Professions in the nuclear industry. Nuclear reactors wither away without people

In the nuclear industry, there are many interesting professions and specialties, and the development of technology is constantly adding new items to this long list. Here we have collected just a few of them. This information will be useful to you for the game "Professionals" created by ICAE.


industrial designer

From work industrial designer depends on the appearance of engineering objects, which would emphasize their main advantages (in the case of nuclear power plants, for example, these are high-tech, reliability and safety).

Delivery of goods, parcels, various kinds of documents using courier today they use legal entities, and ordinary people knowing that the order will be delivered safely and on time.

instrument maker

Electronic devices and devices are now installed in almost any production, and they are developed and manufactured by instrument maker.

Energy storage designer

Energy storage designer is the profession of the near future. He will have to design completely new energy storage systems, for example, a super battery. These specialists will be in demand in the electric power division of Rosatom State Corporation.


Theoretical science has always been ahead of applied science. Discoveries physicist in the nuclear industry are implemented in practice by many other specialists.

medical physicist

Professions related to nuclear technologies exist not only at nuclear power plants. For instance, medical physicist calculates radiation doses for diagnosing and treating patients, having the skills to work with complex equipment.

Machine operator with numerical program management

CNC machine operator responsible for the process of processing parts on a machine with a computerized control system.


Nanoengineers will be able to create and explore completely new objects that have predefined properties that are necessary for different purposes.

System administrator

V modern world when computers are equipped with almost every workplace, system administrators are perhaps the most valuable employees in any organization; at least they themselves prefer to think so.


Accountant not only pays a salary, but also performs the work of keeping records of property, liabilities and all business transactions that his organization conducts. All this must be documented and in accordance with all the rules.

Research Engineer

Research Engineer conducts experiments and tests aimed at mastering new or improving existing equipment and technology.

laboratory assistant chemical analysis

Chemical analysis laboratory assistant conducts chemical and physico-chemical analysis of substances and alloys to control the compliance of products with specified standards.

Special vehicle driver

Special vehicle driver provides delivery on specially equipped trucks nuclear fuel, radioactive waste and other critical cargo.

Radiation Selection Specialist

The use of radiation allows specialists in radiation selection obtain new types of plants that are resistant to diseases and give a high yield


The peaceful atom unites many states, the construction of nuclear power plants is carried out in different countries, and without translator who knows foreign languages, you can’t do it. For example, specialists who speak Turkish, Chinese, Finnish and Bengali are in demand.

Block control panel operator

A nuclear power plant is a whole complex of buildings that house equipment. The reactor hall is located in the main building. The work of the rector and reloading machines is observed operators from the block control panel.

Reactor department operator

Reactor department operator is responsible for the operation and maintenance of equipment and technological systems. Operators at nuclear power plants have to work not only during the day, but also at night.

Chemistry teacher

Having interested students in entertaining experiments and experiments, chemistry teacher help them keep their passion for science after school and inspire them to further discover the secrets of nature.

materials scientist

materials scientist studies the properties and structure of materials, explores the methods of their processing and changes in properties and structure depending on various factors.


Task electrician- ensure the uninterrupted and safe operation of the equipment responsible for the power supply of the enterprise.

Robotic systems operator

In connection with the increasing automation of production, more and more demand is robotic systems operators, especially in complex and hazardous industries and when working on hard-to-reach objects.

Process Engineer

Process Engineer develops new production technologies chemical products and improves existing ones, controls the quality of raw materials and finished products.

There is no way without metal welding in industry, so the profession welder will always be in demand. In complex industries, not only gas, but also electron beam welding can be used, for special products and special alloys. Welders from Atomenergomash have been the best at the WorldSkillsHi-Tech Championship for several years now.


radiochemist studies the behavior of radioactive isotopes, elements and substances, the chemistry of nuclear transformations and the production of radioactive nuclides


Nuclear icebreaker captain

Nuclear icebreaker captain sends his huge ship into the Arctic waters, delivering cargo and tourists to the Pole and paving the way for other ships.

Project manager

Project manager is appointed by the head of the enterprise to coordinate the work of the necessary employees on a specific project, receiving both broader powers and the greatest responsibility.

Design engineer

Collaborating with an architect design engineer is responsible for creating drawings and calculates everything specifications object under construction.


Storekeeper accepts and stores inventory items in the warehouse, shipping them in accordance with the expense documents. For RPS specialists, the warehouseman's workplace is one of the most interesting improvements to implement.

Project Engineer

Project Engineer participates in the process of developing, creating and testing a product or product, controlling the entire project from the inception of an idea to its implementation.

Milling Turner

Milling Turner can process metal and wood surfaces, parts and blanks on a milling machine.


Astrophysicists describe the Universe, study the structure of celestial bodies and objects, physical properties and chemical composition stars, planets, comets and nebulae. Within the framework of various projects, they work together with nuclear specialists. For example, to develop a system of protection against space bodies.

Public Relations Specialist

At public relations specialist an important and difficult task is to be able to explain to people that the nuclear industry is safe and environmentally friendly.

NPP builder

NPP builder must be experienced and competent, because he works on the construction of such a complex facility as a nuclear power plant. Student construction teams are also involved in work on infrastructure facilities.


Defectoscopist- This is a specialist who is engaged in the identification of defects, mechanical damage and marriage in production.

After the collapse of the USSR, he was engaged in the management of the Russian nuclear industry minister of the Russian Federation for Atomic Energy, later - the head of the Federal Agency for Atomic Energy, and today - the general director of the State Corporation "Rosatom".

Human Resources Specialist

Human Resources Specialist provides the company with the most important resource - qualified employees, knows how to competently organize their work and is responsible for personnel document flow.

Design engineer

Design engineer develops all kinds of equipment, instruments, power plants and other complex systems for the nuclear industry. He does this no longer on the drawing board, but with the help of a computer and modern programs.

Russia is a country that advocates the use of nuclear power plants and participates in construction of facilities abroad - in India, Bulgaria, Iran. In total, ten nuclear power plants operate in Russia. So far, their share in the country's energy balance is 18 percent, but by 2030 it is planned to increase it four times. The only trouble is that there is no one to serve these stations.

Even at ten Russian nuclear power plants, there is a critical shortage of workers. Like, today in the field of nuclear power plants there is an acute shortage of personnel, and basically the stations are serviced by specialists from Estonia or the Urals. Specialists from the capital of Russia have completely ceased to be interested in working at nuclear power plants, which is most likely due to the dramatic changes in the labor market that happened about two decades ago, when managers, accountants and economists won the palm in popularity in our country. Since then, little has changed, except that there are more lawyers. The problem of declining interest in technical professions, which were popular in the Soviet years, is already being discussed at the highest levels. Russian President Vladimir Putin not so long ago declared the need to raise the prestige of technical specialties.

The shortage of workers in the nuclear sector can greatly spoil development plans nuclear energy. And the current program includes the construction of 38 new power units in Russia and 20 units abroad until 2030. At the same time, only 13 universities of the country train specialists in the nuclear industry, receiving a special order from Rosatom. The main institutions of higher education that produce personnel for the maintenance of nuclear power plants are the National Research Nuclear Institute "MEPhI" in Moscow and the Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University. But in these institutions, apparently, a small number.

"The general policy is such that now lawyers and economists are held in high esteem, and a nuclear power plant worker receives significantly less than any specialist. He really wants to get comfortable, so this is a very strong attracting factor. But this was due to the general policy of the state, when "technician "collapsed. Now they seem to have understood and are taking steps to restore the prestige of technical professions. But it is already very difficult to do this. In addition, the work there is quite difficult, you can’t make mistakes there, unlike economic activity. There is responsibility, a small salary, and this is the result," the doctor believes. technical sciences, one of the leading experts in nuclear physics and nuclear energy of the USSR and the Russian Federation Igor Ostretsov.

Of course, we should not forget about the personnel leak that happened in those very "dashing nineties" that everyone now curses from the bottom of their hearts. Thanks to that devastation and the new market economy, today the situation in Russia is such that competent specialists have left, and there are quite a few new ones. Judge for yourself - the same 20-30 thousand rubles that a person who serves nuclear power plant(work, by the way, in a place of increased danger), in large cities you can easily earn money simply by answering calls from customers. At the same time, there are no incentives today, judging by the stories of Russian nuclear power plant workers. So, at one of the forums, an employee of the Beloyarsk NPP complains about cuts in benefits and the thirteenth salary. Similar problems are also noted by an employee of the Kola NPP. And, apparently, saving on personnel serving nuclear power plants has become a common practice in our country. So what kind of demand can be demanded for a profession that is dangerous and super-responsible if there is no special attitude towards specialists in this industry?

“When students come to MEPhI (the leading institute, now it is called the Academy of Nuclear Technologies), their eyes burn, they want to do it. But when they find out about living conditions, the level of salary they will receive when they become specialists, and compare all this, for example, with a job in a bank, they understand that all this is unprofitable for them, and they don’t stay in this job. Ask MEPhI what percentage of the guys study nuclear physics and what percentage go to work in their specialty. This is a very small percentage. I was at some conferences at MEPhI, the guys go, set up the equipment - former MEPhI graduates work part-time as an equipment adjuster for holding a conference inside this MEPhI This is more profitable for him than working in his specialty, despite the fact that he has been studying for five years, he is a certified specialist For the first year or two, he worked in this direction, but as a result, he left there, now we have a free labor market, ”the site noted in an interview with a correspondent. senior researcher at the Institute for Nuclear Research Dmitry Gorbunov.

However, the lack of personnel - as experts in the nuclear industry note, this is only part of the problem. All the reactors currently operating in Russia are already outdated. The industry needs the development of new technologies, and here things are moving with a creak. To date, nuclear power is used to a greater extent in the European part of the country, and there its share reaches 30 percent, while for the whole of Russia this share is only 18 percent. And although Vladimir Putin said several years ago that it is necessary to raise the participation of nuclear power plants in the energy balance to 25 percent, there are still doubts whether it will be possible to achieve these indicators, given the current state of the industry.

“There are a lot of problems associated with it. The problem of non-proliferation, waste disposal, for example. In fact, the share of nuclear energy in the energy industry is very small, and in the West they understand this very well, but in our country they pretend that they do not understand. Modern nuclear technologies simply do not are good, they need to be changed,” Igor Ostretsov believes, emphasizing that organic energy sources, such as coal, have also become obsolete a long time ago. “China introduces two million kilowatts of coal a week, this is terrible, the environment is deteriorating. Besides, organic matter is non-renewable, it simply does not exist, so nuclear energy is needed, but other schemes are needed."

Meanwhile, Rosatom says that new power units, such as the 4th unit of the Beloyarsk NPP, the 3rd and 4th power units of the Rostov NPP, and all four units of the Novovoronezh NPP-2, which will be put into operation this year and next are already being built using next-generation technology. As the representatives of the nuclear concern assure, the new nuclear power plants are safer and allow generating more energy. This question, of course, is debatable, but it is already encouraging that the withdrawal of Soviet nuclear reactors and their gradual replacement with modern ones is no longer just being discussed, but specific projects are being implemented. At the same time, industry experts assure that although the construction of new nuclear power plants is a costly business, the money is returned quickly due to the cheap energy generated.

However, costs are second to none when it comes to hazardous facilities such as nuclear power plants. Here, safety should come first, which largely depends on the people working at the facility. Let's remember the 1990s, when nuclear power plant workers went on strike because of problems with payments and spoke directly about what would happen if the nuclear worker, exhausted from hunger, pressed the wrong button. I would like that today, when in Russia the stake is placed on nuclear energy and target program"Development of Russia's nuclear power industry complex for 2007-2210 and for the prospect of Russia until 2015", measures were taken not only to update energy technologies, but also to increase the salaries and prestige of service personnel.

Children from lower grades Nizhny Novgorod schools, vacationers in city camps at social rehabilitation centers. At the ICAE site, they were able to go on a real space journey, for which they had to go through several tests. In order not to get lost along the way, future star pilots needed to assemble a puzzle map, then refuel their ship nuclear fuel, paving the way for the geologist to uranium ore and, finally, paint the rover itself, thereby giving individuality to its vehicles. After that, the most successful star "aces" were able to repel an alien attack on a nuclear power plant with the help of interactive application with augmented reality "NPP in the palm of your hand".

The children received the coloring book "Professions of the nuclear industry" as a gift, and after a few minutes, perched on the grass or benches, they tried on the roles of captains of the icebreaker fleet and breeders.

"Reading Square on Zvezdinka" is a weekly outdoor literary and playground organized by the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Children's Library. Throughout the summer, on Wednesdays from 10.00 to 12.00, you can take part in interactive programs, outdoor games, master classes, and exhibitions. ICAAE Nizhny Novgorod traditionally acts as a partner in the most significant events and NGODB, helping to organize events of a popular science nature. In August 2016, joint scientific readings are planned.

May 25, the day when all over the country for school graduates sounded last call and for thousands of young people a new life stage has begun, connected with the state final certification and admission to higher and secondary special educational institutions, in MBOU "Lyceum No. 24" in Volgodonsk, the opening of the "Public reception of Rosatom for graduates of Volgodonsk - a step towards choosing a profession in the nuclear industry" took place. The project is aimed not only at those who complete the course of schooling, but also at those students who are preparing to become graduates and consider the issue of choosing a profession as particularly relevant.

The project will be implemented by MBOU "Lyceum No. 24" in Volgodonsk, Rostov NPP, Volgodonsk Engineering and Technical Institute of the National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" as a resource center for continuous technological preparation and profile education, the Charity Foundation, a charitable organization focused on improving the quality of the social environment of the city of Volgodonsk, with the support of the Department of Education of the Administration of the city of Volgodonsk.

Main purpose project - the realization of the personal potential of students in the professional and educational plan in accordance with the needs of the regional labor market. Project directed to increase the interest of middle and high school students in the professions of the nuclear industry; for production flexible system cooperation of the senior level of schools in Volgodonsk with VITI NRNU MEPhI and enterprises of Rosatom; for additional information support for graduates of Volgodonsk schools who plan to link their future with nuclear energy; creation of conditions for the formation of internal needs and readiness for professional self-determination through psychological support for the career guidance choice of graduates and involvement in admission to universities in the specialties necessary for future work at RoNPP, as well as outreach activities in popularizing the application high technology nuclear industry, development of nuclear energy, protection environment and nuclear radiation safety to improve the quality of life of the population.

The opening ceremony of the Public Reception was attended by representatives of the Administration of Volgodonsk, the Rostov Nuclear Power Plant, the Volgodonsk Engineering and Technical Institute, the leadership and the best students of the senior classes of Lyceum No. 24. The Head of the Administration of Volgodonsk V.P. Melnikov, Head of VITI NRNU MEPhI V.A. Rudenko, Deputy Director for Personnel Management of the Rostov NPP M.V. Ryabyshev and director of MBOU "Lyceum No. 24" of Volgodonsk N.V. Belan.

According to the program of the grand opening of the Public reception, a video film prepared by Lyceum No. 24 was shown Atom stations Russia". Then Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor of VIT NRNU MEPhI Zh.S. Rogacheva held an interactive lesson with 10th grade students on the topic “Sources of Energy”, and Ekaterina Ukhalina, a student of the All-Russian National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, a representative of the student union of the university, made a presentation about the Volgodonsk Engineering and Technical Institute as a university that trains highly qualified personnel for the nuclear industry.

Among the first events that are planned to be held as part of the functioning of the public reception of Rosatom for graduates of Volgodonsk are the Scientific and Practical Conference "RoNPP and Prospects for the Development of the City", an excursion to the RoNPP, seminars-consultations with watching videos about nuclear energy in the service of mankind, and also a number of events prepared directly by the teaching staff of the VITI National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, such as: the conference "Technology of Atom Development" (Head of the Department "Nuclear Energy, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor A.Yu. Smolin), an excursion to the laboratory of the VITI National Research Nuclear University MEPhI and frontal work "Electricity" (Head of the Department "Physics", Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor V.I. Ratushny), etc.

The implementation of the project will allow working out effective system interaction between nuclear industry specialists, NRNU MEPhI teachers and students to increase motivation in choosing a profession related to the nuclear industry.

The project will become another effective communication channel for Volgodonsk graduates who want to link their fate with work in the nuclear energy industry, will provide an opportunity to retain the best students in the city and help form the future team of students of VIT NRNU MEPhI.

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