How to complain about a driver in Yandex Taxi: what can you complain about, where to call? Instructions for filing a complaint against Yandex taxi Application form: nuances of proper execution.

The numerous advantages of Yandex Taxi in the form of a convenient mobile application, the possibility of online ordering and payment, and a developed support service do not guarantee an adequate level of transport services. In case of problematic situations with a taxi driver working from Yandex, or detection of shortcomings in the operation of the service itself, you should write a complaint to Yandex Taxi. This is not only a way to defend your legal rights and punish the culprit, but also to improve the quality of services provided by the service.

When is it okay to complain?

In Russia there is no separate law regulating the use of taxi services, but there is Government Decree No. 112 dated February 14, 2009 “On the rules for transporting passengers and luggage.” in addition, each service involved in transportation has its own charter, which should also prescribe the legal relationship between citizens and taxi drivers, especially on those points that are not covered in the Resolution.

In some cases, Yandex Taxi drivers do not adhere to established legal standards or commit actions that violate the rights of the client. Any situation that affects the quality of the trip may be a reason to file a complaint. In particular, this could be:

  • A deliberate increase in the duration of a route for no apparent reason, when you can choose a similar one, but with less mileage.
  • Turning on the counter for waiting for boarding until arrival at the client.
  • Lack of necessary driving qualifications for the driver (when the driver drives the car carelessly, is poorly oriented in the road situation, etc.);
  • Direct traffic violation.
  • Failure to deliver the car after placing an order through the application.
  • Lack of comfort (dirty interior, driver smoking, loud music).
  • The class of the car does not correspond to the one issued during the application (for example, an economy class car is supplied instead of the ordered comfort class) or its unsatisfactory condition (dirt in the cabin, damaged upholstery, etc.).
  • The cost of the trip does not correspond to that specified when ordering the car. This is exactly the amount the driver must tell the passenger, provided that the passenger has indicated the route in advance.
  • Inappropriate or tactless behavior of the driver, which may manifest itself in rudeness, insults or aggression, as well as lack of change, refusal to complete the trip, etc.
  • Taxi driver's state of alcohol/drug intoxication;
  • Illegal actions in the operation of the service as a whole: erroneous debiting of funds, incorrect calculation of the cost of the trip, etc.

Recommendation: if a problem situation arises, you should write down the make and license plate number of the car, the driver’s data (information can be viewed in the “Trip History” item from the main menu of the mobile application), and, if necessary, record the violation (on a voice recorder, photo or video device).

Where to contact

The rights of passengers as consumers of services are protected at the legislative level, so a complaint is a legal right to express dissatisfaction in the event of complaints directly against the taxi driver, the level of service or the company itself. You can leave it via:

  1. Official website of the service.
  2. Sobilny application Yandex-taxi.
  3. Phone call to technical support.
  4. Taxi park

Official website of the service

Complaining through the official Yandex Taxi website is one of the simplest, but at the same time effective options. In the electronic form, which is located at the link, you can describe the trip, indicate facts of violations and leave your data.

Note! On this page, you can select specific topics for requests: about possible problems with payment or using a promotional code, forgotten items, problems with the application, violations of traffic rules or public order by drivers.

The complaint can be made in free form, describing the situation that became the reason for the appeal. At the same time, it is important to adhere to a business style of presentation, avoid obscene words, insults or threats and describe only accomplished facts without speculation or personal assessments. To process it as quickly as possible, it is recommended to indicate the date and time of travel, car number, driver details and travel route.

As a rule, Yandex Taxi support staff promptly respond to complaints and, if necessary, compensate the client for losses. A response to a claim submitted through the website can often be received within 1 hour, but in more serious situations, the consideration period can increase to 24 hours or more. In this case, the client is notified and reports are provided on the progress of resolving the issue.

Mobile application

Another way to file a complaint is to use the “Leave a review” tab in the Yandex Taxi mobile application, which opens automatically after the end of the trip. in it you can rate the service with a certain number of stars (according to your own subjective opinion) and leave a comment describing the problem situation. Here you should also provide information about the driver, car number, trip details and personal contacts. Requests from the mobile application are processed promptly: in some situations, a response can be received within 15 minutes. If violations are detected by the taxi driver, he will be subject to disciplinary punishment, and the client will be provided with compensation (for example, in the form of bonuses to pay for future trips).

Telephone support

In some cases, you can quickly resolve a controversial situation with Yandex Taxi by calling the technical support service at one of the following numbers:

  • +8-499-705-8888 (for Moscow);
  • +8-812-389-3333 (for St. Petersburg);
  • +8-343-226-0966 (for Yekaterinburg).

Telephone numbers are available for filing complaints for residents of any Russian city where Yandex-taxi service vehicles operate.

Note! On holidays and weekends, the number of transactions on the help desk lines decreases, so the waiting time for the outcome of a claim may increase.

The operator may request to send available evidence of offenses or other documents by regular or email. the response based on the results of the review will be sent to the citizen in a similar way.

Taxi park

Passenger transportation is organized not by Yandex itself, but by taxi companies working with it under a license. You can make a complaint directly to the management of the taxi company through which a particular vehicle operates. The information is usually indicated in the order or driver card in the contact field.

It should be taken into account that in case of claims regarding disagreements in the cost of travel and related issues, the taxi company has the right to independently send requests to the Yandex Taxi support service. Situations concerning traffic violations, forgotten personal belongings or rudeness of drivers can be reported both to the taxi company itself and through the official website or mobile application.


If you can’t solve the problem with Yandex Taxi on your own, it makes sense to write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor, which is designed to monitor the work of organizations that provide services to citizens. Since Yandex Taxi provides paid passenger transportation services, its activities fully comply with the competence of Rospotrebnadzor. The reasons for applying may be the reasons listed above, related to poor quality service, facts of fraud, etc. In addition, the application will be especially appropriate if:

  • lack of response from taxi service representatives to a previously submitted claim;
  • lack of the desired result after contacting Yandex Taxi;
  • repeated violation of the rules.

To contact Rospotrebnadzor, it is important to adhere to a certain structure for presenting a claim. It must contain:

  • in the header of the document: information about the applicant, the Yandex-taxi service and the Rospotrebnadzor branch where the application is sent;
  • title of the document – ​​Complaint;
  • in the main part the essence of the problem situation with justifications and evidence confirming the reliability of the stated facts. They can be attached to the claim, citing them in the text itself.
  • in the final part, the request of the applicant (taxi client) to respond to the violation and take the necessary measures;
  • list of attached documents (if available);
  • date of compilation and signature.

You can submit a complaint in one of the following ways:

  1. Send by mail to the address of the regional office. In this case, it is recommended to choose sending by registered mail with notification, which will allow you to control the fact of delivery of the letter to the address and the timing of its consideration.
  2. Deliver in person to the nearest Rospotrebnadzor office.
  3. Use the online form on the official website

The period for consideration of applications is 1 month, after which the citizen must be notified in an appropriate way about the results of the consideration and the measures taken.


It is advisable to contact law enforcement authorities when faced with boorish or aggressive behavior of a taxi driver, as well as violations of traffic rules. In this case, it is advisable to have evidence of your claims, which can be presented in the form of witness testimony, video materials, etc. In addition, the violation should be simultaneously reported to Yandex Taxi technical support in one of the most convenient ways. To ensure that the client is promptly notified that the complaint is being resolved, decisions are often sent by email and in the application.


Going to court would be advisable only in cases of serious conflicts with a taxi service or its employees committing criminal acts against a client. Situations involving minor offenses will not be discussed here, but it is a reliable way to punish violators and achieve justice in financial claims.

To go to court you must:

  • prepare a statement of claim indicating the violations committed, supported by references to legal norms, and your requirements;
  • transfer the claim along with evidentiary materials to the carrier’s place of registration or place of residence;
  • wait until the court considers the case and makes a decision.

The statement of claim is considered for up to 10 working days, after which the judge decides to initiate a case. in this case, the opening of a case may be refused in the absence of sufficient grounds, of which the citizen is notified accordingly. The duration of the trial is usually 1-2 months. During the consideration of the case, inspections may be ordered, as a result of which the court may award compensation for moral and material damage to the plaintiff, deprive the driver of the driver’s license, fine the carrier, and even deprive the carrier of his license.

But before going to court, you should evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of this way of solving the problem. Benefits include:

  • the opportunity to defend your rights and achieve punishment for the perpetrators (especially important in cases of criminal acts);
  • a wide range of powers of the court and the possibility of various types of checks allow us to count on a comprehensive consideration of the situation and the fairness of the decision;
  • the time for compensation of all costs will be delayed, but it will be possible to receive them in full.

As for the disadvantages, it should be taken into account that:

  • if the amount of the claim is small, litigation cannot be called a rational way to solve a problem situation;
  • the amount of legal costs may exceed the size of the claim itself, and if the claim is not satisfied, it will not be possible to return them;
  • involving professional lawyers in the case will involve additional costs.

Thus, going to court is a last resort. Most issues, especially minor issues, can often be resolved by contacting the Yandex Taxi service directly.

Taxis make our life easier and faster. Moreover, this type of transportation is so popular that in some places it replaces travel by personal cars. And it is not surprising that there are hundreds of car rental services. And Yandex Taxi is one of them. The Yandex Taxi service itself has a huge number of advantages that other organizations lack. A convenient smartphone application, the ability to pay online, a customer support system - all this makes this service very attractive. But what to do if you encounter problems when using a taxi from Yandex? Of course, complain. In this article we will talk about how this is done. Content:

  • What can you complain about?
  • Complaint to Yandex Taxi
  • Complaint to Rospotrebnadzor
  • Lawsuit

What can you complain about? The answer to this question is simple - everything that seems unsatisfactory to you.

How to complain about Yandex taxi?


Yandex Taxi, being a legal entity providing paid transportation services, fully falls under the jurisdiction of this organization. So, in what cases should you complain to Rospotrebnadzor? The list of reasons is as wide as when complaining to Yandex Taxi itself - poor service, fraud, etc.

However, two more important points are added to it - refusal to cooperate with the client when contacting and repeated violation of the rules. It is for these reasons that most complaints are received.
Completing a claim with Rospotrebnadzor is a little more difficult than filing a complaint with Yandex Taxi itself, since a strict form must be followed. The claim consists of three parts:
  • Title. Contains general data on the department of Rospotrebnadzor, you and Yandex Taxi;
  • Information part.

How to file a complaint against a Yandex taxi driver


During the legal battle, you can not only get your money back for the trip, but also compensate for moral and material damage. The claim is considered for up to ten days, after which, if the court accepts it, a hearing date is set.


Most often, such litigation takes up to two months when it comes to civil liability, and up to six months when it comes to criminal jurisdiction. As a result of the litigation, the court may:

  1. Compensate for moral and material damage.
  2. Impose a fine on the company.

Yandex Taxi itself can then recover this amount from the driver during a recourse claim.
  • Deprive the driver of his license.
  • Oblige the company to apologize to the client.
  • You need to know what the fine is for an unbelted child. Find out what the fine is for stopping in the wrong place.

    Trip review

    And in this case, the client has the right to file a complaint. When calling, the taxi driver must fulfill the following obligations:

    • deliver the person to the place indicated when confirming the order. If the passenger was dropped off in another place, the situation is regarded as inconsistent with the contract.

      Therefore, a person has the right to refuse to pay for a service provided to him poorly;

    • The client has the right to refuse the trip until the car arrives. In this case, he will not pay penalties. But if the driver has already arrived, you will have to pay compensation;
    • the customer of the service has the right to transport his luggage in the car, including plants and animals.

      However, he must agree on this point with the taxi driver before placing an order.

    Where to complain about Yandex taxi Moscow official website telephone dispatcher

    On this resource, any user can leave a review about the trip and evaluate the quality of the service provided. To do this, you must fill out a certain form. It will be available immediately after the trip ends.

    You need to select a certain number of stars, which corresponds to the quality of the service provided (this is your personal subjective opinion). Based on the assessments, a rating is formed for each driver.

    This is the fastest, easiest and very effective way to complain about a taxi driver. Many taxi customers note that it is best to complain on the official website, since the resource has a professional support service.

    Here, every negative review is always investigated, and, if necessary, the passenger is compensated for the losses incurred.

    How to complain about a driver?

    Contains a description of the problem, ways to solve it, various information relevant to the case, and your requirements;

    • Conclusion. It contains an inventory of the attached documents, the signature of the applicant and the date of filing the application with the court.

    You can send your complaint to the department in person, through a representative with a power of attorney, or by registered mail.

    It will be considered within 30 days, after which Rospotrebnadzor will send you an official response. Complain to the court If you have really serious disagreements with Yandex Taxi, then you should complain to the court.

    This is not difficult to do - you just need to file a claim with your demands. The form of the claim itself completely repeats the complaint to Rospotrebnadzor.

    When submitting a completed application, it takes from 5 to 10 days to consider it, after which the judge will inform you whether the application complies with the standards and whether a case will be opened on it.

    Complaint against Yandex taxi driver

      Taxis make our life easier and faster. Moreover, this type of transportation is so popular that in some places it replaces travel by personal cars. And it is not surprising that there are hundreds of car rental services. And Yandex Taxi is one of them.

      The Yandex Taxi service itself has a huge number of advantages that other organizations lack. A convenient smartphone application, the ability to pay online, a customer support system - all this makes this service very attractive. But what to do if you encounter problems when using a taxi from Yandex? Of course, complain. In this article we will talk about how this is done.

      What can you complain about?

      The answer to this question is simple - everything that seems unsatisfactory to you. The list for writing a complaint against Yandex Taxi is extremely long:

      • Providing a low-quality car: broken, dirty, not suitable for a comfortable trip;
      • Unprofessional driver. If you come across an employee who drives carelessly, then you should definitely report it;
      • Increase in amount, fraud and other financial fraud. Drivers, even in the Yandex Taxi system, can find their own personal loophole for illegal earnings, so you should be careful and complain about every case of cheating;
      • Using long paths, driving in circles and through traffic jams. These "tricks" help taxi drivers get rich and waste customers' time. Operators must pay attention to each such case.

      This is just a basic list. It’s not worth even talking about those cases when drivers take the client to the wrong place, violate his rights, are rude and rude. So do not hesitate to complain about any significant violations that somehow affected the quality of your trip.

      Complaint to Yandex Taxi

      The easiest, fastest and most effective way to complain about a driver is contact Yandex Taxi itself. Its customer service is amazingly professional and responsive, with every complaint investigated and all damages refunded. You can make a complaint by phone, website, email or app. As you can see, Yandex Taxi has taken a thorough approach to the issue of customer feedback.

      A complaint that is submitted directly to Yandex Taxi can be in a free form, but it must include information about the trip, the driver or car, the route, and the reason why you applied. It will be helpful to describe the situation in full, indicating the exact time. But when writing an appeal, you should remember the following rules:

      • Write in a business style, legible and accessible;
      • Do not use insults, threats, or obscene language;
      • Describe only the facts. Your speculation cannot be evidence of misconduct.

      An answer can usually be received within 24 hours. For particularly complex issues, the complaint may take much longer to consider. In any case, you will need to be contacted using the contacts provided to you and provide a report. As a rule, if a violation actually occurred, Yandex Taxi resolves the situation independently without the intervention of other services.

      Complaint to Rospotrebnadzor

      Let's move on to more serious appeals. Let's start with Rospotrebnadzor, the main government service that monitors organizations providing services to the public. Yandex Taxi, being a legal entity providing paid transportation services, fully falls under the jurisdiction of this organization.

      So, in what cases should you complain to Rospotrebnadzor? The list of reasons is as wide as when complaining to Yandex Taxi itself - poor service, fraud, etc. However, two more important points are added to it - refusal to cooperate with the client when contacting and repeated violation of the rules. It is for these reasons that most complaints are received.

      Completing a claim with Rospotrebnadzor is a little more difficult than filing a complaint with Yandex Taxi itself, since a strict form must be followed. The claim consists of three parts:

      • Title. Contains general data on the department of Rospotrebnadzor, you and Yandex Taxi;
      • Information part. Contains a description of the problem, ways to solve it, various information relevant to the case, and your requirements;
      • Conclusion. It contains an inventory of the attached documents, the signature of the applicant and the date of filing the application with the court.

      You can send your complaint to the department in person, through a representative with a power of attorney, or by registered mail. It will be reviewed within 30 days, after which Rospotrebnadzor will send you an official response.


      If you have really serious disagreements with Yandex Taxi, then you should complain to the court. This is not difficult to do - you just need to file a claim with your requirements. The form of the claim itself completely repeats the complaint to Rospotrebnadzor. When submitting a completed application, it takes from 5 to 10 days to consider it, after which the judge will inform you whether the application complies with the standards and whether a case will be opened on it. If the answer is yes, litigation begins, which usually lasts 1 - 2 months.

      Let's look at the pros and cons of the court. The positive features include the following:

      • Any serious dispute, regardless of its nature, can be resolved in court. It is especially effective if there has been a crime on the part of Yandex Taxi or its employee;
      • The court has many powers which enable it to scrutinize all aspects of the violation;
      • Thanks to an individual approach and complex multi-level verification, achieving justice in court is much easier than in other instances.

      However, going to court is not without its disadvantages. The most significant among them are:

      • Duration of the proceedings. Not everyone wants to wait a couple of months to get their overpaid fare refunded;
      • Cost of claim. Sometimes you have to spend more money on all legal costs than the cost of the claim. However, if you lose, this money cannot be returned;
      • Limited range of treatment. The court will not accept complaints about a talkative driver and a dirty interior as insignificant;
      • It is often necessary to involve lawyers in legal proceedings. Their services can be very effective, but they are also extremely expensive.

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