Small business in the garage how to legalize. Making money in the garage: real ideas

Having your own garage is a real opportunity to create a successful business at minimal cost. You don't need to have special skills, just show a little imagination and perseverance. Consider 52 promising business ideas in the garage with minimal investment.

Garage Business for Beginners: 4 Key Benefits

A home business in a garage at the start-up stage requires an investment. Small business in a garage has a number of advantages that can help to significantly reduce costs.

  1. Having your own premises. The garage eliminates the need to rent a separate place for a business or take meters of living space from your own apartment. In a private garage, if necessary, you can install equipment and make redevelopment.
  2. Variability. The garage is suitable for a variety of activities. It can be used as a warehouse, workshop or rented out.
  3. Lack of time frames. Any time of the year is suitable for starting a garage business. You don't have to wait for the right moment, the start of the holiday season, or the good weather.
  4. Availability. The garage is usually within walking distance of the house. Significant time savings on the way to the place of work give a novice businessman a great advantage.

For those who want to open a small business in the garage, working ideas will help you find the most successful option for yourself.

Business ideas in the garage from scratch: where to start

What kind of business can you open in a garage? A startup starts with an idea. You cannot grab the first seemingly successful option. Finding a suitable idea can take several months. If you want to open a profitable business in the garage at home, then it is important to conduct a preliminary market analysis and identify priority areas. It is difficult for a beginner to break through if the niche is already occupied by competitors. A successful start is guaranteed only by innovative, original startups.

The next step is drawing up a business plan. A timeline helps you keep track of the timely implementation of project milestones. Financial - control costs. At the final stage of preparing for opening your business from scratch in the garage, you need to check the presence of all required documents and the technical condition of the premises. A sudden renovation or a missing certificate freezes the business for days or even weeks; at the beginning of a business, this is an unacceptably long pause. After that, you need to calculate the cost of equipment for the business in the garage.

Garage business: ideas for men

What kind of business can you run in a garage? More than 100 can be sold in the garage different types business. Below are some of the most popular ideas tested by experienced entrepreneurs.

33 Small Garage Small Business Ideas: Manufacturing

Garage business home production is a great idea for those who want to minimize the cost of renting premises at the start. As a small business, manufacturing in a garage is the most rational solution for beginners.

As startup business you should choose a type of activity that does not require large costs for materials and bulky equipment. Essential goods will always be in demand, therefore, first of all, you need to consider simple and popular small business ideas:

  • Food;
  • household chemicals;
  • household products;
  • lighting;
  • knitwear;
  • hardware;
  • cabinet and upholstered furniture;
  • monuments, wreaths, fences;
  • decor items;
  • decorative design of mirrors and glasses;
  • Framing Workshop;
  • advertising materials (signs, plaques);
  • plastic windows and doors;
  • stretch ceiling;
  • wood products in the garage as a business is a great idea for beginners (stairs, furniture, doors);
  • making a copy of the keys to order;
  • cutting glass;
  • tile;
  • fake diamond;
  • foam blocks;
  • children's sandboxes;
  • dry mixes;
  • hand-made (soap handmade, candles, souvenirs).

When choosing a type of activity, it is worth starting from your skills and start-up capital. The purchase of equipment and raw materials may require up to 500,000 rubles. As a business idea in a garage, production can bring you income from 20,000 to 300,000 rubles per month.

Video on the topic of the top 15 machines for starting a business in a garage:

Mini business in the garage: retail

A convenient store or a shopping pavilion will turn out from a garage if you carry out preliminary repairs in it: insulate and veneer. Shelves and counters are arranged according to the type of product. Narrow and long for small piece goods, wide for large items. At first, it is better to trade in the store on your own so as not to spend part of the profit on the seller's salary. It is advisable to hire a dealer when the monthly income exceeds 50,000 rubles.

The arrangement and purchase of the first batch of goods will require up to 300,000 rubles. For trade in the garage, goods with a long shelf life are suitable:

  • cereals;
  • canned food;
  • pasta;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt and sugar.

If there is a demand, you can add fresh vegetables, fruits, bread, sweets to this list.

What business can you open in a garage, ideas: workshop

The most promising from the point of view of competitiveness are the following business ideas for a garage with your own hands:

  • Car repair shop... The most obvious option for a garage business. It will not be difficult for someone who knows how to repair their car to fix a problem in someone else's. Such a business brings both income and useful contacts.
  • Repair of computers, telephones and other equipment.
  • Tire service.
  • Car tuning.
  • Repair of bicycles, hoverboards.
  • Shoe repair workshop... Good shoes are hard to find and a shame to throw away if you just need to replace the zipper or heel. Such work takes a little time; several dozen orders can be completed in a day.
  • Electrical appliance repair workshop... People will happily carry their broken TVs, hair dryers and kettles for repairs instead of buying new ones. And thanks to happy first customers and word of mouth customer base will expand rapidly.

Do-it-yourself garage business: service

The following services can be provided in the garage:

Small business ideas in a garage without investment: renting out premises

The garage business is a promising area of ​​small business. The main thing is to find your industry. With a serious approach, the first tangible profit is possible in 3-5 months, and in a maximum of 2 years the business will fully pay off.

The garage business was once the beginning for many successful entrepreneurs. successful business... The garage served them as a platform for experiments and first experiments. We offer ideas for a "garage" business.

A garage business is a great opportunity for a budding entrepreneur. It often starts like this: I bought one machine, put it in the garage - and has already started production. The start-up capital that will be needed to open such a business can vary from 20 to 300 thousand rubles: it all depends on your goals and scope. Simple scheme, minimum costs and a quick start is ideal for a budding entrepreneur.

According to statistics, in Russia 15% of the working-age population is involved in the "garage business". The portrait of an entrepreneur from the garage is as follows: he is 35 - 45 years old, he lives in the region. Someone works illegally, and someone is registered as an individual entrepreneur or even an LLC. So in Russia, a small business in a garage is more of a common occurrence than an innovative idea. But every year new directions and equipment appear, which makes it possible to place 15 - 20 sq. m. full-fledged production or service. Today, the "garage" business is not only tire changers, but also handicraft production, printing house, etc. In this selection we have collected 35 interesting ideas for you that can be implemented in a garage format.

Machine cost: 20 - 300 thousand rubles

This garage business is popular with aspiring entrepreneurs. The essence of the idea is engraving images using a CNC machine or laser cutting. Hardware costs can vary significantly depending on features. For example, a laser machine can be bought for 20 thousand rubles, but it can only work with a soft surface and a small area. But for a multifunctional CNC machine you will have to pay 300 - 400 thousand rubles. So the choice of equipment depends entirely on financial capabilities.

Now let's figure out what you can do with these machines. Where it can be engraved: leather, wood, cardboard, paper, metal, etc. For example, leather burn can be used to make wallets, leather notebooks or phone cases. Also, with the help of laser CNC it is possible to produce products from plywood, wood, chipboard, etc. An example is wooden inscriptions - these usually appear on wedding photo sessions or in interior decor. But the business is not limited to the production of wooden letters. With the help of laser cutting, it is possible to produce "openwork" boxes, plaques, lampshades for night lamps, collapsible structures of models of ships and airplanes, and so on.

Mini-forge in the garage

Machine cost: 300 thousand rubles (simpler analogues from 150 thousand rubles)

If you are thinking of converting your garage into a mini-forge, then you cannot do without a hydraulic forge press. These machines can be used for decorative sponge, as well as for cold and hot forging, as the kit includes a small gas oven. More than 40 complex forged elements can be produced on such a machine.

Some important nuances to consider when opening a forge in a garage:

    Eliminate flammable materials from your garage finish. For example, the floor in the garage must be made of fire-resistant material - concrete or lined with bricks or tiles. The garage should have exhaust ventilation, good lighting and hidden wiring;

    To do such a business in a garage, you need to have some experience and work skill. Therefore, if you are new to this craft, first you need to undergo training - this is required by both safety and business, the success of which depends on the quality of your products.

Phyto-tea packing

Machine cost: 150 thousand rubles

It is quite possible to place a mini-workshop for the production and packaging of herbal tea in the garage. In the future, you can sell the product on the market. Herbal tea is a healthy product that is in high demand due to the fashion for a healthy lifestyle.

The production of natural herbal tea can become not only profitable business, but also a hobby that will not allow you to turn this type of business into a routine. One of the difficulties of this business is to find a supplier of phyto-collection that you will pack. You should find a supplier with quality raw materials and quality certificates for products.

Mesh-netting production

Machine cost: 50-250 thousand rubles

The netting-netting is a demanded product in the building materials market. This is due to its practicality and low price. The demand for mesh-netting increases in summer time when used for fencing, basement under the blood of sheds, etc.

There will be enough garage space to develop the production of a chain-link mesh there. The machine is compact enough and will fit a few meters away. The machines are manual, semi-automatic and automatic. The most expensive are, of course, automatic - their approximate cost is 250 thousand rubles. For comparison: the Rabitsa station from the Promstroy company costs about 50 thousand rubles. Automatic machine ASU-174 will cost 200 thousand rubles. It is up to you how much to allocate for the purchase of equipment. If you plan wholesale netting, it is better to buy an automatic machine right away. With a wholesale price of 100 rubles for square meter the initial investment will pay off pretty quickly.

Machine cost: 50 thousand rubles

The lathe is a popular type of garage business. In your workshop, you can make a variety of wood and metal parts. For example, souvenirs, wooden utensils, fishing equipment, etc. Who should you sell your products to? Turning products are in demand among various audiences: both individuals and private entrepreneurs (construction crews, carpentry workshops, etc.).

Cost of equipment: 100 thousand rubles

From the garage, you can easily make a smokehouse for meat and fish products... It is enough to buy a special electric (or standard) smokehouse. In size and shape, it resembles a wardrobe, so it will take up little space.

You can sell smoked products on the market or take them to wholesale depots. The difficulty lies in the fact that in order to conduct such a business, it is necessary to obtain all permits for activities, to organize the purchase of fresh semi-finished products from suppliers. Another problem is that businesses are vulnerable to audits. Experts generally do not recommend opening a food production facility in a garage. Since it is not so easy to follow all sanitary standards in such a room. And the requirements for the room are as follows: the presence of an exhaust hood and a power source for the operation of the compressor.

Garage business is not always "harsh" production. One of the simplest and most creative ideas is to start making photo books. To realize this, you need a quality printer and good paper. The binding can be done by hand or ordered from a printing house.

The cost price of a photobook will depend on the number of pages. For example, the production of a 10-page album will cost you about 500 rubles, including the binding. But they sell such photobooks at a price of 1,500 or even 2,000 rubles. Thus, from one photo book you get more than 1000 rubles of net profit.

You can ensure a flow of customers if you create a store page or website on the Internet. Now everyone prints photobooks: models and designers who need a portfolio, as well as individuals who want to issue family photos to the album. With the development of the social network "Instagram", print photography has become very popular.


Machine cost: 120 thousand rubles

Recently, ceramic products have become especially popular. Therefore, to open your own pottery production - a good idea... It is worth starting with the manufacture of stucco ceramics, and after the first customers appear, buy a potter's wheel and molds for blanks. The modern potter's wheel is a powerful piece of equipment designed for craftsmen of varying degrees of experience. Before you get serious about this business, make sure you have enough experience to produce products for sale. Although you can hire a foreman who will deal with the production, and solve all the related issues yourself. With successful business development, production can be expanded and master classes for children can be held.

Manufacture of wooden toys

Machine cost: 150 thousand rubles

Wooden toys on the wave of popularity. An eco-friendly, aesthetic handmade product that meets modern fashion trends. For the production of wooden toys, you will need to purchase such machines as: milling, drilling, grinding, facing, as well as various auxiliary tools.

You can sell products via the Internet, using different resources: Instagram, Craftsmen's Fair,, Avito, etc. Wooden toys are not cheap, but they are excellent at the same time. The thing is that parents are ready to pay more for a toy if it meets their requirements: environmentally friendly, safe, beautiful, durable. Handmade toys are a great idea for a business that can bring in up to 50 thousand rubles in net profit per month (and this is not the limit). Ideas for unusual wooden toys can be spied on.

Vacuum forming machine

Machine cost: from 70 thousand rubles

By installing a vacuum forming machine in your garage, you can produce various products from thermoplastic sheet materials. These are culinary molds, auto parts, mannequins, molds for casting paving slabs, pill blisters, various signs, etc.

Styrofoam processing

Machine cost: 160 thousand rubles

Styrofoam processing is a profitable direction in the garage business. Various decorative elements are created from foam. Polyfoam is a cheap, picky, plastic material. Styrofoam decorative products are in demand by decorators. To start production, you will need to buy a special machine, the cost of which is 160 thousand rubles. And then it all depends on your skill and imagination. On average, the profit from one product is 400 rubles. With proper promotion, you can quickly find a client base and start making money on foam.

Key making workshop

Machine cost: 100 thousand rubles

The garage will make a great key making workshop. This will be especially true if the garage is located in a place with high traffic. For quality service, you will need special equipment. Different types of keys are made on different machines. You can buy a combined and automated machine that is suitable for working with many types of keys. However, the cost of such equipment is much higher, so it is more rational to purchase three narrow-focus machines.

When choosing machines, pay attention to the country of origin. The cheapest are Chinese, the highest quality is German. The former quickly fail, the latter quickly "eat up" the start-up capital. The most suitable option for a novice entrepreneur is domestic equipment.

In addition, locksmith tools will come in handy in your work: files, screwdrivers, vices, sharpening wheels, etc. These instruments will cost 10-15 thousand rubles. In total, it will take about 130 thousand rubles to open a workshop for making keys.

The size of the workshop profit depends on the number of clients. The cost of making a key is small: 150-300 rubles. To make good money, you have to fulfill a lot of orders per day. For example, if a master takes 10-15 orders per day, then for a month his income will be about 30 thousand rubles. You can read more about opening a key making workshop.

Window blinds manufacturing

Machine cost: 100 thousand rubles

In many shops and in the market, you can find cheap Chinese blinds for windows. Recently, such products have become popular and the demand for blinds has increased. You can make blinds in the garage using manual or semi-automatic equipment. To increase profits, you can deal not only with the production of blinds, but also with their installation, which does not require special equipment. This type of business can generate good income if you organize your business correctly. With established distribution channels, you will recoup your investment in a few months.

Immersion printing or aquaprint is a popular service for decorating car interiors, decorating motorcycles and gadgets. To start in the garage business, 208 thousand rubles, a garage and minimal skills are enough. Space requirements are also minimal - bright lighting and good ventilation will be required, since you will have to work with corrosive liquids. The purchase of new equipment for immersion printing will cost 200 thousand rubles. Detailed guide on opening a business on aquaprint can be found.

A very simple garage business can be set up to raise chickens and sell domestic eggs. If you have more than 200 chickens in cages and sell eggs for 90-100 rubles. for a dozen, about 60 thousand rubles a month can be bailed out. Taking into account the costs of lighting, heating and feed, the net profit will be about 40-45 thousand rubles. Additional income can be obtained from the sale of chickens and chickens.

In the garage, you can organize a business selling antiques: household items, coins and stamps, old books, gramophone records, paintings and much more. You can make money in this business in completely different ways, since one sale can bring 99% of all profits.

The growth of cottage construction increases the demand for interior decoration. In such conditions, the stained glass business can become profitable, the profitability of which is estimated at the level of 30-35%. Investment and return on investment will depend on the technology chosen: classic, sandblasted, film, fusing, tiffany or painted with paints.

If the garage is located near multi-storey residential buildings or walkable areas, you can organize a vegetable or fruit trade. The main thing in this business is the profitable difference between the purchase and the final price. The daily revenue of such outlets is about 3000-6000 rubles. Profit with a 30% margin is about 1000-2000 rubles, that is, 30-60 thousand rubles per month.

The production of paving slabs does not require large financial investments and is very profitable direction business. The trouble is, the market is already close to saturation. In every city there is a production of paving slabs, but far from everywhere there is a production of luminous paving slabs and finishing materials... Modern buyers are increasingly striving to decorate their homes and suburban areas, so this type of business has broad prospects. Surprisingly, you can start in this area with minimum capital in 60 thousand rubles and on a minimum area of ​​20 sq. meters. Discover .

Business boards are such entertaining and educational toys for children from 1 to 5 years old, which are boards, stands or modules on which various objects are fixed with which the child can interact (twist, knock, open, tie / untie, turn on / off etc). This thing today is very popular with all kinds of children's centers and clubs. The cost price of business boards is quite low (you can make business boards yourself from improvised materials), so you can set a high markup of 300% or more on the finished product.

The garage can be used as a bike rental, investing only in the purchase of bicycles and making only cosmetic repairs inside. The entrepreneur's income will consist of paying hourly or daily rent. The opening of rental points is advisable in parks and recreational areas of large cities, or near pedestrian streets. The downside of this business is seasonality. Read the bike rental business plan

Glass cutting

Machine cost: 50 thousand rubles

The garage can be equipped with a full-fledged glass cutting workshop. This business will be in demand in large cities where there is a high demand for glass replacement in industrial and residential buildings. To start, you will need about 50 thousand rubles - this is enough to purchase glass cutters, a work table and the first batch of glass.

The workshop room should be ventilated and heated if you plan on cutting glass all year round. You also need to get permits fire inspection. Cut glass is sold at a price of 500 rubles per sq. m.

A simple and fun basket weaving activity, which can be viewed from one of the hundreds of videos on the Internet, can be a good source of income. It is not so difficult to get birch bark or willow rods, and for work you only need a carpenter's knife, a metal spatula and a rope. The garage can be used both as a workspace and as a warehouse finished products and blanks.

Airbrushing is not only a fashionable direction of car restyling, which can bring excellent profits to a novice entrepreneur, but also a business for which you do not have to leave your own garage. 150 thousand rubles will be enough for everything you need. Your own small airbrushing studio can bring in more than 70 thousand rubles a month.

Investments in the creation of garden furniture can be practically zero, if we are talking, for example, in the production of benches, tables and chairs from stumps, trunks and branches of unusual shapes. The consumable item will be moisture-resistant varnishes and impregnations, which are necessary for outdoor furniture use. When independent work and small volumes are enough for an ordinary garage.

If the garage is close to pedestrian areas, you can arrange small business repairing shoes and clothes, profiling on heels, repairing soles, replacing locks and so on. The cost of equipment and tools (sewing machine, drill, machine for workpieces, knives, hooks, boot hammer, screwdrivers, etc.) will amount to 80 thousand rubles.

Ready-made ideas for your business

This business option is to open a specialized car painting service, including pre-cleaning, priming, sanding, selection and application of paint, varnish and polishing of the painted surface. To open a full service with everything necessary equipment, an amount of about 2 million rubles will be required. He will be able to bring more than 150 thousand rubles. per month.

According to the police, the detection rate of thefts in Russia is about 30%. Therefore, owners who do not want to install an alarm on their car are an overwhelming minority. To open a service for installing alarms, 530 thousand rubles may be enough. and a staff of 4 people. Such a service will be able to bring more than 100 thousand rubles per month. net profit. You can read more about opening a service for installing alarms in this article.

You can organize a car wash in almost any garage, but it is desirable that it be in a visible and convenient place. It is not difficult to buy equipment and materials, it is sometimes much more difficult to organize a convenient supply of water supply and sewerage systems, as well as provide for a drain system.

Making kites

You can learn how to make kites from video tutorials on the Internet, and the acquisition of materials does not require a lot of money. For work you will need wooden slats or metal tubes for making the frame, cloth or paper for the "body" of the snake, reel, fishing line, mount. As you improve your art, you can create a whole line of kites from inexpensive to premium kites.

The portrait of an entrepreneur from the garage is as follows: he is 35 - 45 years old, he lives in the region. Someone works illegally, and someone is registered as an individual entrepreneur or even an LLC. So in Russia, a small business in a garage is more of a common occurrence than an innovative idea.

💡 What is the garage business today?

Today the "garage" business is not only a tire fitting, but also a craft production, a printing house, etc. In this collection we have collected 35 interesting ideas for you that can be implemented in a garage format. For example:

  • Mini-forge in the garage
  • Phyto-tea packing
  • Mesh-netting production
  • Turning workshop and many others.

4697 people are studying this business today.

513243 times were interested in this business in 30 days.

The economic situation in the country is quite difficult, it is not easy to find an interesting and well-paid job. One of possible options self-employment can become entrepreneurial activity.

At the mention of this, most of our fellow citizens have strong associations with retail and the market. This direction can hardly be considered promising for a number of reasons, the consideration of which is beyond the scope of this article.

Garage as a production facility

Other possible types economic activity- production or provision of services. Skeptics will say that starting your own business will require initial capital and some investment. In addition, equipment and production facilities will be required, that is, everything again depends on the lack of funds.

However, if you look for opportunities and take a close look around, then you can start with minimal initial costs.

Question about production premises the solution is quite simple: your own or rented garage can act as such. Its dimensions are usually at least 4 meters wide and six meters long, quite enough to turn around.

Having started your own small business with production in a garage, with a certain perseverance, it is possible to rise and reach considerable heights. At the preparation stage, it is important to choose the right direction and development strategy.

What can be produced in a garage for sale

Success examples

The dimensions of the garage space impose purely physical restrictions on the dimensions of the equipment that will be used in the manufacture of products. Studying the question of what kind of production you can open in the garage, you come across many interesting stories. At least more than a dozen of the world's leading corporations started out in this way.

The most famous brainchild of Steve Jobs, Apple began back in 1976 with the assembly of a batch of computers. Eighteen years later, the famous commercial network Amazon was formed as an online bookstore. The legendary Harley-Davidson motorcycles also received a ticket to the big world from a small plank garage at the very beginning of the last century.

The list can be continued for quite a long time, there are many more examples when ordinary people, starting with small ones, were able to ascend. To the objections of skeptics about the exclusivity of these people, there are a huge number of examples of successful entrepreneurship at the local level. In our country, the creation own business for many, it began relatively recently, just at the turn of the century.

Where to start

The sequence of actions of a novice entrepreneur has long been worked out and tested by more than one generation. business people. An approximate plan of primary activities is as follows:

  • Thorough study of market conditions and determination of the product for which there will be demand;
  • Drawing up a detailed and accurate business plan;
  • Registration as an individual entrepreneur or LLC in the manner prescribed by law;
  • Selection and training of personnel;
  • Purchase of equipment, tools and accessories;
  • Preparing the garage for the installation of production equipment;
  • Purchase of raw materials, components and materials;
  • Mastering an existing or developing your own technology;
  • Preparation and launch of production;
  • Sales of products.
When implementing the proposed plan, already at the first stage, a natural question arises: what can be produced in the garage for sale? It is rather difficult to compile a list of goods, the production of which, with small volumes, will be profitable.

First of all, attention should be paid to an area where large manufacturers cannot be flexible. We are talking about the manufacture of piece goods on an individual order.

Possible options

While exploring the market both in large cities and in small villages, an attentive person will pay attention to the following areas of economic activity:

  • The most logical is the use of the garage for its intended purpose, the organization of a car repair shop. The scope for activity is huge: from minor repairs cars and ending with tuning.
  • Manufacturing of small-sized metal structures: canopies, racks, sections of fences, gates, gates and the like. As an option: it is possible to organize a full-fledged smithy in the garage.
  • The production of non-standard cabinet or upholstered furniture, the focus in this area should be on the manufacture of copyright items with an unusual design.
  • As a continuation of the previous idea, you can organize sewing of curtains, curtains, bedspreads, bed linen and other accessories in the garage. Again, the emphasis is on making things to order.
  • The last in this list is the manufacturing organization. outdoor advertising and other products of this kind. Mintypography and small printing production is also quite suitable for limited garage conditions.

The above list does not pretend to be absolute; in each city or village, certain specificity will most likely be found. Residents of specific small settlements are well aware of these features, which means that it is much easier to determine promising areas for using their real estate. The main thing is not to stand still, but to carefully study the market and listen to people.

In business, one of the most important issues is the sale of its products. Taking into account the specifics of a small business, one should focus on working with the end consumer. When forming a clientele, first of all, it is necessary to attract acquaintances, friends and neighbors. Gradually, their recommendations will create a certain recommendation for you, and people from the social circle will turn to the recognized master.

Mini production in the garage

Car repair shop

The box for storing a car for a significant number of owners is also a place of service, and often repairs. Business organization in this case will not require any significant investment.

If you have experience in operating your own car and a small set of tools, you can start working with Maintenance: replacement of oils, filters, belts, pads and the like.

In the future, it is possible to expand the list of services:

  • repair of the chassis, front and rear suspension;
  • restoration of the efficiency of steering, braking systems;
  • elimination of faults in electrical equipment;
  • replacement of windshields and side windows and much more.

A good implementation of a business idea in the garage will be car tuning and installation of additional equipment. The prospects here are the most extensive, and there are many directions:

  • installation of car alarms, audio preparation of the interior, and the like;
  • revision of the interior with the device of additional soundproofing coatings;
  • interior tuning with the installation of exclusive self-made interior elements;
  • exterior change: installation of plastic body kit and other parts;
  • when solving the issue with treatment facilities, it is possible to provide car wash services.

Most advantageous types repairs in garage conditions are: engine and gearbox bulkheads, as well as body restoration and painting. To organize such work, complex equipment will be required, professional tool and trained masters.

However, it is quite possible to turn an ordinary garage into a spray booth; the only question is the organization of sustainable energy supply and heating.

Taking into account the specifics of the garage space and its some limited size, one should not spray too much. You are unlikely to be able to compete with large service stations, and specialization in certain form works to be carried out with high quality will allow you to conquer your share of the market.

Metal fabrication or blacksmith workshop

Individual housing construction is quite active in our country. Metal structures of various kinds are in high demand, the list includes the following types of products:

  • entrance gates: swing and sliding, wickets;
  • sections of fences made of metal profiles;
  • protective visors and lattices for balconies and loggias;
  • entrance doors, garage doors of various types;
  • garden equipment: swings, awnings, benches and gazebos.

Metalworking will require the purchase of special equipment: welding machines, angle grinders, drills and other equipment. To ensure its uninterrupted operation, a stable power supply (possibly three-phase) will be required.

The organization of blacksmithing in the garage deserves a special talk. Taking into account the fact that the work will be associated with high temperatures and open fire, the structure must be capital with reinforced concrete or metal ceilings.

As one of the promising options in the garage, cold forging technology can be successfully implemented. With the help of special equipment, individual structural elements are made, and then connected by welding.

Video: small business - production of metal products in a garage using cold forging technology

In such a matter as the organization of metalworking in the garage, the participation of a specialist will definitely be required. Welding and even more so blacksmithing work is rather difficult, and it is better to master them under the guidance of an experienced master.

Small production of upholstered and cabinet furniture

IN last years the demand for exclusive furnishings is only growing. At the same time, not everyone has the financial opportunity to pay for the services of an expensive furniture designer and atelier that produces original items.

In the garage, it is quite possible to establish the production of both individual pieces of cabinet and upholstered furniture, as well as whole sets and headsets. At first, there will be enough simple and affordable equipment:

  • circular saws, electric jigsaws for cutting fiberboard, chipboard, plywood and other materials;
  • grinding machines for processing edges and other surfaces;
  • drills and screwdrivers for drilling holes and connecting parts to each other;
  • equipment for finishing edges with PVC tapes;
  • locksmith tools for installing fittings and assembling pieces of furniture.
Facades for kitchen nooks and wardrobes, as well as fittings, are purchased from specialized companies.

The situation with the manufacture of upholstered furniture is somewhat more complicated; you will need a sewing machine for sewing upholstery. Mastering the technological process for the production of upholstered furniture should begin with simple options. As you gain experience, you can move on to more complex models.

Sewing curtains, bedspreads and covers

Each hostess strives to create comfort in her home and surprise everyone with the unusual design of accessories. Curtains, bedspreads, sofa covers and armchairs of unusual styles are in great demand in the market.

Offering exclusive models will quickly build a large customer base. In most families, the distribution of the family budget is handled by women, who are happy to allocate money for this purpose.

To ensure the operation of such a workshop, very little equipment is required:

  • professional sewing machine;
  • table for cutting fabrics;
  • sets of scissors;
  • irons and ironing boards.

It will take relatively little time for an experienced specialist to set up the production of this type of product. At the preparation stage, it is important to create proper working conditions for personnel: make repairs, install good lighting, and the like.

As practice shows, the initial costs are relatively low and the full payback of the project comes quickly enough.

The development prospects for this type of business are the widest: the production of small batches of bed linen, the manufacture of non-standard covers for car seats, and much more.

Outdoor advertising production

In the modern world, the success of any project directly depends on how much the attention of clients was drawn to it. Outdoor advertising is one of the most effective means of increasing sales and promotion of companies. The production of advertising structures designed to promote goods and services is quite a lucrative business.

Oversized banner is one of the most widespread outdoor advertising means. To print it requires sophisticated printing equipment - a plotter. It is quite compact and it is quite possible to place it in the garage.

Development of layouts and management of the printing process is carried out using a personal computer and special software.

There is a great demand for the production of signs, inscriptions from self-adhesive films for window dressing and POS materials. Volumetric designs in the form of various kinds of inscriptions or stylized symbols, logos may well be made in a well-equipped workshop in the garage.

In this market segment, there is quite high competition; extraordinary solutions are needed to gain recognition from customers.

The above review of mini-production options in the garage does not claim to be complete. There are actually a great variety of options and not all of them guarantee instant returns.

The sage noticed that a long way begins with the first step! In modern conditions, it should be added that many flagships modern economy were created as small workshops in a garage.

Have you sold your car and now there is a lot of space in the garage? Let's think together how you can use it, what kind of business can be organized in the garage and what can be produced in the garage for sale while you save up for a new car?

A garage is a great start for your own business

Of course, if you are not eager to work, you can come up with something and organize something in a simple way, earning money from renting out premises, but at the same time earning a meager one and risking getting to an unscrupulous tenant.

If you are a hardworking person with entrepreneurial potential, then, probably, the question - what kind of business to open in a garage no longer gives you peace of mind. Moreover, just starting to promote even some garage business, you can get several positive bonuses at once:

  • Don't pay rent;
  • Work when it suits you;
  • Save on getting to the place of work (if the garage is near the house);
  • Such a business can be combined with the main job (you can do it in your free time).

In general, a garage business is a great opportunity for additional income with minimal financial costs.

Things to do?

You don't have to go far for ideas on what a profitable business in the garage can be organized for a novice entrepreneur. But first, you need to carefully weigh your capabilities, resources and, of course, the demand for the product or services that you are going to produce. After all, it may turn out that for this you need special equipment for production in the garage, and this is an additional cost.

Therefore, it is better to start with something that does not require large investments and will be in demand among ordinary consumers. In addition, several key factors will help to correctly identify ideas for a garage business:

  1. You need to do something that you are well versed in and that you really know how, for example, something to tinker, design or grow;
  2. Availability of an affordable and inexpensive, or better, completely free source of a resource for future production;
  3. The presence of a consumer audience and competitors (the project will be successful if the garage is located in a residential area, where there are always a lot of people).

When all of the above points are thought out and the final decision is made, on the way to business ideas for production in the garage, you will need to take a couple more very important steps:

  • Prepare the premises for mini-production in the garage (make repairs, bring communications, take care of installing heat and electricity metering devices);
  • Write a business plan in order to have at least an approximate estimate of how much and what funds will be needed to start and when they will pay off.

After solving all these points, it will be possible to proceed to registering your business, but it is better to do this if you have already made sure that you have succeeded.

A lesson for hands and for the soul

Before we move on to a specific question - what kind of production can be opened in a garage, I would like to warn those who are planning to produce food. In accordance with epidemiological and sanitary standards, such a business is not suitable for a garage, and their violation can lead to fines and a ban on entrepreneurship.

But I think this is not a problem, because in addition to prohibited production, there are actually a lot of ways to make money in the garage. Moreover, an occupation can be found not only for the hands, but also for the soul, and even for the benefit of people.

It is clear that it is very difficult to open a very large enterprise like this at once. After all, this will require large financial investments, and even without experience it is somehow difficult. Then what to produce in the garage for those entrepreneurs who are on a tight budget?

Growing greens

Garage spaces with additional lighting are often well suited for growing organic greenery for cooking. Such a business idea of ​​production in a garage is very profitable if you find regular customers for the sale of products, for example, cafes, restaurants. In addition, in the winter, such establishments pay very well for such products.

To implement this idea, you need a little:

  • Place racks with earth;
  • Find natural fertilizers (manure), because we grow environmentally friendly plants;
  • Arrange special lighting, ventilation and watering;
  • Buy good sowing material;
  • Purchase containers for harvesting.

Growing ornamental indoor plants

Indoor flowers are also very lucrative idea business in the garage. Flowers are always in demand: birthdays, weddings, and other celebrations in a person's life are usually accompanied by flowers. So, why not make money on it?

As with growing greenery, marketing is important to successfully implement this idea. Advertising can be very helpful here, which at first could be provided by acquaintances, relatives, buying flowers and recommending your "garage" store to their friends. And the cultivation technique is available both on the Internet and in specialized literature.

Growing mushrooms

The above ideas for mini production in the garage can also be supplemented very good option- growing mushrooms. It is interesting in that it is possible to grow mushrooms, for example, oyster mushrooms or champignons, not only for their own consumption, but also an excellent opportunity to spin up a business on this. Of course, it will take a lot of effort to be successful. But the plus is that special equipment for mini-production in the garage of mushroom products is not needed, there will be several inventions for the garage for this business, and the growing technology, which can be easily found on the Internet, can be understood even by someone who has never been interested in this.

Making decor items for the garden

Another idea for what can be produced in a garage is making sculptures and decorations out of plaster and concrete for the garden. This idea is very cost-effective to implement if the "workshop" is located in an area where there are many mansions and such handicrafts in the garage with their own hands are very much appreciated as additions to the design of flower beds and lawns near them.

Continuing the theme of decor for summer cottages or courtyards country cottages, you can also consider an idea for making:

  • Exclusive garden benches;
  • Children's swing;
  • Flower stands;
  • Doghouses.

And if you manage to organize everything correctly, you can earn good money and the question "what kind of production to open in the garage?" - will be closed.

Exclusive is always in the price

Ideas for a garage with your own hands can be borrowed from among your hobbies. After all, you see, it's nice if something that you do for the sake of pleasure also brings you income.

Here's what you can do with your own hands in the garage:

  • Make paintings from natural materials;
  • To compose unique compositions of dried flowers;
  • Weaving baskets and brooms;
  • Make exclusive magnets;
  • Make soap according to your own recipes;
  • Children's toys made from environmentally friendly materials;
  • Products for pets and birds.

True, if you decide that you can make products from the listed options in the garage for sale, for each of them you will need a certain amount of specific materials that you will have to look for even among household junk. But the main feature of such products is that there are almost no competitors here. And such a garage business can be very successful.

Occupation for people with a strong character

Probably, for specialists who look at life from the standpoint of a techie, the question of what can be made in a garage for sale is somewhat easier than for people of a more subtle mental organization. After all, by and large, a garage is a place for technology. Therefore, further we will talk about what you can do in the garage, if you do not really change its concept.

Mini workshop for repairing cars, motorcycles, mopeds and even bicycles

Here, the main criterion for promoting a business will be the professionalism of an entrepreneur (because everything that can be done in the garage, he will most likely have to do it himself). You will also need some equipment:

  • Balancing and tire fitting machines;
  • Tire inflator;
  • Welding machine;
  • Generator.

And also - a reasonable approach to the development of a price list: so that prices attract customers and, at the same time, be beneficial to the entrepreneur.

Painting of cars and other equipment, auto-tuning

Of course, such ideas for production in a garage require serious financial investments because only for a painting station you need:

  • Good air ventilation system;
  • The entire garage must be tiled;
  • Dust collectors must be installed.

But having established such a business, its owner will no longer wonder how to make money with his own hands in the garage. Because this business is always full of clients and, having earned authority, there will be no end to them.

Recycling of rubber tires

Small-scale production in the garage can also be established in the recycling sector. The idea of ​​such a business, by the way, is borrowed from Europe, is that old tires are crushed and then they are added to the asphalt in the form of crumbs. This new technology prevents slipping on the road, therefore it is effectively used in the construction of treadmills, sidewalks and roads.

But here you can face the problem of raw materials. In addition, if your garage is in a densely populated area, there may be problems with the warehouse area. It is possible that the local population can protest against such a neighborhood.

Restoration or production of furniture

This is another very interesting idea what business to do in the garage. Of course, the main disadvantage here is that there are a lot of competitors in the field. But you can conquer the market if you offer something that others have not been able to offer. For example:

  • Alteration of upholstery on sofas;
  • Applying a unique ornament to furniture;
  • Strengthening armchairs and stools;
  • Manufacturing of furniture for individual orders.

As a related business, it is possible to provide assembly services for the furniture purchased by the customer. After all, usually, it is sold disassembled and if you are a layman, then the assembly process can be a real challenge. So, why not entrust it to specialists.

To promote such a project, you will need rather expensive special tools. But since the business is very profitable, then all investments will pay off very quickly.

Aquarium production

Which of the children does not dream of their own aquarium with fish? It is very difficult to buy a good aquarium for a small apartment in specialized stores. Therefore, if you have not yet decided what kind of business you can do in the garage, here is a great idea for you.

Not so much equipment for the production of aquariums is required:

  • Glass cutters;
  • Knives;
  • Assembly gun;
  • Installation tables.

You will also need materials: plexiglass, acetone, glue, etc. But, the most important thing in this matter is the presence of a good ventilation system in the room, because toxic substances are used for the production of aquariums.

The implementation of aquariums for a start can be done through social network on the Internet, simultaneously advertising their products. With a thoughtful approach to business, you can very quickly begin to receive good profit.

What about the legal issues?

The list of options for how to make money with your own hands in the garage can be continued indefinitely. But whatever entrepreneurial activity you have not decided to practice, you should realize that without registering it, you are outside the law. Therefore, in order to avoid problems with public services, it is worth thinking about this and, taking into account the scale of the business, its type of activity and other nuances, choose a form of registration and payment of taxes. But if you do not understand anything about this, then it is better to entrust this process to a professional lawyer.

Everything's possible! If there is desire and perseverance

So, we looked at some interesting business ideas that you can implement in your own garage. As you noticed, some ideas can be put into practice without special financial expenses, while others will require serious funding. But it's not that. After all, many well-known businessmen who started their big projects in the garage and almost without money did not think about it. Therefore, those who only intend to open a small business in the garage, but are still hesitant, want to focus on the fact that the main thing in achieving a goal is to choose the right idea, not to be lazy, to believe in success and persistently look not for reasons, but for opportunities. even if something goes wrong. Then everything will definitely work out!

- a great option for earning money with a minimum of investment. There are many options for what business to open in the garage, the main thing is to correctly determine the direction. By the way, billionaires Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak worked on their first Apple in the garage. So nothing is impossible, the main thing is an idea and a positive attitude.


Description of a small business in a garage

Open a mini-business in a garage from scratch is one of the most affordable and convenient ways start your own business and join the ranks of aspiring entrepreneurs.

Earnings have a number of undeniable advantages:

  1. Minimum costs. Lack of rental bills, warehouse and transport costs will help you save money at the start.
  2. Work at a convenient time. A business in your own garage allows you to work without being tied to a specific schedule.
  3. Without prejudice to the main job. You can try to promote your business in your free time.

At the initial stage, it can be avoided until the demand for services or goods is established and the first profit appears.


If you have a garage at your disposal, this is a great chance to start your own business and not invest a lot of money. There are many ideas about what kind of business to open. The main thing is to correctly draw up a business plan, analyze the competitors' market and determine profitability.

The relevance of the garage business is steadily growing; today, many Russians live due to such entrepreneurial activity. According to statistics for 2016, from 20 to 40% of residents in certain regions of the country are garage craftsmen.

How to start a garage business

With rational use, your own garage can become an asset and bring a good profit in the future.

When choosing an idea for a garage business, you need to start from its location. It's good if it is located in a residential, densely populated area - this allows you to implement almost any idea: from a car service to a small store.

The remoteness of the garage from crowded places limits potential options, in this case it is already necessary to build on target audience, organize the work so that clients are not confused by the location of the point.

The room needs to be prepared:

  • insulate;
  • carry out all the necessary communications;
  • make external and internal repairs;
  • install meters for light and water.

How much money is needed for repairs and equipping depends on the functional purpose. For a warehouse of investments, you need a minimum: put on racks, paint, insulate. To organize a retail outlet, you need to take into account additional special equipment.

The only thing that is inappropriate to do in the garage is food production. Conditions do not correspond to epidemiological and sanitary standards. The production of food in the garage is subject to heavy fines and a ban on further business activities.

Sales market analysis

To choose the right idea for a garage business, you need to think over all the details and analyze the sales market.

In order to do this, you need to answer three questions:

  • what kind of activity is the minimum competition;
  • what does he want to get potential client: a service or product must be needed;
  • which business will pay off quickly.

But first of all, you need to build on your financial capabilities, if there is a minimum of money, it would be more expedient to start with small business and do not go into debt.

In any entrepreneurial startup, you need to draw up a business plan and carry out specific calculations based on price category specific region, calculate the possible profitability of the business.

Regardless of the chosen idea, friends and acquaintances, neighbors can become the first clients, and then the flow of new clients will begin. It should be remembered that after the establishment of a business, the registration of entrepreneurial activity will need to be formalized at the legal level in the relevant administration authorities.

Choosing an idea

A garage business for beginners with minimal investment will bring a good profit if you correctly define the idea and correctly implement it.

For yourself, you need to highlight the key factors:

  1. What you know better than others. In this case, a formal diploma of higher education does not play a role, you need to understand the chosen field of activity.
  2. What do you know better than others. Practical skills are important here, which is good, it turns out: to design, craft, communicate with people, etc.
  3. Resources available. Even a garage business requires financial investment. But if you think more broadly, you can sort out everything that is in the attic and in the garage itself, and try to find a use for these, at first glance, unnecessary objects.
  4. What is already in the city. impossible without demand. The service or product must be in demand.


There are a lot of options for what types of business can be organized. Below are some interesting ideas that work.

Garage for rent

The essence of the business is to rent out a garage for a predetermined period. it the best option for those who do not use the garage. Based on the fact that 80% of the adult population has their own car, the service will be relevant. The positive point of the idea is that it does not require spending your own time.

The garage can be offered for rent with the following purposes:

  • parking for cars;
  • premises for organizing a business;
  • as a storage room;
  • storage space for various things.

On average, from one garage, the monthly profit will be about 3 thousand rubles. The more garages, the greater the real profit, and in the future, additional boxes can be built on the capital received. The opening of a new garage, taking into account the supply of communications and registration of permits, will cost about 80,000 and will pay off in a few years.


Repair of premises and equipment has always been in demand, you can use this factor and organize the rental of tools in your garage.

In parallel with this, you can offer repair services if you have experience in this area. To create such a business, you need a tool and knowledge of its characteristics.

As in any other business, there are difficulties here:

  1. The instrument may not be returned. It is better to lend equipment on bail, the best option is 25-30% of the initial cost of the equipment.
  2. Breakdowns. Improper handling of the instrument can lead to malfunctions, therefore instruction must be provided.

Car repair shop

Car repair services are always relevant, since a car is primarily a technique, and it is characterized by periodic breakdowns, so there will always be demand.

To organize such a business you will need:

  • hand tools: screwdrivers, wrenches, pullers, jacks, pliers, etc.
  • equipment: power tool, welding machine, generator;
  • a properly equipped garage with space for equipment and tools;
  • create a safe work area;
  • provide the room with good ventilation.

You need to set the right prices. Too low a cost of services will not bring profit, and a high one will not bring clients.

Car wash

If the box has a large adjacent area, you can use it and organize a car wash. You will also need a small start-up capital to purchase materials and special equipment.

To create a car wash in the garage, you need:

  • connect water supply and sewerage;
  • the floors in the garage should be with a slope towards the drain, where dirty water and oil will drain;
  • carry out the wiring taking into account electrical safety measures (install a transformer with the ability to lower the voltage).

It should be noted that the business is mostly seasonal in nature and there will be a minimum of clients in the frosty season.

Tire fitting

It will be beneficial to organize a tire workshop in the garage if the box is located near the road or gas station.

To carry out tire fitting work, it is necessary to organize:

  • good lighting of the room;
  • proper ventilation;
  • conduct water.

To provide customers with high-quality service, you need special equipment and tools: machines, a vulcanizer, a compressor, etc. But these things cost a lot of money, and you can rent them to start.


You can make money on a business in a garage if you know how to do something with your own hands, and what kind of activity it will be depends on your skills.

Promotional Products

  • plotter for printing large banners;
  • computer with installed software.

The costs and requirements for this business idea are small, and this direction is always relevant and regardless of the season.


There is great competition in this industry, but you can take your niche by offering services for the production of custom-made furniture, taking into account individual characteristics and sizes.

To implement the project, special tools are needed, which are expensive, but the business is very profitable and will pay for itself quite quickly.

Large parts for cabinet furniture can be ordered from manufacturers, and in the garage you can independently assemble a furniture module and add the necessary fittings and decor.

Services for assembling furniture at the customer's home will become a separate item of income.

Car wash in the garage Selling tires in the garage Car workshop in the garage Garage furniture manufacturing

Home decoration and souvenir products

Your hobbies and hobbies can be put to good use and financially reaped. Exclusive products have always been in demand and this is a great idea for running your business in a garage.

The options are:

  • Handmade soap;
  • pictures and icons with beads;
  • weaving baskets;
  • manufacture of magnets;
  • handmade paintings, etc.

Any of the options for creating souvenirs and decorative items requires an appropriate consumable. The most important thing is that there is a minimum of competition, not everyone can make original products with their own hands.

Goods for kids

The production of children's goods is a win-win niche in business, which, with the right approach and certain skills, will bring a good stable income.

In this regard, there are such ideas:

  1. Children's sandbox. Few people are engaged in the production of such goods purposefully, but the improvement of adjacent territories is gaining momentum today. Having created several sandboxes with an original design, you can start looking for customers, and there you will receive individual orders.
  2. Kites. A little imagination and skills will allow you to create an exclusive kite, which will bring a lot of joy to the child and some profit to his enterprise. In the future, you can put the case on stream and sell the goods through private children's stores and retail outlets.

General utility goods

Most hardware stores and supermarkets are targeted at the mass consumer and do not work with individual orders. This makes it possible to occupy a profitable niche in household goods and earn decent money at the same time.

Several interesting options:

  1. Pellet production. Cheap raw materials are always appreciated due to their affordable cost. The recycling shop for recyclable materials will bring a stable income, since there are not so many competitors in our country. Pellets are used as filler for animal trays and for space heating in a private house.
  2. Decorative processing of mirrors and glass using sandblasting technology. To organize this type of business, certain skills are needed, but if there are none, everything can be learned. In addition to skills, consumables and equipment are needed, such as: stencils for drawings, mirrors and glass, sand, sandblasting machine.
  3. Production of number plates. Here you need a minimum of financial investments and there are practically no competitors, so the income is secured. Plates can be: wooden, metal, plastic. To create a ready-made version, a minimum set of available tools and materials is enough.

Several popular ones.


Boxing can be organized under commercial premises... Such a business fits into the framework of the law and can be entered in the stationary trade register. But such a project is available if the garage is located in a crowded residential area.

First you need:

  • equip the premises accordingly;
  • decide on the assortment of goods;
  • tell friends and acquaintances about the outlet for the purpose of free advertising.

There are a lot of ideas on what exactly to sell, for example, if the box is in a garage cooperative, then the best product will be in the form of auto parts and components, if on the highway it is better to sell soft drinks and coffee.

Repair shop

In this situation, there are many options: repair household appliances, bicycle repair, but for example, let's take a clothing and footwear repair shop.

Such a workshop will always have a flow of customers if it is located within the boundaries of the residential sector. In any case, you need to advertise your services and arrange the box accordingly.

To translate this idea into reality, you need to have:

  • sewing machine;
  • a set of knives and scissors, hooks;
  • a set of a shoemaker;
  • minimum consumables (threads, needles, etc.).

The target audience is wide and covers all segments of the population, which means that the profit is stable.

Laundry or dry cleaning

This service is always relevant, since not every person decides to remove dirt from expensive things on their own. When faced with a similar problem, people usually turn to professionals.

You can start with small private orders, but to increase financial profit it is better to expand over time by creating a network of laundries.

To implement the project, financial investments are needed for equipment, washing and washing machines, and consumables.

Should I register my business?

In any entrepreneurial activity, you need to understand that it is illegal to engage in entrepreneurial activity without registration, it entails a lot of problems and the imposition of fines.

If the garage is rented out to a neighbor, the tax office is unlikely to have a claim. And when there are plans for a large-scale business project, production or a store, here you cannot do without registration.

Depending on the type of activity, on what size the business will be, what the client base is and other nuances, it is necessary to decide on the legal form of the business and the tax system.

Most often, in such situations, an LLC or individual entrepreneur is registered, and taxation - UTII.

To be completely sure that from the outside government agencies There will be no complaints, it is better to consult with an experienced lawyer.

Advantages and disadvantages

As with any business, a garage business has a number of specific advantages and disadvantages.

Main advantages:

  • savings on rental fees;
  • a large selection for the implementation of ideas;
  • does not require large capital investments;
  • own premises will insure against the risk of price fluctuations, since it is this factor that often ruins a young business.

Main disadvantages:

  • a business in a garage does not allow opening: a food production, a clinic, a kindergarten;
  • boxes in the city are the first to be demolished. In case of demolition, the cost of the garage will be reimbursed, but no one is obliged to return the funds invested in the business.

But all these shortcomings do not stop those who wish in the garage.

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