Computer science lesson concept about the Internet. Open lesson on the topic "global internet"


LESSON TOPIC: "Global Internet"

LESSON OBJECTIVE : Developing the skills to independently apply knowledge in a complex and transfer it to new conditions. Study the structure of the global Internet and master the basic methods of searching the Internet.


Educational: familiarization with the concept of “Internet”, study search engines and master technologies for searching information on the global network, email;

Developmental: formation of logical thinking techniques, development of interest in the subject, information culture, development of the ability to analyze and generalize, draw conclusions, broadening one’s horizons;

Educational: fostering accuracy, precision, independence, instilling skills in group work and cooperation;

Health-saving: compliance with sanitary standards when working with a computer, compliance with safety regulations, the optimal combination of forms and methods used in the lesson.

Preliminary preparation of students : material studied in previous computer science lessons.

TRAINING METHODS: practical (exercises), partially search, research, interaction in pairs, groups, teams, individual independent activities, individual, group, mutual assessment, self-esteem.

TYPE OF LESSON: combined lesson

Lesson type: lecture, workshop, research work

EQUIPMENT: modem, hub, cables, connectors, interactive whiteboard, computer, presentation for the lesson.

LIST OF REFERENCES USED: Informatics. Bashly, 2012, electronic textbook “SIN”.

LESSON MOTTO: “An educated person is one who knows where to find what he doesn’t know.” Georg Simmel

Lesson plan:

Lesson stage

Time, min

Organizational moment.

Updating knowledge

Announcing the topic and setting lesson goals

Explanation of new material

Physical education minute

Consolidating new material


Lesson summary. Grading



Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment .


Checking the audience's readiness for the lesson

Checking attendance using the log

II. Updating knowledge

1. Answer the questions:

2. From the given devices (hub, cable, telephone cable, modem, laptops), assemble local network and connect the modem to the computer (one student from each row leaves).

III. Announcing the topic and setting lesson goals

Today's lesson is a continuation of a series of lessons dedicated to computer networks.

During the previous lessons, you gained an understanding of local area network, local area network topology.

The topic of our lesson is “ Global Internet".

Let's try to formulate the objectives of today's lesson:

    familiarization with the concept of “Internet”, study search engines and master technologies for searching information on the global network.

We must prove the effectiveness of use global Internet network.

IV. Explanation of new material


    What is the Internet?

    How to connect to the Internet?

    Information retrieval portals Google, Yandex, Rambler

    Chats, forums, ICQ


V. Physical education minute

VI. Consolidating new material

1. Set the connection using arrows:


a device that allows computers to exchange data over telephone or other communication lines

Global network

tool for communication on the site


a set of web pages united by a common theme, navigation, a common URL, interconnected by hyperlinks and located on the same server


networks located on the territory of a state or group of states


the world's largest and most famous network, connecting millions of computers into a huge network of networks, providing unlimited access to information and the ability to communicate in a variety of ways

2. Complete tasks:

1. Create a connection to the Internet?

2. Save the web page to your computer.

3. Launch your browser and search using

4. Disconnect from the Internet

5. What is a smiley?

6. After sending the letters are saved...?

7. Domain part of the addressbks @ mail . online . kz indicates the country...?

8.Which entry is an email address?

3. Intelligence test

This test program for testing applicants for intelligence is offered half-jokingly, half-seriously at the University of California (USA).

Answer questions without consulting with your friends, otherwise it is impossible to talk about the purity of the results.

    The professor goes to bed at 8 o'clock in the evening and sets the alarm clock for 9 o'clock in the morning. How long will the professor sleep? (1 hour)

    You are the pilot of an airplane flying from Havana to Moscow with two transfers in Algeria. How old is the pilot? (You are a pilot, that means as old as you are)

    Usually the month ends on the 30th or 31st. Which month has the 28th? (In all)

    You enter an unfamiliar room that is darkened. It has two lamps - gas and gasoline. What will you light first? (Match)

    There are 10 fingers on the hands. How many fingers are there on 10 hands? (50)

    How many digits 9 are there in the series of numbers from "1" to "100"? (20)

    7 candles were burning. Z went out. How many candles are left? (3, the rest burned down)

    A brick weighs 1 kg plus another half brick. How much does a brick weigh? (1 kg)

    Under what bush does the hare sit during the rain? (Under the wet)

VIII. Reflection

    Now please fill out the table “My knowledge and skills on the global Internet” after today’s lesson

At the beginning of the lesson

At the end of the lesson

I know



Don't know

found out better

knowledge has not changed

What is the Internet?

What is Email?

What is a website?

What is a forum, chats?

I can



I can't

learned better

my skills remain the same

Connect to the Internet

Create email

IX. Lesson summary. Grading

Assessment, student comments on the topic

X. Homework

    Prepare an essay on the topic “Global Network Internet".

XI. Relaxation

Lesson #10

Teacher Tashbaeva A.S. Subject: Computer Science and ICT

Class: 11 Lesson date

Lesson topic: Organization and Internet services

Objective of the lesson: Educational: contribute to the formation of concepts: Purpose of Internet communication services. Purpose information services Internet. Application protocols. Basic WWW concepts: web page, web server, website, web browser, HTTP protocol, URL. Search directory: organization, purpose. Search index: organization, purpose

Educational: develop students' understanding of the importance of systems thinking in modern science; develop the skill of quickly organizing the application of acquired knowledge in various situations. Use Internet services in practical life.

Educational: to form and develop students’ cognitive interests;
fostering a sense of self-confidence and knowledge, a sense of responsibility for the results of one’s work; develop teamwork skills.

Lesson type: Lesson of learning new knowledge

Lesson Resources: PC

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment (3 min):

The teacher greets the students, checks their readiness for the lesson, and informs them of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Motivation for learning - the importance of this topic in modern society, give examples from life in the form of data structures: census of people, library-database of books, archives, etc.

II. Updating knowledge (12 min): frontal survey of students

History of the development of global networks

From the history of human society, you should know that many scientific discoveries and inventions greatly influenced its course and the development of civilization. These include the invention of the steam engine, the discovery of electricity, the mastery of atomic energy, the invention of radio, etc. The processes of dramatic changes in the nature of production and in everyday life, which lead to important scientific discoveries and inventions, are usually called the scientific and technological revolution.

Emergence and development computer equipment in the second half of the 20th century they became the most important factor scientific and technological revolution.

There are three stages in this process.

First stage began with the creation of the first computer in 1945. For about 30 years, computers were used by a relatively small number of people, mainly in scientific and industrial fields.

Second stage began in the mid-70s of the 20th century and is associated with the emergence and spread of personal computers (PCs). PCs have become widely used not only in science and production, but also in the education system, the service sector, and everyday life. PCs entered the house as one of the species household appliances along with radios, televisions, tape recorders.

Third stage associated with the emergence of the global computer network Internet. As a result, a personal computer that fits on a desk has become a “window” into a huge world of information. New concepts have emerged, such as “global information space” and “cyberspace”. The spread of the Internet solves an important social problem information inequality that exists between people living in different countries, on different continents, as well as in large cities and on the periphery. It is the development of the Internet that gives reason to say that the stage of the information society is entering in the history of civilization.

With the spread of computers comescomputer literacy concept . This required level knowledge and skills of a person, allowing him to use a computer for public and personal purposes.

At the first stage of computer development Computer literacy came down to the ability to program. Programming was mainly studied in higher education educational institutions, it was owned by scientists, engineers, and professional programmers.

At the second stage the general level of computer literacy began to be understood as the ability to work on a personal computer with application programs, perform the minimum necessary actions in the operating system environment. Computer literacy at this level is becoming a mass phenomenon thanks to training at school, in numerous courses, and on an independent basis.

On the third , modern stage An important element of computer literacy has become the ability to use the Internet. A broader concept has emerged - information culture. The number of computers connected to the global network is growing rapidly. And the ability to use a computer to communicate with other people, for distance learning, and search is becoming increasingly necessary. reference information, commercial activities and much more.

III. Stage of learning new knowledge (20 minutes)

Global network concept - systems of unified computers located at large distances from each other - appeared in the process of development computer networks. In 1964, the United States created a computer early warning system for approaching enemy missiles. The first global network for non-military purposes was the ARPANET network in the United States, introduced in 1969. It had a scientific purpose and united the computers of several universities in the country.

In the 80-90s of the last century, many industry-specific, regional national computer networks were created in different countries. Their integration into an international network took place on the basis of the Internet internetworking environment.

An important year In the history of the Internet, 1993 became the year when the service was createdWorld Wide Web (WWW) - World Information Network (World Wide Web). With the advent of WWW, interest in the Internet sharply increased, and the process of its rapid development and spread began. Many people, when talking about the Internet, mean WWW, although this is only one of its services.

The Internet is a complex hardware and software system , which we have to figure out. We will try to get answers to three questions: what does the Internet consist of; how it works; what is it used for? Often in literatureInstead of the word “Internet” the term “Network” is used (respectfully capitalized). We will also use it sometimes.

Internet hardware

Main components and any global networkare computer nodes and communication channels .

Here we can draw an analogy with the telephone network: the nodes of the telephone network are automatic telephone exchanges - automatic telephone exchanges, which are interconnected by communication lines and form a city telephone network. Each subscriber's phone is connected to a specific PBX.

To nodes Users' personal computers are connected to a computer network in the same way that subscribers' phones are connected to telephone exchanges. Moreover, the role of a computer network subscriber can be played by both an individual person through his PC and whole organization through your local network. In the latter case, a local network server is connected to the node.

An organization that provides data exchange services with a network environment is callednetwork service provider . The English word provider means “supplier”, “supplier”. The user enters into an agreement with the provider to connect to his node and subsequently pays him for the services provided (similar to how we pay for telephone network services).

Knot contains one or more powerful computers that are constantly connected to the network. Information services are provided by the operation of server programs installed on host computers.

Each host computer has its own permanent Internet address; it's called an IP address .

An IP address is made up of four decimal numbers, each ranging from 0 to 255, separated by a dot. . For example:

The computers of Network users also receive the same IP addresses, but they are valid only while the user is connecting to the network, that is, they change in each new communication session, while the addresses of host computers remain unchanged.

Along with digital IP addresses valid on the Internetsymbolic address system , more convenient and understandable for users. It's calleddomain name system (DNS - Domain Name System).

For example, the IP address of the server of the methodological service of the publishing house “BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory" corresponds to the domain name Given name consists of three domains separated by dots.

The domain name system is built on a hierarchical principle . The first domain on the right (also called a suffix) is the top-level domain, the next one is the second-level domain, etc. The last one (first on the left) is the computer name. Top-level domains can be geographical (two-letter) or administrative (three-letter). For example, the Russian Internet zone belongs to the geographical domain ru. More examples: uk - UK domain; ca - domain of Canada; de - German domain; jp - Japanese domain. Administrative top-level domains most often belong to the American zone of the Internet: gov - US government network; mil - military network; edu - educational network; com - commercial network.

Internet nodes have their own hierarchy . For example, a node in Samara has a connection to a node in Moscow, which in turn is connected to a number of nodes in the European backbone. The latter have connections with nodes in the USA, Japan, etc. And yet, the structure of the Internet is not a tree, but a network. As a rule, each node has a connection not with one, but with many other nodes. Therefore, the routes along which information arrives at a certain node can be very different. This ensures the stability of the Network: if one node fails, information flows to other nodes are not interrupted. They can only change their routes.

Communication channels There are a variety of technical methods of communication in the global network:
telephone lines; electrical cabling; fiber optic cable communication;
radio communication (via radio relay lines, communication satellites).

Different communication channels varythree main properties : throughput, noise immunity, cost .

In terms of cost, the most expensive are fiber optic lines, the cheapest are telephone lines. However, as the price decreases, the quality of the line also decreases: throughput decreases, and interference is more affected. Fiber optic lines are virtually immune to interference.

Bandwidth is maximum speed transmission of information over the channel. It is usually expressed in kilobits per second (Kbps) or megabits per second (Mbps).

The capacity of telephone lines is tens and hundreds of Kbps; The capacity of fiber optic lines and radio communication lines is measured in tens and hundreds of Mbit/s.

For many years, most Internet users connected to a site through dial-up (that is, switched) telephone lines. This connection is made using a special device calledmodem . The word “modem” is a combination of abbreviations of two words: “jodulator” - “dejodulator”. The modem is installed both on the user's computer and on the host computer. The modem converts a discrete signal (produced by a computer) into a continuous (analog) signal (used in telephone communication) and the inverse transformation. The main characteristic of the modem is the maximum data transfer speed. In different models it ranges from 1200 to 56,000 bps.

Cable communications are usually used over short distances (between different providers in the same city). At long distances it is more profitable to use radio communication. An increasing number of users nowadays are moving from low-speed dial-up connections to high-speed non-switched communication lines.

Internet software

The operation of the Network is supported by certain software. This software operates on servers and on users' personal computers. As you know from the basic school computer science course, the basis of everything software computer is operating system, which organizes the work of all other programs.Node computer software is very diverse . Conventionally, it can be divided intobasic (system) and applied . Basic software provides support for network operation using the protocolTCP/IP - standard set Internet protocols, i.e. it solves the problems of sending and receiving information.Application software is engaged in servicing a variety of information services on the Network, which are commonly calledInternet services . The service combines servers and client programs that exchange data using certain application protocols. Each service has its own server program: for e-mail, for teleconferences, for WWW, etc. A host computer performs the function of a server for a specific Internet service if the server program for this service is running on it. Same computer in different times can perform server functions various services; it all depends on what server program is currently running on it. On the PCs of network users, client programs provide services to various information services. Examples of popular clients are: Outlook Express - email client, Internet Explorer- WWW service client (browser). While a user is working with a particular Internet service, a connection is established between his client program and the corresponding server program on the node. Each of these programs does its part in providing this information service. This way of working the Network is calledclient-server technology .

How the Internet works

Used on the Internetpacket information transfer technology . To understand this better, imagine the following situation. You need to send some multi-page document to a friend in another city (for example, a printout of a novel that you wrote). Your entire novel won’t fit completely in an envelope, and you don’t want to send it by postal parcel - it will take too long. Then you divide the entire document into parts of 4 sheets, put each part in a postal envelope, write an address on each envelope and put this entire stack of envelopes in the mailbox. For example, if your novel is 100 pages long, you will have to mail 25 envelopes. You can even put envelopes in different mailboxes at different communication centers (for fun, to see which ones arrive faster). But since they contain the same address, all envelopes should reach your friend. Also, to make it convenient for a friend to collect the entire novel, it is advisable to indicate serial numbers on the envelopes. The packet transmission of information on the Internet works in a similar way. The TCP/IP protocol, which was already mentioned earlier, is responsible for its operation. It's time to figure out what these mysterious letters mean.

Packets are passed like relay batons from one node to another. Moreover, the routes for different packets from the same message may be different. The described packet transmission mechanism is shown in Fig. 2.1. The route issue is decided separately for each packet. It all depends on where it is more profitable to transfer it at the time of processing. If there is a “break” in some section of the Network, then the transmission of packets will bypass this section. at any given time, many packets from a wide variety of messages move “mixed” along any network channel.

Computer science lesson notes.

Topic: “Global Internet.

Searching for information on the Internet."

Class: 11th grade

Purpose of the lesson : study the structure of the global Internet and master the basic methods of searching the Internet;


Educational: get acquainted with the concept of “Internet”, study search engines and master technologies for searching information on the global network;

Developmental: formation of logical thinking techniques, development of interest in the subject, information culture, development of the ability to analyze and generalize, draw conclusions, broadening one’s horizons;

Educational: fostering accuracy, precision, independence, instilling skills in group work and cooperation;

Health-saving: compliance with sanitary standards when working with a computer, compliance with safety regulations, the optimal combination of forms and methods used in the lesson;

Preliminary preparation of students : material studied in previous computer science lessons;

Preliminary teacher preparation: studying lesson material, writing notes;

Didactic basics of the lesson :

Teaching methods: explanatory-illustrative, partially search.

Lesson type: explanation of new material;

Forms academic work students: group, individual work.

Equipment: 11 computers, sheets of paper, markers, individual cards with questions, notebooks.

Lesson plan:

    Org. moment (1-2 min.);

    Explanation of new material (20 min.);

    Independent work (15 min.);

    Lesson summary (3-5 min.);

Lesson progress:

Lesson steps

Teacher activities

Student activities

Org. moment,

Reporting the topic of the lesson, its goals and objectives;

Brief plan activities.

Hello guys!

So, the topic of our lesson today is: “Global Internet. Search for information."

Presentation for the lesson (Appendix 1).

During the lesson we will get acquainted with the Internet, look at the global computer network Internet from various angles, get acquainted with search engines and learn how to search for the information we need (slide 1).

Write down the topic of the lesson in your notebook.

Introduction to the topic:

Prepare children to perceive the topic;

Focus on productive work.

The world has truly changed with the advent of the global computer network Internet. Today, without leaving your home, you can meet and communicate with people located far beyond the borders of your country, purchase various goods and services, and much, much more.

Pay attention to the following statistics. Here we can see how many people currently use the global Internet. And you will probably agree with me that the Internet has become an integral part of our lives (slide 2).

Let's try to find out what the Internet is?

You have been given a definition, but it is missing some words. Try to reconstruct these words yourself, and then we will write the correct definition in your notebook (2 minutes).

The Internet is ... ... a network that includes ..., ... and ... networks and connects millions ... around the world (slide 3).

Now let's try to highlight the strong and weaknesses Internet.



Important source of information

Information from the Internet may be unreliable

Communication with people from different cities

A person can go into the virtual world, invent an image for himself when communicating; Internet addiction appears

Purchasing goods and services without leaving home

Deception by the organization

A way to spread your knowledge

There are many viruses on the Internet that infect our computer.

Now you will be divided into 2 teams. The first group are supporters of the Internet, and the second group are opponents.

Within three minutes, you need to highlight the main advantages (for group 1) and disadvantages (for group 2) of the Internet.

Analysis, comparison, generalization and statement of one’s own positions.

Team captains prepare a short (2 minute) speech in which they justify the points of their position.

Speech by the captain of the supporters team.

Speech by the captain of the opposing team.

The speeches of the team captains show the importance of the Internet today and make an emphasis on its rational use to avoid negative consequences.

Conclusion: We were able to look at the global computer network Internet from various angles. Both its positive and negative qualities have been identified. Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that the Internet is a very important source information that undoubtedly needs to be used, but one should not forget about the problems that a computer network brings.

Restore the definition and write it down in a notebook together with the teacher.

Divided into groups.

Work in groups.

Displaying your positions.

Lesson topic:

Learn ways to search for information on the Internet;

Consider Internet search engines.

Now let's move on to studying the topic. As my story progresses, you yourself write down the information you need (slides 5-6).

When working online, you need to quickly navigate the available amount of information.

There are mainly three main types used to search for information:

    Specifying the page address; (slide 7)

This is the most quick way search, but it can only be used if the exact address of the document or the site where the document is located is known.

This is the least convenient way, since with its help you can search for documents that are only close in meaning to the current document.

    Appeal to search engine(slide 9).

Search server addresses are well known to everyone who works on the Internet. Currently, the following search engines are popular in the Russian-speaking part of the Internet: Yandex(, Google( and Rambler(

Search engine provides the ability to search for information on the Internet.

Most search engines look for information on websites World Wide Web. (slide 10)

Guys, what search engines do you know? (,, and many others) (slides 11 – 12).

Yandex. ru

Yandex - Russian system search on the web. The company's website,, was opened on September 23, 1997.

A distinctive feature of Yandex is the ability to fine-tune the search query. This is implemented through a flexible query language (slide 13).

Google. ru

Leader of Internet search engines. According to one version, Google is a distorted spelling of the English word googol. "Googol" is a mathematical term for one followed by 100 zeros (slide 14).

Rambler. ru

Rambler was created in 1996.

The Rambler search engine understands and distinguishes between words in Russian, English and Ukrainian languages. By default, the search is carried out in all forms of the word (slide 15).

The main points are written down in a notebook (by yourself!!!)

Fixing the material

And now there will be work in pairs. You sit down at the computers. You will be given cards with problematic questions written on them. You need to find different points of view on this question on the Internet, and write down on cards the url addresses and search engines in which you found the answer to the question posed (Appendix 2).

Individual work at the computers.

Summing up the lesson:

systematization of knowledge gained in the lesson

    What is a global computer network?

    What is a search engine?

    What search engines do you know (learn)?

Evaluating guys for practical work.

Literature used:

1. Gein A.G., Senokosov A.I. Computer science and ICT (basic and specialized levels). – M.: Education, 2009.

2. Ugrinovich N.D. Computer Science and information Technology. Textbook for grades 10-11 / N.D. Ugrinovich. – 4th ed. – M.: BINOM. Laboratory of Knowledge, 2007. – 511 p.: ill.

Autonomous institution Chuvash Republic average vocational education"Novocheboksarsk Polytechnic College" of the Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Chuvash Republic


open lesson on computer science

Developed by: Grigorieva E.V.,

computer science teacher


Computer science lesson on the topic"Worldwide global network Internet"

Lesson objectives:


  1. Introduce the basic concepts of the global computer network Internet.
  2. Identify the positive and negative aspects of the Internet.


1.Improving communication, intellectual, information, and organizational skills.

2. Development of the ability to independently work with information.

3. Development of the ability to think creatively.

4. Development of students' cognitive potential.


1. Fostering a culture of speech and a culture of communication.

2. Fostering the need to use information to solve subjectively significant problems.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Equipment : projector, educational materials, handouts.

Presentation for the lesson

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

Hello guys! Sit down!What do you guys think, what is the topic of today's lesson?

You will learn the topic of our today's lesson after you solve the puzzle.

Right. This is the word Internet. And the topic of our lesson today is “The World Wide Web”

Today in the lesson you and I should get acquainted with new concepts: the Internet, what it is intended for. Identify the positive and negative aspects of the Internet.


After announcing the topic of the lesson, the teacher asks students to remember everything they know about the Internet and write this information in the first column of the table “I Know – I Want to Know – I Found Out (ZKH)”:

Students in pairs introduce each other to the content of their notes. 2-3 students, at the request of the teacher, report information known to them about the means of storing, transmitting and processing information to the whole group, the rest, if necessary, make additions and clarifications. The teacher writes down the basic information on the board.

The teacher asks students to fill out the second column of the table, and to do this, formulate questions about the Internet to which the children do not know the answers. As a support, students can be given a list of questionswords: what, which, how, how many, where, why, when?

After completing the task individually, students discuss the questions in groups and select the most interesting and most important questions for understanding the topic. The teacher also writes them on the board.

Fine! As it turns out, you know a lot about the global Internet! However, can everyone immediately agree with the opinions expressed? Probably not.

So what needs to be done?(Check information.)

Learning new material.

The Internet was created in the 60s of the 20th century. It was invented and implemented by the US intelligence services, and was supposed to be used only by the military, the FBI and nothing more. In the 80s–90s, many regional, industry, and national global computer networks were created in different countries. Their association into an international network is called the Internet.

What do you think the Internet is?

Internet – worldwide global computer network.

Internet - is the connection of computers around the world into a single information network

What device is used to connect to the Internet?

Regular telephone lines and modem device, dedicated communication lines.

What is another name for the Internet?

World Wide Web, global network...

For the first time in the history of Mankind, the World Wide Web made it possible to freely exchange any information, without any restrictions (state borders, nationality and religious interests, etc.).

Let's start with the fact that the word Internet has already become commonplace and familiar to all of us. Each of us can explain the meaning of this owl differently, but the meaning often remains the same. So, one of the definitions:

Internet is a worldwide system of interconnected computer networks. The Internet is a network of networks!

Sometimes the Internet is also called:

Global network.

World Wide Web or Web.

There are also several well-known slang options:

Internet, No

But where did it all begin?

In 1967, the US Department of Defense decided that they needed to create a reliable information transfer system. In turn, DARPA (US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) proposed developing a network that would connect remote computers.

The creation of such a network was entrusted to several American universities. The name of the first network was ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network). Then the rapid development of computer networks begins.

Now let's talk about what the Internet is used for.

A computer network can perform 2 functions:

  • be a means of communication between its users –communication function.
  • be a means of access to shared information resources –information function.

The means of providing certain information services to network users are calledInternet services.

- Give examples of communication function?

Communication Services.

Electronic mail (e-mail).With its help, you can send messages, receive them in your email inbox, respond to letters from your correspondents automatically using their addresses based on their letters, send copies of your letter to several recipients at once, forward a received letter to another address, etc. .

- Teleconferencing service –This is also postal correspondence. Teleconference emails are sent simultaneously to all conference participants. Each conference is dedicated to a specific topic.

Direct communication forums(chat conferences). Communication between participants occurs in real time in written form. Participants in the chat conference are also divided into thematic groups.

Internet telephony– voice communication via the Internet in real time.

Give examples of information functions?

Information services.

File Transfer Service (FTP).FTP servers store files for various purposes (program files, graphics, sound, documents). These files can be viewed, sorted, and copied to your disks.

- World Wide Web– a network of documents interconnected by hyperlinks. Every document that has an address is called a Web page. Each Web page is linked to other pages that are stored both on the same computer and on other computers on the network.

A web page can contain text, pictures, sounds and is stored in a separate file.

Consolidation of acquired knowledge

You can find answers to the questions posed in different ways. Students list sources and search methods: you can refer to the textbook, to any Internet search engine. The teacher suggests visiting the sites.

Students sit down at their computers, go online, use an email address, go to one of virtual museums, study the material.

Students turn to the list of questions and mark those for which answers were found.

The teacher asks students to exchange information on the questions found, i.e. organizes the consolidation of the acquired knowledge.

Guys, please tell me, is the Internet good or evil for people?

To do this, let's try to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the Internet.

Advantages +

Flaws -

Important source of information

Information from the Internet may be unreliable

Communication with people from different cities

A person can go into the virtual world, invent an image for himself when communicating; Internet addiction appears

Purchasing goods and services without leaving home

Deception by the organization

A way to spread your knowledge

There are many viruses on the Internet that infect our computer

Highlight the benefits Internet and justify your opinion?

Operational search for information;

Communication without boundaries in real time;

Development of intelligence, creative abilities (a person realizes a new reality with the help of a PC, creates the world)

Distance learning opportunity….

What are the disadvantages of the Internet?

Possibility of false information;

Replacement of real communication with virtual communication (without realizing it, a person loses the line between the real and virtual world);

Internet addiction (a person falls into slavery to a machine, his world moves to the world of the PC - one of the most dangerous things of the Internet);

Harm to health.


So what is the Internet for a person: good or evil? Each of you has your own opinion.

Modern man needs the Internet as a means of obtaining information and communication, but when using Internet services, do not forget about the people around you and your spiritual world!


What new did we learn today?

Was the information in the lesson useful to you? What is its use?

Where can it be useful to you? What do you think is the most interesting?

What did you learn about the topic covered?

What would you like to know? (or ask a question to which they did not receive an answer).


Compose a crossword puzzle on the topic “Internet”

I have also prepared for you a test for Internet addiction. Test yourself, your friends and parents. The test is a joke, but every joke has some humor in it, and the rest is true!

Thanks for the work! Goodbye!

Final words from the teacher.

Well done! I hope that we have made the right conclusion for ourselves: everyone decides for themselves whether the Internet is evil or good. We need to try to make sure that he is still a friend to us.

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