Moscow electronic library. Moscow University for the Humanities (MosGU)

ELS IPRbooks is an electronic library in all branches of knowledge that fully complies with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education.

This modern resource to receive a quality education, providing access to educational and scientific publications necessary for training and organization of the educational process in our educational institution.
EBS IPR BOOKS combines the latest information technologies and educational licensed literature designed for different areas of study, with which you can get the necessary knowledge, prepare for seminars, tests and exams, complete the necessary work and projects. EBS teachers will find IPR BOOKS useful in drawing up curricula and RAPs, preparing and conducting classes, and obtaining information about new publications of colleagues.

The content of ELS IPR BOOKS is represented by publications of more than 600 federal, regional, university publishing houses, research institutes, leading teams of authors, the content of which meets the requirements of federal educational standards. EBS IPR BOOKS contains exclusive editions not presented in other resources.

Among the indisputable advantages of ELS IPR BOOKS are the speed and convenience of searching and filtering publications, advanced functionality, modern and convenient services for users, including those for inclusive education, high adaptability of the system, and an attentive approach to each reader.
The system can be used both online and offline.
Access is provided:

  • from the electronic catalog of Moscow State University -
  • from the territory of Moscow State University without registration,
  • possible personal registration at the Moscow State University Library (in person or via @-mail).

Work with EBS IPR BOOKS is possible, including with mobile devices(You can download the IPRbooks Mobile Reader app from the App Store or Play Market). Instructions for working with EBS are available on the website in the user's personal account. video instruction is also available

The “Legendary Books” section contains publications of past years, which, due to the limitation of publication, limited circulation, or for other reasons, have become inaccessible, although their quality is often much higher than that of modern textbooks. You will see not only educational publications, but also classical scientific works, as well as translations, including pre-revolutionary ones. Here, in the “Reading in the Original” series, unadapted original texts of the classics of science, world literature, as well as the English originals of such documents as the Lisbon Treaty, the UN Charter, etc. are published in several languages. Books are open at any time for all readers. These publications can be used both for working with primary sources and in scientific work and learning languages...

By registering in the system, the teacher receives:

  • information about all textbooks in your disciplines published by the Yurayt publishing house;
  • free personal full-text access to textbooks in their disciplines in the personal account of the electronic library;
  • the right to use practical materials from textbooks and workshops for work at seminars and lectures;

Universal reference and information full-text database of periodicals. IVIS LLC is one of the largest Russian companies printed periodicals, books, electronic databases of periodicals and other information resources.

IVIS is the official partner and exclusive distributor of the American company East View Information Services, Inc. in Russia. Among the company's products informational resources from various regions of the world: Russia, the CIS, Eastern Europe, the countries of the Near and Middle East, South and East Asia.

List of periodicals available by subscription in 2019-2020 (including archive for previous years):

  1. Bulletin of State and Municipal Administration
  2. Bulletin of MGIMO-University
  3. Bulletin of Moscow University. Episode 11
  4. Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 6. Economy
  5. Bulletin of Moscow University. Episode 25
  6. Economic questions
  7. State and law
  8. Housing and communal services: journal of the head and chief accountant (archive)
  9. Journal economic theory(archive)
  10. healthcare
  11. State
  12. creative economy
  13. Leadership and Management (archive)
  14. international life
  15. Management in Russia and abroad
  16. Management and business administration
  17. Management and quality methods
  18. Moscow magazine international law= Moscow Journal Of International Law
  19. Municipality: economics and management
  20. Tax disputes (archive)
  21. Non-profit organizations in Russia (archive)
  22. Law and management. XXI Century
  23. Legal issues in healthcare
  24. Practice of municipal management (archive)
  25. Applied Informatics (archive)
  26. Management Issues (archive)
  27. Problems of economics and legal practice
  28. Region: systems, economics, management
  29. Russian newspaper
  30. Russian Economy: Forecasts and Trends
  31. Russian Economic Journal
  32. USA - Canada. Economy, politics, culture
  33. Apartment building management
  34. Finance

Editions are available in full, in accordance with the printed version. You can view individual issues of magazines, archive for previous years (even if the magazine has ceased to exist, or the subscription to it has ended). There is a full-text multi-aspect search for publications, the ability to save and print individual articles.

Access is provided:

  • without registration from the computers of Moscow State University of Management (including through the wi-fi of the university),
  • around the clock from anywhere in the world after registering at the Moscow State University Library (in person or by @-mail).

Login and password for remote access to journals is provided in the R&D sector of the university.

Media group "Aktion" - leader Russian market specialized and professional periodicals. CJSC "Aktion-Media" and subsidiaries of the media group publish magazines and newspapers that have long been known and loved by readers - "Glavbukh", "Accounting. Taxes. Law”, “Russian tax courier”, “Personnel business”, etc.

The Aktion-MTsFER company publishes 112 printed and electronic professional publications, 17 reference systems, 5 online services and more than 20 distance courses. The company's products are used by more than 500 thousand accountants, lawyers, personnel officers, financiers, managers, employees of educational, medical and government institutions.

The library of Moscow State University is subscribed to electronic journals:

  • HR Director
  • Tax disputes
  • Labor protection in questions and answers
  • Legal issues in healthcare
  • Municipal government practice
  • Occupational Safety Specialist's Handbook
  • Apartment building management

Access from any computer connected to the Internet. Login and password are provided in the R&D sector of the university.

The library of the Moscow Humanitarian University was founded in 1945. Provided library services to Komsomol workers who came to the Central Komsomol School for professional development courses.

In 1969, the library became the university library of the Higher Komsomol School. The library fund included educational literature in Russian and foreign languages. The fund of Russian-language literature was 148.571 copies, the fund of foreign literature - 77.682 copies for 37 foreign languages. The library provided educational literature for students of the faculties of history and communist education, Komsomol work and social sciences.

In 2004, due to the increase in the number of students and the fund of educational literature, the library received a new room in building No. 11. Currently, the library is located in buildings No. 3 and No. 11. Educational literature is located in building No. 11. On the second floor of building No. 3 is reading room where there are workplaces equipped with computers with Internet access, there is a subscription to scientific and additional literature, a sector for acquisition and processing, and a scientific and bibliographic department.

Library and Administration information technologies The electronic library system (ELS) of Moscow State University has been created and is constantly updated, which is part of the electronic information and educational environment (EIOS) of the university to provide individual unlimited access to electronic educational resources for students and provides access to electronic educational publications specified in the work programs of disciplines. The structure of the ELS consists of sections: search, book supply, periodicals, library systems.

In the "Search" section posted Digital catalogue libraries. To download the full texts, you must be authorized in your personal account. The works of teachers are placed on the basis of concluded agreements for the transfer of a non-exclusive license for electronic works.

Section "Book Availability" provides work with electronic publications included in the work programs of disciplines and the possibility of switching to external resources (EBS) to the texts of educational literature. Creation personal accounts and work with full texts is possible on EBS websites with which cooperation agreements have been concluded, after additional authorization, subject to compliance with the rules for using the systems. In section " library systems» contains links to EBS websites with which contracts and instructions for work have been concluded, as well as the conditions for registering in systems.

Chapter " Periodicals» includes a list of archives of journals available in the library and third-party systems in areas (specialties) implemented at the University.

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