Pharmacy: goods for children. Pharmacy for growth: tips on “children’s” merchandising

Who would have thought that the most desirable place for the younger generation would not be a toy store, but a pharmacy. However, adults do not even interfere with changing the route, allowing themselves to be “led” in the opposite direction from the dolls and soldiers. After all, only in pharmacies you can buy high-quality, useful and tested by many authorities products for children.

Tomorrow's Buyers

Such a category of buyers as “parents” has always been and remains interesting for pharmacy organizations. And although now there are many specialized stores where you can buy children's products, as they say, “from start to finish,” young fathers and mothers still prefer pharmacies. Here, not only confidence in the quality of the products sold, but also the stereotype of a white coat comes into play - the opportunity to receive professional advice or even everyday advice. Agree, this is worth a lot. Especially if the child is the first and the new parents have not yet learned all the intricacies of caring for him. Also, do not forget that children grow up very quickly, being, in fact, buyers of “tomorrow”. Therefore, attention to them is the key to the success of the pharmacy in the future.

The Soviet-era slogan “All the best goes to children” is perfectly suited to describe the range of goods for the younger generation. At any pharmacy you will definitely find children's medications and dosages of medications, baby care items, cosmetics for the delicate skin of babies, products for expectant mothers and educational toys. The variety of products “not for everyone” is amazing, but we will focus on the most popular items.

Children's medicines. The good intentions of parents who want to quickly cure their child are very often met with harsh rebuff in the form of the famous “I don’t want, I won’t.” To facilitate the treatment process and “sweeten the bitter pill,” pharmaceutical companies, in addition to traditional tablets, began to produce liquid forms of drugs: drops, syrups, suspensions with a pleasant taste. They quickly gained popularity among both specialists and buyers who cannot stand violence and children's tears. Meanwhile, the obvious disadvantage of syrups is the high risk of allergic reactions, because Along with the drug, the little patient receives a whole set of additional ingredients, incl. flavorings. Pharmacists should pay attention to this when recommending this or that remedy for a child. For babies in their first year of life, rectal suppositories are ideal, and for older babies, including teenagers, medicines with a twist, such as vitamins in the form of bears, bunnies, cars, etc., chewing lozenges or colored dragees. For older kids great value have not only taste qualities, but also appearance means of treatment.

Baby food. Formulas for artificial feeding and baby food are very helpful for modern parents. It is not without reason that the number of names of such products in the assortment of a large pharmacy is in the dozens. Not all of them can be bought in a regular supermarket; some types are prescribed according to indications. Of particular note are food formulas adapted for children suffering from certain diseases, such as lactase deficiency or intolerance to cow's milk proteins. It is customary to arrange “food products” for the little ones either by manufacturer or by age of use. At the same time, it is advisable to inform buyers about the composition, contraindications, and allergenicity of this product group.

Toys. Formally, toys do not belong to the class of medical or preventive products, but selling them in pharmacies is not prohibited if everything is available necessary permissions. Expanding the range to include children's toys is beneficial from a financial point of view and, importantly, has a positive effect on the image of the pharmacy. It is very convenient when, in addition to medications, parents can buy a nice gift for a sick baby, thereby speeding up his recovery. Pharmacies take the issue of toy safety very seriously. All of them must be made from environmentally friendly materials, certified, tested for strength and approved for use from birth. Visitors with small children should be offered rattles, teething rings, silicone bathing toys, construction toys that develop motor skills, and musical sets that can be attached to a newborn’s crib.

"Adult rules" in the children's department

In the children's department of a pharmacy, just like in any other, there are merchandising laws that must be applied correctly. Products that are attractive to young visitors are usually located at eye level and at arm's length. The display itself should be placed in close proximity to those places where queues accumulate, so that the kids can take their mind off the wait and not tug on mom and dad’s sleeve. In addition, using the space near the cash registers increases the likelihood of impulse purchases. But here it is necessary to show delicacy, otherwise the children's department will turn into a nightmare for the parent's wallet. Therefore, make sure that inexpensive toys or souvenirs are within the reach of children, and that higher-priced products are visible only to adults. Overly aggressive merchandising aimed at younger generations is receiving harsh criticism from consumers.

It is important to choose the right location for the children's assortment. It should not “come into contact” with patient care products and contraception, causing a feeling of disharmony in visitors. As a rule, products for babies are grouped together with products for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Moreover, the latter can be given less advantageous positions; they will be found in any case or they will turn to the Pharmacist for advice.

It is better to allocate priority places in the children's department for hygiene products, medicines and vitamin preparations, i.e. products corresponding to the profile of the pharmacy. Related categories - educational games, toys, food, drinks will complement the display and create a single composition. It is advisable to regularly update thematic displays in the children's area, linking the change of display to the period of vacations and holidays. Meanwhile, some storefronts may have permanent decoration. Products on them can be combined under the names: “Children’s collection”, “Gift for a newborn”, “My first toy”, “For expectant mothers”, etc.

Requirements for proper organization The children's zone is not limited to just colorful decor; the information component plays a great role. But how to convey serious information to young visitors? Of course, in a playful way, with the help of “comics” - the adventures of a fairy-tale character. A funny character, invented by pharmacy employees, will eliminate children's fears associated with taking medications, and will introduce tomorrow's buyers to the secrets of hygiene and a healthy lifestyle.

Play for big: pharmacies for kids

“Pharmacy for children. Adults are allowed to enter,” - this sign can be found on the doors of a pharmacy specializing in children's assortment. This phenomenon is not new; some institutions of this kind have existed for more than 10 years. Naturally, the circle of their clients is narrowing, but the possibilities are almost unlimited. Where else can you display 20 types of diapers and a “sea” of baby food, arrange an exhibition of drawings and offer customers some interesting fun in the play corner?

As a rule, children's pharmacies are located in close proximity to the consumer: on the territory of hospitals, clinics, maternity hospitals, dairy kitchens or toy stores. The secret of their success lies in a large selection of products that can satisfy any customer needs.

Pharmacies for children have experienced employees, sometimes even a pediatrician on staff. This is explained not only by high responsibility, but also by the peculiarities of interaction with visitors. After all, difficult clients come here - young mothers, inexperienced fathers with lists of necessary things, pregnant women. Therefore, first-principals must know the assortment well, give competent recommendations and be able to smooth out emerging conflicts, because often expectant mothers and nervous parents do not have a gentle disposition.

In regular pharmacies, it is not yet common to have rest areas where children can play under the supervision of adults while their mothers shop. But specialized pharmacy establishments are designed in such a way that it is comfortable for both parents and young customers to be there. Bright colors and toys are used in the interior, and “dry” pools, inflatable trampolines and height meters are often installed in the play area so that the child can check whether he has grown since his last visit to his favorite pharmacy.

Lydia Preobrazhenskaya

Federal state budget educational
institution higher education
"Kazan State Medical University"
Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Medical and Pharmaceutical College

Topic: Analysis of the range of children's products in the pharmacy. Assortment indicators.

Specialty: 330201 Pharmacy

Kazan 2017

1.1 Classification of children's products 8
2.1. Material and research methods 19
2.2. Assortment indicators 20
2.3. Analysis of the range of children's products in the State Unitary Enterprise "Tattehmedfarm" Pharmacy No. 16 22
Appendix 1. (Questionnaire)

The birth of a child is one of the most beautiful and happy days in the life of parents, who are entrusted with enormous responsibility for a little person who needs constant care and attention from adults. Every parent dreams of raising a beautiful, healthy and happy person Therefore, from the very first days after birth, they create all the comfortable conditions in which the child will grow strong and healthy. As is known, the key to healthy growth and development of a newborn is considered proper care and good nutrition, on which future health depends.
IN recent years Children's products occupy an increasing place in the assortment of pharmacies. Available to customers large assortment baby care products – for feeding and changing, hygiene procedures, ensuring comfortable sleep, as well as a wide variety of food for children. One of the most common places to purchase baby food is pharmacies, which is primarily due to high level the trust they inspire among customers.
Relevance. The relevance of the topic is that the current economic situation in Russia has led to changes in the activities of enterprises; citizens of all segments of the population use various goods for children, because many of these goods are a necessity for the development and upbringing of children, which has led to an increase in the range children's goods.
Today in the world there are several dozen companies that produce feeding products, care and hygiene items, and children's cosmetics. In Russian pharmacies you can purchase products from the companies Avent (England), Canpol (Poland), Johnson&Johnson (USA), Bubchen (Germany), Mustela (France), Nuby (USA), Hipp (Austria), Nutricia (Netherlands), Nestle (Switzerland) ), Humana (Germany).
When producing products for newborns, companies use environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic materials and use their own patented developments. Today, pharmacy chains offer, in addition to food, other related products for children - from pacifiers to toys. This point must be taken into account when forming an assortment and attracting customers to the pharmacy.
Target. The purpose of the study is to analyze the range and quality of children's products.
Research objectives:
1. analyze the factors influencing the consumer’s choice of children’s products;
2. research the product and pricing policy of children's goods;
3. analyze the range of children's products in the pharmacies under study;
4. consider the factors that shape the quality of children's products.

As a rule, the pharmacy offers only the most necessary products from the children's assortment. When forming an assortment of children's products in a pharmacy, it is important to take into account the competitive situation not only from neighboring pharmacies, but also from non-pharmacy trade. After all, as survey data show, the main places for purchasing children's goods are large supermarkets and specialized children's stores. However, more and more parents are coming to the pharmacy for these products. There are several reasons for this:
1. confidence in the quality of the product purchased at the pharmacy;
2. when hypoallergenic and special products with a therapeutic effect are required;
3. parents trust the authority of the pharmacist’s white coat almost as much as they trust the pediatrician;
4. the possibility of detailed consultation with the chief executive and consultant of the manufacturing company....

Currently, there is an increase in population due to the birth rate, and this leads to an increase in children's products. Every parent strives to give the best to their child. And when buying children's goods, he has his own preferences and desires. A creative approach, returning to one’s own pleasant childhood memories, expectations and experiences, a complex perception of the surrounding world and the competitive environment will help pharmaceutical workers competently manage the product category of children’s products and meet consumers’ expectations regarding the properties and quality of the corresponding assortment.
According to the study, we can conclude that the range of children's products in pharmacy No. 16 is of high quantity and quality.

1. Medical and pharmaceutical merchandising (workshop) - edited by prof. O.A. Vasnetsova // Moscow, Geotar Media Publishing Group, 2006
2. N.B. Dremov "Medical and pharmaceutical merchandising". Tutorial// Kursk: KSMU, 2005
3. Prokopenko I. P., Olifer L. D. Analysis of factors influencing pharmacy assortment milk formulas for children up to one year old // University science: a look into the future: scientific materials. conf. (Kursk; February 7, 2013). – Kursk: GBOU VPO KSMU, 2013. – P.116-118.
4. Prokopenko I. P., Olifer L. D. Research of the range of baby food of pharmaceutical organizations // Development, research and marketing of new pharmaceutical products: collection. scientific tr. – Pyatigorsk: Pyatigorsk State FA, 2012. – Issue 67. – P.504-505.
5. Tributskaya E. V. We need different things: diapers, diapers, baby cosmetics // Pharmacy business. – 2008. – No. 10. – P. 44-48.
6. Shirokova I. N. Children’s assortment is a specialization of pharmaceutical business // Russian pharmacies. – 2005. – No. 5. – P. 32-35.
Electronic resources:
7. zdorove/detskie-smesi-dlya-novorozhdennyh/
8. preview/2066664/
9. detskie-veshhi/chto-kupit-k-rozhdeniyu-rebenka

Ekaterina Filippova about competent layout pediatric parapharmaceuticals

Children's products are a category for which young parents do not spare money, even during a crisis. The phrase “all the best for children” is rooted in the minds of citizens - they would prefer to save on themselves, but not on the child. And although today many parapharmaceuticals for babies can be found in supermarkets and specialized children's stores, mothers and fathers often prefer pharmacies. Here they hope to receive a quality product and, if necessary, detailed advice from a pharmacist.

Our experts

Alena Novikova

Deputy Head of Pharmacy, Pharmbucks LLC (Ekaterinburg)

Daria Averyanova

Pharmacist, Sakura-Pharmacia LLC (Kazan)

Non-children's profit

According to experts, the children's assortment is the case when quality, and not price, always comes first for buyers. This product is in demand and consistently provides profits. Of course, a lot depends on how much space in your pharmacy is allocated to the assortment “for growth” and what is the location of the pharmacy itself (is there a kindergarten, maternity hospital, or children’s clinic nearby). In Daria Averyanova’s pharmacy, where there is no “skew” towards children’s positions, their contribution to the “piggy bank” of monthly profit is about 5 %. “The contingent that lives near the pharmacy is very important,” says Daria. - We have an area where there are not very many young parents. I have no doubt that in pharmacies near which there is a maternity hospital or children’s clinic, the situation is fundamentally different.” However, according to Daria, no matter how “unchildish” the area may be, in summer time Sales of goods for babies are still increasing slightly, probably because during the hot season, mothers and children go out more often.

Not all children's products can be sold in a pharmacy, for example, children's household chemicals was left to the shops. In Article 55 (Part 7) Federal Law RF dated April 12, 2010 No. 61‑FZ “On appeal medicines“(as amended on July 27, 2010) it is said that pharmacy organizations have the right to sell items and products intended for the care of newborns and children under three years of age, and baby food. However, a clear description of “care” products is not provided. Whether this concept includes all sorts of undershirts, rubber duckies, etc. - each pharmacy decides individually. That is why pharmacies have such a different range of children's products.

At Alena Novikova’s pharmacy, children’s products provide about 20% of the total profit. “However, I want to emphasize that our pharmacy has a 2-story structure, and the 2nd tier is completely devoted to parapharmaceutical assortment, half of which is addressed to children and young mothers,” says Alena. Despite this different conditions, our experts agree that in the case of children's products, “smart” merchandising is one of the key factors influencing sales levels. The display should simultaneously demonstrate the variety of assortment and attract purely visually.

The younger generation are also clients of pharmacies who have the right to vote, at least if we are talking not about infants, but about already “mature comrades” of 2–3 years. That is why the brightest children's goods It is advisable to place it at the child’s eye level. Thanks to this trick, the inviting exclamation “Mom, buy it!” sounds much more often.

Complete set

Children's products can be divided into several main groups, each of which should ideally be listed on the pharmacy display.

Firstly, this “gadgets” that will be needed immediately after the birth of a new person: nipples, bottles, sippy cups, bibs, and there is also an assortment for mothers (breast pumps, cream for cracked nipples, breast pads).

Stand alone diapers, next to which it is advisable to place napkins, powders and diapers - as related products that the parent can forget about without an additional reminder.

Another income category - children's cosmetics: shampoos, bathing foam, massage oils, sunscreens for children, etc. Among the range of care products, products for children with dermatological problems should be especially highlighted. Next to skin cosmetics there are products for the oral cavity (toothbrushes, toothpastes, teethers).

In addition, it is advisable to devote part of the pharmacy space baby food(mixtures, purees, juices, etc.), including for children with intolerance to cow's milk proteins and lactase deficiency.

You can revive the interior of a pharmacy and guarantee an increase in sales. toys. Moreover, by purchasing such a product, parents will be able to cheer up their sick child when they come with him for cough syrup and other drugs.

According to Daria Averyanova, even if your pharmacy does not focus on children, diapers, skincare cosmetics, bottles and pacifiers should still be there: “These are “iron” sales, unlike all kinds of accessories, such as suction plates, warmers for mixtures and sterilizers."

Childhood in pieces

Hot-selling products (such as diapers) can be placed on the left and right sides of the hall, but products that need presentation are better placed in the center - this will increase the chances that the visitor will notice it and show interest.

If the pharmacy area is small, only one display case can be allocated for children’s assortment. In any case, there should be some kind of marking of the “baby zone”, and it is important to exclude its proximity to explicitly adult products (for example, contraception).

“The display case should be divided into age groups by racks from top to bottom: newborns, critters and walkers,” comments Alena Novikova. - Moreover, goods for “walking people” should be at the bottom of the display case. Sometimes a bright picture on the packaging does its job: a child, walking around the hall waiting for mom or dad to pay for purchases, wants exactly this beautiful box of soap or something else. The parent will not be able to refuse, and the pharmacist will have an additional sale.”

Diapers are a product that is always required; there is no need to dedicate the most visible areas of the pharmacy to them. “In our pharmacy, diapers are located on shelves along the wall according to age categories, so that the parent can easily navigate the choice,” notes Alena. It is better to place large packs on the lower shelves, and smaller ones on the upper shelves.

« Small items(pacifiers, pacifiers, various dishes) place them in such a way that the buyer can see them, advises Alena. - In many pharmacies, these goods are in baskets, piled on top of each other, and this, in my opinion, is a losing move. In our pharmacy, we set aside an entire wall for this kind of little things and hung them on hooks by age. This is psychologically convenient for the client: he does not need to look for where the small nipple is and where the big one is, the product has already been “classified” for him. Visitors are grateful for the time saved and are always happy to return to the pharmacy where they feel comfortable.”

Children's cosmetics must be presented in different price segments. There must certainly be “hits” on your shelves - products that the consumer knows well from advertising. Moreover, the markup on such well-known items should not be high: for visitors the cost popular product is a kind of marker, based on which he draws a conclusion about your pricing policy and gives a general impression of the pharmacy.

Kids' area

Although products for the younger generation are colorful in themselves, some design of children's displays is still required. Images of cartoon characters, children's drawings, applications of flowers and leaves - all this can be used for decoration. “Supply” the goods with bright price tags, as well as detailed annotations, because young parents are very demanding visitors: they want to thoroughly understand what they are buying for their precious child.

Experts believe that a game table with a couple of coloring books and markers in a pharmacy is quite acceptable - this will allow parents to make purchases in a more relaxed environment. Full-fledged play areas are justified only in specialized children's pharmacies and large pharmaceutical markets with several halls: here you can see a corner with toys, a stadiometer, and even a small trampoline for kids. If the pharmacy's space is modest, you should not overuse children's attributes - firstly, so as not to waste space on them, which is already in short supply, and secondly, so as not to irritate adult visitors, who are often not tolerant of enthusiastic children's behavior.

According to experts, the main mistakes in displaying a children's assortment are either an excessively meager display of it, or, on the contrary, a chaotic accumulation of goods, which even an experienced parent will not immediately understand. Imagine that an inexperienced father comes to you with a list compiled by his wife - if the products are placed haphazardly in the pharmacy, he will inevitably become confused.

Young parents are difficult buyers; they wait for comments from the pharmacist, are interested in new products, and strive to understand the differences between products. But if you showed professionalism and patience during the consultation, and your pharmacy was able to provide moms and dads with a “gentleman’s kit” for child care, first-time parents are highly likely to become your regular customers.

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The assortment of a modern pharmacy is extremely diverse. Long gone are the days when it consisted only of medicines and a small amount of medical supplies. Nowadays, every pharmacy is concerned about expanding its assortment with cosmetics, hygiene products, and related products. However, there is a group of goods that have always had a special place. We are talking about products for children

In the old days, mother and child pharmacies functioned in every city, which, in addition to medicines, also offered goods for children. Nowadays hygiene and cosmetic products, baby food, accessories for newborns and other items can be bought in almost every store, including pharmacies. But is it profitable to sell children's products in pharmacies, what attracts this segment and are there prospects for its development - these and other questions are answered by Noyabrina Sleta, head of the pharmacy of Farmavit LLC (Kyiv) and Tatyana Mormul, head of the marketing department of the Med pharmacy chain -Service" (Dnepropetrovsk)

The Med-Service pharmacy chain grew out of a mother and child pharmacy. You probably have a special attitude towards products for children...
- Certainly. They are required to be presented in every pharmacy in our network. Today the range of these products on the market is very wide. Our pharmacies alone sell about a thousand items. Among them are children's cosmetics and nutrition, accessories for newborns and older children. The range of children's products, as a rule, always goes hand in hand with products for pregnant and lactating women.
- Is it profitable to sell these products in a pharmacy, since many stores and boutiques sell similar products?
- Currently, income from the sale of goods in this group is quite high and, moreover, it continues to grow. The share of children's products in the Med-Service network accounts for 7–8% of the total turnover. The increase in demand is due, in our opinion, to the fact that most young families prefer to buy products for children at the pharmacy, as this is a guarantee of product quality. But most importantly competitive advantage Pharmacy is still an opportunity to obtain professional advice. When choosing a medicine or any other product for a child, parents always have the opportunity to consult a specialist. And, in my opinion, this is done even by those who, when buying a product for themselves, are mainly guided by advertising or use the advice of friends. Trust in pharmacists in these matters is very high! Sometimes visitors come to the pharmacy simply for advice. For example, whether you should give your child medicine for minor cold symptoms or whether there are more modern medications for a particular disease.
- How do you create an assortment of products for children?
- First of all, we choose the products that are used constant demand. In addition to medicines and vitamins, these include medicinal cosmetics, accessories, and baby food. We pay special attention to products designed to prevent diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle among children and their parents. In addition, we monitor new products that may be of interest to our customers. Of course, the decision to include a new product in the range depends not only on our desires, but also on the support of the manufacturer or wholesaler. After all, a new unknown product needs “promotion”. In any case, be it new product or widely known, all of them included in the assortment of the Med-Service pharmacy chain have quality certificates and other necessary documentation. The implementation of baby food requires a particularly strict approach. After all, each of our pharmacies has juices in their assortment, mineral waters, chewing gum and lollipops, children's and therapeutic nutrition, nutrition for pregnant women.
- Are there any special features in the arrangement of goods for children on the shelves?
- Undoubtedly. Firstly, products for children of the first year of life, pregnant and lactating women are laid out nearby in our pharmacies. These are special demand products. And if the assortment and price are acceptable for the buyer, then they will always be found in any part of the hall. Therefore, we place this group of products quite far from the entrance. Very often, adults come to the pharmacy to do their shopping with their children. And children are the most demanding clients. The peculiarity of the children's psyche is that they make a choice spontaneously. Our task is to provide for the wishes of the little visitor as much as possible. Showcases with parapharmaceutical products and accessories are decorated brightly to attract the child’s attention. The display of such goods on the shelves is done at the level of the child’s eyes and outstretched arm, taking into account the angle of view.
Kyiv pharmacy "Farmavit" is located in the business center of the city. Accordingly, the range is aimed primarily at business people with a limited amount of time. But still, a significant part of it is products for children.
- But maybe children's products should be sold only in specialized pharmacies?
N.S.: - I believe that mother and child pharmacies are most in demand where there are children's medical institutions. The ideal place is a children's clinic. This symbiosis allows the doctor to always be aware of what medications are available, and the pharmacist to keep track of low-quality goods. Currently, specialized pharmacies do not sell only one type of product. Go to any one, and you will see that there is always a large selection of various medicines and related products. After all, profit is important for a pharmacy, and it is directly related to the assortment that is offered.
In our area there is no need for a specialized pharmacy for mothers and children, since there is no children's clinic, no dairy kitchen, or other children's institutions. But pacifiers, bottles, diapers, hygiene cosmetics, baby food are always in stock. In that part of the city where there are many offices, enterprises, organizations, a fairly large number of young parents work.
- Do the products require a children's range? special conditions storage?
- In the self-service department, the rules for storing and placing special groups of goods are always followed. It is protected from direct sunlight and equipped with hygrometers that regulate air temperature and humidity. This fully meets the requirements for storing medicinal herbs, infusions, teas, milk formulas, and medicinal cosmetics. Special requirements are presented, of course, for baby food. Monitors their compliance authorized person. Control begins with the receipt of goods - the mandatory presence of a certificate of state registration, permission from state hygienic examination, quality certificates. It should be noted that the certificate is valid only for the shelf life of the product itself. And since this period is not long, we agree with distributors on its return in case of failure to sell it within the established time.
- In your opinion, should children's products be placed in a special section?
N.S.: - It all depends on the capabilities of the pharmacy. If the pharmacy is a classic one, then their sales are carried out through the department of finished dosage forms. If there is a self-service department, as in ours, then it would be more appropriate to place parapharmacy, cosmetics, hygiene products and other goods there. In any case, it must be taken into account that the release of such goods requires more time, especially if parents come with their children. Irritation on the part of visitors for delaying the queue or on the part of the pharmacist for being “distracted” for a long time can alienate even a very loyal client.
-Do you often need to advise young parents about products for children?
N.S.: - Here you need to clearly define two issues. First, are we talking about medicines for children or cosmetic, hygiene and other products and accessories? And second, when it comes to medications, are we talking about consultation or recommendation? In my deep conviction, only a doctor should recommend a drug to the youngest. A pharmacist can and should advise on the regimen of administration, use and storage. It must be said that most parents do just that. Still, we take our health more frivolously than the health of our child. Our consultant can provide any information about products that are in the public domain. Such communication helps to establish with the visitor good contact and win a loyal customer. But in any case, our principled position is that this consultation should not turn into an imposition of goods. In our pharmacy, four consultants handle this task. These are students of the National Medical University. A.A. Bogomolets. The girls put into practice the knowledge they receive at the university and at trainings held at our pharmacy (once a month).
Our interlocutors, as you can see, not only welcome the presence of products for children in a modern pharmacy, but also foresee a significant expansion of this type of product. Buying children's products at the pharmacy is becoming the norm for our citizens. After all, a pharmacy, as a healthcare institution, pays great attention to control over the quality and safety of goods. And this is very important for the health of our little citizens.
Prepared by Natalya Bogdanova, Elena Dashkova

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