Job description of the project manager. Job Description Job Description Head of Project Implementation Department

Project Management Director "must be responsible for their actions (inaction) within the framework specified in cl. 3, 4 of this instruction of duties, rights and powers. 5.2. The "Project Management Director" bears disciplinary, material, civil, administrative and criminal liability in the manner prescribed by law Russian Federation... 6. Requirements for qualifications 6.1. Requirements for the qualification "Director of Project Management" are established based on business needs. 6.2. The qualification "Project Management Director" must meet the following requirements: 6.2.1. Education: higher professional. 6.2.2.

Job description of the director of the design organization

PRESENTED REQUIREMENTS The project director should know: 3.1. The basics labor legislation, regulatory legal materials and local regulations Companies. 3.2. Methodology and advanced domestic (primarily the experience of competing companies) and overseas experience in this area of ​​work.

Modern search methods in local network and the Internet of answers to questions, providing the most complete disclosure of the topic and accessible perception. 3.4. Norms and rules of labor protection, safety and fire protection. 4. HAS THE RIGHT The project director has the right to: 4.1. Make suggestions to improve the efficiency of your activities to CEO Companies.

Require the performers to revise documents (layouts, samples, projects, references, descriptions, etc.)

Job description of the head of the design and approval department




Job descriptions

Societies, regulations of federal, regional and local authorities state power and management, determining the priority directions of development of the economy and the relevant industry; - organizational and administrative documents and regulatory materials of other bodies concerning the activities of the Company; - XXX, specialization and peculiarities of the structure of the Company; - prospects for the technical, economic and social development of the industry and the business plan of the Company; - the procedure for drawing up and agreeing plans for the activities of the Company; - market methods business management and enterprise management; - the procedure for the conclusion and execution of business and financial contracts; - economics and organization of production, labor and management; - fundamentals of environmental legislation; - fundamentals of labor legislation; - rules and norms of labor protection.


On issues within his competence, submit proposals for improving activities and improving work methods for consideration by the management of the organization (enterprise); comments on the activities of employees; to propose options for eliminating shortcomings in the activity. 3.3. To receive information in full, necessary to solve the tasks assigned to the department. 3.4. Within the framework of their competence, to endorse documents of management activities.


Inform the immediate supervisor about all identified violations in the process of work and make proposals for their elimination. 3.6. Make proposals for the hiring, dismissal and relocation of department employees. 3.7. Require the management of the organization (enterprise) to assist in the implementation of their professional responsibilities and the exercise of rights.

3.8. For all social guarantees provided by law. 3.9.

Job description of the project team leader

Analysis of the progress of the project as a whole, of its individual tasks, identification of deviations that can negatively affect the final result, taking measures to correct the situation. 2.6. Obtaining the necessary approvals, licenses and permits, drawing up contracts with suppliers and contractors, drawing up work schedules, monitoring the timing and quality of their implementation, making adjustments if necessary. 2.7. Organization, in agreement with the management, of cooperation with official representatives of the customer and other interested companies within the limits of their direct responsibilities, conducting business negotiations. 2.8. Organization of work on the preparation of periodic reports on the stages of the implementation of the undertaking, accounting and analytical accounting, entering all the necessary information into the appropriate databases. 2.9.

Job responsibilities of the project manager

Planning and coordination of the activities of subordinates certain types processes or works, control over the quality of execution of the tasks received. 2.10. Leading the development of plans, methods of execution of work, calculations, economic and technical justifications... 2.11. Conducting briefing of employees on labor protection issues (primary, repeated, targeted and unscheduled), implementation of the planned activities, control over their compliance with the requirements of legislation and job responsibilities in this matter.

3. RIGHTS The project manager has the following rights: 3.1. To get acquainted with the draft orders and orders of the management related to his official duties, to make proposals on their content. 3.2. Make proposals to the head regarding the improvement of the organization's work, prepare drafts of relevant orders. 3.3.

Job Description for Project Management Director

Of the internal rules work schedule, safety and fire safety; · Damage or negligence in storage and use, theft of company property; · Rude, tactless attitude (behavior) when communicating with staff and subscribers-clients and visitors of the company; Safety of documentation and non-observance of the interests of the company, issuance confidential information, documentation (trade secrets) about the company and its clients to third parties; · Provision of subscribers, immediate supervisor and General Director of false or distorted reporting and other documentation (information). 8. NOTE: Regardless of the position and length of service in the company, the project director (like all employees of the company) must undergo annual retraining / advanced training in specialization in the amount of at least 40 hours.

Design Director's Job Description

Project Management Director "must fulfill the main duties stipulated by the documents governing the internal labor regulations and in force in the Company. 4. Rights and powers of the Project Management Director 4.1. To fulfill the duties assigned to him, the "Project Management Director" is vested with the following powers: 4.1.1. Make decisions within the limits of their competence. 4.1.2.

Require the management of the Company to provide organizational and technical conditions and registration of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties. 4.1.3. Submit suggestions for improving your work. 4.1.4. To act on behalf of the Society, to represent its interests in relations with other structural divisions of the Society and other organizations.

Job description of the deputy director for design

For example, managers leading undertakings in the construction, service sector, manufacturing, work with personnel, IT-sphere, have common positions only in part general organization work. Example of job description Consider a version of the job description that is suitable for a manager of any endeavor. HR service organizations or enterprises can take it as a basis and supplement with the necessary positions, depending on the specifics of their activities.

APPROVED (name of enterprise, organization) (name of department) (position) (signature) OFFICIAL INSTRUCTIONS of the project manager 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. The leader (manager) of the project is among the leaders, is appointed and dismissed from it on the basis of the order of the head of the organization. 1.2.

Job description deputy director for design

Visa and sign documents within their competence. 3.4. Send requests for the necessary information and receive it in the manner prescribed internal orders... 3.5. Interact with the heads of other departments of the organization to resolve issues related to the implementation of the project.

Come out with proposals to the directorate on the appointment, dismissal, relocation of subordinate employees, the imposition of penalties and incentives. 3.7. Require the management of the company to assist in their work. 3.8. Take part in general meetings the labor collective concerning the issues of the organization's activities.

4. OFFICIAL RELATIONSHIP (RELATIONSHIP) 4.1. The project manager, in the performance of his duties, reports to (for example, the director, the deputy director for the relevant area of ​​work, the head of the department project activities). 4.2.

A project is inherently a kind of action that has a beginning and an end, that is, it is aimed at achieving a specific goal, as opposed to the usual production activities... An investment undertaking can be successful or fail, and here the role of the project manager is very important, who must assemble a team and organize its work at a high level.

Specifics of defining tasks and powers of a project manager

Different companies or organizations are implementing initiatives with different goals. Some are trying to improve profitability, others are trying to optimize operations to reduce costs, and still others are trying to implement new technologies. Such initiatives can be one-off, but there are firms that specialize in the development of projects and their practical implementation.

Thus, the employer can hire an employee on a permanent basis, his position is called a project manager, and he leads initiatives in different directions, attracting professionals of the right direction and qualifications to the team.

At the same time, the functions of such a manager are often reduced to the general management of the team and the organization of its coordinated work.

However, much more often a professional manager is involved to manage a single project, therefore, in order to properly build a system of relationships in a team and the ability to monitor its work, it is important to correctly and clearly spell out the job descriptions of the project manager.

There is a general form of the head's job description, which is specified depending on the area in which the project is being implemented. The role of a project manager in a specific, highly specialized unit can vary greatly. For example, managers, leading undertakings in the construction, service sector, manufacturing, work with personnel, IT-sphere, have common positions only in terms of the general organization of work.

Example of job description

Consider a version of the instruction that is suitable for a manager of any undertaking. The personnel department of an organization or enterprise can take it as a basis and supplement it with the necessary positions, depending on the specifics of its activities.

OFFICIAL INSTRUCTIONS for the project manager


1.1. The leader (manager) of the project _____________ is one of the leaders, is appointed and dismissed from it on the basis of the order of the head of the organization.

1.2. A person who has higher education in the field of ____________ and experience in the profile of ____ years, including in managerial positions ___ years.

1.3. In his work, a manager should be guided by:

  • legislative and regulatory documents of the Russian Federation regarding personnel management;
  • the charter (statute) of the organization;
  • orders and instructions of the higher management;
  • the rules of the approved labor schedule;
  • requirements specified in this manual.

1.4. The project manager must know:

  • laws of the Russian Federation, other regulations regulating work in the relevant industry (field of activity);
  • methodological, organizational and other materials necessary for the performance of their direct duties;
  • approved rules, standards and norms, forms of required documents;
  • training methods economic feasibility studies project;
  • fundamentals of finance, economics, labor legislation;
  • principles rational organization labor of subordinates;
  • fundamentals of document management (traditional and electronic) and standardization;
  • fire safety rules, industrial sanitation, environmental protection;
  • special computer programs required to work in a specific direction.

1.5. In case of temporary absence, the responsibility for the results of the work is assigned to the deputy, appointed in accordance with the established procedure.


Job responsibilities project managers include:

2.1. Determination of goals and current tasks for the approved area of ​​activity and organization of work to achieve them, forecasting results.

2.2. Determination of the list of works that are necessary for the implementation of the proposed initiative, as well as the number, name and cost of the required resources.

2.3. Participation in the preparation of a business plan, budget, project execution plan and other documents required for project implementation.

2.4. Work with information related to the implementation of an undertaking (collection, processing, storage, use, timely transfer to other participants).

2.5. Analysis of the progress of the project as a whole, of its individual tasks, identification of deviations that can negatively affect the final result, taking measures to correct the situation.

2.6. Obtaining the necessary approvals, licenses and permits, drawing up contracts with suppliers and contractors, drawing up work schedules, monitoring the timing and quality of their implementation, making adjustments if necessary.

2.7. Organization, in agreement with the management, of cooperation with official representatives of the customer and other interested companies within the limits of their direct responsibilities, conducting business negotiations.

2.8. Organization of work on the preparation of periodic reports on the stages of the implementation of the undertaking, accounting and analytical accounting, entering all the necessary information into the appropriate databases.

2.9. Planning and coordination of the activities of subordinates for certain types of processes or work, control over the quality of the execution of tasks received by them.

2.10. Management of the development of plans, methods of work execution, calculations, economic and technical justifications.

2.11. Conducting briefing of employees on labor protection issues (primary, repeated, targeted and unscheduled), implementation of the planned activities, control over their compliance with the requirements of legislation and job responsibilities in this matter.


The project manager has the following rights:

3.1. To get acquainted with the draft orders and orders of the management related to his official duties, to make proposals on their content.

3.2. Make proposals to the head regarding the improvement of the organization's work, prepare drafts of relevant orders.

3.3. Visa and sign documents within their competence.

3.4. Send requests for the necessary information and receive it in the manner prescribed by internal orders.

3.5. Interact with the heads of other departments of the organization to resolve issues related to the implementation of the project.

3.6. Come out with proposals to the directorate on the appointment, dismissal, relocation of subordinate employees, the imposition of penalties and incentives.

3.7. Require the management of the company to assist in their work.

3.8. Take part in general meetings of the labor collective concerning the issues of the organization's activities.


4.1. The project manager, in the performance of his duties, reports to ____________ (for example, the director, the deputy director for the relevant area of ​​work, the head of the project activities department).

4.2. On issues related to his direct responsibilities, interacts with __________ (employees of the production, legal, personnel, estimate department, etc.).

4.3. In the process of work, it transmits the necessary information ___________ (which, to whom, frequency) and receives information ____________ (which, from whom, frequency).


The current work has the right to be assessed by his immediate supervisor, the final result is also the management of the organization.

The project manager is responsible for:

  • improper fulfillment or non-fulfillment of their obligations under this instruction - in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • violation of the rules of labor protection, industrial sanitation, fire safety - in accordance with the norms approved by the relevant regulations and internal orders;
  • committing crimes or offenses, including causing material damage to the company - in accordance with civil, criminal or administrative law.

Department head ___________ (signature) _______________ (full name)

I have read the instructions ____________ (signature) ____________ (full name)

______________ (date of signing)

determines the order of work of this employee. What nuances need to be taken into account when compiling itjob description, what he does and what is the scope of his job responsibilities, we will describe in the article below.

Who is a project manager?

A project is a work assignment that implies the achievement of specific goals and has clearly defined start and end points; the project manager is the person who is responsible for its implementation. As it is clear from the title of the position, the project manager does not work alone and has a subordinate team, which he organizes and leads to a result.

At the same time, the position of a project manager can be involved in various areas of business. The most popular ones are:

  • IT technologies;
  • building;
  • financial direction;
  • insurance;
  • pharmaceutical activity;
  • organization of sports and other events.

Due to such a variety, the content of the job description of the project manager, which each organization develops independently, is determined by the field of activity of the specified specialist and may provide for different requirements presented to the candidate for the position, circle job responsibilities employee, his rights and measures of responsibility. However, even with this, there is standard set sections included in the document in any case.

Typical sections of the job description for a project manager

Job description for a project manager, as well as for a specialist in any other profession, must meet the requirements for any other documents of this kind. Since the job description is an internal document of the organization, it is approved by the head of the company. A note about this with an indication of the date of approval and the signature of the responsible official with a decryption is affixed in the upper right corner title page instructions. Here, at the top or at the end of the document, there is a place for signatures of employees with whom the document was agreed at the stage of development and approval.

Don't know your rights?

The main part of the job description is presented in 3 sections.

  1. General Provisions
    The section includes all the information that relates to the selection of a specialist for the position of a project manager and determining the place of this staff unit in the general structure of the enterprise. Here, in addition to the requirements for education, age, work experience, each organization can add its own requests to the applicant for the position. These can be certain personal qualities, professional skills, place of residence, etc. In the same section, as a rule, a list of regulatory documents with which an applicant for a position should be familiar is provided, the procedure for hiring and dismissing an employee, replacing an employee during absence, and his immediate superior is also indicated.
  2. Job responsibilities and rights
    The most important part of the job description, which determines all further labor activity an employee in a position held in a particular organization. Responsibilities should be defined as detailed and clearly as possible. Wherein official rights and responsibilities are not limited to the professional direction of the employee's activity and can (and should!) include general points concerning labor discipline, working hours, guarantees provided by labor legislation.
  3. Employee responsibility
    This section of the job description of the project manager specifies the responsibilities established by labor law. However, it is important to remember that the internal documents of an enterprise cannot establish an employee's liability stricter than that established by law.

Standard Requirements for a Project Manager Candidate

The requirements for applicants for the position of project manager can be divided into several groups, which relate to:

  • education;
  • work experience;
  • professional skills;
  • personal qualities.

The education required to work as a project manager directly depends on the direction in which the organization works, therefore, it is impossible to single out any one general specialty in this case. We can only say that it should be a higher education, preferably according to the profile of the enterprise or the direction in which the work is to be done.

The work experience required from a potential project manager generally depends on the complexity and severity of the assignment. Usually it takes 1 to 3 years of work as a project manager or in a required specialty.

The list of professional skills that a project manager should possess is related to the specialty and education of the employee, although it may include general skills, for example:

  • the ability to draw up and execute the necessary documentation;
  • knowledge of foreign language;
  • the presence of car rights;
  • understanding of the principles of project management;
  • the ability to work with computer and office equipment.

Personal qualities are not always listed among the requirements for a candidate for a position, but for the position of a project manager this is an important criterion for selecting candidates. Among the personal qualities required by a project manager, the following stand out:

  • the ability to organize a team and lead a group of people;
  • sociability;
  • willingness to travel.

General job responsibilities of the project manager

Most of the job responsibilities of this employee are related to the field of activity in which he works. Among the general job responsibilities that can be assigned in most cases to the project manager, the most relevant are:

  1. Control over the implementation of the project (compliance with quality, deadlines, budget, etc.).
  2. Communication with the customer (agreeing on terms, plans, key requirements for the project).
  3. Organization and management of the project team.
  4. Maintenance of working documentation ( calendar plans, terms of reference, road maps, financial reports, etc.).
  5. Participation in tenders and negotiations.
  6. Project warranty service.

The main thing when working on a job description for a project manager is to pay significant attention to the field of activity in which the employee will work. The specialization or direction of the project will largely depend on both the requirements for the candidate for the position and the scope of his job responsibilities. The successful fulfillment of the assigned tasks largely depends on their clear definition.

The job description of a technical director is created to regulate labor relations. Document describes qualification requirements, the necessary knowledge and skills, the procedure for the appointment and dismissal from office, the subordination of the employee, his functional responsibilities, rights, responsibility.

Sample Typical CTO Job Description

І. General Provisions

1. The CTO belongs to the “executives” category.

2. The basis for appointment to the position of technical director or dismissal from it is the order of the general director.

3. The technical director reports directly to the general director.

4. During the absence of the technical director, his functional duties, rights, responsibility are transferred to another official, as reported in the order for the enterprise.

5. A person with higher education and work experience in managerial positions in the relevant field for at least three years shall be appointed to the position of technical director.

6. The technical director must know:

  • normative legal acts regulating the activities of the enterprise;
  • the structure of the company, its profile and specialization;
  • prospects for the development of the enterprise and the industry as a whole;
  • the procedure for the development and implementation of the company's technical development strategy;
  • methods and principles of enterprise management in market conditions;
  • the procedure for signing and executing business and financial contracts;
  • norms and rules of labor protection.

7. The technical director is guided in his activities:

  • the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • The charter of the company;
  • Internal labor regulations, other regulations of the enterprise;
  • orders and orders of the management;
  • this job description.

II. Job responsibilities of the technical director

The technical director performs the following functional duties:

1. Promotes the creation required level technical training production, its growth, increasing the efficiency of production, labor, reducing costs.

2. Ensures the careful use of resources.

3. Controls the quality and competitiveness of products, works or services, their reliability, compliance with applicable standards.

4. Leads the development of measures to modernize the enterprise.

5. Implements the introduction of new technologies, organizational, technical measures, research and development studies.

6. Carries out activities to improve the quality of manufactured products, to design and implement automation tools, to develop standards for the labor intensity of operations, rates of material consumption for their manufacture.

7. Introduces measures to prevent and reduce the harmful effects of production on the environmental situation, the careful use of resources, the creation safe environment labor.

8. Provides high-quality preparation of production on time, operation, repair and modernization of equipment.

9. Controls compliance with the design, technological, design discipline, labor protection standards, safety, industrial sanitation and fire safety, requirements of supervisory authorities.

10. Concludes contracts for the development new technology production, projects of reconstruction, renovation and modernization of equipment, mechanization and automation of production, controls their development, considers and implements projects of technical renovation, draws up applications for the purchase of equipment.

11. Provides training for appropriate technical documentation(drawings, specifications, technical conditions, technological maps) within the specified time.

12. Coordinates work on patent and inventive activity, standardization and certification of products, certification and rationalization of workplaces, provision of control and measuring instruments.

13. Promotes the protection of the priority of the implemented scientific and technical solutions, the preparation of information for patents, the acquisition of intellectual property rights.

14. Carries out activities to improve approaches to the organization of production, labor and management through the introduction of new technical means.

15. Organizes scientific research, technology testing, work in the field of scientific and technical information, rationalization and invention.

16. Organizes measures to improve the qualifications of workers and engineering and technical staff. Contributes to the continuous improvement of personnel training.

17. Supervises the technical services of the enterprise, controls the results of their activities, the state of labor discipline in subordinate structures.

ІІІ. Rights

The technical director has the right to:

1. Give orders to employees of the enterprise, instructions on issues that are within the scope of his functional duties.

  • application disciplinary action in relation to employees of the company who have committed violations of safety regulations, other standards;
  • improving their work and the enterprise as a whole.

3. Receive information about projects of decisions of the company's management related to its activities.

4. To inform the management of the enterprise about all the deficiencies identified in the course of their activities, and to develop proposals for their elimination.

5. Require the management of the company to provide the organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of their duties.

6. Require the subdivisions of the enterprise to provide materials necessary for the performance of its duties.

IV. A responsibility

The technical director is responsible for:

2. Infliction of material damage, losses to the enterprise, its counterparties, employees, the state.

3. Violation of the provisions of decisions, resolutions and other guidance documents companies.

4. Disclosure of confidential information, personal data, trade secrets.

5. Improper performance their job responsibilities.

6. Actions that contradict the rules and regulations of the company.

7. Offenses committed in the course of their activities.

8. Violation of safety precautions, labor discipline, fire protection, internal labor regulations.

9. Carrying out actions unauthorized by the management.

Purpose of the position: Achievement of final goals and objectives from the introduction of new projects

1. General Provisions

1.1. Name structural unit: Department of Innovation and Development

1.2. Submits (position of the head): Head of the Department of Innovation and Development

1.3. Is the head (positions of direct subordinates): No

1.4. Replaces (positions, the functions of which are performed by the employee, in their absence): No

1.5. Deputy (positions that perform the functions of an employee in his absence): No

2. Job responsibilities

2.1. Defines the charter, goals, objectives and outcome of the project.

2.2. Thinks over and draws up a plan for the preparation and implementation of a new project, defines control points.

2.2.1. Determines the scope of work required for the development and implementation of the project.

2.2.2. Defines and documents dependencies between activities.

2.2.3. Estimates the duration of the work, makes up the critical path.

2.2.4. Determines the amount of time required to complete the project.

2.3. Determines the quantity and estimates the cost of the resources required to complete the work of the project.

2.4. Estimates the cost and determines the budget for the project.

2.5. Selects the project team.

2.5.1. Defines the professional skills required by the project team members.

2.5.2. Determines the responsible Departments and responsible persons who will participate in the development and implementation of the project.

2.5.3. Prescribes a chain of relationships between project team members.

2.5.4. Thinks over the motivation system for the project team.

2.6. Organizes project team meetings.

2.7. Participates in the development of a detailed business plan.

2.8. Supervises the preparation of the necessary documentation for the implementation of a new project.

2.9. Supervises the preparation of the necessary documentation for the implementation of a new project.

2.9.1. Provides timely collection, accumulation, distribution, storage and subsequent use of project information.

2.9.2. Coordinates the provision the information you need within the specified time frame to all project participants.

2.10. Monitors and monitors development and implementation activities and, if necessary, corrects these processes.

2.10.1. Controls compliance with the terms of development and implementation processes.

2.10.2. Monitors changes to the project budget

2.10.3. Tracks deviations from the plan, makes adjustments to the plan and coordinates it with all project participants.

2.10.4. Analyzes the possible impact of deviations in the amount of work performed on the progress of the project as a whole.

3. Administrative work

3.1. Budgeting: develops and controls project budgets

3.2. Scheduling: daily, weekly, monthly

3.3. Reporting: weekly, monthly

3.4. HR work: selection of the project team, motivation of the project team, together with the Office of Personnel-Technologies.

3.5. Development of documents: Plans, reports.

3.6. Keeps up to date information, databases: no

4. Has the right to make decisions on issues

4.1. Financial: within the budget of the Office of Innovation and Development.

4.2. Selection of partners: project team, project experts

4.3. Sight of documents: no

5. Documents regulating the work

5.1. External documents: Legislation and regulations, project management standards.

5.2. Internal documents: Company Regulations, Management Regulations, Job Descriptions, Internal Labor Regulations, New Product Development Standards.

6. Criteria for assessing labor efficiency

6.1. Implementation of the weekly and monthly planning activities for which he is responsible

6.2. Implementation of the quality of the weekly and monthly planning activities for which he is responsible

6.3. Implementation of the volume of activities of weekly and monthly planning, for which is responsible

6.4 Internal Customer Satisfaction

6.5 External Customer Satisfaction

6.6. Implementation of budget plans

6.7. Achievement of set goals and objectives for projects

7. Interaction, exchange of information

Interactions and information exchange are described and governed by the New Product Development Standards.

8. Requirements for qualifications

8.1. Education: higher economic

8.2. Special training, admissions: knowledge of MS Project or MS Central

8.3. Skills: working on a PC (MS Office, Internet)

8.4. Work experience: on leadership position at least 3 years

8.5. Professional knowledge:

· Principles of information processing;

· Standards and methodologies of the project approach;

· Time management;

· Negotiation skills;

· Management.

Instruction agreed:

Head of Motivation Department ________________________________________________

Head of Department _____________________________________________________

Block Executive Director ________________________________________________

I have read the instructions:

Full name, date, signature

____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________

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