Create a unique selling proposition. USP in marketing

On modern market goods and services will not surprise anyone that you are the best. To compete with other companies, you need to be not just the best, but unique. Only then will it be possible to talk about increasing the number of clients. Unique trade offer- this is what marketers of many firms and companies are scratching their heads over. Today we will look at this concept and learn how to create a USP ourselves.

Most importantly

In every business, USP (or unique selling proposition) is the most important thing. No USP, no sales, no profit, no business. It may be a little exaggerated, but in general that’s how it is.

A unique selling proposition (also called an offer, USP or USP) is a distinctive characteristic of a business. At the same time, it doesn’t matter what exactly a person does, there must be a distinctive characteristic. This term implies a difference that competitors do not have. A unique offer gives the client a certain benefit and solves a problem. If the USP does not solve the client’s problem, then it is just an extravagant name - it is memorable, sounds beautiful, but does not greatly affect the conversion level.

A unique selling proposition should be based on the two most important words - “benefit” and “different.” This offer should be so radically different from the competition that no matter what introduction the client takes, he will choose exactly the company that has a worthy USP.

USP and Russia

Before starting the main course, I would like to pay attention to domestic marketing. In Russia, the problem is immediately obvious - everyone wants to be the best, but no one wants to be unique in their own way. This is where the main problem comes from - companies refuse to create unique selling propositions. When they try to outdo a competitor who has created a USP, they end up with something between a fancy phrase and a characteristic of a product or service.

Take, for example, the unique selling proposition that is in the portfolio of some copywriters:

  • Best author.
  • Ideal texts.
  • Master of pen and words, etc.

This is not a USP at all, but rather an example of how not to advertise yourself. Everyone has their own concept of an ideal text, the word “best” can be used if it is confirmed by numerical data and factual characteristics, and it seems that there was only one “master of the pen and word”, Bulgakov. Working USPs look completely different:

  • Fast copywriting - any text within 3 hours after payment.
  • Each client receives a free consultation on improvement (fill in as required).
  • Free pictures for the article from commercial photo stocks, etc.

Here, behind each proposal there is a benefit that the client acquires together with the author. The customer focuses on what he needs in addition to the article: images, consultation or high-quality and fast execution. But you don’t know what to expect from the “best author”. In business, everything works exactly the same.


For the first time, American advertiser Rosser Reeves spoke about creating a unique selling proposition. He introduced the concept of USP into use and noted this concept as more effective than advertising odes, which lacked specifics.

He said that a strong sales proposition helps:

  • Separate yourself from your competitors.
  • Stand out among similar services and products.
  • Win the loyalty of the target audience.
  • Improve performance advertising campaigns by crafting effective messages.

It is customary to distinguish between 2 types of trade offers: true and false. The first is based on the actual characteristics of the product, which competitors cannot boast of. A false selling proposition is uniqueness invented. For example, the client is told unusual information about the product or obvious advantages are presented from a different angle. It's kind of a play on words.

Today it is difficult to endow a product with some unique characteristics, so a false USP is being used more and more often.

High-quality trade offer. Main criteria

According to the concept of R. Reeves, the criteria for a high-quality trade offer are:

  • A message about the specific benefit that a person will receive by purchasing a company's product.
  • The offer is different from all those available in this market segment.
  • The message is compelling and the target audience can easily remember it.

In advertising, the unique selling proposition is the basis, so it must fully meet the needs of customers. Each message should convey benefits, value and benefit, but, in addition, a clear argument is needed so that the client clearly understands why he should buy the product he is interested in here and not somewhere else.


So how do you create a unique selling proposition? If you don’t think too hard, this task seems creative and exciting, and quite easy. But as practice has shown, USP is an example of exclusively rational and analytical work. Coming up with something fancy and passing it off as a unique offer is like looking for a black cat in a dark room. It's impossible to guess which concept will work.

To get a worthy example of a unique selling proposition, you need to do a lot of research: in addition to the market, niche occupied and competitors, study the product itself - from production technology to the watermark on the packaging. Development consists of several stages:

  1. Smash target audience into subgroups according to certain parameters.
  2. Determine the needs of each of these groups.
  3. Highlight positioning attributes, that is, determine what exactly in the promoted product will help solve the problems of the target audience.
  4. Describe the benefits of the product. What will the consumer get if he buys it?
  5. Based on the received input data, create a USP.


As you can see, this is a rather painstaking process where it is necessary to use all analytical skills. Only after a full analysis has been completed can you begin to look for a key idea and only then begin to create a sales proposal.

This task can be simplified if you use scripts that have already been tested by time and experience:

  1. Focus on unique characteristics.
  2. New solution, innovation.
  3. Additional services.
  4. Turn disadvantages into advantages.
  5. Solve the problem of

Uniqueness + innovation

Now a little more about scripts. As for the first scenario, “Uniqueness,” it is suitable only for those products or services that are truly one of a kind and have no competitors. As a last resort, this feature can be created artificially. A unique selling proposition (USP) may be completely unexpected. For example, a company that produces stockings and socks entered the market with an interesting offer - they were selling a set of three socks, and the USP promised to solve the age-old problem of the missing sock.

As for innovation, it is worth declaring a solution to a problem in a new way. For example, “The innovative formula of the air freshener will destroy 99% of germs and fill the room with a fresh aroma.”

"Buns" and disadvantages

The third scenario focuses on additional privileges. If all the products on the market are the same and have almost identical characteristics, then you need to pay attention to additional bonuses that will attract visitors. For example, a pet store might ask customers to adopt kittens or puppies for 2 days to make sure they fit into a family.

You can also turn the shortcomings of the product to your advantage. If milk is stored for only 3 days, then from a practical point of view it is not profitable, and the buyer is unlikely to pay attention to it. Considering this, we can say that it is stored so little because it is 100% natural. The influx of clients is guaranteed.


But the easiest option is to solve problems potential consumers. This can be done using the formula (yes, like in mathematics):

  1. Need of the target audience + Result + Guarantee. In advertising, an example of a unique selling proposition might sound like this: “3,000 subscribers in 1 month or we’ll refund your money.”
  2. Target audience + Problem + Solution. “We help beginning copywriters find customers with the help of proven marketing strategies».
  3. Unique characteristic + Need. “Exclusive jewelry will emphasize the exclusivity of style.”
  4. Product + Target Audience + Problem + Benefit. “With audio lessons “Polyglot” you can learn any language at a conversational level in just a month and without a doubt go to the country of your dreams.”

Unspecified points

For the USP to work, you need to pay attention to a few more nuances during its creation. First, the problem that the product solves must be recognized by the customer and he must want to solve it. Of course, you can offer a spray against “brain-snatchers” (isn’t that a problem?!), but the buyer will spend much more actively on a regular cream against mosquitoes and ticks.

Secondly, the proposed solution must be better than that, which the target audience used before. And thirdly, each client must measure, feel and evaluate the result.

When creating a USP, it is most rational to take Ogilvy’s advice. He worked in advertising for many years and knows exactly how to look for a USP. In his book On Advertising, he mentioned the following: great ideas come from the subconscious, so it must be filled with information. Fill your brain to the limit with everything that can relate to the product and switch off for a while. A brilliant idea will come at the most unexpected moment.

Of course, the article has already mentioned analytics, but this advice does not contradict what has already been proposed. It often happens that after carrying out hundreds of analytical processes, a marketer cannot find a single and unique link that will promote a product on the market. It is at such moments, when the brain processes information, that you need to step away from reality. As practice shows, very soon a person will see that elusive USP that was on the very surface.

It is also very important to pay attention to those small nuances that competitors miss. At one time, Claude Hopkins noticed that toothpaste not only cleans teeth, but also removes plaque. This is how the first slogan appeared in the advertising community that toothpaste removes plaque.

And there is no need to be afraid to take non-standard approaches to solving a problem. Marketers of TM “Twix” simply divided the chocolate bar into two sticks and, as they say, away we go.

Protecting the idea

A unique selling proposition does not appear in marketers' heads out of nowhere. This is the result of long, focused and hard work, which, by the way, competitors can also use.

A few decades ago, intellectual property was inextricably linked to its owner. That is, if one company introduced a successful USP, the other did not even look in the direction of this advertising. Today, things have changed somewhat: managers can simply use their competitors' ideas for their own purposes.

Therefore, there was a need to create patents. These are documents that confirm the owner’s right to the exclusive use of the results of his activities. Inventions here mean products or methods that solve a specific problem. In turn, the “unique selling proposition” itself is a powerful incentive for innovation. The subject of advertising here is an advantage unnoticed by competitors, but realized by customers. Patent protection for unique selling propositions is practically undeveloped in our country, but in more developed societies, every advertising campaign is protected from plagiarism.

Thus, to achieve success, you need to be a unique, one-of-a-kind supplier of in-demand products that are available in every store, but the best in this company.

Marketer Andrey Zinkevich - on how to effectively differentiate yourself from competitors

If you open any good book on marketing or attend relevant training, there is a 99% chance that you will come across the term “unique selling proposition.” Why do all marketers talk about the importance of USP? It would seem that the answer is obvious: show the potential client the differences between the product and the benefits of using it, and he will make a purchase. But here lies the main pitfall: how to identify those unique differences and how to present them in the form of benefits? What if your product or service is no different from your competitors? Well-known marketer Andrei Zinkevich spoke about how to formulate a USP.

Andrey Zinkevich, entrepreneur, marketing consultant. Founder of the project . The geography of clients includes 9 countries. More than eight years of experience in sales and marketing at Kimberly Clark and Biosphere Corporation. Author of the booksCustomer pipeline », « Secrets of customer focus" And " Profitable Internet projects ».


Reeves was one of the most prominent students of the famous Claude Hopkins and was an adherent of the “selling” style. He believed that advertising could only have one purpose - sales. Not loyalty, not recognition, not popularization and other terms so beloved by advertisers, but sales!

In his book, Reeves emphasized that the effectiveness of advertising (read: sales) depends on one factor: advertising must instantly capture the attention of a potential client with the help of one, but very strong offer that competitors cannot make; offers that will encourage the recipient of the advertisement to perform a targeted action.

This idea formed the concept that Reeves called the “unique selling proposition.” True, today Reeves’ concept is overgrown with implausible myths; one of them is that now the competition is much stronger and it is almost impossible to find differences between competitive products.

Is it really? Of course not. Look at most well-known brands or companies, they all have a unique selling proposition and stand out because of it.

Let's try to figure out how to highlight distinctive qualities your products and services and turn them into a USP.

Step-by-step instructions to create a unique selling proposition

Step one is to determine the most important characteristics for our customers in our products.

The first step in preparing a unique selling proposition is the selection of product characteristics or criteria that influence the client's decision making.

This step is the most important (although it is often simply skipped), since the fate of the USP depends on the selected characteristics: will it really show the benefits of your product or will it compare you “with the rest.”

Therefore, our task at the first stage is to analyze our products or services and determine the ten most important characteristics for clients in each of them. The best way to do this is to survey existing customers which product features are most important to them and what criteria/factors influence their purchasing decision.

If customer base is too large, then it is advisable to select a sample of the most loyal or most profitable customers and survey them.

If you withdraw New Product and there are no clients yet, then you can brainstorm and independently determine the most important characteristics for the client. Or survey those who are most likely to become buyers of your product.

After real clients appear, you can repeat the analysis and select characteristics based on real data.

You need to record all responses received from respondents in a separate file.

Step two - filter and rank the received data.

After feedback from clients has been received or brainstorming has been carried out, our task is to select the 10 most important characteristics for the client and rank them in order of importance.

It's not difficult to do this. Among all the answers received, we need to select those that are repeated more often than others. The characteristic with the most repetitions will top your list, the rest will be located below it according to the same principle. As a result, we should have a table approximately like this (for example, we will have in mind a hypothetical online store):

Why do I recommend limiting yourself to 10 characteristics? A larger number may simply confuse you and make it difficult to analyze. In most cases, you will notice that the most important characteristics for the client will be no more than 5-7.

Step three - compare ourselves with three main competitors.

The next step is to compare the obtained characteristics of your product with three competitive ones. When conducting such an analysis, you must be as objective as possible: if you are inferior to a competitor in something, be sure to note this.

I recommend rating each selected characteristic or criterion for your product and for each of your competitors on a 10-point scale. For example, in the previous table we determined that the most important factor for the client - delivery within a day. If we can deliver the product within a few hours after ordering, we can give a rating of 10, if not, we lower the rating. Next, we analyze competitors and note how quickly they are able to organize delivery. The longer the delivery time, the worse the rating for this criterion will be.

Step 4 - choose criteria for USP: what are we stronger at.

Having carried out such an analysis, we get a clear picture: in what characteristics or criteria that are important for the client we are superior to our competitors, and in what areas we are objectively inferior. The criteria by which we dominate and should form the basis of our USP.

Key rule: for each service, product or company as a whole, a separate unique selling proposition is created!

Auxiliary formulas for creating USP

Now let's figure out how to formulate a unique selling proposition based on the selected characteristics. I suggest using one of three formulas.

Formula one: need + result + guarantees. Using this formula, we guarantee the potential client that we can satisfy his need better than others. Here is an example of a USP based on this formula for our hypothetical online store: “We will deliver your order within a day or return your money!”

This formula is used by my partner Ilya Rabchenko, general director of the SMOpro studio, to create a USP for his services. This is what the unique selling proposition for the service “Attracting subscribers to a group on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki” looks like: “We are guaranteed to attract 1000 targeted subscribers within the first month according to the parameters you set, or we will return your money!”

Formula two: important criterion/characteristic + need. The second formula is based on a combination of characteristics that are important for a potential client and his needs. Good example Some banks use this USP:

“We’ll apply for a loan in 5 minutes without proof of income.” Applying for a loan is a need of the target audience. The absence of the need to provide a certificate of income and the speed of loan issuance are important criteria for a potential client that influence his decision.

Formula three: target audience + need + solution. Famous business coach Alex Levitas likes to use this formula. For himself as a consultant, he uses the following unique selling proposition: “I - Alexander Levitas - help owners of small and medium-sized businesses increase their net profit with the help of low-budget and free marketing moves» . In Alex's USP, the target audience is small and medium-sized business owners. Their need is increase net profit. The solution proposed by Alex is the use of low-budget and free marketing tools(read: using guerrilla marketing tools).

False unique selling propositions

I would also like to mention false USPs. Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs and marketers are guilty of this.

What is a false USP? This is a proposal based on misinterpretation of facts or the use of criteria in the USP that a potential client expects by default.

For example, a dental clinic cannot use the characteristic “professionalism of doctors” as its USP. Why? Because, by default, a potential client expects that you have professional doctors. Otherwise, why would he even contact you?

Second example: using a 14-day money back guarantee as a USP. According to the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, the buyer already has every right to return the product within 14 days from the date of purchase. Therefore, there is a distortion of facts here.

Test questions to check the USP

After you have worked with the comparative characteristics template and created a unique selling proposition, one question remains: how “workable” is it? Isn't it false?

You can test yourself with the question (your USP should answer it): “Why should I choose your product or service among all the offers available to me?”

The second option is to formulate your USP in the form of a phrase: “Unlike others, we…”.

If both security questions have good answers, then you have truly created a unique selling proposition.

Copywriters often use phrases like “the most important” and “the most important thing” both appropriately and inappropriately. Just for effect. "The most important rule text." "The most important thing in commercial offer" and so on.

Today we will talk about creating a unique selling proposition. And, we promise you, you will soon understand that a well-written USP is the most important thing in business. No kidding. Actually the most important thing. So important that everything else is just a pitiful reflection.

What is a USP and why is it needed?

A unique selling proposition (offer, USP, USP) is the main distinguishing mark of a business. Anyone. It doesn’t matter whether you sell modest writing services or develop entire neighborhoods with new homes.

The word “USP” refers to a competitive difference that others do not have. What sets you apart from your competitors. This is the only correct definition of USP.

The USP provides the client with a certain benefit. Or solves his problem. The types of benefits vary, but a unique selling proposition without a clear benefit to the customer is garbage.

Different. Benefit.

Two words on which everything rests.

Your unique selling proposition should differentiate you so radically that, all things being equal, if the client had to choose between you and a competitor, due to your having a worthy USP, he will choose you.

Do you understand how serious it is?

The main problem of USP in Russian business

The trouble is that Russian business is criminally blind. From simple freelancers to huge companies, everyone wants to be the best. And you can’t be the best for everyone. Must be different- that's the whole point.

From here the main problem– refusal to create a USP in favor of the stupidest desire to be the first and the best.

To show. no matter how weak and ill-conceived the creation of unique selling propositions can be, we will take our colleagues - copywriters. Take a look at their portfolio:

  • Ideal texts
  • Best Author
  • Atomic copywriting
  • Master of words
  • And so on …

This kind of nonsense is all over the place. People just don't understand that this is not a USP. This is a great example of this. Instead of becoming different, everyone climbs the same mountain. To the top. The end result is nothing.

Who is on the bright side then?

  • First by legal texts in Runet
  • Since 2010 I write only commercial proposals
  • Any text – 3 hours after payment
  • TOP copywriting at the price of regular texts
  • Free consultation on Landing Page improvement for each client
  • Free pictures for the article from paid photo stocks

Yes, not so loud, but very effective. The clients of these authors already see the difference and their benefits, and therefore are ready to pay.

Do you think it's any different in business? Nothing like that, not even huge companies They don’t really know how to create a unique selling proposition:

  • A wide range of
  • Big discounts
  • Free service
  • Low prices
  • High quality
  • Leaders in their industry
  • And so on …

Moreover, many sincerely consider such a “gentlemanly” set to be sufficient to seduce a client.

And where is the fundamental difference here? Where is the “I’m different” signal here? He's gone. There are ones that every first company flaunts.

What’s most interesting is that each of the advantages can be developed into a good USP. For example, like this:

  • A wide range of. 1300 models of alpine skis - the largest warehouse in Russia
  • Big discounts - every Thursday 65% ​​discount on your second purchase
  • Free service - after purchasing a smartphone, we will install any programs for you for free within an hour
  • Low prices - we sell any baked goods for 1 ruble after 18-00
  • High quality - if even one part breaks, we will give you a new exercise machine
  • Leaders in their industry – we have won the title “Best Taxi of Syktyvkar” for three years in a row.

Alas, only a few people use the idea of ​​expanding template chatter into a full-fledged USP. It’s always easier to cliché standard phrases and then wonder: “Why don’t they buy?”

In order for your business to take off, you need a good USP. No catch. This is exactly what we will learn to compose today. We promise you will soon look at your capabilities with completely new eyes.

The concept of drawing up a USP

There are thousands of types of unique selling propositions. Offers can be very different:

Is the lifetime warranty on Zippo lighters their USP? Undoubtedly!

Everything for 49 rubles? Same.

Soap that doesn't dry out your skin? Yes, sure.

A tour of the 10 best beer bars in Germany? And this is also a completely working USP.

Remember when we said that when creating a unique proposal, you can’t focus on looking like the best? Let's say it again: you shouldn't strive to be the best.

You must be different. Find a distinctive benefit for the client that would attract him to you rather than to a competitor.

When writing a USP, it is important to remember one very simple thing: your entire offer must have a specific benefit for the client. Not praising you or your business, not delight, but the direct benefit of a potential buyer.

But there can be a great many benefits:

This will help me

Gain high social status

Become more beautiful (stronger, more active, etc.)

Learn new things

With this I

I'll save money

I'll make money

Thanks to this I

I'll save time

I will get interesting impressions

I will get additional comfort

Don't be shy about looking for some non-obvious ways to gain a competitive advantage. Anything can go into business, the main thing is that it is interesting to the client.

Now that the theory is over, it’s time to start practicing creating a strong offer.

Rules for drawing up USP

There is a lot of rubbish written on the Internet about how to create a USP, but when you start to figure it out, you fall into a stupor. Too tricky and confusing. Yes, creating a sales proposal is not easy, but it is quite possible. Even for those who are not good at brainstorming.

In order to cope, we will cut the elephant into pieces. Learn in stages. It will be easier and clearer this way. Let's start.

Stage one - awareness of yourself and competitors

The first step is to answer the list of questions below as completely as possible. You can even print them out and then write the answers next to each one. Don't be lazy, this is an important stage. So, a list of important questions.

  • What are we doing?
  • Our strengths
  • Our weaknesses
  • Do we have any differences from our competitors?
  • Can difference be created with effort?
  • What interesting USPs do your competitors have?
  • Is it possible to create something more interesting based on their USP?

Ideally, you should have a fairly large list that you will then rely on. It is worth remembering that there are two types of proposals: without effort and with effort.

USP without effort- this is what you already own. For example, you really have the largest selection of alpine skiing in Russia. Or you win the title " Best Producer year" is not the first time.

USP with effort is something you can do to create a strong competitive advantage and a unique offering. For example, promise that you will deliver a taxi in 5 minutes or the trip will be free. And this despite the fact that now the average waiting time is 7 minutes.

A USP with effort is always more difficult to implement, but its effect is usually greater: a person sees his direct benefit and is ready to test you.

Yes, you will have to sacrifice something (money, time, profit growth), but you will also raise the bar of advantage above others. Consequently, in the future you will receive new customers, since your competitors will not be able or will not want to raise this level even higher.

Stage two - awareness of customer needs

A leaf again. Surveys again, but now about clients:

  • Who is ours main client? Describe your target audience
  • What does our ideal client want?
  • What customer needs do we actually solve?
  • What could we do, but we don’t solve it?
  • How can we win new customers?

Put yourself in your client's shoes. Why does he choose you? Do they expect something specific from you: guarantees, more convenience, reliability, savings, or something else?

What is valuable and not valuable to your customers? Maybe they are ready to pay any money to improve their status? Or are they frugal and buy the cheapest thing they can? Clearly draw yourself a portrait of the mass target audience. You can even conduct surveys to understand the real needs of the client.

Why do many clients go to competitors? What do the latter take? Do you have the resources to offer your clients the same or more?

Understanding the needs of the client is the most important condition for creating a working USP. If you can correctly understand the buyer and his desires, you will be able to offer something truly interesting.

Stage three - creating a USP

Now take both leaves and find all the intersecting points. For example, in the first task (self-awareness), you found out that you could give each customer of hallway furniture a dining table. And no one is doing this yet.

In the second task (client needs), you realized that your target audience is young families and people with below-average incomes who would not mind getting something for free.

Bottom line: you can easily make an offer: Each client will receive a good-quality kitchen table as a gift

If you spend enough time preparing to write a unique selling proposition, there can be dozens of such intersecting points. All you have to do is turn on your creativity and create as many proposals based on them as possible.

Created? Wonderful. Now is the time to choose the best USP.

To do this, you can conduct surveys among employees, clients, post surveys in in social networks and so on. Once the tests are done, you should see the influencer. As a rule, it is noticeable immediately.

Can you have multiple USPs?

Yes, it may well be. And yet some main sentence will have to be chosen, and the rest will be amplifiers of the sentence. And remember that your unique selling proposition cannot be changed every three months. This will last for years, so make your choice seriously right away.

Carefully monitor your competitors' offers. Firstly, this is a huge scope for creativity and ideas. Secondly, it will help you not to repeat other people's sentences.

Your USP should be as specific as possible. No general phrases. If “A cup of coffee is given to every gas station visitor,” then this is precisely a cup of coffee, and not “pleasant bonuses.” If “everything is 49 rubles”, then this is exactly 49 rubles, and not “the lowest possible prices”.

Your USP should be as simple as possible - all clients should immediately understand it and immediately see a clear benefit.

Do not contradict the interests of the target audience. If clients visit your salon because it is fashionable and prestigious, then there is no need to lure low prices. Kill the status.

Don't lump everything together. There is no need to try to write out the USP on 20 sheets. Everything should be very simple: 1-3 phrases. If you really can’t wait to describe all the advantages in detail, then there are separate texts for this. In the USP you highlight only the main thing, the essence, but if you want it, you write it down somewhere separately.

We hope this article will make it easier for you to create a truly strong unique selling proposition. All the introductory information for this is there – you just need to sit down and do it.

We promise that once your USP crystallizes into something concrete and profitable, you will immediately notice a positive change. Tested thousands of times and proven by business laws.


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  • How to understand which product characteristics to highlight in your unique selling proposition
  • Creating a unique selling proposition: how often to update your USP
  • Examples of a unique selling proposition: what to base it on if the product is no different from competitors’ offerings

Unique selling proposition must still be considered a rather young phenomenon that has begun to be used in Russian business since the early 2000s, when brands began to enter the market.

We have to admit that with a lot of talk about this issue, few are actually involved in the development of the USP. Most companies in Russia do not have a clear understanding of their target audience; as a result, they target everyone.

How often does a leader need to engage with or change company strategy? Most of the directors who created successful businesses, and management consultants agree on one thing: in modern times - constantly. A change in strategy is not an indicator of weakness, but, on the contrary, an indicator of the survivability of the company.

In the article we have collected four types of strategic approaches, their examples, as well as templates and tables for defining a company's strategy.

Without the ability to differentiate itself from its competitors, without the ability to highlight the features of its offer to customers, the company will be forced to limit itself to a rather modest flow of buyers and sales.

Algorithm for developing the correct USP

First step. Collection of primary information. A table should be drawn up indicating the characteristics of the product and competitive advantages for the client, which he receives through cooperation with your company. Experience confirms that the more written, the better. If you manage to write 15 competitive characteristics - excellent, 20 - even better. At the same time, you should describe all the benefits and benefits for customers, no matter how minor. After indicating your advantages, you should cross out those benefits that your competitors can offer. Our goal is to find and offer competitors those advantages that only we have.

Second step. Checking the relevance of benefits.

  1. Query statistics in search engine. You should check each of the selected benefits using a search query to understand how often potential customers are trying to find a solution to a similar problem.
  2. Cards feedback. For loyal customers, you can offer to fill out feedback cards, highlighting the most important benefits.
  3. Open question. If it is not possible to achieve clear results by comparing your benefits with the benefits offered by competitors, sales staff and marketers should be instructed to ask loyal customers the question - “Why do you prefer to work with us?” The output may include quite a variety of answers, but the most common ones can be used for your USP.
  4. Sales analysis. This method was used to create a unique selling proposition for a garment factory. The head of the sales department noted the high demand for women's clothing large sizes and clothes for plus-size people in comparison with other items in the company’s assortment. This information and formed the basis of a unique selling proposition: “Clothing for obese women. Our dresses, thanks to their special cut, allow you to hide your fullness and highlight the beauty of your figure - all your femininity.” This text was selected for advertisement when published in newspapers, magazines and other media. Over time, it was possible to confirm the excellent dynamics of the overall increase in the number of sales.

Third step. USP testing.

  1. Divide your customers into groups randomly, sending different types of messages to each group.
  2. Accommodation contextual advertising, based on various types unique selling proposition. The main one becomes the USP option, which helped to achieve the maximum number of responses.

3 conditions for creating a unique selling proposition

To form a unique selling proposition, three conditions must be taken into account:

The first condition is to emphasize the uniqueness of your product. Quite a difficult question for many. In particular, how to emphasize the uniqueness of a standard washing powder? But in reality, you can highlight many characteristics of your product to attract the attention of your target audience - including:

  1. Useful additional service. “Buyers of goods for any amount are provided free shipping around town". Or jewelry stores they suggest “entering each date into the database so that the buyer does not forget to congratulate his beloved.”
  2. Polite and efficient staff. Probably, many have come across such advertisements - “we will wash your car in 20 minutes or return your money”, “only polite and sober movers”.
  3. Narrow specialization - “elite alcoholic beverages store” or “rock karaoke bar.”
  4. The company's focus on a specific category of clients. "Toy store for girls."
  5. Leading position in the market. "The largest selection of automotive components in the city." At the same time, it is important that the statement in the USP corresponds to reality in order to avoid negative consequences for the company’s reputation.
  6. Elitism - for example, a commercial photographer in his USP may indicate “shooting in luxurious interiors with expensive items.”
  7. High result. “85 of our students are employed within 3 months.”
  8. Providing guarantees to clients. Including refund or free service over a certain period. In any case, there will be returns, but for the most part they turn out to be isolated cases. If there is no way to keep this promise, it is better to change your unique selling proposition.
  9. Find out what your clients need. You can also think about a survey, or a study on finding the most interesting USP for the target audience will do.
  10. The USP should be aimed not at the users themselves, but at decision makers.
  11. Compare your services or products with your competitors. For example, one of the washing powders gained its fame thanks to the motto “If there is no difference, then why pay more?”
  12. Reduce the cost to a negligible amount. For example, “advertising in our newspaper – 600 rubles. per month. Advertising is published three times a week - 12 times a month. Therefore, one publication will cost only 50 rubles. 20 thousand subscribers will be able to see this advertisement - so for each client you pay only 0.25 kopecks.”
  13. Express the cost in non-financial terms. In particular, one of the coupon services sends out offers to its customers - “give your beloved a festive bouquet of roses, a romantic evening and two movie tickets for the price of a tank of gas.”

False unique selling propositions

  1. Obvious promises. “If you don’t like the product, we promise to refund your purchase within 14 days.” But such a promise cannot be considered a unique selling proposition, because it is mandatory requirement according to the law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”.
  2. An imaginary advantage. Among the most striking examples are “cholesterol-free vegetable oil” (only animal fats can contain cholesterol) and “non-GMO salt.”
  3. A contrast based on a play on words. “Smoke Cool - give up hot cigarettes.” Cool cigarettes are contrasted with other brands and supposedly differ in temperature characteristics. It’s just that in the slogan the main emphasis is on the play on words ( English cool - “cool, cool”).

The second condition is that the client must understand his benefit. The properties specified in the unique selling proposition must meet the needs of the buyer. It is necessary to clearly show what benefits the client will receive, noting other important qualities:

  1. Saving powder when washing. It is easier to rinse and does not harm the skin.
  2. More washes for the same price.
  3. Compact thresholds are environmentally friendly, reducing environmental impacts.

The complex of benefits, if not limited to just one benefit, allows you to interest a wider target audience - those who want to save money, those who care about their skin, and those who are concerned about the environmental situation in the world.

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Speaks CEO

Evgeny Panteleev, General Director of the Svoboda cosmetics association, Moscow

Our company is launching a new line of cosmetic products this year. USP includes the principle of quality-price ratio - the product is presented in price category“mass market”, but in terms of characteristics and composition it is more reminiscent of products from leading world brands. Let's take a closer look at how this USP of our cosmetic products came about.

The company celebrated its 170th anniversary in 2013, and in preparation for such a significant date, it decided to send employees to participate in the major French exhibition In-Cosmetics. There we were able to meet the heirs of the founder of our company, many hereditary perfumers. They introduced us to many representatives of French laboratories who specialize in new areas in the field of cosmetology, and significantly helped us in organizing negotiations. We were particularly interested in the developments of the Soliance laboratory - its representatives offered us exclusive terms for the supply of a component with a unique anti-aging effect (hyaluronic acid microsphere). The use of this component has already been envisaged for leading cosmetic products, including in the range of famous world brands YvesRocher, L’Oreal and Clarins.

In addition to the exclusive right to use this microsphere for our cosmetic line, we were also able to count on comprehensive methodological support from business partners from France. They provided assistance in the formation of new SKUs, and our company’s research center also created its own recipes. This approach allowed us to provide our first USP - the high quality of our products. There were also additional arguments in favor of our line - the results of testing the quality of competitors' products, which we organized at the research center. Based on the results of the past study, it was possible to confirm that our product is not inferior in its properties to more expensive analogues.

The second component also deserves special attention – cost. When it comes to price, our USP has a certain “immunity”. Because we received an exclusive opportunity from the French developer to use his know-how - a microsphere of hyaluronic acid. Therefore, it is unlikely that any of Russian manufacturers will be able to compare with our prices, and foreign analogues turn out to be much more expensive.

Alexey Pyrin, General Director of Artisifood, Moscow

We are engaged not only in production, but also in sales of fish and seafood. We focus our activities on the b2b sector. Usually, wholesale suppliers food products do not have a well-known, recognizable brand, so it is really difficult to stand out from your competitors. We decided to take the factor of an extensive range as the basis for promoting our services. The vast majority of companies offer a little of everything; they cannot deliver rare products. We have managed to significantly expand the range of our services - about 200 types of seafood and fish, while informing clients about various unusual products. Therefore, we managed to surpass our competitors in terms of USP margin by 8-10%.

The third condition is the significance of the promised benefit. We only have ten seconds to interest a potential client. Therefore, if there is a more significant problem that we propose to solve for the client, with the most clear and accessible formulation of our proposal, it will be possible to make it more recognizable and famous brand For potential clients. Current this rule almost everywhere - the only exception is complex equipment (as a rule, consumers analyze and compare characteristics in advance).

On FMCG market the most significant property should be determined, which will be recorded in the unique selling proposition and on the packaging. In particular, on the packaging you can note the pleasant aroma of the product. Over time, this property began to be taken for granted, so we moved on to “effective stain removal.” The heroes of our commercials could get very dirty, but no dirt could withstand the effects of the powerful powder. As a result, we managed to achieve sales growth of more than 5 times over five years.

  • Private label products: what buyers are willing to pay their money for

Is your product's unique selling proposition effective: three things to check

Ilya Piskulin, Director of Love marketing agency, Moscow

Try, for example, creating an “antonym” to your unique selling proposition.

1. Your unique selling proposition cannot be used by competitors

If competitors repeat your offer, they will deceive the client. Once in my practice there was a case. One of our companies began to produce windows with a ventilation system. A competing company said that their windows are also ventilated. We sent them secret shopper and found that we are talking about valve ventilation, which only works at positive temperatures and is not installed in Russia. The company knew about this and therefore immediately warned clients that they should not buy windows with ventilation. That is, the company attracted customers by not intending to sell. Of course, the buyers were disappointed. There was no other competitor on the market that could repeat our USP and at the same time keep its promise.

Examples of USP. The restaurant is the only one in the area that prepares dishes on the grill or serves a business lunch in 20 minutes. The window production company is the only one of its kind that produces metal siding to look like logs. Production of road paint that glows in the dark. A development company can offer a lake on the territory of a holiday village or an already operating gas supply system in a new house.

If competitors repeat your offer, they will violate their positioning. I once watched the death of a grill bar. At first it positioned itself as an extreme bar, but unexpectedly announced that it was starting to hold children's matinees on Sundays. The regulars were at a loss, and new clients (young mothers with children) did not dare to go to an incomprehensible establishment. It is important that the USP reflects your positioning and does not suit your closest competitors.

Examples of USP. If BMW had announced that it had produced the safest car, it would have caused confusion among car enthusiasts (safety is a familiar attribute of Volvo). The announcement that the Gipsy nightclub will host the Chanson radio festival will sound just as strange.

2. You can build a reverse USP without it seeming absurd.

Often, instead of USP, people say self-evident things about high quality, excellent price and wide range. In my practice, there was a company that publicly declared that it had the most expensive apartments in the city. Sales were going great (note, this was before the crisis). At the same time, another company was operating on the market, which claimed that it had the cheapest apartments. And they sold great too. Both USPs sounded good and worked. If the USP does not have a working “antonym”, then it will not be very effective. So, in my practice there was a cottage community that sold the largest plots, measured in hectares. Unfortunately, there was no company on the market that sold the smallest plots, for example 10 acres, because no one needed them anymore. Sales were not going well... You shouldn’t write in an advertisement for a club that it has excellent music (there is hardly a club with terrible music) or emphasize in an advertisement for a restaurant that there is delicious food and good service.

Examples of USP. In advertising a restaurant, it is better to write “located on the roof, far from the bustle of the city” instead of “located in an excellent location” (because you can say the opposite - “a restaurant in the very center of the city”, and this will also be a good USP).

3. You want to believe your USP

It happens that the USP is formulated either unclearly, or incomprehensibly, or simply does not inspire confidence. We once promoted lymphatic drainage massage, which, when used correctly, can create the effect of slight weight loss immediately after the session. It turned out that people did not really believe the slogan “losing weight in 1 hour,” unlike the slogan “losing weight in 1 day” (there were many times more clicks).

USP example. You should not promise “lose 10 kilograms in 3 days”; indicate a more realistic time frame.

USP! USP! USP! It sounds just like a curse word if you don't know what it is. But in fact, this is a very useful topic in business. For use in marketing, advertising and sales. Helps the company stand out from its competitors, I would even say, to some extent, wipe their nose with them. But first things first, otherwise it seems simple at first glance. It's a lot more complicated than you think, and even more rewarding than you imagine.

Stop swearing

Americans will definitely think that USP is a Russian curse, because we have a lot of such short and bad words. But I don’t want you to think the same way, so I’ll answer your silent question about what UTP is. This actually stands for Unique Selling Proposition.

The definition of this term looks like this - it is your unique difference from another company or other products that a client can distinguish you from and say: “Wow, what an offer!”

Such an emotion is, of course, difficult to achieve, but nothing is impossible.

Gentlemen, let's not delve into theory for too long. All you need to know about unique selling propositions is that they make a company stand out from the crowd. And to quickly understand whether you have it or not, just answer one of the questions right now:

  1. How are you different from other companies/products?
  2. Why should I choose your company/product?

Usually at this moment there is a short 5-second pause, after which, as a rule, the well-known options follow:

  • High quality;
  • Good service;
  • Flexible conditions,

And my favorite thing is the individual approach. Don’t tell me you answered the same?! I beg you! After all, it is fatal if your sales specialists and you, including you, answer your clients like this. Because thousands of other companies around the world answer them this way.

How to choose in this case? Who are the best on the market? That's right, purely based on which one you liked best based on some subjective feelings. This, of course, is also good. True, in this case it is impossible to talk about systemic growth of the company.

We have decided that you urgently need to read this article further, since your answers should already be in business by default. It’s the same thing if a restaurant writes: “We have the most delicious food,” it feels like in all other establishments the waiters say: “Gentlemen, our food is not very tasty, but what music, what music!” Badly! Badly! Bad... Well, you already understood this without me.


The difference between USP and positioning and promotions

I have two important thoughts for you to dot the i’s.

  1. USP is not a PROMOTION
  2. USP is not positioning

Let's look at it more thoroughly so that there is no confusion in the future. Since on the Internet everyone leads USP examples and they don’t understand that this is more of a positioning or an action than our “hero of the occasion.”

Next, the action is, of course, also your difference, only it is temporary and not permanent. Therefore, it cannot be said that your unique difference is that you give a second item upon purchase. Any other company can do this in seconds. And even more so, when the promotion ends, you will be left with nothing.

In other words, the USP (as well as positioning) can always be used in advertising, on employee clothing, on billboards and other media, and in any type of advertising message and it does not lose relevance. A promotion (offer) cannot always be used, since it has the principle of burning out and being replaced by another.

Positioning is more global theme. This is not necessarily your difference, it is rather your place in the market, which should not always distinguish you, but at the same time should characterize you. My favorite and clearest example is the Volvo car, their positioning is “Safety”. Is this a difference? Of course not. This is their accent. But a unique difference for them could be a car, for example, with 8 wheels.

How to Create a Unique Selling Proposition

Now you probably have chaos in your head from thoughts like “How to create a unique selling proposition? How to figure it out, how to make it, how to design it?!”

I will reassure you a little by the fact that the creation of USP has certain principles. Therefore, I want to warn you about several important nuances, which will help formulate an armor-piercing proposal:

  1. You need to know your company and your product REALLY well to truly do it. good offer. Therefore, drawing up a USP with new employees is not very good good idea. At least some of the new ones should have, so to speak, a fresh look.
  2. You need to know yours VERY well, because ideally formation of USP should, first of all, be based on the client’s selection criteria, those that are truly important to them.

So you have mastered the general theory. Now you won’t have to worry about developing a unique selling proposition. To help you, below are instructions for compiling and formulas for UTP.

1. Creative

The solution is partly the simplest and yet, in my opinion, not the most the best option. In order for your creative to settle in the minds of consumers and be perceived as “truth”, you need to invest more than one hundred thousand rubles in advertising. Rather, you need to calculate the total in millions. Do you need it?

Formula: [Creativity Feature] + [Product]

Chocolate that melts in your mouth, not in your hands.

2. The most

You choose what is the best in your company and trumpet it to the whole world. In any case, there will always be someone who will do better, but by the time they do it, time will pass and perhaps more than one year.

Also, be careful, the word “MOST” cannot be used in direct writing according to the law of the Russian Federation on advertising. But to get around this nuance, you can use tricks as in the examples.

Formula: [Most ____] + [Product]

The largest mug of coffee to go in a coffee shop is ___ – 1 liter!
The largest guarantee for timing belts in the Moscow region* (according to 1000 respondents on the website

3. Without

You need to know your customers well. Blah blah blah...I know everyone is talking about it. But if you don’t know the client, then you won’t know what he is afraid of or afraid of. This means that you will not be able to make the following formula, which is based on the client’s fear.

Formula: [Product] + without + [customer fear]

Chemical-free dishwashing detergent.
Losing weight without going to the gym.
Construction of roofs without prepayment.

4. C

Same idea as point three, except we're saying there's amazing value in our product that they want. Again, we focus on what is important for the client.

Formula: [Product] + with + [added value]

Cream with vitamin E complex.
Air conditioning with the ability to work in winter.

5. How/For

Personally, I don’t really like this option, it’s kind of rustic or something, but still in some areas it’s quite appropriate (canteens, district stores). And I would rather attribute this formula to positioning than to a unique offer; it is too vague. But I’ll tell you anyway.

Formula: [Product/company] + how/for + [positive emotions]

The food is like home.
A store for little ones.

6. Property

Relevant for those who have technical feature, which sets you apart from others, which shows your scale or level. By the way, the first example influenced my decision to go to that particular clinic. After all, as a layman, I believed that the more powerful the X-ray machine, the clearer the picture would be. But I didn’t pay attention to the fact that the specialist who does this x-ray is much more important.

Formula: [Product/company] + from/from/by/to/at + [property]

Clinic with a 3 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging scanner.
All shovels are made of pure titanium.

7. The only one

If your product is the only one per city, region, or even better, per Russia, then it’s also worth shouting about it. Again, the downside is that this is not permanent. Although, unless you are an official representative and you have exclusive rights to use your product.

Formula: [Single] + [product/company] + [difference] + in [geography]

The only company providing a 5-year warranty on timing belts in Russia.
The only transformable chairs in Moscow.

8. Hidden procedures

In any business there are topics that everyone does by default and doesn’t talk about it. You just need to show it off and serve it with the right sauce. What do you need for this? Remember? It's very good to know your product and your company. The people who work in it, equipment, processes, tools, raw materials, supplier of raw materials and everything like that.

Formula: [Product] + [hidden procedure]

Three degrees of glass tempering.
Non-combustible PVC tiles.

9. Warranty

Just tell the client that he will get the desired result, otherwise you will return the money, redo it for free or give it as a gift. This USP can be seen especially often among info-businessmen. Although it can be used in any other business, for example, in construction you can give a guarantee that deadlines will be met.

Formula: [If _____] + [then ____]

If there is an increase in the estimate, then additional costs will be at our expense.
If you don't like it, we'll return all your money.

10. Professional

The development of this type of USP is the most difficult, although it is done according to a very simple scheme. You need to fully know and, most importantly, understand the client. Moreover, I personally think that this is the best formula. It can be said to generalize everything previously studied and is based on the client’s benefit, on his selection criteria.

Formula: [Product] + [benefit]

Ferrari cars are assembled only by hand.
Pizza in 40 minutes or free.
Apartments with a custom-made layout.

How to check know-how

After its creation, it seems that nothing better could be imagined, that this is the 8th wonder of the world. I’m in no hurry to dash your hopes; perhaps you are really right and have come up with something that will bring the entire market to its knees. This may well be the case, because as practice shows, everything brilliant ideas come when you are busy with the wrong thing.

And to be sure of this, go through the list of questions below and check your hypothesis for compliance with reality.

  1. Can the same be said about your competitors?

    If you say that you produce products in 24 hours when your competitors do it in the same time, then this is not a cool proposition, it is just a statement of fact.

  2. Is this important to the client/hurts the client?

    You can put pressure on creativity, but for me it’s only for large companies, quite large. At best, you need to put pressure on the client’s criteria or his emotions, no matter whether they are positive or negative. If your message does not affect the client, then you need to change the situation.

  3. Do you want to believe your difference?

    If you can actually show clients how to make a million in 5 minutes, then this is an insanely great offer. But it’s not at all plausible. Therefore, it would be better to replace it for a period of “7 days”, which will inspire more confidence.

  4. How long will your USP be relevant?

    UTP is the difference “eternal”, and the promotion is temporary. Therefore, it is very important that it does not happen that you notify everyone that you are now not like everyone else, and after 2 days your competitor repeats this and a paradox occurs.

  5. Does your sentence fit into 3-8 words?

    Conciseness and lightness are the key to success. The shorter your offer, the better, the easier it fits into the minds of clients and the easier it is for them to remember it, and therefore use it in relation to you.

  6. Does your USP have a logical downside?

    If you say: “We have the largest houses,” then this is good, unless in the market another company can make the opposite offer: “We have the smallest houses.” Otherwise, for example, in the premium segment, where everyone by default should have large houses, your proposal will lose.

Briefly about the main thing

I would like to write that the time has passed when it was possible to do something simply “good” and people would come in droves. But this is not true, there will always be those who show impressive results in their work. But there’s one problem: if the company is not large and especially new, then at first you definitely need to be different in order to break out of the rat race.

Now you have received a detailed answer and know how to create a unique selling proposition. At the same time, if you think that you can come up with a UTP once and retire, then you are deeply mistaken. Competitors are not asleep. The most arrogant ones copy your know-how, the less arrogant ones improve it. And in this, too, there is a certain strategy for creating your own difference.

That’s all for me, the game has started, I’m waiting for an answer in the comments to the question “How are you different from others?”

P.S. And to study this topic in other words and partly with other thoughts, watch this video:

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