Presentation on the topic "Creating charts in Excel." Lesson topic: "MS Excel: Creating charts and graphs" Presentation on the topic of creating charts in Excel

Slide 2

Charts provide a visual representation of data and make it easier to make comparisons and identify patterns and trends in the data. Charts are created based on data located on worksheets. Typically, data from one sheet is used. This can be data from ranges of both adjacent and non-adjacent cells. Non-adjacent cells should form a rectangle. If necessary, during or after creating a chart, you can add data located on other sheets to it.

Slide 3

The diagram can be located as a graphic object on a sheet with data (not necessarily on the same one where the data taken to construct the diagram is located). There can be several charts on one data sheet. The diagram can be located on a separate special sheet. The diagram can be printed. A chart located on a separate sheet is printed as a separate page. The chart, located on a data sheet, can be printed with the worksheet data or on a separate page. The chart is permanently linked to the data from which it is created, and is updated automatically when the source data changes. Moreover, changing the position or size of data elements in the chart may change the data on the worksheet. You can create various charts in Excel. There are a total of 11 types of built-in diagrams, each of which has many more varieties (types). The choice of diagram type is determined by the tasks solved when creating it. One of the chart types is standard, meaning it is used by default when creating charts. Typically the standard chart is a flat bar chart.

Slide 4

Types of charts

  • Slide 5

    Slide 6

    The diagram can be placed

    On an existing sheet On a separate sheet

    Slide 7

    How to build a diagram

    1 Select the data for which you want to build a chart 2 On the Insert tab, in the Charts section, select the chart type 3 Or open the Insert Chart window and select a type in it, then OK

    Slide 8

    Working with Excel2007 charts

    Design tab options Layout tab options Format tab options If you select a chart, the Working with Charts section of the ribbon will open, which contains 3 tabs

    Slide 9

    To move the diagram you must: Select the diagram by clicking on the diagram area; While holding down the mouse button, drag the diagram to the desired location. To resize a diagram you must: Select it by clicking on the diagram area; Drag one of the selection handles to the required amount. To format a chart: Excel2007 Call the context menu on the desired element and select the command Format this element...

    Slide 10

    Edit: chart type, source data, the type of chart placement is possible through the dynamic chart menu

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    “Man, undoubtedly, was created to think: this is his main dignity and the main task of life...”

    Blaise Pascal





    Charts used to display the dependence of the values ​​of one quantity (function) on another (argument); graphs allow you to track the dynamics of data changes.

    World population

    Graph of the function y=x^2

    Example of a graph in spreadsheets


    Pie charts used to display the values ​​(dimensions) of parts of some whole; in them, each part of the whole is represented as a sector of a circle, the angular size of which is directly proportional to the size (size) of the part.

    Structure of farmland in Russia

    Profit from the sale of ice cream

    Example of a pie chart in spreadsheets

    Histograms (bar charts) are used to compare several quantities; in them, quantities are displayed in the form of vertical or horizontal columns. The heights (lengths) of the columns correspond to the displayed values.

    Area of ​​the largest countries in the world, million km 2

    Example of a bar chart


    Data series is the set of values ​​that need to be displayed on the chart.

    Charts allow you to visually compare the values ​​of one or more data series.

    Sets of values ​​corresponding to each other from different series are called categories .

    Diagrams are constructed in a rectangular coordinate system, where along the axis X the names of the categories are signed, and along the axis Y The values ​​of the data series are noted.


    Data Images

    and their names


    In spreadsheets, charts are built under the control of the Chart Wizard, which provides the following basic steps:

    1) Selecting the chart type

    2) Selecting the data on which the chart is based

    3) Setting up chart design elements

    4) Chart placement

    Charts in spreadsheets remain dependent on the data on which they are built: when the data changes, corresponding changes occur in the chart automatically.


    • Enter data into the table.
    • Select the required data range.
    • Go to tab Insert | Diagrams and select the chart type.

    4. Using toolbars “Designer”, “Layout”, “Format” format chart elements. Fill in the chart parameters (title, names of category axes, data axes, data labels, etc.).

    5. Select where to place the diagram (on a separate sheet or an existing one).


    PARAGRAPH 3.3.2

    RT No. 125, 126, 127


    • I LEARNED...
    • MY MOOD:

    Diagram. - Select the type of chart you need in the Standard tab (in our case, Graph). - Click Next. Selecting a chart type "title="2) The easiest way to create a chart will be to use the corresponding wizard: - Run the command Insert > Chart. - Select the type of chart you need in the Standard tab (in our case, Graph). - Click Next. Selecting a Chart Type Appears" class="link_thumb"> 3 !} 2) To create a diagram, the easiest way is to use the corresponding wizard: - Run the command Insert > Diagram. - Select the type of chart you need in the Standard tab (in our case, Graph). - Click Next. Selecting Chart Type The following dialog box appears Diagram. - Select the type of chart you need in the Standard tab (in our case, Graph). - Click Next. Selecting a chart type "> Chart will appear. - Select in the Standard tab the type of chart you need (in our case, Graph). - Click Next. Selecting a chart type The following dialog box will appear"> Chart. - Select the type of chart you need in the Standard tab (in our case, Graph). - Click Next. Selecting a chart type "title="2) The easiest way to create a chart will be to use the corresponding wizard: - Run the command Insert > Chart. - Select the type of chart you need in the Standard tab (in our case, Graph). - Click Next. Selecting a Chart Type Appears"> title="2) To create a diagram, the easiest way is to use the corresponding wizard: - Run the Insert > Diagram command. - Select the type of chart you need in the Standard tab (in our case, Graph). - Click Next. Selecting a Chart Type Appears"> !}

    The second window of the wizard dialog allows you to select or edit the data source. Because a range of data has already been selected in the worksheet when you run the wizard, it is automatically selected as the data source. The raw numeric data for a chart should be highlighted along with the row and column headings of the table so that the corresponding titles automatically appear in the chart's legend and category axis. Specifying a data source To go to the chart parameters dialog box, click the Next button

    Setting up chart parameters 4) Enter the text in the Chart Name field - Blood sugar level X-axis (categories) text - date Y-axis (values) text - sugar level Then click on the Next button to go to the fourth window of the wizard, which determines the location of the future chart .

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    Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested this work, please download the full version.

    Lesson objectives:

    • Educational:
      • learning construction and editing techniques various types diagrams and graphics;
      • consolidation of knowledge when working with various types of spreadsheet data;
      • skills formation independent work with educational, popular science literature and Internet materials.
    • Developmental:
      • development of creative thinking and cognitive interest among students;
      • formation of communication abilities;
      • developing skills for independent use of computers as a tool for cognitive activity;
      • development of independence in acquiring knowledge, mutual assistance, speech.
    • Educational:
      • fostering a culture of communication, the ability to work in a group, the ability to listen,
      • fostering a caring attitude towards computers and your workplace;
      • nurturing an objective attitude towards the results of work - criticality, the ability to adequately assess the situation.

    Lesson type: combined lesson - explanation of new material and consolidation of acquired knowledge.

    Lesson type: practical work.


    • Student computers
    • Multimedia projector, screen
    • Presentation prepared in PowerPoint
    • Cards with tasks for practical work
    • Text task

    Lesson Plan

    • Organizational moment
    • Announcement of the topic of the lesson and the purpose of the lesson
    • Expert speech
    • Presentation of educational material
    • Practical work on the computer
    • Expressing expert opinions.
    • Executing a test task
    • Summing up. Homework Reflection

    Material support for the lesson:

    • IBM PC AT Pentium PC – one for each student;
    • OS MS Windows 2003/XP, MS Excel


    1. Semakin I. G., Henner E. K. Informatics. 11th grade. M.: BINOM. Laboratory of Knowledge, 2002. pp. 96–122.
    2. Computer science and information technology. Ugrinovich N.D. Tutorial for 10-11 grades. – M.: Laboratory of Basic Knowledge, 2000.
    3. Journal “Informatics and Education” No. 4 – 2010

    What science has your mind not comprehended?
    Never know peace in learning for a moment

    Ferdowsi, Persian poet


    1. Learning new material

    In any field of activity, there are many tasks in which initial data and results must be presented in graphical form. The ability to visually present information in the form of graphs and diagrams is an integral part of modern education. When deciding various tasks, preparing reports on various disciplines, performing creative tasks, there is often a need for a graphical representation of numerical data. The main advantage of such a presentation is clarity.

    – Today in class 5 experts will help consider this topic. (Experts are prepared in advance by the teacher from among the successful students)

    List of issues to be studied

    • Diagrams (concept, purpose). Chart objects. Types of charts.
    • Creating Charts Automatic creation diagrams (in one step).
    • Chart Wizard.
    • Editing diagrams.
    • Editing a finished diagram.
    • Editing individual diagram elements.

    Diagrams (concept, purpose). Chart objects

    When solving various problems and preparing reports, there is often a need for a graphical representation of numerical data. The main advantage of such a presentation is clarity.

    Microsoft Excel has the ability to graphically represent data in the form of a chart. Charts are linked to the worksheet data from which they were created and change whenever the data in the worksheet changes. The diagram is an insert object embedded on one of the sheets of the workbook.

    Diagram– a spreadsheet object that clearly shows the relationship of some quantities.
    Purpose of the diagram: Graphical display of data for analysis and comparison.
    Chart objects:
    chart area– the area in which all the elements of the diagram are located;
    chart area– location of axes, data rows, etc.;
    legend– sample data formatting;
    title– serves to explain the data presented in the diagram;
    data labels (markers)– symbols (bars, dots, sectors, etc.) on a diagram depicting a single data element;
    data series– a group of related data elements in a diagram, the source of which is a single row or column of a data table;
    axis– a line that limits one of the sides of the chart plotting area and creates a scale for measuring and comparing data on the chart (for two-dimensional graphics– X axis, Y axis; for a three-dimensional graph, Z is the vertical axis, and the X and Y axes are located at different angles):
    categories– category names correspond to labels along the X axis;
    row names– usually correspond to the inscriptions along the Y axis;
    tick marks- these are short segments that intersect the coordinate axes, similar to the markings of a ruler.

    Chart types.

    In MS Excel, you can choose from several types of charts, and each type has several varieties (types). Choosing the right chart type makes it possible to present data in the most advantageous way. MS Excel allows you to choose from 14 basic (standard) chart types and 20 additional (non-standard) chart types. Within each of the main chart types, you can select a specific subtype.
    Let's look at the main ones

    Histogram displays values ​​of different categories, allows you to show several data series

    Ruled also displays values ​​for various categories, differs in the orientation of the Ox and Oy axes

    Schedule presented in the form of data points connected by a thin line, allows you to track changes in the proposed data, show several rows of data

    Pie and donut chart only one series of data can be shown. The choice of this type is determined by considerations of expediency and clarity

    Area chart displays changes in series values ​​over time, as well as changes in the contribution of individual values.

    Three-dimensional (volumetric) diagram include Histogram, Bar, 3-D, Pie, Surface

    2. Practical work on the computer

    Settings Open MS EXCEL, display the “Diagrams” toolbar (Toolbar view – Chart)
    Save the workbook under your last name in the “my documents” folder

    TASK 1. Constructing a histogram using a given table of values

    Work technology

    1. Rename Sheet1 to "Internet". Build a table similar to the one in Fig. 1

    2. Find the maximum and minimum number of user share by interest in the range C5:C12 using the Function Wizard and Functions MAX, MIN.

    3. Select the data range to construct the histogram: B5:C12.

    4. Call the Chart Wizard: select the menu command Insert, Chart or click on the Chart Wizard icon and follow its instructions:

    Step 1. Selecting a chart type: histogram> select chart type – histogram
    select the histogram type - regular histogram, click on the Next button >.

    Step 2. Selecting source data for the chart: since you have already selected the data in step 3 (range B5:C12), click on the Next button >

    Step 3. Selecting chart parameters: on the Headings tab, enter text in the Chart Title fields – “Internet User Interests”, X Axis (categories) – “Type of Interests”, Y Axis (values) – “Percentage of Users”; click on the Next button > .

    5. Position the chart area in the range A16:D40 (to move the selected chart area, use the Drag-and-Drop method, to resize the frame, work with the chart frame handles

    6. Save the changes to the file.

    7. Compare your result with Fig. 2. Present the results of your work to the expert.

    TASK 2. Editing histogram objects

    Edit the histogram according to Fig. 2.

    Work technology.

    1. Select the specified diagram object (double-click with the left mouse button), select the appropriate tab, make the changes specified below to the object parameters and click on the OK button.

    Chart object parameters:

    • Font of title, legend, axes names (brand, quantity) – Arial, size – 8.
    • Chart area format: fill method – gradient, colors – two colors, hatch type – diagonal 1.
    • Format of the diagram area: texture in filling methods - parchment.
    • Category axis and value axis format: line color – green, line thickness

    2. Plot X and Y Axis Grid Lines
    select menu command Chart, Chart Options, tab Grid lines;
    in sections X-axis (categories) And Y axis (values) select main lines.

    3. Set the format of the X and Y axes grid lines: line type – dotted, color – dark turquoise.

    4. Save changes to file

    TASK 3. Constructing graphs of functions.

    Plot graphs of the following functions

    Y1(x) = x 2 – 1
    Y2(x) = x 2 + 1
    Y3(x) = 10 * Y1(x)/Y2(x)
    The argument range is [–2;2] in increments of 0.2..

    Working technology: table preparation

    1. Go to Sheet2, rename Sheet2 to “Charts”:
    right-click on the Sheet2 shortcut to open the context menu;
    select Rename.

    2. Prepare a table on the “Graphs” sheet according to Fig. 3: enter the column names in cells A1:D1; in what follows, the names of the functions Yl(x), Y2(x), Y3(x) will form the text of the legend;
    Fill the arguments column (x) from –2 to 2 in increments of 0.2. To do this, use any range autofill method you know.

    3. Fill in the function columns, i.e. enter the function values ​​at the appropriate points in columns B, C, D. To do this, enter formulas yourself in cells B2, C2, D2, the mathematical notation of which is Yl(x) = x2 – 1, Y2(x) = x2 + 1, Y3(x) = 10*Yl(x)/Y2(x)

    4. Copy the formulas into the remaining cells of the table (use the fill handle).

    5. Design the resulting table and save the changes to a file. Present the results of your work

    4. Building and editing function graphs

    1. Select the data range to plot A1:D22.

    2. Construct graphs using the Chart Wizard: chart type - scatter, view - scatter chart with values ​​connected by smoothing lines without markers.

    3. Edit the graphs according to Fig. 4 and save the changes to the file. Present the results of your work.

    Then open the assignments for independent work. Complete the table below, enter the required data, and set the required data formats. Build diagrams ( Appendix 1 )

    5. Expressing expert opinions about the work

    6. Performing a test task

    7. Summing up

    8. Homework: Glushakov V.F., Melnikov V.E., “Fundamentals of Computer Science”, pp. 256-258, respond to counter. questions

    Methodological development

    computer science teachers

    GBOU school No. 638


    Svetlana Nikolaevna

    Building charts and graphs


    • Why make diagrams?
    • Diagram base
    • Basic elements of a diagram
    • Chart types
    • Building charts
    • Building a Pie Chart
    • Building a histogram
    • Graphing functions
    • Exercise
    • Literature

    Why make diagrams?

    • visual presentation of information
    • showing correlations of values ​​or dynamics of changes in tabular data

    This is needed for:

    Chart Basis A table is used as the basis for creating a chart. The rectangular table structure allows us to construct a diagram based on a rectangular coordinate system. The data elements (individual numbers) plotted on the chart are combined into data series ( a group of consecutive cells located in a row or column of a table).

    A diagram is a compositional object consisting of the following main elements:

    Chart drawing area with grid lines

    Signature for the Y axis

    Coordinate axis

    X-axis caption


    Data Signatures

    Legend - notation system

    Basic elements of a diagram

    Types of charts 1. Pie charts (they are used when the values ​​of a data series describe the distribution of some quantity or contribute to a whole).

    There are several types of charts. They are different appearance, purpose and number of valid data series. Here are some of them:

    2. Bar or column charts - histograms (this form is convenient for comparing values; one chart can display several data series).

    3. Graphs (serve to display the dependence of the value of a function on its argument; time, distance, or another variable can be used as an argument).

    Types of charts Any chart represents one of the three main categories presented above. There are different options for their design. In three-dimensional design, data elements are represented by images of three-dimensional figures (parallelepipeds, cylinders, cones, pyramids) to improve clarity.

    It's cylindrical


    This is volumetric

    pyramid chart

    Building a chart

    • When choosing the type of graphical representation of data (graph, histogram, chart of one type or another), be guided by what kind of information you need to display. If you want to identify changes in a parameter over time or a relationship between two quantities, you should create a graph. It is customary to use a pie chart to display shares or percentages. Comparative analysis It is convenient to present data in the form of a histogram or bar chart.

    Building a chart Procedure:

    • Select the cells containing the data to plot the chart.
    • In the Charts group, on the Insert tab, do one of the following:
      • Select the chart type and then the chart subtype you want to use.
      • 3. By default, the diagram is placed on the sheet as embedded. If it needs to be placed on a separate sheet, then:
      • On the Design tab, in the Location group, click Move chart.

    Building a chart 4. Click on the chart to open the Chart Tools panel, which contains additional Design, Layout, and Format tabs. With which you can choose a ready-made layout and style for the diagram. 5. Formatt the chart.

    Building a Pie Chart

    A table is given showing the family's expenses for 4 months. We are interested in what the percentage of the family's household budget is for this period (build a pie chart).



    Building a histogram

    A certain company selling ice cream in the city of K kept records of revenue (in millions of rubles) for four districts of the city in the summer months of 2000. Construct a histogram of revenue by district for the summer.



    Graphing functions

    y1 = 2sinx - 0.5



    Assignment A table is given to forecast the growth of the Earth's population. We are interested in the percentage distribution of the population across continents in 2000. Construct a diagram (pie, volume).

    Click here and

    complete the task!

    Forecast of global population growth (thousands of people)



    Now click on the “Answer” button and check if you completed the task correctly!


    • Lavrenov S.M. Excel: Collection of examples and tasks. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2007.
    • Shafrin Yu.A. Workshop on computer technology, M: ABF, 1997.
    • Stolyarov A.M. Excel for yourself. – M.: DMK Press, 2008.

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