GOST 2.104 ESKD text documents. Unified system of design documentation

(approved by Order of Rostekhregulirovaniya dated June 22, 2006 N 118-ST)

Revision dated 06/22/2006 - Valid from 09/01/2006

Put into effect
By order of Rostekhregulirovaniya
dated June 22, 2006 N 118-st




Unified system for design documentation. Basic descriptions

GOST 2.104-2006


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-97 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Procedure for development, adoption, application, renewal, cancellation."

Standard information

1. Developed by the Federal State unitary enterprise All-Russian Research Institute of Standardization and Certification in Mechanical Engineering (VNIINMASH), Autonomous non-profit organization Research Center for CALS Technologies "Applied Logistics" (ANO Scientific Research Center for CALS Technologies "Applied Logistics").

2. Introduced by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.

3. Adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Protocol No. 23 of February 28, 2006).

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97 Country code according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97 Abbreviated name of the national standardization body
Azerbaijan AZ Azstandard
Armenia A.M. Ministry of Trade and Economic Development
Belarus BY State Standard of the Republic of Belarus
Kazakhstan KZ Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Kyrgyzstan KG Kyrgyzstandard
Moldova M.D. Moldova-Standard
Russian Federation RU Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology
Tajikistan T.J. Tajikstandard
Turkmenistan TM Main State Service "Turkmenstandartlary"
Uzbekistan UZ Uzstandard
Ukraine U.A. Gospotrebstandart of Ukraine

4. By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated June 22, 2006 N 118-st, the interstate standard GOST 2.104-2006 was put into effect as a national standard Russian Federation from September 1, 2006.

1. Scope of application

This standard establishes the shapes, sizes, nomenclature of details and the procedure for filling out the main inscription and additional columns to it in design documents provided for by the standards Unified system design documentation.

Based on this standard, it is allowed, if necessary, to develop standards that reflect the specifics of specifying details and attributes when preparing design documents, taking into account their specifics.

2. Normative references

GOST 2.053-2006. Unified system of design documentation. Electronic structure of the product. General provisions

It is allowed to be used for subsequent sheets of drawings and diagrams.

Form 1

Main inscription and additional columns for drawings and diagrams

Form 2

Main inscription and additional columns for text design documents (first or title page)

Form 2a

Main inscription and additional columns for drawings (diagrams) and text design documents (subsequent sheets)

Form 2b

Main inscription and additional columns for text design documents for double-sided photocopying (subsequent sheets)

5.2. The main inscription, additional columns to it and frames are made with solid main and solid thin lines according to GOST 2.303.

5.3. The main inscription is located in the lower right corner of the design documents.

in column 6 - scale (indicated in accordance with GOST 2.302 and GOST 2.109);

in column 7 - the serial number of the sheet (on documents consisting of one sheet, the column is not filled in);

in column 8 - the total number of sheets of the document (indicate only on the first sheet);

in column 9 - the name or code of the organization issuing the document (the column is not filled in if the code is contained in the document designation);

in column 10 - the nature of the work performed by the person signing the document in accordance with the forms and. The free line is filled in at the discretion of the developer, for example: “Head of department”, “Head of laboratory”, “Calculated”.

Acceptable attribute values ​​are determined by the organization;

in column 11 - the names of the persons who signed the document;

in column 12 - signatures of persons whose surnames are indicated in column 11.

Signatures of the persons who developed this document and those responsible for standard control are mandatory.

In the absence of a title page, the signature of the person who approved the document is allowed to be placed on the free field of the first or title page of the document in the manner established for title pages according to GOST 2.105;

in column 13 - the date of signing the document;

in columns 14 - 18 - information about changes, which are filled out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.503;

in column 19 - the inventory number of the original according to GOST 2.501;

in column 20 - information about the acceptance of the original by the service technical documentation(signature and date of acceptance);

in column 21 - the inventory number of the original, in replacement of which this original was issued in accordance with GOST 2.503;

in column 22 - inventory number of the duplicate according to GOST 2.502;

in column 23 - information about the acceptance of the duplicate by the technical documentation service (signature and date of acceptance);

in column 24 - designation of the document in place of or on the basis of which this document was issued;

in column 25 - the designation of the corresponding document in which this document was first recorded. Mandatory details for all documents borrowed from the documentation of other products;

in column 26 - document designation, rotated by 180° for A4 format and for formats larger than A4 when the main inscription is located along the long side of the sheet and by 90° for formats larger than A4 when the main inscription is located along the short side of the sheet;

in column 27 - a sign installed by the customer in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documentation and affixed by the customer or the customer’s representative office;

in column 28 - the number of the decision and the year of approval of the documentation of the corresponding letter. The year of approval is indicated in four digits;

in column 29 - the decision number and the year of approval of the documentation. The year of approval is indicated in four digits;

in column 31 - the signature of the person who copied the document. When copying an electronic document, required details;

in column 32 - designation of the sheet format according to GOST 2.301. For an electronic document, indicate the sheet format on which the scale indicated in column 6 will correspond;

in column 33 - designation of the zone in which the variable part of the product is located;

in column 35 - document version number in electronic form, from which the document was received on computer output devices in paper form. The column is filled out only for documents produced using a computer;

in column 36 - unit of measurement (metric or inch);

in column 37 - projection method. The method of arranging projections of a part in a drawing. Mandatory if the projection does not comply with GOST 2.305;

in column 38 - the name of the file containing the document in electronic form. The column is filled out only for documents produced using a computer;

in column 39 - a sign of an authentic document (mandatory for authentic documents);

in column 40 - document code depending on the nature of use.

For electronic documents in accordance with GOST 2.102 (Table 2), the following codes are used:

1 - original,

2 - original,

3 - duplicate,

in column 41 - designation of a document of a similar product for which the technological equipment necessary for of this product. For documents executed only on paper, it is allowed to use column 24.


1. In columns 13, 18, 20, 23, when indicating the calendar date on paper, the year is indicated in the last two digits.

2. Column 26 is mandatory only for drawings and diagrams.

3. Graphs made with dashed lines are entered if necessary. Columns 27 - 30 are required for documents approved by the customer.

4. When using drawings and diagrams for subsequent sheets, columns 1, 3 - 6, 9 are not filled in.

Each drawing must have a main inscription, which is located in the lower right corner of the drawing: on A4 format only along the short side, and on A3 - A0 formats it can be located both along the long side and along the short side of the format.

GOST 2.104-2006 establishes the shape, dimensions and procedure for filling out the main inscriptions for various design documents. For graphic documents (drawings and diagrams), the main inscription is made according to Form 1 (Fig. 3).

IN educational institutions fill in the following columns (the columns are indicated by numbers in brackets):

Column 1 – name of the product shown in the drawing. First they write the noun, then the adjective, for example “Cylindrical gear wheel”;

Column 2 – designation of the document (drawing) according to GOST 2.201-80;

Column 3 – designation of the part material (the column is filled in only on part drawings);

column 4 – letter assigned to the document (letter “U” – for training drawings);

column 5 – mass of the product in kilograms;

Rice. 3. Main inscription GOST 2.104-2006 f.1

column 6 – image scale;

column 7 – serial number of the sheet (on documents consisting of one sheet, the column is not filled in);

Column 8 – total number of document sheets for this product;

column 9 – name of the educational institution (SASU) and group;

columns 10 – the nature of the work performed by the person signing the document;

columns 11 – names of the student and teacher;

column 12 – signatures of the student and teacher;

column 13 – date of signing of the drawing.

4. Scales (GOST 2. 302-68*)

Scale is the ratio of the linear dimensions of the image of an object in the drawing to its actual dimensions.

It is preferable to make drawings so that the dimensions of the image and the object itself are equal, i.e. on a scale of 1:1. However, depending on the size and complexity of the object, as well as on the type of drawing, it is often necessary to increase or decrease the dimensions of the image compared to the true ones. In these cases, they resort to constructing an image to scale.

According to GOST 2.302 -68* the following scales are established:

natural size – 1:1;

reduction scale – 1:2; 1:2.5; 1:4; 1:5; 1:10; 1:15; 1:20; 1:25; 1:40; 1:50; 1:75; 1:100; 1:200; 1:400; 1:500; 1:800; 1:1000;

magnification scale – 2:1; 2.5:1; 4:1; 5:1; 10:1; 20:1; 40:1; 50:1; 100:1.

The scale indicated in the title block column with the heading “Scale” is designated as 1:1; 1:2; 2:1, etc.

The scale of the image, which differs from that indicated in the main inscription, is indicated in the drawing field in brackets (without the letter M) next to the image designation. For example: A (2:1); B – B (2:1).

5. Lines (GOST 2.303 – 68*)

GOST 2.303-68* establishes the outlines and main purposes of lines on drawings of all industries and construction (Table 2, Fig. 4).

The thickness of the solid thick main line S should be 0.5 ... 1.4 mm, depending on the size and complexity of the image, as well as on the format of the drawing. The selected line thicknesses should be the same for all images in a given drawing.

The strokes of the dash-dotted line must be the same length. The spaces between strokes are also left the same. Dot-dash lines end with dashes. The center of the circle is in all cases determined by the intersection of the strokes.

Table 2

Name and style

Thickness of lines in relation to the main line

Main purpose

Solid thick main (hereinafter main)

Visible contour lines;

visible transition lines;

section contour lines (extracted and included in the section)

Solid thin


Contour lines of the superimposed section;

dimensional lines, extension lines;

hatch lines;

leader lines, leader line shelves;

imaginary transition lines;

lines to depict boundary details (furnishings);

extension limit lines

Solid wavy

Break lines;

demarcation lines between view and section


Invisible contour lines;

invisible contour transition lines

Dash-dotted thin

Axial and center lines;

section lines, which are axes of symmetry for superimposed or extended sections


Section lines

Dash-dotted thin with two dots

Fold lines on developments;

lines for depicting parts of products in extreme or intermediate positions;

lines for the scan image combined with the view

Solid thin with kinks

Long break lines

Dash-dotted thickened

Lines indicating surfaces to be heat treated or coated;

lines to depict elements located in front of the cutting plane (“superimposed projection”)

page 1

page 2

page 3

page 4

page 5

page 6

page 7

page 8

page 9

page 10

page 11

page 12

page 13

page 14

page 15

page 16





Unified system of design documentation





The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-97 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Procedure for development, adoption, application, updating, cancellation"

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Standardization and Certification in Mechanical Engineering (VNIINMASH), Autonomous Non-Profit Organization Scientific Research Center for CALS Technologies “Applied Logistics” (ANO Research Center for CALS Technologies “Applied Logistics”)

2 INTRODUCED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Protocol No. 23 of February 28, 2006)

Short name of the country
according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Country code
according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the national authority
on standardization



Ministry of Trade and Economic Development


State Standard of the Republic of Belarus


Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan




Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology




Main State Service "Turkmenstandartlary"



Gospotrebstandart of Ukraine

4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated June 22, 2006 No. 118-st, the interstate standard GOST 2.104-2006 was put into effect as the national standard of the Russian Federation on September 1, 2006.

6th EDITION (August 2007) with Amendment (IUS 4-2007)

Information O introduction V action (termination actions) present standard published V index "National standards".

Information about changes To present standard published V index "National standards", A text changes - V information signs "National standards". IN case revision or cancellations present standard appropriate information will published V informational index "National standards"


Unified system of design documentation


Unified system for design documentation.
Basic descriptions

Date of introduction- 2006-09-01

1 Application area

This standard establishes the shapes, sizes, nomenclature of details and the procedure for filling out the main inscription and additional columns to it in design documents provided for by the standards of the Unified System of Design Documentation.

Based on this standard, it is allowed, if necessary, to develop standards that reflect the specifics of specifying details and attributes when preparing design documents, taking into account their specifics.

2 Normative references

Additional code ESI type in accordance with GOST 2.053

Details of electronic document only

Document code depending on the nature of use

Designation of a document of a similar product for which technological equipment was previously manufactured


● - the attribute (attribute) is required.

○ - the need for a prop (attribute) is determined by the developer.

1) Composite props.

2) All details and/or their attributes, the value of which is a signature, are performed in the DE in the form of an electronic signature.

3) In the meaning of the calendar date for electronic documents, the year is indicated in four digits.

4) If mandatory attributes are specified for an optional attribute, then they must be specified when using it.

5) The location and size of the graphs on paper are determined by the developer.

6) The details are filled out in the prescribed manner.

4.2 For the purposes of document management in document flow processes, it is allowed to enter additional details that are not displayed on paper documents. The nomenclature of such details and the rules for implementation are established by the regulatory documents of the organization. For documentation for products developed by order of the Ministry of Defense, the list of additional document details is agreed upon with the customer (customer's representative office).

5 The order of execution of the main inscription and additional columns

It is allowed to use form 2a for subsequent sheets of drawings and diagrams.

5.2 The main inscription, additional columns to it and frames are made with solid main and solid thin lines in accordance with GOST 2.303.

5.3 The main inscription is located in the lower right corner of the design documents.

in column 6 - scale (indicated in accordance with GOST 2.302 and GOST 2.109);

in column 7 - the serial number of the sheet (on documents consisting of one sheet, the column is not filled in);

in column 8 - the total number of sheets of the document (indicate only on the first sheet);

in column 9 - the name or code of the organization issuing the document (the column is not filled in if the code is contained in the document designation);

in column 10 - the nature of the work performed by the person signing the document in accordance with forms 1 and 2. The free line is filled in at the discretion of the developer, for example: “Head of department”, “Head of laboratory”, “Calculated”.

Acceptable attribute values ​​are determined by the organization;

in column 11 - the names of the persons who signed the document;

in column 12 - signatures of persons whose surnames are indicated in column 11.

The signatures of the persons who developed this document and are responsible for regulatory control are required.

In the absence of a title page, the signature of the person who approved the document is allowed to be placed on the free field of the first or title page of the document in the manner established for title pages in accordance with GOST 2.105;

in column 13 - the date of signing the document;

in columns 14 - 18 - information about changes, which are filled out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.503;

in column 19 - the inventory number of the original according to GOST 2.501;

in column 20 - information about the acceptance of the original by the technical documentation service (signature and date of acceptance);

in column 21 - the inventory number of the original, in replacement of which this original was issued in accordance with GOST 2.503;

in column 22 - inventory number of the duplicate according to GOST 2.502;

in column 23 - information about the acceptance of the duplicate by the technical documentation service (signature and date of acceptance);

in column 24 - designation of the document in place of or on the basis of which this document was issued;

in column 25 - the designation of the corresponding document in which this document was first recorded. Mandatory details for all documents borrowed from the documentation of other products;

in column 26 - document designation, rotated by 180° for A4 format and for formats larger than A4 when the main inscription is located along the long side of the sheet and by 90° for formats larger than A4 when the main inscription is located along the short side of the sheet;

in column 27 - a sign installed by the customer in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documentation and affixed by the customer or the customer’s representative office;

in column 28 - the number of the decision and the year of approval of the documentation of the corresponding letter. The year of approval is indicated in four digits;

in column 29 - the decision number and the year of approval of the documentation. The year of approval is indicated in four digits;

in column 31 - the signature of the person who copied the document. When copying an electronic document, required details;

in column 32 - designation of the sheet format according to GOST 2.301. For an electronic document, indicate the sheet format on which the scale indicated in column 6 will correspond;

in column 33 - designation of the zone in which the variable part of the product is located;

in column 35 - the version number of the document in electronic form from which the document in paper form was received on computer output devices. The column is filled out only for documents produced using a computer;

in column 36 - unit of measurement (metric or inch);

in column 37 - projection method. The method of arranging projections of a part in a drawing. Mandatory if the projection does not comply with GOST 2.305;

in column 38 - the name of the file containing the document in electronic form. The column is filled out only for documents produced using a computer;

in column 39 - a sign of an authentic document (mandatory for authentic documents);

in column 40 - document code depending on the nature of use.

For electronic documents in accordance with GOST 2.102 (Table 2), the following codes are used:

1 - original,

2 - original,

3 - duplicate,

in column 41 - Designation of a document of a similar product for which the technological equipment necessary for this product was previously manufactured. For documents executed only on paper, it is allowed to use column 24.


1 In columns 13, 18, 20, 23, when indicating the calendar date on paper, the year is indicated in the last two digits.

2 Box 26 on form 2a is mandatory only for drawings and diagrams.

3 Graphs made with dashed lines are entered if necessary. Columns 27 - 30 are required for documents approved by the customer.

4 When using Form 1 for subsequent sheets of drawings and diagrams, columns 1, 3 - 6, 9 are not filled out.

Main inscription and additional columns for drawings and diagrams

Main inscription and additional columns for text
design documents (first or title page)

Main inscription and additional columns for drawings (diagrams)
and text design documents (subsequent sheets)

Main inscription and additional columns for text design
documents for double-sided photocopying (subsequent sheets)

Appendix A


Examples of placement of the main inscription and additional columns to it

For A4 format

along the long side of the sheet

For formats larger than A4 when placing the title block
along the short side of the sheet

1 - main inscription; 2 - additional columns

Appendix B


An example of dividing a drawing field into zones

Figure B.1

Figure B.2

Key words: design documentation, title block, electronic design document, document execution, document details, electronic digital signature





The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-97 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Procedure for development, adoption, application, updating, cancellation"

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise All-Russian Research Institute of Standardization and Certification in Mechanical Engineering (VNIINMASH), Autonomous Non-Profit Organization Scientific Research Center for CALS Technologies “Applied Logistics” (ANO NIC CALS Technologies “Applied Logistics”)

2 INTRODUCED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

The document was downloaded from the portal regulatory documents www.OpenGost.ru 1

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Protocol No. 23 of February 28, 2006)

Short name of the country

Country code

Abbreviated name of the national authority

according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

according to MK (ISO 3166)

on standardization



Ministry of Trade and Economic Development


State Standard of the Republic of Belarus


Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan




Russian Federation




regulation and metrology




Main State Service "Turkmenstandartlary"



Gospotrebstandart of Ukraine

4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated June 22, 2006 No. 118-st, the interstate standard GOST 2.104-2006 was put into effect as the national standard of the Russian Federation on September 1, 2006.

5 INSTEAD GOST 2.104-68

6 EDITION (August 2007) with Amendment (IUS 4-2007)

Information on the entry into force (termination) of this standard is published in the “National Standards” index.

Information about changes to this standard is published in the “National Standards” index, and the text of the changes is published in the “National Standards” information indexes. In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the information index “National Standards”

1 Application area

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations

3.1 Terms and definitions

3.2 Abbreviations

4 Details of the main inscription and additional columns

5 The order of execution of the main inscription and additional columns

6 The procedure for filling out the main inscription and additional columns Appendix A (for reference) Examples of placing the main inscription and additional columns for it Appendix B (for information) Example of dividing the drawing field into zones.. 14

The document was downloaded from the portal of regulatory documents www.OpenGost.ru 2

INTERSTATE STANDARD Unified system of design documentation BASIC INSCRIPTIONS

Unified system for design documentation. Basic descriptions

Date of introduction - 2006-09-01

1 Application area

This standard establishes the shapes, sizes, nomenclature of details and the procedure for filling out the main inscription and additional columns to it in design documents provided for by the standards of the Unified System of Design Documentation.

Based on this standard, it is allowed, if necessary, to develop standards that reflect the specifics of specifying details and attributes when preparing design documents, taking into account their specifics.

GOST 2.053-2006 Unified system of design documentation. Electronic structure of the product. General provisions

GOST 2.102-68 Unified system of design documentation. Types and completeness of design documents

GOST 2.105-95 Unified system of design documentation. General requirements to text documents

GOST 2.109-73 Unified system of design documentation. Basic requirements for drawings

GOST 2.201-80 Unified system of design documentation. Designation of products and design documents

GOST 2.301-68 Unified system of design documentation. Formats GOST 2.302-68 Unified system of design documentation. Scope GOST 2.303-68 Unified system of design documentation. Lines

GOST 2.305-68 Unified system of design documentation. Images - views, sections, sections

GOST 2.501-88 Unified system of design documentation. Rules for accounting and storage GOST 2.502-68 Unified system of design documentation. Duplication rules GOST 2.503-90 Unified system of design documentation. Submission rules

changes GOST 2.601-2006 Unified system of design documentation. Operational

documents GOST 2.602-95 Unified system of design documentation. Repair documents

GOST 2.701-84 Unified system of design documentation. Schemes. Types and types. General requirements for implementation

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards using the “National Standards” index compiled as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replaced (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

The document was downloaded from the portal of regulatory documents www.OpenGost.ru 3

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations

3.1 Terms and definitions

IN This standard uses the following terms with corresponding definitions:

3.1.1 document details: An element of a document's design that contains information about it.

Note - As a rule, an attribute consists of attributes (composite attribute).

3.1.2 document attribute: An identified (named) characteristic of a part of a prop.

3.1.3 document preparation: Entering the necessary details and attributes established by the documentation rules.

3.1.4 signature: Document detail, which is a handwritten signature of an authorized official.

Note - For electronic documents, an analogue of a handwritten signature is used - an electronic digital signature.

3.2 Abbreviations

IN This standard uses the following abbreviations: DE - electronic design document, EDS - electronic digital signature, ESI - electronic structure of the product, EVM - electronic computer.

4 Details of the main inscription and additional columns

4.1 The nomenclature of details and attributes of the main inscription and additional columns in design documents must correspond to those indicated in Table 1.

Table 1



Column number

props or attribute)




● 1)

Product name

Document name

Document designation and code

● 1)

Document designation

Columns 2 and 26

Document code

Material designation

Product weight

Sheet serial number

Total number of document sheets

Organization name or code

Information about signing the document

● 1)


carried out

signer of the document

Last name of the person signing the document

Signature of the person whose last name is indicated in 9.2

● 2)

Document signing date

● 3)

Document Change Information

● 1)

Sequence number of change

Instructions for changing a sheet

Number of the document on the basis of which

change is made

Signature of the person who made the changes

● 2)

Date of change

● 3)

The document was downloaded from the portal of regulatory documents www.OpenGost.ru 4


Portal of regulatory documents

[email protected]


Name of the attribute or attribute (fields)


Column number

props or attribute)



Designation of the zone in which it is located

changeable part of the product

Inventory number of the original

Information about acceptance of the original into the service

● 1)

technical documentation

Signature of the person who accepted the original

● 2)

Acceptance date

● 3)

Inventory number of the original, in return

which this original was released

Duplicate inventory number

Information about accepting a duplicate into the service

● 1)

technical documentation

Signature of the person accepting the duplicate

● 2)

Duplicate acceptance date

● 3)

Designation of a document, in lieu of or on

on the basis of which this document was issued

Designation of the corresponding document, in

in which this document was first recorded

Sign installed by the customer

○ 1)

corresponding letter

Decision number

Year of approval

Documentation approval information

● 1)

Decision number

Year of documentation approval

Customer index

Signature of the person who copied the document

○ 1)

Sheet size designation

Document version

Column 355)

Document confidentiality level

○ 6)

Information about document approval

○ 1), 4)

Signature of the official

● 2)


Full name




Date of approval

● 3)








sheet of document

Unit of measurement

Column 365)

Projection method

Column 375)

Document file name

Column 385)

Sign of an authentic document

Box 395)

Additional document type code in


in accordance with GOST 2.102



Additional ESI type code in accordance


with GOST 2.053



Document code depending on the nature

Column 405)


The document was downloaded from the portal of regulatory documents www.OpenGost.ru 5


Portal of regulatory documents

[email protected]


Name of the attribute or attribute (fields)


Column number

props or attribute)



Document designation of a similar product,

○ 5)

for which products have previously been manufactured

technological equipment


● - the attribute (attribute) is required.

○ - the need for a prop (attribute) is established by the developer.

1) Composite props.

2) All details and/or their attributes, the value of which is a signature, are performed in the DE in the form of an electronic signature.

3) In the calendar date value for electronic documents, the year is indicated in four digits.

4) If mandatory attributes are specified for an optional attribute, then they must be specified when using it.

5) The location and size of the graphs on paper are determined by the developer.

6) The details are filled out in the prescribed manner.

4.2 For the purposes of document management in document flow processes, it is allowed to enter additional details that are not displayed on paper documents. The nomenclature of such details and the rules for implementation are established by the regulatory documents of the organization. For documentation for products developed by order of the Ministry of Defense, the list of additional document details is agreed upon with the customer (customer's representative office).

5 The order of execution of the main inscription and additional columns

5.1 The content, location and dimensions of the columns of the main inscription, additional columns to it, as well as the dimensions of the frames in drawings and diagrams must correspond to Form 1, and in text documents - to Forms 2, 2a and 2b.

It is allowed to use form 2a for subsequent sheets of drawings and diagrams.

5.2 The main inscription, additional columns to it and frames are made with solid main and solid thin lines along GOST 2.303.

5.3 The main inscription is located in the lower right corner of the design documents. On A4 sheets GOST 2.301 the main inscription is placed along the short

sides of the sheet.

The table of changes in the main inscription, if necessary, can continue up or to the left of the main inscription (if there is column 33, to the left of it).

When the table of changes is located to the left of the main inscription, the names of columns 14 - 18 are repeated.

The location of additional columns is shown in Appendix A.

5.4 To quickly find a component of a product or its element in a drawing (diagram), it is recommended to divide the field of the drawing (diagram) into zones. Marks dividing the drawing (diagram) into zones are recommended to be applied at a distance equal to one of the sides of A4 format (Figures B.1 and B.2 of Appendix B).

Marks are applied:

horizontally - in Arabic numerals from right to left; vertically - in capital letters of the Latin alphabet from bottom to top.

Zones are designated by a combination of numbers and letters, for example: 1A, 2A, 3A, 1B, 2B, 3B, etc.

5.5 In drawings (diagrams) with one designation, made on several sheets, the horizontal numbering of zones must be continuous within all sheets.

6 The procedure for filling out the main inscription and additional columns

6.1 In the columns of the main inscription and additional columns (the column numbers on the forms are shown in parentheses) indicate the values ​​of the corresponding details or attributes according to Table 1:

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V Column 1 - name of the product and name of the document, if this document is assigned a code. For products for national economic purposes, it is allowed not to indicate the name of the document if its code is defined GOST 2.102, GOST 2.601, GOST 2.602, GOST 2.701. The product name must comply with accepted terminology and be as short as possible. The name of the product is written in the nominative singular case. In a name consisting of several words, a noun is placed in the first place, for example: “Gear wheel.” The product name, as a rule, does not include information about the purpose of the product and its location;

V column 2 - designation of the document according to GOST 2.201 and code, if its code is defined by GOST 2.102, GOST 2.601, GOST 2.602, GOST 2.701. It is allowed to use a previously adopted document notation system;

V Column 3 - designation of the material of the part (the column is filled in only on drawings of parts);

V column 4 - the letter assigned to this document (on a document in paper form, the column is filled out sequentially, starting from the leftmost cell).

It is allowed to put the letter in the working design documentation only in specifications and technical conditions.

For products developed by order of the Ministry of Defense, the list of design documents on which the letter must be affixed is agreed with the customer (customer's representative office);

V column 5 - weight of the product according to GOST 2.109;

V column 6 - scale (indicated in accordance with GOST 2.302 and GOST 2.109);

V column 7 - serial number of the sheet (on documents consisting of one sheet, the column is not filled in);

V column 8 - the total number of sheets of the document (indicate only on the first sheet);

V Column 9 - name or code of the organization issuing the document (the column is not filled in if the code is contained in the document designation);

V column 10 - the nature of the work performed by the person signing the document in accordance with forms 1 and 2. The free line is filled in at the discretion of the developer, for example: “Head of department”, “Head of laboratory”, “Calculated”.

Acceptable attribute values ​​are determined by the organization;

V column 11 - the names of the persons who signed the document;

V Column 12 - signatures of persons whose surnames are indicated in Column 11.

The signatures of the persons who developed this document and are responsible for regulatory control are required.

In the absence of a title page, the signature of the person who approved the document is allowed to be placed on the free field of the first or title page of the document in the manner established for title pages in accordance with GOST 2.105;

V column 13 - date of signing the document;

V columns 14 - 18 - information about changes, which are filled out in accordance with the requirements GOST 2.503;

V column 19 - inventory number of the original according to GOST 2.501;

V column 20 - information about acceptance of the original by the technical documentation service (signature and date of acceptance);

V Column 21 - inventory number of the original, in replacement of which this original was issued according to GOST 2.503;

V Column 22 - inventory number of the duplicate according to GOST 2.502;

V column 23 - information about acceptance of the duplicate by the technical documentation service (signature

and date of acceptance);

V column 24 - designation of the document in place of or on the basis of which this document was issued;

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V Column 25 - designation of the corresponding document in which this document was first recorded. Mandatory details for all documents borrowed from the documentation of other products;

V column 26 - document designation, rotated by 180° for A4 format and for formats larger than A4 when the main inscription is located along the long side of the sheet and by 90° for formats larger than A4 when the main inscription is located along the short side of the sheet;

V column 27 - a sign installed by the customer in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documentation and affixed by the customer or the customer’s representative office;

V Column 28 - decision number and year of approval of the documentation of the corresponding letter. The year of approval is indicated in four digits;

V Column 29 - decision number and year of approval of the documentation. The year of approval is indicated in four digits;

V Column 31 - signature of the person who copied the document. When copying an electronic document, required details;

V column 32 - designation of sheet format according to GOST 2.301. For an electronic document, indicate the sheet format on which the scale indicated in column 6 will correspond;

V column 33 - designation of the zone in which the variable part of the product is located;

V Column 35 - version number of the document in electronic form from which the document in paper form was received on computer output devices. The column is filled out only for documents produced using a computer;

V column 36 - unit of measurement (metric or inch);

V Column 37 - projection method. The method of arranging projections of a part in a drawing. Mandatory if projection does not match GOST 2.305;

V column 38 - the name of the file containing the document in electronic form. The column is filled out only for documents produced using a computer;

V column 39 - sign of an authentic document (mandatory for authentic documents);

V Column 40 - document code depending on the nature of use.

For electronic documents in accordance with GOST 2.102 (Table 2), the following codes are used:

1 - original,

2 - original,

3 - duplicate,

4 - copy.

in column 41 - Designation of a document of a similar product for which the technological equipment necessary for this product was previously manufactured. For documents executed only on paper, it is allowed to use the column


1 In columns 13, 18, 20, 23, when indicating the calendar date on paper, the year is indicated in the last two digits.

2 Box 26 on form 2a is mandatory only for drawings and diagrams.

3 Graphs made with dashed lines are entered if necessary. Columns 27 - 30 are required for documents approved by the customer.

4 When using Form 1 for subsequent sheets of drawings and diagrams, columns 1, 3 - 6, 9 are not filled out.

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(first or title page)

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