What is ogrn and ogrnip: simple decoding of complex numbers. The registration number of the enterprise is the Ogrn of government institutions

However, as the number of legal entities increased and new organizational and legal forms emerged, it became obvious that an individual number alone was not enough. And soon another form of numbering arose - OGRN.

This abbreviation stands for main state registration number. This identifier reflects the most complete information about a particular organization: form of ownership, date of creation, authorized tax office. Let's take a closer look at the information about OGRN.

About number decoding

The main license plate includes 13 digits. Let's take for example this OGRN: 1-12-77-46-50978-0.

The first digit (in this case it is one) indicates that the registration number refers to a private legal entity. Along with one there may also be the number “5”, which has a similar meaning.

In addition to the numbers “1” and “5”, the values ​​“2” and “3” can also appear in the first place. The number “2” indicates that the number belongs to a government agency, and the number “3” indicates that the number belongs individual entrepreneur.

The next pair of numbers (in the proposed example it is “12”) indicates the year the entry about this legal entity was made in State Register. "12" means the year of entry is 2012.

The fourth and fifth digits in order (“77”) are an indication of the subject of Russia in which the company is registered. The number is entered in strict accordance with the list of subjects Russian Federation, established by Art. 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Then, as we see, there is another pair of numbers (“46”). These numbers contain an indication of the code of the corresponding tax office.

The next five digits (“50978”) are the number of the entry that was entered into the state register by the relevant authority.

Thus, in the example under consideration, the legal entity was entered into the state register in 2012 by the 46th interdistrict tax inspectorate for Moscow under entry number 50978.

What is the last digit needed for? This is the so-called control number. How do you get it?

Everything is quite simple: you need to divide a 12-digit number (i.e. those 12 digits of the OGRN that precede the last digit) by 11. The remainder of the division is written as the last, thirteenth digit of the number. In this case, the number 112774650978 is divisible by 11, therefore the last digit is “0”.

It turns out that everyone legal entity has its own unique OGRN, which contains all the necessary information about the enterprise. The check number allows you to verify the authenticity of the OGRN.

A few words about OGRNIP

OGRNIP is the same number, only assigned to an individual entrepreneur. The main difference is the total number of digits: there are already fifteen of them.

The fact is that the entry number in the register in the case of an individual entrepreneur contains not five digits, but seven. And, accordingly, the last digit - the check number - is determined as the remainder of dividing the 14-digit number by 13.

How to find out OGRN?

Is there any way to find out the OGRN? Yes, you can. And the website of the Federal Tax Service will help you with this (Web site address: www.nalog.ru).

Let's consider step by step the procedure for determining the OGRN:

  1. First of all, you need to go directly to the specified Federal Tax Service website;
  2. The main page contains three large highlighted links: “Individuals”, “Individual entrepreneurs”, “Legal entities”. To obtain information about the OGRN, you must select the “Legal Entities” item. Accordingly, OGRNIP can be found by clicking on the link “Individual entrepreneurs”;
  3. After selecting the appropriate item, the user is presented with a list of available electronic services. One of these services is the “Check yourself and your counterparty” service. A similar service is available to users who select the “Individual Entrepreneurs” item;
  4. Then the “Check yourself and your counterparty” service window opens. Here the user is given the opportunity to fill in one of the proposed fields to obtain information about the organization.

The following fields are available: “Name”, “Address”, “Subject of the Russian Federation”, “Registration date”. There is also a field “OGRN/GRN/TIN”.

The main search is carried out using the fields “OGRN/GRN/TIN” and “Name”. The remaining three fields are used to clarify the formulated queries.

Let's indicate some specifics search engine Federal Tax Service website:

  • when searching solely by name, the user only needs to indicate the unique part of the organization’s name (without quotation marks, special symbols, abbreviations and indications of the legal form);
  • in cases where the name includes more than one word (including words separated by a hyphen), only one of the words can be indicated. At the same time, to obtain a more accurate result, it is recommended to avoid using too common words;
  • the “Russian Subject” field will allow you to limit the search only to the relevant region;
  • When using the “Registration date” field, you must enter data in the format DD.MM.YYYY.


Concluding our consideration of the OGRN, we note some provisions:

  • The main state registration number allows you to obtain detailed information about a specific legal entity.
  • Each digit of the number plays a specific role.
  • The authenticity of the OGRN is verified by comparing the remainder obtained from dividing the number from the first 12 digits of the number by 11, and the last digit of the number.
  • You can find out the OGRN on the Federal Tax Service website.

Video on the topic: “Check the OGRN of individual entrepreneurs”

OGRN is main an identification number , assigned to a legal entity by the state. It is assigned by the Federal Tax Service to the organization in two cases: in the moment state registration enterprise upon receipt of the certificate and, if the company was formed earlier than Law No. 129-FZ “On State Registration of Legal Entities” was adopted, at the time of the first provision of data about this legal entity.

Definition and Application

The abbreviation stands for main state registration number. From the name it follows that it is assigned once upon formation, does not change throughout the entire life of the company, and only becomes invalid upon liquidation. He individual for every organization.

Knowing the OGRN of a particular enterprise, one can draw conclusions about its location and the year in which it was registered. OGRN is entered into a list containing data of all companies operating in Russia.

For entrepreneurs, the OGRN is not used, but a similar identifier is created. The difference is that for legal entities a thirteen-digit code is adopted, for serial recording a five-digit number is used, and for individual entrepreneurs a fifteen-digit code is used, respectively, the serial number in it is seven-digit.

This registration code is used all business participants:

  • in financial statements - balance sheet, Report on financial results, explanations to them;
  • in primary documents - invoices, acts of acceptance and transfer of work performed, invoices, etc.
  • in contracts, additional agreements to them;
  • in the Charter;
  • on a seal impression;
  • in documents submitted to the tax service.

To obtain a duplicate of the Company Registration Certificate, in addition to the fact that the organization or entrepreneur must be registered, they must pay a state fee in the amount of 800 rub.

Decoding for legal entities

All of the thirteen digits that make up the OGRN carry important information. For example, the OGRN of the enterprise is 1061656027014.

  • the first number is 1 – used to designate a legal entity, the value “5” can also be taken;
  • 06 – the last digits of the year in which the owner registered his business. In this case it is 2006;
  • 16 is a code assigned to each region of Russia by order of the Federal Tax Service. This value indicates that the organization was registered and operated in the Republic of Tatarstan;
  • 56 – code of the tax office, where, in fact, the certificate of state registration was issued;
  • 02701 – serial number under which it is registered this company. Every year the countdown begins anew;
  • 4 – control number. It is equal to the remainder obtained by dividing the twelve-digit OGRN number by 11. In our case, 106165602701 / 11 = 9651418427.36. Round to integers and multiply by 11, we get 106165602697. The difference between them will be 106165602701–106165602697 = 4. This is the control number. If there is no difference between the last numbers, then 0 is placed at the end of the registration number.

To quickly determine the authenticity of the OGRN, calculate the control number. If it matches, then the registration number is indeed entered into the state register.

OGRNIP for entrepreneurs

For individuals operating as individual entrepreneurs, the rules for compiling and decoding OGRNIP are practically no different from OGRN, except that it contains not 13, but 15 digits.

For example, OGRNIP 314774605701032:

Registration number for non-residents

For foreign organizations, operating on the territory of the Russian Federation, is not assigned, since it is issued only upon registration of a legal entity. A foreign company does not document this on its formation Russian territory, therefore it does not have a registration number.

However, to identify such companies it is possible to use two options:

  1. can use for identification on the territory of our country the number assigned by the authorized body of his state. He must enter this code in the same columns where he is supposed to indicate the OGRN.
  2. Branch or foreign company registered on the territory of the Russian Federation, accredited according to established order, receives a certificate and uses its number in its legal, accounting documents, when submitting reports to government inspection services.

For non-residents themselves and contractors working with them, it is important that all constituent and other documents are officially translated into Russian and notarized.

Differences from GRN

Often, in addition to the abbreviation OGRN, there is the abbreviation GRN. The similarity of the letters in their composition clearly indicates a single area of ​​application. However, the OGRN is issued once for the entire period of the company’s activities, and if there are any changes in the basic information about the organization, then in the OGRN you will you won't see.

In such cases it is used GRN– registration number assigned government agencies changes made to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, with each entry having its own number for a specific organization.

The state registration number, like the initial registration number of the company, consists of 13 digits. For example, the state registration number of the organization is 1152352364515. The numbers in its composition indicate:

  • 1 – a change made specifically to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, “5” can also be used;
  • 15 – the last two digits of the year in which the entry was made;
  • 23 – indicates that the company operates in the Krasnodar region;
  • 5236451 – serial number of the change record from the beginning of the year;
  • 5 is the control number.

As can be seen from the decoding of the state registration number, its difference from the OGRN is that it does not contain information about the tax office that registered the entry.

Each company should have only one OGRN, but it can have several OGRN or do without it. For making changes to the state register, a fee is charged in the amount of 800 rub. for each entry.

Valid for individual entrepreneurs similar procedure obtaining the state registration number and deciphering its number. However, this code consists of 15 digits and is issued to an entrepreneur when his personal data changes, for example, when changing a passport due to age or due to a change of surname, or registration of a new type of activity.

Verification methods

OGRN is not a trade secret and is freely available on the Internet and other sources of information. Knowing the name of the organization or the name of the entrepreneur, you can find out the registration number, and vice versa.

Why might you need a OGRN:

  1. Determine whether the company really exists and operates legally in Russia, protect yourself from fly-by-night companies and fraud on their part.
  2. Check reliability, obtain reliable information about the organization.

To find out the OGRN of any company or the OGRNIP of an entrepreneur, you need to officially order an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. To do this, you must personally visit the tax office where the company of interest was registered, submit an application and pay the state fee.

The application is being written randomly in different forms from legal entities and individuals. In this case, the text must include:

  • from whom the request comes: name, address, tax identification number and checkpoint for the company and full name, passport details, registration address for the citizen;
  • request for an extract;
  • business name of the counterparty, tax identifier, OGRN and official place of registration.

The written request must be accompanied by a receipt for payment of the state fee. For each requested document the amount of the receipt will be 200 rub., if you are satisfied with the provision period, five working days; if not, you will have to pay for urgent provision 400 rub.

To make your life easier, you can use online services or order an electronic statement on the Federal Tax Service website. It is convenient to find any organization or individual entrepreneur on the tax service portal, knowing their name and the region in which they operate.

After finding the organization, you need to log in or register in the system, and then create a request to receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or. The document is provided to everyone free of charge within one business day, the file can be downloaded in PDF format, and it will be signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

If the data about the required organization is not contained in the register, a Certificate of Absence of Information will be downloaded.

It is important that the request does not require the digital signature of either the applicant or the company about which the request is made. An electronic file received on the Federal Tax Service website has the same legal force as a paper version sealed with an official seal.

An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities contains basic information about the company:

  • location, contact numbers;
  • size authorized capital, founders - their number, full name, tax identification number;
  • registration date and OGRN number;
  • information about managers, persons authorized to act by proxy;
  • kinds economic activity which a legal entity can engage in;
  • tax codes of the organization: TIN, .

So, OGRN is the main registration number of enterprises, by which you can identify any business participant. OGRN consists of thirteen digits, OGRNIP - of fifteen, each of which has its own meaning.

Information about registering legal entities is presented in this video.

Today, each organization has many different numeric identifiers associated with it, in which all the basic information is encrypted. One of them is OGRN - main state registration number. It contains information such as the type of organization, the year and place of its creation, the code of the division of the tax office associated with it, the number of the decision on the organization of this enterprise.

This code is very multifunctional. It may be useful to you if you need confirmation of the existence of this organization and the accuracy of the documentation received, obtaining information about the inclusion of a company or its owner in the “black list” of the Federal Tax Service, its location address, TIN number and the identity of the owner of this company.

The OGRN is indicated in the following documentation: in entries in the registration register for a given legal entity, in papers confirming the entry of this organization into the register, in all documentation that relates to this enterprise (for example, in details), in information about the state registration of the company.

How to decrypt?

The number is unique for each company. He consists of 13 digits, is assigned to legal entities in the (Unified State Register of Legal Entities), and consisting of 15 digits (in this case it has the name - for individual entrepreneurs) - to individual entrepreneurs in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs).

The state registration number can be represented as a formula A-BB-VV-GG-DDDDD-E, where each number carries its own meaning:

  • if in place A there is a number from 1 to 5, then this number refers to the OGRN; if 3, then the owner of this organization is an individual entrepreneur; if 2 then this enterprise refers to government agencies;
  • BB values ​​provide information about the year the company was founded (the last two digits are taken, that is, if the year is 1998, then the number will contain 98);
  • the number in place of BB tells us about the place of registration of this organization; it is the number of the subject of the Russian Federation, which was assigned in accordance with Article 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • GG is the code of the interdistrict tax office to which the company is affiliated;
  • the next five values ​​indicate the number decision taken on the creation of this organization, which was entered into the register of tax records;
  • the very last digit is just a verification code; it can be obtained by dividing the entire previous number (A-BB-BB-GG-DDDDD) by 11, using the least significant digit of the remainder.

Speaking about OGRNIP, this number can be represented as A-BB-BB-GG-DDDDDDDD-E:

  • the first digit indicates that the owner of this organization is an individual entrepreneur;
  • BB values ​​provide information about the year of assignment to an individual IP status;
  • the number in the place of BB tells us about the place of registration, similar to the previous option;
  • GG is the code of the interdistrict tax office that ;
  • the next seven values ​​indicate the number of the decision made;
  • the very last digit is also a verification code; it can be obtained by dividing the entire previous number (A-BB-BB-GG-DDDDDDDD) by 13, using the least significant digit of the remainder.

Getting a number

Nowadays, each organization must have its own personal OGRN code, a certificate of assignment of which is issued at the interdistrict tax office at its location. To find out, you can order an extract from the statistical register from Rosstat or, which will indicate the information you need.

As for OGRNIP, it is assigned to an individual when he undergoes state registration as an individual entrepreneur.

The OGRN certificate, which a person receives after state registration, contains the following data:

  • the main state registration number itself;
  • date of entry of the code assignment record in the unified state register.

Using the number, you can check the details of a company, for example through this service:

Duplicate certificate

The certificate itself is issued upon the immediate creation of the organization, but there are situations when some documentation is lost along with the treasured number. It is for this purpose that there is a special procedure with the help of which this code can be restored.

Having your passport, the head of the organization or any other authorized person(subject to the presence of a power of attorney) applies to the tax service. There he needs to write a statement containing the following information:

  • full name of the organization;
  • date of entry of registration in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • all main company numbers (OGRN (GRN), INN, KPP);
  • the reason for submitting the request for a duplicate.

After this, you need to pay the state fee (it is one fifth of the amount paid for state registration of a legal entity) and provide a receipt for payment.

Number authentication

There are situations when it is necessary to verify the authenticity of a code. There is a simple way to do this:

  1. discard the last digit of the number and divide the remaining number by 11 (we get the number A);
  2. We remove the remainder from the resulting result and multiply the resulting integer by 11 (we have the number B);
  3. we find the difference between numbers A and B, it should be equal to the control number.

The same algorithm applies to OGRNIP:

  1. discard the last digit of the number and divide the remaining number by 13 (we get the number A);
  2. We remove the remainder from the resulting result and multiply the resulting integer by 13 (we have the number B);
  3. we find the difference between numbers A and B, it should also be equal to the control number.

Any enterprise today is endowed with a lot of different numbers and identifiers. Each of them performs a specific task. There was a time when there were not as many enterprises as there are today, and the tax authorities were satisfied that each LLC, OJSC or CJSC had a taxpayer identification number (TIN). Later, new forms of ownership appeared (IP, GC, OO, etc.), and the existing ones began to evolve in such a way that one identifier was not enough to distinguish them. Since the TIN contains the only information: which Federal Tax Service inspection the enterprise is assigned to, and under what serial number it is registered there. No more information can be extracted from the TIN, no matter how hard we try. Therefore, after some time, or rather, after the entry into force Federal Law No. 29-FZ of 08.08.2001 “On state registration of legal entities” appeared new form numbering of enterprises, institutions and organizations - OGRN (main state registration number). This identifier contains complete information about the form of ownership of the enterprise, the date of creation of the company, the subject of the Russian Federation to which the company is assigned, and the tax inspectorate to which the enterprise is assigned.

OGRN - code decoding

For example, let’s take any OGRN at random and “dissect” it in parts.
The number 1-12-77-46-50978-0 consists of 13 digits:


  1. The first digit (1) - a sign of the assignment of the state registration number of the record - tells us that the number belongs to. If it were the number “3”, the number would belong to and be called ORGNIP. There is another option that the value of the number would be “2” - this would indicate that the enterprise is a government agency.
  2. The next two digits (12) tell us that the company was founded in 2012.
  3. Numbers with serial numbers 4 and 5 (77) indicate that the company is registered in Moscow. 77 is its serial number of a subject of the Russian Federation according to the list of subjects of the Russian Federation established by Article 65 of the Constitution.
  4. Numbers 4 to 7 (7746) also indicate to us the tax inspectorate code (interdistrict 46th tax inspectorate for Moscow).
  5. During the year, certain entries are made in the register of tax authorities. The number of the decision according to which this enterprise was organized is contained in numbers 8 to 12 (50978).
  6. The last thirteenth digit in this “devil’s dozen” indicates the verification code. In fact, this is the result of the operation of dividing the number formed from the previous 12 digits by 11: 112774650978/11 = ?
    If the remainder of the division is 10, then the check number will be “0”, as in our case. This is a parameter for additional internal verification of OGRN in tax service.

As you can see, the OGRN number, on the one hand, can be unique for any enterprise (two identical OGRNs do not exist in nature, by definition), on the other hand, each registration number carries enough information about the enterprise, the main thing is to know how to decipher its meaning.

What is OGRNIP?

In conclusion, I would like to say a few words about what OGRNIP is. This is the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur, assigned to each individual entrepreneur when registering with the tax service. It consists of 15 digits:


Its decoding is carried out in the same way as the OGRN, with the only difference that the number of digits responsible for the registration number of the record is greater (not 5, but 9), and the last number (N) is formed as the remainder of dividing the entire set of digits by 13.

OGRN is a state-level registration number that is assigned to each organization or individual entrepreneur upon registration and is registered in. What is the OGRN of an organization and individual entrepreneur, what does it mean in the details - we will find out further.

Decoding and features of OGRN

The abbreviation OGRN stands for “Main State Registration Number”. It can be assigned to both a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur upon registration. Throughout the entire implementation period professional activity OGRN does not change.

This code has a number of features:

  • There are 2 types of OGRN - for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. OGRN for individual entrepreneurs has a special name - OGRNIP.
  • Legal entities must indicate their OGRN: sometimes this code is even included in official stamps. At the discretion of the owner, the OGRN may be included in stamps or regular seals.
  • For individual entrepreneurs, indicating the OGRN in the documents is not a mandatory requirement.
  • Records about OGRN are made in order, that is, any enterprise after registration will receive its own unique number.

OGRN replaced the classic TIN, the information from which was no longer sufficient for the inspection authorities. This code is in public access, therefore, knowing a minimum of data about the company, you can find out.

What is the OGRN of an organization and individual entrepreneur?

OGRN of an organization and individual entrepreneur is a unique code that allows you to find out a significant amount of information about the enterprise. The OGRN of an organization consists of 13 characters, the individual entrepreneur - of 15. Moreover, each character has its own special meaning:
  • First digit - a sign of attribution to the state. registration number of the entry.
  • Second and third digits – last digits of the year of registration.
  • Fourth and fifth represent the number of the subject of the Russian Federation established by Article 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
  • Sixth and seventh digits indicate the number of the district tax office that registered the organization.
  • From the eighth to the twelfth (for OGRN) and from the eighth to the fourteenth (for OGRNIP) digits – this is the record number under which the organization was registered.
  • Last digit - control. Can be from 0 to 9.

Example of OGRN and OGRNIP in details

Let's look at the following example on how to correctly interpret OGRN 1137746358608 in the details. It consists of 13 characters, respectively, this is the code of the legal entity:
  • The first digit " 1 " means that the code refers to the main state. registration number.
  • Second and third digits " 13 " means that registration was carried out in 2013.
  • Fourth and fifth digits " 77 " is the number of the subject of the Russian Federation where registration took place. If we turn to the official list of subjects, we find out that this is Moscow.
  • Sixth and seventh digits " 46 " is the number of the Tax Inspectorate where the organization was registered. In this case, this is MI of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation No. 46.
  • From the eighth to the twelfth digits " 35860 » – the serial number under which the organization was entered into the state register during the year of registration.
  • The last digit of the code " 8 " is the calculated control number.
As an example, you should also analyze the OGRNIP 308500116000157 , which consists of 15 digits:
  • The first digit " 3 » – is responsible for assigning the code to the main state. registration number.
  • Second and third digits " 08 " - this is the year of registration of the individual entrepreneur.
  • Fourth and fifth digits " 50 » – number of the subject of registration, in this case the Moscow region.
  • Sixth and seventh digits " 01 » – the number of the Tax Inspectorate-Registrar, in this case the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate for the city of Balashikha.
  • From the eighth to the fourteenth digits " 1600015 » – the serial number assigned to the individual entrepreneur during the year of registration.
  • Last digit " 7 » – is the calculated control number.

What is a OGRN certificate?

OGRN certificate – official document, which can be obtained upon registration of a legal entity at the district tax office. The document looks like this:

This document contains not only the OGRN code itself, but also some additional information:
  • The full name of the company with its official name.
  • The full date of registration of the organization under a specific registration number.
  • Abbreviated name of the organization.
  • Corporate name of the organization.
  • The name of the organization that carried out the registration (usually the district tax authority).
In addition, as part of the certificate, the seal of the registrar organization must be affixed (otherwise the document will not be recognized as valid), as well as the full name, signature and position of the expert who carried out the registration of the organization.

Video: Concept and explanation of OGRN and OGRNIP

The following video lesson will explain the concepts of OGRN and OGRNIP, and will also clearly demonstrate how they are deciphered:

Thus, among all the details, OGRN contains the most complete information about the registered person or company. At the same time, it is extremely important to be able to correctly decipher the data hidden in the code.
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