Highly paid professions with knowledge of English. Professions related to foreign languages

Choosing a profession related to language learning is quite difficult. It’s worth assessing career opportunities, deciding what salary you need, and deciding on your interests. We really hope that our list will help you in this matter.

Name Overall profession rating Average salary*
Philologist 50 0
Sign language interpreter 48 28 400
Writer 61 50 000
Simultaneous interpreter 58 35 000
Translator 69 27 000
Linguist 54 25 000

* - according to the Federal State Statistics Service for 2017.

** - expert assessment of the portal editors on a scale from 0 to 100. Where 100 is the most in demand, the least competitive, with a low barrier to entry in terms of knowledge and accessibility to obtaining it and the most promising, and 0 is the opposite.

Many school graduates often wonder what professions they can choose, which ones are related to their favorite subject at school. Choosing a profession is a very difficult task, but every person must face it. Before choosing, it is important to evaluate different professions, the pros and cons of each of them.

Useful materials

Basic criteria for choosing a profession

For every person, especially school graduates, it is important to answer several questions in order to find a suitable profession. First of all, there are certain selection rules:

  • interest;
  • the opportunity to develop abilities and talents;
  • wages;
  • professional qualities;
  • demand in the labor market.

Don't forget about interest, it must be there. If you have an excellent command of foreign languages ​​and are focused on professions related to it, then decide for yourself whether you are interested in working as an editor or a teacher. These areas are completely different and have their own nuances; they are sedentary and associated with the constant updating of their knowledge. Perhaps a suitable profession would be a translator or a flight attendant, which opens up more opportunities for travel.

For many people, it is important to develop in their profession, so it is worth focusing on this criterion. However, one of the main parameters is wages. If the salary is low, then you will have to look for a part-time job, and this will take up energy, and you will not have time for your family and personal life. Decide how much money you want to receive at the initial stage and then start looking for a suitable profession. However, don’t forget about career growth. Some types of work can provide easy money, but it will be impossible to take a more worthy position. Some professions, for example, manager, bank employee, initially do not provide high earnings, but every year you will improve your professionalism, and, consequently, your salary will increase.

If you know foreign languages ​​very well and that they are easy for you, then focus on these qualities when choosing a job. You should not choose the profession of an accountant if you do not like numbers and monotonous work. The main thing is to determine what exactly you are capable of.

People who know exactly what they do well can quickly navigate the whole variety of professions.

It is also important to focus on demand in the labor market. Take an interest in what specialties applicants often enroll in, it is worth assessing the number of graduates of economic faculties and understanding that it will be difficult for such a number of specialists to find work in the future.

Basic mistakes

Many still make mistakes. You should not follow fashion trends too much, that is, if it is now fashionable to be a lawyer, then this is not necessarily what you need. Some choose a profession following their romanticism, that is, you can become an actor or singer, but it is very difficult to achieve success in this field, and it is even more difficult to earn good money.

You should not get hung up on the labor dynasty in the family; not every family member may have the ability to become a doctor or military man, so you should focus only on your own abilities and preferences.

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is undoubtedly a useful skill. It expands not only a person’s horizons, but also his opportunities in professional activities. An item on a resume such as knowledge of one or more foreign languages ​​will clearly be a plus for an applicant for any serious position.

Knowledge of a foreign language is the basis, for example, for such professions as translator, foreign language teacher, diplomat, tour guide, international journalist and for all specialists whose training at a university or college pays special attention to the study of languages.

On the other hand, you can earn money as a translator even without special education. For an interpreter, it is enough to have confidence in the language and speak it fluently. A specialist engaged in written translations must be well versed in the special terminology inherent in certain types of text (technical, medical, engineering, etc.).

However, in many other professions that are not directly related to knowledge of languages, a foreign language can be very useful. First of all, this is due to the direction of the company. If an organization is focused on working with foreign partners, conducts foreign business, or is a representative office of an international company, knowledge of languages ​​will be mandatory for the majority of its employees. Confident knowledge of a foreign language is important for customer service managers (in international companies), employees of international relations departments, flight attendants, programmers who maintain websites, software and mobile application developers. In any case, knowledge of a foreign language for these professionals is the key to great career opportunities.

The most popular foreign language is English. In general, today it is the most popular language in business. However, depending on the area, the situation may vary. For example, in Western Siberia there are many enterprises doing business with Germany. In Eastern Siberia and the Far East, there are many companies that have connections with China due to their territorial proximity to this country. This means that in these Russian regions it is beneficial to know German and Chinese. And, for example, in the USA (especially in the southern states) Spanish is considered to be in demand.

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​undoubtedly makes it easier to find work abroad, if necessary. Large companies, mainly working in the field of tourism, recreation and entertainment, always have vacancies for animators, teachers, dancers and singers, cooks, kitchen workers, bartenders, waiters, maids, etc. The crew of such tourist ocean liners is usually international.

Professions related to foreign languages ​​are very interesting and diverse. This is a transcriber, lexicographer, literary critic, editor, type designer, tour guide, diplomat, etc.

The profession of a translator is one of the most popular and in demand in the modern world.

A person with an appropriate education and who speaks at least two foreign languages ​​has a diploma as a linguist-translator. In addition, the translator must be able to communicate with people and discuss competently, and have a sufficient understanding of politics, culture, and art. ().

It is also important not just to translate the speech word for word, but to convey its essence to the person. The transcriber is engaged in recording text from an audio file into a text file.

Often, such activities involve translating audio tracks, which in turn requires perfect knowledge of a foreign language.

The profession of a lexicographer is directly related to languages. Specialists in this profile deal with issues related to the compilation and study of dictionaries.

Lexicography is aimed at analyzing and researching the origin and structure of words, their features and meaning. Lexicographers have a high level of knowledge in the field of linguistics, have patience and love hard work.

The activity of a literary critic is to study the theory of foreign literature. Specialists in this field study literary works, artistic texts, analyze them and highlight their advantages and disadvantages.

Literary critics are constantly in the world of literature, they attend book exhibitions, communicate with people in this circle and know all the literary novelties, write feature articles.

The editor's profession is related to the media. This is a creative work aimed at increasing the popularity of the publishing house. Therefore, the editor bears a huge responsibility in this matter. He selects and processes information before submitting it to the pages of the publication.

An editor-translator deals directly with text information in a foreign language and translates it into compliance with the language of the publishing house.

A type designer recycles old types of fonts and creates new ones. Often this activity is associated with expanding the font library of foreign languages.

Some languages ​​and language groups have many different font variants, while others have only a few. Designers of this type create new interpretations of the font, modify it or make a decorative version of the text typeface.

Another profession that requires knowledge of foreign languages ​​is the profession of a tour guide. He conducts excursions for foreign tourists.

The guide can also accompany domestic travelers on foreign tourist trips. To do this, he needs to be sociable, be able to provide information to listeners competently and interestingly, have good diction and, of course, ideally know a foreign language.

In addition, diplomats and teachers have knowledge of a foreign language.

With the introduction of the unified state exam, more and more graduates began to choose a profession based on those subjects in which they do well at school and have a chance of getting maximum scores. In this regard, more and more questions arise about what subjects must be passed for admission to a particular specialty, as well as how to decide on the direction.

Knowledge of languages ​​and the ability to learn them easily is, undoubtedly, a talent that can be applied in various directions. Professions related to foreign languages ​​are varied and interesting. For one job, knowledge of one language may be useful, while for another it is necessary to learn at least two or even more. In addition, you are not required to be a translator or teacher. Let's take a look at the TOP 10 most popular language-related professions.

Main professions

1) Teacher

One of the most popular professions in the field of teaching is. Almost all paths in the field of education are open to this specialist - from preschool to expensive courses. A foreign language teacher is able to professionally and knowledgeably select an individual training program. This is done to make learning grammar rules easier and to fill gaps in knowledge. The teacher will easily explain all the intricacies of pronunciation of foreign speech, teach writing and much more.

2) Translator

Popular and in demand in the modern market. A diploma of linguist-translator is available to people who have received an appropriate education and know more than one foreign language. Also, a specialist in the field of translation must have a high knowledge of culture, politics, and art. Must be able to communicate with people and competently participate in discussions.

The work of a translator includes several types of translation:

  • oral;
  • writing.

Interpretation involves working at business (sometimes in a home atmosphere) meetings and conferences. There are two types of interpretation: simultaneous and consecutive.

  • Synchronous is the following: The interpreter sits in a separate room, wearing headphones, translating the delegates' speech into a microphone. The work of a simultaneous interpreter can be performed by one or several specialists at the same time. This type of translation is used for large meetings and conferences.
  • Consecutive interpretation is carried out at meetings during discussion processes between delegates, journalists, businessmen, politicians, etc. In addition, this type of translation is used in courtrooms and in medical institutions. Usually the translator is in close proximity to the person he is translating. Translation is carried out in several directions (from foreign to Russian, from Russian to foreign).

3) Tour guide

A professional in this field must have such qualities as communication skills, resistance to stress, and the ability to competently and interestingly present information to listeners. A good guide has excellent diction and speaks foreign languages ​​at the highest level.

Many tour guides begin their careers as the leader of a tourist group. They conduct excursions for foreign tourists in their country, and accompany domestic travelers abroad. Working in the tourism industry, you can not only practice your spoken foreign language skills, but also travel around the planet.

4) Editor

Translation and editing of text documents from foreign languages ​​is carried out by an editor-translator. The profession is in demand in print media and requires knowledge of foreign languages ​​relevant to publishing companies.

The editor, before putting information on the pages of a magazine, newspaper, or book, conducts a thorough study of it. He selects what is necessary and removes what is meaningless. This profession requires a creative approach from a specialist. The main task of the editor is to increase the popularity of the publication.

5) Literary critic

Holders of the profession of literary criticism study the theoretical foundations of foreign languages, conduct research into literary and artistic works written by foreign and domestic authors, compare, analyze them, and highlight positive and negative aspects.

Visiting book exhibitions, communicating with fellow literary critics, knowing what's new in modern literature, writing feature articles and reviews - all this is inherent in a specialist literary critic.

6) Lexicographer

A lexicographer specializes in the study, research and creation of dictionaries. Without knowledge of foreign languages, the owner of this profession simply will not be able to work in his specialty. Lexicography involves the study of the following tasks: the study of the origin of words, the features of their structure. Professional lexicographers must have patience, perseverance, and have an understanding of the linguistic field. This profession is experiencing new life with the advent of electronic dictionaries.

7) Font designer

A graphic designer develops new types of fonts or improves outdated ones. Usually the profession involves working with fonts in a foreign language. Designers are developing new variants of the font line, making the text individual, interesting and accessible to perception. Here you cannot do without design courses, but the main education may well be linguistic, because knowledge of the history and traditions of the language is no less important.

8) Decryptor

A professional transcriber transfers text from an audio recording onto sheets of paper. The main task is to convey the essence of speech to people in a clear and accessible way. Typically, a transcriber translates audio tracks so as not to receive a literal translation that is incomprehensible to anyone; a specialist in this field must be fluent in the necessary foreign languages. In addition, this profession may be related to cryptography, which in itself requires reaching a new level.

9) Diplomat

The specialty diplomat is a profession intended for the elite. These are wealthy people with business connections in their own country and abroad. Diplomats work in embassies, Ministries of Foreign Affairs, international and interstate organizations, and missions. Knowing foreign languages ​​is part of their direct responsibilities. Owners of this profession are erudite and inquisitive. Well-versed in finance, psychology, ethics, history and international relations.

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​helps open up great opportunities for a person: he can easily communicate with foreigners, work abroad and travel, exploring the world.

Middle and high school students often think about choosing a future profession. At least, these thoughts begin to arise in them when they are tested: who they might be in the future.

And one of the questions: “What kind of professions are there related to knowledge of languages?” - quite logical. But teachers cannot give a clear and complete answer, since there are many professions.

This is not only a translator, philologist or teacher, the list is much wider. Well, let’s focus on prestigious areas that are in demand morally and materially.


Editor is one of the most popular and highly paid professions. You can edit anything from glossy fashion magazines and electronic pages on their websites, to magazines, newspapers and books.

The main job of the editor is to revise the material for meaning, punctuation and grammatical errors before it can go to print. Considering that there are many international publications, knowledge of English, German or French will definitely come in handy.

But this work is very responsible and does not accept mistakes, since this may affect the reputation of the periodical.

Work as a lexicographer.

This work may not be as popular as editorial work, but it is no less significant. The profession of compiling dictionaries is in demand. These people determine which words can be used and which cannot, or can be used, but with caution.

This job also pays well. The work of a lexicographer is irreplaceable, painstaking and not easy, but at the same time invisible. Without these people, people would not learn to pronounce words correctly.

Literary scholars and literary critics.

Despite the fact that in the 21st century people read books less and less, printed book products are still popular. The life of these people is devoted to artistic or popular science, scientific word.

They are aware of all the new books published in the book world, including those by foreign authors. Writing a review, review, analysis or summary of a book is their job.

At the same time, literary critics are public people who move in circles of writers or at book exhibitions of the republican or international level, writing thematic articles.

Profession: tour guide.

Excellent and competent command of a foreign language makes such a person very popular in conducting excursions for foreigners. Considering that tourism in the Russian Federation is developing rapidly, the labor market will require new young personnel.

Main qualities for a guide:

  1. Communication skills.
  2. Knowledge about attractions.
  3. Speech literacy and perfect command of major languages ​​(or at least English).

Working as a diplomat.

When working as a diplomat, knowledge of foreign languages ​​is more of an additional skill than a core one. However, speaking another language provides additional opportunities.

The main quality of a diplomat is to speak beautifully and convincingly, since successful cooperation and the conclusion of profitable agreements with international companies and organizations depend on it. The fate of the entire country literally depends on it.


Translation of texts and various information is a multidisciplinary or creative work. A translator can work as a freelancer, and they pay well for this work. There are two types of translation: simultaneous and written.

This is the most stressful profession because people tend to burn out. The other side of the coin, which happens due to excess tension, is nervous breakdowns. People of this profession need nerves of steel, endurance and equanimity.

These are some areas related to knowledge of foreign languages ​​that are in demand and prestigious. And in material terms, it all depends on the person’s disruptive character, how much he can earn.

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