Marketing without a budget, full version. Marketing without a budget - Igor Mann

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Who is this book for?

About the author
Igor Mann is the most famous marketer in Russia, speaker, author, publisher. Author of ten books. Among them: “Marketing 100%”, “Marketing without a budget”, “Points of contact”, “Number 1”. After the release of “Marketing 100%” they began to call him “the Russian Philip Kotler”. Almost...

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A "get and do" guide to no-budget marketing tools.
Great marketing achievements these days don't require a huge budget. This book describes 50 virtually free, highly effective marketing tools. For each instrument there is detailed description: who to do, what to do, how to do it.

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This book is based on the exclusive limited edition version called "No Budget", but differs in the set of tools, volume, design, and also at a significantly lower price.

Who is this book for?
For owners and managers of companies, commercial directors, marketers.

About the author
Igor Mann is the most famous marketer in Russia, speaker, author, publisher. Author of ten books. Among them: “Marketing 100%”, “Marketing without a budget”, “Points of contact”, “Number 1”. After the release of “Marketing 100%” they began to call him “the Russian Philip Kotler”. Almost all of Igor’s books become bestsellers. Currently, Igor is a marketing consultant and partner of the Power of Mind group of companies.

10th edition.


Igor Mann

Marketing without a budget. 50 working tools

4th edition.

Legal support for the publishing house is provided by law firm"Vegas-Lex"

© I. B. Mann, 2010

© Design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2013

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I have been involved in guerrilla marketing for 16 years, teaching and consulting. Thousands of people have gone through my seminars, my book on low-budget marketing has already gone through seven reprints... In a word, it is very difficult to surprise me with new techniques in the field of low-budget marketing.

Igor succeeded.

While I was reading the book “No Budget,” I wrote down ideas for myself - and filled a page and a half with specific techniques that can be implemented tomorrow and that will bring profit to me or my clients.

Fifty ideas presented in the book relate to different areas: marketing, advertising, sales, PR, customer loyalty, work organization in general. However, they have one common denominator: these are ways to significantly increase your profits that can be implemented quickly - and implemented on a small budget or without a budget at all.

As the French say, “the devil is in the details”: many good ideas cannot be implemented due to the fact that some important details are not taken into account. Therefore, it is especially valuable that Igor gives not only the idea in general terms, but also those details and details that often determine whether the implementation will be successful or failure.

Sometimes people ask me what is the most effective way for a marketer to invest small sums, one or two thousand rubles, in order for the effect to be maximum. My usual answer is: “In good books, that pays for itself the fastest.” The book you hold in your hands is an excellent collection simple recipes, allowing you to increase profits with virtually no costs - would quickly recoup its cost even when it was sold at 9,900 rubles. Now it promises to be an excellent investment.

If you are a small business owner or a marketing director in more large company, this book should be in your library. Dot.

Alexander Levitas, international business coach and consultant, expert on guerrilla (low-budget) marketing, author of the bestseller “More money from your business”,

The crisis of 2008,

who gave me the time to write this book.

We had no money, so we had to think.

Ernest Rutherford

The idea of ​​writing a book about marketing (almost or completely) without money came to me a long time ago, back in 2003, when I wrote my first book, “100% Marketing.”

Working with marketing in the absence of a budget is a very interesting and useful experience. In my career, I've had to do marketing with little or no budget five times.

Industry crisis. Liquidity crisis. Management crisis, crisis, crisis... But the cause was not always a crisis.

For example, when in 2005 we started with publishing project Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, our marketing budget for the first year was $400. And nothing, we have already made our first 100 million rubles.

Interesting fact from marketing theory: among the 5,000 marketing tools, there are several dozen that are almost or completely free.

In other words, you pay nothing (or virtually nothing) when you use them.

But you get the effect.

They – effective and little-known – will be discussed in this book.

Here I tell you how to “take it and do it”. How to launch it. How does this work. How to get the fastest and maximum return from such tools.

Moreover, they will work for you now and later.

While writing this book, I realized the problem with many business books. There are too many ideas there. The reader does not understand what to do. The authors promise in their books two hundred ideas, a thousand ideas... What to grab onto?

I have selected for you several dozen practice-tested recipes that will definitely help you (there are, of course, many more ideas in the book).

If you and your team work for only two months, 24 working days each (I don’t know about you, but I usually work on Saturdays), by introducing at least 48 tools in your company, you will definitely improve your marketing and business, increase sales and awareness of your company and its solutions, significantly improve relationships with your customers.

This book first of all written for owner, shareholder or top manager companies (small and medium business), who is interested in finding out what marketing tools use when there is no or practically no budget, or you simply don’t want to spend money on marketing.

I hope that, despite your busy schedule, you will find a couple of hours to scan the course book and find among several dozen tools that will help your business.

Then (in most cases) you need to give a clear instruction to your employees: assistant, deputies, marketers or commercial director– use, implement this or that tool.

And enjoy the results.

This is what it looks like structure of each chapter.

Goal (what you can achieve by using this tool).

Difficulty of implementation (difficult, medium complexity, easy).

Cost (inexpensive or free).

To whom to entrust.

“Manufacturing” timeframe (in what period of time can each tool be made to work for the benefit of the company).

Essentially a (“non-theoretical” description of the tool).

How does it work in practice (how I used this tool - I tried to mainly use my experience; if I succeeded, you can do it too: I’m not Coca-Cola or Apple).

Important (what to pay attention to).

"Chips" (interesting useful tips, improving the efficiency of using the tool).

Experts (who to turn to for outside help).

Implementation plan (how to take the first steps to implement the recommended tool into the company’s practice).

The knowledge in this book is yours competitive advantages. You pay for them and they are yours. Use them: others don't have them.

It would be great if, using the Top 5 and 90 Day tools (read about them in the book), you could start moving forward at the rate of one idea per day.

You can implement most of these techniques within a year if you use my weekly planner " Good year"(stickers for it are attached to this book).

First choose what you can do quickly (what seems easiest to you from the point of view of implementation).

If something is unclear to you, if you want to add something, argue, thank the author, or criticize the book, then you can send a letter with the heading “ Feedback. No money" at [email protected]– I will definitely answer you quickly.

And of course, I and my partners in the Marketing Machine company are at your disposal (see and reception).

Write - we will help.

Marketingly yours, Igor Mann [email protected]

A brief (very brief) dictionary of professional terms

This book uses almost no scientific terms.

All little-known words are explained immediately.

Possible exceptions are below.


A company employee who “drives” – leads a process or program.


This term has thousands of definitions (I collected a hundred of the most interesting ones in the book “100% Marketing”). My favorite: “Marketing is about acquiring and retaining customers.”

Tip on potential client.


Marketers are marketing practitioners, marketing managers, marketing directors, brand managers, and heads of marketing departments. I don’t like the word “marketer”. For me, a marketer is a marketing theorist.


Work that occurs after something has been invented.

One of my bosses used to say: “If you follow up, you are a hero.”

Introduction. How marketing should work

The expectations of top managers, shareholders and company owners from marketing (from marketers) are sometimes such that I am simply amazed.

Come up with a new best-selling product.

Double your market share.

Open new markets.

Theoretically, marketing can do this (but not alone, but together...

Starting your own business is not easy. It requires large investments- physical, intellectual, emotional and material. If the first three factors can be possessed by default or developed in oneself, then with the last things are somewhat more complicated. Is it possible to avoid capital investments when developing a start-up? No! But it is quite possible to reduce costs. How to learn this can be learned from the lips of experienced businessmen and consulting firms. Igor Borisovich Mann, candidate of economic sciences and author of books on marketing, shares his experience and his methods of implementing marketing tools with minimal material costs in the book "Marketing without a budget" . A special feature of the book is its structure - the author describes each tool clearly, without any fluff, specifies steps for implementation, gives examples of actions from his own experience and provides a list of additional literature on a particular issue. The 50 proposed methods can be implemented quickly and with a small budget.


1. TOP - 5. Make the top 5 things to do for the week, arrange them in a list by priority.
2. 90 days. By analogy with the previous technique, make a list of tasks for the quarter.
3. They will measure 5R. Compare your company with competitors using the following parameters:
- excellent product ( product)
- correct price ( price)
- promotion channels ( place of sale)
- promotion ( promotion)
- staff ( personnel)
4. Monitoring competitors. This tool will help identify weaknesses and strengths competitors, and, accordingly, our own.
5. Fishing. Motivate staff to come up with tricks, highlights and other creative things that will make your company stand out in a competitive environment.
6. Points of contact. Ensuring clear interaction with clients. By the way, Igor is preparing to publish a separate book on this issue.
7. Mystery shopper. This entity can be used to check the performance of your sales/service team, etc.


8.Why don't they buy? Establish the needs of your clients and place emphasis in your work accordingly.
9. Storytelling. You can attract a client with an interesting and entertaining story. The main thing is that it is believable and relates to your business or product. This way it is easier to win over the client and set him up for a purchase.
10. Price list. Even the price list is yours appearance should help attract the customer’s attention and, as a result, purchase the product. It should be done concisely, but not without a bit of creativity.
11. Everyone sells! To increase turnover, the selling skills of every employee, including directors, are required.
12. Networking. It’s worth making and maintaining acquaintances with everyone! Connections are very useful in many things.
13. Blitz day. You can try this technique with any product. The idea is simple - on a certain day, everyone focuses on selling one specific product.
14. Test drive. It is necessary to provide customers with the opportunity to directly try the product, then the likelihood of purchasing it will increase.
15. Courtesy visits. It may seem like a formality, but such visits to both clients and competitors are an integral part of effective networking. And in the case of clients, they also help to find points of contact with them.
16. Behind the counter! Sometimes it is useful to take your office employees “out into the field” so that they can help with sales and actually feel out what and with whom they work, mainly from a distance.
17. The right customer base. Customer focus and interest in sales involves maintaining a customer base. It is desirable that it contains the most reliable information about clients in order to find the right points of contact with them.


18. Non-accounting pricing. There are several techniques you can use here:
- non-rounded prices (the client is more likely to “pick” on a slightly reduced non-rounded price. For example, 14.98 instead of 15.00 or 27900 instead of 28000).
- contrasting prices for the same item (the same product may be of different quality, duration, etc., in this case it is worth setting different prices so that the buyer can choose among the same line of products - worse, but cheaper or better , but more expensive)
19. Calculators. Calculate in advance for the client the future income from the goods purchased from you, its payback.


20. High matters. This is the company's mission, values, customer service principles and golden rule. Their clear and attractive formulation will positively show the company in the eyes of customers and employees.
21. Product. It’s worth considering how to make your product customer-centric.
22. Processes Decide how to make customer interaction processes customer-centric.
23. Service. This is primarily the efficiency of employees in working with clients.
24. Courtesy calls. By analogy with courtesy visits, they are aimed at finding and strengthening points of contact with clients, only they can be carried out more often and not necessarily by directors or top managers.
25. That's right: Client. Capitalizing this word in any part of a sentence in every document or other text shows respect for customers and instills it in the company's employees.
26. Personalized weapon. To make the client even more pleasant, you should call him by name. Such treatment has a positive effect on communication and cooperation. The Japanese, for example, advise business meeting Call your interlocutor by name at least 10 times!
27. Around the clock. You can be available to clients around the clock using your website or an answering machine on your phone.
28. 8 800 . This is a toll free line. Having one is another way to show loyalty to customers, and at the same time show what a cool company you have.


29. Co-marketing. Cooperation with other companies, even competitors. Useful only for calculation purposes.
30. Business card. Not only must it be original so as not to get lost in the crowd of your client’s business cards, it must also sell. That is, you can place it on your business card brief information for key products. It is also useful to do electronic version business card in Outlook MS.
31. Reviews. Collecting feedback is not only pleasant, but also useful. This clearly demonstrates to the client the benefits of your company through the eyes of another client. The most useful are reviews from famous people.
32. Money writing (copywriting) A competent and interesting text or article will undoubtedly help in promoting the product and the company.
33. Visualization When presenting any information, try to visualize it to make it easier for listeners to understand.
34. AIDA. Using this tool you can check how good your text, advertising, etc. is. It must be determined according to the following criteria:
-A- attention(attention)
-I- interest(interest)
-D- desire(wish)
-A- action(action)
35. Knowledge is power. Learn something new all the time, keep abreast of all events.
36.FAQ. Having a list of frequently asked questions with answers to them will save you and your clients time, and also show that you care about them.
37. Yours - to the maximum. It is necessary to use all available space and media for posting information, advertising and sales.
38. Open day. Another tool for showing loyalty to your customers. And they are interested in finding out how you work and how you do everything.


39. Corporate blog. This is a way to be closer to the masses, a kind of virtual “open day”.
40. Express site audit. You can order a specialized company that will identify weaknesses your site and will help eliminate them.
41. Caption emails . Even it should promote the product, that is, contain brief information about it.
42. E-mail marketing (E-MM). Mailing list by customer base.
43. Social media. IN social networks it is necessary to promote yourself and the product, if only because they have become the most popular place on the Internet.


44. We are interested. The opinions of employees should be no less important than the opinions of customers. It is worth conducting internal surveys, competitions, or organizing a “Black Tuesday” - a meeting at which only the disadvantages are discussed.
45. Internal trainings. Vocational education important for all company employees. Trainings also make it possible to identify active and passive employees.
46. ​​Book club. Buy useful literature and oblige employees to read it, and then exchange it or the information contained in it.
47. Optimism =). Everything should be approached only from the positive side.


48. One editor is better than a hundred advertisements. Friendship with the editor periodical will positively impact press coverage of your company.
49. Column. Writing a column in the press or online press can be used as hidden advertising.
50. Find and perform. Find suitable conferences, round tables etc. and organize your speech - come up with a presentation: 13-15 minutes, with an interesting, enticing title, tell a minimum about yourself and the company, at the end give at least 3 pieces of advice, do not read what is written on the slides - the audience will read it on their own.

Here is a list of simple tips from Igor Mann. I’ll also add that in this book the author successfully uses some of them - he advertises his company and friendly companies, and also promotes the literature of the publishing house, of which he is a co-founder, - "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber".

Igor Mann "Marketing without a budget." M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2011. - 288 p.

This book is an effective guide to practical marketing(in the past the book was published under the title “Without a Budget”). It describes several dozen proven marketing technologies that can be used even if you have minimal financial resources (or even without them at all).

What makes the book “Marketing Without a Budget” unique is its step-by-step description of the necessary actions and procedures - who needs to do what and when. This manual will serve well those who are careful about their company's budget and strive for high results.

Characteristics of the book

Date of writing: 2010
Name: Marketing without a budget. 50 working tools

Volume: 170 pp., 12 illustrations
ISBN: 978-5-91657-618-4
Copyright holder: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber

Preface to the book “Marketing Without a Budget”

I have been involved in guerrilla marketing for 16 years, teaching and consulting. Thousands of people have gone through my seminars, my book on low-budget marketing has already gone through seven reprints... In a word, it is very difficult to surprise me with new techniques in the field of low-budget marketing.

Igor succeeded.

While I was reading the book “Marketing Without a Budget,” I wrote down ideas for myself - and filled a page and a half with specific techniques that can be implemented tomorrow and that will bring profit to me or my clients.

Fifty ideas presented in the book relate to different areas: marketing, advertising, sales, PR, customer loyalty, work organization in general. However, they have one common denominator: these are ways to significantly increase your profits, which can be implemented quickly - and implemented on a small budget or without a budget at all.

As the French say, “the devil is in the details”: many good ideas fail to be implemented because some important details are not taken into account. Therefore, it is especially valuable that Igor gives not only the idea in general terms, but also those details and details that often determine whether the implementation will be successful or failure.

Sometimes people ask me what is the most effective way for a marketer to invest small sums, one or two thousand rubles, in order for the effect to be maximum. My usual answer is: “In good books, that pays for itself the fastest.” The book you are holding in your hands - an excellent collection of simple recipes that allow you to increase profits with virtually no costs - would quickly recoup its cost even when it was sold for 9,900 rubles. Now it promises to be an excellent investment.

If you are a small business owner or a marketing director for a larger firm, this book should be in your library. Dot.

Alexander Levitas

Quotes from Igor Mann’s book “Marketing without a budget”

The little things are important. The power of little things is that there are a lot of them. Collect more “chips”, quickly implement them, and you will get an effect that will not come even from the implementation of an expensive and lengthy project. (“A trick” is a small, inexpensive (free) technique with which you can increase the value of your offer in the eyes of the client and distinguish your company from competitors).

Marketing is about acquiring and retaining a customer.

Not every marketer and not every marketing team starts their working week from its planning (this is wrong, but the fact remains: marketing does not plan its priorities for the week, which means it reduces the effectiveness of its work). Planning a week ahead helps you realize what your priorities should be for the next five days.

Nothing motivates like all the crossed off tasks planned for the week.

Why invent something when it’s easier to copy from competitors? At my master classes, I ask who in the company has a process for collecting information about competitors in such a way that a report on their activities is prepared every week. And it turns out: at best, 5% of companies.

Get into the habit of monitoring the blogosphere once or twice a week. Look at what is being written about you, your competitors and your market.

I came up with the word “fishing” when I started working on this book. This is a good term to describe the process of collecting all the useful practices, ideas, thoughts, “tricks” that other companies have used successfully for themselves and that could be used in your business.
What is a "trick"? This is a small, inexpensive (free) technique with which you can increase the value of your offer in the eyes of the client and distinguish your company from competitors. This is what is called quick wins in English - quick victories. They saw it, quickly implemented it, quickly got the effect.

Provide clear interactions with customers that are emotionally strong and positive, making them remember your company, tell others about you, and buy from you.

Storytelling (from the English storytelling - storytelling) is a fairly new marketing tool, the essence of which is to tell the buyer an interesting, vivid and preferably unforgettable story. Companies use this tool if they want to get into the soul of the client.

Your connections should work both to benefit the business and so that your subordinates can expand their contacts. For example, if you, the CEO of a company, know general director another company operating in a related industry to yours, then introduce your commercial director to his colleague from that company.

I call courtesy visits visits to existing clients “not for sales,” that is, not in order to upsell or upsell something, but in order to ask the client how he is doing, how he is working with your company, what he needs what he likes about your product, what he doesn’t like, and what else you can do for him.

Use customer names to ensure increased customer loyalty and sales. All people like it when they are addressed by name, they like it when they remember their name. Clients, partners and journalists are no exception.

Igor Mann

Marketing without a budget. 50 working tools

4th edition.

Legal support for the publishing house is provided by the Vegas-Lex law firm.

© I. B. Mann, 2010

© Design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2013

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I have been involved in guerrilla marketing for 16 years, teaching and consulting. Thousands of people have gone through my seminars, my book on low-budget marketing has already gone through seven reprints... In a word, it is very difficult to surprise me with new techniques in the field of low-budget marketing.

Igor succeeded.

While I was reading the book “No Budget,” I wrote down ideas for myself - and filled a page and a half with specific techniques that can be implemented tomorrow and that will bring profit to me or my clients.

Fifty ideas presented in the book relate to different areas: marketing, advertising, sales, PR, customer loyalty, work organization in general. However, they have one common denominator: these are ways to significantly increase your profits that can be implemented quickly - and implemented on a small budget or without a budget at all.

As the French say, “the devil is in the details”: many good ideas fail to be implemented because some important details are not taken into account. Therefore, it is especially valuable that Igor gives not only the idea in general terms, but also those details and details that often determine whether the implementation will be successful or failure.

Sometimes people ask me what is the most effective way for a marketer to invest small sums, one or two thousand rubles, in order for the effect to be maximum. My usual answer is: “In good books, that pays for itself the fastest.” The book you are holding in your hands - an excellent collection of simple recipes that allow you to increase profits with virtually no costs - would quickly recoup its cost even when it was sold for 9,900 rubles. Now it promises to be an excellent investment.

If you are a small business owner or a marketing director for a larger firm, this book should be in your library. Dot.

Alexander Levitas,international business coach and consultant,expert in guerrilla (low-budget) marketing,bestselling author of " More money from your business"

The crisis of 2008,

who gave me the time to write this book.

We had no money, so we had to think.

Ernest Rutherford

The idea of ​​writing a book about marketing (almost or completely) without money came to me a long time ago, back in 2003, when I wrote my first book, “100% Marketing.”

Working with marketing in the absence of a budget is a very interesting and useful experience. In my career, I've had to do marketing with little or no budget five times.

Industry crisis. Liquidity crisis. Management crisis, crisis, crisis... But the cause was not always a crisis.

For example, when we started the Mann, Ivanov and Ferber publishing project in 2005, our marketing budget for the first year was $400. And nothing, we have already made our first 100 million rubles.

An interesting fact from marketing theory: among the 5,000 marketing tools, there are several dozen that are almost or completely free.

In other words, you pay nothing (or virtually nothing) when you use them.

But you get the effect.

They – effective and little-known – will be discussed in this book.

Here I tell you how to “take it and do it”. How to launch it. How does this work. How to get the fastest and maximum return from such tools.

Moreover, they will work for you now and later.

While writing this book, I realized the problem with many business books. There are too many ideas there. The reader does not understand what to do. The authors promise in their books two hundred ideas, a thousand ideas... What to grab onto?

I have selected for you several dozen practice-tested recipes that will definitely help you (there are, of course, many more ideas in the book).

If you and your team work for only two months, 24 working days each (I don’t know about you, but I usually work on Saturdays), by introducing at least 48 tools in your company, you will definitely improve your marketing and business, increase sales and awareness of your company and its solutions, significantly improve relationships with your customers.

This book first of all written for owner, shareholder or top manager companies (small and medium-sized businesses) who are interested in knowing what marketing tools to use when there is no or practically no budget, or simply do not want to spend money on marketing.

I hope that, despite your busy schedule, you will find a couple of hours to scan the course book and find among several dozen tools that will help your business.

Then (in most cases) you need to give a clear instruction to your employees: assistant, deputies, marketers or commercial director - to use and implement this or that tool.

And enjoy the results.

This is what it looks like structure of each chapter.

Goal (what you can achieve by using this tool).

Difficulty of implementation (difficult, medium complexity, easy).

Cost (inexpensive or free).

To whom to entrust.

“Manufacturing” timeframe (in what period of time can each tool be made to work for the benefit of the company).

Essentially a (“non-theoretical” description of the tool).

How does it work in practice (how I used this tool - I tried to mainly use my experience; if I succeeded, you can do it too: I’m not Coca-Cola or Apple).

Important (what to pay attention to).

“Tricks” (interesting, useful tips that improve the efficiency of using the tool).

Experts (who to turn to for outside help).

Implementation plan (how to take the first steps to implement the recommended tool into the company’s practice).

The knowledge from this book is your competitive advantage. You pay for them and they are yours. Use them: others don't have them.

It would be great if, using the Top 5 and 90 Day tools (read about them in the book), you could start moving forward at the rate of one idea per day.

You can implement most of these techniques in a year if you use my weekly planner, A Good Year (sticky notes included with this book).

First choose what you can do quickly (what seems easiest to you from the point of view of implementation).

If something is unclear to you, if you want to add something, argue, thank the author, or criticize the book, then you can send a letter with the heading “Feedback. Without money" to the address - I will definitely answer you quickly.

And of course, I and my partners in the Marketing Machine company are at your disposal (see Appendix 2 “Marketing in 24 hours” and the “Consulting Lunch” reception).

Write - we will help.

Marketingly yours,Igor Mann

A brief (very brief) dictionary of professional terms

This book uses almost no scientific terms.

All little-known words are explained immediately.

Possible exceptions are below.


A company employee who “drives” – leads a process or program.


This term has thousands of definitions (I collected a hundred of the most interesting ones in the book “100% Marketing”). My favorite: “Marketing is about acquiring and retaining customers.”

According to the rules of the Russian language, you can say both “marketing” and “marketing”. I recommend pronouncing this word with the emphasis on the first syllable - “marketing”. Why? See the book “Marketing 100%”.

Leading to a potential client.


Marketers are marketing practitioners, marketing managers, marketing directors, brand managers, and heads of marketing departments. I don’t like the word “marketer”. For me, a marketer is a marketing theorist.


Work that occurs after something has been invented.

One of my bosses used to say: “If you follow up, you are a hero.”

Introduction. How marketing should work

The expectations of top managers, shareholders and company owners from marketing (from marketers) are sometimes such that I am simply amazed.

Come up with a new best-selling product.

Double your market share.

Open new markets.

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