Asphalt paver asf k 3.03 operational characteristics. Asphalt pavers: types and characteristics, work on road construction

An asphalt paver is a road construction machine that is designed for laying asphalt pavement during road construction, as well as for paving sidewalks and industrial areas.

Most resources on the Internet will tell you that this machine is the most complex in the arsenal of road repair equipment, and perhaps they will be right. All asphalt pavers consist of two parts: the unit (the part responsible for movement + the driver’s cabin) and the working body (direct work with asphalt).

As a rule, an asphalt paver works in tandem with a dump truck, which supplies the asphalt concrete mixture (although there are also options with a special trailer and bunkerless solutions).

Operating principle of asphalt paver is to accept road construction mixture a special hopper with further distribution, “shaking” and compaction along the length of the laid surface. I received the mixture - distributed it over the working surface with a given thickness and width (compliance with the mentioned parameters - important factor assessing the quality of work, since asphalt laying technology is based on this). Then he goes and does his part of the work.

Vogele asphalt pavers at a construction exhibition.

Types of asphalt pavers

From laying width it is possible to build gradations of these devices. There are 5 standard sizes.

I - with a small laying width of 1.0-3.0 m,
II - with a laying width of 2.0-4.5 m,
III with a laying width of 2.5-7.5 m,
IV - with a laying width of 3.0-9.0 m,
V - with a laying width of 3.0-12.0 m.

The width of the installation depends on the scope of application - pedestrian paths (the first standard size, it is also used when widening the road and often during minor repairs) or highways of various widths.

Today, road construction involves mostly self-propelled machines driven by asphalt paver operators, but there is also a less popular solution - a trailer-shaped asphalt paver.

An example of a mini asphalt paver that lays sidewalks and curbs while moving due to the effort of the worker:

The type of mixture the machine works with is:

  • specialized - they work exclusively on asphalt concrete mixtures,
  • universal - thanks to interchangeable equipment - I can work with various road construction materials.

By type of chassis there are:

  • Tracked asphalt pavers. This type of road construction equipment is used with high efficiency on large-area objects (airport runways, highways), the construction of which involves the use of a significant amount of road surface. Tracked vehicles have the ability to lay out large width road surfaces.
  • Wheeled asphalt pavers. It is advantageous to use machines of this type when laying small sections of road surface that do not have a significant thickness of asphalt. Relatively fast speed movement, compared to tracked counterparts, will allow the wheeled asphalt paver to quickly arrive at the emergency section of the road.

Video: asphalt paver work

The tracked Vogele SUPER 1600-1 is laying asphalt on one of the Moscow streets, in the background there is work with a vibrating plate:

LeeBoy 8816 Asphalt Paver:

Performance characteristics of asphalt pavers

  • Mini pavers. The weight of the machines is up to 6 tons, productivity is up to 250 tons of road surface per hour, and the width of the finished road surface ranges from 1 to 3.5 meters.
  • Middle class asphalt pavers. These machines weigh from 6 to 10 tons, lay from 250 to 700 tons of construction mixture per hour, the working width for this type of equipment does not exceed 5 meters.
  • Heavy asphalt pavers. The weight of this equipment exceeds 10 tons, the average productivity is 700-950 tons of road repair mixture per hour, and the width of asphalt laying reaches 12 meters.

Asphalt pavers are also divided according to the following characteristics:

  • engine power,
  • weight of the asphalt paver,
  • dimensions.

Let's talk about brands

Most popular on Russian market are asphalt pavers from such manufacturers as Volvo, Vogele, Demag, Abg Titan, ASF, DS, Xcmg, Caterpillar, Rand. They enjoy success.

An asphalt paver is a means of mechanizing the formation of a road base, applying special (mineral bitumen, etc.) coatings during the laying, arrangement and maintenance of various highways, streets and squares of cities, airfields.

Raditsky machine-building plant(LLC "RMSZ"), an enterprise in the Bryansk region, among other road construction equipment, produces special units DS-191 of several modifications for these purposes.

Purpose and design features

The machine receives the working mixture into a hopper device, loads it into a distribution tunnel using scraper conveyors, where two screw conveyors place the mixture along the width of the strip, and with special devices (a screed plate, vibrators and a tamper bar) pre-compacts the asphalt surface of the road surface.

DS-191 is a pneumatic wheel unit with a laying strip width from 3.0 to 6.2 m with stepless sliding. The working body of an asphalt paver is a combination of a vibrating beam and a vibrating plate.

The following are installed on the unit frame:

  • an asphalt material receiving hopper with adjustable doors and a scraper-type conveyor-feeder;
  • screw distribution device - one shaft per side;
  • submersible beam for compacting the mixture;
  • a screed plate that specifies the cross-section of the profile and the strip width parameter.

When carrying out road construction work with the help of DS-191, several problems are solved in a complex:

  • receiving the finished asphalt concrete composition and maintaining it in working condition;
  • distribution of the mixture along the base of the roadway;
  • formation of a layer of the required thickness;
  • setting the required profile of the road surface in transverse and longitudinal sections.

Operating Parameters

The DS-191 asphalt paver has the following technical characteristics:


Unit of measurement

DS series pavers

191.504 191.506
Dimensions parameters
Length 7 600
Width 3 230
Height 2 900
Curb weight 20
Power unit
Diesel D-260.2

D260.2 (D-245)

Shaft power parameter 90,4

during transportation

in working mode

Mixing capacity 500
Fuel tank

(two-shift stock)

Laying strip:

in width

by thickness

Parameters of mix-laying equipment
Profiling of coating

Single-pitch, double-pitch

Type of working body

Vibrating plate

Vibrating plate weight
Stepless strip width adjustment 3 000-5 500
Vibrating screed drive speed Up to 3 600
Vibration frequency (amplitude 5 mm) 30-60
Feeder tunnel, width 1 306
Auger, diameter 360
Capacity 14
Distance from bottom to support surface 650
Rear axles 2
Drive wheels 4
Drive wheel size 1 650×700
Solid front tire size 525×162

Power point

The unit can be used:

Chassis components

Power transmission of torque is hydraulic type. The pressure in the system is created by an adjustable hydraulic pump mounted on the shaft of a diesel engine.

A non-regulated hydraulic motor transmits torque to a mechanical or automatic transmission transmission Rotation on the drive wheels is carried out by a roller single-row chain drive PRA-50.8.

Four paired front wheels are mounted on a balancing trolley and controlled by a hydraulic device, and the disc-type braking system is operated by a foot pedal. Parking brake with manual lever drive.

Mix feed mechanisms

The total loading capacity of the working train, including the auger tunnel, is 14 tons. Bunker capable of receiving asphalt from dump trucks and from an additional storage bin.

Feeders left and right sides – steel pulling plates mounted on a PRI-78.1 bushing-roller chain.

Due to the hydrostatic drive of these mechanisms, the feed rate of the composition is smoothly changed by the operator or a system of automation and ultrasonic sensors.

The feeder chain moves with a cast sprocket along the rollers; there is a constant tension unit. Due to the high abrasiveness of the working composition materials, replacement of steel sheets of the lower part of the scraper conveyor is provided.

Screw units– of the same type, with the possibility of replacing half-sections. The power drive on them is hydrostatic with an operator-controlled asphalt supply speed.

Working body

The basic model comes with a screed screed - a screed plate equipped with a tamping element. The drive of the unit is hydraulic; the vibration effect is adjusted by the operator.

The stove is heated by four propane burners with electric ignition.

The width of the laid strip is regulated by installing extensions for the auger distributor, a tamping bar and a screed plate.

The extended ski is supplied separately. It is a 6 m long steel structure on a lever system. Sliding along the laying strip, it additionally smoothes out unevenness.


The operator's cabin is equipped with two seats and a movable hydraulic system console. Its control and safety valves provide selection of the direction of movement and its speed, acceptance, supply and distribution of the working mixture, installation into the working position and activation of the vibrating bar.

Efficient digital system is responsible for the stability of the machine's movement. The operation of automation and control devices is provided from the on-board 24 V power supply.

Stopping the laying of the mixture - stop mode - entails the simultaneous shutdown of vibrators, feeders, and screw conveyors. Switching on of all units to operating mode is carried out only with the start of laying.

Model range

The developers took the DS-191 model as the basis for modernization. Damper units have been added to the scraper conveyor of the feeder of the asphalt paver DS-191.504, which eliminates the breakage of the traction chain drive.

Controls have been improved and the number of service points has been reduced.

The design of DS-191.506 uses the “press-unload” modes of the vibrating plate, the augers of the distribution device are height-adjustable, and a general “stop” is applied to the mechanisms and components when stopping the laying.

A compaction system has appeared in the connection “vibrating plate - tamper bar”, which allows operational regulation vibration frequencies, gas heating of the stove.

Machines of the model range can be equipped with systems that automatic mode control and regulate the specified longitudinal profile and transverse slope of the road surface being formed.

Automatic control "RELIEF-01M"

Controls the profile of the roadway in laying mode and brings it to the specified parameters:

  • according to the design slope;
  • according to established elevation points and design slope;
  • at several elevations.

Design parameters are maintained by changing the position of the vibrating plate in automatic mode.

Features of operation

The asphalt layer is applied at positive temperatures environment. The continuity of all processes is organizationally ensured: bunker loading, distribution of working personnel, preliminary compaction.

After filling the container, the operator delivers the mixture using side scraper conveyors and evenly fills the distribution compartment, turning off and on the auger drive.

When the slab is heated, laying begins at a working speed of 1 to 3 m/min. The pace of movement depends on the parameters of the layer being formed and the ambient temperature. The asphalt surface is compacted using a vibrating beam and then smoothed with a slab.

Before stopping the machine for a long time, the unit is freed from the mixture by completely unloading it from the distribution compartment.

Advantages of DS-191:

  1. Affordable price.
  2. Easy to operate.
  3. Increased maintainability.
  4. Interchangeability of spare parts.
  5. Economical fuel consumption.
  6. High potential for subsequent modernization.

Raditsky Machine-Building Plant is the main enterprise in Russia supplying asphalt pavers to road workers. Having mastered the production of the DS-191.504, DS-191.506 models, specialists prepared and began production of the new ASF-K wheel series and the ASF-G-3 tracked unit.

Foreign analogues of Demag, Vogele, Bitelli, Caterpillar, Road Machinery are more productive, have better MTBF indicators, but are one and a half to two times higher than Russian machines in terms of cost and operating costs.

And we will be told about what the model from the new wheeled series of ASF-K asphalt pavers is in the following video:

In line pavers Bryansk Arsenal has two models on wheels (Asf-K-3-02 and Asf-K-2-04) and one tracked model, Asf-G-3-08, presented at the STT-2008 exhibition. The Asf-K-2-04 model belongs to the second size group, with one drive axle and is equipped with a sliding plate with a working width of 2.5...4.5 m. Diesel D-245-162 develops a power of 77.23 kW. The laying thickness of both single-pitch and gable roofing is up to 250 mm, operating speed is up to 20 m/min, theoretical productivity is up to 350 t/h. The Asf-K-3-02 paver with two drive axles is equipped with a more powerful diesel engine D-260.1-319 with 144 kW. With a standard sliding slab, he lays a single or double slope strip with a width of 2.5...4.5 m and a thickness of up to 250 mm. Using mechanical extenders, the working width can be increased to 6 m. The theoretical productivity of Asf-K-3-02 is already up to 500 t/h. The hoppers of these asphalt pavers can hold up to 10 tons of material; the screeding plates are heated by gas burners. The hydraulic systems are built on imported units to maintain working fluid When clean, the pipelines are made of stainless steel. Upon request, asphalt pavers are equipped with control and diagnostic equipment that monitors 15 parameters of the hydraulic system and engine. The machines are equipped with a rotary control panel, which allows you to work from any side of the machine. The Asf-K-2-04 stacker is designed so that its transportation does not require additional approvals from the relevant authorities. Both models are ready for installation automatic system leveling.

With the participation of leading foreign specialized companies, we designed a tracked asphalt paver Asf-G-3-08. For the first time in Russian mechanical engineering, this model implemented technical solutions relating to the electronic course management and tracking system. The machine is equipped with a D-260.1-319 diesel engine with a power of 114 kW and is capable of laying a strip 6.5 m wide (with extenders) up to 300 mm thick at a speed of up to 14 m/min. The theoretical productivity of the machine is up to 600 t/h. The bunker with a tunnel can hold 12 tons of material. The paver is prepared for installation of the Moba leveling system. "Bryansk Arsenal" focuses mainly on the systems of this German company for both asphalt pavers and motor graders.

Over the past two years, the line of asphalt pavers "Irmash" significantly updated and completely rebuilt. Instead of six models, of which five were wheeled with a not very clear distinction between standard sizes, four were left - two of each type and logical standard sizes. Asphalt pavers of the first type are represented by models Asf-K-2-07 and Asf-K-4-02-01. The “junior” model Asf-K-2-07 with one drive axle is universal, i.e. it lays both single- and gable roofing with a width of 2.2...4.5 m and a thickness of 30...250 mm. The paver is equipped with a D-243 diesel engine with a power of 60 kW; the bunker together with the tunnel can hold 10 tons of material. The working body is equipped with a tamper operating at a frequency of 0...30 Hz, a screed plate without a vibration mechanism. The Asf-K-4-02-01 model with two drive axles is equipped with a D 260.2 diesel engine with a power of 95.6 kW, the capacity of its hopper with a tunnel is up to 12 tons. A sliding working body with a vibrating beam and a smoothing vibrating plate lays a strip with a single- and double-slope profile width 2.5...4.5 m. Using mechanical extenders, the working width is increased to 6.5 m. Laying thickness - from 30 to 300 mm. The tamper frequency is adjustable from 0 to 30 Hz, the vibration frequency of the slab is adjustable from 0 to 60 Hz.

The updated Asf-G-4-03 tracked asphalt paver is capable of laying pavement up to 9 m wide and with a thickness of 30 to 300 mm with a single- and double-slope profile. This width is achieved by using four mechanical extenders of 1 m each, hung on a sliding slab with a working width of 2.5...5 m. Tamper frequency - 0...30 Hz, vibration frequency of the slab - 0...60 Hz . The D-260.4 engine with a power of 154 kW and a hopper with a capacity of 14 tons of material (together with the tunnel) allow the asphalt paver to be used in large projects.

New crawler asphalt paver Asf-G-2-01, introduced in 2009, is intended for laying coverings with a width of 2.2...3.75 m and a thickness of 30 to 250 mm, both single- and double-pitch. With two extensions of 0.5 m each, the paving width can be increased to 4.75 m. The working body is equipped with a tamper bar and a screed plate with a vibrating mechanism. The vibration frequency is similar to the above models. The machine is equipped with a D-245 engine with a power of 77 kW and a spacious bunker designed for 12 tons of material (including a tunnel). Screeding plates of Irmash asphalt pavers with gas heating. The company chose the German company MOBA Mobile Automation AG as the supplier of the leveling system.

The Joseph Vogele AG model range consists of nine tracked models and four wheeled SUPER series. The tracked line begins with the SUPER 700 and 800 mini-pavers, and the first model was launched on the market relatively recently - in September 2009. It replaced the SUPER 600 and differs from it mainly in the working width increased to 3.2 m due to the updated AB working body 200 V. The basic working width of this sliding slab is 1.1...2 m, which can be increased with extensions up to 3.2 m, the thickness of the laid layer is up to 150 mm. The screed plate is equipped with a vibration mechanism and an electric heating system. The SUPER 800 paver is equipped with an AB 200 TV working body, equipped with a vibrating plate and a tamper bar, which allows compacting layers up to 200 mm thick. Both asphalt pavers are equipped with a Deutz diesel engine with a power of 45 kW.

The sliding working body AB 340 V with a vibrating plate is equipped with SUPER 1100-2 and SUPER 1103-2 with one drive axle. The working width is 1.8...3.4 m, which can be increased with extensions up to 4.5 m, and the laying thickness is up to 200 mm. These pavers are equipped with a 58 kW Deutz engine and a hopper for 10 tons of material. The version of the AB 340 TV working body with a vibrating plate and tamper bar is designed for the SUPER 1300-2 tracked asphalt paver and the SUPER 1303-2 wheeled asphalt paver with one drive axle. They are distinguished from previous models by a more powerful 74.9 kW Deutz engine, which allows the working width of SUPER 1300-2 to be increased to 5 m, and SUPER 1303-2 to 4.5 m, and the paving thickness to be increased to 250 mm.

For “older” models of asphalt pavers Vogele offers wide choice working bodies of both sliding and fixed width. The basic width of the sliding working body AB 500-2 is 2.55...5 m, AB 600-2 - 3...6 m, fixed working body SB 250 - 2.5 m, SB 300 - 3 m. Body AB 500- 2 the company offers in three versions - TV with a vibrating plate and tamper bar, TP1 with a static screed plate, tamper bar and one pressing bar and TP2, which differs from TP1 in two pressing bars. The AB 600-2 organ is produced in two versions - TV and TP1.

Vogele fundamentally uses electric heating of the slab, tamper beams and slats, giving weighty arguments for this. The heating time of the stove with rod heating elements is almost the same as with gas burners, electrical equipment is simpler, and most importantly, safer than gas. The automatic control switches on the heating of the left and right sides of the working element alternately.

For bodies SB 250 and SB 300 with a fixed width, in addition to the above options, there is an option with a complete set of TVP2 - with a tamper bar, two pressing bars and a vibrating plate. Their basic working width is increased with mechanical extenders.

Crawler asphalt paver SUPER 1600-2 is equipped with AB 500-2 and AB 600-2 organs in all versions. The maximum working width with extensions is 8 m, laying thickness is 300 mm. The version of this paver with wheels is SUPER 1603-2, the model has one drive axle and is equipped with an AB 500-2 body in TV and TP1 versions. Working width - up to 7 m, laying thickness - up to 300 mm. The asphalt pavers are equipped with a 100 kW Perkins engine and a 13 t hopper.

Crawler asphalt paver The SUPER 1800-2 and the largest single-axle wheeled paver in the range, the SUPER 1803-2, feature a 129.6 kW Perkins engine. Additional power allows you to increase the working width of a wheeled asphalt paver up to 8 m with sliding working bodies, a tracked one - up to 8.5 m with an AB 500-2 working tool and up to 9 m with an AB 600-2. The crawler model also works with the SB 250 rigid plate, the working width of which can be increased to 10 m.

SUPER 1900-2 and 2100-2 tracked asphalt pavers with 142 and 182 kW Deutz engines and hoppers with a capacity of 14 tons work with AB 500-2, AB 600-2, SB 250 screeds in all configurations. The working width of AB 500-2 is increased to 8.5 m, AB 600-2 - up to 9 m, SB 250 - up to 11 m for SUPER 1900-2 and up to 13 m for SUPER 2100-2. The laying thickness for all slabs is 300 mm.

The “monster” of the SUPER 2500 line of tracked asphalt pavers with a 273 kW Deutz engine and a hopper capacity of 17.5 tons of material works with an sliding screed AB 600-2 with a paving width of 9.5 m and a fixed SB 300 with a paving width of up to 16 m. The screed can be in any of the versions offered by Vogele. The thickness of the laid layer reaches 400 mm. Vogele offers its own leveling system NIVELTRONIC Plus.

Volvo CE, who took wing from Ingersoll-Rand German company ABG, tried not to lose the heritage. They even saved trademarks ABG and Titan. The current line consists of seven basic tracked models and three on wheels. The “junior” crawler model ABG2820 with a 63 kW Deutz engine and a hopper capacity of 6 tons works with a VB 30 sliding plate with a basic working width of 1.5...3 m, with extensions of 4 m. VB 30 is equipped with a tamper bar and an electrically heated vibrating plate .

For other, more powerful asphalt pavers, Volvo offers Variomatic sliding screeds - VB 78 with a basic width of 2.5...5 m and VB 88 with a width of 3...6 m, as well as rigid slabs MB121 and DT120 with a width of 2.5 m and MB120 and DT120 3 m wide. Sliding slabs are supplied in the following versions: with gas heating, with electric heating, with normal compaction (vibrating plate + 1 tamper bar), with high compaction (vibrating plate + 2 tamper bars).

Fixed width working bodies are supplied only with gas heating. The kit includes extenders of different lengths - 250, 500, 750, 1000 and 1250 mm, this allows you to vary the width of the strip. Even greater flexibility in adjusting the laying width is offered by Vario slabs with hydraulic end extensions, which can be extended in each direction by 0.75 m.

The wheeled models ABG5770, ABG5870 and ABG6870 with one driven axle are equipped with a 122 kW Deutz engine and a hopper capacity of 12 tons. With VB 78 sliding screeds, they lay a strip width of 7.50; 8 and 9 m, thickness up to 300 mm. For the ABG6870 paver, the VB 88 is also available with a paving width of up to 9 m and a paving thickness of up to 300 mm.

The ABG5820, ABG6820 and ABG7820 tracked pavers are equipped with Deutz engines with a power of 112, 125 and 170 kW respectively and a hopper capacity of 13.5 tons. Sliding screeds are available in different designs and fixed-width screeds. The maximum laying width of ABG5820 and ABG6820 reaches 8 m, ABG7820 - 10 m. Laying thickness is up to 300 mm.

Crawler asphalt paver The ABG8820, with a 182kW Deutz engine and a 14t hopper capacity, handles sliding and fixed slabs with a maximum working width of 13m and a paving thickness of 300mm. The top model ABG9820 with a 273 kW Deutz engine and a hopper capacity of 17.5 m has a maximum working width of 16 m and a thickness of 500 mm. Modifications of asphalt pavers ABG7820B and ABG8820B differ in that they are equipped with a Volvo D7E engine with a power of 170 and 182 kW.

Company Dynapac It divides its model range into small-sized, mid-class and high-performance asphalt pavers. Now it has been expanded with new models, starting not with the traditional letter F, but with DF and SD, with the SD series pavers presented at BAUMA 2010. Today the model range looks impressive, but confusing. The F4C and F4W models disappeared from it, but many new ones were added.

The new tracked models DF45C and DF45CS with Deutz engines with a power of 32.8 and 45 kW and hoppers with a capacity of 4.6 tons are equipped with an EB28 sliding working body with gas or electric heating, a vibrating plate and a tamper bar. Laying width - 1.2...3.1 m, thickness - up to 200 mm.

Small-sized asphalt pavers DF65C and DF65P with a Deutz engine with a power of 52 kW and a hopper capacity of 9.5 tons work with a sliding plate EB34 specially designed for them with a basic width of 1.7...3.4 m (with extensions 4.4 m) and thickness laying up to 270 mm. The working body is equipped with a vibrating plate, a tamper bar and a gas heating system.

The mid-range wheeled models DF115P/D and DF125P/D with a single drive axle are equipped with Deutz engines of 120 and 140 kW and a hopper capacity of 12 tons. They work with VB5100TV and VB6000TV sliding plates with electric or gas heating. The basic laying width of VB5000TV is 2.55...5.1 m, maximum - 8.8 m, for VB6000TV - 3...6 m, maximum - 9.7 m. Laying thickness - up to 300 mm.

At BAUMA 2010, the company presented new models of medium-class tracked asphalt pavers SD115C and SD135C, equipped with Deutz engines of 120 and 140 kW at 1800 min-1. An economical Eco mode at 1600 min-1 is also available for these engines. Bunkers with a volume of 6 cubic meters can hold up to 13 tons of material. The pavers work with sliding slabs with electric or gas heating. Working width VB5100TV - 2.55...5.1 m (with extensions - 8.8 m), working width VB6000TV - 3...6 m (with extensions - 9 m) and VB805TV-E Plus with sliding plate with electric heating - 2.5...5 m (with extensions - 8 m).

In addition to slab versions with normal compaction, modifications with high compaction are available. The VB5100TV stove has been modernized. It was narrowed and the footrest was made foldable. Now the length is just paver in the transport position does not exceed 6200 mm, and the width is 2550 mm, which is convenient when transporting other equipment on a trailer along with an asphalt paver.

Dynapac has added the dual-axle wheeled DF145P and track-mounted DF145C and DF145CS to its range of high-performance pavers. These models received Cummins engines - DF145P and DF145C with a power of 153 kW and DF145CS with a power of 172 kW. Although all three models have the same hopper capacity of 6.5 cubic meters, which includes 14.2 tons of material, the powerful DF145CS has a slightly different hopper design. In addition, the DF145CS has an increased screw diameter - 430 mm versus 380 mm for the first two models. Layers work with electrically heated sliding slabs EB51-E, laying width - 2.55...5.1 m (with extenders - 8.8 m) and EB60-E, laying width - 3...6 m (with extenders - 9.7 m). Laying thickness is up to 300 mm for the wheeled model and up to 350 mm for both tracked models. Layers can also work with other sliding and rigid slabs.

On April 9, 2010, Dynapac announced a new model of the CM2500 Compactasphalt paving complex. Unlike the CM3000 model, this complex is designed for laying two layers of asphalt concrete in one pass on narrower roads, up to 7.5 m wide. The modular design complex is designed to work with standard asphalt paver DF145CS. The module drive was moved to the front part, this made it possible to better balance the entire complex and increase the hopper for the top layer; it now holds 15 tons of material. The hopper for the bottom layer holds 28 tons. The module's mechanisms, including the crawler track, are driven by an autonomous Deutz engine with a power of 116 kW. The bottom layer is laid using a VB805TV Plus-E sliding slab with electrical heating, the top layer is laid using a VB5100TV-E slab installed on an asphalt paver. Electronic system control synchronizes the slopes of the slabs.


General information
Brand (type) ASF-G-2-01
Length, mm 5 730
Width, mm 2 200
Height, mm 3,700
Weight, kg 16,000
Manufacturers OJSC "Irmash"
OKP code 482213


Productivity, t/h 400 (theoretical)
Technical characteristics Crawler asphalt paver. Engine - water-cooled diesel engine D-245. Engine power - 77 kW (105 hp). Hopper capacity - 12 tons. Operating speed 0.8-14 m/min. Transport speed up to 3.2 km/h. Vibration frequency 0...60 Hz. Heating - gas with ionization flame control and automatic maintenance of the temperature of the screed plates. Leveling system: MOBA (Germany)

Application Designed for laying road surfaces of all types of asphalt concrete mixtures with a width from 2.2 to 4.75 m and a thickness from 30 to 250 mm with a coating profile: gable up to 30‰ or single-pitch up to 40‰

General information
Brand (type) ASF-G-4-03
Length, mm 6 620
Width, mm 2,500
Height, mm 3,750
Weight, kg 22,000
Manufacturers OJSC "Irmash"
OKP code 482213


Productivity, t/h 600 (theoretical)
Technical characteristics Crawler asphalt paver. Engine - diesel water-cooled D-260.4. Engine power - 154 kW (210 hp). Productivity - 500 t/h. Hopper capacity - 14 tons. Operating speed 0.7-15 m/min. Transport speed up to 3.2 km/h. Vibration frequency 0...60 Hz. Heating - gas with ionization flame control and automatic temperature maintenance of screed plates Leveling system: MOBA (Germany)
Application Designed for laying road surfaces of all types of asphalt concrete mixtures with a width from 2.5 to 9.0 m and a thickness from 30 to 300 mm with a coating profile: gable up to 30‰ or single-pitch up to 40‰
Description Provides high quality laying ABS during long-term operation, requiring large traction forces and high power. It is effective both in the construction of ordinary roads and for the construction of highways.

General information
Brand (type) ASF-K-2-04
Length, mm 6 285
Width, mm 3 120
Height, mm 3,950
Weight, kg 14,500

OKP code 4822131713


Technical characteristics Engine - diesel model D 245. Power - 105 hp. Productivity up to 350 t/h. The width of the laid coating is 2.5...4.5 m. (Steplessly variable) The thickness of the laid layer is up to 250 mm. The capacity of the bunker with the tunnel is 10 tons. Movement speed: operating speed is 25 m/min. Transport up to 18 km/h
Application A wheeled, fully hydropowered, single-axle asphalt paver is designed for laying road surfaces, city streets and squares on a prepared and compacted base with all types of asphalt concrete mixtures with a width from 2.5 m to 4.5 m, steplessly and with a thickness of up to 250 mm, providing a single-pitch pavement profile , and gable

General information
Brand (type) Asf-K-2-07
Length, mm 5 990
Width, mm 2 350
Height, mm 3,750
Weight, kg 13,250
Manufacturers OJSC "Irmash"
OKP code 482213


Productivity, t/h 300 (theoretical)
Specifications Diesel engine water-cooled D-243 Minsk Motor Plant. Power - 60 (81) kW (hp) at 2200 1/min. Laying width 2.2-3.75 m. Heating - gas. Control of the material level in front of the working plate - ultrasonic discrete sensors. Receiving hopper capacity - 10 tons. Fuel tank capacity - 135 l.
Application Hydrofed wheeled asphalt paver with one drive axle Asf-K-2-07 is intended for laying road surfaces of all types of asphalt concrete mixtures with a width of 2.2 to 4.5 m and a thickness of 30 to 250 mm with a coating profile: gable up to 30% or single slope up to 40%.
Description Small dimensions, mobility and high maneuverability make these machines optimal for working within neighborhoods and at small sites. At the same time, the presence of basic options (gas heating, automatic leveling system) allows us to ensure high quality of ABS installation

General information
Brand (type) ASF-K-3-02
Length, mm 6 350
Width, mm 3 260
Height, mm 3,970
Weight, kg 16,500
Manufacturers JSC "Bryansk Arsenal"
OKP code 4822131713


Technical characteristics Diesel engine model D 260.1-319. Power - 155 hp Productivity up to 600 t/h. The width of the laid covering is 2.5…4.5 m (infinitely variable). The thickness of the laid layer is up to 300 mm. The capacity of the bunker with the tunnel is 12 tons. Movement speed: operating up to 14 m/min; transport up to 3.3 km/h
Application New tracked asphalt paver Asf-G-3-08 with increased traction characteristics and high work productivity. Designed for distribution, laying and pre-compaction of all types of asphalt concrete and bitumen-mineral mixtures.

General information
Brand (type) ASF-K-3-02
Length, mm 6,700
Width, mm 3 120
Height, mm 3,950
Weight, kg 16,500
Manufacturers JSC "Bryansk Arsenal"
OKP code 4822131713


Technical characteristics Diesel engine model D 260.1-319. Power - 155 hp Productivity up to 500 t/h. The width of the laid covering is 2.5...4.5 m (infinitely variable). The thickness of the laid layer is up to 250 mm. The capacity of the bunker with a tunnel is 10 tons. Movement speed: operating up to 20 m/min; transport up to 16 km/h
Application The wheeled, fully hydropowered, two-axle asphalt paver is specifically designed for distributing, laying and pre-compacting all types of asphalt concrete and bitumen-mineral mixtures onto a prepared and compacted base during the construction and repair of highways, city streets, squares and airfields. The asphalt paver provides laying of a horizontal or gable transverse pavement profile with a strip width from 2.5 m to 4.5 m, as well as up to 6.5 m when installing expanders on special order

General information
Brand (type) Asf-K-4-02-01
Length, mm 6 800
Width, mm 2,500
Height, mm 3,750
Weight, kg 19,800
Manufacturers OJSC "Irmash"
OKP code 482213


Productivity, t/h 500 (theoretical)
Technical characteristics Power - 95.6 (130) kW (hp). The width of the laid strip is 2.5-4.5 m (steplessly variable) 4.5-6.5 (with replaceable inserts) The thickness of the laid layer is 30 to 300 mm. Engine D-245 (74 kW at 2200 min-1). Operating speed smoothly variable - 1-30 m/min. Maximum transport speed -16 km/h. Bunker capacity (including feeder tunnel) - 14 tons. Slab leveling system: SAU "Relief" (Russia) or "MOVA" (Germany). The impact frequency of the tamper bar is 30 (1800) Hz (min-1). The vibration frequency of the screed plate sole is 50 (3000) Hz (min-1). Fuel tank capacity - 200 l.
Application Hydrofed wheeled asphalt paver with two driving axles Asf-K-4-02-01 is intended for laying road surfaces of all types of asphalt concrete mixtures with a width of 2.5 to 6.5 m and a thickness of 30 to 300 mm with a coating profile: gable - up to 30% or single slope - up to 40%
Description High mobility combined with high-quality ABS installation makes it a reliable assistant contractors, both during the construction of ordinary roads and during the construction of motorways

General information
Brand (type) DS-191-504
Length, mm 7 600
Width, mm 3 600
Height, mm 3,700
Weight, kg 20,000
Manufacturers OJSC "Irmash"
OKP code 482213


Productivity, t/h 500
Technical characteristics Coating thickness - 300 mm. Engine model D-245. Engine power - 77.2 (105) kW (hp). Transport speed -16 km/h, working speed 0-30 m/min
Note By special order, the A-260.2 engine with a power of 90.4 kW (123 hp) can be installed.
Application Hydrophobic wheeled asphalt paver for laying road surfaces of all types of asphalt concrete mixtures with a width of 3.0 to 4.5 meters and a thickness of up to 300 mm with a coating profile: gable up to 30%o or single-pitch up to 40%o. With the insert, the coating width is up to 7.5 m. Automatic profile control is carried out by the RELIEF automatic control system.

General information
Brand (type) DS-200
GOST, TU TU UZ.38-00240164-0411-97
Manufacturers DP "Dormash" LLC "Aurora and Co"
OKP code 4822131716


Technical characteristics The width of the laid layer is 500 - 4500 mm. The maximum thickness of the laid layer is 220 mm. Maximum transport speed -13.4 km/h. Hopper capacity -11 t. Engine power -44 (60) kW (hp)
Application The wheeled asphalt paver DS-200 is designed for distribution and preliminary compaction of asphalt concrete mixtures during the construction of road surfaces, city streets and squares. and pre-compaction of asphalt concrete mixture

General information
Brand (type) KVD-1-1.5-01
Length, mm 2 470
Width, mm 895
Height, mm 1,550
Weight, kg 1,410
Manufacturers OJSC "Irmash"
OKP code 482213


Technical characteristics The drive is hydraulic. The width of the compacted strip is 755 mm. Engine - TMZ-450D/90G-1. Engine power - 8 (11) kW (hp). Vibration exciter frequency - 55 Hz. The driving force on the roller is 16 kN. Smallest turning radius - 4.5 m
Application The vibrating road roller is designed for effective compaction of asphalt concrete mixtures during patching of road surfaces, as well as for paving sidewalks, bicycle paths and other small areas
Description The roller can be equipped for transportation with a trailer model 8822.

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