Incompetent employee. Psychology of personality: how to understand that you are out of place? A set of measures for planning the growth of an employee

Research Center recruiting portal website () decided to find out what annoys managers in the behavior and character of their employees and what, in turn, most irritates subordinates in the bosses.

As it turned out, the most annoying factors for bosses are laziness and stupidity of subordinates (15% and 11%). Another 7% of company representatives reported that they lose their temper due to the non-performance of employees.

The irresponsibility and dishonesty of the staff irritate 5% of managers each: “In subordinates, I am most annoyed by their lies. I prefer to know the true reason for their non-fulfillment of my instructions ... "; "Fear of responsibility"; "Dishonesty and deceit."

4% of bosses do not tolerate incompetence, unprofessionalism and indifference of employees to work. The slowness and lack of independence of subordinates irritate 3% of employers.

2% of managers are indignant because of the excessive self-confidence of employees, their unwillingness to learn and grow professionally, manifestations of negligence in work and disorganization.

Insolence, quarrelsomeness, "inability to work in a team", obsession, the manner of "knocking" on colleagues and many other features of employees that irritate them were noted by 23% of bosses.

And only 4% of managers Russian enterprises see no reason to be irritated with their subordinates. “The behavior of subordinates depends on the leader. If a leader gives a reason to subordinates, then he does not work well with personnel”; “There are no bad subordinates, there are bad leaders", they rightly believe.

As for the employees themselves, most often they are annoyed by incompetence, lack of knowledge and experience (6%). “A flagrant discrepancy between business and professional qualities position held"; “Absolute incompetence in business. The man is out of place!" - the respondents are outraged.

Disrespect on the part of managers and their unwillingness to delve into the problems of subordinates infuriate 5% of respondents. Another 4% of respondents are annoyed because of the arrogance, imbalance and stupidity of bosses: “Incomprehensible nervous breakdowns”; "Always trying to demonstrate his status as a boss."

According to 3% of employees, they are especially nervous about the greed of the boss: “I have never met such stingy people!”

2% of the respondents indicated such annoying traits and manners of leadership as rudeness and bad manners, softness, a tendency to give empty promises and the habit of delaying salaries, inability to listen to others, inability to clearly formulate tasks, inconsistency and omniscience.

The same number of study participants (2%) admitted that absolutely everything in their immediate supervisor makes them nervous: “The fact that he exists in nature at all”; "Everything is annoying."

Among other annoying factors noted by employees (23%) are the cynicism and suspicion of superiors, untidy appearance and an unpleasant timbre of voice, slowness, secrecy and lack of punctuality.

Surprisingly, there are not so few employees who are not at all nervous about their managers - 24%. According to the respondents, there is nothing in the behavior of their bosses that could be annoying. Moreover, for many of them the leader is a role model: “Nothing irritates”; “What can be annoyance? You need to do your job well, and if necessary, reasonably defend your point of view”; "My boss is a wonderful person!"

Time: December 14-19, 2010
Target population: managers
Sample size: 500 respondents

“Please indicate what annoys you the most in your subordinates?”

"Laziness" - 15%
"Laziness"; "Doing Nothing"; "Looking for a reason not to do anything"; "Reluctance to engage in routine"; “There is no desire to work and earn money”; "Lack of desire to work."

"Stupidity" - 11%
“Stupidity. As a rule, it is “inherited” from the predecessor ... When I recruit staff myself, I don’t take such people ... ”; "Ignorance"; "Unwillingness to think about what they say"; "Insurmountable stupidity."

"Non-executive, optional" - 7%
“A real leader will always find an approach to a subordinate, if, of course, it is possible and necessary to achieve a specific result from this subordinate. If it is impossible to get a result from a subordinate, then it is better to say goodbye to him. Non-executive employees are annoying”; "Failure to fulfill orders on time"; “Failure to perform work under the pretext that they did not understand the task”; "Fuzzy execution of the order."

"Irresponsibility" - 5%
"Irresponsibility"; “Rejection of responsibility for the committed act and carelessness”; "Fear of Responsibility"

"Lies, dishonesty" - 5%
"Lies"; “The thing that annoys me the most about subordinates is their lies. I prefer to know the true reason for their non-fulfillment of my instructions ... "; "Dishonesty"; "Deception"; "Dishonesty"; "Propensity to deceive."

"Incompetence" - 4%
"Incompetence at work"; "lack of competence".

"Nothing annoys" - 4%
“If something irritates in subordinates, then this is a flaw in the leader. Subordinates are a reflection of the leader”; “Nothing irritates me in subordinates”; “Nothing annoys me, you need to communicate correctly and have an approach to people, that’s why the boss exists”; “The behavior of subordinates depends on the leader. If a leader gives a reason to subordinates, then he does not work well with personnel”; "Nothing. I don’t get annoyed, I always try to understand or suggest”; "There are no bad subordinates, there are bad leaders."

"Unprofessionalism, lack of qualifications" - 4%
"I never get annoyed, but I don't like non-professionals"; "Dilettantism"; "Low level of qualification"; "Lack of proper qualifications."

"Indifference, indifference to work" - 4%
"Indifference to the assigned tasks"; "Indifference to work"; "Work without interest, showing off at work"; "Indifference to work."

"Slowness" - 3%
"Slow reaction..."; "Slowness"; "Inability to think quickly"; " Low speed work".

"Lack of independence" - 3%
"Lack of independence"; “Lack of independence, inability to make decisions”; "Infancy".

"Self-confidence, conceit" - 2%
"Self-conceit"; "Self-confidence and exorbitant ambitions"; "Self-confidence in the absence of professional skills"; "Megalomania"; "Inadequate self-esteem!"; “Inconsistency of requests with the results of work and potential”; "Ignorance of one's place!"

"Lack of desire to learn" - 2%
"Reluctance to develop"; “Lack of desire to learn, to understand what is being done and why. I learned a long time ago to weed them out.”

"Indiscipline, disorganization" - 2%
"Indiscipline"; "Disorganization"; "Incompetence in the performance of the task"; "lack of discipline"; "Laxity".

"Negligence, sloppiness" - 2%
"Disregard for customers!"; "Sloppiness"; "Negligence".

"Other" - 23%
"Unpunctuality, lateness"; "Lack of initiative"; "Gossip, empty talk"; "Personal affairs at work"; "Incontinence"; "Flattery, fawning"; "Passivity"; "Inattention"; "Frequent smoke breaks"; "Misunderstanding of the tasks"; "Envy"; "Friendship in the workplace to the detriment of work"; "Initiative in the absence of brains"; "Sometimes simplicity is worse than theft"; "Untidy appearance"; "Giving unverified information»; "Squabbling"; "Fear"; "Squealing"; "Frequent gatherings in the kitchen"; “The desire to shift their immediate responsibilities to another employee”; "Obsessiveness, getting into the field of view of the authorities beyond measure"; "Impudence"; "Irrational approach to the work performed"; "Inability to work in a team"; "Inability to listen"; "Unpredictability"; "Cynicism, rudeness"; "Illiteracy"; "Insolence"; "Illiteracy and tediousness"; "Unwillingness to listen and hear"; "Uneducated"; "Contempt"; "Lack of dedication."

“I find it difficult / do not want to answer” - 4%

Location of the survey: Russia, all districts
Time: December 14-15, 2010
Study population: economically active population of Russia over 18 years old with a permanent job and a direct supervisor
Sample size: 1800 respondents

“What annoys you the most about your immediate supervisor?”

The answers of the respondents were distributed as follows:

"Nothing is annoying" - 24%
“In my current leader, almost nothing annoys me”; "Everything suits me"; “Everything is fine, there is no negativity”; “Oddly enough, literally everything suits! This is the second case in my 27-year labor practice”; “What can be annoyance? You need to do your job well, and if necessary, reasonably defend your point of view”; "He doesn't annoy me"; “My current one is perfect!”; “My leader is a wonderful person”; “The manager does not annoy me, the attitude is quite healthy.”

"Incompetence, lack of knowledge and experience" - 6%
“Absolute incompetence in business. The man is out of place!”; "His incompetence in the profession"; “The qualifications of the manager do not meet the requirements of the position held!”; "Ignorance of the basics of work"; "Incompetence in some matters"; "Incompetence. Yesterday he was a simple manager. Today - CEO who knows nothing and cares only about pleasing the owner of the company…”; "Absence required level specialized knowledge for the position held; “A flagrant discrepancy between the business and professional qualities of the position held.”

"Indifference, indifference, disrespect for employees" - 5%
"Disregard for employees"; "His indifference to employees"; "Unwillingness to delve into the problems of subordinates"; “Unwillingness to defend the rights of their subordinates in front of higher leadership”; "Remote from staff"

Arrogance - 4%
"High conceit"; "Always strives to demonstrate his status as a boss"; "Heightened self-esteem"; "Arrogance"; "Megalomania"; "Arrogance".

"Stupidity" - 4%
"Stupid than me"; "Weak mental abilities"; "Stupid!"

"Unbalanced" - 4%
"Illogical tyrant"; "Incomprehensible nervous breakdowns"; "Nervous"; "Incontinence"; "Unbalance, irascibility"; "Mood swings"; "Self-foolery"; "Scream".

"Greed, stinginess" - 3%
"Stingy, greedy"; “I have never met such stingy people!”

"Irritates a lot of things, literally everything" - 2%
“The fact that it exists at all in nature”; "Everything is annoying."

"Rudeness, bad manners" - 2%
“Rudeness, rudeness, a constant desire to humiliate people!”; "Rudeness, rudeness, irritability"; "His rudeness"; "Lack of upbringing".

"Unprofessionalism" - 2%
“Unprofessionalism, lack of analytical skills, narrow outlook”; "Lack of professionalism."

"Delay / non-payment / no increase in employees' earnings" - 2%
"Payment Delay wages»; “Doesn't want to initiate the issue of salary increase”; "Insolvency"; "Untimely payment of salaries"; "We need to pay more"; "Saving money on employee salaries and paying taxes."

"Softness" - 2%
"Inability to ask a tough question to higher management"; “In the immediate – spinelessness…”; "Excessive tolerance"; "Softness"; "Lack of authoritarianism"; "Weakness".

"Optional, prone to giving empty promises" - 2%
"Non-obligation and idle chatter"; "Failure to fulfill obligations in relation to employees"; "Does not keep promises"; "Promises, but does not fulfill the promise."

"Inability to listen to others" - 2%
"Unwillingness to listen to subordinates"; “Does not listen to more experienced employees”; "Doesn't want to listen to anyone"; “Unwillingness to listen to an opinion different from his own”; "Unwillingness to listen to the opinion of subordinates."

“Inability to clearly formulate tasks” - 2%
"Fuzzy formulated tasks and goals"; "The inability to accurately set the task"; “The inability to clearly and exhaustively set the task”; "Lack of clarity in setting the task."

"Omniscience" - 2%
“Knows everything and always”; “When she, not knowing the essence of the issue, imposes her opinion, not being interested in yours”; "Monopoly on truth"; “Management is always right, but I am not. Even if he realizes he's wrong."

"Inconsistency" - 2%
"Inconsistency of actions"; "Inconsistency, spontaneity"; "No hard line."

“I find it difficult / do not want to answer” - 7%
"Such things do not say!"; "I just got a job, I don't know yet."

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Every fourth employee sees no reason to be annoyed with his boss

The research center of the recruiting portal website ( decided to find out what irritates managers in the behavior and character of their employees and what, in turn, most irritates subordinates in the bosses.

A source:


that is why, I am convinced that any "irritation" about the authorities is an absolutely dead end path, and if for some reason the employee does not have a choice, then it makes sense to try to rise above the situation, not to waste emotions on someone who they are not worth it ... what if we treat bad leadership as a natural phenomenon? We don't get irritated by heavy rains. we just take an umbrella and put on rubber boots)) so from the "annoying" leader you need to find your "umbrella"

He's the boss - I'm a fool. This is how life works, that a smart subordinate manipulates the boss, a stupid one does it, and just a subordinate takes it for granted.
A sad story when 10 years in a company and suddenly an ambitious, conceited and greedy boss, and even a Tatar, is put on his head.
There is no culture, and so on. Eating, yelling and managing 24 hours a day is a disaster.
That's how it happens.
The north of Russia has not been subjected to such tests at all times as serfdom and the Tatar-Mongol yoke.
He himself was the boss (up to 600 subordinates), while he was in good health, but he was respectful and understanding of situations.
That's right, you have to leave, but it's a pity.

The subject is delicate. In life, it happens that today you are the boss, and then your subordinate. And in general, look like the Japanese model, like the American model, like, finally, the European model of boss-subordinate relations, there is nowhere that flourishes with us.
We have a clearly ranked subordinate, this is cattle, and the boss is an idol for all time, and what he said is true until the evening.
In general, the bosses do not treat their model of behavior as the constancy of their actions and decisions from a great mind.
The higher you grow as a boss, the more strategist and tactician you need to be, simple equations turn into more complex ones, with many unknowns, until they reach the level of "Fermat's theorem".
Now a more stupid and more forceful model has been developed, fixated on a fine-deprivation of bonuses, dressings and diarrhea, etc.
They don’t know about incentives, they don’t know about creative vertical take-off engines.
In general, more often, the turnover of shit in nature.
It's strange, but in Soviet times I worked both in the design bureau and in the defense industry, then the psychological background (and voluntarily worked until late and ran on weekends) was stimulating, and now the background is to intimidate that it will be bad, and then even worse.

I found an advertisement for the position of assistant secretary of a large company in the newspaper "WORK FOR YOU". Such a cute ad. “The company is from Moscow, but don’t go to Moscow, I can do without the roar of the metro,” I was delighted. Sent resume and called. I received a positive response and was invited for an interview. It turned out that I - the best of all who came before ... and I was hired. After a long and hopeless stay at the labor exchange, I was just happy!
Further. What "pitfalls" were hidden behind the harmless wording "secretary-referent". On the relationship of the team-secretary, head-secretary, deputy heads-secretary, about undercover games, etc., about the experience gained while working in this position. Certain developments, warnings, tips, comments and conclusions. I would like the broad masses of candidates and those who decide to agree to work as an assistant secretary, an assistant to the head, to know about them.
I suggest publishing on the site.

That hurt. All life negotiator.
At first he set up the service of the chief power engineer, then the people moved to the deputies in 89 - he went through the press of the 1st department, the trade union committee and the party committee, although he was non-partisan. Then they suddenly allowed Vneshtorg - work in 91 in Senegal (1st exit), and then it started under those and others (Chechens) - pulling out a tribe after the New Year in Grozny (3rd living on Minutka Square) - then own business , eaten by a bunch of wolves - then service in private companies, and now ridiculously caught by the ambitious, those who do not know what production is, what it is to make a completely competitive product, and those who have a ruble in their forehead, at any cost, who do not know what is brainstorming to create a competitive product (I avoid the word innovative - this is a theft of ideas) - the trouble has come. Well, a cottage, well, a super iPhone, well, like super clothes, etc. Well, they saw - when from a sneaker to a gelding and back.
You don’t have to work for yourself, not until the moment when the racket-Nalgovik-raiders come, you have to work forward, for generations. Well, at least listen to my younger friend Yura Shevchuk.
bosses are different, the main thing is to like the work, then the bosses can be ignored, they will either remain silent or praise, since the work has already been done and with a bang
and subordinates are different, but here you already need to turn on intuition at the stage of an interview or a trial period - you see that a person is not suitable, - re-educate, you can’t - drive - it will be easier for everyone

The higher the position, the more educated people should get there.

The country will long remember the “disruptions” in Orsha. Although what's wrong with that? Many bosses start every morning with yelling and insults.

But there are rules of office etiquette. There are various kinds of attestation commissions, and they should not allow rude people and boors to the leadership, because the humiliation of human dignity, redneck are unacceptable qualities for a leader.

These rules do not come to a person by themselves.

Of course, education is needed. If it was not there, it will definitely affect later.

To form a good leader, it is also important to follow the rules of the career ladder. This is when a person in the service grows gradually, from step to step. Lieutenant, first lieutenant, and so on.

When you become a colonel, you will be assessed whether you are a real colonel, and only then you get the opportunity to wear trousers with stripes, that is, you become a general.

An exemplary system of training and education of personnel, by the way, was formed in the USSR.

It was strictly forbidden to jump over the steps. It is with us that you can jump not only over steps, but even over flights of stairs. Just like that, from major to general. And at the same time to be able to hang around 18 orders and 86 medals, just like Brezhnev before his death. It is possible for us to immediately take off from a district official to the level of a bank manager.

Obviously, with each new position, the level of a person should also increase. Promotion suggests this. Promotion is called promotion because it is not only a new position, it is a new circle of communication with people who have passed through the sieve and are in a higher position, these are new opportunities and a new outlook, a new culture surrounding a new position, this is the promotion of a person. And at the same time, the rules of etiquette and business etiquette are being honed and more and more become a habit.

So, the higher the position, the more educated, more educated and cultured people, with appropriate business qualities, should get there.

So, there is elementary business etiquette.

Which of these was violated during the riots in Orsha?

The first is the “splits” themselves.

There is such a rule - criticize subordinates in private, praise in front of everyone. You can not insult and publicly humiliate a person for a mistake or a wrong decision. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, people do not have respect for a tyrant.

Second rule. Hold back your emotions. Even raising the tone for a public person is unacceptable, as it looks like incompetence and creates a bad atmosphere. And this atmosphere, unfortunately, has been successfully created in the country. “Elechtorat” likes it very much, “yak yon them” scolds. How they, humiliated and insulted, stand with their heads bowed. How carefully they constantly “write down” something in their notebooks, in fear of incurring public “fair” anger. And this is the worst! And this is the center of Europe! And such spacing is now at every enterprise, many believe. And hazing where?

The sergeants also began to understand their military power in their own way.

The third rule - you can not constantly look for the guilty. If everyone is doing something wrong, topsy-turvy, then the culprit should no longer be sought among subordinates, the leader himself is to blame! If the search for the perpetrators is chronic, this obviously already indicates that the leader is in the wrong place!

And the last.

It is said that Napoleon sometimes allowed himself to be scolded. To do this, he had an old hat, he threw it at his feet and trampled it furiously.

So it was in the war.

So it was Napoleon!

After Lee Iacocca was unfairly fired from the Ford Corporation, he received an offer from the Chrysler Corporation to bring it out of the crisis ...

Starting to analyze the situation Lee Iacocca found that the corporation “… looked like Italy in the 60s of the last century. The company consisted of a cluster of small states, each of which was ruled by its overlord. It was a tangle of mini-empires, none of which paid attention to what the others were doing. I was surprised to find that the corporation has 35 vice presidents and each of them runs on his own treadmill. There was no committee system here, there was nothing to cement the organizational structure, there was no practice of meetings at which people could exchange views. I, for one, could not believe that the manager in charge of the design department was not in constant communication with the head of the production department. But that is exactly what happened. Everyone acted on their own. I only took one look at this situation and was almost ready to run away. That's when I finally realized that I really got into trouble.

Lee Iacocca, The Career of a Manager, cited in Coll.: Management Theory. Management in 3 parts, part 2, Minsk, GIUST BSU, 2007, p. 223.

It turned out that in addition to the structural mistakes made in the organization of the company, many managers managed to degrade so much that it was impossible to fix it:

“I had a disgusting feeling, because once in their place, all these people could achieve remarkable success. They themselves explained the predicament and embarrassment simply: “I never sought this position. You address me questions as an accountant-auditor, but I do not know the answer to them. What I understand is in spare parts and car service, I do not know accounting. Maybe I can master it, but I need more time for this.

All employees understood that I came to the corporation to clean up and clean it up, and everyone was afraid that they would become its victim. They were not sure of their position. They lived in fear, and for this they had every reason, Within three years I had to fire 33 from 35 vice presidents. That's almost one every month!

On a number of occasions I have tried to revive some of the managers. But nothing worked for me they were simply not able to cope with their duties, Charlie Beecham used to say that once a guy has grown to twenty-one years old, you will never be able to change his character and habits. It seems to you that you can do it, but his idea of ​​himself is already ossified. No one is humble enough to continue learning as an adult.

Unfortunately, Beecham, as usual, was right. When Paul Bergmoser came to the corporation, I remember telling him: "Try to save at least one of these guys." He worked with them for six months and then told me, “It's impossible. Each of them is accustomed to the methods adopted here to play their own game. They are already incorrigible. Too late".

One difficulty always gives rise to another. When a person feels not very confident in his place, the only thing he wants is for the next administrator in the hierarchy to be an insecure person. He thinks to himself: "If the next one after me turns out to be very capable, he will expose me and, in the end, will replace me." As a result, one incompetent manager pulls another incompetent one. And they are all hiding behind the overall weakness of the system.”

Lee Iacocca, The Career of a Manager, cited in Coll.: Management Theory. Management in 3 parts, part 2, Minsk, GIUST BSU, 2007, p. 227-228.

People who are naturally devoid of a sense of humor love to tell jokes. Drivers barely able to stay in their lane love to teach others how to drive. Managers who do not even have a basic understanding of the field in which they work love to call specialists on the carpet and scold them for not understanding anything about their work. Well, why, why are all these people so blatantly incompetent and do not notice it?

This is due to the so-called Dunning-Kruger effect: people with low intelligence, a modest level of skill and a narrow outlook, due to their modest abilities, cannot understand that the decisions they make are erroneous, and the talents they endow themselves with are are false. That is why it seems to them that they are right in all their actions and understand the situation better than others. Over time, this attitude takes on the character of psychological defense: a limited person begins to defend his vision of the situation precisely because he feels that if he only admits the thought that he is wrong, more talented people will push him out of his familiar place.

However, it is the talented who have the opposite effect: they are well aware of how complex the laws of reality are and how vast the field of knowledge that can be mastered in the future - this leads them to underestimate their own abilities, to underestimate their place in society. “I know that I know nothing,” repeated the sage Socrates, who led a more than modest life and was constantly attacked by fools who were confident in their rightness. Is one of the limited people capable of admitting this to himself? It seems not.

The effect was theoretically predicted and then experimentally confirmed in 1999 by David Dunning and Justin Kruger, members of the Department of Psychology at Cornell University (USA). The theoretical basis for the hypothesis was the observations of great philosophers. Dunning himself quoted the expressions of Charles Darwin: “Ignorance more often gives birth to confidence than knowledge” and Bertrand Russell - “One of the unpleasant features of our time is that those who feel certain are stupid, and those who have at least some imagination and understanding, filled with doubt and indecision.” And the practical source of inspiration, oddly enough, was the crime. And curious: the authors were interested in the amazing case of the robber MacArthur Wheeler, who robbed two banks one after the other, smearing lemon juice on his face, because he believed that lemon juice did not allow his face to appear on the recordings of security cameras. Psychologists admired the depth of incompetence of a person who did not even try to check the correctness of his idea, although the mistake threatened with prison.

Having gathered in one room people employed in different fields of activity, but at the same time having completely different levels of real knowledge, the authors of the experiment gave them a questionnaire where they were asked to mark their level of competence in the field in which they worked, and then pass a series of tests that allowed to establish the true level of their competence. Based on the results of these two tests, a graph was drawn up, which showed the dependence of real knowledge on people's confidence that they are well versed in their field of activity.

The graph looked like an imperfect parabola: on the left side, where the least competent participants in the experiments were represented, it reached its climax - one hundred percent self-confidence values. Then it fell sharply - the vast majority of people who were well versed in their profession had an extremely low opinion of their experience and skills. Toward the end, the curve rose again—there were the best of the best, true experts in their field, who could not help but realize that they understood it much better than most other specialists.

And yet the confidence of real experts barely reached two-thirds of the scale of the opinion about their own skills and knowledge, which marked complete laymen. As Dunning and Krueger found, the profane not only overestimated their competence, but were also unable to adequately assess specialists who had a truly high level of skill in the same field. In addition, they sincerely did not believe that they had made mistakes in tests related to their professional activities - most remained in their opinion even after they were pointed out to their mistakes and logically substantiated their wrongness *.

Since then, the Dunning-Kruger effect has been repeatedly confirmed by other researchers. Specifically, it has been tested on OB/GYN students at the University of Florida** as well as a wide sample of general practitioners***. The fact that doctors were the first to test the conclusions made by psychologists is alarming.

However, the hope that the blind, unable to see the abyss of their ignorance and the shining peaks of knowledge that other people have reached, can improve, nevertheless exists. Dunning and Krueger suggested that the laymen take a special training course, where they were not only given knowledge related to their profession, but also an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe methods by which real indicators of competence can be obtained. These methods made it possible to check both the professionalism of others and their own real level. As a result of the training, the laymen realized the level of their previous incompetence - even if their professional level did not grow after that.

Vyacheslav Ignatiev. I am in charge of the operational efficiency department in a gold mining company.

Expert in optimizing the activities of enterprises in the machine-building, chemical and processing industries.

I live in St. Petersburg.

The most dangerous kind of incompetence is malicious incompetence. When a person not only fails, but masks his incompetence. He makes every effort so that the deception is not discovered, and his career continues to go up - with no real reason for that.

Here are eight signs by which you can identify a "maliciously incompetent" employee.

1. He greets the leader the loudest

Thus, the employee wants to create the impression that he is a leader in the team, a person with an authoritative opinion. Loud greetings coupled with first and middle names are sweet butter for the ears of some executives, they take it as a sign of respect and melt instantly.

2. He speaks on professional topics in the language of personal feelings and other people's opinions.

Often uses the expression "I think". This allows the opportunist, if necessary, to quickly retreat from the original position. And he will certainly take advantage of this opportunity.

3. Often resorts to the help of colleagues

Because, in principle, he does not have the necessary knowledge about those things that he just confidently talked about. After receiving the task, an incompetent employee hurries to retell it to other colleagues, listen to their comments. For some, this is interesting or not very information, but for an opportunist, it is a way to survive. In addition, in case of failure, you can refer to a colleague who “advised” (see paragraph 2).

4. Almost never works alone

For each task, a report on the results and, in fact, the result itself must inevitably follow. Because Incompetent employees cannot achieve significant results alone; they definitely need someone who will do the work for them.

As partners, opportunists try to ask for a person who has deep professional knowledge, but dismisses formal reports, considering them "empty chatter." The former do not hesitate to take advantage of this, presenting it as mutually beneficial cooperation: "you will do it, and I will report it."

5. When discussing the results of his work, he turns the conversation to the failures of others.

A simple trick to divert the attention of the manager from discussing the results of his work is to mention the failure of a colleague, especially if the manager does not know about it. But even a well-known problem can be used for shading: “of course, it didn’t turn out very well, but certainly better than Ivanov’s.”

When working in a team, describes in detail the various circumstances associated with colleagues, due to which the result could not be achieved.

6. Spends a lot of time in the kitchen

Uses kitchen gatherings to gather information about his colleagues and the successes of each of them, and, at the right time, hide behind the failures of others (see item 5). Is there a better place for this than the kitchen?

7. Often runs to "smoke"

Going out for a smoke is a great opportunity to build informal relationships with co-workers. But the main purpose of being in a smoking room is not to talk with colleagues and not even smoke a cigarette. The goal, the opportunist's jackpot, is to get closer to the management: give a light to the head of the department, treat the director with a cigarette.

8. Tries to be the first to report any news not related to work

“Pyotr Ivanovich, you have already heard about ...”, “Ilya Semenovich, what do you think about ...” - this is done in order to be remembered by the leader, to emphasize his attention to the opinion of his superiors.


Opportunists are often in good standing with managers, because they never bring bad news. The vast majority of their words are obvious, something that everyone already knows. The rest is news service information and bus gossip.

Managers who have not learned to filter the useful from the useless, over time, begin to consider "convenient employees" as a model of intelligence and diligence.

When flatterers and opportunists themselves become leaders, hell begins for subordinates during their lifetime.

Many cases of the destruction of new buildings and the fall of spaceships are the result of building a career by people who did anything at school and university, just not getting the necessary, but painfully boring knowledge.

If we want to live in a prosperous country and an adequate society, we must stop the dangerous activity of people who use non-material tricks to obtain quite material benefits for themselves and their loved ones.

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