Your own business: selling Chinese tea. How to find a supplier in China? How to create a business selling Chinese tea

The profitability of such a business is at least 500-600% (since there is no competition for real tea).
Puer, Tie Guan Yin, Da Hong Pao are the most popular teas among young people, and accordingly, the demand for it is increasing every day. Someone came to the tea business on his own, and has been seriously interested in it for a long time.

Everyone who wants to start a business, the first question they ask themselves is: how is the implementation going?
Tea products are in very high demand and guaranteed sales with high profitability. The price of one tablet of real pu-erh is 40 rubles (this is the Chinese cost in Yunnan). In stores in the city of Blagoveshchensk (despite the border location) it is sold for 250 rubles/tablet. That’s a profitability of more than 600%. And what can we say about the central regions, such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Belgorod, Bryansk, Vladimir, Ryazan and so on. It's up to you to draw conclusions.

How much can you earn from one outlet?

Let me give you an example from life. A friend brought me this “profitable tea” from China (there were about 40 tablets). To my surprise, the tea was bought up by friends, friends of friends, and just acquaintances in 2 days. This was my first “tea” money. And so I earned 8,000 rubles. Then I bought another 200 tablets, which sold out exponentially. I had about 40,000 rubles in my pocket and I decided to create a 4 m2 store. I opened an individual entrepreneur, rented a room in one of the well-known supermarkets, bought pu-erh, tie guan yin and da hong pao with the remaining money, and business took off. Let's calculate the profit (this is the most interesting part):

1) Profit from puerh. About 20 tablets are sold per day. This is 20*250=5000,5000-800=4200 rubles/day. It would seem that this is enough for a comfortable life, but we count further.

2) Profit from te guan yin. Its cost is 200 rubles/100 grams (naturally in Yunnan). About 900 grams are sold per day at a price of 550 rubles/100 grams. We calculate 550*9-1800=3150 rubles/day. But we don't stop there. We count further.

3) Da hong pao. Cost price 300 rub/100 grams. About 700 grams are sold per day. I sell for 550 rubles/100 grams. 550*7-2100=1750 rubles. And for the bold point, read below.

4) All kinds of oolongs, green tea, yellow tea, flower tea. Profit is about 1500 per day. We calculate the daily income: 4200+3150+1750+1500=7600. This is pure profit.

We calculate the monthly income as 7600*30=228000 rubles. But taking into account taxes and rent, it comes out to about 200,000 rubles (sometimes more, sometimes less). That’s how I started earning money with zero in my pocket.

Chinese Pu-erh tea is known for its production specifics; tea leaves must age for 7–8 years and only after that they are used. Artificial aging of leaves is also used, this takes no more than 100 days, but it will take a whole year to dry them. Tea helps lower cholesterol, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and improves immunity. It is necessary to store tea in a place protected from the sun, without strong foreign odors. It must be purchased only in specialized stores. Only an experienced consultant can help you choose this tea.

Chinese Puer tea wholesale

Our company sells Puer tea Wholesale. When you contact us, you will receive advice from an experienced specialist. By contacting our managers through the order form or by phone, you are guaranteed to receive high-quality Pu-erh of various varieties. We offer both classic Pu-erh tea and various flavoring options, with milk, mint, cherry, cinnamon and more. Our products are stored in compliance with all necessary technologies and have the necessary quality certificates. Call and place an order, and our specialists will advise you!

Tea business


Until recently, I sincerely believed that people who are engaged in the tea business have a maximum profit of 50%.

But imagine my surprise when, on one of the business idea forums, I came across the idea of ​​a tea business based on real Chinese teas, such as puer, tie guan yin, da hong pao, oolong and others.

I wasn’t too lazy, I looked into Wordstat to find out whether these Chinese teas are really so popular, and this is what I saw:

puer - 81,716 impressions per month, of which buy puer - 5830, buy puer - 5804, buy puer tea - 2338, buy puer tea - 2336, puer tea price - 1362, puer tea price - 1357, where buy pu-erh - 756, buy pu-erh + in Moscow - 628;

oolong - 24,853 views of which, buy oolong - 1,556, buy oolong tea - 943, oolong price - 647, oolong tea price 521, where to buy oolong - 358, where to buy oolong tea - 307, buy oolong milk tea - 300.

I didn’t delve too deeply into the study of demand, I took only two types of tea and didn’t look beyond the first page of results in Wordstat, but from the above data it is already clear that there is a demand for real Chinese tea. If you are interested in this business idea, then you can easily conduct more in-depth marketing research yourself, since the Internet provides such an opportunity.

And so the idea itself, read below...


The profitability of such a business is at least 500-600% (since there is no competition for real tea).

Puer, Tie Guan Yin, Da Hong Pao are the most popular teas among young people, and accordingly, the demand for it is increasing every day. Someone came to the tea business on his own, and has been seriously interested in it for a long time.

Everyone who wants to start a business, the first question they ask themselves is: how is the implementation going?

Tea products are in very high demand and guaranteed sales with high profitability. The price of one tablet of real pu-erh is 40 rubles (this is the Chinese cost in Yunnan). In stores in the city of Blagoveshchensk (despite the border location) it is sold for 250 rubles/tablet. That’s a profitability of more than 600%. And what can we say about the central regions, such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Belgorod, Bryansk, Vladimir, Ryazan and so on. It's up to you to draw conclusions.

Let me give you an example from life. A friend brought me this “profitable tea” from China (there were about 40 tablets). To my surprise, the tea was bought up by friends, friends of friends, and just acquaintances in 2 days. This was my first “tea” money. And so I earned 8,000 rubles. Then I bought another 200 tablets, which sold out exponentially. I had about 40,000 rubles in my pocket and I decided to create a 4 m2 store. I opened an individual entrepreneur, rented a room in one of the well-known supermarkets, bought pu-erh, tie guan yin and da hong pao with the remaining money, and business took off. Let's calculate the profit (this is the most interesting part):

1) Profit from puerh. About 20 tablets are sold per day. This is 20*250=5000,5000-800=4200 rubles/day. It would seem that this is enough for a comfortable life, but we count further.

2) Profit from te guan yin. Its cost is 200 rubles/100 grams (naturally in Yunnan). About 900 grams are sold per day at a price of 550 rubles/100 grams. We calculate 550*9-1800=3150 rubles/day. But we don't stop there. We count further.

3) Da hong pao. Cost price 300 rub/100 grams. About 700 grams are sold per day. I sell for 550 rubles/100 grams. 550*7-2100=1750 rubles. And for the bold point, read below.

4) All kinds of oolongs, green tea, yellow tea, flower tea. Profit is about 1500 per day. We calculate the daily income: 4200+3150+1750+1500=7600. This is pure profit.

We calculate the monthly income as 7600*30=228000 rubles. But taking into account taxes and rent, it comes out to about 200,000 rubles (sometimes more, sometimes less). That's how I started earning money with zero in my pocket...

Along with strong coffee, aromatic tea is considered one of the most popular drinks in our country. This can be used by young entrepreneurs who want to open their own business. Chinese tea occupies a leading position throughout the world in terms of production and export volumes. Its popularity can be explained by a wide range of varieties, excellent taste, as well as healing characteristics.

What needs to be included in a business plan?

To organize this type of entrepreneurial activity, first of all, it is necessary to write a business plan for the future enterprise. The most basic concepts that should be included are “supplier of Chinese tea”, “schemes for delivering products to our country”, as well as “method of implementation”.

In this case, you can consider selling through specialized outlets, an online store or auctions. Do not forget about such seemingly insignificant nuances as ensuring the conditions for storing tea.

Where to buy products?

As practice shows, the best place through which you can develop your tea business is the Taobao website. Here you can find a wide variety of types of this drink. Moreover, you will be very pleased with the pricing policy. The main problem is to find a profitable intermediary. However, this is not entirely necessary, since by installing a local messaging program, you can try to persuade a potential supplier to ship products to our country.

Another good wholesale platform is Aliexpress. Its main advantage is that in addition to common varieties, there are quite rare species that are difficult to find elsewhere. These include bound and pressed types of tea, which are aged for about five years.

Tea varieties

It is impossible to organize a type of business activity such as selling Chinese tea without understanding the types of drink. Gradation in this case is made based on the collection method and properties. In this case, three main groups are distinguished: green (unfermented), oolong (semi-fermented), as well as black and red (fermented) tea.

The first of these types is rightfully considered the most useful. It allows you to improve metabolic processes in the body, gives a person vigor and perfectly quenches thirst. A distinctive characteristic of oolong tea is that it changes its taste over time. It should be noted that it is produced exclusively in China.

Red tea has a rich aroma and bright color, while black tea is produced under natural aging conditions. White varieties have a subtle taste and are popular due to their aftertaste. Yellow Chinese tea has the status of the most elite. From China it came to us as an imperial drink. The development of its taste occurs gradually, and the aroma is rich and sharp.

Purchase cost

The drink has such a large number of varieties that it is almost impossible to remember each of them. The same can be said for the cost. By going to the online resources mentioned above, you can find out the cost of certain types. At the same time, as practice shows, the profit here will be very profitable.

For example, if the wholesale cost of one kilogram of tea in China is 850 rubles, then in our country it is sold at a retail price, that is, about 5,400 rubles. An important nuance that should not be forgotten is that different Chinese companies have their own requirements regarding the volume of the minimum order - from 50 kilograms to one ton.

Registration of company and documentation

In order to engage in such type of activity as selling Chinese tea in our country, it is necessary to prepare a number of documents. First of all, you will have to open and register in the prescribed manner an LLC with foreign economic activity.

Next, you should get a foreign currency current account at any bank and register with the state statistical agency. Only after this can you begin to search for an importing company. Such a company must have and provide upon request a certificate of registration, as well as a license giving the right to export.

Transportation of tea

Importing tea to Russia from China is one of the key links in organizing this type of business activity. It is advisable that the goods be tracked by a customs broker during transportation, because the cost of storing them in a temporary warehouse is quite high. Subject to the existence of an appropriate agreement, the import of the product into our country will occur much faster.

As for the cost of transportation, it depends on the distance, weight of the goods, as well as its features. In the case of Chinese tea, the fee will be approximately four dollars per kilogram. As for the documents that need to be provided for customs control, these are a contract, an invoice, a packing list, a certificate for customs, and a sanitary report.

Sales of goods in Russia

There are several ways in which Chinese tea can be sold. The easiest way is to create your own website. In addition, you can open a specialized store in a large shopping center. A good location and attractive design are the key to a large number of clients. The store needs to provide a small room that will serve as a warehouse.

Important characteristics that it must meet are good ventilation, dryness and warmth. The existence of agreements with bars and coffee shops, where large quantities of this product are required for retail sales, as well as for the preparation of various drinks, will significantly increase profits.


In any type of business, the presence of customers, including regular ones, is influenced by a competent marketing policy. Selling Chinese tea is no exception. Businessmen who are just starting to work in this area are recommended to first purchase at least 50 types of drinks.

A study of demand in the future will show which varieties are more popular, and will also allow you to correctly regulate purchase volumes. Don’t forget about seasonality, since in the summer months, unfermented varieties are most in demand, while in winter, tea is most often bought on holidays.

The appearance of the product packaging plays an important role. To popularize the tea shop, it is recommended to organize sales or tastings from time to time. In order to diversify the business, the store can start selling accessories, including cups, saucers, teapots, and so on.

Investments and payback period

The logical question is whether selling tea is profitable and how soon will the investment pay off? Experience shows that in order to open a shop specializing in the purchase and sale of Chinese tea, you need to invest approximately one and a half million rubles. As for the payback period of the project, if properly organized it will be about eight months.

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