What to do if the Wi-Fi signal is poor. Why Wi-Fi doesn't work on my laptop?

I couldn’t decide what title to write for this article. So that it describes the problem in as much detail as possible and is not very long. I hope I succeeded.

More and more often, I notice questions in the comments about the same problem, and the problem is this: devices (laptops, smartphones, tablets) They connect to Wi-Fi without problems, the network level is good, but the Internet only works close to the router. That is, if you move away from the router, for example, a meter or two, then there is a connection to the router, the network is excellent, but the Internet no longer works. If you place the device next to the router, the Internet works, sites open, etc.

A very strange problem that appears on both mobile devices and laptops. Moreover, there are cases when all devices access the Internet only at a certain distance from Wi-Fi router. And it also happens that only a laptop, for example, works next to the router, and a smartphone or tablet works away from the router.

Here, I found a question on this problem:

There were many similar comments; now they are difficult to find. One more thing, everyone wrote about different distances, at which distance from the Wi-Fi router, problems with Internet access began. For some, everything worked perfectly within a few meters, and for others, within a few centimeters.

Honestly, at the moment, I don’t know what exactly the problem is, and why it happens that the Internet works near the router, but if you move a couple of meters away, the Internet disappears. And the most important feature is that the network is good.

Why did I decide to write this article if I don’t know the solution? Below, I will write my assumptions and give some tips on what you can try to fix this problem. And yet, I really hope that together we can resolve this issue and make an informative article. As was the case with the article on. When I wrote it, I didn’t know a single working solution, but now there are five working tips that have already helped many. And for this, many thanks to the visitors who shared solutions and even provided screenshots.

Does the Internet stop working if you move away from the router?

There is a problem, that’s clear, and if there is a problem, then you need to look for a solution. Now I will write what I think about this problem. Some tips you can try and check, and write about the results in the comments.

  • The first thing that comes to my mind is interference on the channel on which it works specific network. Everything is logical: near the router, the signal is strong, and the Internet works. And if we move further away, then interference appears and the Internet stops working. Despite the fact that the network level and connection status remain excellent. You need to try changing the channel of your network. I wrote about this in the article ““. Try different options. Perhaps this will help.
  • It may be that the problem is in the router itself, and the problem is technical. That is, the problem is in the router hardware. Especially if these problems occur on all the devices you connect. It is difficult to say what exactly the problem is. Check if the Wi-Fi antenna is screwed in well (if they are removed from you). It would be a good idea to check the problematic router in another place.
  • It may be that the problem is in the device itself. Check how the same laptop or tablet works with a different network. Perhaps I’m writing a lie now, but it seems to me that there was a comment in which it was written that the problem was in the laptop’s Wi-Fi antenna, which simply unsoldered or jumped out of its socket.
  • Reboot the router, do

Hi all! In this article I will tell you how to strengthen the signal wifi router in your home or office.

WI-FI is very popular today in terms of demand in the region computer technology. There are a lot of problems around WI-FI. If the speed of the Internet connected via a wireless connection is very low, then in my article you will find 10 tips that will help you strengthen the router signal, and thereby increase the Internet speed.

Why is the wifi signal very weak?

If your internet speed improves when you reboot your router, then you can use this tip. When conducting an in-depth study, you can find out what the problem is; most often it is due to overheating of the hardware or old firmware. But you shouldn’t get hung up on this, you can just do it about once a day (or more often).

You can reboot using DD-WRT firmware or a timer. If you configure the router to automatically reboot, you won’t have to do it manually every time.

We increase the wifi signal using DD-WRT firmware

The DD-WRT firmware significantly improves the router's Wi-Fi signal. With this firmware, you will not only get additional functions, but also improve the stability of the router.

Of course, this can damage the equipment, but more routers can easily handle a power increase of up to 70 mW. Do not forget that radio radiation is dangerous for the body, and therefore you should not leave the router running at high power too often.

Restrict others' Internet connection

If someone on your home network often video chats, downloads movies and music, or plays online games, then this, of course, significantly affects the Internet speed of other home network users.

If this is your case, then increasing the signal strength will be useless; in your case, you should configure the “Quality of Service or QoS. With its help, priorities will be set to direct speed to more important programs that you need to work.

Setting a good wifi password from neighbors

If a password is set on your router, this does not mean that it is. It's not that difficult to do this. There are methods that will help you detect all users who are connected to your Wi-Fi. But this will not give much, it is better to completely deprive neighbors who love “freebies” from the opportunity to use your Wi-Fi.

How to strengthen a wifi router signal by extending the antenna

Install the router in the center of the room!

It often happens that the router does not fit into the design of the apartment, but you should not hide it too far, for example, in a closet. To strengthen the signal of the router, you should place it in an open and free place.

It is better to install the antenna in a vertical position. The higher the router is installed, the better it will be. In order for the signal to cover the entire apartment, it is advisable to install the router in its center.

Buying a modern router (expensive)

This method is not only the simplest, but also the most reliable. The point of this method is to use the most modern equipment.

That is, buy a router with the longest signal transmission range. It will be expensive, but you will forget about how to strengthen the router’s wifi signal.

Installing a wifi repeater (repeater)

If all the tips I listed below did not help you, then you need to install a WiFi signal repeater in your house. It won't cost you a lot of money, and if you still have an old router at home, you can use it, which will allow you to increase your wireless coverage area.

It is necessary to flash the old router using the DD-WRT firmware mentioned above. There is a possibility that the speed will not be as high as the speed of the main router, but this is much better than not having it and it is completely possible to connect to wireless Internet in the far corners of the apartment.

Having done everything that I advised you in this article, you will learn how to strengthen the wifi router signal and the speed, reliability and security of your wireless internet. Recently I told a very interesting point, you can read it very interesting, and you can also read about it. That's all for me, I wish everyone great health!

With UV. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

Some 10 years ago wireless network at home was the lot of only advanced users who were willing to overpay several thousand for a radio module in a modem or router.
Today, almost every apartment in a typical high-rise building has a WiFi access point.
In general, this is good - people are no longer tied to wires: they can watch videos in bed before going to bed or read the news on a tablet while drinking a cup of morning coffee. But on the other hand, a number of new problems arise that, in principle, cannot arise with conventional cable networks. One of these is that Wi-Fi is poor at home or around the apartment.

The whole difficulty is that the user is left alone with this problem: the provider’s technical support will not deal with this because it is not their problem, but service center can only take your router or modem for testing and issue a conclusion about its serviceability or failure. They will not deal with a working device at all. Meanwhile, the main reasons for poor Wi-Fi reception not so numerous. Let's list them.

Frequency range is overloaded

This is the most common reason why residents of apartment buildings suffer. The fact is that the 2.4 GHz band, which is used by conventional access points on routers and modems, has a limited number of radio channels. In the Russian segment there are 13 of them, and in Europe, for example, there are even fewer - only 11. And non-overlapping ones, that is, those that do not influence each other, are generally only 3 pieces.
Now start searching for networks on your laptop or phone.

If about 10 access points are detected, approximately like the screenshot above, then you shouldn’t be surprised that Wi-Fi reception at home is poor! The reason is that the range is overloaded! And the more points there are in the neighborhood, the worse your reception will be. Many forums and blogs advise trying to select channels in the hope of catching a less busy one. I consider this useless, since with such a density of access points, the load on each of the radio channels changes several times a day, which means that all the selection work will be pointless. There is a way out of the situation, but it will be expensive - this is a transition to another WiFi band - 5 GHz.

It is almost entirely free and problems with frequency crossing will not arise for a very long time. Unfortunately, you will have to fork out for a new router (minimum 3000-4000 rubles) and Wi-Fi adapters for all devices (1000-1500 rubles apiece). But the problem with the “neighbors” will be completely resolved.

Incorrect router location

This reason for poor WiFi signal reception is also very common both in apartments and private houses. The culprits here are most often the installers from the provider. To install a router faster and save twisted pair cables, they install an access device either directly in the corridor or in the nearest room. After that, they place the laptop next to it, set up access and show it to the subscriber. Of course, everything works fine and the master is quickly removed. And then all the “fun” begins - the user discovers that in the far rooms of the house Wi-Fi reception is very poor, or there is no reception at all. But you just had to spend an extra 5-10 minutes and choose the right location for the access point. In the apartment it will look like this:

That is, it is necessary to place the AP so that it covers the home as much as possible. You can walk around the corners with your phone or tablet and check where the signal level is, and then adjust the location of the router taking into account the required coverage area.

In a large private house the situation may be more complicated. If it has several floors and concrete floors, then it is best to additionally install WiFi repeaters on the upper floors.

Connecting them to the main router not via WDS, but with a cable, will avoid loss of speed.

Advice: Never try to bring a laptop, tablet or phone as close as possible to the access point - the effect can be completely opposite: the signal quality can become even worse than it was at a distance. There should be a distance of at least a couple of meters between devices.

Router software settings

Any wireless WiFi access point is a combination of not only hardware, but also software parameters, each of which can affect the quality of wireless network coverage. Incorrect setting or selection of device characteristics can easily cause poor Wi-Fi reception for connected clients. So, on many modern routers, in the advanced settings of the wireless module you can find the parameter Transmit Power— this is the signal strength with which the access point distributes WiFi.

I have repeatedly seen devices where it was set to 40% or even just 20%. This may be enough within one room, but in neighboring rooms the signal level will be low. To fix this, try gradually increasing the “Transmit Power” parameter and checking the result. It is likely that you will have to give everything 100%.

The second parameter, which also has a very significant impact on both the coverage area and the data transfer speed in the wireless network, is Mode. The fastest and has the greatest “range” is the 802.11N standard.

Therefore, if your Wi-Fi network at home has poor reception, try forcing the “802.11N Only” mode. The fact is that due to certain circumstances, in mixed mode (B/G/N), the access point may switch to the slower G mode. Accordingly, the quality of network coverage will be lower.

Weak antenna

Now let's move directly to the hardware of the access point. Many users, having bought the simplest and cheapest router, hope that it will produce a signal like a powerful military radar, penetrating all the walls and ceilings in an apartment or house.
Let's look at a typical representative of the economy class - the D-Link DIR-300 D1 wireless router.

As you can see, it does not have external antennas and there is not even a connector for connecting them. A weak 2 dBi antenna is hidden inside. It is quite enough for a one-room apartment. And only... For a big “three ruble” or, even more so, private house, the power of this device is not enough at all, which means you need to buy something more powerful. For example, let's look at the same model - ASUS RT-N12:

On the left you see a simple option with 3 dBi antennas, which is suitable for a small apartment. But on the right is the same router, but a modification with amplified 9dBi antennas, which should be quite enough for a large private house.

Do not forget that in order to improve the quality of work on a WiFi network, it is not only the router that can be strengthened. An additional antenna can also be connected to a computer’s wireless adapter:

But owners of laptops and netbooks are out of luck - their devices do not have an RP-SMA connector, which means connecting an external antenna in this case is impossible.

Note: If your range is overloaded, which I talked about at the very beginning of the article, and you hope to solve the problem of poor Wi-Fi reception by replacing the router antennas with more powerful ones, do not waste your money, because this most likely will not help you. The “noise” of the airwaves will not go away, which means that even if the signal level becomes higher, the data transfer speed and stability will constantly fall. In addition, a so-called “cold war” may begin between you and your neighbors, when everyone will strengthen the signal in different ways. And, in fact, there is only one solution - switching to the extended range.

Device hardware failure

Do not forget that the cause of a poor wireless network signal may be simply poor quality of soldering contacts. One of my friends went through his entire network at home, changed the router several times until he discovered, quite by accident, that the connected iPhone worked perfectly, but the laptop practically could not see the network. As it turned out, due to shaking in the bag, the poorly soldered contact of the internal antenna of the laptop computer fell off and, accordingly, the adapter began to catch the home Wi-Fi network very poorly.
By the way, I have repeatedly heard that similar cases have occurred on many smartphones and tablets, both cheap and expensive.
So, if such suspicions suddenly arise, simply connect another wireless device to the access point and observe its operation. It will immediately become clear who is causing the problem!

How to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal and is this even possible? The coverage area of ​​a wireless network is affected by factors such as the type of connected router, the Wi-Fi standards used, and the number and power of installed antennas. In this article, we provide tips for those who want to improve the quality of their wireless connection.

Regardless of what device you use - mobile or desktop, there are 2 ways to solve the problem with bad signal: setting up programs or the receiving/distributing equipment itself. Most of the tips are universal: they will help improve the quality of the Wi-Fi signal both on your phone and on your computer or TV.

Changing Wi-Fi channel frequencies

If your apartment or office is located within the reach of a large number of wireless networks, then this cannot but affect the quality of the signal. Wi-Fi networks may overlap when working on the same channel. As a result, even if you are in a good coverage area, the signal quality can be very poor. It is for this reason that if you want to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal, you need to select a radio channel on the router.

To select a channel you can use special program, for example inSSIDer. In the program you can find out which channels are occupied by other people's wireless networks in the accessibility area. We select and remember a free channel, now you need to set it in the router settings. Usually in the menu they are called: “Wireless settings”.

Improving the router

The available options depend on the provider and the settings of the equipment you have installed. A number of companies are more picky about their clients, and installing their own rather than third-party equipment is preferable. Often providers offer lists of devices that support their services; it’s worth checking with them too. In the end, if your tariff specifies a certain speed, it is the provider’s job to do everything to provide you with service at the stated level.

You can buy more, which will cost a couple of hundred dollars. But why go to such extremes? Better look at what can be done with an existing device, check its characteristics. It is also possible to replace the antenna, although many models that have appeared in the last couple of years simply do not have additional connectors to allow you to add your own antenna. But if your model allows this, check the documentation for the router - you may be able to strengthen the signal in this way or redirect it.

On some routers, advanced settings allow you to adjust the Wi-Fi signal strength. In the “Advanced settings” section, look for the “Operating mode” or “Transmission power” parameter. To indicate this parameter, either percentages or abstract values ​​(high, medium, low) can be used. We recommend setting the maximum value and clicking the “Save” button.

Transition to 5 gigahertz frequency

Most routers operate at a frequency of 2.4 GHz, in this frequency there are only 13 intersecting channels, of which only 3 channels do not intersect each other. In the 5 GHz frequency, which most modern routers operate on, there are 19 channels and 7 of them are non-overlapping, which means you will have twice as many opportunities to connect to an open channel. And considering that while Wi-Fi points with a frequency of 5 GHz are not a common phenomenon, there will be practically no influence of neighbors’ points on your Internet.

Using the 802.11n standard

The choice of wireless standard directly determines the strength of the Wi-Fi signal and the coverage area of ​​the router. The 802.11n wireless standard has an advantage over other standards - an increased coverage area due to the simultaneous use of multiple antennas. If you have not yet solved the problem of how to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal, then be sure to try switching to the 802.11n standard. Please note that all your connected devices must support this standard. Otherwise, the wireless network will simply be unavailable for these devices.

Changing the location of the modem

Since the router emits a signal in all directions, it would be ideal if it could be located somewhere in the middle of your apartment. The closer the router placement is to this option, the better. Thanks to this, you will not have remote rooms, they will all be at an equal distance. The second step is to raise the router to its maximum height. It is best to place it on a shelf near the ceiling.

Baby monitors, cordless phones and microwave ovens can also affect the signal.

Antenna interference in mobile devices

Many smartphone cases can degrade Wi-Fi signals, especially if they contain metal used to strengthen the case. To find out whether your case affects the quality of your Wi-Fi signal, run a speed test on your smartphone with the case removed. Then, while still in the same place, put the case back on the device and perform the above test again. If you see a difference in the test results when the case is on your smartphone, then you should look for a different case.

Setting up power modes on a laptop

Laptop users do not always keep track of what battery mode is currently set. When the battery charge is low, the power saving mode is almost always activated, which users forget to change after connecting the computer to the network. However, nutritional deficiencies can have a negative impact on Wi-Fi work laptop adapter, which in turn will affect the signal quality. If the question of how to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal remains relevant for you, pay attention to the power mode.

Installation of signal amplifiers

In the case of amplifiers, there are two options. The first is retransmission of the original signal over a greater distance with a loss of speed along the road. The second is a wired device that uses your home electrical network to transmit information from and to the router. The second method is more preferable.

For those who prefer repeaters, any solution is available for any amount; you can even find publicly available programs for old routers. After installation, all functionality is available to you, and then you should, as described above, try to avoid conflicts with other devices as much as possible.

When it comes to connecting to your home electrical network, there are various options available. For example, you can read it on our website. Some devices provide wired connectivity in a selected room, while others create separate Wi-Fi hotspots.

For a normal use case, a repeater is enough, but if you are interested in HD video streaming, then buy wired devices. And in this case it is better to overpay for good device from a trusted manufacturer, since such a guaranteed investment will be long-term.

According to statistics, more than 80% of Internet users in Belarus connect to the Internet via a wireless connection. At the same time, many are faced with a problem when the actual Internet speed does not correspond to that stated in the tariff plan. By following the tips described above, you can improve the quality of your wireless connection and use Wi-Fi networks comfortably.

Do you want to get rid of your problems forever? WiFi on your own Android device? Extend work life Android battery powered device? Stable internet and long work without recharging, that's what you need to strive for, no matter what you use a smartphone or tablet based on Android. Just a few simple manipulations, which will be discussed in this article, and all of the above will become a little closer to reality!

Fast battery consumption and too slow Internet when connected via WiFi- these are the two main problems that a device user may encounter on Android. Let's look at them in more detail and try to find possible solutions.

Inside any modern smartphone or tablet there is a special module - Wi- Fi receiver. In a passive state, it consumes almost no energy, but if the signal is weak, it has to work harder, which, in turn, leads to increased battery consumption. Having solved the problem of bad wifi you not only improve the Internet performance on your device, but also increase its battery life.

Use Easy Analyzer

This is the simplest method, however, its effectiveness has not been confirmed in practice, but trying is not torture. Special applications like Easy Analyzer found in large numbers in the open spaces Play Market. They are installed in one touch and do not require root rights on your Android device.

Do not use points with poor signal

Android is replete with a variety of options and settings. Including to force the phone to ignore and not automatically connect to such networks. Once in general settings, go to settings wifi and open the list there additional settings, in them, check the corresponding item (We deliberately do not give the exact names of each menu in order to avoid later messages in the comments like “I don’t have such an item in the settings” because on devices from different, even popular manufacturers, the names may be slightly different) . This will be especially useful for those people who walk a lot and forget to turn off Wi- Fi on your device. This way you will avoid the device trying to connect to points whose signals are weak, but still reach the sidewalk, from nearby houses.

Make a reception amplifier antenna

Of course, to make a truly effective amplifier you will need basic knowledge of electrical engineering and the ability to solder, but if you don’t know how to do all this, and the situation is hopeless, you can try using any metal object that resembles a dish-shaped antenna.

Update the firmware

If you are using custom firmware and updates do not arrive to you automatic mode, then you should think about manual updating. Also, note that using the latest OS version at the moment Android I can put in my two cents.

Remove weak WiFi from settings

This point is an addition to the point about points with a bad signal. If you used them before and now you remember them, then checking the box in the settings will not remove them. Just “forget” them manually the next time you connect to them.

Do not block the antenna

Many cases have a metal “stiffening frame”; this metal can partially shield the signal. To make sure this doesn't happen, test your connection speed using SpeedTest, when the device is in the case and immediately, “without leaving the cash register”, do the same test, but with the case already removed. Do the same thing several times to be sure of the results. If the speed drops noticeably, then it may be worth looking for another case.

Choose a good one Wi- Fi point

A special analyzer is capable, in addition to displaying information about the access point used, to independently select the most suitable network from several available ones. This is especially true in offices.

Position the router correctly

This is only relevant for home wifi when you can change the physical location of the router. You should not place it in close proximity to your smartphone in order to avoid interference caused by telephone communication. The same applies to any variety of technical devices that may have a negative effect on the signal.

That's all! 😉

If you know any other way, then share it in the comments.

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