Turkeys weight of an adult bird. Breeding turkeys as a business idea at home

Dietary meat with good taste, excellent egg production, rapid weight gain and resistance to infections have made the White Broad-breasted Turkey breed popular among poultry farmers. For breeding poultry farming, adult individuals that exactly meet all breed criteria are valuable.

In an ordinary farm, they are content with turkey poults, which in a few months can grow into a bird weighing up to 10 - 12 kg, and within a year and a half they can gain up to 20 kg or more. But poultry farmers can get the maximum benefit only with proper feeding and maintenance of broad-breasted turkeys.

The white broad-breasted turkey is a young breed, it was bred in the middle of the last century by crossing white Dutch turkeys with bronze broad-breasted turkeys. The meat of this bird has always been considered very valuable, especially in dietary nutrition; the goal of the breeders was to obtain meat with high taste, good presentation, as consumers were often put off by the bluish color of the skin.

White broad-breasted is hardy, quickly gains weight, easily adaptable, turkeys with good egg production. Poultry farmers also appreciated the resulting tender dietary meat with light yellowish skin, which is necessarily indicated in the description of the breed.

The new breed quickly gained popularity.

Today there are three most popular subspecies of this breed:

  • light white broad-breasted: maximum weight of turkey - up to 10 kg, turkey - up to 6 kg;
  • medium: turkey – up to 17 kg, turkey – up to 8 kg;
  • heavy: a turkey can reach a weight of up to 25 kg and above, a turkey - 10 kg.

Today, not only these crosses are present on the market; the emergence of new hybrids is quite acceptable. Hybrids of broiler species have gained great popularity.

Characteristics of white broad-breasted turkeys and photographs

These poultry are not only profitable to breed, they are also very beautiful.

The photo shows a male and female white broad-breasted turkey

White broad-breasted turkeys in the photo

The breed received its name well deservedly. A distinctive feature of turkeys is their very large, wide, convex chest.

In addition, this breed is characterized by:

  • body shape – oval;
  • the back is wide, sloping;
  • head – medium-sized, regular in shape;
  • legs – strong, set wide apart, covered with pink skin, strong toes;
  • wings and tail are very well developed;
  • the neck is short, medium in size;
  • the plumage is dense, white, on the chest there is a patch of black feathers with clear outlines.

Turkeys of this breed have a wide, large and convex chest.

Productive qualities

Producers highly value white broad-breasted turkeys for the main advantages of the breed:

  • good quality meat;
  • excellent egg production;
  • very good offspring (this quality is used to improve other breeds);
  • turkey poults grow quickly;
  • individuals quickly gain weight.

Turkeys begin to lay eggs at 32 - 36 weeks; in 8 months of the productive period, with good care and feeding, you can get up to 100 or more eggs. Each one typically weighs about 70 grams.

The weight of a white broad-breasted turkey depends not only on growing conditions, feeding and care, but also on genetics. Representatives of the light cross breed weigh up to 2 kg already at 9 weeks, the largest cross gives up to 14 kg of live weight (turkey) at 6 months.

Broad-breasted turkeys grow up to 14 kilograms by 6 months.

Weight gain occurs as follows:

  1. In the first week of life, a turkey chick gains 160 grams.
  2. At 2 weeks the weight of males is 390 g, females - 360 g.
  3. Turkeys weigh up to 1.5 kg per month, turkeys - 1.1 kg.
  4. At 3 months, a turkey weighs about 9 kg, a turkey - 6.7 kg.

Important. In the first 3 months of life, turkeys grow as quickly as possible, then the pace slows down somewhat. Growth stops completely at 1.5 years.

By this time the bird is gaining:

  • light cross: male – 9 kg, female – 5 kg;
  • medium: male – 15 kg, female – 7 kg;
  • heavy: male – 25 kg, female – 10 kg.

By 3 months, turkeys grow up to 6-7 kg, and turkeys - up to 9 kg.

Size of white broad-breasted turkeys

Turkeys are much larger than other poultry, this should be taken into account before purchasing babies or adults for breeding.

The body length of an adult turkey is 100 cm, the height of the bird is up to 70 cm.

Turkeys are slightly smaller: length – 85 cm, height up to 50 cm.

Important. Taking into account the size, you need to select both the room and the walking areas, because the bird is capable of even short flights.

From 8 - 9 months of age, the turkey begins to lay eggs. During 6–8 months of egg production, each female is capable of laying up to 100 eggs. Large, with a yellowish-brown spotted shell, smooth, oval. 90 – 95 of them are fertilized.

White broad-breasted turkey eggs have yellowish-brown, mottled shells.

How to distinguish this species

Turkeys of this breed are distinguished by their plumage - snow-white with a tuft of black feathers between the craw and sternum. The body, large and oval, is set vertically. The broad-breasted breed is named because the breastbone of turkeys is massive and fleshy.

The legs are set wide apart and are not too long; the skin on them is dark pink. There is a large scarlet growth on the beak.

Advantages of the breed

Many farmers consider rapid weight gain to be an advantageous characteristic of the breed. By 3 months, the chicks are already well feathered, have good weight and are suitable for sale to breeders. By 5 months, they gain weight from 5 to 10 kg, it is at this time that the slaughter of individuals that were not planned to be left for the tribe takes place.

Turkey poults at 3 months are already fully feathered and have an impressive live weight.

Here are the main advantages of the breed:

  1. For every 3 kg of feed, an average of 1 kg of weight gain is obtained.
  2. Omnivorous: they readily eat grain, greens, root vegetables, protein foods, including insects, fish, minced meat and bones.
  3. With skillfully organized production, everything comes into play: a large amount of meat, feathers and fluff, droppings are used as fertilizer.
  4. Turkeys can be raised on mini-farms, in homestead farming, and in the private sector.
  5. The carcasses look attractive due to their yellowish skin; thanks to the excellent taste of dietary meat, they are readily accepted for sale.

Babies are fed for the first time 10 hours after birth, when they are dry. The temperature should not be lower than 37 degrees and should be maintained for up to 14 days.

Turkey poults' bedding must be cleaned regularly.

The hen will train her offspring herself, but with those hatched in the incubator, you will have to tinker. They are taught to eat by tapping with a finger or a stick near the feeder, attracting attention. As soon as the first chick understands what to do, the rest will begin to repeat its actions. They teach him to drink by carefully dipping his beak into the water and waiting for him to swallow it.

The litter must be cleaned daily. There should always be warm water in the drinking bowl; to prevent diseases, you can add potassium permanganate (a few grains until pale pink) and vitamins. Chicks should never be wet.

Turkey poults poor eyesight Therefore, feeders and drinkers must be accessible and located in close proximity to the chicks.

It is very important for young animals of this breed to have good walking with abundant vegetation, which should not contain harmful and poisonous plants. Babies can be walked from the age of two weeks. You should carefully monitor them, provide shelter on all sides from drafts, rain and predators.

The temperature should be at least 20 degrees; dry weather is one of the most important conditions. It is best to provide babies with protection from insects - the production of midges and mosquitoes can seriously harm turkey poults in the first month of life.

Large poultry on a private backyard can also be kept in a chicken coop if there is no properly equipped turkey poultry house. It is necessary to take into account that turkeys are much heavier than chickens, that is, perches and nests must be made with this in mind.

For one broad-breasted turkey there is about 1 square meter area.

Basic rules for keeping white broad-breasted turkeys:

  1. Summer temperature in the poultry house is no higher than 20 degrees, winter temperature is no lower than -5 (at lower temperatures, additional heating is required).
  2. Exhaust hoods are required to ensure the air remains fresh at all times.
  3. Dampness and drafts lead to illness and death of livestock.
  4. In one room you can raise no more than 40 turkeys and no more than 5 males of this breed, otherwise conflicts and fights are inevitable.
  5. Each bird should have at least 1 square meter. m. of space.
  6. The room should be dry and light at least 14 hours a day.
  7. The perches are arranged so that they are at a height of about 1 m from the floor, each bird should have at least 40 cm, the next perch should be fixed no closer than 1 m.
  8. Nests for adult turkeys are installed in a dry, warm, dark place where the bird will feel safe. Bedding made of straw or sawdust is required. The nest should be spacious, at least 1 square. m, well protected.

White broad-breasted turkeys get sick due to drafts and dampness.

The premises should be kept clean and disinfected at least once a month, since poultry are extremely susceptible to infectious diseases; infection of the entire flock can take only a few hours.

Feeding white broad-breasted turkeys

Feeding and caring for turkeys of this breed are important factors success in raising large individuals that meet all standards.

In the first days of life, babies' beaks are soft, so even feeders are recommended to be made of soft materials: silicone, polyethylene. Cottage cheese, crushed boiled eggs with a small amount of crushed grain in an amount that can be eaten in 30 minutes, are given every 2 hours. By day 30, the number of feedings is reduced to 5.

Turkeys' diet includes garlic, cabbage, green onions and nettles.

From the 14th day, along with wet mixed food, they begin to give dry food. He should be in a separate feeder at all times.

The diet of grown and adult individuals includes:

  • crushed grain - barley, oats, millet, corn, peas, sunflower, wheat;
  • protein supplements – meat and bones and minced fish;
  • succulent feed - chopped beets, carrots, rutabaga, silage, turnips.

An excellent vitamin supplement to the diet are nettles, cabbage leaves, chopped green onions and garlic. If you have a good walk with early spring Until late autumn, turkeys are able to find and eat the amount of both green and protein food they need.

You should take care of mineral feed: shell rock, chalk, small pebbles necessary for digestion. It is recommended to add dairy products to food: whey, buttermilk, cottage cheese.

Dry food should be in a separate feeder at all times.

The grain mixture should make up 40-50% of the daily diet of adult birds. Skim milk, meat and bone residue, sunflower (cake) are added at 5–7% each, and yeast, chalk, and shell rock at 3% each. Salt – no more than 1 g per 1 kg of mixture.

If you have a hen among the turkeys, this is a great option for steaming eggs. She is capable of raising up to 20 turkey chicks, which she will take care of until they become independent. Turkey eggs hatch for 27-32 days. The bird should be removed from the nest for walking and feeding once every 2 to 3 days.

Males are much more massive than females, so they often injure turkeys. Recently, artificial insemination has been recommended for breeding purebred turkeys. Hens are very caring, but sometimes they can damage the eggs and crush the babies. Many people use incubators to hatch turkey poults.

During mating, heavy males can injure females.

Breeding white broad-breasted turkeys if taken seriously is quite profitable both in a private backyard and in a large farming. But to generate income from such a farm, you need to carefully follow the technology of growing and caring for poultry. In general, such agricultural production is more profitable than pig farming, breeding small and large cattle, requires less investment, care costs and feed.

444 10/17/2019 7 min.

Breeding and keeping poultry at home is not a very difficult process if you care for it correctly. Each animal has its own characteristics of cultivation, which are very important to take into account in the process of carrying out this activity. Turkeys, despite some concerns of many people due to the difficulties of caring for them, can still be raised quite calmly and without any significant problems at home to a fairly old age.

Description of the bird breed

The turkey is a fairly large poultry that belongs to the order Galliformes. The weight of males reaches 9-35 kilograms, while females weigh from 4.5 to 11 kilograms. This makes these poultry smaller in weight only than ostriches.

Turkeys have fairly strong legs and a wide, large tail. The head of this bird is decorated on top and on the neck with quite characteristic formations, which are often called corals. On the upper part of the beak, males have a rather massive appendage. During the period of excitement of the bird, it can reach a size of 12-15 centimeters.

The plumage of turkeys can be completely diverse. There are white, black and bronze birds. They often combine several colors at the same time.

Productivity characteristics

Such a characteristic as poultry productivity represents the quantity and quality of meat, as well as eggs. It is these indicators that you should pay attention to when starting breeding. This also applies to turkeys.

The weight of a turkey egg ranges from 60 to 90 grams. From 56 to 61 percent it is occupied by protein, from 27 to 32 percent by yolk and from 10 to 13 percent by shell.

The weight of a bird directly depends on its breed. There are the following patterns of development of certain breeds of turkeys:

  • is a fairly worthy representative of these birds. Males can gain weight up to 22 kilograms, and females - up to 12 kilograms;

White broad-chested

  • The Big breed has also proven itself well in recent times. This heavy cross of birds was bred in Great Britain. Average weight males range from 15 to 17 kilograms, and females - about 6-7 kilograms;
  • Moscow White and Moscow Bronze birds reach weights of up to 12 and 16 kilograms, respectively, by the age of one year;
  • males of the BYuT-9 breed are also fairly large birds. At the time of slaughter, they can weigh 20 kilograms each;
  • broiler birds "Hidon" are able to gain live weight of 15 kilograms in 26 weeks.

Turkey meat is considered a dietary food, as it has excellent taste and low fat content. It contains up to 28 percent of easily digestible proteins. In addition, studies have shown significantly lower amounts of purines in turkey meat than in chicken meat - 50 milligrams per 100 grams and 125 milligrams per 100 grams, respectively.

Turkeys also produce pretty good down and feathers. Previously, these parts of birds were used more widely - today the production of various products from them is quite limited. Turkey droppings are an excellent fertilizer for various types of soil. It is widely used for agricultural purposes. First of all, this applies to enterprises industrial production bird data.

Turkey breeding

Raising turkeys is fairly easy. Initially, for 8-10 females you need to leave one male. Birds of two to four years of age are considered to be the most capable of bearing eggs. Turkeys are best suited for raising young animals aged 2 to 3 years.

Turkeys can lay eggs twice a year. In the spring they produce 15 to 20 eggs, which they often try to hide. Therefore, it is worthwhile to inspect their nest sites. It is worth noting the first nest egg. The bird will be more willing to place the rest near it.

Hatching eggs

It is best to place several females on the same day for laying eggs. Under those turkeys that decide to hatch eggs earlier than others, you should place the previously marked egg. It is worth continuing the lining until other birds stop laying eggs. After this, approximately the same number of eggs should be placed under each bird - from 15 to 19. In no case should males be allowed near females who are laying eggs.

Not all eggs are suitable for planting. It is worth selecting only those with a minimum number of white spots. This is their appearance indicates poor fertilization, thin shells and rapid cooling.

To determine whether an egg is suitable for hatching, you can use regular warm water. Those that float up can be safely placed under the turkey. This is due to the fact that they have a chick embryo inside them.

Practice suggests that round eggs hatch into turkeys, and oval eggs hatch into turkeys. The windows in the hatching room should be directed to the southeast. The room should have a good warm air temperature. Turkeys do not like noise, so it should be reduced as much as possible. The room must be ventilated twice a day. It must be whitened with lime for disinfection.

Hens must be properly fed. For this purpose, oats soaked in water are most often used. When birds leave their nests to eat, the eggs should be covered to keep them warm. In 1 month, chicks hatch from them. It is worth checking this already from day 27 - there should be cracks in the eggs. Sometimes weak chicks cannot break the egg shell, so they should be helped with this.

A mandatory condition for keeping turkeys is the presence of perches. They should be thick bars at a height of 80 centimeters. Each bird must have at least 40 centimeters of free space. In addition, it is worth taking care of the nests. There should be at least one such place for every 5 laying hens. They can be installed in various places - even the darkest areas of the room are suitable. For convenience, the nests can be arranged in two rows so that they occupy a small area. The space should measure 50 by 70 centimeters. The optimal height for birds is 60 centimeters. The entrance to the nest should have a small threshold.

It is best when males and females are kept separately. This will prevent nest breaking, fights and many other aspects of bird life.

Feeding and care

The weight of an adult turkey reaches 30-40 kilograms. Therefore, these birds are considered one of the largest domestic birds, quite popular in certain regions. In view of such body weight, it is very important to carry out proper feeding, which can ensure not only weight gain, but also adequate health, mobility and replenishment of the body with useful elements.

Feeding the chicks

Starting from the age of three days, turkey poults should be fed with various mixed mashes. You can also use fermented milk with the addition of potato particles, grated carrots and herbs. Also, small birds will not refuse foods such as fish or cottage cheese.

Feeding the young

Due to the fact that mash cannot be in good condition for consumption for a long time, it is worth preparing it immediately before feeding begins. It is necessary to calculate in such a way that the turkey poults completely eat all the food that was given to them within the first 30 minutes. This is necessary so that after this period the food loses its benefits.

At the very beginning, turkey poults require multiple meals, which should be provided at least 6-8 times a day. Over time, the number of bird feedings can be reduced to 3-5 times. Young animals will respond well to the addition of fortified mixtures such as “Ryabinushka” or “Aminovitamin” to their food.

Feeding adult birds

Adult birds are completely unpretentious in food, so the hassle of feeding turkeys occurs only at their young age. If turkey poults have already reached one month of age, they can be given grass food. You should add sour milk to it. Gradually it can be replaced with whey and ordinary clean water. In this case, be sure to mix all the food with the same movements as kneading dough.

Horse sorrel flowers

After the turkey poults' heads turn red, it is worth switching to groats or horse sorrel flowers. It is necessary to use those parts of the plant that contain seeds. They should make up about a third of the birds' food. Experts recommend adding one tablespoon of crushed sulfur to three-liter volumes of such food. This feeding should be continued until the turkeys grow combs.

From the moment the combs appear, birds can be considered to have fully reached adulthood. Their diet should consist of potato stems, not very fresh leaves of cabbage and rutabaga, as well as lettuce. Be sure to add chopped nettle to the food along with its seeds, leaves and stems. You need to sprinkle it with bran or barley.

Birds can find a lot of food in hayfields and fields after the grain harvest. Therefore, during such periods it is worth driving them out into the fields.

In winter, birds should be given chopped rutabaga, potatoes, carrots, turnips and cabbage. You can also steam the chaff. You should not use barley and buckwheat.

Basic diseases, their prevention and treatment

The most common contagious diseases of turkeys are the following:

  • respiratory mycoplasmosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • histomoniasis;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • smallpox

TO non-communicable diseases include diseases such as hard goiter, hypovitaminosis and perverted appetite.

To prevent birds from getting sick, veterinarians have determined some rules for the prevention of keeping turkeys. They are as follows:

  1. IN summer period The air temperature in the room should be within 20 degrees. In winter it should not fall below 5 degrees Celsius.
  2. Sudden temperature fluctuations can cause birds to become sick. This should not be allowed.
  3. The room where birds live must be ventilated. In winter, you should choose windless, relatively calm days for this.
  4. Avoid drafts and dampness.
  5. The straw bedding on the floor should be kept dry and changed twice a week.
  6. Regular vaccinations and screening of the population.

To stop the spread of infectious diseases, sick birds must be placed in a separate room. Depending on what disease has affected the turkeys, it is worth choosing the appropriate medicine.

This is best done under the supervision of a qualified physician who has examined the birds.

Chlortetracycline and oxytetracycline help against respiratory mycoplasmosis (these antibiotics can be replaced with chloramphenicol, erythromycin or streptomycin); against histaminosis, furazolidone, osarsol, piperazine sulfate or deworming with pheothinazine are used. There is no cure for bird tuberculosis; sick birds must be destroyed. The wand indoors can only be killed with sunlight and ventilation. Disinfectants in such cases are ineffective. Smallpox also cannot be cured - all birds must be killed and burned.


For more useful details regarding turkey breeding, watch the video


As you can see, turkeys are hardy and unpretentious birds. They quickly gain weight and produce quite significant offspring. Like any other animal, they require care. Ordinary poultry houses with perches are suitable for their maintenance, and the diet is quite varied.

Turkeys, domesticated by settlers from the Old World, have become a kind of symbol of the USA and Canada, but for many centuries the large poultry grown all over the world. Over the past time, a variety of turkey breeds have been obtained, photos and descriptions of which will help novice poultry farmers make the choice and benefit of one or another variety for their backyard.

In the last century, poultry attracted the attention of large meat producers. It was from this time that systematic work began on breeding heavy broad-breasted and broiler turkeys, which by the time of slaughter grew to a record weight of 25–30 kg.

Modern breeds differ not only in appearance and plumage color, but also in:

  • time frame for achieving optimal live weight for slaughter;
  • body weight and its relationship with the amount of meat received;
  • egg production.

Turkey breeds for home breeding are well adapted to grazing. This bird is hardy, quickly gains weight, and is not picky when choosing food.

Bronze turkeys

The old turkey breed, well known to poultry farmers, got its name due to its characteristic coloring. The background plumage actually appears brownish-red, bronze. At the same time, in bright, large males, the upper third of the sternum and neck are painted almost black, the plumage on the back is the same, only with a bronze stripe. The feathers on the tail are decorated with brownish and red stripes. Contrasting white stripes are visible on the thighs and wings of the bronze turkey. The growths on the bird's head and corals are bright red with a transition to white or blue.

Females have a more modest coloring, but you can recognize the bird by the white edging on the feathers of the wings, chest and back, a more graceful silhouette than that of the male bronze turkey, and the absence of decorations on the head.

The average weight of a turkey reaches 18 kg, and a turkey - 11 kg. In a year, a female can lay up to 100 eggs.

Birds tolerate being kept very well outdoors even in temperate climates. In Canada, in the middle of the last century, their own variety of bronze turkey was bred with record endurance, decent weight and high egg production. Unfortunately, today this breed of Canadian turkey has practically disappeared from farms. According to the poultry census, in 2013 there were only 225 laying hens left throughout the country. Today, a campaign is underway to reproduce the former livestock and maintain the breed.

The breed of bronze birds bred in the USA, like the Canadian one, originated from wild aboriginal turkeys. But today it is hardly used, giving rise to many more modern lines of poultry.

Bronze Broad-breasted Turkeys

The successor to the bronze turkeys was the breed of bronze broad-breasted turkey, outwardly similar to its ancestor, but larger in the chest part of the body. The average weight is 16 kg, and females weigh 9 kg. The record holder for the breed is a turkey that weighed 35 kg.

Unfortunately, this breed of turkey is not for breeding at home. The reason for this is comparatively low egg production, only 50–60 eggs per year and unsuitable for walking outdoors. But the bird easily adapts to being kept in industrial poultry houses.

Today, this variety of bronze turkeys is used in breeding work and is raised in intensive poultry farming for meat.

North Caucasian bronze turkeys

The breed of turkeys, bred in 1946 in the USSR, is raised at home to this day. The ancestors of the bird were representatives of local varieties of turkey and producers of the breed of broad-breasted, bronze turkeys. Large individuals that adapt well to various conditions are of impressive size.

An adult male grows up to 14 kg. And females, as a rule, are half as heavy. Turkeys lay eggs well and produce strong offspring.

Moscow Bronze Turkeys

From broad-breasted bronze turkeys and local birds, another domestic breed was obtained - the Moscow bronze turkey. As follows from the description and photo of the breed, turkeys of this variety have a wide, convex chest and a long body. The birds are hardy and thrive on pastures, which makes it possible to keep turkeys not only in large poultry houses, but also in private backyards.

Males of this breed of turkeys for breeding at home reach a weight of 19 kg. Turkeys are smaller, their maximum weight is 10 kg.

White broad-breasted turkeys

In the middle of the last century, breeders in the USA developed a breed of broiler turkeys, which today occupies an undeniable leading position throughout the world. White Broadbreasted Turkeys are the result of crossing the still popular breed of Dutch White Turkeys and the Native American Bronze Broadbreasts.

The reason for the widest distribution of poultry was its precocity, high yield of valuable dietary meat, reaching up to 80% of the carcass weight. Compared to bronze turkeys, female white birds lay more eggs, approximately 100 to 120 eggs per year.

Broiler turkeys of this breed have an oval body with a large sloping chest and a full, wide back. The bird is well feathered and fully lives up to its name. There are no black feathers on the body, except for a small tuft on the sternum. Pink, widely spaced legs are quite long and strong. The plumage is dense, white, and there is a tuft of black feathers on the chest.

White broad-breasted turkeys are bred into three lines:

  1. The heavy line and crosses from it are turkeys weighing up to 25 kg and turkeys up to 11 kg.
  2. The middle line is males up to 15 and females up to 7 kg.
  3. Light individuals and crosses from them are the most precocious and miniature. Turkeys weigh about 8 kg, and females grow up to 5 kg.

The record figures could not fail to interest poultry producers and private poultry enthusiasts. White broad-breasted turkeys became the founders of many interesting, highly productive breeds and crosses bred all over the world.

North Caucasian white turkeys

By crossing bronze turkeys and birds of the white broad-breasted breed, a domestic variety of broiler turkeys was obtained - the white North Caucasian turkey.

The breed is distinguished by its endurance, rapid weight gain and excellent egg production, which can be considered a record. An adult turkey can produce up to 180 80-gram eggs per year.

Intended for home breeding, the breed is easily kept on pastures and uses the most available feed.

Photos and descriptions of BIG 6 turkeys

British United Turkeys (BUT) Big 6 is a heavy, highly productive cross of white broad-breasted turkey, actively used in the industrial production of poultry meat. The hybrid line was obtained by British and Canadian breeders. Thanks to the excellent results of local breeding, descriptions and photos of turkeys, the breed has become widespread in many countries of the world in a short period of time.

As you can see in the photo, BIG 6 turkeys are powerful white birds that have:

  • strong long neck;
  • rounded, full breast, in fattened individuals up to a third of the carcass weight;
  • straight back;
  • tall straight legs yellowish in color;
  • white plumage with a small black area on the chest.

The heads of broiler turkeys are decorated with scarlet corals and long, up to 15 cm, horse growth.

Compared to other breeds, BIG 6 turkeys gain weight more actively. By the age of five months, pizza can weigh up to 12 kg. But these are not the limit values. The weight of a heavy cross turkey at the time of slaughter can reach 25–30 kg with the highest yield of high-quality dietary meat.

Turkey cross "Universal" - video

This bird was brought to Europe by the Spaniards in ancient times and has since become widespread. Turkeys gained popularity due to their rapid weight gain and delicious dietary meat. We will try to understand the purpose of different breeds of these birds and their key characteristics. For example, what distinctive features do Cross BIG-6 turkeys have?

Turkey breeds can be divided according to two parameters. The first of them is related to the purpose of this bird. The following breeds are distinguished by purpose:

The second classification method is by weight adult. According to this method, turkeys are divided into three groups:

  1. Lungs. A turkey weighs up to 9 kg, a turkey – up to 5 kg;
  2. Average. A male can gain 16 kg, a female – 7 kg;
  3. Heavy. The male can weigh from 23 to 30 kg, the female - about 12 kg.

Each breed, in addition to purely visual differences, has a couple of important characteristics. Every breed different ratio body weight of an adult with the amount of meat obtained. The period for gaining optimal live weight for slaughter also varies.

The most common turkey meat breeds

This breed was developed by American breeders in the 20th century. The bird has a heavy oval body with a convex chest. On the gray heads you can see a very long bright red growth.

Turkeys can gain up to 22 kg of weight. A special feature of the breed is its excellent productivity and the ability to keep and grow in cages. Broad-breasted White turkeys gain optimal weight faster in cages, using the same amount of feed as if they were kept on pasture.

Another breed resulting from crossing local birds with broad-breasted bronze turkeys. Unlike the previous variety, the body of these turkeys is more elongated, the chest is massive and convex.

Birds of this breed are hardy and can graze on pastures, which makes it possible to keep them on private farms without any problems.

Males of the Moscow Bronze reach up to 20 kg of weight, females - up to 10 kg.

A hybrid bred by foreign breeders. This variety amazes with its productivity and early maturity. BIG-6 is white with a dark spot on the chest. The chest is round, the neck is long and powerful.

These turkeys grow in an interesting way, with their weight increasing exponentially. If at the age of three months a turkey chick weighs about 3-4 kg, then after a month he gains all 10 kg. Ultimately, the weight of an adult male can exceed 24 kg. At the same time, BIG 6 consumes relatively little feed - two and a half kilograms of feed per kilo of live weight.

The bird comes from Canada, the meat of which has a particularly pleasant taste. The basis for the crossing was the White Dutch breed and the already mentioned Broad-Breasted Bronze. The breed is considered one of the most widespread throughout the world.

One of the advantages of this bird is its precocity - the Hybrid Converter (or Indoostrich) quickly gains live weight. The weight of males during five months of keeping can reach 20 kilograms or more, the weight of females is usually half that. Earlier we mentioned the ratio of the weight of the bird to the resulting meat; this breed has one of the best ratios - 85%.

Turkeys begin laying eggs at nine months of age and produce about 50 eggs per year. Females willingly take care of their offspring and carefully incubate their eggs. In our country, this breed is in increasing demand due to its unpretentiousness and rapid adaptation to the climate.

A relatively recently created breed of turkey by English breeders. Externally, this bird looks decorative. The white lush plumage is combined with an arched neck, a bright red growth. The paws are very massive, as is the body.

On average, an adult turkey of this breed can weigh about 27 kg, and a turkey - 10 kg. But such a mass can only be achieved with proper fattening. Before 4 months, turkeys are given 2.5 kg of feed, after which - almost 3 kg. After 20 weeks, birds need just under 3.5 kg of feed.

Egg breeds of turkeys

This hybrid is also called Dutch. The birds have white plumage and do not reach large sizes. The build and dimensions are similar to Bronze breed turkeys. These birds feel most comfortable in pastures and garden plots.

The weight of an adult male reaches approximately 9 kg. The weight of a turkey is usually half that. In six months, the female produces about 60 eggs.

One of the most popular turkey breeds gets its name from the characteristic color of its feathers. Males of the bronze breed have a black upper neck and chest, and a bronze stripe adorns the dark back. There are white stripes on the hips and wings. The whitish-blue heads contrast with the bright scarlet growths.

Females are not as richly colored. Their characteristic feature is a white edging that appears on the back, chest and wings. Compared to males, their bodies are more graceful, and there are no growths on their heads.

Males of this breed reach an average weight of 18 kg, females - up to 10 kg. Over a one-year period, the female is capable of laying hundreds of eggs.

Individuals of this breed can be kept in open enclosures if the climatic conditions of the area are moderate. In the last century, a local bronze breed was bred in Canada, which had excellent endurance, gained excellent live weight, and was also distinguished by high egg production.

Externally, these birds are very similar to BIG-6. They also have a black spot on the chest of their white-colored body. But in terms of weight, the White Moscow is much inferior - the weight of an adult turkey reaches 16 kg, a female - 8 kg. The breed is excellent for growing at home and easily adapts to various changes.

This breed is very unpretentious and hardy. Thanks to this, it has gained great popularity among farmers all over the world. BIG-9 is famous not only for its egg production, but also for its meatiness.

An adult male can weigh 17 kg and, as usual, the female reaches only half this weight. She can lay up to 120 eggs per season. In this case, 4 out of 5 eggs will be fertilized.

A breed from the Netherlands with a white coat and a long red growth on the head. Does not require large expenditures on feed during breeding. In terms of the rate of mass gain, BIG-6 is inferior, but, nevertheless, has a very good indicator.

Turkeys of this breed gain about 20 kg of weight, and females gain as much as 16 kg. In six months, the female produces about 100 eggs. Raising young animals of this breed is quite difficult. Do not allow dampness, drafts, or sudden changes in temperature. Also, due to the large mass, natural fertilization in this breed is very difficult.

Bred in the Krasnodar region in 1957, the Tikhoretsk Black Turkey is classified as a light breed. The bird feels great both on the pasture and in the cage.

The body of individuals of this breed looks chopped, as if knocked down, the black plumage casts bronze. The weight of a grown turkey can reach 10 kg, a turkey - 5 kg. Marketable weight is reached by four months and is about 4-5 kg. The weight to meat ratio is approximately 60%. Turkeys produce up to 100 eggs per year. They take care of the young and hatch the eggs.

Mixed breeds (egg and meat)

This white-plumaged breed was bred by Russian breeders in the North Caucasus and officially registered just over 10 years ago. The all-rounder grows quickly, consumes little feed and is distinguished by its endurance.

Adult turkeys can weigh about 18 kg, turkeys - 10 kg. In 4 months, the young animals gain weight of approximately 5 kg. For 1 kg of live meat there are 3 kilograms of feed. The female lays 70 eggs per year. Out of 10 eggs, 9 are fertilized. The young animals are very strong and healthy.

The bird was bred after the Second World War in the USSR and is currently quite common on the farms of our country. One of the ancestors of this breed is the Broad-breasted Bronze turkey. Individuals are distinguished by their large size and ability to adapt to different conditions content.

The weight of males of the North Caucasian bronze breed reaches 14 kg and up to 7 kg for females. The young are quite hardy, and turkeys are renowned for their egg production.

This breed is not distinguished by either high egg productivity, large live weight, or egg fertility. However, it has a serious advantage. Uzbek Fawns are able to live and raise an entire brood with minimal feeding, independently obtaining food on the pasture. It is due to this undemanding nature that these birds are well suited for private households.

The weight of an adult male reaches 10 kg, the female weighs half as much. In a third of a year, young animals can gain 4 kg, but they are usually raised to capacity. Females are capable of laying about 60 eggs per year.

A hardy broiler breed bred on the basis of the Broad-breasted Bronze and White. The weight of these birds grows quickly. A turkey lays up to 90 eggs per year. The weight of one egg reaches 80g.

The North Caucasian White Turkey is intended for keeping in private farms. The bird does not experience problems when kept on pasture, and is unpretentious to the feeding regimen and feed composition.

Basic characteristics of birds of different breeds

PurposeBreedWeight, kgEgg production (per year)
Meat22/10 80
20/10 80
BIG-624/12 100
20/10 80
27/10 90
Egg9/5 120
Bronze18/10 100
16/8 120
BIG-917/9 120
10/5 100
Hidon20/16 100
MixedStation wagon18/10 70
10/5 60
14/7 80
14/8 90

Light breeds

Breeds of this type are not suitable for cage breeding. Due to their small mass, these birds are very mobile. In addition, keeping them on pastures allows you to save up to half of the feed. Obviously, you won’t get much meat from these birds, but some breeds, such as the Bronze and North Caucasian White, are distinguished by their delicious, very tasty meat. In addition, many egg producers can be found among these breeds.

Medium breeds

These are usually versatile breeds. Unlike heavy crosses, they do not require careful care. At the same time, they make it possible to grow commercial meat in less than six months. Medium-type hens can produce from 70 to 100 eggs.

Turkeys without breed

These are any turkeys that have been bred haphazardly for quite some time. The weight of males usually reaches no more than 7 kg. Females lay few eggs - an average of three dozen. They are kept on private farms. The color can be either variegated or white. The main distinguishing feature is small dimensions and weight.

What breeds of turkeys should you raise?

For a farmer or private business owner, the first priority is, of course, the quantity and quality of meat. From this point of view, crosses are the most economically profitable. At the moment, the following turkey crosses are in demand:

  • BIG-6. This breed is productive, lays high-quality eggs, and has a significant body weight. At the same time, it consumes relatively little feed, so breeding this breed is profitable. In almost all respects, this species is superior to other breeds;
  • Khidon and BYuT-8. These crosses also stand out against the background of all turkey breeds. By breeding these breeds, you can short term get a large amount of meat without spending a lot of feed.

However, it should be repeated that breeding such crosses requires minimal poultry farming experience. Feeding must correspond to the regime; young animals require care and a special diet. For example, BYuT-8 needs to be constantly fed green onions and sunflower or soybean meal. If you don't feed the turkeys meat breeds That's right, you won't be able to achieve high mass.

Due to the large weight and difference in mass between males and females, the fertilization process is often difficult in heavy meat breeds. Therefore, a poultry farmer who decides to seriously engage in breeding such birds needs to learn how to artificially inseminate turkeys.

Considering all of the above, we can conclude that heavy crosses are not suitable for everyone. If you are not ready to devote time to arranging a chicken coop and carefully monitoring feeding, stop at local breeds. They grow longer, have less live weight, but are able to feed themselves in summer time, and also, as a rule, are not so picky about the conditions of detention.

Weight gain rates for turkeys

General indicators of normal weight gain of heavy crosses

1 week150 g150 g
2 week380 g350 g
3 week750 g640 g
4 week1.22 kg1.03 kg
5 week1.80 kg1.50 kg
week 62.48 kg2.05 kg
week 73.26 kg2.65 kg
8 week4.1 kg3.3 kg

So, at week 8 you can see how much the bird has gained in 2 months. Then it becomes clear how the female’s weight gain begins to slow down.

Week 95 kg3.97 kg
10 week5.96 kg4.7 kg
11 week6.92 kg5.4 kg
12 week7.95 kg6.1 kg
Week 138.95 kg6.8 kg
Week 149.99 kg7.5 kg
Week 1511 kg8.13 kg
Week 1612 kg8.75 kg

By the end of 4 months (week 16), turkeys already have market weight. Soon the females will stop gaining weight altogether.

At week 20, the female’s weight stops growing and stops at 11 kg. Next, the mass of only males is noted.

The rate of weight gain gradually decreases not only in turkeys, but also in turkeys. In males, it is considered normal if the weight by the end of 6 months is about 20 kg.

Video - Turkey Breeding

From birth, turkey poults need to consume the required amount of nutrients, the availability of fresh water is important, and they also need gravel for the proper functioning of the crop.

Turkeys are fed grain legumes (buckwheat, oats). Cake and meal are also important to include in the diet, as they contain amino acids. Animal proteins, calcium and phosphorus are found in fish and meat flour. Strict control over the diet is not required, since turkeys are unpretentious.

How much does a turkey weigh? Females weigh on average 9-11 kg, males - 11-19 kg, depending on the breed.

During the first week, the turkey grows slowly, from the second week it actively gains weight, and by the end of growth, the weight of turkeys increases 200 times in females and 800 times in males. Maximum weight gain is observed at the age of 2-3 weeks, then gradually decreases.

Weight of turkey poults by week

  • Phase 1 (0-4) – maximum growth activity of turkey poults;
  • Phase 2 (5-8) – growth intensity is lower than at the previous stage, but significant;
  • Phase 3 (9-20) – there is a decrease in body weight gain;
  • Phase 4 (21-26) – due to puberty, growth intensity increases;
  • Phase 5 (27-30) – puberty is completed, turkeys practically do not gain weight.

Turkey weight

How much does a domestic turkey weigh?

From the above characteristics of the growth phases it follows that the first four weeks are the most critical. Experiments by North Caucasian scientists have shown that in the first week, turkey poults feed mainly on the residual yolk; this fact characterizes turkey poults as more “thrifty” compared to other birds.

The daily weight gain of turkey poults is 47-53 g, depending on the growth phase, the number varies.

A day-old chick weighs approximately 50 g and needs to be fed at least 8 times a day.

In a few days, the chicks increase their weight by 100-200 g. Proper feeding in the first week of life (20 g of food per day) and regular weighing are very important.

During the second week, the chick gains up to 40 g, the need for food doubles. He needs at least 120 g of feed per day per month.

Month-old turkey poults gain 55 g per day. It is advisable to increase the diet by 3 times in a month.

Monthly turkey poults

How much does a turkey chick weigh at 1 month? Daily increase for 21 days – 75 grams. So, at 1 month a turkey weighs 2 kg. At 7 weeks the turkey weighs 4 kg. Daily gain increases by 70-80 g.

How much should a turkey weigh at 2 months? In the second month of life, a healthy individual weighs 5 kg. Every day a turkey needs more than 300 g of feed.

The weight of a six-month-old turkey reaches its maximum (representatives of some breeds go to slaughter earlier), the bird consumes 700 g of feed daily.

Thus, the weight of an adult turkey, on average, is 9-17 kg (males) and 5-11 kg (females).

How much does an adult turkey weigh, and what does body weight depend on:

  • Gender – females, as a rule, weigh 5 kg less than males;
  • Breed - turkeys differ in size and body structure;
  • Age – maximum weight is observed at 5-6 months;
  • Diet – the balance of minerals, vitamins and calories is important;
  • Diet - you need to feed every day at the same time (kids more often, teenagers less often);
  • Health status – healthy individuals grow more actively;
  • Care and conditions of detention.

How much does an adult turkey weigh?

So how much should a turkey weigh?

Weight of turkeys by month table

AgeFemale weight (g)Male weight (g)
3 days50 56
Week140 160
Two weeks340 390
Month1100 1400
Two months3700 4800
Three months7300 9800
Four months9000 14300
Five months11000 16900
six months11800 17800

Feeding turkey poults, types of feed

Newborn chicks have unhardened beaks. They need fresh water and crushed boiled eggs with herbs; you can add cottage cheese, fish oil, and fine-grained wheat bran to their food. Until ten days of age, chicks are fed 8-10 times a day, then the interval between feedings and portions is gradually increased. So, one-month-old birds are fed 6 times a day, two-month-old birds - 4.

Vitamin and mineral feed

Vitamins are necessary to strengthen the immune system. With a deficiency of fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins, young farm birds grow slowly. Their sources are yeast and fresh herbs.

Vitamin and mineral feeds affect the following parameters:

  • Strengthening immunity;
  • Provide the daily need for nutritional supplements;
  • Promote harmonious plumage;
  • Normalize growth and development.

In order for turkey poults to gain weight, the following conditions are important:

  • food should be balanced in energy and protein;
  • soft bedding to prevent beak injury;
  • availability of warm fresh water;
  • first meal no later than 12 hours after appearance;
  • feeding frequency – every 3 hours;
  • Mandatory addition of fresh chopped greens to the diet.

Mandatory addition of fresh chopped greens to the diet

Weight of turkey poults by day table

AgeFemale weight (g)Male weight (g)
3 days50 56
7 days140 160
14 days360 390
21 days650 740
28 days1030 1220
35 days1500 1800
42 days2050 2048
49 days2650 3260
56 days3300 4100
63 days3980 4990
70 days4690 5940
77 days5400 6930
84 days5940 6110
91 days6810 8960
98 days7490 9980
105 days8140 10990
112 days8760 11990
119 days9340 12970
126 days9880 13940
133 days10380 14910
140 days10840 15880
147 days11000* 16840
154 days11000* 17790
161 days11000* 18740
168 days11000* 19680

* After 4.5 months, the weight of turkeys, as a rule, does not change.

Why doesn't a turkey gain weight?

Turkey poults are not growing well, what should I do? Compared to adult birds, turkeys are sensitive to housing conditions. You should monitor the cleanliness of the room and eliminate sources of drafts.

A particularly dangerous symptom for turkey poults is diarrhea. It can cause developmental abnormalities and even death. Chicks should not be accustomed to adult food, as this can cause digestive upset. The food must be fresh, clean, and free of mold. Prepare wet mash immediately before feeding, as a sour product can cause diarrhea.

Also, the reasons why turkey poults grow poorly can be diseases: mycoplasmosis, coccidosis, conjunctevitis, sinusitis, goiter inflammation, etc.

Important! To prevent diseases, you need to regularly change the bedding, use disinfectant solutions (creolin, potassium permanganate solution, formaldehyde), disinfect equipment and care products.

How to feed day old turkey poults

On the first day after birth, there must be warm, filtered water in the cage. For the first 10 days, turkey poults are fed 8-9 times a day. Then they switch to feeding six times a day. Chicks have poor eyesight, so good lighting is important. Newborn chicks have soft beaks; it is better to place food on a rag or cardboard.

After hatching, the chicks are fed the following foods:

  1. Hard-boiled and chopped egg. In the first days, you can add a little cereal (oatmeal or millet);
  2. Fresh cottage cheese;
  3. Carrot;
  4. Fresh curdled milk;
  5. From day 4 you need to add chalk or bone meal to the food.
  6. Starting from day 2, you can add fresh herbs (dandelion, plantain, onion, etc.) to the mash.
  7. From the 10th day, sunflower meal and a little salt are added to the diet.


The main feature of turkeys is the rapid growth of muscle mass. The exact weight of an adult depends on the sex, breed and living conditions of the bird. Broiler turkeys are the most economically profitable. Heavy breeds are the most in demand (wide-breasted broiler).

Canadian Broad Breasted Broiler

Canadian Broad Breasted Broiler

Representatives quickly gain weight. At one and a half months, the chicks weigh 5 kg, and at three months they are ready for slaughter. From 9 months females lay eggs. Egg production per year is up to 200 pieces.

White broad-breasted

The weight of an adult turkey (male) reaches 25 kg, female – 11 kg. They have an average growth rate. Picky eaters. Egg production – 100 eggs per year.

Big 6

This is an English breed, selected in 2007. Maximum weight – 30 kg. At 3 months it reaches slaughter age.

Hybrid Converter

This is a heavy breed of turkey, like the Big 6. By week 22 it gains 25 kg and is ready for slaughter. Requires less feed.

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