Do-it-yourself voluminous paintings made from plasticine. Plasticineography in kindergarten: how to conduct creativity lessons

An ordinary painting bought in a store will not surprise anyone. Then why not make a picture with your own hands from plasticine? If you wish, you can even depict your pet in the picture - a dog or a cat! Let's get started!

Will need

For this we need:
  • - plasticine;
  • - a knife for cutting plasticine;
  • - scissors;
  • - toothpick;
  • - ruler;
  • - glue or hot glue gun;
  • - a small cardboard (this will be the basis for the picture);
  • - small file;
  • - thin rope or lace;
  • - and of course, a photo of your pet or any other picture, for example, printed from the Internet.

Step-by-step master class on making a plasticine picture

Step 1. Take any photograph or picture (it will serve as a model for us) (I used a photo of a cat 9.5 cm wide and 8.5 cm long) and cut out a base from thick cardboard for it, the base should be wider than the photo on each side approximately 1 -1.5 cm, and also cut out 4 strips - this will be a frame 11 cm long and approximately 2 cm wide.

Step 2. Then we take the file and cut it to the size of our photo, then we put this piece of the file on the picture (for convenience, you can carefully attach the photo to the file with pencil glue).

Step 3. Now we need plasticine to make our picture look bright, we will make a background, for this we will mix yellow and bright green plasticine (but do not mix the colors too much, it is necessary to get a blurry realistic background of our picture.) Next, piece by piece. tear off the plasticine and spread it over the picture with your fingers, but make sure that the layer is not too thin.

Step 4. Now let's prepare plasticine for the cat's fur. We will need beige color (white plasticine + brown), brown, dark brown, black, and also blue for the eyes. We start with the darkest color, with black we begin to fill the very central part of the muzzle with it.

Step 5. Then we take brown plasticine and also fill in the cat’s face.

Step 6. Now we take just brown plasticine and do the same thing, smooth the layers together with our fingers, mix them a little so that the transition looks smoother. Now we add the lightest color and do it as shown in the photo, and don’t forget about the ears - we make the edges black and the inside brown.

Step 7. Next, use a beige color to create fur around the muzzle.

Step 8. Take a toothpick (it can be replaced with an awl, needle or other sharper object). To make our cat look just like a real one, we’ll give him some fur, watch the direction of the fur (you can look at your pet or in a photo for this).

Step 9. Now make small “pancakes” from blue plasticine; these will be the eyes; we make black pupils in the same way, and also add highlights to the eyes using white plasticine.

Step 10. Now let's select a nose for this from brown plasticine, make a rectangle and a small triangle, connect the parts as shown in the photo.

Step 11. Now let’s select the muzzle, make 2 “pancakes” and one small oval and stick it under the nose and work on the fur in the same way.

Step 12. And the final element is what!? Of course the mustache! We roll up a white cord from white plasticine and divide it into 10 parts, and attach it in place of the antennae.

Step 13. Let's return to the base, use a glue gun to glue the cord, and then glue our picture on top.


Plasticine is one of the favorite materials for children's creativity. With its help, you can sculpt original crafts and even create drawings. Plasticineography is an unconventional artistic technique that involves drawing with plasticine on cardboard or other dense base. Finished works can be flat, semi-volume or volumetric. By doing plasticineography, the child develops fine motor skills and finger movements are differentiated. This is good preparation for learning to write.

Plasticine painting technique

The technique of plasticine painting is a bit like oil painting - colored plasticine is rolled into balls and applied to cardboard with strokes. The young artist develops his color perception and sense of harmony. For good work, you need to choose high-quality plasticine of the appropriate type.

The assortment is large: there are denser varieties, and there are soft, smooth, easily melting ones. In the sets you can find any palette: both just basic colors and including many shades. If you are using plasticine as paint, you can mix two colors to get the desired tone.

When working on paintings from plasticine, you need to subtly roll out all the folds and irregularities. If somewhere the layer turns out to be thick and uneven, the excess can be removed using stacks. Strokes on plasticine panels can be different. It is not necessary to work with your fingers, you can use tools - stacks, a knife, a toothpick, a roller, syringes with and without needles, sticks for pressing. To make a picture from plasticine, you need to prepare a base and attach parts of the desired shape and color to it.

Planar modeling

A small child can be taught to make pictures from plasticine using the same principle as using paint. The first stage will be planar modeling - the creation of paintings of varying degrees of relief. There are forms with protruding and recessed images:

  • High relief (the image protrudes strongly above the surface).
  • Bas-relief (details protrude slightly above the base).
  • Counter-relief (an image recessed into the surface of the base: the design is scratched or pressed onto the plane with a stack or stick).

This way you can depict a picture that has been previously outlined on a cardboard or glass base. The child can use his finger, learning to calculate the force of pressure and strokes, or use improvised tools. In kindergartens, they offer to depict, for example, recognizable scenes from favorite fairy tales or cartoons using the flat modeling technique or make plasticine comics.

Volumetric paintings made of plasticine

When your child learns to make simple flat images, you can try to make a three-dimensional picture that looks like a work of art. The essence is not so complicated: you need to separately sculpt the details of the work (tree, fruit, animals), and then fix them on the surface.

Parts can have any shape and size. For their manufacture, various techniques are used: rolling, flattening, rubbing, smoothing, pulling the part from the general shape. You need to remember that if you are going to place plasticine drawings under glass, the material may become crushed and the work will lose its original volume.

DIY plasticine paintings

Drawing with plasticine is well suited for both self-study with a child and for labor lessons for schoolchildren junior classes or fine motor skills exercises kindergarten. While working, the child learns to make both large and very small details (eyes, leaves). For sculpting you will need:

  • Base (you can use glass, unnecessary disks, a sheet of plywood).
  • A board for rolling out plasticine and for sculpting parts.
  • Knives for cutting and applying small parts.
  • A simple pencil.
  • Water for periodically wetting hands.

First you need to draw a template of the future picture (field, green forest). To do this, you need to rub small pieces of plasticine with your fingers. Parts can be formed from round or elongated pieces of different sizes. You can use a separate stencil for each part. Then they must be carefully pressed into the background.

If there are any unevenness, smooth them out with your fingers previously soaked in water. In addition, remember the rules of composition: those details that will be in the foreground should stick out more than others and be executed more clearly (for example, bright flowers, pebbles on the seashore, animals). You need to fasten them on top of the other parts (the last one can) and add some pattern applied with a needle or toothpick.

On cardboard

A picture made of plasticine on cardboard for children can be the first step towards making more complex crafts. It is not necessary to buy special material; you can use, for example, cut sheets from a shoe box or household appliances. It is recommended to varnish the finished painting to prevent it from becoming dusty.

The work will require the same materials as for any other sculpting technique. Remember that it is more difficult to wipe off excess stains from cardboard, so keep napkins at the ready. The step-by-step algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. We apply a drawing to the cardboard (you can buy a ready-made stencil with a picture in a special store, then fill it with plasticine).
  2. Making the background of the picture. First, let's define the background color. Small pieces are plucked from the block and applied to the surface in the form of strokes.
  3. We rub the plasticine strokes with our fingers within the boundaries of the drawing.

On paper

To create a picture from plasticine on paper, it is better to choose a dense base, because too sudden a movement can tear a thin sheet. For the first works, it is recommended to start with the simplest pictures, for example, kids will like the image of a cheerful rainbow, white clouds and a bright sun in the sky, green grass with cornflowers or daisies. For a preschooler’s first work, it is better to choose a small size (about a quarter of an A4 sheet).

You need to pinch off small pieces from the bar and apply it to the base in accordance with the plan. In this case, different methods of sculpting are used - rolling or smoothing, smearing, sometimes pinching, flattening or flowing of one color into another is required. If your plan involves clearly drawing a large number of small objects, a medical syringe without a needle will be useful for your work. They use it like this:

  1. Place a piece of plasticine inside the syringe and heat it carefully (on a hot radiator or in a cup of warm water);
  2. Pipe into thin threads (if you want thicker, use a pastry syringe).
  3. Soft transitions of shades can be obtained if you first mix the necessary shades of plasticine in your hands, and only then load them into the syringe. You should not allow mixing more than two colors at the same time.

On glass

Plasticine applications on glass are an easy-to-make but dangerous form of creativity. You must follow safety rules to avoid injury. To create an application you will need:

  • Multi-colored plasticine.
  • Photo frame.
  • Black ink or black marker.
  • A sheet of paper with a printed design.
  • Cotton wool and alcohol.

Since few people manage to create pictures on glass for plasticine printing the first time, it is better to watch the master class on the Internet step by step with your child in advance, and then follow the recommendations:

  1. Find drawings (it is better to choose simple black and white ones). Remember that the younger the child, the larger the parts should be.
  2. Remove the glass from the photo frame.
  3. Degrease the glass by wiping it with cotton wool and alcohol.
  4. Place the printed sketch under glass.
  5. Draw an outline on the glass with a black marker.
  6. Get the drawing.
  7. Decide what colors you will use. For children preschool age The task can be simplified - leave a colored drawing under the glass. This way the child will see what color plasticine should be taken.
  8. Separate small pieces of plasticine of the desired color, stick them on the glass, rub them without going beyond the outline of the picture. The more the material is rubbed (into a thin layer), the weaker the pigment will be.

You can choose a working method: either first fill in places of one color with plasticine, and then move on to others, or first complete small elements (separately sculpt the eyes of an animal, leaves, small flowers or ladybug), then move on to the main plasticine drawing.

When the entire base is filled with plasticine, you will need the help of an adult. The picture must be turned over with the front side facing you, the flaws examined and corrected (gaps between pieces of plasticine, going beyond the outline). Then wipe the glass with alcohol again, without touching the drawing, and insert the work into the frame.

All children love to work with plasticine, because it is very exciting and interesting; you can sculpt anything that your child’s creative imagination allows: a flower for your beloved mother, unusual animals, dishes for dolls, funny people, even create a three-dimensional applique! Modeling is very useful for a child: creative thinking and imagination develop, finger motor skills are in action, which has a beneficial effect on improving the speech of a little person. This activity is called plasticineography.

The task of adults who want to develop a child’s artistic abilities is to introduce them to various options for working with plasticine, perform various crafts with them, and maintain interest in showing imagination and individuality in their work.

A very beautiful picture can be made for children from plasticine on cardboard, thick paper, or transparent glass. There are such crafts flat and voluminous, and they can be performed using different techniques. When choosing a technique, you should take into account what will be depicted in the future work, for what age of the child it is designed, and the complexity of the picture.

Smearing technique

To use this technique, you can buy it in a special store. ready-made template with a picture, then fill it with plasticine (often everything is sold together in a set). Or you can draw a template yourself on cardboard, preferably colored. Then knead the plasticine until soft, place the desired colors on the image and smear, taking into account the boundaries of the picture. Some details, at your discretion, can be made convex. It will turn out even more impressive.

Flagella technique

The main thing in this work is to the child learned to make flagella. First you need to figure out what will be depicted in the picture, what parts it will consist of. Then, with the help of adults, a template drawing is made for the future craft. First you need to start sculpting the flagella. To do this, the plasticine needs to be kneaded and rolled into long sausages, these will be flagella. They can be of different lengths and thicknesses, depending on what kind of figures will be molded from them. Such flagella simply need to be rolled in the desired direction, forward or backward, to obtain any part. The resulting figures are attached to a base of thick paper.

Gallery: paintings from plasticine (25 photos)

Mosaic technique

This technique is this is an applique from small colored balls using plasticine. For such a craft, as usual, you need to draw something on cardboard, and then fill in the drawing with multi-colored balls prepared in advance. Modeling this type of technique develops perseverance and patience in children.

Volumetric technique

This performance technique is especially common in kindergartens and primary schools. A template is not needed here; the details for the composition are molded separately, and then transferred to a cardboard base in the form of some figures, plants or fairy-tale heroes. Doing such a craft is flight for creative imagination and the little author himself can choose the color scheme and placement of objects in his picture.

Several techniques together

If you combine two or three techniques in one painting at once, you will get a very original and unique work. How best to do this can be suggested by your creative imagination and the child who is involved in creating this beauty.

For example, let's create a picture with flowers. The principle will be like this: we will do the petals themselves using the smearing technique, then the stems and leaves using flagella. With their help, you can make a beautiful edging for flower petals, and place balls of colored plasticine in the middle.

Flowers in a jug

We invite you and your child to make a very beautiful picture out of plasticine, these are flowers in a jug. Several techniques will be used in the work. Making such an application is easy, exciting and very interesting!

Material for work:

  • A sheet of cardboard of any color.
  • Glue.
  • Scissors.
  • Multi-colored plasticine.

Stages of work.

Flower applique

A very beautiful bouquet of daisies can also be made from plasticine. This craft looks original, fresh and summery.

Material for work:

  • Colored plasticine.
  • A sheet of blue cardboard.
  • Stack.
  • Hairspray.
  • Pencil.

Stages of work.

The result is a lovely picture of flowers made from plasticine on cardboard - a bouquet of very cute daisies that can be hung on the wall, used as a gift, or put in a frame and decorate your desktop. You can print out regular drawing stencils and sculpt on them.

Plasticine paintings

When a person hears about plasticine, bright moments from childhood immediately pop up in his memory.

After all, it was there and then that we first learned about the existence of this material, and began to discover ourselves in modeling with plasticine, carelessly losing its lumps on furniture, carpets, and beds.

True, few of us knew then thatplasticineIt can also be an indispensable tool in the painting genre. Now, many people probably know about the existence of plasticine painting, which is widely used by contemporary artists.

Mixing plasticine correctly

The palette for mixing plasticine pieces is similar to mixing oil paints, although the plasticine is mixed by hand. It is not recommended to mix more than 2-3 colors; this may negatively affect the brightness of the shade, or even make the color “clogged.”

By mixing plasticines of different colors, you can, just like on a palette, get complex shades of certain colors.

Children's experiments can serve as an edification: if colored plasticine is diluted with black, you can get a richer and darker tone of the originally used shade. If you combine any color with white, then the result will be a pastel tone.

Plasticine painting technique

It is worth immediately noting that each artist has his own techniques, his own style, which allows us to recognize him among others. And now we will dwell in more detail on some techniques and techniques.

To begin with, let us remind ourselves of the creations of impressionist artists, who use a very unusual overlay of strokes. Juicy large strokes often convey volume and shape; large and colorful strokes are sometimes required to create the illusion of flickering and mobility.

You can depict plasticine using the same method, applying it to primed cardboard. A special feature of this painting technique is a certain relief of the strokes.

The other method is more similar to a decorative technique, and as a result resembles something between drawing and appliqué. To use this method, you need to completely or partially sculpt the details of the desired image, and then transfer them to the background.

- this is great freedom for the manifestation of imagination. Strokes of plasticine can look completely different in appearance, and here everything is subordinated to the master’s idea. The texture may resemble glass or the most delicate silk; it can be rough, covered with convolutions, curly lines, stripes. It is not necessary to work with plasticine with your fingers; you can use auxiliary tools - stacks, syringes with or without needles.

What to draw?

There are no restrictions! And that's all already said. Connect thoughts and feelings to your work, find bright notes in your fantasies and ideas.

As in the case of watercolor, gouache, and oil, thanks to plasticine you can create delicious still lifes, delightful landscapes, and naturalistic portraits.

Art made from plasticine is certainly saturated with the warmth of the masterful hands that create them, and this is probably why they share a special energy with the viewer, which reminds us of the old, good fairy tale. And the main thing here is to be able to let her into your world...

Plasticine can be used for more than just modeling. They can be used to paint pictures like paints. This should be especially interesting for children.

Today you can buy plasticine in very beautiful and varied shades. It is advisable to have more white plasticine, since it is also used to create shades.

If children want to make a picture in the style of coloring books, then they can not mix the plasticine and work with the colors that are available.

But, if you do more “adult” work, then to create shades the plasticine will have to be mixed.

To work, we will need a frame and a piece of fiberboard inserted into it (or a piece from the cardboard packaging of household appliances or furniture).

You can work from any side. On the smooth side, plasticine lays down easier, but on the rough side, a visible texture pattern will create the illusion of a canvas.

You can apply strokes with your finger or a special plastic stack, which is sold in almost every kit.

So, a master class in the group “Development. Parents and children on the Internet from Marina Tereshkova:

Using a stack, I removed the excess bulges and mixed thin layers of plasticine directly on the painting. You don’t have to remove excess plasticine - the texture will give the work a special charm. But it will take a lot more material.

After the preliminary background was completed, I started making the flowers. In the process of work, the background will still be refined and supplemented in order to assemble the composition into one whole.

For the daisies I used white play dough with yellow, blue and black play dough added to create the shades. When the petals were ready, I rolled a ball, flattened it a little and used a blunt needle to create the texture of the core.

For the ball, it is better to mix yellow, orange and green plasticine, but so that the pieces do not mix completely. You need to take very little orange and green.

Then I added just a little more green to the core.
So I made three daisies and added cornflowers to them. After all, on the field they usually grow side by side.
I cut the carved edges of the cornflower petals with a stack.

Now let's move on to the grass. Using the same strokes, I used my finger to paint the leaves and grass, then in some places I painted them in a stack, separating the blades of grass. The stems can be made from thin sausages, sticking them to the background and smearing them a little.

While finalizing the background, I created a plasticine cloud in the sky and darkened the foreground a little.

the author is wanted

Everyone enjoys watching funny animated films. Before use plasticine You should stretch it, and after work, wipe your hands with a napkin and wash them with warm water and soap.

Thick cardboard is used for the base of the paintings. If the background is partially covered, then you need to use cardboard with a colored coating, on which oil stains from plasticine do not appear.

Landscape paper can serve as a base for covering with plasticine or as a backing for cut-out appliqué parts.

Additional natural materials, plastic parts, jewelry, etc. are used to create certain effects.

To cut plasticine and apply it to the base, a stack is used - a tool with one knife-shaped end and the other sharp.

Scissors are designed for cutting out details of paintings.

It is convenient to cut sections and cut holes using a knife-cutter or scalpel. In order to pick up small parts, you need tweezers.

With an awl you can pierce holes and apply in-depth relief lines.

For rolling plasticine a rolling pin is convenient.

Using devices such as a comb, a metal strainer, or a garlic squeezer, you can achieve relief in plasticine parts.

You only need to draw sketches of paintings with a pencil.

It is best to sculpt from plasticine on a plexiglass plate, but you can use plywood, cardboard or oilcloth.

Depending on the volume of details, paintings can have a flat or bas-relief image. Planar paintings have a smooth surface, similar to oil painting. In a bas-relief image, the figures protrude slightly above the surface.

Paintings are divided depending on the degree of filling of the canvas. In some paintings the entire surface is covered, while in others only the part limited by the outline of the drawing is filled with plasticine. The last type is called appliqué.

The format of paintings can be different: vertical, horizontal, square, round, oval.

Advantage plasticine paintings lies in the possibility of depicting convex bas-relief details that create a special visual reality of the artistic work being performed.

A flat image with plasticine is similar to painting with oil paints, but the plastic material is applied not with brushes, but in stacks or smeared on a cardboard base with your fingers. The manual method of applying plasticine is more effective, because the material, warmed with your fingers, is evenly connected to the base under pressure.

"Dog's Fidelity", author Shevchik Sergey

The relief of the paintings is achieved by sculpting parts from plasticine, molding in stacks, cutting with scissors and then lifting the cuts, duplicating volumetric elements with paper, rubbing plasticine through a metal strainer, squeezing the material through a garlic squeezer, etc.

Application of plasticine onto the base, you should start from the top to prevent your palm from touching the coated areas.

When creating three-dimensional images, two sculpting methods are used: constructive (the part is made from a plastic mass) and plastic (the shape is drawn from a plastic mass).

Parts of round and oval shapes are formed by rolling plasticine balls with further flattening when fixed to the painting canvas.

To depict thin stripes, rollers are made, which are rolled out with the palms of the hand on a plane. It is advisable that these parts are not very long, otherwise they will be difficult to mold and transfer. After rolling, the rollers must be cooled, because they can tear when warm. Long lines should be composed of several short elements.

When rolling out the rollers, you need to keep in mind that when flattened on the surface, their cross-section will increase.

Smooth and long rolls with a round cross-section can be obtained by squeezing plasticine through a garlic squeezer. These details are used to depict flower petals and stems, strands, curls, etc.

The effect of fluffiness and looseness of the elements of the picture is achieved by friction or catching plasticine through a metal strainer. Animal fur, corals, vegetation, etc. are depicted in this way.

Relief on the surface of parts can be obtained by pressing thin grooves with the tips of scissors, an awl, a stack, or a comb.

To create a carved edge, a cut of a plasticine plate is cut with scissors, a scalpel, or pressed with a stack at an angle to the line being formed. This method is used when depicting leaves and tree crowns.

Parts of a complex configuration can be made with a flattened spot, from which the excess is cut off with a stack or a scalpel.

If you need figures that are difficult to sculpt, then you need to cut out the part from paper duplicated with a thin layer of plasticine using scissors and attach it to the base with plasticine rollers.

Belov Kirill and Belova Svetlana Nikolaevna, Tyumen region, Ishim, DS No. 19

To create transparency or volume of elements, plasticine is rubbed with fingers and applied to the part in a thin layer. The excess top layer is scraped off with a stack until the desired visual effect is achieved.

If a plasticine applique with a partial filling of the background is made on soft paper, then oil halos may form around the parts. In this case, it is necessary to cut out the elements with scissors and, according to the composition, stick them on cardboard with a water-repellent coating.

Defects can be carefully cut off with a stack and corrections can be made in this area.

Mixing plasticine different colors achieve a variety of colors. White plasticine is added to lighten the colors, and an admixture of black, blue, and brown gives a dark shade. The color often used is ocher, which is obtained by mixing brown and yellow.

To achieve the “marbling” effect, that is, images with multi-colored chaotic stains, plasticine rollers of different colors are twisted into a rope and slightly mixed, but complete absorption of the paints is not allowed. The color of the combined paints when applied to the canvas should be visible in multi-colored stains.

The appearance of volume can be given to plasticine parts by spraying pastel powder or eye shadow.

To depict white elements on white cardboard, you can use stencils that cover certain areas, and paint the background around them.

Plasticine paintings It is advisable to frame it under glass. If the image is in relief, then between the glass and the plane of the picture it is necessary to lay a spacer along the frame to the height of the convexity of the picture. Planar paintings can be stored under transparent films.

Plasticine images should not be subjected to deformation, heating, or contact with sunlight.

It is best to start mastering the technology of working with plasticine with small paintings that depict simple objects. Only after you have confidence in working with plasticine should you develop your own style.


Svetlana Gribanova

Plasticineography is a relatively new, unconventional drawing technique that attracts the attention of both children and adults.

The concept of “plasticineography” has two semantic roots: “graphy” means to create, depict, and the first half of the word “plasticine” implies the material with which the implementation of the plan is carried out. Plasticineography refers to non-traditional artistic techniques; it involves drawing with plasticine on cardboard. The background and characters are depicted not by drawing, but by sculpting, while objects can be more or less convex, in relief.

Modeling always attracts kids. And plasticineography is doubly interesting, because the child does not even suspect that plasticine can be drawn. Thus, with the help of an adult, the child gets acquainted with new technology, develops their creativity and fine motor skills.

Plasticineography should be taught in order of increasing difficulty level: start with simple pictures in younger age and gradually move on to creating more complex ones.

The technique of modeling from plasticine is very simple. We just need to tear off small pieces from a common piece of the color we need and roll them into small balls, which are then successfully glued onto a background prepared in advance with the desired outline drawn on it. The balls are laid out on the surface of the base and pressed slightly with your finger. This is a very convenient technique, as it is reusable, because correcting errors on the template will not be difficult.

When creating plasticine paintings, you should adhere to the following technique. When working, it is best to use bright, moderately soft material that can take a given shape. This will allow the preschooler’s still immature hands to create their first drawings.

In order for children to better learn and consolidate their skills, training should be carried out in stages: first, it is important to teach how to press on the plasticine, then smear it from the center to the edges of the contour, and then combine both techniques.

The main goals and objectives of teaching children this technique are:

Formation of skills in working with plasticine, awakening interest in modeling;

Mastering new techniques for working with plasticine and using them to create narrative paintings;

Learning to navigate on a sheet of paper;

Development of fine motor skills;

Familiarization with the surrounding world;

Development of emotions and fantasy

Development of spatial thinking and creative abilities;

Nurturing children's artistic taste;

Development of motor skills of children's fingers.

Plasticineography helps, first of all, relieve muscle tension and relaxation, develops children's imagination, artistic and spatial thinking, awakens imagination, and encourages preschoolers to be independent. If you successfully master the technique of drawing with plasticine, you can perform collective work, create paintings, original gifts for parents and friends.

To avoid deformation of the painting, thick cardboard should be used as a base;

An adhesive film (adhesive tape) applied to it will help prevent greasy stains from appearing on the cardboard;

You can eliminate an error made in the process of depicting an object if you apply the outline of the drawing under the film (adhesive tape);

Coating a plasticine picture with a colorless varnish will extend its “life.”

(use hairspray)

Materials for creating a plasticine picture:

Cardboard with outline pattern, covered with tape

Plasticine set

Hand wipe

Stacks, toothpicks

Waste and natural materials

Modeling board


Children will learn unconventional techniques for working with plasticine- smearing,

Laying out pictures with plasticine balls

Ball rolling

Drawing pictures with balls

Drawing with strips of plasticine

Drawing along the contour

Working with hardening plasticine

Smudging with volume effect

Working with plasticine, the process of modeling itself, helps the child express emotions, his vision of the world around him and his attitude towards it, form aesthetic taste, develop flexibility, coordination, fine motor skills of the fingers (which in turn contributes to speech development). The baby gradually and imperceptibly masters the art of planning and learns to always complete the work.

Plasticineography is a universal method for developing aesthetic taste, fine motor skills of the fingers, and creative abilities of preschoolers of any age.

The children in my group really enjoy drawing with plasticine; they are gradually mastering this complex technique. Here are some of our works.

"Animals of hot countries"

"Underwater World"

"Fire engine"



"Puss in Boots"


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