Possibility of local lighting control. Outdoor lighting remote control schemes

Section 6. Electric lighting

Chapter 6.5. Lighting control

General requirements

Methods and technical means for centralized control systems for outdoor and indoor lighting should be determined by feasibility studies.

6.5.3. When using telemechanics in centralized control systems for external and internal lighting, the requirements of Ch. 3.3.

6.5.4. Centralized lighting control is recommended for:

outdoor lighting industrial enterprises- from the enterprise's power supply control point, and in its absence - from the place where the service personnel are located;

outdoor lighting of cities and settlements- from the outdoor lighting control point;

internal lighting - from the room in which the attendants are located.

6.5.5. It is recommended that power supply for centralized control devices for external and internal lighting be provided from two independent sources.

6.5.6. Centralized control systems for external and internal lighting should provide for automatic switching on of lighting in cases of emergency power outage of the main circuit or control circuit and subsequent restoration of power.

6.5.7. When performing automatic control of external and internal lighting, for example, depending on the illumination created by natural light, it should be possible to manually control lighting without using automation.

6.5.8. To control indoor and outdoor lighting, control devices installed in switchgears of substations, power distribution points, input switchgears, and group panels can be used.

6.5.9. With centralized control of indoor and outdoor lighting, control of the position of switching devices (on, off) installed in the lighting power circuit should be provided.

In cascade schemes for centralized control of outdoor lighting, it is recommended to provide for monitoring the on (off) state of switching devices installed in the lighting power circuit.

In cascade controlled schemes for centralized control of outdoor lighting (6.1.8, 6.5.29), no more than two uncontrolled power points are allowed.

Interior lighting control

6.5.10. When lighting buildings from substations and networks located outside these buildings, a control device must be installed on each input device to the building.

6.5.11. When four or more group shields are supplied from one line with a number of groups of 6 or more at the input to each shield, it is recommended to install a control device.

6.5.12. In rooms with zones with different conditions natural lighting and various modes of operation, separate control of zone lighting should be provided.

6.5.13. Switches for luminaires installed in rooms with unfavorable environmental conditions, it is recommended to take out to adjacent rooms with the best conditions environment.

Switches for lighting fixtures for showers and locker rooms with them, hot shops for canteens should be installed outside these premises.

6.5.14. In long rooms with several entrances visited by service personnel (for example, cable, heating, water tunnels), it is recommended to provide for lighting control from each entrance or part of the entrances.

6.5.15. In rooms with four or more working lighting fixtures that do not have safety lighting and evacuation lighting, it is recommended to distribute the fixtures into at least two independently controllable groups.

6.5.16. Security lighting and evacuation lighting can be controlled: directly from the premises; from group shields; from distribution points; from input distribution devices; from switchgears of substations; centrally from lighting control points using a centralized control system, while access to control devices should be possible only for maintenance personnel.

6.5.17. The control of long-term artificial ultraviolet irradiation installations should be provided independent of the control of the general lighting of the premises.

6.5.18. Local lighting luminaires must be controlled by individual switches that are a structural part of the luminaire or located in the stationary part of the electrical wiring. At voltages up to 50 V, it is allowed to use socket outlets to control luminaires.

Outdoor lighting control

6.5.19. The outdoor lighting control system must ensure that it is turned off for no more than 3 minutes.

6.5.20. For small industrial enterprises and settlements, it is allowed to provide for the control of outdoor lighting by switching devices installed on the lighting supply lines, provided that service personnel have access to these devices.

6.5.21. It is recommended to perform centralized control of outdoor lighting in cities and towns:

telemechanical - with more than 50 thousand inhabitants;

telemechanical or remote - with the number of inhabitants from 20 to 50 thousand;

remote - with the number of inhabitants up to 20 thousand.

6.5.22. With the centralized control of outdoor lighting of industrial enterprises, the possibility of local control of lighting should be provided.

6.5.23. It is recommended to control the lighting of open technological installations, open warehouses and other open facilities in industrial buildings, the lighting of which is powered by internal lighting networks, from these buildings or centrally.

6.5.24. The city's outdoor lighting should be controlled from one central control room. In the largest cities, the territories of which are separated by water, forest or natural barriers to the terrain, district dispatch centers may be provided.

There should be a direct telephone connection between the central and regional control towers.

6.5.25. To reduce the illumination of streets and squares of cities at night, it is allowed to provide for the possibility of turning off some of the lamps. In this case, it is not allowed to turn off two adjacent lamps.

6.5.26. For pedestrian and transport tunnels, separate control of lamps for daytime, evening and night operation of the tunnels should be provided. For pedestrian tunnels, in addition, the possibility of local control must be provided.

6.5.27. It is recommended to control the lighting of the territories of boarding schools, hotels, hospitals, hospitals, sanatoriums, boarding houses, rest houses, parks, gardens, stadiums and exhibitions, etc. from the outdoor lighting control system of the settlement. In this case, the possibility of local control must be ensured.

When the lighting of the indicated objects is supplied from the networks of the internal lighting of buildings, the external lighting can be controlled from these buildings.

6.5.28. It is recommended to provide control of the light protection of high-rise structures (masts, chimneys, etc.) from the objects to which these structures relate.

6.5.29. Centralized management of outdoor lighting networks of cities, towns and industrial enterprises should be carried out by using switching devices installed at outdoor lighting power points.

It is recommended to control switching devices in outdoor lighting networks of cities and towns, as a rule, by cascading (sequential) switching them on.

In air-cable networks, up to 10 power points can be included in one cascade, and in cable networks, up to 15 power points of the street lighting network.

Chapter 6.5. Lighting control

General requirements

6.5.1. The outdoor lighting control must be independent of the indoor lighting control.

6.5.2. In cities and towns, at industrial enterprises, centralized control of outdoor lighting should be provided (see also 6.5.24, 6.5.27, 6.5.28).

Methods and technical means for centralized control systems for outdoor and indoor lighting should be determined by feasibility studies.

6.5.3. When using telemechanics in centralized control systems for external and internal lighting, the requirements of Ch. 3.3.

6.5.4. Centralized lighting control is recommended for:

Outdoor lighting of industrial enterprises - from the power supply control point of the enterprise, and in its absence - from the place where the service personnel are located;

Outdoor lighting of cities and towns - from the outdoor lighting control point;

Internal lighting - from the room in which the attendants are located.

6.5.5. It is recommended that power supply for centralized control devices for external and internal lighting be provided from two independent sources.

The decentralized control devices can be powered from the lines supplying the lighting installations.

6.5.6. Centralized control systems for external and internal lighting should provide for automatic switching on of lighting in cases of emergency power outage of the main circuit or control circuit and subsequent restoration of power.

6.5.7. When performing automatic control of external and internal lighting, for example, depending on the illumination created by natural light, it should be possible to manually control lighting without the use of automation.

6.5.8. To control indoor and outdoor lighting, control devices installed in switchgears of substations, power distribution points, input switchgears, group shields can be used.

6.5.9. With centralized control of indoor and outdoor lighting, control of the position of switching devices (on, off) installed in the lighting power circuit should be provided.

In cascade schemes for centralized control of outdoor lighting, it is recommended to provide for monitoring the on (off) state of switching devices installed in the lighting power circuit.

In cascade controlled schemes for centralized control of outdoor lighting (6.1.8, 6.5.29), no more than two uncontrolled power points are allowed.

Interior lighting control

6.5.10. When lighting buildings from substations and networks located outside these buildings, a control device must be installed on each input device to the building.

6.5.11. When four or more group shields are supplied from one line with a number of groups of 6 or more at the input to each shield, it is recommended to install a control device.

6.5.12. In rooms with zones with different natural lighting conditions and different modes of operation, separate control of zone lighting should be provided.

6.5.13. Switches of luminaires installed in rooms with adverse environmental conditions are recommended to be moved to adjacent rooms with better environmental conditions.

Switches for lighting fixtures for showers and locker rooms with them, hot shops for canteens should be installed outside these premises.

6.5.14. In long rooms with several entrances visited by service personnel (for example, cable, heating, water tunnels), it is recommended to provide for lighting control from each entrance or part of the entrances.

6.5.15. In rooms with four or more working lighting fixtures that do not have safety lighting and evacuation lighting, it is recommended to distribute the fixtures into at least two independently controllable groups.

6.5.16. Security lighting and evacuation lighting can be controlled: directly from the premises; from group shields; from distribution points; from input distribution devices; from switchgears of substations; centrally from lighting control points using a centralized control system, while access to control devices should be possible only for maintenance personnel.

6.5.17. The control of long-term artificial ultraviolet irradiation installations should be provided independent of the control of the general lighting of the premises.

6.5.18. Local lighting luminaires must be controlled by individual switches that are a structural part of the luminaire or located in the stationary part of the electrical wiring. At voltages up to 50 V, it is allowed to use socket outlets to control luminaires.

Outdoor lighting control

6.5.19. The outdoor lighting control system must ensure that it is turned off for no more than 3 minutes.

6.5.20. For small industrial enterprises and settlements, it is allowed to provide for the control of outdoor lighting by switching devices installed on the lighting supply lines, provided that service personnel have access to these devices.

6.5.21. It is recommended to perform centralized control of outdoor lighting in cities and towns:

Telemechanical - with more than 50 thousand inhabitants;

Telemechanical or remote - with the number of inhabitants from 20 to 50 thousand;

Remote - with the number of inhabitants up to 20 thousand.

6.5.22. With the centralized control of outdoor lighting of industrial enterprises, the possibility of local control of lighting should be provided.

6.5.23. It is recommended to control the lighting of open technological installations, open warehouses and other open facilities in industrial buildings, the lighting of which is powered by internal lighting networks, from these buildings or centrally.

6.5.24. The city's outdoor lighting should be controlled from one central control room. In the largest cities, the territories of which are separated by water, forest or natural barriers to the terrain, district dispatch centers may be provided.

There should be a direct telephone connection between the central and regional control towers.

6.5.25. To reduce the illumination of streets and squares of cities at night, it is allowed to provide for the possibility of turning off some of the lamps. In this case, it is not allowed to turn off two adjacent lamps.

6.5.26. For pedestrian and transport tunnels, separate control of lamps for daytime, evening and night operation of the tunnels should be provided. For pedestrian tunnels, in addition, the possibility of local control must be provided.

6.5.27. It is recommended to control the lighting of the territories of boarding schools, hotels, hospitals, hospitals, sanatoriums, boarding houses, rest houses, parks, gardens, stadiums and exhibitions, etc. from the outdoor lighting control system of the settlement. In this case, the possibility of local control must be ensured.

When the lighting of the indicated objects is supplied from the networks of the internal lighting of buildings, the external lighting can be controlled from these buildings.

6.5.28. It is recommended to control the light protection of high-rise structures (masts, chimneys, etc.) from the objects to which these structures belong.

6.5.29. Centralized management of outdoor lighting networks of cities, towns and industrial enterprises should be carried out by using switching devices installed at outdoor lighting power points.

It is recommended to control switching devices in outdoor lighting networks of cities and towns, as a rule, by cascading (sequential) switching them on.

In air-cable networks, up to 10 power points can be included in one cascade, and in cable networks, up to 15 power points of the street lighting network.

Schemes used in modern projects remote control outdoor lighting (see diagrams below in Fig. 1 - 6) provide:

    centralized control of lighting from one point separately for each object,

    position control of magnetic starters,

    local control of lighting of individual objects with general centralized control,

    repair shutdown of outdoor lighting from the power point,

    the ability to turn off the working lighting of objects in the controlled area from the centralized lighting off panel,

    partial shutdown of the working lighting of a separate row of objects from the control cabinet.

Remote control is carried out by PM magnetic starters installed on the supply lines of outdoor lighting objects. The magnetic starters are controlled automatically from the control cabinets using a photorelay of the outdoor lighting control device AO. It is possible to control manually remotely using switches B in the control circuit by selecting the mode with the control mode switch of the control panel.

Rice. 1. Schematic diagram of lighting control circuits

Rice. 2. Schematic diagram of lighting control circuits

Centralized shutdown of outdoor lighting is carried out by introducing into the control circuits an auxiliary contact of the relay of centralized shutdown RO on the centralized shutdown panel or an auxiliary contact of the double voltage reduction relay DSN installed in relay cabinets.

The place of installation of panels for centralized shutdown of outdoor lighting is determined by the project.

Objects are distributed into groups of emergency and working lighting for each controlled area for a specific design in accordance with the current instructions.

Rice. 3. Schematic diagram of lighting control circuits for up to five objects: RP1, RP2 - intermediate relay, LKN - feeder voltage control lamp

Rice. Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of lighting control circuits for up to seven objects when the control equipment of the nuclear facility or control room is located in the control room

Networks for remote control of outdoor lighting should be carried out with control cables laid in the ground or suspended on a cable along overhead line supports. Remote control networks are calculated from the condition that for reliable operation of magnetic starters, the voltage loss in the network should not exceed 15% at the time of switching on.

When used in circuits of magnetic starters with large starting currents, as well as at large distances between the outdoor lighting control point and power points, an intermediate relay is introduced into the remote control circuit. In this case, the cable section is selected according to the starting current of this relay. It is recommended to take complete control devices as outdoor lighting power cabinets: control boxes and control cabinets. Boxes and cabinets for supplying outdoor lighting are installed in the subscriber part of transformer substations.

The centralization of lighting control is often carried out according to cascade schemes, in which sections of the distribution lines of the outdoor lighting network are controlled by connecting the coil of the contactor of the second section to the line of the first, the coil of the contactor of the third section to the line of the second, etc. The number of sections should not exceed 10. This creates controlled direction of the cascade by means of successive inclusion of sections, in which the beginning of the first and end of the last sections of the cascade are brought to the control point and control of the state of the cascade.

Rice. 5. Schematic diagram of lighting control circuits for up to seven objects when placing control equipment for nuclear facilities or control rooms at substations

Rice. 6. Schematic diagram of lighting control circuits for up to 12 objects when placing control equipment at substations

Remote control of outdoor lighting should be carried out according to a light calendar and a schedule for switching on and off installations for a settlement, according to the hours of operation of lighting installations on a monthly basis for settlements located at different latitudes, which can be used to plan electricity consumption.

Deviations from the schedule for turning on and off the units, drawn up for clear weather, due to adverse weather conditions, are allowed no more than 15 minutes, i.e., the total daily increase in the duration of the units' operation is 30 minutes (15 minutes in the evening and 15 minutes in the morning).

It is recommended to specify the time of turning on or off the installations, using photoelectric automatic devices of types, etc., in control rooms, tuned to the specified range of illumination.

Photosensors must be installed in accordance with their instructions for use. General requirement is the orientation of the photo sensor to the north so that direct sunlight does not fall on it during the day. Also, the illumination of the photo sensor by extraneous light sources - lamps, spotlights, etc. should be excluded.

6.5.1. The outdoor lighting control must be independent of the indoor lighting control.

6.5.2. In cities and towns, at industrial enterprises, centralized control of outdoor lighting should be provided (see also clauses 6.5.24, 6.5.27, 6.5.28).

Methods and technical means for centralized control systems for outdoor and indoor lighting should be determined by feasibility studies.

6.5.3. When using telemechanics in centralized control systems for external and internal lighting, the requirements of Ch. 3.3.

6.5.4. Centralized lighting control is recommended for:

outdoor lighting of industrial enterprises - from the power supply control point of the enterprise, and in its absence - from the place where the service personnel are located;

  • outdoor lighting of cities and towns - from the outdoor lighting control point;
  • internal lighting - from the room in which the attendants are located.

6.5.5. It is recommended that power supply for centralized control devices for external and internal lighting be provided from two independent sources.

The decentralized control devices can be powered from the lines supplying the lighting installations.

6.5.6. Centralized control systems for external and internal lighting should provide for automatic switching on of lighting in cases of emergency power outage of the main circuit or control circuit and subsequent restoration of power.

6.5.7. At automatic control external and internal lighting, for example, depending on the illumination created by natural light, it should be possible to manually control the lighting without the use of automation.

6.5.8. To control indoor and outdoor lighting, control devices installed in switchgears of substations, power distribution points, input switchgears, group shields can be used.

6.5.9. With centralized control of indoor and outdoor lighting, control of the position of switching devices (on, off) installed in the lighting power circuit should be provided.

In cascade schemes for centralized control of outdoor lighting, it is recommended to provide for monitoring the on (off) state of switching devices installed in the lighting power circuit.

In cascade controlled schemes for centralized control of outdoor lighting (clauses 6.1.8, 6.5.29), no more than two uncontrolled power points are allowed.

Interior lighting control

6.5.10. When lighting buildings from substations and networks located outside these buildings, a control device must be installed on each input device to the building.

6.5.11. When four or more group shields are supplied from one line with a number of groups of 6 or more at the input to each shield, it is recommended to install a control device.

6.5.12. In rooms with zones with different natural lighting conditions and different modes of operation, separate control of zone lighting should be provided.

6.5.13. Switches of luminaires installed in rooms with adverse environmental conditions are recommended to be moved to adjacent rooms with better environmental conditions.

Switches for lighting fixtures for showers and locker rooms with them, hot shops for canteens should be installed outside these premises.

6.5.14. In long rooms with several entrances visited by service personnel (for example, cable, heating, water tunnels), it is recommended to provide for lighting control from each entrance or part of the entrances.

6.5.15. In rooms with four or more working lighting fixtures that do not have safety lighting and evacuation lighting, it is recommended to distribute the fixtures into at least two independently controllable groups.

6.5.16. Security lighting and evacuation lighting can be controlled: directly from the premises; from group shields; from distribution points; from input distribution devices; from switchgears of substations; centrally from lighting control points using a centralized control system, while the control devices should be available only to maintenance personnel.

6.5.17. The control of long-term artificial ultraviolet irradiation installations should be provided independent of the control of the general lighting of the premises.

6.5.18. Local lighting luminaires must be controlled by individual switches that are a structural part of the luminaire or located in the stationary part of the electrical wiring. At voltages up to 50 V, it is allowed to use socket outlets to control luminaires.

Outdoor lighting control

6.5.19. The outdoor lighting control system must ensure that it is turned off for no more than 3 minutes.

6.5.20. For small industrial enterprises and settlements, it is allowed to provide for the control of outdoor lighting by switching devices installed on the lighting power lines, provided that the service personnel have access to these devices.

6.5.21. It is recommended to perform centralized control of outdoor lighting in cities and towns:

  • telemechanical 50 thousand - with the number of inhabitants more than
  • telemechanical or remote - with the number of inhabitants from 20 to 50 thousand;
  • remote - with the number of inhabitants up to 20 thousand people;

6.5.22. With the centralized control of outdoor lighting of industrial enterprises, the possibility of local control of lighting should be provided.

6.5.23. It is recommended to control the lighting of open technological installations, open warehouses and other open facilities in industrial buildings, the lighting of which is powered by internal lighting networks, from these buildings or centrally.

6.5.24. City outdoor lighting should be controlled from one central control room. In the largest cities, the territories of which are separated by water, forest or natural barriers to the terrain, district dispatch centers may be provided.

A direct telephone connection is required between the central and regional dispatch centers.

6.5.25. To reduce the illumination of streets and squares of cities at night, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of turning off some of the lamps. In this case, it is not allowed to turn off two adjacent lamps.

6.5.26. For pedestrian and transport tunnels, separate control of lamps for daytime, evening and night modes of operation of the tunnels should be provided. For pedestrian tunnels, in addition, it is necessary to provide the possibility of local control.

6.5.27. Lighting control of the areas of boarding schools, hotels, hospitals, hospitals, sanatoriums, boarding houses, rest houses, parks, gardens, stadiums and exhibitions, etc. it is recommended to carry out from the control system of external lighting of the settlement. In this case, the possibility of local control must be ensured.

When the lighting of the indicated objects is supplied from the networks of the internal lighting of buildings, the external lighting can be controlled from these buildings.

6.5.28. It is recommended to control the light protection of high-rise structures (masts, chimneys, etc.) from the objects to which these structures belong.

6.5.29. Centralized management of outdoor lighting networks of cities, towns and industrial enterprises should be carried out by using switching devices installed at outdoor lighting power points.

It is recommended to control switching devices in outdoor lighting networks of cities and towns, as a rule, by cascading (sequential) switching them on.

In air-cable networks, up to 10 power points can be included in one cascade, and in cable networks, up to 15 power points of the street lighting network.

PUE clause 6.3.8. The supports of lighting installations for squares, streets, roads should be located at a distance of at least 1 m from the front face of the side stone to the outer surface of the base of the support on main streets and roads with heavy traffic and at least 0.6 m on other streets, roads and squares. This distance is allowed to be reduced to 0.3 m, provided there are no public transport routes and trucks. In the absence of a side stone, the distance from the edge of the carriageway to the outer surface of the support base must be at least 1.75 m.

On the territories of industrial enterprises, the distance from the outdoor lighting pole to the roadway is recommended to be at least 1 m. It is allowed to reduce this distance to 0.6 m.

At what minimum width of dividing strips, according to the Electrical Installation Rules, street and road lighting poles can be installed in the center of these dividing strips?

PUE clause 6.3.17. Lighting installations of urban transport and pedestrian tunnels, lighting installations of streets, roads and squares of category A in terms of reliability of power supply belong to the second category, the rest of the outdoor lighting installations - to the third category.

With the centralized control of outdoor lighting of which objects, according to the Electrical Installation Rules, the possibility of local lighting control should be provided?

PUE p. 6.5.22. With the centralized control of outdoor lighting of industrial enterprises, the possibility of local control of lighting should be provided.

At what maximum height above floor level, according to the Electrical Installation Rules, should luminaires serviced from stepladders or ladders be installed?

PUE clause 6.6.2. Luminaires serviced from ladders or ladders must be installed at a height of not more than 5 m (to the bottom of the luminaire) above the floor. At the same time, the location of the lamps above large equipment, pits and in other places where it is impossible to install ladders or ladders, is not allowed.

At what height, as a rule, should sockets be installed for a rated current up to 16 A and a voltage up to 250 V industrial premises?

PUE p. 6.6.21. The requirements set out in paragraphs. 6.6.22-6.6.31 apply to devices (switches, switches and socket outlets) for rated current up to 16 A and voltage up to 250 V, as well as plug connections with protective contact for rated current up to 63 A and voltage up to 380 V .

6.6.30. Plug sockets must be installed:

1. In industrial premises, as a rule, at a height of 0.8-1 m; when wiring from above, installation at a height of up to 1.5 m is allowed.

220. Is it allowed, according to the Rules for the installation of electrical installations, the construction of built-in or attached substations in the dormitory buildings of various institutions, in schools and other educational institutions?

221. In what cases, according to the Rules for the Installation of Electrical Installations, is it allowed to place built-in and attached substations using dry transformers in residential buildings when sanitary requirements are fully met to limit the level of noise and vibration in accordance with current standards?

PUE clause 7.1.15. In dormitories of various institutions, in schools and other educational institutions, etc. the construction of built-in and attached substations is not allowed.

In residential buildings, in exceptional cases, it is allowed to place built-in and attached substations using dry-type transformers in agreement with the state supervision bodies, while sanitary requirements to limit the level of noise and vibration in accordance with applicable standards.

What degree of protection of the shell should the cabinets have when placing the VU, ASU, MSB outside the switchboard rooms?

Not lower than IP20
Not lower than IP31
Not lower than IP47
Not lower than IP56

When placing VU, ASU, MSB, distribution points and group shields outside the switchboard rooms, they should be installed in places convenient and accessible for maintenance, in cabinets with a shell protection degree of at least IP31.

What is the minimum distance, according to the Rules for the installation of electrical installations, should be from the installation site of the VU, ASU, Main Switchboard to pipelines (water supply, heating, sewerage, internal drains)?

Distance not less than 0.5 m
Distance not less than 1.0 m
Distance not less than 2.0 m
Distance not less than 3.5 m

PUE p. 7.1.28. VU, VRU, MSB, as a rule, should be installed in switchboard rooms accessible only to service personnel. In areas prone to flooding, they should be installed above the flood level.

The distance from pipelines (water supply, heating, sewerage, internal drains), gas pipelines and gas meters to the installation site must be at least 1 m.

224. At what minimum cross-section, according to the Electrical Installation Rules, the power supply of individual electrical receivers related to the engineering equipment of buildings (pumps, fans, heaters, air conditioning units) can be carried out with wires or cables with aluminum conductors?

With a cross section of at least 1.5 mm2
With a cross section of at least 2.5 mm2
With a cross section of at least 6 mm2
With a cross section of at least 12 mm2

PUE p. 7.1.34. In buildings, cables and wires with copper conductors should be used.

The power supply of individual electrical receivers related to the engineering equipment of buildings (pumps, fans, heaters, air conditioning units, etc.) can be carried out with wires or cables with aluminum conductors with a cross section of at least 2.5 mm2.

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