How to build and design a paid stationary toilet. Toilet cabin

What they don’t sell by subscription! One of the fashionable retail trends is to sell something unexpected or shocking by subscription, for example, fresh new socks. But where are the socks off the startup Looie!

A New York startup called Looie sells subscriptions to... a paid city toilet.


One of the traditional problems of cities, which makes the city an uncomfortable place, is the lack of a sufficient number of urban public toilets. As business analysts say: the lack of street space is a problem in cities all over the globe!

How our people took taxis to the toilet...

In 1990, a special report from the mayor’s office was prepared in New York, which went down in history under the name “Toilet Crisis.” This report stated that out of six, exactly five city toilets are unusable and are beyond the concept of sanitation, and that tourists and guests of the city of New York are not new to taking a taxi and going to relieve themselves at their home hotel, rather than looking in city ​​toilet"

So. The first problem is that there are no toilets. The second problem (sister of the first) is the dismal state of those public toilets that already exist. This also applies to design that does not provide privacy to a person, and unsanitary conditions.

In short, toilets in the city (street restrums) are the exact opposite of your home bathroom in an apartment. I still don’t want to visit them (many people are either disdainful of going into city toilets or feel shy, having been forced to almost publicly perform their intimate needs).

Well, if you want to go to the toilet (oh, God forbid!), you won’t always find a toilet in the city.

Which looks especially strange with so many fast food eateries and coffee shops on every corner.

New York startup Looie set out to solve both of these problems (the insufficient number of city toilets and the discomfort inherent in their design). He set himself an ambitious task:

    firstly, equip New York with a dense network of public toilets within “walking distance”,

    second, make toilets clean and private, just like in your own home, creating the illusion of a “personal bathroom.”

How can you create the illusion that while walking down the street you have looked into “your own” toilet? It’s very simple - every citizen should have... a key to an individual toilet.

This is roughly how the “toilet problem” is solved in higher education. educational institutions. Of course, university teachers and staff cannot visit the same toilet with students, which consists of five or six plywood stalls, in which everything can be heard and sometimes even seen. As they say, a student should not see the teacher visiting the toilet at all. This not only destroys the “pathos of distance,” but also simply contradicts everything human that distinguishes a person from a humiliated slave reduced to a bestial state. As you know, one of the measures of humiliation and suppression of the individual that is practiced in prisons is a bucket in the corner of the cell, open for everyone to see.

So, university teachers have the so-called “key to the teaching toilet.”

An exactly similar service was invented by the New York startup Looie! By the way, translated from English language the word Looie translates as “lieutenant”, “second lieutenant”. That is, this analogous name plays on approximately the same association - “a toilet for officers” (not for ordinary soldiers).

Now, by subscription, anyone can purchase a key that is universally suitable for all points of the New York chain of public toilets Looie. (Of course, if you locked yourself in there, they won’t open you from the outside even with the same key).

In addition, the Looie private restroom subscription provides you with perhaps the most important thing in this business idea - mobile application– with a city map, on which, thanks to the determination of your geolocation, all the nearest “within walking distance” toilets of the Looie network will be displayed. No need to look for a toilet - look at your smartphone, it will tell you where the nearest Looie toilet is.

All that remains, of course, is to do the most important thing. Point by point.

    Point One: build really a lot of Looie toilets, because if there are 5 of them in the city, then the project does not make sense,

    Point Two: as soon as possible create similar services competing with Looie - the same network of private “public” toilets. Then the price will be lower, the quality will be higher, and simply – there will be more toilets.

If every major city always has at least several taxi companies and the consumer has a choice, then exactly the same should happen with the business idea of ​​Looie paid toilets.

At the dawn of the entrepreneurial era in the USSR, paid “cooperative” toilets appeared almost the very first - and were very popular as a very profitable business.

But then something happened again and we forgot the famous phrase (to whomever it is attributed!) that “the level of civilization of a nation is determined by the cleanliness of its public toilets.”

We again began to “don’t care” (unfortunately, not “...-don’t care”) about our cities and ourselves, not to mention people we didn’t know, from whom we could even make money.

Looie subscription toilets are cleaned 7 to 10 times a day, depending on the location's traffic.

The symbol of the toilet in the city is a huge key (pale lime color), reminiscent of an old medieval workshop sign: scissors, there, a huge curly pretzel... On the huge key “sat”: a little girl, a boy and a disabled man on a wheel. moving in a wheelchair.

Needless to say that the entire Looie network of toilets is also adapted for disabled people?.. It seems that this goes without saying!

A subscription for a clean, private restroom costs $25. New York is a problematic city. That is why his problems are so close to us. For example, with a population of 8 million people, New York is sorely lacking in public toilets. Just like ours.

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Razors, toilets, socks, jewelry, microchips... If you think that a subscription business is not for you, then look at what other entrepreneurs have decided to do.

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At all times, business based on natural human needs, like food or clothing, has always had very high liquidity. The idea of ​​paid toilets is not new. Back in 1852, the Society of Arts opened the first 2 institutions of this type in London. A large-scale advertising company, flyers were handed out praising the amenities and low cost. And already in the first month there were more than 80 visitors. In Russia, not so long ago, there was nothing like this. And there are still many places on city streets where it is possible to install paid toilets, but they are not popular among small and medium-sized businesses.

Scale of investment:


    high liquidity based on natural human needs

    business stability

    business can easily expand by installing new booths

    low initial investment


    seasonality of business

    business dependence on the struggle for popular places to place booths

    possible negative image component for the owner


The main risk is associated with the installation of free toilets and toilets in catering establishments


At all times, business based on natural human needs, like food or clothing, has always had very high liquidity. The idea of ​​paid toilets is not new. Back in 1852, the Society of Arts opened the first 2 institutions of this type in London. A large-scale advertising campaign was launched, and leaflets were distributed praising the convenience and low cost. And already in the first month there were more than 80 visitors. In Russia, not so long ago, there was nothing like this. And there are still many places on city streets where it is possible to install paid toilets, but they are not popular among small and medium-sized businesses.

Paid toilets can be called a profitable and humane business with full confidence. Neither defaults nor crises threaten the toilet business, because neither “Black” Thursdays nor global financial crises will be able to discourage the people’s desire to relieve themselves. Nobody wants to break the law either. Meanwhile, in the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses Article 20.1. “Petty hooliganism”, it is said that petty hooliganism is obscene language in public places ah, offensive harassment of citizens or other actions that violate public order and tranquility of citizens, entails an administrative fine - from five to fifteen minimum sizes wages or administrative arrest for up to fifteen days. Relieving yourself in an inappropriate place also falls under this article!

Of course, there are pros and cons, like any other type of business. With minimal investment in advertising, just order a bright sign - income is guaranteed. This is a rare case when it is not the company that is looking for a client, but vice versa. But then the other side of the coin arises. Building a premises from scratch is quite expensive, and the tenant of the premises does not care at all what you open in the rented area - a paid toilet or beauty salon; you will pay exactly the same, but earn much less. Therefore, there is no boom in investment in the construction of paid toilets. Marble toilets remain, perhaps only in jokes.

But the inventions of civilization did not stand aside, and since the end of the last century, the installation of toilet stalls has been practiced all over the world, including in Russia. Weighing 80 kilograms, installation can be done almost anywhere without a foundation or other preparatory work. No connection to communications or power grid is required.

The seasonal factor also plays an important role and directly affects the profitability of the enterprise. On warm summer evenings, people spend the majority of their free time in parks on benches and in street cafes, and therefore their income increases significantly.

First you need to register as individual entrepreneur at the tax office. If you will only have a few booths, this is the most convenient form, since cash registers are not required, reporting is simplified as much as possible, and taxation can be “optimized.”

Next, you should choose a location to place your booths. Ideally, the location should be “pass-through”. A toilet stall near a cafe is not the best idea. All such establishments comply with sanitary standards, including GOST R 50762-95 " Catering. Classification of enterprises" are equipped with toilets, and therefore, hardly anyone will need to use your services. But if you manage to rent a place near a summer cafe, consider yourself lucky by the tail.

It is very important that there is no rental fee for installing a toilet on city streets. If placed on the market, it may be required by the owner of the building. The most difficult thing is to collect all the necessary documents. No one will allow you to install a mobile toilet without an agreement with the Gorvodokanal service, permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station, the town planning committee and other governing bodies. But the main thing is to obtain a license for waste disposal. However, the authorities usually cooperate. After all, they are primarily interested in the cleanliness of the streets. In general, you will have to collect a number following documents: hygienic certificate of the center of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision; certificate of conformity of the body for certification of industrial products; permission from local administrative authorities; permission from the fire department; coordination with the districts of water utility sewer networks and waste disposal points from mobile toilets; license to transport waste.

In terms of expenses, about 10 thousand dollars may be enough to get started.

Moreover, ¼ of the starting capital will immediately go towards the purchase of two new biocabins. But you can't earn much with two booths. Therefore, it is advisable to plan a larger number of booths in advance. If you purchase equipment on the secondary market, you can save a lot of money - $250-$300 per booth. The quality of second-hand goods leaves much to be desired, and in conditions of everyday use the equipment may fail. In addition, in this market, as in any other, there is room for counterfeiting.

When business was just gaining momentum, entrepreneurs did not know how to call workers to order. List of violations labor discipline was very long - from drunkenness in the workplace to concealment of income. Some even managed to scoop out the contents of the tank, since revenue was measured precisely by its volume. A cashier-operator is not an ideal option, but it is proven. The main hours of the influx of visitors are peak hours. Therefore, for your business to operate around the clock, you need to hire at least two cashier operators. Each cashier needs to allocate about $250 per month for their salary. For less money you are unlikely to find a conscientious employee with a clean reputation. The costs associated with recruiting staff are offset by the small costs of starting a business. Abroad, toilets operate without operators, but no one here tries to steal a stall into their garden.

But don’t forget that this is a biocabin, and therefore there is no pit under it. A daily procedure for cleaning a full tank will cost approximately $20. But this is only in crowded places. In places where there are not many visitors, special transport will have to be called no more than 10 times a month. Tank capacity is about 500 liters. Another approximately $215 per month for sanitary services and the purchase of equipment: toilet paper and biofiller liquid.

You won’t need to rent a solid office, which means you can reduce costs to a minimum.

According to calculations, two booths pay for themselves in 2 months with a price per visit of 10 rubles and provided: 200 - 300 people per day. If exactly the same number of visitors are served per week, then it is better to close the business immediately - losses are guaranteed.


Toilets should have amenities. When stationary toilets began to be closed en masse in order to open shops or cafes in them, sanitary problems began to be solved with the help of unsightly plastic booths. But in civilized countries, mobile toilets are temporary structures, but in our country they are used as permanent ones. Their conditions are minimal. It’s cramped, uncomfortable, cold, impossible to wash your hands. But when you want to go to the toilet, there is no choice, and this is to the benefit of entrepreneurs. You can make a lot of money out of human need, and there is nothing wrong with that.

As you know, money has no smell. However, this type of business organization of paid toilets not everyone likes it. Few people undertake this business. And completely in vain. After all, this one is almost unoccupied, and the need for such services has always existed, exists and will exist. Therefore, paid toilets are a necessary, sought-after type of activity that can bring good, stable income.

Today, they invest their capital in a wide variety of businesses, often forgetting about the existence of the urgent needs of the population. For example, in Moscow there are currently only 4 thousand portable toilet cabins, which is clearly not enough to meet the needs of such big city. As a result, a situation of catastrophic shortage of toilets has developed in the capital, which, despite the obvious need for service, few people are trying to solve.

Distinctive feature modern business is that it is mainly developing at a rapid pace due to the implementation creative ideas and application of innovations in the areas digital technologies and the Internet. However, there are many areas in which the specifics of business limit the possibilities of using revolutionary approaches. In such cases, companies operating in such industries have to take a different path and develop by improving the quality of services provided and improving service. Such areas of activity are, for example, medical institutions, automobile centers. To attract customers, these organizations place the main emphasis on carrying out measures to optimize the service. At the same time, companies involved in the toilet business are only taking their first steps in this direction.

The toilet business has many advantages. First of all, it should be noted that this business is undoubtedly humane and profitable. In addition, this one is not affected by defaults, global financial crises, or other shocks. Nothing can force people to give up the need and desire to relieve themselves. At the same time, no one wants to break the law either. And relieving yourself in inappropriate places, by the way, falls under Article 20.1 “Petty hooliganism” of the Code Russian Federation on administrative offenses, which states that petty hooliganism - obscene language in public places, offensive harassment of citizens or other actions that violate public order and tranquility of citizens, entails an administrative fine - from five to fifteen times the minimum wage or an administrative fine arrest up to fifteen days.

Recently in Russia, and throughout the world, it is most often practiced installation of toilet cabins. This is due to the fact that such cabins have many advantages. They do not require a foundation and weigh only 80 kilograms, so they can be installed anywhere. In addition, to use them there is no need to connect to the power grid or communications.

This mobile toilet cabin is a structure made of environmentally friendly polyethylene high quality, which is easily sanitized and can withstand temperature regime from -500 to +500 degrees Celsius.

Anti-vandal plastic can withstand impact loads of up to 300 kilograms per 1 square centimeter. This is especially important when it comes to servicing mass youth events. In addition, the scheme for fastening the door to the door arch is designed in such a way that acts of vandalism can be avoided as much as possible, namely, the door is fastened along its entire length, and not using metal hinges, which are special labor can be torn out.

The toilet cabin is completely autonomous; it does not need to be connected to the city sewer network. Cleaning of the receiving tank is carried out using a standard sewage disposal machine. Another advantage is the lack of contact with the soil, which makes contamination impossible and environmental safety is fully ensured.

The optimal volume for the receiving tank is 250 liters. Smaller tanks are not as durable and require much more frequent cleaning. Large tanks are too high and therefore inconvenient to use. For this reason, the cabins are not only extremely inconvenient to use, but also to transport. Toilet cabins with tanks of 250 liters are designed for 500 visits. Once this number of visits has been reached, the receiving tanks must be cleaned and are then ready for use again. The light weight of the cabin, only 80 kilograms, makes it possible to install it anywhere in the city.

In European countries, so-called special toilet cabins, which are modules that are designed for people with disabilities. In addition, cabins that are designed for women with infants are also classified as special. They differ from ordinary ones in that they have tables on which children can be swaddled, as well as chairs with holders so that babies can sit quietly. In our country, such ideas are not particularly popular among entrepreneurs, since they primarily care about the level of profitability, often forgetting about the convenience and comfort of consumers. After all, it is much more profitable to install several cheap modules instead of one expensive one, while receiving several times more income.

Another miracle of engineering in the field of toilet business is the so-called smart toilet, which was brought to Moscow from Sweden. This toilet performs a kind of educational function. The moment a visitor enters the cabin, the door is automatically locked and it does not open until the visitor drains the water and washes his hands. And if the client, for some reason, lifts his feet off the floor, the toilet will come to the conclusion that there is no one inside the cabin and will start the disinfection process.

Unfortunately, smart toilets failed to break even, while the profitability of standard toilets was and is very low. high level. Here, too, the townspeople, with incredible persistence, preferred ordinary toilet stalls instead of using Western wonders.

Another problem with the functioning of “smart” toilets in Russian conditions was the constant breakdown of sensitive electronics, which regularly suffered at the hands of Moscow vandals. The first such toilet cabin was put out of action just three weeks after installation and start of operation. As a result, business owners were forced to abandon the idea of ​​using “smart” toilets and return to ordinary blue-gray stalls.

An important point for this type of business is location selection. Places with high traffic volumes are most suitable for installing paid toilets. However, you should not post similar business, for example, near restaurants and cafes. Indeed, in accordance with the requirements of sanitary standards, such establishments must have toilet rooms. As a result, there will simply be no one to use the paid toilet services. At the same time, the location of toilet cabins near summer cafes– the idea is good and in demand.

A distinctive feature of this type of business is that There is no rental fee for placing toilet cabins on city streets. The only exception is markets, where such a fee may be required by the owner of the building.

The most difficult thing for the toilet business is process of collecting all necessary documents . It will not be possible to install a mobile toilet cabin without an agreement concluded with the City Water Utility, without the appropriate permits issued by the sanitary and epidemiological station, the town planning committee, and other governing bodies. In addition, you must obtain a waste disposal license. Although in this case, city services, as a rule, meet the needs of entrepreneurs, since they are more interested in keeping the city streets clean and tidy than anyone else.

In general, to start a toilet business, you must obtain the following documentation: a hygienic certificate from the center of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, a certificate of conformity issued by the certification body for industrial products, permission from local administrative authorities, permission from the fire service department, coordination with the water utility of waste disposal points from mobile toilets , licenses for waste movement.

According to expert estimates, more than 2 million people use mobile toilets every day, and in Moscow alone. The standard cost of the service is about 0.3 dollars. As a result of simple mathematical calculations, it is clear that annual business turnover reaches $360 million, and this is in conditions of a catastrophic shortage of toilets in the city. If the number of toilet stalls on city streets is at least partially brought into line with the existing demand, then the number of customers will increase significantly, which, naturally, will increase the profit received.

To start a toilet business you will need starting capital in the amount of about 10 thousand dollars. A quarter of this amount will be spent on purchasing two biocabins. If you purchase not new equipment, but used equipment, you can save quite a lot. In this case, the purchase will cost from 250 to 300 dollars per booth. But the quality of such products, as a rule, leaves much to be desired, and yet it will have to be used daily and very intensively.

The payback period for two toilet cabins is about two months, provided that the number of visitors is from 200 to 300 people with a service price of $0.3. The key factors for business success are a systematic and competent approach to work, a thorough market analysis, the availability constant demand and the need for such services, low level of competition.

The initial investment in this business is moderate, and the profitability exceeds 20%. Dry toilets are needed and there are clearly not enough of them. There are several options for developing this business; you need to choose based on financial capabilities and conditions of the locality.

A network of dry toilets is a business that will bring you a stable income for many years. This business is called humane and clean. Today's profitability of this business approximately equal to 20-30 percent.

It is quite easy to enter this business, since the required starting threshold is low. The starting amount will be approximately three thousand dollars. Part of them will be spent on the purchase of two dry toilet cabins.

Two brand new cabs will cost you $1,200. But you can save significantly on the purchase of booths by purchasing used equipment. It will cost approximately 250-300 dollars.

But in order to find used equipment of decent quality and at a low price, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. On wages cashier operators will lose some money. Yes, of course, the salary depends on many conditions that determine the position of the trading enterprise, but still it will be small and will not require a lot of finance.

You will also have to spend money on cleaning the tanks. It must be carried out ten times a month, and sometimes less often. One such cleaning will cost you about twenty dollars.

The cubicles of dry closets are very easy to maintain. They do not need to be connected to any communications. You must use coupons here. strict reporting, which were approved by the Ministry of Finance, and not tickets, as many people think. The taxation of this business is optimized using “simplification”. You do not need to purchase and use cash registers.

But this business, like any other, has its problems, its pitfalls. The main problem This business is vandalism. There is no way to insure against it, but fortunately the cost of repairing the booths will be small. There are other problems: administrative barriers and staff turnover.

The main asset when starting such a business is the booths, so be especially careful when choosing them. The choice of toilet stalls is very important at the starting stage. When choosing booths, pay special attention to the strength of the tanks, technical characteristics, door fastening and their reliability, and anti-vandal characteristics. Remember that the profit and stability of a given business and company depends on toilet stalls and their durability.

Difficulties may arise at the beginning when organizing this business. Typically, difficulties at the initial stage are associated with the preparation of the necessary documents. You will need to enter into an agreement with the city water supply service, obtain permission from the city planning committee and SES, as well as many other city authorities.

But the most important permit you need to get started is a waste disposal license. There is a way by which you can avoid all this hassle with documents. This method is to select experienced suppliers for the purchase of toilet stalls.

Such companies, which are experienced and reliable suppliers and sellers of equipment, take care of everything related to documents, licenses, permits and their obtaining. They will also be able to give you advice if necessary, tell you where to start, where to install toilet stalls and help with many other issues.

Be sure to pay attention to the climatic conditions in which the cabin can function normally. For example, at a temperature of thirty-five to forty degrees, ordinary plastic simply begins to melt, and in severe frost, the contents of the tank freeze and the cabin temporarily stops functioning.

When organizing this business, take into account the pricing policy, seasonal factor and profitability of prices for toilet stalls. This business will become profitable and quite stable with the normal functioning and operation of fifty to sixty toilet stalls.

But don't start with a large number of stalls, start small, like two or three toilet stalls. And then just over time, gradually buy more equipment. If you are planning to organize your business in a city with a population of approximately half a million people, then strive to increase the number of functioning booths to one hundred or one hundred and fifty.

Once you have a sufficient number of toilet cabins at your disposal, you should think about creating a reserve fleet. Cabins from the reserve fleet can be used at various city and regional events.

Also don't forget about disinfectants. With the development of the network, you can save a lot of money by purchasing your own fleet of vehicles. One vehicle from the fleet can easily serve approximately eighty points per month. Also, as the network grows and prospers, you can think about sites specifically designed for storing booths that are not currently in use.

If you can organize a booth rental point, it will be good and allow you to make great money. With the help of a rental point, you can easily save yourself from the worries and problems with using toilet stalls. There will be enough clients from such a business, since many organizations and facilities are required to operate washbasins and dry closets in accordance with regulatory documents.

The booth rental point will be especially popular with summer restaurants and cafes. When opening such a point, it will be very useful to familiarize yourself with the calendar of public events in your city. This will help you figure out how many booths should be placed and where.

If you want to engage in the production and manufacture of toilet stalls, then you will need to spend money on organizing this business. In order to organize production, you need to find suppliers of materials necessary for production, obtain a hygienic certificate from the center for epidemiological and sanitary surveillance and a certificate authorizing the production of this type of product. Whatever path you choose, you need to think about selling products and providing services not only in the city, but also outside it.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

This business, as experts note, brings a stable income and can be called clean and humane. Profitability today is about 20-30%.

The low starting threshold makes it relatively easy to enter this business. Three thousand dollars may be enough to start with. Of these, 1,200 will be spent on the purchase of two booths. To save money, you can purchase used equipment for $250-300. But finding decent booths at this price is very difficult. It also won’t take much money to pay cashier operators (depending on local labor conditions). We also take into account tank cleaning (from $20), which will need to be done no more than 10 times a month.

The booths do not require connection to communications and are easy to maintain. Instead of tickets, use “strict reporting coupons” approved by the Ministry of Finance. Optimize taxation using “simplification”. Here you will not need cash registers.

Of course, we cannot do without problems. The main ones are vandalism, staff turnover and administrative barriers. The booths cannot be insured against vandals, but repair costs will be low.

The main asset when starting such a business is toilet stalls. Therefore, it is very important to treat their choice with special care. Ask about the strength of the tank, the reliability of door fastening, anti-vandal and technical characteristics. The stability and profitability of the company depends on the durability of the cabins.

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The main difficulties arise at the very beginning, when preparing documents. You need an agreement with the city water utility service, permission from the SES, the town planning committee and many other authorities. But the most important thing is a license for waste disposal. However, you can avoid all this hassle if you contact experienced suppliers to purchase booths. They will take care of all the paperwork and advise on where to start, where to install booths and much more.

Be sure to pay attention to the climatic conditions. Ordinary plastic melts in the sun at 35-40 degrees, and in severe frost the contents of the tank freeze. The booth is temporarily unavailable.

Also take into account the seasonal factor and pricing policy. The price must be profitable.

The business will become stable and profitable with the operation of 50-60 booths. But, still, you need to start with 2-3. Buy equipment gradually. In cities with a population of half a million, aim for 100-150 pieces. After reaching these numbers, acquire a reserve fleet, which will be needed during city public events. Remember about disinfectants.

With the development of the network, good savings will come from purchasing your own fleet of vehicles. One machine can serve about 80 points per month. Large areas will also be needed to store unused cabins.

Organizing a dry toilet rental point would also be a good business. This will save you from operational worries, and there will be enough clients. Nowadays, many facilities are required to have toilets and washbasins, according to regulations. Especially in great demand toilet cabins are used at summer cafes.

When opening such a business, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the calendar of public events. This will help you figure out when, how many and where booths need to be installed.

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If you plan to start producing booths, you will need much higher costs. In this case, you need to think about the sales market not only within the city, but also beyond them. You need to choose the right supplier of materials, obtain a certificate for the products from the State Standards Authority and a hygienic conclusion from the center of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

The dry toilet market can now be conquered with little initial investment, even though you will have to face some problems.

Based on an article by Ekaterina Chinarova for Business Magazine

*The article is over 8 years old. May contain outdated data

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