Job description of PR director. Job description of a PR manager, job responsibilities of a PR manager, sample job description of a PR manager

Yulia Kotova wrote a column for the CPU about how a company can find the PR specialist it needs, in which she explained what a PR manager does, what qualities and competencies he should have, and why employers do not always realize why they need PR.

I have long realized that most managers of both small and very reputable Russian companies do not know and do not understand why they need PR. At the same time, with enviable tenacity, headhunters are tormented to find that same or that very PR star, so that it happens.

Vague wishes for a candidate result in equally vague job descriptions. More savvy HR managers look for descriptions from those who know what the specialist they are looking for should do. After which they duplicate the requirements, almost word for word, without even trying to minimally compare them with the goals and objectives of their company, but having found someone who fits the bill and likes them purely externally (everyone has heard somewhere that a PR manager should have good appearance), hire a person.

And, this is where it happens - it's a disaster. The company hires the wrong specialist, or that one, but does not know what to do with him, how to apply his experience and knowledge, and the employee ends up “in the cold,” realizing that he will not be able to realize his potential, or he will simply not be allowed to do so . As a result, “deceived” specialists migrate from company to company without working for even a year, and organizations are left without well-structured communication processes.

Over the years of working in the profession, I already know a lot about what the responsibilities of a PR manager actually are. Believe me, they are very different from the responsibilities that employers indicate when applying for vacancies. Therefore, I decided to create an alternative, but much more realistic job description for a PR specialist, which, I hope, will help managers of large and small companies understand why they need a PR manager, and headhunters to look for suitable specialists.

1. Staffing

Standard job description begins with the “General Provisions” section. As a rule, it does indicate general provisions that are suitable for instructions for any employee, but there are several points that are directly related to the position.

For example, a paragraph that indicates which department the PR manager belongs to. As a rule, a PR specialist is sent to work in the marketing department, but not all marketing directors understand PR and can competently manage such a valuable personnel. As a result, such a form of subordination can lead to conflicts between the manager and the specialist or to the ineffective work of the PR manager.

Ideally, a PR manager in one person should report directly to the head of the company, and if the company’s forces and resources are enough for an entire department, for example, of as many as two people, then he should be independent (which does not exclude close cooperation with the marketing and sales departments ).

2. Knowledge and skills

Also in " General provisions» lists everything that a PR manager should know - for example, the basics of business etiquette and business negotiation skills; a list of information constituting a trade secret and methods for organizing their protection. I believe that within the framework of work on specific company A PR manager should know the following:

  • the history of the company’s creation, its development, current situation and plans for the future;
  • know everything about the company’s products or services;
  • know all key employees, management, investors and everything about them that is related to professional activity;
  • know everything about the industry in which the company operates, including its main competitors and who the market leaders are;
  • know about important events, industry events, consumer markets and consumers;
  • know top and specialized media suitable for covering the company’s activities.

By default, a PR manager must be able to write press releases, reviews and columns, possess the skills of copywriting, editing, media monitoring, understand professional terminology, for example, know what a “press portrait” and “press clipping” are, be able to distinguish between news feeds from informationnothing.

Items about literacy and knowledge must be included in job descriptions foreign language. If we are talking about Russian company, then the PR manager must know the Russian language perfectly and be able to competently express his (and others’) thoughts both orally and in writing (printed).

You also need to know English. Even to work in a company where 100% of all employees, partners, competitors and consumers are Russian speakers. It may be required to monitor foreign media - sometimes there is a need to find out what is happening in the industry in foreign markets, and PR specialists from large companies- for communication and interaction with foreign journalists.

3. Qualities of a born PR specialist

Among other things, in the job description, HR managers indicate the qualities that a PR manager should have. Here is my set of qualities - a must-have for a born PR specialist.

A PR manager must be: sociable, inquisitive, proactive, quick-witted, purposeful, intelligent, friendly and stress-resistant. Rest assured, this is not a bunch of positive adjectives. This is a set of qualities that are really necessary for a specialist involved in PR for a company:

Sociability. An introverted PR person is nonsense. A PR specialist is a person who best in life knows how to communicate and through communication: establish relationships, receive and transmit information, solve problems and conflicts.

Curiosity. To learn everything about the company, from the history of its creation to the most ambitious achievements and epic fails. A PR person must know everything, even if management thinks otherwise and does not try to bring him up to date. Sometimes even the most insignificant information can be useful in communicating with journalists, and ignorance of something will be perceived as unprofessionalism.

The PR manager's curiosity should extend to the company's information field, which includes key media, competitors, strategic partners, potential investors and consumers. A good specialist needs to know about everything that is happening in the industry and on the market in order to be able to react in a timely manner.

Initiative. A PR manager must be proactive in order to initiate news events and publications. In most companies there are very few significant news events, and sitting and waiting for the company to attract investments or make record profits is not professional. You need to study, analyze, dig and find information feeds on your own. Find and upload to the media, pre-filtering.

Quick wit It is necessary to isolate the most important thing from the entire flow of information, that which can become the basis of an informational occasion. Cleverness is required to consider the same business case from different angles, transform it into various news channels and “sell” them separately to top media outlets.

For example, investor A gave a million euros for the development of Internet startup N. It is absolutely not necessary to send the same information to all media outlets.

You can tell one about the fact that investor A is actively investing money in Internet companies, the other about the fact that startup N has raised a million euros for its development. The third one can be asked to make a review of the most investment-attractive areas of business. The fourth one can be asked to write a column about how to create an investment-attractive startup, and so on.

Determination and even perseverance. These qualities are needed to achieve the desired results.

Despite the management, which does not understand how to measure the PR effectiveness of a column on the CPU or an interview with The Secret of the Firm, nor the skepticism of journalists who prefer to write for the thousandth time about the latest appointments at Rostelecom and how the crisis affected Yandex. , than about small and not so startups, slowly but surely changing life for the better.

Intelligence. 24/7. And, as they say, no comments.

Goodwill. A sad, angry or unhappy PR person is initially set up for failure. Whatever the situation, a PR manager should behave and communicate in a neutral, positive manner and not react to a negative review from a client or an unpleasant question from a journalist.

Stress resistance. This is a must. Perhaps, from the outside, the work of a PR specialist seems like an enchanting holiday, when every day brings a lot of new and interesting meetings and dating. In fact, this is work between two fires.

Having done everything as the management wants, you may not please the journalists, and by doing everything as the journalists want, you may fall out of favor with the management. Plus, you need to fix the jambs of both. When giving a comment or interview, a company speaker may blurt out too much, and it will take a long time to persuade him to change the quote, or the journalist, without diving into the details, will misunderstand what was said and, as a result, publish material with factual errors, sometimes very significant, so much so that they can lead to undesirable consequences for the company.

In my memory, there was only one not very pleasant case when a journalist incorrectly indicated the name of the speaker, and the newspaper went to print, but colleagues and journalists periodically complain about each other for much more serious reasons.

Mobility And efficiency. A PR manager must be mobile in terms of movement and always be in touch. Journalists often require urgent comments. You didn’t pick up the phone when they called you - as a result, a comment or interview will be taken from a competitor. Efficiency - because there are often urgent articles that journalists try to publish faster than others, and in emergency mode they prefer to work not with the most authoritative sources, but with those who quickly provide information.

And, last but not least, the PR manager must be good manager, that is, be able to organize and debug communication processes within the company. For example, to close all external communication to himself, that is, except for him or without his knowledge, none of the company’s employees will be able to broadcast company news and give comments outside. And try not to allow anyone from the company management into the process.

Of course, doing PR is as interesting as coming up with the design of a corporate calendar with naked employees or the design of a content website. One has only to ask for an opinion - few will refuse to speak out. It's the same with PR. The manager will want to write columns, reviews, and give interviews himself. Once he starts communicating with journalists, he will want to communicate with them directly, uncontrollably, and, of course, will forget to inform the PR manager about this.

In general, the task of a PR manager is to control all external communications of the company, including management communications. Yes, you need to take such courage and be able to come to an agreement with the leader. He needs to manage, this takes a lot of time, he has a lot of other tasks, and PR is a big, serious, everyday job, which the manager will not be able to fully control. The PR person must definitely convey this to him.

4. Job responsibilities

Job responsibilities usually include the development and implementation of the company's PR strategy, interaction with the media, writing articles, press releases, organizing interviews, press conferences and presentations, drawing up a PR activity and media plan, monitoring competitors, analyzing and evaluating the effectiveness of events. . Everything is correct and promising.

In fact, no one takes even a written and recorded strategy seriously; they only look at the number of publications. And the quality of publication and the authority of the publication are not always important. The management will also arrange for the Tula Bulletin (nothing personal, it just sounds impressive), the main thing is that the number of publications per month exceeds a hundred.

There are different ways to monitor your competitors. You can independently scour the Internet and track what they have implemented, where and what they have written about them, or you can order a study from professionals who will measure brand awareness and attitude towards your brand, product or service and attitude towards competitors.

Typically, management is eager to give money for such research, but they are not at all opposed to paying for custom publications or interviews on radio and TV.

I have already outlined my attitude towards press conferences. But if an ambitious leader still wants to convene a journalistic get-together, he must be 100% sure that the reason for the conference is no less relevant for the industry than the exchange rate of the ruble and the absence of Italian Parmesan on store shelves.

Often, a PR specialist is given the responsibility to deal with SMM, but in this case, again, the effectiveness of both PR and SMM suffers, since these are two big tasks. Many PR specialists are asked to work on advertising and information materials, printing and souvenirs, which also has nothing to do with PR. And when such tasks are “loaded” by the employer, this once again indicates that he does not know why he needs a PR specialist.

5. Rights

Like any employee of the company, a PR manager is endowed with certain rights. The main right of a PR specialist, in my opinion, is to request and promptly and freely receive any information and data that he requires for his work.

6. Responsibility

Responsibility stems from the rights granted - the PR manager must be responsible for all information about the company that he provides on his own behalf, on behalf of the company and its speakers. That’s why it’s so important for a PR person to control all “outgoing” messages.

7. Procedure for revising instructions

Another standard, usually final, point of instructions. I will conclude my story with a proposal to managers and HR managers in whose companies PR is not at the level at which they would like: to reconsider their attitude towards the position and role of a PR manager in the company and rewrite the job description using my advice. In this case, the company will have a much better chance of finding a suitable specialist and building effective PR communications.

To write a column for CPU, check outrequirements to published materials.

PR manager or PR manager(from the English public relations - public relations) is a specialist responsible for creating and maintaining a favorable image of a company or a specific trademark owned by this company. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in psychology, Russian language and literature, and social studies (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Responsibilities of a PR manager

The so-called “PR person” is responsible for interacting with external environment, it evaluates, analyzes and predicts factors influencing the company's image and its development. This is what distinguishes him from an advertising manager who promotes only separate service or goods.

A PR manager ensures mutual understanding and cooperation between the organization and clients, journalists, authorities at all levels, and the population. This complex process includes several important responsibilities: 1) preparing press releases about the company and transmitting them to media mass media; 2) responses to media inquiries about the company’s activities; 3) organizing press conferences for interviews with company management; 4) interaction with government agencies and the local population; 5) interaction with financial circles (for example, with investors). Separately, it is worth highlighting the organization and implementation of various PR campaigns.

Place of work

In each large company There is at least the position of PR manager. In large banks, corporations, and companies, PR managers work in special departments or public relations departments.

There are also special PR agencies that have a wide range of customers - from trading companies to famous artists. There are two groups of specialists working here. The first group includes copywriters (creators) who figure out how to hold one or more events. The second group consists of technologists. The latter put the developed concepts into practice, that is, they directly conduct presentations, press conferences, exhibitions, etc.

PR managers also work in politics. With their assistance, politicians win (or do not win) the trust of citizens.

Russian Institute of Vocational Education "IPO" - is recruiting students to obtain a specialty through a distance program professional retraining and advanced training. Studying at the IPO is a convenient and quick way to receive distance education. 200+ training courses. 8000+ graduates from 200 cities. Short deadlines for completing documents and external training, interest-free installments from the institute and individual discounts. Contact us!

The only one in Russia based on a professional standard. The course was prepared by the Russian Association of Public Relations (RASO), the oldest and largest association of PR specialists in Russia, existing since 1991. Upon completion of the course, students receive a certificate of completion of the "PR Manager" course based on professional standard public relations specialist

Requirements for a PR manager

  • knowledge of the basics and principles of PR management and advertising;
  • be able to understand the basics of marketing, management, economics;
  • ability to work with business correspondence;
  • ability to draw up PR strategies and knowledge of the principles of PR campaigns;
  • media planning skills;
  • ability to write articles, reviews, press releases, advertising materials;
  • experience in organizing exhibitions, various specialized seminars, press conferences;
  • mastery of modern software, for example, MS Office; ability to use the Internet and graphics programs;
  • knowledge desirable English language at a free or conversational level.

Personal qualities

  • communication skills, activity, ability to work;
  • knowledge of etiquette rules, the ability to find a common language and ways to properly communicate with media representatives;
  • a presentable external person is required, since the PR manager is the official representative of the organization;
  • the ability to approach things creatively and find a way out of a rapidly changing situation;
  • stress resistance;
  • the ability to clearly express one's thoughts.

Pros of the profession

  • a sought-after and fashionable profession;
  • high wages;
  • opportunity to communicate with the media and journalists.

Cons of the profession

  • Great competition in the labor market.

Place of work and career growth

Novice PR managers (students or graduates of specialized faculties) will need knowledge of the basics of PR management, a desire to work and communication skills. Salaries will be low at first. As a place of work, a young specialist can choose PR and advertising agencies, publishing houses, media companies, public relations departments in various companies or departments related to advertising.

Next stage of your career young specialist will begin after approximately two years of work in the chosen field. The requirements for such employees are already higher, for example, the ability to write articles, press releases, compose advertising and information materials, and knowledge of the principles of planning PR strategies. Usually at this stage the specialist already has experience in participating and organizing various exhibitions, seminars or press conferences. The salary of a PR manager at this stage can already be one and a half times more.

A PR manager gets a higher salary after about three years of work in the field of PR management. Such an employee already has his own experience, has formed a database of contacts with media workers, and has experience in developing PR strategies.

However, if a PR specialist can become a so-called “star” in his field, people will compete for his work, and the fees will accordingly be very high.

In most cases, girls become PR managers; there are no more than 30% of men in this field. The age category of specialists does not exceed 30 years (about 75%).

For a PR manager, the most obvious example of his professional success is his portfolio (information on completed projects). PR activities are quite easily verifiable and tangible. Employers, using special mechanisms, can evaluate the past work of a PR specialist: whether he brought a new brand to the market, whether he was able to increase its awareness and increase sales, as well as change the opinion of direct consumers about the product or services.


General manager
Last name I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General provisions

1.1. A PR manager belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2. The PR manager is appointed to the position and dismissed by order of the general director.
1.3. The PR manager reports directly general director/ Director of PR and Marketing.
1.4. A person responsible for following requirements: higher vocational education in the specialty "Public Relations" or higher professional education and special additional training, work experience in the specialty for at least one year.
1.5. During the absence of the PR manager, his rights and responsibilities are transferred to another official, as announced in the order of the organization.
1.6. A PR manager should know:
— basics of marketing;
— general PR methodology, methods for determining target audiences, principles of planning and conducting PR campaigns;
— methods of working with the media, the procedure for organizing and preparing press releases, information messages, media kits;
— basic principles of client PR, internal corporate PR, crisis PR, and other types of PR;
— legislation on advertising;
— the composition of information that is a state, official and commercial secret, the procedure for its protection and use.
1.7. A PR manager is guided in his activities by:
legislative acts RF;
— Charter of the organization, Internal Rules labor regulations, others regulations companies;
— orders and instructions from management;
- this job description.

2. Job responsibilities of a PR manager

The PR manager performs the following job responsibilities:
2.1. Organizes public relations and media relations work.
2.2. Develops a strategy for communication with members of the public and the media and a corporate identity for the company, an action plan for forming or adjusting the image corporate culture companies.
2.3. Develops a plan for conducting PR campaigns, makes forecasts of the impact of certain planned actions on the image of the enterprise.
2.4. Determines the budget for PR campaigns.
2.5. Organizes press conferences, briefings, media kits, backgrounds, interviews with company executives in the media.
2.6. Organizes the preparation of press releases about the company’s activities, corporate newsletters, and other information materials about the enterprise’s activities for the media, and prepares public reporting documentation for the company.
2.7. Studies attitudes towards the company's activities, organizes surveys, questionnaires and interviews with the public.
2.8. Informs the management of the enterprise about the results of public opinion polls (consumers, the media, representatives of government agencies, partners and clients of the enterprise, etc.).
2.9. Uses informational occasions (exhibitions, presentations, events, etc.) to benefit the company's image from attracting public attention through the press without direct advertising.
2.10. Analyzes proposals for the participation of the enterprise in organizing various events (exhibitions, press conferences, presentations, festivals, charity events, etc.), gives a conclusion on the possibility joint participation in PR campaigns conducted by third parties.
2.11. Analyzes the effectiveness of conducted PR campaigns.
2.12. Summarizes, analyzes and brings to the attention of the company's management materials from the media about the company (products, services) that were not initiated by the enterprise and the enterprise's PR personnel.
2.13. Reacts to statements of criticism addressed to the enterprise (prepares response speeches, press conferences, organizes explanations and comments on criticism in other forms).
2.14. Analyzes PR strategies of competitors, identifies their strengths and weaknesses.
2.15 Organizes surveys among employees of the enterprise to obtain materials on the need to conduct internal corporate PR campaigns (to improve the personnel policy of the enterprise, prevent internal conflicts, etc.).
2.16. Performs other official assignments of the company management.

3. Rights of a PR manager

The PR manager has the right:
3.1. Request and receive necessary information and documents from the heads of the company’s specialized departments and specialists.
3.2. Act on behalf of the enterprise, represent the interests of the enterprise in relations with authorities state power and local government, representatives of the media and the public.
3.3. Conduct independent correspondence with structural divisions enterprises, as well as other organizations on issues within its competence.
3.4. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by the management of the enterprise.
3.5. Require the company management to provide organizational and technical conditions and registration established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility of the PR manager

The PR manager is responsible for:
4.1. For failure to perform and/or untimely, negligent performance of one’s official duties.
4.2. For failure to comply with current instructions, orders and regulations on maintaining trade secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety regulations.

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