How to write an official request letter sample. How to write a letter of request so that the recipient does not refuse

The most common types of business letters are letters of request and letters of inquiry. Letters of request are drawn up in order to initiate certain actions by the addressee required by the author of the letter. Letters of request - to obtain any official information or documents. In what situations are they compiled? How to correctly state the essence of a request or request?

How and why to write a letter of request

Letters of request are drawn up in order to initiate certain actions by the addressee required by the author of the letter. In management activities, a huge number of situations give rise to the preparation of such letters. This may be a relatively simple situation in which there is no need to present complex information in relation to events, provide any argumentation, or convince the addressee. In such cases, it is better to start the request letter directly with the statement of the request itself, for example:

However, not all situations in management activities are so simple. Most situations require justification when composing letters of request, or, in other words, an explanation of why, why, and for what purpose the letter is being drawn up. As a rule, justification is necessary in order to influence the addressee, to convince him to act in a very specific way, as the author of the letter would like or need. If a request letter contains a justification, then most often it precedes the statement of the request, for example (the // sign indicates the boundary between parts of the letter text):

Download sample request letters:

The Russian language is one of the languages ​​with a relatively free word order. In any of the texts above, we can swap parts of the sentence without much damage to the meaning, for example:

Phrases in which the main idea of ​​the letter is first stated, and then the argument is given, have a special stylistic connotation: they are always perceived as more expressive than phrases built on the “justification - conclusion” principle. However, business style is alien to any kind of expression; it almost always gives preference to stylistically neutral language means, so phrases that first provide an explanation, give justification, and then state the essence of the matter are more correct.

When composing a request letter, try to ensure that the rationale and the final part (the request) are grammatically one sentence. Even in cases where the justification contains references to regulatory documents, facts, events, do not separate the rationale into a separate sentence, otherwise, to express your request, you will have to use phrases like: “In connection with the above, we ask...”, “Taking into account the above, we ask...”, “In connection with which we ask...”, etc. These constructions do not carry information and make the text more complex both from the point of view of structure and from the point of view of perception. Letters of request can be written in even more complex management situations.

Schematically, this situation can be represented as follows:

A letter written in such a situation will be easier to perceive if the content is presented in a sequence that reflects the logic of the development of the situation itself. In this case, the structure of the letter can be divided into three parts: introduction (description of events, facts that directly affect or may affect the management situation), justification (explanation of the reasons why it is necessary to contact the addressee with a request), conclusion (request), for example ( The communicative and semantic parts of the letter are separated by the sign //):

According to the data we have, at the Kursk and Belgorod sugar processing plants, which are the main suppliers of sugar to Moscow and the Moscow region, scheduled preventive work should be carried out during March - April of this year, the schedules for which have not been agreed upon. // Due to the fact that during the period of preventive work the production of sugar and its supply to consumers will significantly decrease, // we ask you to hold a working meeting with the participation of representatives of the Moscow government on the issue of ensuring sugar supplies to the Moscow region for the period of partial shutdown of these factories.

Regardless of the structure of the text, the request in the letter is formulated using the verb “to ask.” In letters issued on organizational letterheads, it is used 1st person plural verb form:

We ask you to provide information about..., We ask you to provide information about..., We ask you to request about..., We ask you to conduct... etc.

In letters issued on official letterheads, it is used 1st person singular verb form:

I ask you to consider the issue of..., I ask you to provide information about... etc.

One letter may contain several requests (preferably on one issue). In this case, the main request is formulated first, and then the rest, using the following linguistic expressions:

We also ask you to (consider, provide, conduct...), At the same time we ask you... etc.

For example:

Due to the insignificant gas consumption of boiler plant No. 4 (less than 3.5 million cubic meters per year), we ask you to exclude this enterprise from the group of gas consumers with mandatory reserve fuel (fuel oil) for the heating season 2005–2006. At the same time, we ask the software “ Mosgorkhleboprodukt” together with JSC “Mosenergo” to consider the possibility of connecting plant No. 4 to the centralized heat supply system in the 2006–2007 heating season.

How and why to write a letter of request

A letter of request is actually a type of letter of request. As a rule, requests are made in order to obtain any official information or documents. In commercial activities, a request is an appeal from a buyer to a seller (an importer to an exporter) with a request to provide detailed information about a product (services) or to send an offer for the supply of goods (provision of certain services). In general, request letters follow the same rules as request letters, for example:

In commercial activities, the text of the request usually indicates: name of goods (services); the conditions under which the author of the letter would like to receive them; quantity and/or quality; timing of delivery of goods or provision of services; price and other information. The following expressions are used in a commercial request:

We ask you to inform us about the possibility of supply... We ask you to make an offer for supply... We ask you to provide detailed information about... etc.

For example:

We ask you to inform us about the possibility of supplying air conditioners model AS-200 in the amount of 150 pcs. during February - March 2005, and also inform the terms of payment and delivery conditions.

Download sample request letters:

The response of the correspondent organization to a letter of request or request is a letter of response, which can be consent or refusal. In commercial activities, the response to a request is issued as a commercial letter, which confirms receipt of the request and provides information about the product of interest to the buyer. The response to a request can also be a commercial proposal (offer). Letters of request and letters of inquiry are drawn up in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements."

When drawing up and processing requests and requests, the following details are used:

  • destination;
  • title to the text (if the text of the letter is more than 4-5 lines);
  • text;
  • signature;
  • mark about the performer.
All business letters are issued on special forms.

What should you do if you urgently need to obtain important documents, request up-to-date information, or seek help from a company or official? Compose a letter of request according to all the rules of business correspondence and receive a positive response.

From the article you will learn:

How does a business request letter differ from other types of letters?

Business correspondence is the most important part of the document communications system. Letters are her most widespread documents. There are many types of official correspondence. All of it is a form of written dialogue that contributes to solving the most important issues in the activities of organizations. Its genre and thematic range is characterized by wide diversity.

A letter of request is one of the most common types of business correspondence. The need to write such appeals may be caused by various reasons, and it is not possible to list them all. However, there are a number of features that make this letter among the general array of official documentation.

A formal letter of request can be a tactful request or a diplomatic demand on a current issue. It serves to achieve the specific goal of the author and is necessary to induce the addressee to take the actions that are necessary for the writer of the request letter.

There are especially many situations when there is a need to draw up a letter of request in management activities. The reason can be either a simple situation that does not require enhanced argumentation and detailed explanations, or a problem, without explaining the essence of which it is impossible to get a positive answer. In the second case, the author will need to not only state his request, but also justify it, explain to the recipient why it is necessary to act in one way or another.

Existing office templates and standards make it easier to write a formal letter of request. Any business message must comply with the rules of business correspondence. Correspondence is, first of all, the face of the sending company. Its design requires attention to detail and adherence to the rules of business etiquette. In order to draw up a letter of request on behalf of the organization, you will need a letterhead indicating all the necessary details. The application is certified by the signature of an authorized official and the seal of the company.

How to write a formal request letter?

A business letter of request is drawn up according to all the rules of official correspondence. In order to ultimately receive a positive response, when writing an appeal you should adhere to a certain algorithm. It will allow you to structure the content of the letter, convey the main ideas to the addressee, and clearly and clearly state the essence of the problem.

Determine who exactly you are addressing?

It is better to contact the addressee personally. Following generally accepted rules of business etiquette, use your first name and patronymic. This will help show respect. In addition, a personal request imposes a certain responsibility on the official who received the letter. Even when you need to write a letter of request for a group of people, it is better to personalize the appeal.

Why are you addressing this particular addressee?

It is recommended to explain to the recipient in advance why you contacted him. You can give him a compliment and note his business or personal qualities, past achievements that are important in the context of your appeal. This technique will encourage you to consider the letter with the request more carefully and find an opportunity to satisfy it. It is important to be sincere and not cross the line between compliment and flattery.

How can you justify your request?

Think over your arguments in advance and arrange them in the text letters according to the scheme strong - medium - strongest. Interest the recipient, reveal to him the potential benefits associated with fulfilling your desire. Voice a problem that is relevant to him and show how it can be solved to satisfy your interests. Describe the significance of the problem and let the recipient know that solving it can be beneficial for both of you.

What information should be provided to the recipient?

Describe the problem as concisely and as clearly as possible. Avoid ambiguity and be as specific as possible about the desired result: indicate the exact price, date, percentage, etc. A letter of request requires the addressee to make a management decision. To do this, he needs accurate information: how much, what, when and at what price. These details need to be formulated precisely, leaving no room for ambiguity. Otherwise, the initiative may pass to the recipient, the request will be formally granted, but the originator will not receive what he wanted.

What conclusions can be drawn?

After stating the request, it is necessary to modify it and repeat it again, focusing the addressee’s attention on the potential benefits. At the same time, the possible benefit does not always have to be material.

Letter of request

A written request addressed to representatives of an organization (usually sent to the manager) or to a specific person, drawn up for the purpose of obtaining information, providing access to business papers, or asking to perform some work, is called a letter of request. According to the rules of office work, the addressee of correspondence must provide a response to such a letter.

Sample request letter

The rules for composing a letter of request are consistent with the generally accepted canons of business correspondence. The form of a letter containing a request is the most common in business correspondence, and therefore provides for a variety of writing options. The most general recommendations that can be given to help the writer of such a letter are to adhere to a simple and concise style of presentation with the obligatory specificity of the actions that need to be performed, for example: “I ask for assistance...”, “I ask you...” (the specific action is then indicated), “I hope for your support in obtaining...”, etc.

As a rule, an official letter of request is written on the sender’s letterhead and its structure includes the following sections:

  • details indicating the registration number of outgoing correspondence and the date of creation of the letter
  • personal data of the author of correspondence (position and full name)
  • title of the letter describing the essence of the request
  • a respectful address to the addressee of the message, which most often begins with “Dear...”
  • the essence of the request with a mention of the action that the sender wants to initiate with his request
  • In some cases, in the text of the letter it is appropriate to use a phrase about a supposedly successful resolution of the case, for example, “Thank you in advance for your participation...”
  • signature of the author of the request letter indicating his data.

    When composing the text, the main request can be preceded by a preamble, in which it is necessary to briefly outline the reasons for contacting the addressee. If the sample contains several requests, it is permissible to use wording like: “I also ask...”, “At the same time as the above request, I am turning to you with...”. Each new issue for consideration must be presented in a separate paragraph. According to the rules of business correspondence, a response to a complex request can be sent in one letter, with comments on each request.

    This type of correspondence reduces the amount of paperwork and time spent reading and processing incoming documentation.

    In the event that the nature of the correspondence allows for the designation of a time period for consideration of the request and obtaining a result, the text of the letter must correctly express the desire to receive a response within the prescribed period.

    A business letter must contain the sender's contact information. This data is indicated so that, if necessary, the recipient of the letter has the opportunity to contact the sender of the request directly.


    Sample request letter: pismo-prosba.doc (downloads: 8038)

    A letter of request is a request to obtain the necessary information, goods, services, documents, to provide recommendations, to organize a meeting, etc. When drawing it up, you need to justify the need to fulfill the request. It can be addressed to a specific individual or legal entity - organization. This type of letter may contain more than one request.

    How to write a request letter

    A request letter has a structure similar to the general structure of a business letter and is almost identical in form to a request letter. Its registration is carried out on the organization’s letterhead. It is usually signed by the head of the organization or an authorized person.

    Examples of business letter phrases - requests

    Reason for request:
  • In connection with&hellip
  • Considering&hellip
  • In view&hellip
  • Based on&hellip
  • For the purpose&hellip
  • Based on&hellip
  • According to&hellip
  • According to&hellip
  • Text of the request:
  • We ask you to consider/provide/carry out/report/inform/send urgently &hellip
  • We turn to you with a request&hellip
  • We ask for your assistance in...
  • We ask for your consent to...
  • We also ask you&hellip.
  • A letter of request requires the writing of a letter of response.


    A letter of request is perhaps the most common form of business correspondence. The number of situations that necessitate making a request on behalf of a legal or natural person cannot be counted. This is obtaining information, product samples, coordinating actions, inducing some action, etc.

    The composition and structure of a request letter is not much different from the standard ones (see Business letters. Formatting rules. Letter structure). As a rule, the text of a request letter consists of two parts:

    1. Introductory part. where the essence of the matter is stated in narrative form, the motives and reasons for making the request are explained. The following standard expressions are often used here:

  • reason for contact Due to non-receipt. Considering the social significance. Taking into account (our long-term cooperation). Considering (the long-term and fruitful nature of our business relations). Due to the inconsistency of your actions with previously accepted agreements.
  • Due to delay in receiving the goods.
  • Based on the results of negotiations on the issue of. etc.
  • purpose of appeal In order to carry out the order. In order to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. To coordinate issues. To ensure the safety of cargo passage.
  • To avoid conflict situations, etc.
  • links to grounds for appeal In accordance with the previously reached agreement... In connection with the appeal to us. Based on a verbal agreement. Based on our telephone conversation. According to government decree.
  • According to the protocol on mutual supplies.

    All of the above expressions must be used taking into account the context and speech situation.

    Almost all standard expressions begin with a derived preposition or prepositional phrase. You should pay attention to the correct use of these prepositions with nouns, which are mainly in the genitive and dative cases.

    2. Actually a request. Here the key phrase of the letter includes words formed from the verb ask. Its use is explained by etiquette requirements for business texts and the psychological laws of business communication - a person more willingly agrees to perform an action expressed in the form of a request than in the form of a demand.

    In some cases, the request itself, expressed descriptively, may not contain this verb, for example: We hope that you will find it possible to consider our proposal within the specified period.

    The request can be made in the first person singular (Please.), in the first person plural (Prosim.), in the third person singular (in this case, nouns with a collective meaning are used: Management asks. , Administration asks. , Labor Council asks ., etc.), from the third person plural, if several nouns with a collective meaning are used (the Administration and the Workers' Council ask.).

    If the request letter is multi-dimensional. then the composition of the second part of such a letter may look like this (parts of the composition must correspond to the paragraph division of the text):

    Please. (Please.)

    At the same time I ask. (We also ask.)

    I also ask. (We also ask.)

    When drafting a letter of request, you should take into account such recommendations.

    1. When making a request, emphasize your or your organization's interest in fulfilling it.

    2. Under no circumstances begin a letter with the word Please. - it is more tactful to first explain the reasons for your request (even if all the details have already been agreed upon with the addressee).

    When formulating a request, the following standard expressions are often used:

    We are turning to you with a request.

    about sending to our address.

    about the direction to my address.

    about sending to our organization.

    about giving me. We ask (ask) you (you).

    Effective Request Letter in 5 Steps

    Any letter of request must consist of a well-thought-out rationale and a clear statement of the request. In addition, you can use techniques that increase the efficiency of writing.

    Step 1. Who do you contact with your request?

    Address the addressee personally, preferably by first name and patronymic:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich!, “Dear Mr. Ivanov!”

    “Dear colleagues!”, “Dear managers!”, “Dear junior employees!”, “Dear HR employees!”

    Letter of request. Sample request letter

    A letter of request is a type of document, the purpose of which is to obtain some information, encourage some action, or provide some documents. That is, the nature of the letter is non-commercial.

    A letter of request can be addressed either to a specific person or to the organization as a whole. According to the rules of good manners, it is assumed that the addressee must give an answer to it.

    Here is a request letter, a sample of which can be downloaded in Word.

    The letter is written on the organization’s letterhead (if there is one, and the letter is written on behalf of the organization), and must contain the following blocks:

    Cap. to whom and from whom letter

    The main part, including the appeal, the statement of the request itself, a detailed description of the reasons why this request needs to be fulfilled (the more justified your request is, the more likely it is that it will be fulfilled)

    Signature, date

    As a rule, typical phrases are used in request letters:

  • “We ask you to consider//provide//carry out//report//inform”
  • “We turn to you with a request...”, “We ask for your assistance in...”
  • "We ask for your consent to..."
  • “We also ask you...”
  • The style of the letter must be formal and businesslike, in compliance with all norms of business correspondence.

    If there are several requests, then it is better to reflect them in one letter of request, rather than writing a separate letter for each request.

    Examples of a request letter (the main part of the letter):

    Residents of the village are contacting you... with a population of... people. There is currently no provider in our area that provides reliable high-speed Internet access. However, such a need exists, and this service will be in great demand.

    We ask you to consider the possibility of organizing a dedicated line to connect to the Internet.

    Dear Anton Petrovich!

    Residents of houses... st. Determined with a request for landscaping of the local area. There is no organized space in the yard for walking with small children. We ask you to provide assistance in organizing a playground.

    There is also an acute issue with the availability of parking spaces. In our yard it is necessary to additionally develop a parking area for storing cars of residents of nearby houses.

    We hope for your understanding and help.


    A letter of request is perhaps the most common form of business correspondence. The number of situations that necessitate making a request on behalf of a legal or natural person cannot be counted. This is obtaining information, product samples, coordinating actions, inducing some action, etc.

    The composition and structure of a request letter is not much different from the standard ones (see Business letters. Formatting rules. Letter structure). As a rule, text of the request letter consists of two parts:

    1. Introductory part, where the essence of the matter is stated in narrative form, the motives and reasons for making the request are explained. The following standard expressions are often used here:

    • reason for contact
      • Due to non-receipt...
      • Considering the social significance...
      • Taking into account (our long-term cooperation)...
      • Considering (the long-term and fruitful nature of our business ties)...
      • Due to the discrepancy between your actions and previously accepted agreements...
      • Due to delay in receiving the cargo...
      • Based on the results of negotiations on...
    • purpose of appeal
      • In order to comply with the order...
      • In order to resolve the issue as quickly as possible...
      • To coordinate issues...
      • In order to ensure the safety of cargo passage...
      • To avoid conflict situations...
    • links to grounds for appeal
      • In accordance with the previously reached agreement...
      • In connection with the appeal to us...
      • Based on a verbal agreement...
      • Based on our phone conversation...
      • According to government decree...
      • According to the protocol on mutual supplies...

    All of the above expressions must be used taking into account the context and speech situation.

    Almost all standard expressions begin with a derived preposition or prepositional phrase. You should pay attention to the correct use of these prepositions with nouns, which are mainly in the genitive and dative cases.

    2. Actually a request. Here the key phrase of the letter includes words formed from the verb ask. Its use is explained by etiquette requirements for business texts and the psychological laws of business communication - a person more willingly agrees to perform an action expressed in the form of a request than in the form of a demand.

    In some cases, the request itself, expressed descriptively, may not contain this verb, for example: We hope that you will consider it possible to consider our proposal within the specified period.

    The request may be made in the first person singular (“ Please..."), first person plural (" Please..."), from the third person singular (in this case, nouns with a collective meaning are used: " The management asks... ", "The administration asks... ", "The Labor Council asks... ", etc.), from the third person plural, if several nouns with a collective meaning are used ( The administration and the Labor Council ask... ).

    If the request letter is multidimensional, then the composition of the second part of such a letter may look like this (parts of the composition must correspond to the paragraph division of the text):

    Please... (Please...)
    At the same time I ask...(We also ask...)
    I also ask... ( We also ask...)

    When drafting a letter of request, you should take into account such recommendations:

    1. When making a request, emphasize your or your organization's interest in fulfilling it.
    2. Under no circumstances begin a letter with the word “Please...” - it is more tactful to first explain the reasons for your request (even if all the details have already been agreed upon with the addressee).
    3. Don't rush to thank the recipient in advance. By doing this you put both yourself and the recipient in an awkward position. Try to say thank you when you find out that your request has been granted.

    When formulating a request, the following standard expressions are often used:

    • We are turning to you with a request...
      ...about shipping to our address...
      ...about the direction to my address...
      ...about deportation to our organization...
      ...about giving me...
    • We ask (ask) you (you)...
      ...tell (us)...
      ...send (to me)...
      ...urgently introduce... immediately...
      ...notify (company management) about...
      ...inform me about...
    • I ask for your (your) consent to...
      ...sending to...
      ...providing us...
      ...acquaintance... with...
      ...transfer... of the following equipment...
    • We ask for your (your) assistance in...
      ...send as soon as possible...
      ...providing additional information regarding...
      ...carrying out...
    • I ask for your (your) instructions... conclude an agreement on...
      ...for delivery from the enterprise warehouse... to a representative... prepare documents about...
      ...for review...
    • We ask you not to refuse the courtesy and... .

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