Pest analysis of a construction company example. PEST-analysis of the external environment of the enterprise

PEST analysis(sometimes referred to as STEP) is marketing tool, designed to identify political (Political), economic (Economic), social (Social) and technological (Technological) aspects external environment that affect the company's business.

Politics is studied because it regulates the power, which in turn determines the environment of the company and the receipt of key resources for its activities. The main reason for studying the economy is to create a picture of the distribution of resources at the state level, which is the most important condition for the activity of an enterprise. No less important consumer preferences are determined using the social component PEST analysis. The last factor is the technological component. The purpose of his research is considered to be the identification of trends in technological development, which are often the causes of changes and market losses, as well as the emergence of new products.

PESTLE-analysis is an extended version of PEST-analysis by two factors (Legal and Environmental). Other formats are sometimes used, such as SLEPT analysis (plus legal factor) or STEEPLE analysis: Socio-demographic, technological, economic, environmental (natural), political, legal and ethnic factors. Geographic factors may also be taken into account.

PEST analysis entity

The analysis is carried out according to the scheme "factor - enterprise". The results of the analysis are drawn up in the form of a matrix, the subject of which are the factors of the macro environment, the predicate is the strength of their influence, estimated in points, ranks and other units of measurement. results PEST analysis allow assessing the external economic situation in the sphere of production and commercial activities.

Given the fact that PEST analysis With regard to external factors that affect the activities of the enterprise, the external environment is usually divided as follows:

  • - Macroenvironment (government, economy, socio-demographic environment, scientific and technological progress, natural factors).
  • - Microenvironment (suppliers, buyers, shareholders, competitors, creditors, trade unions).

Traditionally PEST analysis concerns the study of exclusively the macro environment, which includes a fairly large number of factors, therefore, out of the total number, it is customary to consider only four key areas that have the most significant impact on the organization's activities:

  • - political factors (P): what opportunities and threats for business are created by the dynamics of the political situation; What are the main trends that could affect the company's operations?
  • - the state of the economy (E): what are the most significant expected developments in the economy and how does the economic situation affect business prospects?
  • - socio-cultural features (S): what are the features of the social, demographic, cultural properties that should be taken into account in the work?
  • - scientific and technical environment (T): to what extent the business depends on innovations and changes; how dynamic are the rates of scientific and technological progress in the industry; What is the share of the R&D function in the activities of the enterprise?

Rice. one.

PEST analysis can be done both qualitatively and quantitatively. The general scheme for conducting a PEST analysis is presented below.

  • 1. A list of macro-environmental factors with a high probability of implementation and impact is being developed.
  • 2. The significance of each event for this enterprise by giving it a certain weight.
  • 3. An assessment is given of the degree of influence (both positive and negative) of each factor on the strategy of the enterprise.
  • 4. Weighted scores are determined by multiplying the weight of the factor by the strength of its impact, and the total weighted score for the given company is calculated.

The total score indicates the degree of the company's readiness to respond to current and projected macro-environment factors.

When quantifying the assessment, it should be taken into account that:

  • - the weighting factor should reflect the degree of probability of the occurrence of the event;
  • - quantitative assessment of the influence of the factor should take both negative and positive values;
  • - the final assessment provides information on the extent to which the company depends on the macro environment, however, in addition to obtaining a summary assessment, it is necessary to analyze the contribution of each factor in obtaining the resulting value, as well as evaluate the interaction of factors.

Political Factors of PEST Analysis

The study of political factors within PEST analysis motivated by the fact that the authorities regulate the mechanism of circulation of money and other issues related to obtaining profits and the necessary resources.

Purpose and objects of PEST analysis:

  • * Understand the mechanism of distribution by the state of basic economic resources.
  • * Analysis of government stability.
  • * The study of tax policy and legislation in the field of antimonopoly law, foreign economic legislation, laws on the protection of the natural environment, regulation of employment.
  • * Understanding the state influence on the industry, its position in relation to foreign capital.
  • * Have an idea of ​​the intentions of the authorities state power about the development of society and about the means by which it is supposed to implement its policy.

Examples of political factors

  • * Elections of all levels
  • * Changing legislation
  • * Entry of the state into various supranational structures
  • * State regulation in branch
  • * State regulation of competition

Economic Factors of PEST Analysis

Economic aspects are an important condition for business activity for most enterprises. These macroeconomic indicators affect the standard of living of the population and its ability to pay. Using this information, you can predict demand, price levels, profitability. Therefore, the analysis of economic factors makes it possible to understand how economic resources are formed and distributed at the state level.

Purpose and objects:

  • * Trends in gross national product.
  • * Investment policy.
  • * Unemployment and inflation rates.
  • * Interest rate and foreign exchange rate.
  • * Price level and wages in particular, the measurement of actual personal income and the total amount of money in circulation.
  • * Energy prices.
  • * Determining the overall level economic development and market relations. The study of competition in the market.
  • * Budget deficit, taxation norms.

Examples of economic factors

  • * GDP dynamics
  • * Inflation
  • * Dynamics of the ruble exchange rate
  • * Dynamics of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank.
  • * Dynamics of employment
  • * Effective demand
  • * Market and trading cycles
  • * Costs of your enterprise
  • * Enterprise energy costs
  • * Enterprise raw material costs
  • * Communication costs
  • * Raising supplier prices
  • * Decreased purchasing power of consumers

Social Factors of PEST Analysis

Purpose and objects:

  • - To study the formation of consumer preferences, their change and possible demand, consumer activity.
  • - The demographic structure of the population, the quality of life of people and attitudes towards it.
  • - Lifestyle, customs and habits, people's attitude to work, social mobility of the population.

Examples of social factors

  • * Changes in core values
  • * Changes in style and standard of living
  • * Attitude towards work and leisure
  • * Demographic changes
  • * Religious factors
  • * Media influence

Technological factors of PEST analysis

It is important to keep track of the dynamics of technological change, as there is a threat of losing the market if you are a little behind the existing trends. Analysis of the technological component of the macro environment allows timely adjustment to the production and sale of a technologically promising product, as well as timely abandonment of obsolete technologies used.

Purpose and objects:

  • * Protection of intellectual property;
  • * Familiarization with the state policy in the field of scientific and technical progress;
  • * The influence of developments in other areas on the products and activities of the company.
  • * Studying new technologies, scientific discoveries, new products, new patents that appear on the market.
  • * Improvements needed technical equipment and production processes, automation and methods of information processing.

Examples of technological factors

  • * R&D trends
  • * New patents
  • * New products
  • * Technology development

PEST-analysis of the external environment

The external environment is a source that feeds the organization with the resources necessary to maintain its internal potential at the proper level. The organization is in a state of constant exchange with the external environment, thereby providing itself with the possibility of survival. But the resources of the external environment are not unlimited. And they are claimed by many other organizations that are in the same environment. Therefore, there is always the possibility that an organization may not be able to obtain the right resources from the external environment. This can weaken its potential and lead to many negative consequences for the organization. A task strategic management is to ensure that the interaction of the organization with the environment, which would allow it to maintain its potential at the level necessary to achieve its goals, and thus enable it to survive in the long term.

The external environment is divided into:

  • - microenvironment - an environment of direct influence on the enterprise, which is created by suppliers of material and technical resources, consumers of products (services) of the enterprise, trade and marketing intermediaries, competitors, government bodies, financial and credit institutions, insurance companies;
  • - the macro-environment that affects the enterprise and its micro-environment. It includes the natural, demographic, scientific and technical, economic, environmental, political and international environment.

The enterprise must limit the negative impact of external factors that most significantly affect the results of its activities or, conversely, make better use of favorable opportunities.

Factors of the external environment in the management system in management science, both at an earlier period and at the present time, have not been given enough attention. Consequently, the problem remains little studied, and especially its factors such as:

  • * the value of the external environment for management;
  • * definition of the external environment;
  • * the relationship of environmental factors;
  • * the complexity of the external environment;
  • * the mobility of the external environment;
  • * uncertainty of the external environment;
  • * direct exposure environment;
  • * the environment of indirect influence;
  • * international environment.

Environmental factors are understood as the force with which changes in one factor affect other factors. Hence, it should be understood that when organizing management, it is necessary to take into account the factors of external influence as much as possible and consider a particular organization as an integral system consisting of mutually connected parts.

The external environment of the organization includes a list of elements such as the consumer, competitors, government agencies, suppliers, financial institutions, labor resources, technology, culture, demographics, relevant to the organization.

Assessment of the external environment of the organization - required condition strategy development. Often external conditions change so unexpectedly that all preliminary plans are violated. The environment can be so unstable that the very development of long-term plans and strategies becomes meaningless.

Various methods are used for PEST analysis and forecasting the development of the macro environment:

  • - forecasting trends;
  • - scenario analysis;
  • - simulation modeling;
  • - factor analysis;
  • - expert methods.

The use of these methods is justified if there is a reliable information base.

basis PEST analysis is the collection of information about events occurring in the macro environment.



1. There is no specific government policy for our products. Lack of government support

1. High total tax burden on the enterprise and the possibility of its strengthening

2. The absence of unified state organizations involved in issuing various kinds of licenses, permits, etc.

2. Growth of inflation rates. Rising prices for energy, raw materials, materials and transportation costs

3. Exposure of decisions of enterprise managers to the opinion of higher management

3. Lack of clear prospects for the development of the Russian economy. The danger of economic instability

4. State (corruption) and criminal racketeering

4. Lack of a documented and approved development strategy for Russia


1. Influence of the factor of mobility of production

1. Emphasis on computerization of the production process

2. Influence of consumer preferences in accordance with quality standards

2. Introduction of high-tech equipment

3. Requirement of warranty obligations for manufactured products

3. Use of advanced experience in the field of production of furnaces

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Department of Statistics and economic analysis


by discipline« Organization and methodology of economic analysis»

On the topic: "PEST- analysis"


3rd year student 331 groups

direction of training "Accounting and audit"

Goncharova Ekaterina Igorevna


Kovtunov Oleksandr Vasilyevich

Lugansk - 2014


1. PEST analysis entity

7. PEST-analysis of the external environment

9. Features of PEST analysis


PEST analysis (sometimes referred to as STEP) is a marketing tool designed to identify the political (Political), economic (Economic), social (Social) and technological (Technological) aspects of the external environment that affect the company's business.

Politics is studied because it regulates the power, which in turn determines the environment of the company and the receipt of key resources for its activities. The main reason for studying the economy is to create a picture of the distribution of resources at the state level, which is the most important condition for the activity of an enterprise. No less important consumer preferences are determined using the social component of PEST analysis. The last factor is the technological component. The purpose of his research is considered to be the identification of trends in technological development, which are often the causes of changes and market losses, as well as the emergence of new products.

PESTLE-analysis is an extended version of PEST-analysis by two factors (Legal and Environmental). Other formats are sometimes used, such as SLEPT analysis (plus legal factor) or STEEPLE analysis: Socio-demographic, technological, economic, environmental (natural), political, legal and ethnic factors. Geographic factors may also be taken into account.

pest analysis macro environment

1. PEST analysis entity

Given that PEST-analysis concerns external factors that affect the activities of the enterprise, it is customary to divide the external environment as follows:

Macroenvironment (government, economy, socio-demographic environment, scientific and technological progress, natural factors).

Microenvironment (suppliers, buyers, shareholders, competitors, creditors, trade unions).

Traditionally, PEST analysis deals exclusively with the study of the macro environment, which includes a fairly large number of factors, therefore, out of the total number, it is customary to consider only four key areas that have the most significant impact on the organization's activities:

Political factors (P): what opportunities and threats for business are created by the dynamics of the political situation; What are the main trends that could affect the company's operations?

The state of the economy (E): what are the most significant expected developments in the economy and how does the economic situation affect business prospects?

Socio-cultural features (S): what are the features of the social, demographic, cultural characteristics that should be taken into account in the work?

Scientific and technical environment (T): to what extent the business depends on innovation and change; how dynamic are the rates of scientific and technological progress in the industry; What is the share of the R&D function in the activities of the enterprise?

Rice. 1. Components of PEST analysis

PEST analysis can be carried out both qualitatively and quantitatively. The general scheme for conducting a PEST analysis is presented below.

1. A list of macro-environmental factors with a high probability of implementation and impact is being developed.

2. The significance of each event for a given enterprise is assessed by assigning a certain weight to it.

3. An assessment is given of the degree of influence (both positive and negative) of each factor on the strategy of the enterprise.

4. Weighted scores are determined by multiplying the weight of the factor by the strength of its impact, and the total weighted score for the given company is calculated.

The total score indicates the degree of the company's readiness to respond to current and projected macro-environment factors.

When quantifying the assessment, it should be taken into account that:

The weighting factor should reflect the degree of probability of the event occurring;

A quantitative assessment of the influence of a factor should take both negative and positive values;

The final score provides information on the extent to which the company depends on the macro environment, however, in addition to obtaining a summary score, it is necessary to analyze the contribution of each factor in obtaining the resulting value, as well as evaluate the interaction of factors.

3. Political factors of PEST analysis

The study of political factors in the framework of the PEST analysis is motivated by the fact that the government regulates the mechanism of circulation of money and other issues related to obtaining profit and the necessary resources.

Purpose and objects of PEST analysis:

* Understand the mechanism by which the state distributes basic economic resources.

* Analysis of government stability.

* The study of tax policy and legislation in the field of antimonopoly law, foreign economic legislation, laws on the protection of the natural environment, regulation of employment.

* Understanding the state influence on the industry, its position in relation to foreign capital.

* Have an idea of ​​the intentions of public authorities regarding the development of society and the means by which it is supposed to implement their policies.

Examples of political factors

* Elections of all levels

* Changing legislation

* Entry of the state into various supranational structures

* State regulation in the industry

* State regulation of competition

4. Economic factors of PEST analysis

Economic aspects are an important condition for business activity for most enterprises. These macroeconomic indicators affect the standard of living of the population and its ability to pay. Using this information, you can predict demand, price levels, profitability. Therefore, the analysis of economic factors makes it possible to understand how economic resources are formed and distributed at the state level.

Purpose and objects:

* Trends in gross national product.

* Investment policy.

* Unemployment and inflation rates.

* Interest rate and foreign exchange rate.

* The level of prices and wages, specifically the measurement of actual personal income and the total amount of money in circulation.

* Energy prices.

* Determination of the general level of economic development and market relations. The study of competition in the market.

* Budget deficit, taxation norms.

Examples of economic factors

* GDP dynamics

* Inflation

* Dynamics of the ruble exchange rate

* Dynamics of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank.

* Dynamics of employment

* Effective demand

* Market and trading cycles

* Costs of your enterprise

* Enterprise energy costs

* Enterprise raw material costs

* Communication costs

* Raising supplier prices

* Decreased purchasing power of consumers

5. Social factors of PEST analysis

Purpose and objects:

To study the formation of consumer preferences, their change and possible demand, consumer activity.

The demographic structure of the population, the quality of life of people and attitudes towards it.

Lifestyle, customs and habits, people's attitude to work, social mobility of the population.

Examples of social factors

* Changes in core values

* Changes in style and standard of living

* Attitude towards work and leisure

* Demographic changes

* Religious factors

* Media influence

6. Technological factors of PEST analysis

It is important to keep track of the dynamics of technological change, as there is a threat of losing the market if you are a little behind the existing trends. Analysis of the technological component of the macro environment allows timely adjustment to the production and sale of a technologically promising product, as well as timely abandonment of obsolete technologies used.

Purpose and objects:

* Protection of intellectual property;

* Familiarization with the state policy in the field of scientific and technical progress;

* The influence of developments in other areas on the products and activities of the company.

* Studying new technologies, scientific discoveries, new products, new patents that appear on the market.

* Improvements in the necessary technical equipment and production processes, automation and information processing methods.

Examples of technological factors

* R&D trends

* New patents

* New products

* Technology development

7. PEST-analysis of the external environment

The external environment is a source that feeds the organization with the resources necessary to maintain its internal potential at the proper level. The organization is in a state of constant exchange with the external environment, thereby providing itself with the possibility of survival. But the resources of the external environment are not unlimited. And they are claimed by many other organizations that are in the same environment. Therefore, there is always the possibility that the organization will not be able to obtain the necessary resources from the external environment. This can weaken its potential and lead to many negative consequences for the organization. The task of strategic management is to ensure such an interaction of the organization with the environment that would allow it to maintain its potential at the level necessary to achieve its goals, and thus enable it to survive in the long term.

The external environment is divided into:

Microenvironment - an environment of direct influence on the enterprise, which is created by suppliers of material and technical resources, consumers of products (services) of the enterprise, trade and marketing intermediaries, competitors, government agencies, financial and credit institutions, insurance companies;

The macro environment that affects the enterprise and its micro environment. It includes the natural, demographic, scientific and technical, economic, environmental, political and international environment.

The enterprise must limit the negative impact of external factors that most significantly affect the results of its activities or, conversely, make better use of favorable opportunities.

Factors of the external environment in the management system in management science, both at an earlier period and at the present time, have not been given enough attention. Consequently, the problem remains little studied, and especially its factors such as:

* the value of the external environment for management;

* definition of the external environment;

* the relationship of environmental factors;

* the complexity of the external environment;

* the mobility of the external environment;

* uncertainty of the external environment;

* direct exposure environment;

* the environment of indirect influence;

* international environment.

Environmental factors are understood as the force with which changes in one factor affect other factors. Hence, it should be understood that when organizing management, it is necessary to take into account the factors of external influence as much as possible and consider a particular organization as an integral system consisting of mutually connected parts.

The external environment of an organization includes a list of elements such as customer, competitors, government agencies, suppliers, financial institutions, workforce, technology, culture, demographics that are relevant to the organization.

Assessment of the organization's external environment is a prerequisite for developing a strategy. Often external conditions change so unexpectedly that all preliminary plans are violated. The environment can be so unstable that the very development of long-term plans and strategies becomes meaningless.

Various methods are used for PEST analysis and forecasting the development of the macro environment:

Forecasting trends;

Scenario analysis;

simulation modeling;

Factor analysis;

expert methods.

The use of these methods is justified if there is a reliable information base.

The basis of PEST analysis is the collection of information about events occurring in the macro environment.

PEST parsing example



1. There is no specific government policy for our products. Lack of government support

1. High total tax burden on the enterprise and the possibility of its strengthening

2. The absence of unified state organizations involved in issuing various kinds of licenses, permits, etc.

2. Growth of inflation rates. Rising prices for energy, raw materials, materials and transportation costs

3. Exposure of decisions of enterprise managers to the opinion of higher management

3. Lack of clear prospects for the development of the Russian economy. The danger of economic instability

4. State (corruption) and criminal racketeering

4. Lack of a documented and approved development strategy for Russia


1. Influence of the factor of mobility of production

1. Emphasis on computerization of the production process

2. Influence of consumer preferences in accordance with quality standards

2. Introduction of high-tech equipment

3. Requirement of warranty obligations for manufactured products

3. Use of advanced experience in the field of production of furnaces

After determining the set of environmental factors for enterprise X, we summarize the assessment of the factors under consideration in the table

Significant environmental factors that may affect the activities of the enterprise

Evaluation (on a 9-point scale)

After 3-5 years

1. Political factors

There is no specific government policy for our products. Lack of government support

The absence of unified state organizations involved in issuing various kinds of licenses, permits, etc.

Exposure of the decisions of the company's managers to the opinion of higher management

State (corruption) and criminal racketeering

2. Economic factors

High total tax burden on the enterprise and the possibility of its strengthening

Rising inflation rates. Rising prices for energy, raw materials, materials and transportation costs

Lack of clear prospects for the development of the Russian economy. The danger of economic instability

Lack of a documented and approved development strategy for Russia

3. Social factors

Narrow regional labor market. Lack of qualified specialists on the market

Growth in the cost of the consumer basket, requiring adequate wage growth

Influence of consumer preferences in accordance with quality standards

4. Technological factors

Absence in the country of domestic technological equipment of the required class of quality and productivity

Rapid “aging” of equipment and short service life

Poor compatibility of expensive imported equipment with our infrastructure and operating conditions

The possibility of the emergence of new technologies (nanotechnologies) that can radically change production

The main task of PEST-analysis is to predict changes in significant environmental factors that can have a real impact on the company's activities in the future. Depending on which factors will improve and which will worsen, the enterprise should develop its own strategy and, if possible, neutralize the influence of undesirable factors.

Among the possible response measures of the enterprise on political factors, one can distinguish such as insurance against risks, finding new types of activities, and stimulating competitors. In economic terms - overestimation of the cost of production, finding ways to minimize taxes, the introduction of financial transactions that preserve the purchasing power of funds. According to sociological - improvement of the incentive system, automation and mechanization of labor. Technological - additional investments in know-how and capacity renewal, reduction of depreciation periods, increase in depreciation deductions.

8. Problems in conducting PEST analysis

When assessing the macro environment, it is important to avoid such problems as a strong reduction in the amount of data used to make a decision, the difficulty to identify the most influencing factors when covering a large amount of data, misinterpretation of the analysis results, inaccuracy in the analysis results. It is also required to analyze the macro environment on an ongoing basis, take into account the mutual influence of environmental factors, and evaluate from the point of view of several experts in order to avoid the subjectivity of opinion. Also, the problems that arise during the analysis include the short-term orientation of organizations, that is, conducting research only if there are available funds, which does not give a significant effect in strategic planning; disapproval and misunderstanding of the analysis; complexity of analysis for diversified organizations.

9. Features of PEST analysis

* Interpretation. Decision makers in an organization often face great difficulty in determining the nature of the macro environment, as well as the boundaries of its field of activity. Factors that reflect problems of interpretation are the structuring of meaningful studies, the manifestation of financial impact, the synthesis of short-term and long-term results, the lack of involvement of senior management in the analysis, the difficulty in realizing potential opportunities in action plans and the time and resources required to conduct an accurate analysis.

* Short-term orientation of organizations: many companies reduce funding for macro-environment analysis during economically difficult periods, as it becomes too expensive for them in difficult times. On the contrary, in such a period of the organization's activity, analysis is most needed, as it can help solve these problems. Therefore, the benefits can accrue to those organizations that can conduct and support environmental analysis in both good times and bad.

* Lack of approval and misunderstanding. Lack of approval for conducting environmental analysis arises from a lack of understanding top management its values; difficulties to encourage line managers to participate in the analysis and use its results; resistance to changing forecasting methods.

* Diversified Organizations: Organizations that operate across multiple countries or companies create a huge challenge for external analysts. To analyze the macroenvironment of these organizations, experts need to generalize the values ​​for the dynamics of numerous macroenvironments of various states and organizations.

The following main provisions of the PEST analysis can be distinguished:

1. The strategic analysis of each of the four indicated components should be sufficiently systematic, since all these components are closely and intricately interconnected;

2. You can not rely only on these components of the external environment, since real life much wider and more varied.

3. PEST - The analysis is not general for all organizations, since each of them has its own specific set of key factors.

PEST (STEP) analysis is a strategic analysis of social (S - social), technological (T - technological), economic (E - economic), political (P - political) factors of the organization's external environment.

Since the environment of the enterprise is directly influenced by political factors, the analysis determines the factors of influence of the political situation on business activity, investment climate, stability and development prospects.

The economic factor is studied as the main one for determining investment prospects and prospects for the development of markets, purchasing power, etc. The distribution of economic resources on a national scale is also being studied.

The social factor determines the dynamics of consumer preferences, distribution and structure social groups population, age and gender structure.

The last factor is the technological component. The purpose of his research is considered to be the identification of trends in technological development, which are often the causes of changes and market losses, as well as the emergence of new products.

The analysis is carried out according to the scheme "factor - enterprise". The results of the analysis are drawn up in the form of a matrix, the subject of which are the factors of the macro environment, the predicate is the strength of their influence, estimated in points, ranks and other units of measurement. The results of the PEST analysis make it possible to assess the external economic situation in the sphere of production and commercial activities.


1. Popov S.A. (1999) Strategic Management. Moscow: Infra-M. page 63

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Modern business has now reached a fairly high level of development, where paramount importance is given to monitoring those factors that have a great influence on the successful development of an enterprise. One of the main methods used today large enterprises, is a PEST analysis. He is complex analysis external factors influencing the activities of entities economic activity. The name itself contains the main areas that are analyzed - politics, economics, society and technology (political, economic, society, technology - PEST).

An analysis of this level is carried out in order to identify both micro and macro factors that have a direct impact on the results of both the current activities of the company and the future. It should be noted that in the structure it distinguishes the macro environment (which includes an analysis of the political regime, the economy, the scientific and technical environment and natural factors) and the micro environment (competitors, buyers, suppliers, shareholders, trade unions, and so on), with the first series of factors given more importance.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that among all the external factors that affect the activities of the company, priority should be given to the political factor, since the government can directly influence the economic component of the state, artificially applying certain regulations to maintain a certain economic course. Thanks to the National Bank, which belongs to the state, the government changes the discount rate, controls the amount Money in circulation, analyzes the level of GDP and so on. Thus, the PEST analysis of an enterprise must necessarily include the political aspects of the state in which it is carried out. The same should be taken into account when entering foreign sales markets, since a lack of information in this area can lead to incorrect and reduce the actual possibility of making a profit. when doing business. You should also be familiar with tax laws and applicable regulations in this region.

In the banking sector, PEST-analysis is also carried out, which allows taking into account economic, social and technological factors in the implementation of strategic planning and development of the financial sector. include the interest rate, foreign exchange rate, the amount of money in circulation, the unemployment rate, energy prices, investment policy and the actual personal income of the population on average. In addition, the bank's PEST analysis includes such socio-cultural factors as changing consumer preferences, lifestyles of different population groups, consumer activity, demographic structure, and population mobility. An important role in determining long-term goals and objectives in the banking sector is also played by technological factors, which are the most rapid and important in terms of the scale of impact. This should include R&D development trends, intellectual property protection, R&D spending, the emergence of new technologies and electronics, patents for new inventions, and so on.

PEST analysis is so important in any enterprise planning that it is often the only way to quickly respond to a changing environment. That is why most organizations and banks use PEST-analysis methods without fail, as this allows the enterprise to be more successful.

All conditions and factors arising in environment, and which do not depend on the activities of this particular enterprise, but which have a certain impact on the functioning of this specific organization and on this basis require the adoption of any management decisions are understood as the external environment of the organization.

The external environment of the enterprise is a source on which the organization depends on maintaining the necessary resources to maintain the internal potential of this particular organization at the proper level. Any enterprise is always in a state of exchange with the external environment, and thus provides for itself the ways and resources necessary to survive. The resources received from the external environment are limited. These resources can be simultaneously claimed by many other organizations that conduct their business in the same environment. Consequently, there is always a hidden threat that at some point the enterprise will not be able to obtain the resources it needs from the external environment. This can lead to a weakening of the potential of this enterprise and to other negative consequences. The main task of strategic management is to organize the interaction of the enterprise with the external environment; as a result of such interaction, the enterprise will have the opportunity to maintain its potential at a level that is able to support this particular enterprise at required level, achieve the intended goals, and the ability to exist in the long term.

Any enterprise (organization) in its daily practice must take into account not a small number of factors that can affect it from a distant (external) environment. But the enterprise should not negatively perceive the effect of these factors, it should be able to actively manage them.

The main purpose of the analysis of the factors of the distant environment is the creation of an information component for the subsequent development of a strategy.

Analysis of the factors of the distant environment is carried out using a simple tool - PEST - analysis.

The PEST analysis technique is often used to assess key market trends in a particular industry. The results of PEST - analysis are used to identify threats and opportunities in the process of compiling and studying SWOT - analysis in the enterprise. PEST - analysis of the external environment of the enterprise is compiled with a perspective, usually for three to five years, updating the data annually. PEST analysis is often performed as a matrix in the form of a table or four squares.

The essence of PEST - analysis in the study of the economy is the need to identify how resources are distributed at the state level. Obtaining this information is essential to the operation of any organization. As for social aspects, they are also important for PEST analysis. Technological factors are trends that appear in the process of technological development. Most often, they act as the reasons why the market changes and incurs losses. As a result of these aspects, new products are sometimes introduced. The data are analyzed in accordance with the "factor-enterprise" scheme. The results of the PEST analysis are presented as a matrix, the main components of which are the factors present in the microenvironment. Further, in importance, the strength of the impact of these factors is distinguished with the assignment of points, ranks and other units of measurement. PEST - analysis, conclusions and results allow for an adequate assessment of the external economic situation that is developing in the industrial and commercial environment. Since PEST - analysis affects external factors that affect the operation of the enterprise, the division of the external environment is carried out according to a certain scheme. It highlights:

Macroenvironment (government, economic phenomena, socio-demographic relations, scientific and technological progress and factors depending on nature)

Microenvironment (suppliers, shareholders, buyers, creditors, trade unions, competitors).

As a rule, PEST - enterprise analysis studies only the macro environment, which includes various factors. In this regard, out of the total number of factors, attention is focused on 4 key areas that most affect the operation of the enterprise:

P (Political) - political factors. This category includes factors in the political and legal environment of the enterprise. Considering the political and legal environment of the sphere, conducting PEST - analysis of the market or state, it is necessary to answer a number of questions that affect key changes in legal regulation and stable political situation. It should be determined whether there may be changes in the near future legislative framework state, market environment, the area in which the enterprise operates, this or that change can affect its work (this applies, first of all, to issues related to income).

E (Economical) - economic forces. This category considers the factors of the economic situation on the market. Considering the PEST analysis factors included in this group, it is necessary to single out six main parameters by which one can judge the current economic state of the state, or the market environment in which the enterprise operates. It is necessary to consider: the dynamics of the development of the economic sphere; changes in exchange rates, capital prices; changes in the unemployment rate; changes in the rate of inflation; changes in per capita disposable income; a number of trends in the banking industry.

S (Socio-cultural) - social factors. It is worth paying attention to a group of factors of the cultural and social situation in the market. Considering the social factors of PEST - analysis, attention should be paid to five main parameters, such as: changes in the demographic state; population growth/decline rate, age and sex structure of the market, changes in racial affiliations; the level of education of society, the qualifications of personnel; features in the mentality, important cultural values; changes in the social strata of the population; changes in the tastes and preferences of society, established prejudices and myths.

T (Technological) - technological factors. This group of environmental factors allows you to track changes in technological progress in a particular area. The components of this group need an extended analysis, since during the period when technological process is especially important, it is technological changes that can make serious adjustments to the established situation in the market. Analyzing technological factors, one should focus on four parameters, namely: possible changes in the main technologies used in the market environment: the impact of the Internet on the development of the market environment; the impact of rapidly developing mobile technologies on the development of the market environment; innovations in modern information technology that ensure effective competition in the marketplace.

Let's analyze the factors of the distant environment (PEST-analysis) using the example commercial enterprise. The enterprise under consideration is the largest Russian private company operating in the field of electric power and heat supply. "The enterprise provides stable and uninterrupted power supply in 16 regions of Russia on its own". Over 14 million individuals and more than 160 thousand legal entities are customers of this company.

The branch's main competitors in the market electrical energy and powers are:

- generating companies wholesale market operating in the first price zone of the wholesale market.

The main competitors of the company in the thermal energy market are: industrial enterprises, which have their own thermal generation. Boiler houses municipalities and private enterprises are also competitors in the thermal energy market. The main advantage of such boiler houses is their favorable territorial location, relative to consumers.

The factors of competitiveness and profitability of enterprises in the markets of both thermal and electrical energy are: the presence of a thermal load; territorial location and proximity to consumers in the center of heat loads; availability of own main heating networks and steam pipelines; proximity to fuel resources: "utilization" fuel, gas fields; introduction of modern highly efficient combined cycle technologies.

The use of advanced ideas and approaches to doing business in the energy sector creates a solid foundation for long-term and effective work companies. For the enterprise under consideration, the most important are a comprehensive consideration of the needs of customers, socially oriented relations in the regions, and concern for environmental protection.

The key areas of development and strategic management of the Company are:

Reliable and uninterrupted production of electrical and thermal energy and energy supply to the population

Improving the efficiency of existing facilities and building new ones, which is possible only through the implementation of a priority investment program;

Contribute to improving the energy efficiency of the Russian economy; and promote the introduction of energy-saving technologies;

Annually increase the capitalization of the company and its investment attractiveness. improve energy efficiency by developing electricity generation based on renewable energy sources.

Let's consider the factors of the distant environment (PEST-analysis), which may affect the activity of the enterprise in question (Table 1).

Table 1. Factors of the distant environment of the enterprise

Environmental factors

Impact on enterprise strategy

Political factors

Introduction of restrictions on the import of imported equipment Rise in the price of imported equipment
Increasing value added tax Increase in utility bills
Increasing tax rates decline net profit and profitability of the enterprise (14)
Environmental problems Tightening requirements will lead to the cost of new treatment equipment

Economic forces

Increasing inflation Depreciation of savings, increase in the cost of electricity and heat produced
Innovation climate in the industry Increasing investment in the construction of new production sites and the reconstruction of existing ones
Increase/decrease in exchange rates Increase/decrease in prices for imported equipment, materials
Income growth Decrease in receivables

Social factors

Low level of education in the country Retraining of personnel, advanced training of employees
Increasing population mobility Will lead to an outflow of workers, therefore, it will be necessary to improve the system of incentives for workers, automation and mechanization of labor

Technological factors

Scientific and technological progress in the field of production Appearance the latest technologies, equipment, materials, therefore, additional investments in know-how and capacity upgrades
Dynamics of development of information technologies Improving the quality of dispatch control, minimizing electricity losses in networks, commissioning new energy capacities

The influence of the factors of the distant environment currently mainly shows a negative position. However, the strategic management of the enterprise must be directed to the management of companies to use newly opened opportunities, as well as to reduce and neutralize threats.

At present, the introduction by power supply companies of any additional services and various new services in related industries is the most promising. Against the background of external threats, it is especially necessary to strengthen: the sale of thermal energy, introduce energy-saving technologies and equipment, increase the provision of all kinds of services: metrological and energy audit.

Analysis of the external environment for any enterprise in modern conditions is the most important tool for developing an enterprise strategy and implementing it into the production process. The results obtained in the course of the study and on the basis of PEST-analysis give us the opportunity to competently analyze the external environment of the enterprise, as well as timely assess the current situation in the commercial and production activities enterprises.

Bibliographic list

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PEST can be considered a special method that allows you to evaluate the external environment of the enterprise, the factors that affect the production and sale of goods or the provision of services. Since there are many nuances when working with your enterprise, it is necessary to clearly analyze the macro environment. This is what pest analysis is for.

The external environment is divided into:

  • Microenvironment - it includes shareholders, buyers, creditors and so on;
  • The macro environment is the economy, natural factors, government, and the like.

Let's consider each factor separately.

  1. Political or political factors. Based on the name, this stage of the analysis is aimed at studying all sorts of nuances associated with the government. The success of an enterprise depends on factors such as:
    • Stability in the state;
    • State influence on the industry in which the company operates;
    • Allocation of resources by the state;
    • Legislation, taxes, labor protection laws and much more.

No matter how much you would like to, but the government has a great influence on all sectors in the state and enterprises in particular.

2. Economic or economic aspects. Economic analysis takes into account the well-being of the population, whether people will be able to use the services of your enterprise, buy the goods you produce. The data obtained contributes to the forecasting of price levels and profitability. Goals of economic analysis:

  • Evaluate investment policy;
  • Analyze energy prices;
  • To study information about the budget deficit and the amount of taxes;
  • Process data on income of citizens;
  • Take into account the rate of unemployment and inflation.

3. Social or social factors. The main task is to study the needs of people, what goods they are willing to buy and what services to use. The goals include:

  • Study of consumer preferences;
  • The quality of life of people;
  • Life style.

4. Technological or technological aspects. The analysis is designed to study technological trends at the moment. Without such information, there is a chance to lag behind competitors who will produce a product that is technologically more advanced than yours. Goals:

  • Familiarization with the field of scientific and technical progress;
  • Study of developments that may affect your enterprise;
  • Improving the equipment that is used in production, improving the production process, using the latest technologies.

Example of pest analysis

As an example, consider a beauty salon. The success of the services provided depends on various factors that require detailed analysis. It is worth paying attention to the negative aspects, if any. Otherwise, there is a chance to lose a significant proportion of customers, which will lead to a drain on finances. The same applies to the positive aspects: if you notice them in time and process the information, the company will receive a solid advantage.

What factors primarily affect your beauty salon? Factors of the internal environment. This includes the initial capital with which your salon will begin its activities. External factors- These are, for example, the laws of your state.

Positive ones are also characterized as strengths your enterprise. For example, you have the best makeup artist in the whole city in your salon and people will come to you to use his services. Negative factors are yours weak sides. For example, you don't work on Sunday. People will prefer competitors because they work on weekends.

All the above aspects serve only as an example. Pest analysis it is worth taking more than one day or even a month to calculate everything to the smallest detail.

Apple Pest Analysis

Ikea pest analysis

Pest analysis of Lukoil

As we can see, this type of analysis of the macro and microenvironment of an enterprise is very effective and is suitable for enterprises of various sizes and directions.

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