divided into advance and payment.

Payment orders for the payment of taxes (contributions) can be generated automatically.

A mechanism for exchanging information with programs such as "Bank Client" has been implemented.

Accounting for settlements with counterparties

Accounting for settlements with suppliers and customers can be carried out in rubles, conventional units and foreign currency. Exchange differences for each transaction are calculated automatically.

Settlements with counterparties in the configuration are always carried out accurate to the settlement document. When preparing receipt and sales documents, you can use both general prices for all counterparties and individual prices for a specific contract.

The method of repaying the debt under the contract can be indicated directly in the payment documents. The method of crediting advances is indicated in the receipt and sale documents.

Accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets

Accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets is carried out in accordance with PBU 6/01 “Accounting for fixed assets” and PBU 14/2007 “Accounting for intangible assets”. Basic accounting operations have been automated: receipt, acceptance for accounting, depreciation (depreciation), modernization, transfer, write-off, inventory. It is possible to distribute the amounts of accrued depreciation for a month in tax accounting between several accounts or objects of analytical accounting.

Accounting for main and auxiliary production

Automated calculation of the cost of products and services produced by the main and auxiliary production, accounting for the processing of customer-supplied raw materials, accounting for workwear, special equipment, inventory and household supplies. During the month, accounting of released finished products is carried out at planned cost. At the end of the month it is calculated actual cost products released and services provided.

Accounting for semi-finished products

For complex technological processes, which involve intermediate stages with the release of semi-finished products, warehouse accounting of semi-finished products and automatic calculation of their cost are supported.

Accounting for indirect income

The program provides the ability to account for various expenses that are not directly related to the production of products, the provision of work, services - indirect costs. At the end of the month, indirect expenses are automatically written off.

To account for general business expenses, the use of the “direct costing” method is supported. This method provides that general business expenses are written off in the month they are incurred and are fully charged to the expenses of the current period. If the organization does not use the direct costing method, then general business expenses are distributed between the cost of manufactured products and work in progress.

When writing off indirect costs, it is possible to use various methods of distribution by product groups (services). For indirect costs, the following distribution bases are possible:

VAT accounting

VAT accounting is implemented in accordance with the norms of Chapter. 21 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Automated filling of the purchase book and sales book, issuance of adjustment and corrected invoices. For VAT accounting purposes, separate accounting is carried out for transactions subject to VAT and those not subject to taxation in accordance with Art. 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Complex economic situations are monitored in accounting for VAT during sales using a 0% VAT rate, during construction using an economic method, as well as when an organization performs the duties of a tax agent. Amounts of VAT on indirect costs in accordance with Art. 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation can be distributed among sales transactions subject to VAT and exempt from VAT.

Payroll accounting and personalized accounting

The configuration maintains records of settlements with personnel for wages and personnel records. The formation of unified forms for labor legislation is ensured.

The following operations are automated:

  • calculating wages to employees of the enterprise based on salary with the ability to indicate the method of reflection in accounting separately for each type of accrual;
  • accounting for deductions;
  • maintaining mutual settlements with employees up to the payment of wages and transferring wages to employees’ card accounts;
  • deposit;
  • calculation of taxes and contributions regulated by law, the taxable base of which is wages employees of organizations;
  • generation of relevant reports (on personal income tax, taxes (contributions) from the payroll), including preparation of reports for the personalized accounting system of the Pension Fund of Russia.

When performing calculations, the presence of disabled people and tax non-residents at the enterprise is taken into account.

Tax accounting for income tax

Tax accounting for income tax is carried out on the same accounts as accounting. This simplifies the comparison of accounting and tax accounting data and compliance with the requirements of PBU 18/02 “Accounting for income tax calculations.” Based on tax accounting data, a tax return for income tax is automatically generated.

Simplified taxation system

The accounting of economic activities of organizations using a simplified taxation system has been automated. Tax accounting under the simplified tax system is carried out in accordance with Chapter. 26.2 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The following tax objects are supported:

  • income,
  • income reduced by expenses.

The book of income and expenses is generated automatically.

Accounting for activities subject to a single tax on imputed income

Regardless of whether the organization uses the simplified tax system or common system taxation, some types of its activities may be subject to a single tax on imputed income (UTII). The configuration provides for the separation of accounting for income and expenses associated with activities subject to and not subject to UTII. Expenses that cannot be attributed to a certain type activities at the time of their commission, can be distributed automatically at the end of the period.

Final operations of the month

Routine operations performed at the end of the month are automated, including currency revaluation, write-off of deferred expenses, determination financial results and others. The Month Closing Assistant allows you to determine the necessary routine month closing operations and perform them in the correct sequence and without errors.

Standard reports

The configuration provides the user with a set of standard reports that allow you to analyze data on balances, account turnover and transactions in a variety of sections. When generating reports, it is possible to configure the grouping, selection and sorting of information displayed in the report, based on the specifics of the organization’s activities and the functions performed by the user.

Regulated reporting

The program includes mandatory (regulated) reports intended for presentation to the organization’s owners and supervisors. government agencies, including forms financial statements, tax returns, reports for statistical authorities and government funds.

Regulated reports for which this option is provided regulatory documents, can be uploaded to electronic form. The program supports the technology of applying a two-dimensional barcode to tax declaration sheets.

Regulated reporting on the income of individuals is generated automatically and can be recorded on a magnetic medium (floppy disk) for submission to the tax authorities. To provide the Pension Fund with information about the calculated insurance period and paid insurance premiums, personalized records of employees are kept. The corresponding reports can also be recorded on magnetic media.

Service capabilities

Control and elimination of error situations

Configuration "Construction Contractor. Financial Management", edition 3.0 provides advanced means of monitoring the user's work at various stages of working with the program:

  • control of the correctness and completeness of the entered data,
  • control of balances when writing off (moving) material assets,
  • control of modification and deletion of documents entered before the “edit ban date”,
  • control of the integrity and consistency of information when deleting data.

The program provides for downloading reference books and classifiers:

  • BIC classifier (directory of bank identification codes of payment participants in the territory Russian Federation),
  • address classifiers of the Federal Tax Service,
  • exchange rates from the RBC website.

Data Search

The configuration implements full-text search according to information base data. You can search using multiple words, using search operators, or using an exact phrase.

Control access to credentials

The ability to introduce restrictions on access to the credentials of individual organizations (legal entities) has been implemented. A user with limited access rights does not have the opportunity not only to change in any way, but even to read data that is closed to him.

Working with distributed information bases

To work with distributed infobases, the configuration includes exchange plans to automate the exchange of data between infobases.

Online user support

Users of the program can directly, while working with the program, prepare and send to 1C company opinions on the use of the program, contact the technical support department, as well as receive and view responses from the technical support department. Users can also take part in a survey of program users conducted by 1C in order to study problems that arise during operation.

Automatic configuration update

The configuration includes a configuration update assistant that allows you to obtain information about the latest updates posted on the customer support site on the Internet and automatically install detected updates. If an update file has already been received, the assistant allows you to update using an update delivery file (.cfu) or a configuration delivery file (.cf) from any local or network directory.

The industry solution "1C:Enterprise 8. Construction Contractor. Construction Production Management" is intended to automate the management of construction production, production planning (drawing up calendar and operational plans), maintaining production records and analyzing the progress of construction and installation work at any time.

The configuration "Construction Contractor. Construction Production Management" contains the following subsystems:

    Construction production management;

  • Inventory management;
  • Construction machines and mechanisms (CMiM);
  • Procurement management;
  • Personnel management.

The "Construction Production Management" subsystem includes:

  • Ability to conduct scheduling calculations for a portfolio of projects;
  • Formation of work schedules with the ability to set any hierarchy (phases, groups, subgroups) for a large number of construction projects;
  • Formation of operational work plans according to the approved calendar plan;
  • Purpose and reflection of logical relationships between works, the ability to reflect delays in time and volume;
  • Formation of network diagrams indicating the estimated periods of work completion and highlighting critical works;
  • Formation of weekly and daily work schedules for any period of time;
  • Formation of work assignments for teams and contractors;
  • Keeping records of the actual implementation of work on the calendar plan;
  • Filling out acceptance certificates for work performed (form KS-2) and certificates of the cost of work performed (form KS-3);
  • Keeping records of actually consumed materials in the context of works and construction projects, generating a report (form M-29);
  • Formation of a general work log (form KS-6) and a log of work performed (form KS-6a);
  • Formation of the document “Certificate of Hidden Works” and printing of the Certificate of Inspection of Hidden Works;
  • Constructing a report on the implementation of the work schedule with analysis of implementation and forecasting the timing of further progress of work (both in the context of one construction project and all objects of the organization);
  • Generating reports on the degree of participation of the organization’s employees in the work;
  • Generating a report on the participation of contractors in construction;
  • Display information about work plans in graphical form, including graphical display of critical work;
  • Accounting for finished products and calculation of cost in terms of material costs, according to specifications, and overhead costs;
  • Accounting for the write-off of materials for construction projects (form M-29) both at average cost and using the FIFO method, depending on the accounting policy settings made;
  • Analysis of costs for work performed in-house and with the involvement of subcontractors;
  • Analysis of payment for subcontract work in the context of construction projects.

The Inventory Management subsystem includes:

  • Accounting for inventories: warehouse accounting of materials by materially responsible persons, warehouses and the organization as a whole;
  • Capitalization of materials according to previously generated orders for materials;
  • The ability to conduct an inventory of received materials and the ability to process the return of low-quality materials to the supplier;
  • Possibility of writing off materials for completed work;
  • Determining the materials needed to complete the work within the schedule;
  • Possibility of reserving materials for materially responsible persons;
  • Accounting for the transfer of inventory items from warehouse to production;
  • Analysis of the consumption of materials for work on the schedule and for the facility as a whole;
  • Analysis of material balances by materially responsible persons, warehouses and organizations.

The "CMiM" subsystem (control of construction machines and mechanisms) includes:

  • Receipt, movement and write-off of materials and materials;
  • Analysis of the state of the system of materials and materials for balanced operation of objects;
  • Assignment of machines and mechanisms to work on the schedule;
  • Actual accounting of the use of machines and mechanisms;
  • Plotting schedules for the use of machines and mechanisms.

The subsystem "Human Resources Management" includes:

  • Formation of the staffing table of the organization's employees;
  • Maintaining personnel records (hiring, personnel transfer, dismissal);
  • Automatic verification of positions, qualifications and number of employees when generating personnel documents according to the staffing table of the organization’s employees;
  • Accounting for work performed both individually, for each individual individual, and work performed by teams, with the possibility of subsequent distribution of costs among team members;
  • Construction of labor movement schedules.

The "Procurement Management" subsystem includes:

  • Formation of plans for the supply of materials both for departments of the organization and for the construction site as a whole;
  • Formation of material requirements based on the supply plan for any arbitrary period of time;
  • Ability to manage procurement based on needs;
  • Multi-level procedure for approving applications for the purchase of materials;
  • Formation of purchase requests for unaccounted needs and automatic generation of receipts for them;
  • The ability to adjust orders to suppliers with the ability to analyze primary data;
  • Formation of documents registering the return of materials to suppliers;
  • Analysis of completed and overdue orders and their closure;
  • Generating reports to obtain information on product items displayed in orders;
  • Generating analytical reports on the status of orders at the current time.

Service capabilities

    Separation of access rights to edit various areas of the program, with the assignment of personal responsibility for filling out any document;

  • The ability to set tasks for other users of the information base;
  • Automatic backup of the information base.

Data exchange

The configuration allows integration with software products: "1C:Enterprise 8. Estimate" and "1C:Enterprise 8. Construction Contractor 4.0. Financial Management".

To automatically generate a work schedule in the software product "1C: Construction Contractor. Construction Production Management" the ability to download estimates in ARPS 1.10 format from the 1C: Estimate program and other estimate software products has been implemented. The procedure for establishing work relationships and calculating construction duration when loading planned data from local estimates has been automated.

The generated calendar plan in "1C: Construction Contractor. Construction Production Management" is the basis for the automatic formation of a budget in the configuration "1C: Construction Contractor 4.0. Financial Management". Data integration is implemented using universal data exchange in XML format.

Control and elimination of error situations

Configuration "Construction Contractor. Construction Production Management", edition 2.0 provides various means of monitoring the work of users at various stages of working with the program:

    control of the correctness and completeness of the entered data;

  • control of balances when writing off (moving) material assets;
  • control of modification and deletion of documents entered before the “date of prohibition of editing”;
  • control of the integrity and consistency of information when deleting data;

Loading reference data, classifiers of units of measurement, positions and professions

The program provides for downloading reference books and classifiers:

    state elementary estimate standards for construction work (GESN 2001);

  • All-Russian Classifier of Units of Measurement (OKEY);
  • All-Russian Classifier of Worker Occupations, Employee Positions and Tariff Grades (OKPDTR)

Data Search

The configuration implements full-text search according to information base data. You can search using multiple words, using search operators, or using an exact phrase.

Control access to credentials

The ability to introduce restrictions on access to the credentials of individual organizations (legal entities) has been implemented. A user with limited access rights does not have the opportunity not only to change in any way, but even to read data that is closed to him.

Online user support

Users of the program can directly, while working with the program, prepare and send to 1C company opinions on the use of the program, contact the technical support department, as well as receive and view responses from the technical support department. Users can also take part in a survey of program users conducted by 1C in order to study problems that arise during operation.

Automatic configuration update

The configuration includes a configuration update assistant that allows you to obtain information about the latest updates posted on the customer support site on the Internet and automatically install detected updates. If an update file has already been received, the assistant allows you to update using an update delivery file (.cfu) or a configuration delivery file (.cf) from any local or network directory.

Product composition

The product "1C:Enterprise 8. Construction contractor. Construction production management" (article 4601546109309) includes:

  • Distributions:

Platforms "1C:Enterprise 8";

Industry configuration "Construction contractor. Construction production management";

  • DVD release of ITS Construction;
  • A set of documentation for the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform;
  • A set of documentation for industry configuration;
  • Coupon for preferential 1C:ITS support;
  • Software protection key for the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform;
  • Hardware protection key for the "Construction Contractor. Construction Production Management" configuration;
  • Licenses to use the "1C:Enterprise 8" system and the "Construction Contractor. Construction Production Management" configuration on one workplace.

The "Construction Contractor. Construction Production Management" configuration is secure and contains code fragments that cannot be changed by the user, and has hardware protection against unauthorized use. At the same time, the principle of maximum openness of the code is implemented to ensure the ability to adapt the product to the needs of end users.

Expansion of the number of automated workstations is carried out by purchasing client licenses for the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform (for 1, 5, 10 or more jobs) and client licenses for the configuration "Construction Contractor. Construction Production Management" (for 1, 5, 10 workers places).

The number of purchased licenses to use the "Construction Contractor. Construction Production Management" configuration and the "1C:Enterprise 8" platform is determined based on the need for the maximum number of concurrent users with the "Construction Contractor. Construction Production Management" configuration on the "1C:Enterprise 8" platform .

To work in the client-server version, you must purchase a license to use the 1C:Enterprise 8 server.

Select the one you need software product from the list 1C:ERP Management of a construction organization 2 1C:RengaBIM and Estimate. A set of solutions for 3D design and preparation of estimate documentation. Electronic delivery 1C:Rent and real estate management for 1C:Accounting government agency 1C:Rent and management of real estate for 1C:Accounting of a government agency (USB) 1C:Rent and management of real estate based on 1C:Accounting 8 1C:Rent and management of real estate based on 1C:Accounting 8 (USB) 1C:Rent and management of real estate. Module for 1C: ERP 1C: Accounting for a construction organization 1C: Accounting for a construction organization (USB) 1C: Accounting for a construction organization KORP 1C: Accounting for a construction organization KORP. Electronic delivery 1C: Accounting for a construction organization. Delivery for 5 users 1C: Accounting for a construction organization. Delivery for 5 users (USB) 1C: Customer-developer. Module for 1C:ERP 1C:Customer-developer. Module for 1C:ERP. Electronic delivery 1C: Construction Contractor. Construction production management 1C: Construction Contractor. Construction production management (USB) 1C: Construction Contractor. Financial management 1C: Construction Contractor. Financial management (USB) 1C: Construction Contractor. Financial management. Delivery for 5 users 1C: Construction Contractor. Financial management. Delivery for 5 users (USB) 1C:Realtor. Real estate sales management. Module for 1C:ERP 1C:Realtor. Real estate sales management. Standard 1C: Estimate 3 1C: Estimate 3. Basic version 1C: Estimate 3. Estimate 3. Special delivery for 50 workstations for users "Estimates Plus, network version for 50 users" 1C: Estimate 3. Special delivery for 5 workstations for users "Estimates Plus, network version for 3 users" 1C :Estimate 3. Special delivery for one workplace for users of "Smeta Plus" or "WinАВеРС" 1C: Managing our construction company 1C: Managing our construction company for 5 users 1C: Managing our construction company for 5 users. Electronic delivery 1C: Management of our construction company. Electronic delivery 1C: Construction production management. Module for 1C:ERP and 1C:KA2 1C:Construction Production Management. Module for 1C:ERP and 1C:KA2. Electronic delivery Configuration Elite construction. Accounting Module Rental and property management for 1C: Accounting 8 Module Rental and property management for 1C: Accounting 8 (USB) Module Rental and property management for 1C: Accounting for a government institution Module Rental and property management for 1C: Accounting for a government agency (USB) Elite construction

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