Signs with birds - dove. Is it a bad omen if a dove flies into the window? Why did a pigeon fly up on the street and peck on your leg: is this a good or bad omen?

It is not easy to find a person indifferent to pigeons; some criticize them with the last words for the birds’ habit of fertilizing everything with their droppings (especially car enthusiasts), others consider and look for representatives of especially beautiful breeds, while others remember the superstitions associated with these birds. It is the interests of the latter group that we will try to satisfy.

A dove flew into the apartment - a sign

Pigeons have always been considered symbols of peace and prosperity, and only now all the cones have fallen on these birds, people are ready to see a bad omen in everything. For example, many people think that if a pigeon flew into an apartment or onto a balcony. Indeed, there is a superstition according to which a bird flying into a house foretells the imminent death of a loved one. But this belief has many nuances that people for some reason do not take into account, being frightened of a harmless bird, like an old woman with a scythe. Let's take a closer look at how justified this opinion is.

In principle, an old sign says that if a dove flies into an apartment (on the balcony), then this is a sign of receiving soon news. It is also curious that in most cases this news is considered good, especially if the dove is carrying something in its beak (a twig, a leaf, a blade of grass). It is considered a sign of death only if a dove flies into the house unexpectedly. For example, a bird appeared in your room, although you clearly remember that you closed the windows and doors.

Sign: dead dove

Another ominous sign is to see a dead dove; it is said to be bad luck or bad news. This belief is associated with people’s exceptional love for pigeons; since ancient times, every child knows that killing pigeons is a great sin. Why this is considered so is difficult to say, but most likely the origins should be sought in the Christian faith, where the Holy Spirit descended to earth in the form of a dove. There is also an opinion that the souls of deceased relatives and people who loved us very much visit us in the form of doves. Those who kill or eat pigeons are promised all sorts of punishments that should fall on both the human race and himself. That is why a dead dove on the road is a bad omen, perhaps you will receive bad news soon or bad luck awaits you.

A dove sits on the window: a sign

There is a belief that these birds feel people very subtly and will never fly up to a bad person. Therefore, if pigeons often fly up to you, it means that you are a sincere and very kind person. Another feature is the special sensitivity of pigeons to external circumstances. So, these birds hide long before a thunderstorm or other sudden weather changes begin. But the sensitivity of pigeons extends to other areas of life. Therefore, there is a sign - a dove is sitting on the windowsill, which means that you are not in danger of trouble in the near future. The same applies to the family of pigeons that have settled next to you. As long as they live nearby, you don’t have to worry about fires, natural disasters and various troubles.

But when the pigeons suddenly move from their place, you should pay attention to what is happening to you; perhaps negative events await you. Sometimes people look for signs that pay attention to the color of the dove on the windowsill, thinking that a white and black visitor dove will have different meanings. In fact, there is not much difference, and there are many more colors of these birds, so there is no point in varying the signs depending on the shade of plumage. Rather, you should listen to your feelings when you saw a bird on the window; if it scared you, then you can be wary, and if this was not the case, then there is no reason to worry, even if this pigeon was coal-black in color.

City dwellers are not accustomed to fauna. We try to expel harmful insects and rodents from our homes, and maintain polite neutrality with birds. The sign of a dove flying into a window is generally unkind, and not only because of the wariness of modern man towards living nature, but also according to popular beliefs.

Birds among the people (not only ours) are considered the souls of the dead, or at least their confidants, messengers from the afterlife. News from there They can, of course, be good, but they are mainly associated with death, and it is difficult for it to come up with a positive interpretation.

In addition to death, birds and pigeons, in particular, promise a change in status, news of various kinds, warn of disasters and bring to your attention that one of the deceased relatives has not been properly remembered for a long time.

A dove can carry very different messages, from enrichment to fire, from good news to marriage. A closer look at it will help you determine what a particular pigeon had in mind when it flew into your apartment window:

  1. state;
  2. behavior;
  3. landing place.

And, of course, your reaction, the thoughts that first came to mind when you saw your feathered guest. The news that the dove promises will most likely be related to what has been occupying your mind lately. A noisy bird flying into the window of a house will scare anyone, but if the pigeon’s visit leaves you for a long time feeling anxious or depressed most likely he was not good. If you (or children who sense the otherworldly more subtly than adults) happy, interested, a sign, one must assume, benevolent.

Signs for good

People began to take a pigeon flying into a house as a good sign not so long ago. This is due to Christian influence (the dove is a symbol of the Holy Spirit and divine will), the famous “Picasso’s Dove” and simply a decrease in people’s anxiety about living nature, signs and misfortunes, which they, of course, predict. Life has become easier, signs have become happier. In addition, doves are now a common wedding attribute.

  • A white wedding dove flying out the window is a sign good news soon. True, not necessarily related to marriage as such. White doves are also found among wild pigeons; how do you know that “yours” has flown away from the wedding? Unlike their free brothers, they are well-fed, smart, well-groomed, often with decorations on their necks and paws.
  • A dove that climbed into the room of an unmarried girl hints at her imminent marriage. It would be a stretch to call this sign good. Not everyone plans to get married, and for those who do, marriage does not necessarily bring happiness. By the way, according to signs, the dove does not predict anything for young men, even if they are single three times.
  • But a definitely successful sign is a dove that flew into the house and calmly sat down on some surface. This sign promises wealth.
  • Everyone knows that a bird’s “surprise” from above is fortunately. This also works with a pigeon flying into the house. But dirt that gets on the floor or windowsill is not considered a sign.
  • If a pigeon flew into a house and crashed into someone, this promises the person successes if there were no injuries. Notice if there is a bruise.
  • To good news and prosperity a pigeon that flew into a house with a twig or leaf in its beak.

Signs of bad luck

The dove carries the same predictive load as the entire avian genus. The herald of death, disasters and diseases, about which all-seeing deceased relatives warn, is his long-standing role.

  • A dove flying into a house and behaving restlessly foreshadows misfortune.
  • A dead dove in the house is an extremely bad omen. A dove flew into the window and died - to death in the family, illness.
  • A pigeon flying into a room with a sick person predicts deterioration and slow recovery.
  • Before flying into the window, the dove pounded at it or hit the glass, unable to find its way back - to serious failures. Especially if there is blood on the glass.
  • The pigeon inside crashed into a person with traumatic consequences - a sign that it should be very careful when traveling, travel by transport and especially flights. If you already have a bad feeling about flying on an airplane, it’s better to reschedule it.
  • The pigeon scares animals and children, gets scared itself, does not find a place for itself - to a possible poverty or to the fact that deceased relatives are unhappy with something.
  • This is not the first time a pigeon has flown into a house; it has a habit of knocking on the glass before doing so - warning about fire, gas leak, damage to home. Now is the time to check when your home insurance expires.

Balcony - a separate conversation

There are nuances here too. A dove flew onto the balcony - a slightly different sign than if it had ended up right in the room. The balcony is not considered part of the house (when most signs were invented, there were no balconies at all), so all those signs that the pigeon would have brought in another case are either not considered, or they should be divided into two. Great success turns into moderate success, death into injury or minor illness, marriage into mild.

But if the balcony is completely residential and is considered another room, it is worth paying attention to the sign.

What to do to eliminate the bad effect of a sign?

To ward off misfortune and not offend otherworldly messengers, you need to perform several actions:

  1. Take the pigeon outside without damaging its wings and legs. It's best if it flies out on its own. If he doesn’t succeed in this, it’s worth catching him, making sure to wear gloves: does everyone remember about “flying rats”?
  2. Do not harm the bird under any circumstances or allow animals to kill it. Cats are big fans of killing pigeons.
  3. Wash the window into which it flew with diligence (and detergents), especially if there is blood left there. Do the same with all surfaces where the pigeon landed. The issue is both protection from bad omens and hygiene.
  4. Thoroughly ventilate the room where the pigeon flew into.
  5. Believers should remember deceased relatives and friends in church.
  6. It’s not for nothing that apartment insurance was mentioned. Now is the time to check her, as well as your health and the condition of the family car. Responsible people are less susceptible to misfortune.

There are many popular beliefs about pigeons. Unlike the crow, this bird evokes only good associations. Modern signs and superstitions about pigeons serve as harbingers of a variety of events in a person’s life.

Signs about the color of a dove

Depending on the color of the feather, there are different folk beliefs and signs about these birds.


The white dove is a symbol of peace. According to signs, if he nailed himself into a house or settled on the roof or window sill behind glass, there are several interpretations:

  • important news is expected soon;
  • the soul of one of the deceased relatives flew into the house with the bird;
  • The Divine spirit entered the house (this bird is a symbol of not only peace, but also purity and innocence);
  • awaits a new addition to the family, prosperity and fertility.

A white dove sitting alone on the window portends loneliness and melancholy. Meeting a flock of white doves circling nearby is a good sign: you will soon become truly happy.

A white bird hitting a window through a glass portends illness or death for you or your relatives.

If you notice how a white dove constantly flies over the house, it means that there will be a wedding or matchmaking soon. Finding a white dove's feather is a sign of good news and events.

Seeing white doves cooing and kissing in front of you is a very good sign for both a girl and a guy. This means that a wedding is coming soon, and the resulting marriage will be happy and long-lasting. A white bird flies and touches with its wing - expect good news.


If a red dove flies by, it means that a big profit awaits you soon (inheritance, winning the lottery, salary increase).

A red bird perched on your shoulder speaks of the imminent arrival of an old friend or acquaintance.

Seeing a red or brown pigeon fly in and settle on a balcony, on a windowsill outside a window, or in an entryway is a good sign: expect a new addition to the family. This can be not only the birth of a child, but also an increase in monetary value.


Seeing a black dove hitting a window is a bad superstition. Soon someone in the family will become very ill or die.

If a black dove flies over the house, expect unpleasant news or changes.

A black bird flying by and touching it with its wing is a bad omen: it warns of unpleasant news and problems.


Raw birds foreshadow the same events as black ones. If a gray bird hits the window, expect trouble (illness, death of loved ones, unexpected financial expenses and losses).

If you find a gray feather, be careful. Perhaps this sign warns against upcoming difficulties or losses. It’s not worth taking risks in the near future and doing rash actions.

Signs about a dove on the window

An arriving pigeon lands on a window or sill - a good sign. Seeing a dove in such a place means that the house is under reliable protection. A fire or other unpleasant situations will never happen in such a house. Our ancestors thought so, because it was in ancient times that houses were built from wooden beams. a flying dove on a window or windowsill is a powerful amulet that protects the monastery from bad weather. The modern sign about pigeons has a slightly different meaning. To see a dove looking out the window means for a person that someone misses and yearns for him very much.

If a pigeon flies in, sits on the windowsill outside the window and turns its back, one of the family members has a long journey ahead of them. If 2 pigeons are cooing outside the window, the omen about pigeons marks an imminent meeting with your soulmate.

Popular superstitions about these birds say that if a pigeon is located outside the window and holds a twig in the key, a person will expect good news from loved ones. The sign has the same meaning if a dove sits on a cornice and flies with a twig onto a balcony or terrace. Also, a dove on the eaves and balcony with a twig in its beak can portend good changes in the life of the owner of the house. If a bird pecks crumbs while sitting on a ledge, expect a letter or news from an old friend or acquaintance.

If a bird hits the window, one of the relatives will die. A dove settled on the roof, on the windowsill outside the window - a person will have great luck and success in both personal and public affairs. If a pigeon was flying, hit the glass and fell to the ground, this is a bad sign. Perhaps someone in the family will fall ill with an incurable disease.

Signs about a dove in the house

The sign that a dove has flown into a house has several interpretations:

  • A bird flying into a room (a store, an entrance, onto a balcony) holding food in its beak is a sign of imminent enrichment. And it doesn’t matter whether it flies through the window or doors of the house.
  • A bird flies into the house and flies into the room of an unmarried girl - which means that there will be matchmaking soon.
  • The massive arrival of birds in the yard promises a person a fruitful and prosperous year.
  • Popular superstitions associated with pigeons predict a fateful meeting for a person if he meets a pigeon in someone else's house.
  • A bird flying through the balcony door means that big money will arrive soon; if she managed to fly into the house through the front door, guests (good friends or long-awaited distant relatives) will soon arrive.

Signs about a dead dove

Dead birds are never a harbinger of good things to come, and pigeons are no exception.

It is considered a bad omen to find a dead pigeon on the road. This phenomenon can be a harbinger of the death of a relative or the development of a serious illness. A sign has the same meaning if you happen to see a dead dove on the roadway.

If a pigeon crashes into the windshield while driving and falls on the hood of a car, the driver of that vehicle will soon have an accident.

Signs about a wounded dove

If a wounded dove hits the threshold, this is a warning sign that great difficulties will soon occur or you will have to receive unpleasant news. To neutralize the effect of a negative omen, you need to feed and water the bird and, if possible, help it.

If you try to save a wounded bird, your home and family are not in danger.

Signs about a dove landing on its head

Folk omens about a dove that sat on its head promise good events in life: increased wealth, wealth and prosperity. This meaning of the sign about pigeons applies to wild birds, since domestic ones often like to sit on the shoulders of their owners.

If a wild pigeon sits on its head, perhaps a large inheritance will soon appear or you will be able to win big money in the lottery. Sometimes such a sign can become a sign of a new addition to the family. In the latter case, the omen comes true if the pigeon not only sat down, but also shit on its head. Replenishment is possible not only through the birth of a child, but also through meeting a new relative.

If a bird sits on its head and holds prey or a twig in its beak, this is a good sign. You can safely start any risky business and make difficult decisions. Usually, people with whom this happened, their financial affairs go uphill, their family relationships improve.

If a dove sits on its head in a dream, you should expect good news. This will be a pleasant visit from relatives or friends, receiving gifts and enjoying communication.

Signs about pigeon droppings

A dove rarely flies up to a bad person; it senses the insincerity of people and their anger.

If a wild pigeon flies up and shits on a person, this is a good sign:

  • If a pigeon craps on your clothes, expect big profits.
  • If a pigeon was flying and crap on your hand, soon you will have a talent that you never suspected. If a pigeon poops on your hand, your financial well-being will soon improve significantly.
  • If a bird flies by and poops on your windshield or car hood, be careful when you hit the road. The possibility of an accident cannot be ruled out. It is impossible to remove bird droppings immediately after detection, as this will worsen the situation. It's better to go back to the garage or wait for the rain.
  • If a bird poops on the bride's wedding dress, it is a marriage of convenience on her part.
  • If a bird shits on military clothing, this is a very good sign for a soldier: he will soon receive a promotion in rank.
  • On your back - someone is slandering you.
  • If a bird poops on your face, wealth or great positive changes await you.
  • A bird poops on its feet - a long journey is soon ahead.

Signs about the weather

This unique bird of the world can become a harbinger of the weather:

  • Seeing a flock of wild pigeons in front of the house, constantly huddling together, means prolonged rain with thunderstorms (summer and autumn), and snow in winter.
  • The birds are carefully cleaning their feathers - it will start raining soon.
  • The weather is sunny and warm outside, but the birds are still hiding under the roof - expect bad weather.
  • You can hear the loud cooing of birds in cloudy weather - soon the sun will come out and it will be warm.
  • Pigeons bathe in a puddle - the year will be dry.
  • If you see pigeons swimming in the spring, when the weather has already become warm, the summer will be very hot, sultry and practically without rain.
  • Seeing pigeons swimming in a puddle at the end of summer is a sign of a dry and warm autumn, which will drag on for a long time.
  • Birds hesitantly stomping around a puddle foretell imminent rain.
  • If the birds reluctantly enter the puddle, wet their paws and quickly leave the water, wet and rainy weather is ahead. Folk omens about pigeons are a superstition that is sure to come true.
  • If the feathers of pigeons become ruffled and curly, a sharp cold snap is coming.

Signs for the holidays

The dove is the messenger of God, so it can be a harbinger of various events and changes in human life.

If a bird hits the window and tries to fly into the Annunciation, expect an addition to the family.

On the Savior, such a phenomenon foreshadows a person’s God’s grace and a good harvest in the summer.

If on Palm Sunday a dove tried to fly into the window through the window, the family will always have prosperity and good health. For a sick person, such a phenomenon on this holy holiday foreshadows a speedy recovery.

To see a dove swooping onto the roof of a house or window sill on Trinity Sunday is a sign of a rich harvest. This also means that the house is not in danger.

On Good Friday, the arrival of the bird of peace means that it is time to reconsider your attitude towards your loved ones, become kinder and more attentive to them.

Signs about a dove in a cemetery

Seeing a bird of peace in a cemetery is a sign of connection with kindred souls. If a dove flew in and sat on a grave, a cross or a tombstone is news from the deceased. A bird that sits on a grave and behaves calmly gives a sign from the deceased that everything is fine and calm in the other world.

If a dove behaves anxiously and moves from the ground to the grave, the deceased person is thus trying to convey that he has some unfinished business. He asks to see them through to the end.

An alarmed bird flying overhead on the way to the cemetery gives a sign from the deceased about some kind of disaster. Under no circumstances should you try to catch her, so as not to aggravate the situation. The pigeon needs to be fed and caressed. After this, it is important to go to church. The same thing means seeing this bird in a cemetery in a dream.

Signs about a killed dove

If you accidentally hit a pigeon with your car, this is a very bad sign. In order not to bring trouble to yourself and your loved ones, you cannot use this car for some time, since the outcome can be disastrous for the car that ran over the pigeon and for the driver himself. This phenomenon foreshadows a fatal accident, especially if the bird that was hit died.

Doves are a symbol of peace, purity, kindness, love. These birds are considered messengers of heaven, helping a person to live in harmony with himself and harmony with others. Birds give signs so that people can prepare for upcoming events. A dove on the window foreshadows various changes in fate. Knowledge of folk signs will help you correctly interpret the nuances of bird behavior, predict the future, and fill life with new colors.

Dove as a sign for a girl

People have different attitudes towards pigeons. Owners of expensive cars feel more hostility than love for these sociable birds. Despite the signs of material profit, bird droppings on the hood, scratches from paws on an expensive surface cause annoyance, not joy.

It’s a completely different matter when the birds of the world appear on a young lady’s windowsill. The cooing of doves in the morning creates a good mood, fills the soul with tender feelings and thoughts about the upcoming pleasant changes in life.

Sign: a dove sat on the cornice and looks out the window - someone from the girl’s circle is interested in her, but does not show it yet.

A feathered creature sitting next to a young woman is evidence of the girl’s pregnancy. You can wait for the baby.

Two pigeons sat on the windowsill, cooing tenderly and kissing - to great joy, the young lady is expecting a pleasant acquaintance or a romantic date.

If birds have built a nest on the eaves, it’s fortunate.

A bird that landed on the window then flew around the house - an omen of matchmaking or wedding.

A red dove on the windowsill of an unmarried girl is a good sign. The groom is already going to propose, the wedding will be magnificent, and the marriage will be happy.

Dove as a sign for a guy

In life, it often happens that young people delay in choosing a betrothed, and go through more girls. This cannot go on forever. Higher powers give a sign, the person the guy is dating now is the love of his life, you need to buy - that’s why a dove sat on the guy’s windowsill, this is a signal that it’s time to start a family.

A pair of doves in front of a young man’s window, important superstitions in this regard:

  • If slightly ruffled birds sit peacefully, a calm, measured family life is expected, like the flow of a flat, full-flowing river.
  • The cooing of doves is similar to a cry - a harbinger of an unsuccessful relationship. Perhaps the marriage will not last.
  • One bird hits another with its wing, pinching it - a warning about unpleasant moments. Family life will not be without disagreements, quarrels, and conflicts.

Signs about the behavior of a pigeon

Birds are not particularly gullible. Therefore, a dove flying up to a person or home is a sign that the individual is sincerely kind and has positive energy.

Feeding pigeons is good luck.

But it's not so easy to feed proud wild birds. They will not approach you if they feel there is a problem. But signs do not apply to tame domestic birds; they simply lose their meaning and power.

If a pigeon sat on the windowsill and built a nest outside the window, this sign indicates that your home is not in danger. After all, birds are more sensitive than people to all kinds of disasters of various scales. As long as the bird nests nearby, there is no need to be afraid of fires or floods and other troubles.

If your feathered friend disappears (stops flying to you), then you should be wary. Surely a disaster is approaching. If you live in an apartment building, pay attention to the presence or absence of gas odor, the condition of the taps and other points that guarantee the safety of your home.

If the bird's behavior when trying to enter the room causes you anxiety, do not let the bird inside.

If a dove flaps its wings in front of your window, there is a possibility of a fire.

There is an ancient belief that explains why a bird lands on a windowsill. It is believed that the souls of deceased people move into pigeons, who then fly to relatives to visit them or warn them about danger or a joyful event. In this case, the bird lands on the windowsill, walks along it, and knocks on the glass with its beak. The behavior of the bird has different interpretations.

Pigeon knocking on the window

If a bird flying up to the window hits the glass, this is a bad omen. Moreover, the greater the fear that gripped you as a result of what happened, the worse the prediction.

Objectively, the bird could have flown to you with any news, good or bad, but it did not notice the glass and crashed into it. However, imagination and superstition cause trepidation. The details matter:

  • If a pigeon falls dead after being hit, this portends serious problems: a serious illness or the death of a person from your close circle.
  • If the bird recovered and flew away, everything would be fine.
  • If a pigeon is injured, you need to help it. This way you will avert trouble from your family.

When a dove simply knocks its beak on the glass or window sill, this means that higher powers are trying to attract your attention, to direct your thoughts in a different direction.

If the bird managed to find itself in the room after knocking, this means that you do not notice something important around you. You need to come to your senses to avoid big losses.

If a winged visitor calmly walks along the windowsill after knocking, this portends that news will soon be received.

Not in a hurry to fly away

If a dove has flown in and landed on the ledge and is not going to fly away, this means that your home needs a talisman. The dove is trying to take away anxiety and sadness from you. Do not drive away a bird that does not want to fly away from you. She will guard your well-being.

If the bird is anxious, flies back and forth, and comes back again when you drive it away, get ready for things to not go as you planned, or for someone close to you to get sick.

A dove is looking at me from the windowsill

For those who have a loved one far away - the bird “brought greetings” from him, communicates the desire of the beloved to see each other as soon as possible.

In other cases, the bird’s attention means that one of your close relatives wants to meet you. Think about those with whom you have not communicated for a long time, but would like to talk.

If a pigeon often shows attention to you, looking at you for a long time either with its right or left eye, this is a signal that someone really needs you. You must hurry up with your decision.

Arrived and flew away

A bird of peace arriving briefly is a harbinger of news. Be prepared to receive a receipt, invitation, or other communication. Perhaps this will be news that will force you to travel. Most likely, the trip will be pleasant.

Coos or dances on the windowsill

This behavior of a bird under the window is a harbinger of the imminent arrival of guests. Watch her:

  • Other pigeons have joined the bird - get ready for the arrival of a noisy company and wild fun.
  • A winged visitor proudly strides in front of the window - an important, influential person will be among the guests.
  • This person can help you in business if you accept him with dignity.
  • The bird coos loudly - someone around you will try to attract your attention.
  • The cooing of pigeons in the morning is an omen of communication with pleasant people and upcoming surprises.

Signs by color

The winged guest of snow-white color is the messenger of heaven, most often symbolizing only good things: peace, kindness, love.

The appearance of a white dove on the windowsill portends:

  • For single young people - matchmaking (guaranteed if the bird dropped a feather when it flew away).
  • For a married couple - good luck in business.
  • Everyone - protection from unpleasant events if the bird returns repeatedly and behaves calmly.
  • If a bird brings something in its beak, you can count on making a profit.

Feeding a snow-white dove is a very good omen. A well-fed bird will become the bearer of only good news.

If there are two white doves under the window at once, this is a harbinger of an imminent wedding (for brides and grooms), or a meeting of the love of your life (for those who do not yet have a loved one). The interpretation of the sign changes depending on the behavior of the “guests”:

  • Pigeons sit next to each other, huddle together, coo gently - a harbinger of a happy married life.
  • They shout, “talk” (as if they are quarreling) – misunderstanding in the family.
  • A conflicting pair of birds has made peace - and mutual understanding will be achieved in the family.
  • The couple broke up, the birds scattered in different directions - the matter would end in divorce.

White doves can bring bad news, omens:

  • A snow-white dove circles near the windows of a house where there is a seriously ill person - a harbinger of the imminent death of this person.
  • If a white dove lands on a girl’s window sill and knocks on the window, this is a message that something has happened to her boyfriend, who is far away.

There is also a general sign that a white dove flies to - this means that the house is visited by the soul of a deceased relative who is worried about loved ones. If a bird flies into the room, there will be trouble; it stays outside and looks into the room - a harbinger of happy events in the family.

Signs about black doves:

  • If such a bird does not know how it entered the house (with the doors and windows closed), it is a harbinger of the death of one of your friends or family members.
  • A black bird has settled on the eaves and is trying to build a nest - this does not necessarily mean trouble. But superstitious people prefer not to feed such newly-minted “neighbors.”

Bird behavior that foretells good luck in business and monetary profit

Signs about pigeons on the windowsill are not limited to predictions about changes in personal life; beliefs often promise good luck in the material sphere and career growth.

If a flock of birds flew under your windows, but only one dove landed on the windowsill, this is an omen of changes in life, career advancement. Watch the winged guest:

  • When the flock flew away, “your pigeon” was the last - it will be difficult to realize ambitious plans. You need to put in more effort to get a positive result.
  • “Your feathered one” leads the flock - dizzying success awaits you.
  • The dove, which had been sitting on the windowsill for a long time, hardly moved, but then flew away anyway - be prepared to soon find out something unexpected for yourself.

But the sign about pigeon droppings has only one interpretation. If a bird flies close to the window and shits on the glass or window sill, this portends a big profit. Nuances:

  • The dove marked the window and immediately flew away - an omen of receiving money in the near future.
  • The bird, before taking a piss, first walked importantly along the windowsill - a reward awaits you from a high-ranking official.
  • The dove was going to leave a mark on your territory (the sign concerns not only the window), but you accidentally or intentionally scared it, the bird flew away - get ready for temporary lack of money.

The bird put a leaf, a feather, or any other object on the windowsill - you will soon receive a profit or an expensive gift. Do not remove or throw away the “gifts” of the messenger of heaven until his predictions are fulfilled. What to expect:

  • Prize for work.
  • Salary increase.
  • A decent amount of money found by chance on the street. Be careful.
  • Winning the lottery. Having received a signal from the bird, feel free to buy a lottery ticket (even if you have had no luck before).

A pair of doves will predict the future

A pair of pigeons flew onto the windowsill - this is a sign of pure, bright, real feelings. The event may be an omen of the birth of a new friendship or love.

If the birds coo and sit next to you, a wedding is coming soon.

The dove has something in its beak - the newlyweds will quickly have a child.

There are 2 cooing doves on the window - a good omen:

  • family well-being;
  • children's obedience to parents;
  • a generous expression of the love of a mother and father for their child.

If a whole flock of birds arrives, a bright, cheerful party is expected.

Weather predictions and omens on religious holidays

Observant people have long noticed the ability of birds and animals to detect weather changes. Pigeons are the most “weather-dependent” creatures among other species of fauna:

  1. During the hot season, the bird tries to sit on a windowsill in the shade - a harbinger of rain or thunderstorms during the day.
  2. The bird is cleaning its feathers - the weather is expected to change to the opposite.
  3. Pigeons splashing in a puddle is a harbinger of a long drought.
  4. Birds bathe in puddles in the spring - summer is approaching, warm weather.
  5. Birds splash in the water in autumn - warmer weather is expected.
  6. Doves walking around a puddle and not daring to enter it are an omen of imminent rain.
  7. On a hot day, birds only wet their paws - a rainy, cool week is expected.
  8. Pigeons, ruffled in winter, sit in the attic - a harbinger of severe frosts.

According to legend, pigeons are messengers of God. There are a number of signs about the behavior of pigeons on religious holidays:

  • A bird knocked on the window on the Annunciation - an omen of an addition to the family.
  • The sound of birds during the Savior is a harbinger of a rich harvest and God's grace.
  • A dove visited you on Palm Sunday - promises increased well-being and improved health.

It doesn't really matter whether you are superstitious or not. You don’t have to think about why pigeons fly to the windowsill. In any case, your fate depends only on you. But if you know how to navigate bird signs, you can predict events and avert trouble from yourself or your loved ones.

“Doves are a symbol of peace,” some say enthusiastically. "Pests!" , say others, usually car owners. Pigeons are one of the most ancient representatives of birds. Several centuries ago, they were considered exclusively as sacrifices made to the gods.

In the Bible, doves are the personification of peace, a symbol of the Holy Spirit, a sign of the Lord’s forgiveness of man (a dove with a twig of an olive tree met Noah after swimming, indicating the direction of the earth and conveying the forgiveness of the Almighty). The ancient Babylonians revered the dove as a symbol of fertility. And in Ancient Egypt, pigeons were first used as winged mail.

Pigeons accompany people; they are part of city streets and high-rise buildings. It is not surprising that many signs have been associated with these birds for a long time. They mainly concern the appearance of birds in the home. From a magical point of view, this event has several interpretations.

A dove flew into the house - a bad omen

Since ancient times, a dove flying into a house was considered a signal of a serious illness or imminent death of someone in the household. The sign is due to the fact that the dove symbolizes a deceased soul that takes the form of a bird in order to be among people.

The soul of the deceased appears in the house if it is necessary to bring a new one. Particularly superstitious horror is caused by the appearance of a pigeon in a closed room when it manages to fly into an open door, a window that was briefly open, or enter through a small window. As a rule, this is seen as the inevitability of a sad event.

However, is the sign true today?

Considering that pigeons live under the roof of multi-story buildings, and the years of living next to humans have made them quite trusting, pigeons can fly into a window without fear. This is especially true for apartments on the top floor.

Folk legends also advise paying attention to the behavior of the bird. If he rushes around the apartment, trying in vain to leave it, trouble should be expected. The bird behaves friendly - nothing bad will happen. It is worth admitting that it is quite difficult to imagine a bird trapped in a closed room that will not be frightened by such a situation.

The friendly and calm behavior of a pigeon for which the apartment has become a kind of trap is unlikely. If a pigeon gets into a room where there is a sick person, this promises a long recovery.

Dove in the house - good news

If a pigeon flies into the house, do not panic. You should consider whether the bird is carrying something in its beak - a twig, a feather, a piece of paper. If any are found, the sign promises to receive good news in the near future, which will have a positive impact on the course of life. If a bird holds a seed or a piece of bread in its beak, the owner of the house can be congratulated. The sign promises enrichment.

Dead dove - to failure

Finding a dead dove in the house or on the windowsill is a sign of failure or illness, according to popular belief. The source of this sign should be sought in Slavic mythology. During pagan times, the dove was considered God's messenger, and the Christian religion claims that the Holy Spirit descended to earth, turning into a dove. It is not surprising that when an ancient man encountered a dead dove, he was upset.

Sign - a dove sits on the window

Sometimes it happens that a pigeon sits on the street side of the windowsill. There are many conflicting superstitions on this subject. Perhaps the following interpretation of the sign can be considered close enough. Pigeons, like many others from the order of birds, sense humans well. There are people who are literally surrounded by pigeons, willingly feeding from their hands. Such a person has pure energy, is kind and sincere.

Knowing this, we can assume that birds react just as well to their surroundings, staying only where no sad events are expected. It follows that if pigeons live near you, breed and periodically sit on the windowsill, then everything is calm and prosperous in a person’s life. Moreover, it will be the same for a long time.

You should be wary if birds that have lived side by side with humans for a long time suddenly suddenly leave their nests.

The dove will warn of danger

As already mentioned, pigeons sense the energy of people and the environment well. This suggests that the pigeon is able to warn of danger. If a bird regularly flies to the window, sits on the windowsill, or knocks on the glass, the residents of the house are probably in serious danger. As a rule, it is associated with material losses or the loss of the home itself (fire, thieves entering the house).

You should trust the sign and your own intuition and try to prevent the incident. To do this, you need very little - to be more attentive to everything that happens, not to trust unfamiliar people, to be able to analyze and become a little more careful, responsible, and to strengthen security measures.

Does the color of a pigeon's plumage depend on the meaning of the sign?

Often people try to deduce the meaning of a sign based on the color of the bird’s plumage. However, folklore does not provide information about the connection between the color of feathers and the interpretation of the sign. From this we can assume that these 2 concepts are in no way related to each other.

Folk predictors advise turning to your own feelings. If a pigeon lands on a windowsill or flies into a house, and a person experiences fear and anxiety, then it is likely that unpleasant events are expected.

And if a coal-black bird visited a home without causing gloomy thoughts, then there is nothing to fear. Again, it is important to pay attention to how the bird behaves, whether it is holding something in its beak.

A dove hits the window

A dove hitting a window can quite frighten an impressionable person. People immediately remember that a dove in the house means a dead person. And the fact that a bird hits the window is perceived as a real danger, the inevitability of death, its proximity. However, in reality it promises to receive news. If you were able to see a straw, a stem, a grain or something else in the bird’s beak, then the news will definitely be good.

From the point of view of common sense, this behavior of the pigeon is quite understandable. Most modern buildings have plastic windows, the glass of which is sometimes difficult to distinguish even for humans.

Is it any wonder that a pigeon flying at a decent speed does not recognize that there is glass in front of it and crashes into it with a bang. Frequent flapping of wings in the air is nothing more than an attempt to hold on.

Dove in the house - to family well-being

The appearance of a pigeon in the house is also associated with the personal life of the owner of the home. Thus, a dove flying into the house of an unmarried woman can promise a quick acquisition of family happiness.

If you have to watch cooing doves, this means that your soul mate will appear in a person’s life and, possibly, an imminent wedding.

If a pigeon or even a couple settles on the balcony, then peace and mutual understanding will be established in the house for a long time.

A dove that has settled nearby is able to protect the owners of the house from troubles and misfortunes, and protect them from a bad aura. Birds should not be driven away, much less killed. It is recommended to organize a feeder, talk to the pigeon and pay attention to its behavior.

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