Contests "Black box" and "The offer of the topic and issues for the issue. Intelligent game "Black Box"

Black Box game in physics in grade 9

Purpose: Expansion of the horizons of students, the development of the ability to explain

surrounding phenomena


development of interest in the subject; logical thinking, independence of judgments;

formation of materialistic worldview, moral

personal qualities (goodwill, tact, conscientiousness).

education of a creative initiative.

Stroke Game

Hello respected participants of the game and guests! We are glad to welcome you in our office of physics! Our guests will be on our game - jury. Jury I ask to judge strictly, chips and glasses count carefully! I urge the participants to order: not shouting from the place, to raise the hands, in the team to work together, listen and respect the opinion of the neighbor. To all the fluff, no feather!

Rules of the game: - A team that gaved down that is in a black box, gets a black chip.

The world around us is full of secrets and mysteries. What could be more interesting than the comprehension of these secrets. And what can be more beautiful than the human desire to the top of the knowledge of the surrounding world.

But the road to the top is not easy, you have a few tests, overcoming which, learn how well you are friends with physics. To the end of the game - Intrigue -raisinka our game awaits you.

Workout. This is a warm-up competition, estimated at 1 point.

1) What is not hiding in the chest? (Sunbeam)

2) Sister to the brother goes to visit, and he hides from her. Who or what is it? (Sun and Month)

3) jealous of the will on a hundred villages, for a hundred river. What it is? (Thunder)

4) The thunderstorm rages away. What phenomenon we fix earlier: hear

thunder or see zipper? And why? (Zipper. Distribution rate

lights - 300000km / s, and sound (thunder) - 340 m / s)

5) God does not know, but bitterly crying. What is it? (Cloud)

6) in water does not sink and in the fire is not lit. What it is? (Ice)

8) When can I have a heater? (When another body is in

sneaking with ice, has a temperature below its temperature)

9) Gates rose, the whole world beauty. (Rainbow)

11) What is not visible in the hut? (Heat)

12) Viden the edge, and you will not come. (Horizon)

The disclosure of secrets "black boxes"

The first box is made. ( 1 minute to think)

    In the black box of the substance

- it is used to reduce friction

-Ono is well suited for heating and cooling systems

- We are surrounded by three of its aggregate states.

- it is called "juice" of life on earth

The body of an adult consists of 65% of it

Water Answer

2. Receit for the transmission of thoughts to the distance.

Answer: Envelope

And what about the envelope? Riddles on the topic "Transport. Technics"

Write a deposit on sheets and pass, the team that will give more correct answers getting a chip.

1) I eat coal, I drink water as moving - I will add a go. (locomotive)

2) Boldly in the sky swims, overtaking birds flight. What? (plane)

3) What is the appointment of the screw of the aircraft? (Screw, capturing air and

by throwing it back, creates partly cravings. Inflating air on the wing

it forms lifting power)

4) What is the working body from the engine of the locomotive? (pairs)

5) What types of gears are used in a bike? (Chain Transmission)

6) walks the carrot of the cow, the lunch. Cuts the tricks to the cow under the root. (Senaker)

8) From the edge to the edge cuts black loaf. Cumshot, turn, for the same takes. (Plow)

9) Near the ear - curl, and in Hello - a conversation. (Headphones)

A black box is made.

3. Name the first crew ( vehicle) modern man?

Answer: Pediatric stroller. From the box take a toy or drawing.

Now for each team Competition "Find extra"

Each team receives three envelopes in which cards are invested with

terms. It is necessary in each envelope to find an excess card.

1) Envelope "Physical Values"

density, current strength, specific resistance, charge, amount of heat, resistance, voltage, time, current operation, power.

(Excess Card: Density)

2) Envelope "Physical instruments and mechanisms"

Ammeter, Voltmeter, Dynamometer, Block, Barometer, Thermometer, Speedometer, Menzurka, Liquid, Lever

( Excess Card: Liquid)

3) Envelope "Physical Phenomena"

Zipper, inertia, rainbow, falling bodies, gravity, short circuit, movement, moment of force, heating, friction

(Excess card: moment of strength)

Black box

4. Soccer ball substitute

Answer: Canning Bank. From the box take out a tin can.

Black box

5. "Photographer - Master" . If you raise the lid, you will get your portrait. Tell me , what is in a black box?

Answer: Mirror

Black box

6. In the black box is all familiar physical body.

- Thanks to this body you can prove the elasticity of gases

The movement is an example of a mechanical movement

-One circle

-Ono is a friend of some athletes

Because of him cried Tanya

Answer: Ball

Black box

7. In the black box is a physical device.

-work with him, you need to be very careful

It has a scale

- Produce from glass or plastic

- it is possible to observe the diffusion

- it is used to determine the volume of liquid

Answer: Menzurka

Black box

8. The fact that in a black box, a very talented person invented, this young man came up with a pottery circle, the first saw in the world. In our country, this subject was discovered during excavations in Nizhny Novgorod. IN Ancient Greece The ability to use this subject was considered to be the riding perfection, and those who knew how to solve it was considered to be considered to be a great mind. For many hundred years, his design has not changed, at present any high school student can use it.

Circul's answer

Black box

9. In the black box there is a layout of a living being

"It has a large eye sensitivity, and when ideal visibility conditions, they can see at night from the top of a high mountain of burning match at a distance of 80 km

-It for 0.05 with its brain can recognize the object

- all my life it eats about 40 tons of food

Mudny wisdom says: he must be afraid

- This is the creature of the smartest on earth

Answer man

Black box

10. In the black box is the name of the phenomenon

At the end of the XIX century. (1896) French physicist A. Becquer (1852-1908) witnessed another radiation, whose nature had no analogue. He found that Uranus, located at the end of the Periodic System D.I. Mendeleeva, has the ability to spontaneously emit some invisible radiation.

In 1898, P. Curie and M. Sklodovskaya-Curie allocated from uranium ore Two new chemical element: radium and polonium. The word "radium" is formed from Latin - "emit, emit rays." The name of Polonius was introduced in memory of Poland, where M. Sklodovskaya was found from. It turned out that the activity of the emissions of these two elements several thousand times more than uranium.

What phenomenon speech?

Answer: Radioactivity, the phenomenon with which we will get to know the trail of the lesson.

Summarizing : And now I ask the jury to summarize our game.

No need to miss, and sit without a business, go the raisin to us to see!

(The student opens the box, looks, but does not say that he saw there. Suitable the rest.) From the box, remove a plate with a highlight and show the entire hall. "This is a raisin of our game!

We have not promised more than you.

Winner's reward ceremony

Competition "Black Box" for the audience "Kitchen on request" program. The competition is carried out during the direct ether of the Kitchen program at request.
Brief rules:
To take part and get the opportunity to win souvenirs from the competition organizer, it is necessary:
1) during any direct ether Programs "Kitchen on request" send an answer to the question "What is in a black box?" Chat on the broadcast page / Video-recepty / KPZ-Pryamoy-EFIR /

2) wait for the correct response from the lead program.

3) Being the first chat participant who guess the correct answer.

Competition prize: a set of souvenirs from the TV channel "Food". A prize can get only one winner of the competition on the results of the live broadcast of the program "Kitchen on request"
The competition is carried out during the live ether of the program "Kitchen on request"
Taking part in the competition, you confirm your consent with the rules and conditions of the competition.

Information on the organizer of the competition, the rules for its conduct, the number of prizes on the results of its conduct, timing, place and order of their receipt - on the website of the Internet Competition on the site site. Competition is held from "22" February 2016 from 20.30 to 22:15 Moscow time. Acceptance of applications (answers to the question) to participate in the competition is held from 20:30 at 10:15 pm Moscow time during the live ether of the program "Kitchen on applications".

Full rules and conditions of the competition

"Black box"

Information about the competition, rules and conditions
1. These Terms and Conditions apply to the "Black Box" contest (hereinafter referred to as the "Competition"), which is the advertising campaign of the TV channel "Food" and is carried out in order to popularize it and attract attention to it. The organizer of the competition is society with limited liability "Table", Legal address: 197110, Russia, St. Petersburg, Novoladozhskaya st., D. 4, Corp. 1, OGRN 1089847045199, TIN 7813404147 PPC 781301001, Certificate of Media Registration El NFS77-50283 of June 18, 2012 (hereinafter - "Organizer"). Prize Foundation Competitions are formed at the expense of the organizer. The competition is held on the Internet, in the territory of the Russian Federation.
2. To take part and get the opportunity to win souvenirs from the competition organizer, it is necessary:
2.1 During any direct ether of the program "Kitchen on request" send an option to answer "What is in a black box?" Chat on the broadcast page / Video-recepty / KPZ-Pryamoy-EFIR / (The number of options for the answer is not limited). The program "Kitchen at the request" goes on the air from "22" February 2016 from 20.30 to 22:15 Moscow time .. The completion of the competition will be further declared the organizer.
2.2 wait for the correct response from the lead program.

2.3 Being the first chat participant who guess the correct answer.

Becoming a member, you automatically agree and accept these Terms and Conditions of the Competition and give your consent to the "Food" TV channel for the processing of its personal data, in accordance with Federal law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data", on the terms and for the purposes determined by the conditions of the Competition and the Privacy Policy of the Food Channel.
3. The competition is carried out during the direct ether of the program "Kitchen at the request" from 20.30 to 22.15 inclusive (hereinafter referred to as the "Competition's term"). The announcement of the winners occurs at the end of each direct ether.
4. The organizer reserves the right to unilaterally change the rules and conditions of the competition, prizes, identifying or other information, or cancel the competition, at any time during the term of the competition without prior notice to the participants.
5. The winner is the participant, the first to write the right answer to the chat. The winner chooses the organizer that evaluates the completeness, maximum proximity to the correct answer and the accuracy of the participant's response.
6. The number of answers from one author (Competition participant) is not limited.
7. Participants will receive a notice from the organizer about whether they are the winner, through social network VKontakte, Facebook (Facebook) or classmates.
8. All participants must live in the Russian Federation.
9. The organizer has the right to reject the application for participation in the competition, which does not comply with this Regulation and Conditions.
10. All decisions made by the Organizer regarding this contest are final and are not subject to discussion.
11. The organizer reserves the right to unilaterally limit the timeline, time and place to receive prizes by the winner, but to prescribe / clarify / change special conditions With regard to specific prizes (date and time of use, time limits and other parts).
Prizes and award procedure:
Prize Fund of the Competition:
- A set of souvenirs from the TV channel "Food". The prize can get only one winner of the competition.
Other provisions:
The definition of the prize winners - the owners of prizes is not random ("probabilistic") character, and on the basis of the order of granting the correct answer to the question "which is in the black box" according to this Regulation and the conditions of the competition.
Employees of the organizer and any affiliates, as well as members of their families, cannot participate in the competition. Prizes are not issued in non-compliance with the participant of the Competition of this Rules and the conditions of the competition.
The decisions of the Organizer on all issues related to the holding of the Competition are final and not subject to revision.
From the moment of receipt of the prize, the organizer does not bear any responsibility for the prize.
The responsibility of the organizer for the issuance of prizes to the participants of the competition is limited exclusively by the number of prizes specified in these Rules and Terms of Competition.
The organizer reserves the right to not enter into written negotiations or other contacts with the participants of the competition.
To fulfill the delivery / presentation commitment to the winner of the competition, the organizer has the right to demand from a winner of providing information provided for and necessary for the implementation of such actions. A full or partial refusal of the winner of the competition in the provision of the above information automatically frees the organizer from the delivery / presentation obligations to him.
The organizer at his own discretion may recognize all applications for participation, as well as to prohibit further participation in this competition to any person who fakes or benefits from a fake application process for participation, or a competition, or in violation of this Competition Rules , acts destructively, or carries out actions with the intention to annoy, insult, threaten or cause anxiety to any other person that may be associated with a real competition.
If for any reason any aspect of this competition can not be carried out as planned, including the reasons caused by infection with computer viruses, problems on the Internet, defects, manipulations, unauthorized interference, falsification, technical problems or any reason uncontrolled by the Organizer, Which distorts or affects the execution, security, honesty, integrity or proper holding of the competition, the organizer may be annulled on his sole discretion, stop, change or temporarily stop holding a competition, or to recognize any affected applications for participation in this competition invalid.
When written refusal The winner of the competition from receiving the prize, the winner loses the right of the prize request from the competition organizer.
All personal information, including name, age, number mobile phone and / or address email The participant will be used exclusively in connection with this competition, and will not be provided to any third parties for the purposes not related to the competition.
All personal data reported by the participants to participate in the competition will be stored in accordance with the terms current legislation RF.
The fact of participation in the competition means that the competition participant provides its consent to the processing of its personal data, namely the collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, refinement (update, change), use, blocking, destruction by the organizer of personal data solely for the purposes of this competition in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
All personal data reported by the participants to participate in the competition will be kept in accordance with the terms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
Terms used in these Rules belong exclusively to this contest.
Everything controversial questionsconcerning this competition are regulated on the basis of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
The organizer of the contest is a limited liability company "Table".
Legal address: 197110, Russia, St. Petersburg, Novoladozhskaya st., D. 4, Corp. one,
OGRN 1089847045199, TIN 7813404147 KPP 781301001,
Certificate of registration of media email №ФС77-50283 of June 18, 2012

Named gifts

The eyeliner to this game may sound like this: "Dear guests, I will reveal you the mystery of the birthday room - he loves his name. And therefore, he himself, not realizing himself, likes to receive gifts beginning on the first letter of his name. Fantasize that you would give, knowing about its weakness. "Gifts" can be the most different: both real and fantastic, magical. Original, sense of humor and explanations are welcome, why you chose this gift. " Further, guests are in turn call their "gifts". That player, whose "gift" most liked the birthday girl, you can hand the prize.

Famous Tests

Very simple contest: who will give more famous thesis of the culprit of the celebration, to that - the prize.

Black box

The original contest, which can be held both on a solemn banquet and in the circle of relatives and friends on homepiece. For any age, the number of players is not limited.

To music from the transfer "What? Where? When?" A black box appears in front of the guests, which lies the subject associated with any way with the life of a birthday room.

The presenter offers guests to guess what it is for the subject located in the "black box." The condition of the competition: guests can ask any questions, but answers to which can only be "yes" and "no", i.e. You can not ask: "What is the form of this subject? What is this subject made from? " - You can ask: "This object is round (square, rectangular)? This item is made of glass (plastic, paper)? " etc. Options for the contents of the "black box": if the birthday girl (birthday) is a sweet tooth, then it can be a chocolate; If the book is a book; If you like to watch movies - disk with the film; If the fisherman is something from fishing facilities, if an accountant is a calculator or cash banking (for example, real 100 rubles); If the driver is a toy machine; If he is fond of cooking - a set of spices, etc. - As you can see, there are a lot of options. The winner of the competition is a prize or the contents of the "black box".

I believe - I do not believe, or who knows the birthday name best

The presenter tells guests various interesting stories about the culprit of the celebration. The task of guests is to determine whether one or another was the case in the life of a birthday room, or this is a fictional story. At the end of the story, the host asks: "Raise your hands those who believe me; And now those who do not believe that it was actually. " The participant wins the participant who will give the greatest number of correct answers. It can be awarded a comic medal "The best connoisseur of the birthday life."

Auction with viscos lots from the birthday girl

Host: "I call the lot, who exhibits a jubique as a prize, and then ask the question present. Who meets correctly for 1 minute - takes the prize!

Men Anniversary Option

  • First Lot - Jubilee Air Kiss. Name his favorite dish.
  • The second lot is a strong handshake of the jubilee. Call his favorite alcoholic drink.
  • Third Lot - Autograph of the Jubilee. Name his favorite occupation.
  • Fourth Lot - Friendly Jubilee Kiss. Name his favorite movie.
  • Name his favorite sport.
  • The sixth lot is a strong anniversary of the jubilee.Name his favorite car brand.
  • The seventh lot is a pile of vodka on Brucershaft with the jubilee. Name him the ideal of a woman (the correct answer - you need to call the name of the spouse or lover).

Option for the birthday of the girl (women)

  • First Lot - Birthday Air Kiss. Name her favorite flower.
  • The second lot is a strong handshake of the birthday girl. Call her favorite non-alcoholic drink.
  • Third Lot - Autograph Birthdaynitsa. Name her favorite book.
  • Fourth Lot - Friendly Birthday Kiss. Name her favorite movie.
  • Fifth Lot - Russian Troplete Kiss. Name her favorite dish.
  • The sixth lot is the strong hugs of the birthday girl.Name her favorite color.
  • The seventh lot is a glass of wine on Brucershaft with a birthday party. Name her ideal of a man (the correct answer - you need to call the name of the spouse or lover).

Lottery with drawing certificate draw

Option of the previous game.

Interesting entertainment will be a lottery with a draw gift certificates, including comic. For this, guests write their names and surnames on leaves, fold the leaflets into the tubes and fold them into a common box. The lead calls a gift certificate, and then rapidly pulls out the folded sheet out of the box. Next, he calls the name of the lucky way and invites him to go out. When all certificates are played, the lead holds a solemn awarding of the winners.

Versions of gift certificates:

  • On the right to order a favorite song from DJ.
  • On the right not to participate in the competitive program.
  • On the right to get the first piece of the birthday cake.
  • On an exclusive photo session with a birthday party (Birthday).
  • On the right to get a bottle of champagne with an autograph of the birthday girl (birthday).
  • On the right to visit the birthday room (birthday) at any time of the day and night.
  • At the right to be present at the next birthday as an honorary guest.

You can come up with any other options for gift certificates - depending on the age and views of the company for which this game is preparing. Certificates are preferably beautifully arrange to make it more solemnly.

Congratulations-game "Star Track"

(Guests are lined up in a row of three or four people, are rid of the words of the lead. The hall includes the jubique and stops opposite the "Star Track".)

Host: Persay Friends, Pass,
At this moment, smile from the heart.
Skip forward without doubt
You have a birthday.
(Coming out the jubilee.)
Today, all your guests are brightly illuminated,
After all, the reflections of their star on them you send.
So let your rays and in the future gave us
And seems to us a big life magic fairy tale.
To extend this fairy tale
At least for a little bit
You slowly succeed
Star track.
Each star is just a riddle,
You will need only one deposit.
Get up to get up on the star way
And guess at least something!
Each of us dreams of
I think that including you
Get from the hands of a man
Now beautiful ... (flowers.)
(Give a bouquet of flowers.)
To remember then your biography
We will do this now ... (photo.)
His husband from now on Polau,
After all, he gives you his ... (Kiss.)
(Husband kisses a birthday party.)
For all the culnery celebration
In such moments,
To give ready without end, we ... (Applause.)
(Applause guests.)
Miracles today we can not get around
Let him roll off from the sky now ... (confetti)
(A star with confetti is attached to the ceiling. One of the guests jerks for the rope, confetti sues the birthday party.)
To be always with friends together,
You need to fulfill us ... (song.)
(Guests are performed by the song "Happy Birthday".)
And the time in honor of these minutes
Hear us here is the anniversary ... (salute.)
(Guests, spanning balloons, mimic salute).

Host: You have passed the test, birthday girl, on Divo.
We want guests at the table all invited.
(Birthday invites everyone at the table. Guests are cleared.)

Host: In December, when cold and strong frost,
There are various amazing demand for holidays.
Someone pleased the Day of Cudesman,
Someone the day of the revival,
And today we celebrate Mother's birthday.
I welcome the gathered guests from the soul,
And I open with the joy of the mother's anniversary!
(Fanfare sounds. Applause guests. Garlands lights are lit on the main design of the back.)

Host: Let this day go to the story forever
And the birthday only joy will bring
And the guests are having fun. Let be careless,
Nobody, I hope sad from the anniversary will not leave.
So that the celebration began to start, as it should be
Fill all the glasses are offered.
(Music. Guests fill wine glasses.)
I suggest the first toast to drink standing.

Happy Birthday, Mom, Happy Anniversary!
That evening we are with you.
AND good words Not regret
For you your beloved and native!
For a long time, our evening is a winter dirty,
You, mom, with us, you are our star.
And let your holiday celebrate in winter
We wish you all: shy away!
For you, dear mommy!
(Guests drink. Music pause.)

Congratulations "Rays of the Star"

Host: Dear guests! Not in vain say that a woman is a source of heat and light, and for their relatives and loved ones - a guide star that helps confidently go on the roads of life.
Star named Tatiana
Now in my hands.
And everything in it, as if, without flaw,
I confirm ready is not only in words.
Here all rays warmly emit so much,
That guests to touch them long wish.
I suggest those present to choose any ray of the star and express your attitude towards the hostess of today's evening.
(The presenter comes to guests with a beautifully decorated "star", to the rays of which the paper strips are attached with the text and suggests it in a certain order.)
Tatyana! What does the name mean?
And the fact that everyone is in chooses.
Character solid, volitional.
At first glance, he is difficult.
But mostly optimistic.
It has a look at the personal things.
Nature of devoted, proud.
It goes in life without much difficulty.
We are Tanya, however, we all admire everything.
And feelings to express this day we will try.

To feel the birthday party always overwhelmed,
I want us to raise the beds now!
(Guests drink.)
(Musical pause.)

Congratulations "Wishes Cloud"

Host: Dear birthday girl! This date is celebrated only once in my life. And we would really like that you were on this day on the seventh heaven from happiness. We hope that our cloud of wishes will give you a special joy.
(The presenter demonstrates a bulk paper cloud with the inscription "Be, as our cloud")
Host: Friends! I think that with your help this cloud will acquire a tangible weight and falls on the guilt of today's celebration. I suggest you to call wishes and adjectives, beginning with these letters. Offen the best waywill be marked by the prize. So please!
(Filling the cloud wish. Awarding the best.)
Host: Dear Mom!
We give the cloud of hopes and wishes,
So that the natural tissues have opened in you!
(Cloud handing.)

Guests! Glasses fully pour
For the jubilee, all before the bottom, drank together.
(Guests drink)

Congratulations togelechkov

Host: The cloud disappeared in the sky,
But the angels are not at all angry.
They go down from heaven,
A minute later there will be here.
(Angels appear :)
First Angel: And here we, curly angels,
In our hands we have a congratulatory leaves.
(Open scrolls, read.)
Second Angel: Dear birthday girl!
Happy Anniversary Congratulations
As before we protect.
First Angel: Saving from different troubles
Still forward for a hundred years.
Second Angel: I will hear folk clans,
That we are big musicians
Have to show for you
All hidden their talents.
(Execute a song under the phonogram "Strawberry".)

On the birthday of such
Duet Meet the clockwork
Mood you
VMIG will rise that hour.
In anniversary for all guests
Birthday is important.
That's why friends,
Sing us words.

With the date we congratulate - Yeah, yeah ...
We wish from the heart - yeah, yeah ...
Happiness personal, limitless ... yes yes yes!

(Chorus repeats twice.)

Host: Dear birthday girl!
Let's not do long deviations,
Let's start with heart congratulations.
It is known that from the constellation "Builder"
You came to congratulate your head.
(Congratulations on the boss.)

Host: The team would like to know
When he congratulates.
Your turn came.
Start, gentlemen!
(Congratulations on the team.)

Congratulations from the spouse and children

Host: Dear guests!
You all witnesses that in our chaise
One star now will not fadelight.
And by the way, there is a medium of us one fan,
Which studies this for many years.
The word is provided to the native and close person - the husband of the birthday man.
(Suliman song phonogram sounds. Suleiman comes out, sings.)

I am the only one in the east
Shib-giving-dy-ba-yes. (2 times.)
Who gives magic lessons
Shib dub-dubi-ba-yes. (2 times.)
The wizard of Suleiman
Everything is honest, without cheating (2 times.)
The wizard of Suleiman.
(The phonogram subsides and Suleiman-husband pronounces words.)
Suleiman: Oh, the star of my eyes!
You conquered me at first sight ...
(Suleiman leaves. The song sounds the song "We arrived at you for an hour." The group "Brilliant". Children's birthday in wigs from the New Year's rain, with guitars in the hands imitate the performance of the song - the first verse and chorus, after that they say words ...)
First: we are the stars of this kids real,
And your name is simply "brilliant."
Second: We are known as pop stars,
We all do not need to represent everything.
Third: As we are musical people,
Congratulations to issue special.
First: Dear Mommy!
Kirkorov in the anniversary sent you a bouquet.
(Gives flowers.)
Second: his wife is a big hello.
(Send "Kiss".)
The third: Christina - a photo from the cover.
(Give a photo from the cover.)
First: Bulanova - Beautiful boots.
(Give boots from Barbie.)
Second: Gazmanov - tender words.
The third: and Gubin ... I did not hurry yet.
First: But we are ahead of him
And your present hand.
The second: from Suleiman and from "brilliant",
From the son-in-law, snohy, grandchildren here standing,
We give this miracle - watch novelties of Hollywood.
(Grandchildren carry a box from the TV in the middle of the hall. "Brilliant" pretend that you get a TV.)

Game "Live buttons"

Third: Checking the new TV, we must make sure the image canals. So, press the button.
("Press" the TV button. The "leading TV shows" appears.)
Dictator leading: Good afternoon, dear viewers! On the air program "Ay, yes I!", Whose participants can be all those who want, including you. I invite you to the studio of the most bold and risky three women and three men.
(Come out.)
Dictator-presenter: Dear participants! I ask you to host the pairs. Women will act as players, men - as buttons. I explain the rules of the game: the lead is asking a question to all players at the same time. A participant who knows the answer to him must click on the "button", which is the hour "emit" your music signal, and only after that can answer. Please advise in pairs and choose the original music signal, for example: "meow-meow", "peak peak", etc.
(Men are "buttons" to wear on the head of Berets.)

1. How many letters in the word "anniversary"? (Six.)
2. Name the birthday date date.
3. What is the name of the younger son of the conviction of the celebration?
4. What city is the birthplace of the jubilee?
5. How many floors in the house where the birthday room lives?
6. What is the name of the machine that is in the family of the jubilee?
7. Name the river that takes place in the city where the birthday girl lives.
8. Which vegetable occupies the largest area in the garden of the conviction of the celebration?
9. In which month, the birthday girl meets autumn?
10. What newspaper notifies the jubileis about the life of our city?

Dictator-presenter: It was the last question. It's time to summarize. The best connoisseur became ...
(Winner's reward ceremony.)
Dictator-presenter: On this we finish the transfer "Ai Yes!". With you there was an incomparable Ellochka.
("Brilliant" "turn off" TV, hand from it a passport of the jumper.)
"Brilliant": Dear Mom!
TV "Sharp" - the best in the world!
Let it always stand in your apartment.
("Brilliant" leave the hall.)

Host: About congratulations, guests, I ask you not to forget.
You now have a minute to have a snack.

Host: Today to the birthday girl with a bow low
Refers to the constellation
What belongs to relatives and relatives.
(Congratulations to relatives.)

Host: Among all constellations brighter, more fun
We are seeing here the constellation of friends.
It is in a hurry to congratulate happy birthday
And make a girlfriend congratulations.
(Congratulations of friends.)

Host: Gifts, Cards and Congratulations
It causes a wonderful feeling.
To reveal to us,
Glasses should be pouring.
(Guests fill the glasses.)

I offer a toast for your wishes!
(Guests drink.)

Host: Friends!
We continue our festive banquet further
Birthday with spouse for dance invite.
(Supplies dance.)

(Dance compartment.)

Congratulations from hunter and hares

Host: Dear guests! If we take a look at the starry sky, then you will be convinced that the birthday girl was born under the sign of the Zodiac "Sagittarius". Therefore, I ask you to welcome a person directly to this sign.
(There is a mini skiing hunter, in the header-Ushanka, behind the shoulder - rifle.)
Hunter: Happy Birthday, Sagittarius!
Seen immediately, you are a fighter.
And neither fluff nor feather
Wish you time.
For the holiday, I was late
Chose all the gift
To achieve goals,
I had to hunt to game.
Here, the incident brought,
Maybe there is a demand for it.
(Two guests run out, disguised into the suits of the Zaitsev, perform a song.)

Every year we're going together on this day.
Not then, to sit at the table again:
On your birthday, we are without false and flattery
From the heart and with the mood we are pressed about ...

And we do not care, but we don't care
What we will eat is that we will drink.
We know for a long time, so instituted.
Your good birth should be.

We go to visit to you, we are not at all for dinner,
We managed to know the generosity of the good soul
Your birthday for that we need
So that you could congratulate and tell you ...

Host: Hunter I ask you to keep up
On the dance cheerful guests to invite everyone.

Competition "Light Dance"

Host: Dear guests! Announced the brightest dance of our evening. We invite couples wishing to take part in it. Condition: Before starting the dances, all couples light bengal lights. Music sounds. Couple dancing. At the end of the dance, the prize receives the couple, who will last the longer burning Bengal fire.
(Competition. Award.)

Host: Feast Want we continue, friends,
Please take all places at the table.
(Guests take place at the table.)

The game "Flying Rocket"

Host: Dear guests! We always admire the shining stars on the night sky. Especially our attention is attracted by the constellations of a large and small bear, which in the people simply refer to the bucket. We managed to get these Star Buckets from the sky, and offer you, friends, drink from them a star drink, proclaiming a toast in honor of our jubilee.
(Toast from guests.)
Host: I would like to wish our birthday to make her life always remained a complete bowl like this bucket that shining us with a wonderful night sky.
Looking at the hostess of today's evening, it can be said that she, like a star, is at the same time close and far away for us.
To get to the stars this distant.
Need to fly,
And every feast of the raktet
I suggest get ahead.
(The presenter issues two missile layout.)
So, attention, flight rules: at the signal of the leading first participant, looking into the porthole, says loudly: "With the anniversary!" And transfers the rocket to his neighbor. The second peeping, says: "Congratulations!", Three: "With the anniversary!" etc. until the rocket costs each guest for its half table. Let's see whose rocket will flush to the birthday girl faster.
Host: But before you go to the flight, let me approve the crew lists. Request for guests: answer chorus.
Host: us plus, minus 42.
To the flight everything is ready? ...
Guests: Yes!
Host: There is no reason for concern -
Approve all ...
Men: Men!
Host: Well, and women in response
Tell me: Are you afraid of? ...
Women: No!
Host: Rockets are ready.
Teams in place.
In the flight, we go together together all together.
5,4,3, 2.1 ... Start!
(The game "Flying Rocket". Summing up).

Host: Today for the birthday girl is a decisive, turning point in her life. After all, each big event is a real star hour, which defines our further life.
So, the hostess celebrations,
Your starry hour is coming.
Now you are in the role of deity
And listen to you the whole room wishes.
(Response word of the hostess.)

Host: I ask, guests, drink you
For the coming Starry hour!
(Guests drink.)

Host: Friends!
Do not forget about music
All dancing are friendly.

Competition "Zaport Stars"

Host: I offer guests to light a few new stars in our sky.
Task: All team members alternately light the candles that are installed in the form of a star. Who can cope with the task faster?
(Game. Award.)

Congratulations from Star

Host: Dear guests!
Who leads all the stars account?
Well, of course, starvature!
Only flames where the star
He arrives there.
(Comes out of the star.)
Astrologer: good evening, Dear guests and hostess!
Birthday with heaven
I took a miracle from miracles.
Happy anniversary congratulations
I hand it this cake.
There are many shining on it,
Blizzard them need a lot of strength.
Dear birthday!
For the team "Three Four!" - You need to smile wider.
And on "Once!" or "two" - get ready first.
How I say "start!" - You can blend candles.
(The jubilee on the team poices candles. Cake after the competition put on the table.)

Host: We ask guests at the tables of all sit down,
After all, it is necessary to drink and eat a little.
(Guests take place.)

Host: This holiday is a birthday,
Just a glorious anniversary
So that the fun continued
Everyone will say "Pour!"
(Guests fill the glasses.)

Let him be sparkled in wine glasses,
With the anniversary of Tatiana, it congratulates.
(Guests drink)

Divination "Joyful stars"

Host: Dear birthday girl! There are many pleasures in life. And we wish you, of course, a whole hundred on your birthday. But, herself understand, not all the desires come true. Therefore, we have to find out which of the stake of life you are just waiting for the coming year until the next birth.
We will arrange starfall,
Fishing the stars all in a row.
How much do you catch them here,
You will find so many joys.
(The presenter throws the stars on which the "joy of life" is written, the birthday girl is trying to catch them.)

Star inscriptions:
Bliss from presence at a philharmonic concert.
Silent joy after seeding in a wooden box on the windowsill.
Licacy after victory in the cup match of the favorite team.
Pleasant learn about the amount of interest that came across the bank account.
One hundred percent relaxation during stay in a 100-degree sauna.
Exotic pleasure from making love in an unsuitable place for this place.
The pleasure of "shopping" (shopping) in the overseas capital.
Primitive delight during a duck hunt.
Unrestrained fun on a drunk and stupid party.
Awesome expectation of the compliment during the sweeping of guests with pickles and homemade jams.
Travel joy from personal acquaintance with a famous doctor.
Blessed frenzy from the seating with the mirosis in his hands and on the ice near the wells.
Pleasant lubrication in the joints after dipping the potato plantation.

(The inscriptions on the stars caught by the birthday girl are announced for everyone. Then they read the ones she missed.)

Game "Star Necklace"

Host: A star fell from the sky
And guests were punished
So that of them without progress
Here collected a necklace.
(Two people are invited to create a star necklace. At the signal of the lead you need to attach asterisks with the help of clips to the thread of the New Year's rain. Who will be able to use the largest number of stars and cope with the task faster, he will be considered the winner. Game. Summing up. Award. Presentation Necklaces Birthdays.)

Black box game

Host: Friends! In honor of today's festive day A black box is drawn. The one who calls the contents of this box will be able to become its owner. The lead is entitled to answer the questions of guests with the words "yes" and "no".
("Content options": 1. Cognac - Star drink, 2. Audio Cassette - Voices of pop stars. Drawing .. Presentation of "Content").

For the fact that in the future I was lucky, Nallem is now all the grams in a hundred.
(Guests drink.)

Host: Without music, it is impossible
Mark fun, friends!

Moderator: Anniversary by the end a long time came up, friends,
It is hard to part, but it's time.
I hope a year later on this day and an hour
The hostess at the table will meet you again.
(Music sounds. Guests diverge home.)

The abstract of the intellectual game for children is 12-15 years old "What? Where? When?"

Posted by: Sukhova Tatyana Aleksandrovna, teacher additional education, MBOU DOD "Center for Additional Education Children" Cherepovets Vologda region

This event is intended for vacation time, as well as in the summer camp.
The tasks for the game are selected on the Internet sites and in literary publications.
Attributes are preparing for the game in advance, the "black box" is manufactured.
Purpose: Development of logical thinking through the intellectual game, cohesion of the children's team
Tasks: intensify cognitive activity intellectual abilities, develop resourcefulness, skill work in a team.
Age: 12-15 years old.
Equipment: Red cards for each team, paper, pencils, "black box", attributes for questions, musical accompaniment.
Objects for a black box:
2. Crash from the pan;
3. Theater;
4. Put;
Game Items:
1. Clear box
2. Signal flags
3.Reca paper
What are intelligent games? In fact, these are the same quizzes. That is, they are built on the same principle: the question is - the answer. But the quizzes are associated with something boring, sadly serious, long-sized Oskomin. Another thing is an intellectual game. It sounds somehow solid, and right organized game more dynamic, she fascinates, captures participants, and viewers. It is more interesting to prepare for her, it is more interesting to participate in it. And therefore, knowledge is learned better. And in itself a pleasantly spent time is also expensive. In the process of playing, the guys also form a sense of partnership along with the feelings of individualism, as the properties of the personality, the ability to endure the knowledge gained in non-standard conditions.
The game involves any number of teams, but at least two. The team of the team can range from 6 to 20 people. Each team must choose a captain and come up with a name. The game is held in act of the Hall or with a different large room, on the walls of which wrapped posters with the name of the game. On the scene is the table for the lead. During the game, all teams are sitting in the hall. At the beginning of the game, the presenter once again explains the rules of the game. Rules of the game: The master reads the question and gives one minute to discuss all teams. If the answer is ready before a minute expires, the commands raise the signal check box. The team answers, the first raised checkbox. If the command gives the wrong answer, the command that raised the second flag, etc. is responsible. If for a minute no command gives an early response, respond in order. For the correct answer, the team gives one point. The rules of the game monitors the jury in which the teachers are included. The presenter sets questions, the assistant will endure a "black box." In advance for each team, the necessary printouts are made with images in the issues discussed.

1. In the black box there is a device that has become known in Europe in the XII century. It was believed that it was invented by the Chinese 4500 years ago under the name "Chi Nan" and replaced the Morakhodam birds. What was the device?
The basis of the device is a magnetic arrow. It serves to define the side of the horizon. Answer: Compass
2. In the London National Gallery Many world masterpieces. Nevertheless, no painting will see so many people as the "portrait of the air Arnolphin". IN last years The canvas became so popular that the Directorate ordered him to hang him on the most prominent place in the hall. What is the reason for this popularity?

Answer: Signor Arnolphin is amazingly similar to V. V. Putin

3.Korov and chair, chicken and circula, tripod and piano. What is common with each pair?
Answer: Number of legs.
3. Black box.
Players on the table puts a pan (without a lid)
Question: "Imagine that this pan is the biggest in the world. Not only soup and porridge will be placed in it, but also everything in the world: tables, chairs, houses, trams, cities, and even all the planets. But, after all, there is one subject that will never fit into this pan. What is the subject in the black box? "
Answer: The lid from the pan.

4. Before you brand, issued by the mail of Belarus. What phrase of three words representing a folk proverb, we closed with a white stripe?

Answer: "Bread is the whole head."

6. Czech and Russian languages \u200b\u200bare related. So, for example, the "flags" is a bed, and "Dudinka" - cigarettes. Translate from the Czech "Damsk Schnoka".
Answer: Perfume.
7. Listen to the beginning of the fairy tale: "October ... Autumn ... Once in the fall near the lake turned out to be a distressed offended donkey. "One, again one," he was OH, - loneliness, again loneliness ... "Incident such fairy tales is not so simple, as it seems at first glance, for there is one interesting feature. What?
Answer: All words begin on the same letter
8. Employee.
The following item is known about this: "Dunno claimed that she is less than the sun.
For a deweist, she was no less than the lake.
And for us, she is not more pancake.
What is in the black box? "
Answer: Plate
9. Listen carefully a small poem about the boy.
"I gave the hair recently
And then I washed without tears,
Well, what boy came out nice!
It is clear to all that I have already grown. "
And now look at this poem carefully and tell me, what is the name of this kid?
Answer: Vanya (by initial letters of each line)

10. Recently, in the Kirov region, a young bear swore into the village and told meals for several days, he slept on a cart with Saint and used in strange items. What name did the villagers gave her?
Answer: Masha.
Comment: The Mesman behaved like a girl Masha in the house with bears from the famous tales.
11. High box.
Riddle: "There are two of them, and often change them. It happens that one of them is losing when she lies on the sidewalk, dreaming about his mirror pair. " What is in a black box?
Answer: Glove.

12. Player is given picture-flopper, on which portrait of a young girl and old woman depicts.

"The princess asked the artist to draw her portrait. When the work was finished, the girl took a portrait in his hands, looked at him and remained very pleased. At home, she immediately hung a portrait on the wall, looked and ... .., frightened to half-term, fell without feelings to the floor. What is so afraid of the princess? "
Answer: Princess hung up a portrait of a "upside down". Then instead of a young girl turned out an image of an old woman.
13. Higher box.
"They entered the hall and immediately saw this subject. The princess looked and said: - What is the charm!
Baba Yaga looked and said: - What a sorry!
Kolobok looked and said: - I will buy the same, only round.
This item is located in a black box. What is it?
Answer: Mirror
14. "I asked yesterday: - How is his name?
I was answered: - Tomorrow.
I will ask tomorrow: - How is his name?
I will be answered: - His name is yesterday.
I ask you right now: - How is his name? "
Answer: His name is today.

At the end of the game, the results of the winning team are given a diploma "The fastest and resourceful team"

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