Sechin, Durov, Nechiporenko and the investment climate in Russia. Important lessons of Pavel Durov

The founder of Vkontakte Pavel Durov filed a lawsuit in the United States against the former partners in the project and the UCP fund of Ilya Shcherbovich. He accuses them of fraud and extortion of a stake in the Telegram messenger.

The lawsuit was filed in the US District Court for the Southern District of New York on April 30. The plaintiffs are Durov himself and two of his companies, the defendants are UCP, UCP managing partner Ilya Sherbovich, UCP partners Victoria Lazareva and Yuri Kachuro, as well as Durov's former partners Ilya Perekopsky and Axel Neff. Also among the defendants - three former companies Durov, who owns part of the assets of the Telegram messenger: Digital Fortress LLC, Telegram LLC, Pictograph LLC.
Durov wants to prove that the defendants conspired to steal from him the companies Digital Fortress, Telegram and Pictograph. And then with their help it is illegal to get a share in Telegram itself, it follows from the lawsuit. Durov accuses UCP and former partners of violating several US laws at once, including the so-called RICO statute - a section of the organized crime law related to racketeering and corruption (The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act). He asks the court to compensate the losses and recognize him as the legal owner of all Telegram assets. The amount of the claims was not indicated in the claim. But if Durov wins, then according to RICO the size of compensation payments will be tripled
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It is interesting that Durov filed a lawsuit against Shcherbovich (whom he directly calls the man of Sechin and the person who "fights" Sechin) for a reason, namely under RICO.

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, commonly referred to as the RICO Act or simply RICO, is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization .
That is, in fact, he demands that Shcherbovich (read Sechin) be recognized as a member of an organized criminal group that exists for the purposes of racketeering, blackmail and corruption.

Such a "Godfather" in the post-Soviet manner:
- Ira, dial Colonel Nechiporenko for me.
- Comrade Nechiporenko, Igor Ivanovich will talk to you.
- Nechiporenko, then the task is this. We on the operative at Mikhal Ivanovich decided that we want this five-column Durov to sleep with the fish.
- That's right, Igor Ivanovich. I serve the Soviet Union!

Separately, of course, it delivers that they are all suing in the Southern Judicial District of New York, which kakbe fully discloses the consensus opinion on the investment climate in Russia, which Sechin, and Durov, and Shcherbovich, and Nechiporenko adhere to.

on VKontakte dedicated to the news that 37 Russian entrepreneurs(including those whose business is connected with the Internet) supported the blogger Alexei Navalny in the mayoral elections in Moscow. In particular, among them are the owners,directors and founders of such companies as HeadHunter, GetTaxi, Kinopoisk, Wikimart,, Clickberry, etc.

We quote Durov's commentary in full: “There is no point in dreaming about changing“ dishonest rulers to honest ones. ”This is walking in circles; the mentality of serfs who believe in good and evil kings. free people expressed in the fact that they design and build systems in which the character of the king is no longer significant.

Therefore, the only thing that theoretically would make sense to discuss (if we lived in another country where the masses historically do not hunger for strong kings) is the replacement of heavy bribery legal systems with light and transparent ones.

I do not believe in honest politicians (this is an oxymoron), I believe in honestly designed systems.

I do not believe in impartial judges appointed; I believe in the principles of jury and elected people's judges. I do not believe in large, unprotected state budgets; I believe in budgets of this size, from which there is nothing to plunder, because the bulk of the money remained with people and businesses. I don’t believe in Russian officials who don’t take bribes at all; I believe in conditions under which officials will have nothing to pay bribes for. The latter can happen if the legislative system suddenly begins to remove potentially corrupt restrictions, licenses and scrutiny of private initiatives.

But in order to stop dreaming of honest politicians and start dreaming en masse about properly designed systems, a certain general cultural shift is needed, a sharp increase in the level of abstraction of mass consciousness. I am an optimist, but I don’t believe in such changes. Therefore, I am traditionally neutral to the bustle around Navalny, just like to other fun of the Internet population. "

A few more quotes from Durov's comments: "The crowd is by nature lazy and inert; any state honestly built on democracy sooner or later degenerates into a socialist nursery, where a successful and talented minority is oppressed by the poor and lazy majority. " The bottom line: an even greater increase in taxes on the rich and active, which finance the poor and the lazy. This is the path of modern Europe, which for the fifth year has not been able to get out of the crisis. And he won't get out. "

Finally, he also suggested that Navalny would lose the election: " Now Navalny will lose, but the well-fed and angry townspeople will be given plenty to play in the elections. This will calm and devastate them for a while.

Navalny's voters will be counted, and it turns out that he is not at all so popular, especially among pensioners and civil servants. The halo of a revolutionary will suddenly be replaced by the halo of a loser, which will open the way for new court cases.

Soon after the Moscow elections, self-important and disgruntled townspeople will be given some more local elections, on which they will dissipate their energies. They will be forced to play this game for years until a new, unimportant entertainment is invented for them. "

“I ran into Pavel Durov in the queue for the toilet at Liveevent2013,” writes Yaroslav Andreev on the social network. I answered him: "Pavel, well, then I'll follow you."

LiveEvent is a party for those who appear on the Web more often than in public. With crumpets and juice. The event is traditionally festive. And this year the conversations were more and more serious - about politics. There are more than enough reasons - the anti-piracy law came into force, Snowden declassified data on the State Department's surveillance of social network users, blogger Navalny is going to take Moscow ...


Durov came to the party in a black suit, as usual. Not usually that with bristles. I tried to hide from the cameras.

“I managed to communicate with Durov,” Yaroslav continues. - I missed the topic about the development and kPHP, then they talked a lot about Navalny, the political situation in Russia, and so on; someone asked about meditation. "

The attitude of the founder of VKontakte to the elections in Moscow is well known. As, however, and to any others. As a libertarian, Pavel Durov does not believe in democracy.

“The crowd is by nature lazy and inert,” the young millionaire shared his thoughts last week. "Any state honestly built on democracy sooner or later degenerates into a socialist nursery, where a successful and talented minority is oppressed by the poor and lazy majority."

Durov estimates Navalny's chances of winning as close to zero.

“The voters of Navalny will be counted, and it turns out that he is not at all so popular, especially among pensioners and civil servants,” said the founder of the social network. "The halo of a revolutionary will suddenly be replaced by a halo of a loser, which will open the way for new criminal cases."


The press secretary of Vkontakte spoke about the anti-piracy law at an Internet party. More precisely about the methods that other portals use with it.

We did not put a plate about our attitude to the anti-piracy law on the main page, - recalled Georgy Lobushkin. - Others did it. And has something happened to the law? It's all posturing. Dies, plugs - this will not help. We must take the bottles and go to break the glass.

The audience applauded. But no one reached out to the bottles. Internet users gave the State Duma another chance. In the fall, the people's deputies promised to consider a petition to abolish the scandalous law. She got one hundred thousand required votes.


At the end of July, Pavel Durov officially offered the job to Snowden. And there is still no answer. The VKontakte press secretary did not say whether the negotiations are continuing or are at an impasse. I told at the party only the background of the tempting offer.

When I found out that Snowden was staying in Russia, I suggested it to Pavel, - said Georgy Lobushkin. - Maybe as a joke, or maybe in truth.

The VKontakte team is now trying to improve the protection of the personal data of its users. And the help of the ex-spy who broke Facebook, they would not hurt.

The general director and co-owner of the social network VKontakte, Pavel Durov, reacted to a group of entrepreneurs with the politician Alexei Navalny, a candidate for Moscow mayor. He expressed his thoughts in the comments to records in the H&F community.

"I don't believe in honest politicians"

According to Durov, there is no point in dreaming of replacing dishonest rulers with honest ones. “This is going in circles; the mentality of serfs who believe in good and evil kings. The mentality of free people is expressed in the fact that they design and build systems in which the character of the king is no longer important, ”the Internet entrepreneur believes.

“I don’t believe in honest politicians (this is an oxymoron), I believe in honestly designed systems,” he continues. - I do not believe in impartial appointed judges; I believe in the principles of jury and elected people's judges. I do not believe in large, unprotected state budgets; I believe in budgets of this size, from which there is nothing to plunder, because the bulk of the money remained with people and businesses. I don’t believe in Russian officials who don’t take bribes at all; I believe in conditions under which officials will have nothing to pay bribes for. "

To stop dreaming of honest politicians and start dreaming en masse about properly designed systems, Durov emphasizes, “a kind of general cultural shift, a sharp increase in the level of abstraction of the mass consciousness” is needed. At the same time, the general director of VKontakte is skeptical about the implementation of the model he proposed in Russia: “I am an optimist, but I don’t believe in such changes. Therefore, I am traditionally neutral about the bustle around Navalny, just like with other fun of the Internet population. "

"Europe will not get out of the crisis"

In addition, in a discussion with visitors to the H&F community, Durov adds that the correct system was once successfully designed by the founders of the United States - "since then this system has greatly degraded, but is still the most effective state in the world." “The crowd is by nature lazy and inert; any state honestly built on democracy sooner or later degenerates into a socialist nursery, where a successful and talented minority is oppressed by the poor and lazy majority, ”the head of VKontakte expresses his views.

In his opinion, populists come to power as a result of the elections. “The bottom line: an even greater increase in taxes on the rich and active, at the expense of which the poor and the lazy are financed. This is the path of modern Europe, which for the fifth year has not been able to get out of the crisis. And he will not get out, "- the businessman puts his diagnosis to the Old World.

"Navalny will get a loser halo"

Finally, he gives his forecast for the election of the capital's mayor, assuming that Navalny will lose, "but the well-fed and angry townspeople will be given plenty of play in the elections."

“It will calm and devastate them for a while. They will be counted, and it turns out that Navalny is not at all so popular, especially among pensioners and civil servants. The halo of a revolutionary will suddenly be replaced by the halo of a loser, which will open the way for new court cases, ”Durov sums up. - Soon after the Moscow elections, self-important and angry townspeople will be given some more local elections, on which they will dissipate their energy. They will be forced to play this game for years until a new, unimportant entertainment is invented for them. "

So, your attention is offered 10 lessons from Pavel Durov.

Pavel Durov

Important lessons of Pavel Durov

  1. Everything can be done much faster than it seems. The first version of Vkontakte was created in one month. Despite the opposite statements, important things are either done quickly and well, or slowly and badly.
  2. This lesson is similar to the previous one, but it sounds broader. EVERYTHING needs to be done quickly. The fact is that in parallel with Vkontakte, several similar sites of the same orientation were created. Little is remembered about them now only because the success of Vkontakte overshadowed them.
  3. You need to develop in an organic direction. That is, the first step is the successful development of a forum. Second, you need to move on and organically create something more developed on its basis. Etc.
  4. Quality is everything. People subconsciously feel even the smallest details that are made specifically for their convenience. Small and insignificant as they are, they will ultimately bring many loyal friends. This is extremely important.
  5. Contrary to popular belief, combining several types of work is extremely effective. Once social network"Vkontakte" began its existence, it was Pavel Durov who was responsible for creating the code, graphics and all interfaces. Moreover, marketing was also on his shoulders.
  6. This is a very important and interesting lesson. Listen to your intuition. If you feel like doing something, be sure to take action. Pavel Durov claims that whenever he had to listen to recognized "authorities" - it was almost always wasted time, and often opportunities.
  7. A few determined and motivated people are much better than an army of mercenaries who do not put their soul into the project. Talent and love for the subject of your attention is the key to success. The quantity does not play any role here.
  8. You can't trust anyone 100%. Even if this is the closest person with whom you are together "from the cradle." All key points must be monitored personally.
  9. This lesson from Pavel Durov is of particular importance. Fear is a waste of inner resources. You need to do what is required, and then come what may. Interesting fact: during the existence of the Vkontakte network, there was a huge number of hacker attacks, lawsuits, competitive wars, and various intrigues. If you go on about the emotions of fear, you will not achieve anything.
  10. Principles are more important than any benefit. When it comes to allocating ad space for additional income to the detriment of user convenience, this is definitely not worth doing. Only if you serve the good of others can you expect true success.
  11. These are such wonderful 10 lessons learned by Pavel Durov for ten years of existence of one of the largest Internet giants - "Vkontakte".

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