Children's cafe as a business. Sample business plan for a children's cafe Open a children's cafe business plan

Children's menu attracts 5-7% more visitors to restaurants

Opening a specialized catering establishment, designed for children to relax with their parents and celebrate holidays, can provide the owner with a stable profit with the right choice of location, large initial costs and strict compliance with all sanitary standards.

Business concept

Self-service cafes open in high-traffic areas: near amusement parks and shopping centers.

This business plan for a children's cafe contains financial calculations taking into account 32 seats in the hall (8 tables), which are divided into 2 parts by screens or curtains for organizing custom-made events. Service to regular visitors is not interrupted.

Thus, total area is at least 90 m2. The average rental price in Russia is 1.2 thousand rubles per 1 m2 per month.

Decorate the room thematically. The best option would be the theme of a fairy tale, cartoon or a collection of characters known to children

Initial costs

New equipment for the kitchen of the children's cafe includes equipment for preparing and baking dough products, refrigerators for storing food, and a dishwasher. The table shows the costs of equipment from the lower price segment.

To arrange the hall you will need

Name Unit price Quantity Total
Refrigerated display case30000 2 60000
Microwave3000 1 3000
Scales6000 2 12000
Tables for distribution6000 2 12000
Visitor tables3000 8 24000
Chairs1000 32 32000
Hall decor, clothing for staff- - 60000
Tableware (tea cups, saucers, dessert plates, spoons, teapots, etc.)500 100 50000
Room renovation- - 800000
Total 1053000
  • Everything about the opening of a children's development center (go to
  • Description of goods and services
  • Selecting a room
  • Marketing plan
        • Financial plan
        • Similar business ideas:

Business plan for opening a children's cafe in a city with a population of 150 thousand inhabitants.

Our idea is to open not just a children's establishment, but a family cafe. Places where not only children, but also their parents will feel comfortable.

How much money do you need to open a children's family cafe?

According to our calculations, opening a children’s cafe in a family format will require about 1,850,000 rubles.

  • Cosmetic repairs and room design - RUB 500,000.
  • Furniture (tables, chairs, bar counter) - RUB 200,000.
  • Kitchen equipment and supplies (ovens, cutting tables, mixers, refrigeration equipment, etc.) - RUB 400,000.
  • Equipment for a children's playroom (game modules), toys, stationery - RUB 600,000.
  • Advertising - 50,000 rubles.
  • Business registration and other expenses - RUB 100,000.

Description of goods and services

The menu of our establishment will be compiled according to the recommendations of nutritionists and children's specialists. Despite the fact that many dishes will be prepared especially for children, adults will also have something to enjoy in our cafe. The menu will include: salads, cereals with milk, soups, hot dishes, pizza, potato treats, drinks (milkshakes, juices), desserts (mousses, cakes, cakes, ice cream). The average bill for a cafe will be 500 rubles. So, pureed pea soup with vegetables will cost 90 rubles, chicken meatballs with sour cream sauce - 190 rubles. (205g), freshly squeezed apple juice with strawberries - 150 rub. (220 ml.), ice cream - 120 rub. (100 g). The most interesting thing that will literally “attract” children to the establishment is a cozy playroom, with many interesting game modules (trampolines, a labyrinth, a dry pool, mini-carousels, rocking chairs, etc.), a corner for creativity and cheerful children’s animators who They won’t let any child get bored. One of the cafe’s popular services is organizing children’s parties. From us you can order a festive table decoration, an individual menu (for example, a large cake), the work of animators (dressed as Spider-Man, Batman, Winnie the Pooh or Mickey Mouse) and a unique greeting for a child’s birthday.

Download the business plan for a children's cafe

Selecting a room

To accommodate the cafe, it is planned to rent a premises with an area of ​​170 square meters. m. in one of the small shopping centers of our city. The need for significant space is due to the need to accommodate a games room and seating for 60 people. Also, part of the premises must be allocated for the kitchen, dressing room, warehouse, staff quarters and toilet. Rent will cost 110 thousand rubles per month. The high price is due to the fact that the premises are delivered virtually ready-made, requiring no repairs and meeting all SES and fire safety requirements. Particular attention will be paid to personnel selection. You will need to employ: three cooks (salary 20 thousand rubles), a chef (25 thousand rubles), three waiters (14 thousand rubles), an administrator (20 thousand rubles), a cleaner (10 thousand rubles .), accountant (15 thousand rubles), driver (15 thousand rubles). Agreements will also be concluded with holiday agencies and private animators. The total wage fund will be about 200 thousand rubles.

Which tax system to choose for a children's family cafe

A limited liability company (LLC) will be registered as an organizational form. The Company will include two founders (the project initiator and the investor). The tax system is the simplified tax system, 15% of the organization’s profit.

Marketing plan

There are only two children's cafes in our city. One of which operates in the same area, but will be located almost 800 meters from our establishment. Therefore, it will not have a serious impact on the cafe’s attendance. Moreover, our area is distinguished by a large number of new buildings, kindergartens and schools. That is, the potential client base (parents and children) is quite extensive. As advertising, it is planned to use a bright sign above the entrances to the cafe, advertising in the media (immediately after the opening), the Internet (Yandex-Direct, a group on social networks), distributing leaflets and booklets at the entrances of houses. It is also planned to regularly hold events and participate in charity events. For an order amount of 1,500 rubles or more, guests will be issued a club card, which subsequently entitles them to a discount of up to 10% when ordering goods and services from the cafe. Thus, it is planned to develop a good base of regular customers.

Financial plan

Let's move on to calculating the main indicators of business economic efficiency. Fixed monthly expenses

  • Rent — 110,000 rub.
  • Utility bills - 60,000 rubles.
  • Salary + insurance - 260,000 rubles.
  • Consumables - RUB 20,000.
  • Depreciation of equipment - 15,000 rubles.
  • Advertising - 30,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 20,000 rubles.

Total - 515,000 rubles.

Monthly income

  • The average bill is 500 rubles.
  • Trade margin on products - 200%
  • Gross income from one order is 330 rubles.
  • The average number of visitors per day is 70 people, per month - 2200 people.
  • Gross income per month - 726,000 rubles.

How much can you earn from a children's family cafe?

Hence the profit: 726,000 - 515,000 = 211,000 rubles. Minus taxes (USN, 15% of profit), net profit is 179,350 rubles per month. The profitability of the children's cafe is 35%. The establishment should reach its revenue targets in 12 to 15 months. Thus, the return on the initial investment will occur no earlier than after 2 - 2.5 years of operation of the cafe.

We recommend download business plan for children's cafe, from our partners, with a quality guarantee. This is a full-fledged, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

Step-by-step plan for opening a children's family cafe

After conducting detailed marketing research, which showed that the demand for the services of family establishments is satisfied by less than 60%, we can begin the practical implementation of this commercial project.

  • First of all, it is necessary to prepare a business plan and assess the financial potential of the future company.
  • The next stage is registering the LLC and completing the necessary documentation.
  • Organization of promotional events.
  • Searching for premises and repairing them.
  • Purchase of equipment and furniture.
  • Personnel selection.
  • Creating interesting scenarios for family holidays.
  • Solving administrative issues and organizing control over the implementation of the drawn up business plan.

It is very important to come up with an original name for a family cafe and design it accordingly. The designer must complete a very difficult task - to make sure that the establishment is simultaneously liked by children (5-12 years old) and their parents (25-35 years old).

What equipment to choose for a family cafe

The issue of purchasing equipment for a family-type establishment can be divided into the following components:

  1. Kitchen appliances and utensils.
  2. Showcase and furniture for the common room.
  3. Equipment for the games room.
  4. Office equipment and furniture for administration.

The complete list of necessary equipment for a family establishment depends on the financial capabilities of the business organizers. Practice shows that it is constantly expanding/updating, in proportion to the pace of development of the company.

Which OKVED code should I indicate when registering a business providing services to a family-type children's cafe?

The area of ​​commercial activity under consideration, according to the all-Russian classifier, belongs to the category of enterprises with OKVED code 55.30 (cafe and bar services). When preparing documents with the Federal Tax Service, you can additionally indicate OKVED 92.72 (other activities for organizing entertainment and recreation).

What documents are needed to open a children's family cafe?

The considered line of commercial activity is carried out only if the following papers are available:

  • Certificates of registration with government agencies.
  • Rental agreements for premises for cafes and administrative staff.
  • Coordination with the SES and fire service.
  • Local administration permits.
  • Labor contracts with personnel.
  • Agreements with suppliers, utilities and other service companies.

Particular attention should be paid to certificates for products, toys and furniture for children, as well as invoices for these items. If regulatory authorities find any violations, and you do not have papers confirming your innocence, you will have to pay hefty fines.

Do I need permission to open a family children's cafe?

To operate this establishment, no additional permits (except for documents from the local administration) are required. Only in case of sale of strong alcoholic drinks, the owner of the cafe is obliged to register a legal entity. person and obtain the appropriate license.

In this material:

Children's cafes are a relatively new form of catering for our country, rapidly gaining popularity. The format was developed with two goals - organizing leisure time for children and generating profit from the activities of the establishment. A business plan for a children's cafe is a more complex algorithm for implementing a successful and profitable business compared to a standard cafeteria or snack bar. However, with an in-depth study of consumer demand, analysis of competitors and the market as a whole, you can recoup your investment in a short period of time.

Description of the children's cafe, business features

Type of activity - children's cafe, organization of holidays for minors under the age of 12-13 years.

Location – city with a population of 200,000 or more people (regional or large district center). Location – city center or other place with a high concentration of people.

Premises – rented part with an area of ​​120 sq.m. m. in the building of a business center, shopping center or supermarket.

Opening hours: 11:00-20:00.

Capacity - up to 100 people (16 tables with 5 seats, plus 3-4 tables with 3 seats and separate tables for children under 2 years old).

Leisure equipment - tables for games and drawing, a soft corner, a labyrinth.

In terms of the type of work, a children's cafe is no different from any other:

  • menu formation;
  • reception and service of visitors;
  • invoicing.

In practice, there are a great many features and nuances of cafes for children. It is enough to list the most important ones:

  1. Facade and interior design - children must understand that this place is special for them, because they love everything special. For example, almost all kids ask to buy some thing in the same way as adults, but so that the item is just for them - a children's phone, a children's soda, a children's diary. Often the requests are unrealistic, but they are taken from the life experiences of children and their worldview. A child sees their parents regularly drinking coffee and makes a completely logical request - “Mom, will you buy me a children’s coffee”? Understanding that a cafe is their environment, the child will become a regular customer of this establishment.
  2. Menu - the range of dishes should be varied, because the main guests of the establishment, children, still come with their parents, who prefer slightly different food. Thus, a combined menu - appetizers, salads, first course, second course, pizza and sweets - is the best option.
  3. Leisure – a children's cafe is not only about sweet dishes, milkshakes and a bright interior. Organizing places to relax, play and spend leisure time in the company of other kids is a must.

Reference: there are no specifics for running a business, since in fact this is a standard type of catering with the preparation and sale of food products. The only thing you should pay close attention to is the choice of raw material suppliers. The quality of the products must be of a high level, otherwise there may be a risk of poisoning of children.


There is no need to talk about the relevance of a children's cafe. Just look at how successful playrooms in shopping centers are and how many parents and kids eat in small eateries.

Take McDonald's, for example, which is partially aimed at the children's target audience. The kids love Happy Meals and regularly drag their parents out of the house not so much to eat as to be in that fun and joyful environment.

Note: the point of a children's cafe is not the variety, since little visitors are quite picky and do not eat in large quantities. The main thing is to create a cozy and festive atmosphere so that you want to return there more than once.

The relevance of catering for children is a fresh and well-worn idea that can be successfully implemented in almost any medium-sized and large city.

How to open a children's cafe, where to start?

Analysis of the market and level of competition

You always need to start with an analysis of the market and the demand for services. Perhaps there are already 2-3 similar establishments operating in a specifically selected area, so it makes no sense to open a similar project in this territorial zone.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the number of similar establishments in the entire city. There will probably be a few of them - chain cafes and fast food restaurants in large entertainment centers.

The second stage is choosing an area of ​​the city to open a children's cafe with no competitors. It should be noted that competition is not the main criterion for determining location. It is necessary to take into account the infrastructure of the microdistrict, the accessibility of public transport and the high population flow.

The third stage is the search for a specific location and premises to open. You need to focus on convenient location, visibility and high cross-country ability.

At the same time, it is necessary to visit competitors’ establishments and identify positive and negative qualities of work. For example, the theme of the cafe, design, menu, cost, principles of organizing leisure time.

Comparative analysis is carried out based on data from several points. Considering the activities of existing establishments, you can open your own business with a high probability of success.

The general level of competition in the field of catering for children is extremely low. Every entrepreneur can enter this business without feeling pressure. There is a shortage of combined cafes on the market, so that there is food, games, new acquaintances, and a pleasant atmosphere.

Possible risks

There are practically no risks associated with opening a children's cafe. All criteria are relevant for any type of catering:

  • an increase in prices for raw materials, which creates a need to raise the cost of food;
  • lack of demand - the problem lies in insufficient market analysis or the wrong location for opening an establishment;
  • low solvency of the population;
  • possible tax increases;
  • the need for additional funding for the project.

Help: a business plan serves precisely to avoid 99% of risks or at least provide for them to solve the problem in a timely manner.

Pros and cons of the project


  • low competition;
  • demand for services;
  • standard paperwork, as for any catering;
  • absence of conflict situations (drunken brawls and a broken bar - this is not about a children's cafe);
  • high profitability.


  • large investments;
  • responsibility in choosing suppliers and personnel;
  • regular inspections by regulatory authorities;
  • possible complaints from visitors to higher authorities.

Information: by observing the current norms of SanPiN and the Tax Code, as well as by approaching all organizational aspects responsibly, there will be no problems in the operation of the children's cafe.

Organizational plan

Registration of a children's cafe, documents, permits

Registration events are one of the exciting and frightening moments for any entrepreneur, especially in terms of working with children. In practice, there is nothing scary or difficult about this, and all procedures proceed in the same way as for ordinary catering establishments.

Choice of legal form – individual entrepreneur or LLC. You can register any one, but for establishing a similar plan, a legal entity is still more profitable:

  • prestige and trust - suppliers are more willing to work with an LLC, and visitors to an establishment feel safer when they are served by a company or firm rather than an individual entrepreneur;
  • the possibility of concluding contracts for the supply of raw materials with any companies - some legal entities do not cooperate with individual entrepreneurs;
  • in the event of bankruptcy and the formation of debts to financial structures, the founder of the LLC is liable only in the amount of the available authorized capital, and the individual entrepreneur risks personal property, including a vehicle and real estate.

The procedure for registering a limited liability company or individual entrepreneur is simple - you need to contact the Federal Tax Service office with a minimum package of documents, select a taxation system and indicate OKEVD codes. The documentation will be ready within 10 days.

Taxation system - for individual entrepreneurs the simplified tax system is better suited, and for LLCs - UTII.

OKVED code – 55.30 (activity of restaurants and cafes).

Additionally, you need to conclude several more agreements:

  • rental of premises;
  • garbage and solid waste removal;
  • labor agreements with personnel;
  • contracts with raw material suppliers.

When contacting Rospotrebnadzor, the submitted documentation must be accompanied by copies of employees’ medical records, quality certificates for products, equipment, including children’s toys.

For the fire inspection - an evacuation plan, the availability of fire extinguishers, ventilation, emergency exits in the event of an emergency.

Search for premises

Any spacious room located in a busy part of the city is suitable as a children's cafe. This can be either a separate building or part of a functioning organization.

Help: it is important that the premises for the children's cafe meet the requirements of sanitary standards, and that the owner is not against renovation.

Premises requirements:

  • exit to the roadway;
  • availability of parking;
  • proximity to a large entertainment center, supermarket or child care facility;
  • visibility from several angles;
  • accessibility of public transport.

Interior design

You can design it in any style, so there are no limits to your imagination. Some options might look like this:

  • colorful abstraction - multi-colored figures on the walls, ceiling and furniture;
  • animation - a combined version with images of popular cartoon characters;
  • narrow focus - you can choose one cartoon, for example, "Madagascar", or any theme - "Treasure Island".

Help: when choosing a narrow topic, it is important to give a logical name to the cafe. If this is still “Madagascar”, then it can be called “Visiting Alex” (or “At Marty’s”).

To create the design, you need to hire graphic designers.

Menu creation

The main question is whether it is necessary to create a separate menu for children and adults or whether you can limit yourself to one assortment for everyone. On the one hand, the cafe is for children and all services are designed for children, but on the other hand, eating is not the main thing for a child, and parents will be bored while their child plays.

Thus, it is more expedient to develop 2 types of menus - standard and children's.

The regular assortment includes everything that is usually served in catering establishments, from first and second courses to salads, appetizers, pizza, meat, fish, etc.

Children's menu:

  • fruit porridge;
  • bakery;
  • cakes;
  • cakes;
  • ice cream;
  • assorted drinks;
  • milkshake;
  • fruits;
  • sweets.

You can’t eat too much sweets, so parents will in any case order something meat or fish for their children.

Equipment and furniture

For a children's cafe you will need:

  1. Furniture for the hall - tables, chairs, hangers, armchairs, sofas, TV.
  2. Inventory for the play corner - a prefabricated labyrinth, plastic slides, toys, drawing sets, construction sets.
  3. Bar equipment - counter, display case, shelving.
  4. Kitchen equipment - refrigerators and freezers, stove, cutting tables, oven, dishes, household appliances (microwave, blender, kettle and others as needed).
  5. Equipment of the room for employees.


For a cafe with 16 tables and an area of ​​120 sq. m. you will need to hire:

  • chef – 1 person for a five-day work week;
  • cook – 4 people 2 per shift;
  • pastry chef – 1 person;
  • assistant cooks – 3 people;
  • bartender – 2 people in shifts;
  • waiter – 4 people in shifts;
  • administrator – 1 person;
  • auxiliary workers, dishwashers – 5 people. in shifts.

Marketing strategy and advertising

Competitive advantages of a children's cafe

The “Children's Cafe” format is in itself a marketing ploy. If people say about a new restaurant that has opened - “Another catering service”, then about a cafe for children they will say - “Mmm... Something new.”

This is the main advantage of the establishment - it is new, fresh and interesting for both children and adults. You just need to announce the opening as widely as possible and come up with an interesting promotion at the start of work.

Ways to attract clients

Considering that an establishment of this format does not have territorial boundaries within the city, it is necessary to use as many advertising methods as possible:

  1. Commercials on TV and radio.
  2. Outdoor advertising – banners, streamers, posters and pillars.
  3. Internet advertising - creating groups on social networks, launching your own website, buying advertising from bloggers.
  4. A bright and attractive sign.
  5. A sonorous and memorable name.
  6. Promoter services.
  7. Leaflets.

The more people learn about the opening of a cafe in a short period of time, the higher will be the demand for services and the rate of return on investment.

Financial part of the business plan


Investment at the start (in rubles):

  • 20,000 – registration of business activities and permits;
  • 25,000 – carrying out analytical activities and identifying consumer demand;
  • 100,000 – conclusion of a premises rental agreement;
  • 150,000 – repairs;
  • 700,000 – purchase of inventory and equipment;
  • 100,000 – purchase of raw materials;
  • 80,000 – advertising.

Result: 1,175,000 rubles.

Current expenses

Expenses in the first month (in rubles):

  • 100,000 – rent;
  • 600,000 – wages;
  • 50,000 – utilities;
  • 100,000 – reserve fund.

Total: 850,000 rubles.


Profit depends on purchasing power, location of the cafe and price segment. In addition, the day of the week affects attendance. On weekdays there will be reduced interest in the establishment, and on weekends and holidays there is a high risk of filling the hall to the maximum.

The average bill for a children's cafe is 500-1,000 rubles. With 15 tables with 5 seats on a weekend, the cafe can serve 70-80 families. Per week – 300. Revenue for 7 days will be 300,000 rubles, and per month – 1,200,000 rubles.

House profit

Net profit – 1,200,000 minus monthly expenses in the amount of 850,000 rubles. The result is 350,000.

Tax, employee bonuses, and expenses for raw materials should be deducted from this amount.

As a result, the net income of the children's cafe will decrease to 200,000 rubles per month.

Business profitability and payback period of investments

Profitability is the ratio of net income to gross income multiplied by 100%.


The payback period for the business based on calculations is 8-10 months.

Despite the fact that the calculations are quite rough and focused on a figurative establishment, the result is as close as possible to reality.

Opening a children's cafe is an excellent business idea that has enormous potential and demand among the population. Minimal competition will have a positive impact on development, and adherence to the business plan will contribute to a successful start.

Order a business plan

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Business plan for a children's cafe: analysis of the market situation + selection of premises + necessary equipment + personnel + final estimate + financial expenses.

“Children are the flowers of life.” To prevent these flowers from ruining your life, they need to diversify their leisure time, and one of the ways could be a special children's institution where they can have fun without any problems.

At the same time, this is quite good for cafe owners.

If you are at least generally familiar with this format, then it makes sense to start your own business. So, let's open children's cafe - business plan such an institution will be our topic.

Business plan for a children's cafe: business features and preparation for launch

Children's cafe is a place that combines the characteristics of a catering establishment and an entertainment center.

At the same time, first of all, this is a cafe where people (in our case, children) come to eat and drink deliciously, and the entertainment program comes second - not to the detriment of the main type of activity.

Thus, as for any restaurant, the choice of dishes is basic for the business plan of a children's establishment. It should include not only a children’s assortment, but also an adult one for parents (after all, they are the ones who pay for the events).

The menu should include dishes for all occasions in children's lives:

  • breakfast
  • special event (matinee, birthday, etc.).
  • business event (increasingly, companies hold “corporate parties” for the children of their employees combined with an adult part, such as a business lunch, for example).

Therefore, a children's cafe must be ready to offer its visitors hot dishes (soups, side dishes), cold appetizers, desserts (including ice cream), pastries, and a variety of drinks.

The only thing that distinguishes this establishment from its adult counterparts is the lack of alcohol. This should be offset by a wide range of non-alcoholic drinks.

The first part of the business plan is clear - the cafe itself (kitchen, hall with waiters, etc.), but the second, entertainment part, is the “territory of creativity” - here you must show all your originality in order to build it.

Nowadays, it’s unlikely that you can get by with balloons and animators alone. Small attractions like a labyrinth and a “pool” with large balls are almost mandatory.

How to open a children's cafe during a crisis?

The crisis reduces the purchasing power of the population, which adversely affects the income of entertainment establishments. These are not essential goods to sell.

However, the income level of Russians is still not so low that they completely refuse to visit such places.

Children's cafes are fighting for their market segment in different ways, but today they are all united by relatively low prices and an attempt to expand the range of services through creativity.

As we can see from the graph, despite some recessions, even when the economic crisis was at its peak, cafe attendance increased.

If we take into account in the business plan of a children's institution that economic growth is expected from the end of 2017, then this “curve” will grow even more intensively.

If you open a children's cafe in a shopping center with good traffic, then its attendance will be close to 100 visitors per day.

However, not everything is perfect. Yes, attendance may have slowed down the growth, but has not stopped it; however, the average check has fallen by almost half and today is no more than 500 rubles per person. What’s interesting is that there have been more checks for small and large amounts, but the middle segment has dropped the most.

If 90 customers come to our establishment per day (the average for children's cafes in the Russian Federation), then even a squandered check of 500 rubles will give us revenue in the amount of 45,000 rubles.

So the market is definitely alive and has good prospects in terms of building your own business, etc.

What does it take to open a children's cafe in Russia?

In addition to the premises and equipment, which we will consider in more detail in the next section, to open a children's cafe you need to officially register the business, as well as pass an inspection by the SES and other services that issue work permits.

The issue of registration depends on the scale of your activity, which should be taken into account in the business plan in advance.

For a small establishment, the status of an individual entrepreneur (IP) is sufficient, but for a larger establishment it may be required. It is believed that for full-fledged work, the second option is optimal, since it combines the advantages of both medium and small businesses.

Thus, from micro-businesses LLC takes the opportunity of preferential taxation under UTII (“imputation”). The tax on imputed income allows you to pay not on the basis of revenue, but on the area of ​​the establishment, which, considering our small children's establishment with great ambitions, looks promising.

At the start of a children's restaurant business, this may not be very profitable, when the influx of customers is not very large, but then, when the cafe develops, the amount of taxation will be very modest.

How to open a children's cafe and what is needed for this?

After the initial registration of the business, you should take care of purchasing equipment and hiring staff. But it’s worth starting with the premises, because without this there won’t be a cafe itself.

Since our establishment is small and compact, we can get by with an area of ​​up to 100 sq.m.

In a shopping center, renting it will cost you approximately 90,000 rubles per month. However, if you intend to work “to the fullest,” then you will have to find a room with a size of 135 sq.m., where you can accommodate a large company of visitors and hold matinees without hesitation.

If you find premises in a residential building or business center near a shopping center, you may be able to reduce the cost of rent by increasing the area.

In order for the business to be profitable at the start, it is not recommended to go beyond 90-100,000 rubles per month for rent.

By the way, the business plan for a children's cafe for a shopping center and for a separate establishment in a residential area can be quite different. In the first case, the main expense items, in addition to equipment and personnel, will be rent, and in the second - advertising.

1. We purchase equipment for a children's cafe

Equipment for children's cafes is divided into three types:

  • Dining room;
  • Kitchen;
  • Auxiliary.

The first includes not only forks and spoons, but also tables, chairs for visitors, a bar counter, etc. That is, everything that is in the guest room and is associated with eating.

Kitchen equipment includes the following units:

  1. Kitchen stove (or stoves);
  2. Chef's tables;
  3. Hand tools;
  4. Small kitchen equipment (mixers, meat grinders, coffee makers, milkshake machines, etc.);
  5. Refrigeration and freezing equipment;
  6. Dishes;
  7. Dishwashers;
  8. Cleaning equipment.

We will include as auxiliary everything that is not included in the first two categories, including entertainment equipment for a children's cafe:

  1. Ventilation system or air conditioning;
  2. Security system;
  3. Fire protection system (at least sensors and a fire extinguisher in the kitchen);
  4. Entertainment equipment (children's slides, game modules, ball pool, etc.).

At current prices, all equipment for a small children's cafe can be purchased for 2-2,500,000 rubles.

You can’t say that it’s cheap, but if you work by analogy with large networks, you’ll have to pay at least twice as much.

2. Consumables for opening a children's cafe

When drawing up a business plan for a children's cafe, you need to take into account that monthly consumables include not only food, ready-made drinks and semi-finished products, but also such little things as balloons, stationery (children love to draw, and animators organize drawing competitions), etc.

For the full functioning of a children's cafe, even before opening it, it is better to think about logistics and find partners among wholesale suppliers. If you don’t want to work with small companies, then it’s better to familiarize yourself with the work of large wholesale warehouses.

Costs for consumables will be from 300 to 500,000 rubles, so we will take the average for calculations - 400,000 rubles per month.

3. We are recruiting staff for a children's cafe

Since a cafe, even a children's cafe, is a catering establishment, there are staffing requirements that cannot be circumvented.

The entire staff is divided into hall workers and cooks. The first include waiters and hall administrator(sometimes you can do without the latter).

The second group includes a chef, his deputy (sous chef) and two or three simple cooks, each of whom has his own specialization: hot dishes, side dishes and desserts.

If you work according to the European model, you will have to hire more chocolate and sauce masters- masters of sauces, but in our latitudes children’s cafes rarely resort to their services in order to save money.

There is also a third group - administrative staff, who does not appear in the hall or kitchen. This is a director, accountant and procurement specialist.

Thus, the staff of even a small cafe should include 3-4 kitchen employees (cooks), 2-3 waiters, an administrator, a director, a purchasing manager and additional staff.

They must work in two shifts. In our case it is not only movers/cleaners, but also animators whose task is to entertain children.

The staff is considerable, but you can save money by hiring people not for a full day, but for specific events. You must understand that all the staff are busy only during serious feasts, and the rest of the time people will rest.

Also, some of the responsibilities can be outsourced - accounting services, for example, and the purchase of products can be handled by the owner of the enterprise himself.

As a result, it will be possible to meet 250,000 rubles per month.

4. Marketing costs of a children's cafe

When the staff is staffed and the equipment has been purchased, it’s time to add a section on promotion to our children’s cafe business plan.

Depending on what format you have chosen – a children’s restaurant in a shopping center or a “cafe near home”, you will need to place your bet either on outdoor advertising or on social networks.

However, the accents will be different, but the instruments will not change:

  1. Promotion on the Internet: launching a business card website, promoting it in search engines, ordering contextual advertising, promoting the group in social networks, etc.
  2. Outdoor advertising: billboards, banners, banners, advertising in transport and in crowded places, printing and distribution of leaflets.
  3. Press and TV: advertising in the media.
  4. "Word of mouth": in this area, this is a key promotion tool that will develop over time.

For example, on the opening day, make a big free holiday for children and their parents with a limited range of entertainment (everything beyond this will need to be purchased). Of course, it will need to be advertised beforehand and cameramen and photographers hired in advance.

A flexible system of discounts is no less important. So, for example, you can make cumulative discounts (the more you go to a children's institution, the less you pay) or quantitative discounts (the more visitors, the higher the overall discount).

You can also make discounts according to the principle: “buy 5 cakes - get the 6th for free,” which, according to market players, works flawlessly. If you take into account the significant markup (sometimes it reaches 100% of the wholesale cost), then even a “free” cake will be fully paid for.

Total costs for a children's cafe: business plan in calculations

At the end of the article, it makes sense to evaluate our business plan for a children's cafe in rubles - indicate the final estimate.

It looks like this:

to open
children's cafe
Repair and design of premises500,000 rub.
Purchase of equipmentRUB 2,300,000
Purchase of raw materials and ingredients150,000 rub.
Advertising budget (website creation, advertising sign, etc.)200,000 rub.
Business registration, approvals and permits50,000 rub.
Other expenses100,000 rub.
Reserve fund300,000 rub.
Renting premisesRUB 94,500
Wages240,000 rub.
Insurance deductions72,000 rub.
Products and ingredients400,000 rub.
Utility costs30,000 rub.
Accounting (outsourcing)8,000 rub.
Taxes (UTII)7,000 rub.
Others25,000 rub.

Total amount of expenses: RUB 876,500.

The income portion of the children's cafe business plan with such expenses will look like this:

As we see, the yield is approximately 30%(in the example it’s 33%, but it’s always better to play it safe and take a lower figure).

Payback – approximately 12 months. If we take into account inflation, the payback may take a year and a half, but if the predicted economic growth begins, then it can be done within 9 months.

So, how to open a children's cafe, we already know. We also know its financial indicators, approximate staffing, target audience, etc.

How to open a children's cafe or restaurant?

Find out about the features of this business:

All that’s left to do is find capital and invest it wisely in the business...

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The restaurant business is rightfully considered one of the most promising areas. Each case has its own subtleties and features that must be taken into account.

This is necessary for a well-organized cafe to actively develop and generate stable income.

Visitors can get real pleasure from seeing a cozy hall with comfortable tables, polite waiters and cheerful children!

But initially it is necessary to develop a business plan; the children's cafe must be properly equipped and meet the necessary sanitary requirements. Of course, this will require serious financial investments.

Financial costs

The catering industry generates significant income. However, significant cash injections will be required at first. It is necessary to purchase a premises or arrange its lease, purchase the necessary equipment for cooking and decorating a common room for visitors.

Investments will be required to carry out current and major repairs of the premises and purchase furniture. You should definitely invite a designer who will help you think through the design of the cafe in detail so that it attracts children. But before you seriously start developing a business idea, think: how do you feel about the younger generation? If you really love children and cannot remain indifferent to the matter with a long-term perspective, then this is the activity for you.

To find out how much it costs to open a children's cafe, you need to add up all the necessary and the costs listed above. So, for renting a premises you will have to pay from three hundred fifty to four hundred thousand rubles. The purchase of products will cost eighteen thousand rubles. We must not forget about advertising - it will require from sixty-five to seventy thousand rubles.

In general, starting a business can cost from one million two hundred to one and a half million rubles. Pricing of the dishes offered in the cafe will be based on all fixed costs: rent of premises, employee salaries and utility bills. Variable costs are also added here - for the purchase of raw materials.

Successful business in a small town

Before you open a children's cafe from scratch, you need to think about its location, especially if you intend to develop your business in a small town. It is important that there are no competing establishments nearby. The most advantageous location is close to children's institutions: schools, kindergartens, gymnasiums. It is very convenient if there is a recreation park nearby with attractions, where there are families with children, children's art centers, and playgrounds.

Required documents

To open a children's cafe in a small town (and in a big one too), you will need to complete the necessary documents. To rent a premises, a contract is concluded and technological and architectural designs are drawn up.

Then the establishment is registered as an LLC or individual entrepreneur, registered with the tax authorities, in Rospotrebnadzor, and obtaining permission to operate in the field of public catering from the SES and fire department. It is also necessary to obtain a work permit from the district administration. In total, completing all the necessary paperwork will take about three months.


Since every business has its own subtleties, before opening a children's cafe, it is necessary to research the market and study the state of affairs of competitors. When choosing a room, you need to take into account its location so that it is easy for visitors to get to it. For a cafe, you need to choose a spacious room with large windows (it can be rented or purchased).

It will need to include a kitchen where food will be prepared, a room with tables and chairs where visitors can try all the most delicious dishes from your menu. If your cafe is intended for young children, then it is necessary to provide a play area. You can place a trampoline, a wall bars in it, and attach a flat TV screen to the wall, which will show animated and feature films for children.

This corner will be decorated with images of popular movie characters. Board games and karaoke will be an addition. The total area of ​​the room can be from seventy to one hundred and fifty square meters. To calculate its exact dimensions, it is necessary to follow SES standards: five square meters are required for one person in the hall. A cafe may include not one, but two halls for visitors, a games area, a cinema hall and a stage.

Cafe equipment

When thinking about how to open a children's cafe from scratch, you need to understand that it is necessary not only to select and decorate the premises correctly, but also to purchase equipment.

It should not only be beautiful, but also ergonomic. To order furniture, you can contact the specialized websites of manufacturers. The premises must have air conditioning.

The cafe must be well ventilated. The design should always take into account the psychology of young visitors. Tables and chairs for children and adults are used as equipment for the common room. In addition, bright soft sofas will come in handy. The kitchen needs to be equipped with the most modern equipment so that the food is tasty, and not too much electricity is consumed: these are glass-ceramic stoves, ovens, microwave ovens.

Recruitment of personnel and organization of cafe work

One of the important points that an establishment’s business plan must take into account is personnel selection. People need to be recruited not only with experience, but also with special education. You will need cooks, waitresses, room cleaners, an administrator, an animator and an accountant. The service staff must be polite and love children. An important point is the operating hours of the establishment; it is also included in the business plan. The children's cafe should operate from 9.00 to 21.00.

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