Essay on the topic My dad is a driver. Working professions through the eyes of a schoolchild Project My Dad is a Truck Driver

Full name: Luzina Valeria Alexandrovna

Age: 11 years old

School: Satka, No. 14, 3A class

Title of work: Forklift driver

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The photo shows profession forklift driver.

This work is connected with technology, with movement. You need to lift the load, move it and put it in a new place. This kind of work is needed in factories and warehouses. The profession requires dexterity, speed and accuracy. This is important so as not to break the load, break the car or damage anything around it. Therefore, this is a responsible job. You need to be able to drive well, feel the size of the machine, and be able to repair the loader at the right time.

One of the disadvantages of the profession is the monotony of the work, but many people like it. Almost anyone can become a forklift driver, even a woman can cope with this job.

To become a forklift driver, you just need to undergo training, which lasts only a few months. It is not difficult to find a job, since a lot of such specialists are required. We can say that this is just the beginning of a career. The driver can become a senior foreman, a shift supervisor, and in the future a warehouse manager. It all depends on whether a person wants to continue learning and developing.

At all working professions- these are the most required professions. Without workers, no factory can operate. Carpenters, mechanics, turners, welders, crane operators - these are the people who work in factories. There are a lot in our city various enterprises where these specialties are in demand. Tram drivers, janitors, salespeople, couriers, teachers in kindergarten, hairdressers, cooks - we come across these people almost every day and we also cannot imagine our life without them.

There are no unnecessary professions; they are all important and necessary. The main thing is to be the best in your field so that your work is enjoyable.

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The origin of the driver profession First transport company in Russia opened at the beginning of the 20th century in the city of St. Petersburg. The company's fleet consisted of a huge number of cars at that time - as many as 5 trucks. But these trucks moved at very low speeds and carried very little cargo, and were not known for their reliability. Outside the cities, instead of roads, there were only directions where the path for trucks was closed, so they were not in demand.

In the 90s road transport are becoming the most popular in our country. BUT there were so few trucks that the owners could set any price for transporting cargo. The job of a truck driver was very dangerous. There was practically no traffic on the highway at that time, crime reigned on the roads and trucks became easy prey for criminals. There was practically no infrastructure, there were practically no cafes, hotels or parking lots. Drivers had to sleep and live in their cars, both in summer and winter. 90s

My dad is a FIRE TRUCK DRIVER. A presentation on the world around us was prepared by Vika Kaklyushina, a student of 3 “B” class. Leader: E.S. Guryanova.

The driver's profession has been and remains one of the most widespread. On the last Sunday of October, Russia celebrates Motorist Day. I want to tell you about my dad, he is a driver, but not an ordinary car, but a fireman.

My dad first drove a fire truck seven years ago. Before that, he served in the army, where he was a driver, and later worked on various heavy equipment. Now his experience is 24 years. During this time, my dad earned trust and respect, not only from colleagues, but also from management.

On October 14, 2014, in the Nizhny Novgorod region, for the first time, firefighter biathlon competitions were held among units of the federal fire service. 15 teams from all over the region took part in the competition for the title “Best team of the State Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Nizhny Novgorod region in fire biathlon”. Participants demonstrated their skills in high-speed maneuvering on firefighting equipment and deployment of forces and equipment. Team 17 of the 9-OFPS in the Navashinsky district, consisting of Roman Astashkov, Igor Kaklyushin, Mikhail Sochnev, Sergei Kosterin, Dmitry Karpov and Vasily Fedorov, took first place in these competitions, showing the best result and taking first place. The main task was not to lose face, to show oneself with the best side. A lot depends on the driver. He is like a foundation, like a foundation. My dad, as a first-class driver, perfectly completed the first stage of the biathlon, which included: driving a tanker (fire truck) through a “tunnel” gate, overcoming a “rut” and a “snake,” working with a fire monitor and entering a parking lot. After such a great start, the whole team continued in the same spirit.

Alexander Valentinovich, (chief of the 2nd guard of the 17th PSCh, Navashino) tell me, how do you evaluate the work of my dad? - He has no comments on his work, he passes his annual and quarterly tests as “good”. There is order in the family, therefore, as it should be for a real fire driver. The role of the driver, and indeed of all firefighters, is difficult to overestimate. The speed of extinguishing the fire or rescuing people depends on how quickly personnel and fire extinguishing agents are delivered to the fire site.

Dad, please tell me what your job is? - I must deliver personnel to the fire site in a timely manner. Our further actions depend on coherence, on teamwork. I believe that if there is no cohesion, then, naturally, there will be no result. I consider my job as dangerous as any other driver’s. The only difference is in the nuances. However, she is more responsible. The driver of a fire truck must not only deliver firefighters to the scene emergency, but also to assist them. A lot depends on the correct installation of the machine. There should also be no breakdowns, because every minute counts.

In fact, no matter how simple a driver’s job may seem, it requires a lot of responsibility, especially from a fire truck driver. As a result, I can conclude that this is an interesting and truly masculine profession.

My dad is a driver. In our age of speed, the profession of a driver is very important, because freight transport transports tens of tons of cargo.

My dad's working day starts early in the morning and ends late in the evening. After inspecting the car and making sure it is in good working order, dad receives a ticket with the route indicated. Having left the garage, he refueled at the station, and the hours of a busy working day began. The job of a driver requires endurance, responsibility, and ingenuity from dad.

The weather often surprises. Autumn. It's snowing and raining. The next morning everything was frozen, the road was like a mirror. The car is thrown from side to side, your nerves are tense to the limit... You need to be extremely careful on the road, because a slippery road is very dangerous.

Summer. It's hot. Before my eyes is hot asphalt. The monotonous whir of wheels. You need to have great patience to sit behind the wheel for a long time, carefully peering at the road.

I watched as Dad inspected his car. He listened to the car engine, like a doctor listening to the breaths of his patient, and, if something was wrong, he looked for the “culprit of the disease.” Dad's strong and strong hands deftly coped with this familiar work.

Mom says I'm very similar to dad. He has an oblong face; the forehead is high, straight, with dimples on the cheeks. You can remember his face for a long time. Dark eyes look at you with a deep and penetrating gaze. He is tall, which is probably why he stoops slightly, and is always neat.

My dad is a kind, sincere and sympathetic person. He loves the truth and stands for it, no matter what the cost. He sees through every person, it is impossible to hide anything from him.

I love and am proud of my dad and follow his example.

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