Data collection methodology. Methods for collecting information and analysis tools

1. General characteristics of data collection methods

Methods for collecting data during marketing research can be classified into two groups: quantitative and high-quality. Quantitative research is usually identified with various surveys based on the use of closed-type structured issues, which corresponds to a large number of respondents.

The characteristic features of such studies are: a clearly defined format of data collected and sources of their preparation, the processing of the collected data is carried out using ordered procedures are mainly quantitative by nature.

Quality studies include the collection, analysis and interpretation of data by observing what people do and say. Observations and conclusions are qualitative and carried out in non-standardized form. Qualitative data can be translated into a quantitative form, but this is preceded by special procedures. For example, the opinion of several respondents about advertising alcoholic beverages can be verbally expressed in different ways. Only as a result of additional analysis, all opinions are divided into three categories: negative, positive and neutral, after which it is possible to determine what number of opinions refers to each of the three categories. Such an intermediate procedure is unnecessary if you use the form immediately closed form.

However, why is it often used quality, "soft" approach? The market research experts found that the use of large-scale studies does not always give relevant results. For example, "Procter & Gamble" is interested in improving the washing powder "Tyde". To do this, to more effectively invite a group of housewives and with the participation of marketers of the company to discuss ways to improve this washing powder (quality, design, packaging, etc.).

Below will be considered the following methods of quality research: observations, focus groups, deep interviews, protocol analyzes, projection, physiological measurements.

2. Observation and its role when carrying out marketing research

The basis of qualitative research is the methods of observations, which are more likely to observe, than communication with respondents. Most of these methods are based on approaches developed by psychologists.

Observation in marketing research is a method for collecting primary marketing information about the object being studied by observing the selected groups of people, actions and situations. At the same time, the researcher directly perceives and registers all factors relating to the object being studied and significant in terms of research purposes.

Observation in marketing research can be aimed at achieving various purposes. It can be used as a source of information for constructing hypotheses, serve to verify the data obtained by other methods, it is possible to obtain additional information about the object being studied.

A variety of methods for conducting observations is determined by four approaches to their implementation: direct or indirect observation, open or hidden, structural or unstructured, carried out with the help of human or mechanical means.

Direct observation involves direct observation of behavior, say, buyers in the store (for example, in what sequence they are studying the goods displayed on the counter). With the use of indirect observation, the results of a certain behavior are studied, and not the behavior itself. Here are often used archival data, for example, data on the dynamics of stocks of certain goods by year can be useful when studying shifts in a market situation. In addition, physical evidence of certain events can be studied. For example, according to the results of studying the contents of garbage tanks, we can conclude to which the package (banks, bottles, packages, etc.) of which firms largely litients the environment.

Open observation assumes that people know that they are observed for them, for example, when conducting special experiments. However, the presence of observers affects the behavior of the observed, so it is necessary to strive to minimize it.

These requirements satisfy the hidden observation when the surveyed does not assume that it is observed. For example, in stores can be hidden to observe how much the seller is politely accounted for by buyers and helps them make a purchase.

When conducting structurized observation, the observer determines in advance that it will observe and register.

All other behaviors are ignored. A standard observation sheet is often used that reduces the cost of the observer time to a minimum.

Structured observation is used to verify the results obtained by other methods, refine them. It can also be used as a basic method for collecting information to accurately describe the behavior of the object of research and verification of certain hypotheses.

Its application requires a good prior knowledge of the subject of the study, since in the process of developing a structured surveillance procedure, the researcher must construct a system of classification of phenomena that make up the observed situation and standardize observation categories. The classification system must be expressed in those terms in which the subsequent analysis is expected.

The following is an example of structured surveillance.

Suppose that by order of the company producing orange juices of a certain brand, you are hiddenly learning the behavior of the buyers of orange juices in some self-service store. You have received the consent of the leadership of this store and dressed in the seller. The results of the observations are recorded on paper. In order for the results of their observations to make it easier to imagine in a form convenient for obtaining conclusions, first of all, observations should be recorded for individual logic categories, conducting a classification of intercracers to the following groups: fresh oranges, bottled juices, juices in packages, cooled fresh oranges and frozen oranges (Table 1). Then, for each group, alternative approaches for the choice of goods of a certain brand are identified: the product of a certain brand is selected immediately; The product of a certain brand is selected after comparison with the goods of other brands; This brand is inspected, but not bought; The buyer did not stop at the booth with this product. In addition, it is advisable to buyers to split into the following categories: one buyer, two adult buyers, one adult buyer with children. It is possible to classify buyers and other signs (floor, age, it uses or not for purchases a cart / basket, etc.).

Thus, the form of observations should indicate what type of behavior is observed and how it must be fixed. In addition, the surname of the researcher, the date and time of observation is indicated in the shape header.

Table 1

Observation registration form

Place observation
Time of day

The structure of the group is observable

Group number: ........... adults .............. children
Gender: Adults: ........... Male ............. Female
Children: .................. Male ............. female


  • trolleys for products
  • purchase basket
  • nothing

Registration of behavior in the store


Fresh oranges

Bottled juice


Frozen juice

Pass past goods

Comparison of different types of goods

Select a certain brand

Careful consideration of the selected brand

Discussion with other members of the group

Other Purchase Choices Features

Use: ........ list of purchases ........ calculator ......... coupons
Purchase time: ................. Bought quantity .........

The above approach involves the implementation of the initial classification, and then conducting observations. Although it is possible to conduct initially observation, and then disseminate the results of observations in certain categories.

It is better to use the first approach. It makes it possible to monitor the predetermined scheme, fix the results of the observations for each selected category. These observations do not carry a random or arbitrary nature, but are in line with a certain plan; Have a high degree of completeness. The researcher is easier to summarize the results obtained from different observers.

When unstructured observation is carried out, the observer fixes all types of behavior in the episode studied. This type of behavior is often used when conducting exploration research. For example, a company producing a construction tool can send its employees to study the directions and frequency of application of this tool during the construction of houses. Observation results are used in improving this tool.

Sometimes an observer person can be replaced with a special mechanical device. This replacement is caused by greater accuracy, less cost or functional reasons. For example, when studying traffic, automatic devices fix each machine whose wheels crossed the special plate. It is also more reliable and easier to study the habits of the family to watch certain telecasts with the help of a special device than on the basis of human observations.

For successful observations, certain conditions must be performed:

  1. Observations should be carried out on a relatively short period of time. For example, from the point of view of the cost of time and means, it is hardly advisable to observe the process of buying a house as a whole. Although this can be done in parts, at the individual stages of this process.
  2. The observed processes and phenomena should be accessible to observation, leaking in public. This requirement does not satisfy, for example, a private conversation.
  3. Observations should be subjected to only such behavior, which is based on frequently repeated, systematic activity, which the respondent is not able to remember well. For example, a person is usually unable to remember which broadcasting in his car he listened to the last Monday along the way to work.

In the ideal case, observation facilities should not know that their behavior is observed. In some cases, observation is the only way to obtain accurate information. For example, little children are not able to verbly express their attitude to a new toy, but such information can be obtained by watching children play with this toy or not.

Usually, the observation method is used in conjunction with other methods. The results obtained in this case complement and check each other. So, if observation is used to control the data obtained by other methods, it must be as strategically structured, carried out under the conditions in which the information controlled by it was collected.

Disadvantages of the method of observation are inherent in all high-quality research. With direct observation, behavior is usually studied under certain conditions of a small group of people, therefore, the question of the representativeness of the data obtained. In this case, there is a subjective interpretation of the data obtained. Human perception is limited, so the researcher can miss, do not notice any important manifestations of the situation under study. Usually, the researcher is not in a state of observation method to deepen the results obtained and open interests, motives, relationships underlying a certain behavior. In some cases, this restriction manages to overcome, for example, studying the reaction of children to a new toy. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the presence of an observer can influence the observed situation. The size of this effect is extremely difficult to determine.

Observation is a very time-consuming method. The design of observation results occupies sometimes two times longer than the observation itself.

When using the method of observation, it is necessary to strive to overcome the following two drawbacks. The first is in the desire to "suck" all imaginable and inconceivable information from unrepresentative observations. The second - in the desire, thoughtlessly use quantitative characteristics. The path to success is the thoughtful use of both quantitative and qualitative methods; Conducting both large-scale surveys and observations in small groups.

According to the nature of the environment, observation can be field, which means that processes are in a natural setting (in the store, at the storefront), or laboratory, i.e. conducted in an artificially created situation.

The results of the observations are fixed using audio or video technology, in notepads, etc.

The difficulties of observation are divided into subjective (associated observer's personality) and objective (independent of the observer).

The subjective difficulties of observation include the possibility of understanding and interpretation by the researcher of the behavior and actions of other people through the prism of their own "I", through its system of value orientation, as well as the emotional painting of human perception and the inevitability of the impact on the results of the observation of the past experience from the researcher. In addition, observation is always subject to the purpose of the study, which outlines the sphere of what is observed, gives it a selective nature. As a result, the choice of facts for observation and registration strongly depends on the observer.

The objective difficulties of observation primarily include the limited time of observation time of the event. In addition, far from all of interest factors can be directly observation.

The presence of an observer can cause an embarrassment of embarrassment, to change the usual stereotypes of behavior.

Personal qualities of the observer, the manifestation of their relationship to what events may also have a serious impact on the behavior of the observed.

Observation should complement other methods of marketing research and apply when the information necessary to the researcher cannot be obtained by any other ways. It happens when people do not want or can not find enough and describe in detail the sequence of their actions. In the usual situations, the actions of people in most cases acquire "automatic" character. In this case, it is quite difficult for a person, which one of the usual actions he implemented and why. In addition, the very repeating situation itself becomes something for him in his mind, and its features, its characteristic features are erased. On the other hand, with excessive emotional voltage, a person acts as if not arguing, on the first impulse, and later he rarely can explain why he made one action, not the other.

Observing the activities studied from the part, the observer can fix its characteristics such as the sequence and frequency of certain actions, a change in the emotional atmosphere, and the like, i.e. Get information inaccessible to obtain with other methods.

To obtain the information necessary for the purpose of study, i.e. To get information about the important characteristics of the object being studied, do not miss any important facts associated with its activities, or significant information about it, should be carefully developed to develop a plan and a surveillance program. When planning, it is necessary to clearly establish the timing of the observation and determine the means of collecting information. In addition, the researcher is important to solve the issue of restricting the scope of observations in its capabilities (time, finance, the number of assistants and their qualifications), as well as to take into account possible obstacles (administrative or psychological difficulties, difficulties associated with obtaining and fixing information).

The following stages of observation are allocated.

Definition of the goal, setting tasks, establishing an object and observation subject. Depending on the objectives of the study, some one or limited number of parties to the object of activity of the object, for example, is being selected as an object of observation, for example, a buyer's movement route in the store commercial building.

Ensuring access to the environment, receiving appropriate permits, contacting contacts with people.

Choosing a method of observation and development of a procedure based on pre-assembled materials.

Before proceeding with the observation, you need to choose signs in advance, the observation units for which it will be possible to judge the situation that is interested in the researcher. As a unit of observation (and from the side of the observed, this unit of behavior) can be distinguished and fixed any complex set of actions of various nature, for example, the buyer can simply look at a certain product, and maybe take it into hand.

In order for observational data to be understandable to other researchers, and the results of the same type of research were comparable, it is necessary to develop a language, a system of concepts, with which the results of observations will be described. For example, if there is a reaction to advertising in the store, then it should be clearly highlighted and fix various types of manifestation of emotional state (categories): calm, excitation, etc.

Preparation of technical documents and equipment (replication of cards, protocols, instructions for observers, preparation of technical equipment, written accessories, etc.).

After the plan is developed, observations are carried out, data collection, information accumulation.

Here, first of all, you need to choose observers. In addition to qualities as attention, patience, the ability to record changes in the observed situation, one of the basic requirements for the observer, is the requirement of good faith.

The observer should continuously control his actions so that their impact on the observed situation and, therefore, its change was minimal.

It is necessary that each observer passes the appropriate training. The training of the observer implies the simultaneous development of his ability to see significant actions, as well as the ability to memorize and the ability to keep accurate entries.

It must be remembered that at every particular moment the person is able to simultaneously perceive from five to ten discrete units. If we are talking about a fairly wide sector of observations, it is advisable to entrust work to several observers, it is strictly distributed with functions.

It is best to prepare observers using exercises when students behave, watching either specially played or filmed on the video film.

If there is no such possibility, the researcher can prepare assistants in the process of real observations. To do this, it is necessary to at, together with those who are being prepared, attended when observed and conducted parallel records. After observing the record of the researcher and students are compared, and the researcher clarifies the most important and complex moments.

An important step in the preparation of the observer is the development of the instruction. Well prepared instruction facilitates observers work and unifies the material collected by them.

The instructions provide accurate indications as to which criteria for certain actions, events, phenomena will be supplied under one or another category. It also emphasizes the need to record strictly in accordance with the existing categories. Thus, the observer cannot note the "manifestation of aggressiveness", if this category is not marked in the code.

The instruction should also contain requirements for the method of fixing the observed events; It may contain explanations, as needed to use the measurement scales used.

If you need the interpretation of the intentions of the persons under study, then the instructions should either indicate the principle or list the indicators on the basis of which the observer will make their judgments. All this is necessary so that all observers if possible equally evaluated observation.

Fixation of observation results can be performed in the form: a) short-term recording conducted by "hot trail", as far as the place and time allow; b) cards serving to register information regarding observed persons, phenomena, processes; c) the observation protocol, which is an advanced version of the card; d) the diary of observations, which is systematically announcing all the necessary information, statements, behavior of individuals, their own reflections, difficulties; e) photo-, video, sound recording.

The fixation of observation results is simultaneously a means of double control: monitoring the observer and control over possible deviations within the observable situation or process.

Non-structurized observation (see junction) most often does not have rigid fixing forms. Here, first of all, it is important that the entry gives the opportunity to determine what is only observation, and what - to some extent the interpretation of the observed events. Otherwise, observation data is mixed with conclusions.

Monitoring of observation can be carried out in different ways: a) holding a conversation with participants in the situation; b) by referring to documents related to this event; c) compared the results of their own observation and observation made by another as a qualified observer; d) sending reports on observing other researchers in order to repetition observations.

An observation report should contain: a) thorough documentation of the time, place and circumstances of the monitored observation, b) information on the role of the observer during the study, the method of observation; c) the characteristic of the observed persons; d) own notes and interpretations of the observer; e) Assessment of the reliability of the results obtained.

Usually apply one of three types of reliability assessment:

  • the coefficient of consent of observers (the same event is observed simultaneously by various observers);
  • stability (the same observer monitors at different times);
  • reliability ratio (various observers are monitored at different times).

When planning observation, the researcher must first of all need to develop a hypothesis, based on which, build a system of classification of those facts, phenomena that makes the observed situation and meet the objectives of the study. Without this, fixed facts will be isolated, uncertain and, therefore, deprived of meaning. However, this classification system should not be created too complete and rigid. In this case, the researcher will be forced to discard all the facts, not fit into it.

The observer who has no classification system, can see a lot, and fix and determine very little. A researcher who has a too complete and rigid classification system, most often will be recorded only those phenomena and facts that can confirm its preliminary concepts.

When developing a plan of observations, it is necessary to determine the most significant characteristics of the conditions and situations in which the activities of the observed are observed, i.e. Solve the question of what time and what time should observe.

3. Focus group method

You can select the four main objectives of the application of this method:

  1. Generation of ideas, for example, regarding the references to the improvement of products manufactured, their design, packaging or developing new products.
  2. Studying a conversational dictionary of consumers, which may be useful, let's say, when conducting an advertising campaign, compiling questionnaires, etc.
  3. Acquaintance with consumer requests, their perception, motifs and with their attitude to the studied product, its brand, methods of its promotion, which is very important in determining the objectives of the marketing research.
  4. A better understanding of the data collected during quantitative research. Sometimes members of the focus group help better understand the results of the survey.
  5. The study of emotional and behavioral reactions to certain types of advertising.

Usually, the group's work is recorded using audio and video equipment, and its results may be the basis for quantitative research, for example, by survey.

Obviously, the possibility and effectiveness of the use of this method is a strong influence of culture, traditions of communication, etc. residents of different regions and countries. This is taken into account in the formation of a focus group, for example, determining its number, the role and degree of activity of the lead.

The optimal focus group size ranges from 8 to 12 people. With a smaller number of participants, the participants are not created by the necessary dynamics for the productive work of the group, and the leading has to make a lot of effort to enhance the work of the Group. In the number of groups greater than 12 people, it is difficult to establish productive discussions, the group may be divided into subgroups in which there can be conversations for abstract topics, and only a few people participate in the discussion itself.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to determine the composition of the group in advance. For example, 12 people take part in the discussion to take part in the discussion, and there are only 6 people in fact.

As for the composition of the group, it is recommended to form it, based on the principle of homogeneity of the composition of its participants (by age, type of activity, family position, etc.). In this case, it is believed to create the best conditions for the discussed discussion.

The choice of participants in the group is primarily determined by the objectives of the study. For example, if the goal is to generate new ideas about the product packaging, consumers who bought goods of a particular brand are invited as participants in the focus group. Typically, potential participants are invited to participate in the discussion using the phone, although sometimes those who want to take part in the work of the Group find among buyers right in the store. It is desirable that the leading participation in the process of formation of the group.

When "recruitment", participants in the group are used as a monetary form of payment of their labor, and natural in the form of free provision of certain goods. Very often on the eve of the day of the focus group, potential participants are reminded about it. In this case, if you refuse to participate in the discussion, it is possible to replace such participants.

It is best in the case when it is assumed that the discussion will last more than 1.5 hours, it is preferable to the room in adapted for such discussions, preferably behind the round table, in the situation of silence and tranquility contributing to mental work.

The success of the focus group largely depends on the effectiveness of the leading activity, which, on the basis of a deep understanding of the goals and objectives of the discussion without direct interference in the course of the discussion, manages its implementation. He should strive for the balance between the natural discussion among the participants and the departure from the topic under discussion. The presenter should be a highly sociable man showing deep interest and participation in the positions and comments among the participants of the group. Usually before the start of the discussion in the focus group, the presenter prepares a detailed plan for its work, strive to increase the level of knowledge under the problem under discussion.

When analyzing the results of the Group's work, you should pay attention to two important factors. Firstly, the translation of the statements of participants in the discussion into the language of categories and the concepts of the topic under discussion and on determining the degree of consistency of their opinions.

Secondly, it is necessary to determine to what extent the characteristics of the participants of the focus group are typical of consumers of the studied target market.

The main advantages of the focus group should include the following:

  1. The ability to honestly and freely state your opinions, generate fresh ideas, especially if the discussion uses the brain attack method.
  2. The opportunity for the customer to participate in the formation of the goals and objectives of the discussion, to observe the work of the Group causes a fairly high confidence in its result. These results, the customer, sometimes, begins to use in practical work before receiving the official report.
  3. A variety of directions for using this method, which it was earlier.
  4. The ability to learn respondents who are in more formal, structured situations are not amenable to study, not wanting, for example, to participate in the survey.

Summing up said, the disadvantages of this method should include possible irrediability, subjective interpretation of the results obtained, the highest value per group of group.

The fact that the results of the work of the focus group may not be representative, with respect to the general population as a whole, are determined by the following. Respondents, as a rule, take part in the work of such a group, more actively, willingly respond to the proposals of such a type compared to the general population as a whole. In addition, it contributes to small, as a rule, the homogeneous composition of the focus group, in which professional respondents may be included at the last moment.

The subjectivism of the interpretation of the results of the Group's work is due to the fact that it is possible to emphasize on facts that support the point of view of the lead and ignore other points of view. Further, the participation of the customer in the preparation and conduct of the work of the focus group can also determine the resulting results. As noted earlier, the customer can use the results of the Group's work before receiving the official report.

The cost of using this method is determined by the following. So, in the US, the cost of maintaining numerous telephone conversations is expressed by about a number of $ 25 per participant. Encouraging for participation in the work of the focus group costs approximately $ 30. The payment of a qualified host for one session is 1500-2000 dollars. In addition, the cost of renting the premises, the cost of using technical means should be taken into account. Typically, these costs make up hundreds of dollars per hour of lease. Next, there are hidden costs directly not included in the total costs, for example, due to the participation of the Customer in the study.

The use of modern communication technologies expands the range of use of focus groups. For example, the organization of interaction between two groups conducted in various cities.

4. Other qualitative methods

The following methods of qualitative research will be described below: the depth interview, the analysis of the protocol and projection methods.

The deep interview is a consistent task of a qualified interviewer to the respondent of a group of probe issues, in order to understand why they behave in a certain way or what they think about a certain problem. The respondent is asked questions on the topic under study, which he is responsible in arbitrary form. At the same time, the interviewer asks questions like: "Why did you answer in a similar way?", "Can you justify your point of view?", "Can you give some special arguments?" Answers to such questions help the interviewer is better to figure out the processes occurring in the head of the respondent.

This method is applied to collect information on new concepts, design, advertising and other methods of product promotion; It helps to better understand the behavior of consumers, in the emotional and personal aspects of consumer life, in making decisions at the individual level, to obtain data on the use of certain products.

Here, first of all, it is necessary to achieve a benevolent atmosphere when communicating with the respondent. For this you need to:

  • the interviewer listened to the interviewed patiently and friendly, but was critical;
  • the interviewer did not give pressure on the respondent;
  • not discussed.

He can speak and ask only under certain conditions:

  • to help responded to express;
  • to dispel its anxiety, which can prevent contact between the interviewer and the respondent;
  • to return the conversation to the question missed or not lighted.

The interviewer is desirable to be attentive both to verbal design and feelings concluded in words.

The most difficult is the summation of these individual surveys in the final report. When using this method, a tape recorder is used or detailed records are underway.

An analysis of the protocol is to premise the respondent into a certain situation on the decision-making, while it should verbally describe all the factors and arguments that he guided when deciding. Sometimes, when applying this method, a tape recorder is used. The researcher then analyzes the protocols represented by respondents.

The method of analyzing the protocol is used in analyzing solutions, the adoption of which is distributed over time, for example, the decision to buy a house. In this case, the researcher collects in a single whole individual decisions taken at its individual stages.

In addition, this method is used when analyzing solutions, the acceptance process is very short. In this case, the method of analyzing the protocol seems to slow down the decision rate. For example, buying chewing gum, usually people do not think about this purchase. The analysis of the protocol makes it possible to understand some internal aspects of such purchases.

Using projection methods Respondents are placed in certain imitated situations in the hope that respondents will express such information about themselves that cannot be obtained when conducting a direct survey, for example, regarding drug use, alcohol, receiving tips, etc. The following specific methods can be distinguished in the composition of the projection methods: associative methods, testing using the completion of proposals, testing illustrations, testing drawings, playing roles, retrospective conversations and conversations with a support for creative imagination.

Associative methods include associative conversations and associative tests of words or verbal association. In the process of associative conversation, the respondent orient questions of this kind: "What makes you think about it or this ...", "What thoughts do you have now in connection with ....?" etc. This method allows the respondent to say everything that comes to mind. In the event that some respondents experience difficulties, wanting to clarify the level of their preferences, at least due to the lack of words, they are limited to several response options.

Associative test of words is to read the respondent of words, which in response should pronounce the first word for him. For example, the words used in advertising, in the names and brands of products. Thus, an attempt is made to reveal the true feelings of respondents with respect to the test object. At the same time, the response delay time is also fixed, bearing in mind that a large response delay means the absence of a clearly pronounced association of the test words with some other words (pleasant, beautiful, ugly, unaesthetic ...). Let's say, options for the names of the new soft drink were tested. Respondents-Students alone from the titles in line with such words as "light, hissing, cold", which significantly corresponded to the real consumer properties of this drink.

The test by completing the proposal is to provide the respondents of an unfinished sentence that they must complete in their own words. It is assumed that when performing this task, the respondent will provide some information about himself. Suppose that the Supplier of Tea decided to expand its market for adolescents. The researcher proposed to students of one of the schools to complete the following proposals:

  • He who drinks tea is ........
  • Tea drink well when ........
  • My friends think that tea is .....

Next, the endings are analyzed. Let's say, in the end of the first sentence, such words are dominated as "healthy", "bodry". Similarly come with other proposals. The result of this study may be the desire to promote tea for the studied market segment.

The testing of the illustration is that the research participants demonstrate a certain illustration (figure or picture), depicting people set in a typical situation and decide some problems, and asked to describe their reaction. The researcher analyzes the content of these descriptions in order to determine the feelings, reactions caused by this illustration. This method is used when choosing the best options for advertising, illustrations for brochures, pictures on packaging, etc., as well as the headlines associated with them. Analysis of the materials obtained shows that in many cases people carry their own problems to the characters and, thus, it is easier to provide information that they would not have decided to provide directly.

Testing illustrations can assume an entry in a free place above your head of one of the actors, usually shown simply by the contour, its comments on the situation shown in the figure, followed by analyzing these records. The interviewee must put itself in place of this character and answer him.

When playing the roles, participants are invited to enter the role of one of the characters of a certain situation (friend, neighbor, colleague) and describe their actions in the situation under study. In this way, positive or negative hidden reactions, feelings, value systems are studied. For example, the participant is introduced into a situation where his friend bought an expensive car of a certain brand and asked to comment on this purchase to a third party.

During the retrospective conversation, the interviewed is asked to recall some scenes, some actions, indicative for the area that they want to explore. The surveyer helps the interviewee to be called in memory, describe in detail what he remembers. For example, during the conversation the respondent describes how he smokes his first cigarette per day.

When conducting a conversation with a support for the creative imagination of the interviewable, they put in a kind of hypothetical situation. The methodology for holding a conversation is to vigorously encourage a person to represent his reactions, feelings, behavior that would be inherent to him if he was in a similar situation. It projects his relationship, feelings, ideas on the topic under study.

The implementation of all the above methods is based on the high professionalism of the persons conductive, which leads to the high cost of their implementation. This is especially true of the interpretation of the results obtained. Therefore, these methods are not widely used when carrying out commercial marketing research.

Usually, these methods are used after a researcher based on the survey has already received information that gives it the opportunity to formulate several hypotheses, which will be either confirmed or refuted.

Further, the qualitative methods include physiological measurements based on the study of involuntary responses of respondents on marketing incentives. When conducting such measurements, special equipment is used. For example, the expansion and movement of pupils are recorded when studying certain goods, pictures, etc. In addition, the electrical activity and removal of the skin of respondents can be measured, characterizing their excitation. However, this technique is unusual in nature, so it can cause nervousness from respondents. Its use does not make it possible to separate positive reactions from negative.

An example is the conduct of special experiments to determine the relationship of children to various toys. In the process of their conduct, the behavior of children is monitored. In front of the children, various toys (various types, colors made from different materials) are launched (various types, colors made from different materials) and with the help of contact and non-contact sensors, video filming is fixed by eye movement, pupil size, pulse frequency, sweating, sequence and nature of studying toys.

Physiological measurements due to these reasons are quite rarely used when conducting marketing research.

5. Poll methods

We characterize in more detailed quantitative methods for collecting primary data or survey methods.

The survey is to collect primary information by directly setting people questions regarding their knowledge, product relations, preferences and consumer behavior. The survey may be structured and unstructured; In the first case, all the respondents respond to the same questions, in the second - the Interviewer asks questions depending on the answers received.

When conducting a survey, the group of respondents may be subject to either one-time, or multiple surveys. In the first case, it turns out as if the transverse section of this group in many parameters for a fixed point of time (Cross-Sectional Study is "cross-" study). For example, the editors of magazines and newspapers are conducting disposable selective studies of their readers in such parameters as age, gender, education level, occupation, etc. Since, as a rule, a large size samples are used when conducting research data, these studies are usually called selective polls.

In the second case, the same group responded, called the panel, is repeatedly studied for a certain period of time (Longitudinal Study - "longitudinal" study). Different types of panels are used in carrying out many marketing research. In this case, it is often said that the poll panel method is used.

The following advantages are inherent in the survey methods.

  1. A high level of standardization due to the fact that all respondents are asked the same questions with the same options for answers to them.
  2. Ease of implementation lies in the fact that respondents not necessarily visit them by transferring them to the post office or by telephone; No need to use technical means and attract highly qualified professionals, as in the case of using the focus group, deep interview method, etc.
  3. The possibility of holding a deep analysis is to formulate consistent refining issues. For example, working mothers ask how important the school's location was taking into account when choosing them for their children. Next is the question as to how many schools were considered as possible options. Then questions are given regarding the kind of classes, features of the work, income, family size.
  4. The possibility of tabulation and statistical analysis is to use methods of mathematical statistics and appropriate application packages for personal computers.
  5. Analysis of the results obtained in relation to specific market segments. This is due to the opportunity to divide the overall sample on separate subsections in accordance with demographic and other criteria.

table 2
Sample questionnaire

1. Do you like to wear T-shirts?
No opinion ___

2. What do you like in this T-shirt?
- Logson
- Quality

3. What do you dislike about this T-shirt?
- Logson
- Quality
- Something else (please indicate)

4. How do you assess the quality of this T-shirt?
- Excellent
- Good
- average
- bad

5. If you decide to buy this T-shirt, what is the price of you?
specify the number in rubles ________

6. If you buy a T-shirt, then with what purposes?
for everyday socks__
for relax__
for sports __
for others as a gift__

Data on respondents
wives __

Age (circle):
15-24 | 25-34 | 35-44 | 45 or more

Specify your common family income (in US dollars):
Up to 25 | 25-50 | 50-100 | 100-300 | 300-1000 | Over 1000 thousand dollars.

Information when conducting surveys from respondents is assembled in three ways:

  1. By setting questions to respondents with interviewers, the answers to which the interviewer fixes (in the table. 2. An example of a questionnaire used in the interviewing of customers regarding their attitudes towards a certain brand);
  2. By setting issues using a computer;
  3. By independently filling out the questionnaires by respondents.

The first method has the following advantages:

  1. The presence of feedback with respondents, which makes it possible to manage the survey process.
  2. The ability to establish confidence between the respondent and the interviewer at the beginning of the survey.
  3. The possibility of accounting when conducting a survey of features and the level of education of the respondents, for example, to help the respondent to deal with the gradations of the scales used.

The disadvantages of this method exactly correspond to the advantages of the second and will be discussed below.

The advantages of the second way are as follows:

  1. High speed of implementation of this approach compared to personal interviews. The computer can quickly ask questions adapted to responses to previous issues; Quickly recruit accidentally selected phone numbers; Consider the features of each respondent.
  2. No interviewer errors, it does not get tired, it is impossible to bribe it.
  3. The use of pictures, graphs, video materials integrated into questions appearing on the computer screen.
  4. Real time data processing. The information obtained is directly sent to the database and is accessible to tabulation and analysis at any time.
  5. The subjective qualities of the interviewer do not affect the responses received, especially related to personal questions. Respondents do not try to give such answers that will enjoy the interviewer.

The disadvantages of the computer method of surveys include relatively high costs due to the acquisition and use of computers, software, cleaning from computer viruses after each survey, etc.

The main specific feature of the third method is that the respondent answers questions transferred or the questionnaire sent him independently without the participation of an interviewer or using a computer.

The advantages of this method are as follows:

  1. The relatively low cost due to the lack of interviewers, computer equipment.
  2. Independent organization of responses to questions from respondents who independently choose the time and speed of answers to questions, create for themselves the most comfortable conditions for answering questions.
  3. The lack of a certain influence on the part of the interviewer or computer, creating respondents more comfortable conditions for the answer to questions.

The disadvantages of this survey method primarily consist in the fact that since the respondent independently controls answers to questionnaire questions, its responses may contain errors due to misunderstanding, lack of due attention, etc., be incomplete; The period of the survey may be violated or the questionnaires will not be returned at all. Due to the above, the questionnaire should be developed in the most thorough way, contain clear and complete instructions.

6. Panel examination method

The basic concept of this method is the concept of the panel.

The panel is a selective set of interviewed units subjected to repeating research, and the subject of research remains permanent. Panel members can be separate consumers, families, trade and industrial organizations, experts who, with certain reservations remain constant. Panel survey method has advantages over conventional disposable surveys: it makes it possible to compare the results of subsequent surveys with the results of previous ones and establish trends and patterns of development of studied phenomena; Provides higher sampling suggestion with respect to the general population.

All types of panels are divided into the time of existence, the nature of the units studied (subjects), the nature of the problems studied (subject items), methods for obtaining information.

By the time of existence, the panel is divided into short-term (exist no more than a year) and long-term (no more than five years).

Long-term panels can give continuous or periodic information. Continuous information is fixed in diaries daily, and the diaries themselves are sent to the organizers of the study at certain intervals. Periodic information is received as surveys in the form of completed questionnaires.

By the nature of the units of panels are divided into:

  • consumer, whose members are individual consumers, families or households (so in the United States by NFO Research, Inc. Consumer panel has been created, including 450,000 households);
  • trade, whose members are commercial organizations and individuals engaged in trade;
  • industrial enterprises producing under study;
  • experts - specialists in the problem under study.

The information obtained during surveys is largely dependent on the panel. The most difficult formation of family and individual consumer panels. The advantage of trading panels, panels of industrial enterprises and experts is a smaller number of members compared to consumer panels, which reduces the costs of their formation and observation.

According to the nature of the problems under study, the panels are divided into common and specialized. Specialized panels can be created to study individual goods or commodity groups. For example, with their help, the goods and concepts of new products are tested; Tracking market trends, for example, the dynamics of the market share is studied; definition of sources from which consumers receive information about new products; Testing advertising videos.

If the shared panels are formed by representative in relation to the composition of the population of the region, the specialized panels can be formed as samples from the entire population (all families); all potential consumers of the goods under study; All valid consumers (owners) of the goods under study.

The specialized panel may also be unrepresentative, for example, can be formed as a panel of activists, i.e. People who have a specific product and willingly give information about it. Such panels are used to pre-analyze the problem.

By the method of obtaining information, four types of panels are possible:

  1. panel members send the required information (filled diaries, questionnaires) by mail;
  2. panel members are interviewed;
  3. panel members fill diaries or questionnaires, but collect information special workers;
  4. panel members are interviewed at certain intervals, and inside the time interval send information by mail.

During panel surveys:

  • factors influence the solution of the problem under study, and their dynamics;
  • learn opinions and assessments of the commercially surveyed relative to the goods and the organization, their time change;
  • decisive decisions and intentions of surveyed and their implementation;
  • reveal differences in the behavior of consumers belonging to different social sections living in different regions and cities and settlements of different types;
  • learning the motives of purchase and predict their development, etc.

Panels are divided into traditional and non-traditional. The latter include widely used public panels (OMNIBUS PANELS). When using traditional panels, the same questions are set at each examination of the panel participants. When using a public panel, each survey may have different goals, and there can be different issues, and only one or a very limited number of questions are given to a large number of respondents. This type of panel is based on the use of existing, repeatedly previously used sources of information that can be quickly involved with the most different research objectives. It turns out an instant photo of some opinions, relationships, etc. Due to the limited number of asked questions and spent channels for obtaining information, this type of panel survey is relatively cheap. For example, a marketer with this method, using, say, a well-established system for studying a public opinion, created by some specializing in the field of the organization, can quickly obtain information about the opinion of a certain group of consumers regarding the product of two different brands. Based on the same traditional panel, the same parameters are studied in dynamics, for example, based on the study of the dynamics of purchases of a particular brand of goods carried out by consumers of individual market segments. Here you can explore the number of goods sold, a market share, a change in consumer attitudes to the product of a certain brand, its switching to the use of the goods of another brand, that is, market trends. However, this is carried out on the basis of a specially conducted study.

The expediency of using certain panels is determined by the nature of the tasks solved and the amount of funds secreted. Therefore, before conducting consumer surveys, based on the objectives of the study, you must select the type and size of the panel. Large in terms of panels give more reliable results or with the same accuracy there are smaller confidence intervals. But larger on the volume of the panel require and high costs.

It should be noted that there are difficulties to ensure the representativeness of the formed panel. In addition to the general problems of forming a representative sampling, there are problems due to the fact that traditional panels are created for multiple studies. Panel participants can simply refuse further cooperation, move to another city, go to another consumer panel, die. In addition, the participants in the panel, feeling under control, consciously or unconsciously change the usual image of behavior: households are better prepared for procurement, the proportion of spontaneous purchases decreases.

As an example of the use of a panel survey method, consider the study of medical care and the drug market in France. The panel included 1600 doctors (every twentieth doctor) working with private clientele. Panel members wrote down within one week every three months recipes in a special tear-off book with roots. This made it possible to simultaneously receive a duplicate recipe and certain information recorded on the root: Features of the patient, diagnosis, therapeutic impact expected from the discharged medication, etc.

The process of forming the panel in this example included:

  • separation of territory to regions and categories of cities;
  • division of medical personnel in categories in specialty and age;
  • draw in each category to select the desired number of doctors;
  • check sampling for many parameters (the title of the doctor, the number of its clientele, etc.).

In addition, statistical information was collected monthly on the sale of drugs in pharmacies (the panel included 307 pharmacies).

7. Methods for obtaining data from respondents

The following methods of collecting data can be distinguished when conducting surveys with interviewers or independently filling out the questionnaires by respondents:

  1. Interviewing carried out at home by the respondent. Perhaps the prior approval of the deadlines of the interview by phone. It is usually easier to establish a trusting relationship, it is possible to show samples of goods, promotional materials, etc. The home furnishings configures a sufficiently long interview with a high degree of concentration on the survey conducted. However, this is an expensive data collection method.
  2. Interviewing visitors of large stores. Companies conducting such surveys may have their offices in large stores. Clover visitors are interviewed by an interviewer in the store room or can be invited to give interview to the office. With the help of this method without the use of special methodical approaches, it is difficult to ensure the representativeness of the survey results and the thoughtful attitude of the issues being interviewed. Compared to the first method, this method is cheaper.
  3. Interview in offices. Usually used when collecting information about production and technical and office products. This method essentially has the same advantages and disadvantages as the first method, however, has a higher cost of carrying out the use of more qualified interviewers.
  4. Traditional telephone interview. The advantages of this method and data collection include the following: relatively low cost, the ability to cover a large number of respondents and ensure a high level of representativeness, the possibility of holding a relatively short period of time. The following disadvantages are inherent in this method: the inability to show something to the respondent, the impossibility for the interviewer to have a personal impression of a meeting with respondents. (True, the lack of personal contact sometimes contributes to the receipt of truthful answers to questions about alcohol consumption, contraceptives, etc.). Next - the difficulty of obtaining extensive responses to a large number of questions, since the patience of the respondent can run out. In addition, it is difficult to check the quality of the interviews and establish whether all the planned respondents in reality were interviewed. To control the quality of the survey conducted, the manual can organize repeated verification calls to previously surveyed respondents.
  5. A telephone interview from a specially equipped room, in which several interviewers work in parallel, to whose telephones can be connected. In addition to good quality control of the quality of interviewers, this method compared to the traditional telephone interview provides cost reduction by combining resources (logistical and software, etc.).
  6. Telephone interview using a computer. Many consumer survey companies specially equipped with telephone interviews are equipped with special computer equipment. This technique carries out an automatic set of respondents' telephone numbers, then an entrance text appears on the monitor, and then consistently asked questions with possible options for answers. The interviewer reads the respondent questions and with the help of the code records the named version of the answer. At the same time, the next question is formulated depending on the answer option to the previous question. Such technology facilitates interviewer labor, speeds up conducting surveys and reduces the number of possible errors. Computer database responses and their statistical processing are automatically carried out in real time. In some cases, the analysis of only part of the responses allows you to take certain solutions and stop further survey, saving time and resources.
  7. Fully computerized interview. In this case, in addition to the previously described method, the respondent answers the questions by clicking on the buttons of his phone, or the questions appear on the monitor of its computer, and the respondent enters the answers using the usual computer keyboard.
  8. Group independent filling of the questionnaire. This approach is used to convenience and cheap interviews. For example, in front of twenty-thirty members of the group, an advertising video is shown, after which they individually answer the questionnaire questions regarding the estimation of this video. Participants in the group can be schoolchildren of the same class, students of one study group, resting any recreation home, etc. Feedback is possible with the interviewer.
  9. Independent filling of abandoned questionnaires. It is an option for a survey based on an independent filling of the questionnaire. After pre-oral explanation of the goals and objectives of the survey, the questionnaire is left at the respondent. The completed questionnaire, after a certain time, or take away from the respondent, or he sends it by mail in an envelope with a paid answer. This method is used in conducting surveys on a limited territory that does not require large movements from the interviewer. This method is characterized by a high degree of repayment of answers, the minimum influence of the interviewer on the respondents, relative cheap and good control over the formation of the group of respondents. Employees of one organization can be selected as respondents, hotel residents, shop visitors, etc.
  10. Examination by mail. Questions and answers are sent by mail. The advantages of this method are due to the fact that it is not necessary to hire interviewers, ease of the formation of groups of target respondents, its cheapness. This method has the same disadvantages as the methods of independent filling of the questionnaire without the participation of the interviewer. They were considered above. In addition, this method is characterized by a low percentage of return responses, it is focused mainly on fairly competent people living in countries with an effective postal system. There is a possibility of distorting the results due to the fact that respondents in their social situation, attitude to a specific product, advertising, etc. They differ from those who did not respond to the questionnaire (self-confection of respondents).

In tab. 3 provides data characterizing the advantages and disadvantages of the most frequently used interviewing methods.

Table 3.

The advantages and disadvantages of the three main interviewing methods



Available for small group

Possible one-sided response

researchers. Low cost

tov due to small numbers

bridge. Ease of organization.

scrap responses. Impossible

There is no influence with

clarify questions. Impossible

we are an interviewer. May be

explanation and explanations

used illustrations.

Low quality answers on

open questions

By phone

Low cost. Field

Limited respondents

studies may be

having telephone.

quenses quickly enough.

Could not be shown

Suitable for collecting as

rosannik and illustration.

actual data and data

It is difficult to maintain interest

characterizing issues

more than 15-20 minutes.

relationship. Centralized-

It is difficult to specify complex


Survey depth.

High price.


Ability to demonstrate

It is difficult to check the degree

product. The possibility of

influence of the interviewer on the res-

draw out attention to respond

pondent. Interview maybe

denta for a long time

to be interrupted Required

meni. Opportunity to listen

big team interview

live speech.

8. Choosing specific survey methods

The choice of specific methods of surveys is based on the following groups of factors: the objectives and resources of the researcher; Characteristics of respondents; Characteristics of questions asked by the researcher. Briefly describe these three groups of factors.

Data collection goals arise from the objectives of the marketing research. The determination is based on the requirements for obtaining information of the desired quality. The latter is determined by the released time to make decisions and available resources.

The most rapidly implemented methods include a telephone survey and interviewing visitors of large stores. Much more time requires the implementation of personal interviewing, postage surveys.

The lack of sufficient funds also affects the choice of data collection method. For example, if a researcher wants the sample to consist of 1000 respondents, and 5,000 dollars released on these studies, it seems impossible to hire interviewers at $ 20 for one interview, because in this case the interviewers will have to pay 20,000 dollars. This example will have to use cheaper methods, such as a telephone interview.

The quality of the data collected is estimated in many of the parameters that will be considered sufficiently detail in the subsequent sections of the book. There will also be marked only two aspects of the concept of "quality of collected data": the ability to distribute the conclusions received from the collection of information for a specific sample, to the entire population as a whole and full of information obtained from each interviewed. These criteria, for example, in a much greater degree satisfy the information obtained at the personal meeting of the interviewer with the respondent than when interviewing the phone.

At least four characteristics of the target group of respondents who affect the choice of data collection method are given:

1. The degree of coverage (Incidence Rate) characterizes the percentage of respondents with the required characteristics, in the total aggregate of the respondents. For example, if the concept of low-calorie foods prepared in a microwave furnace is tested, then housewives with microwave furnaces should be considered as targeted respondents and bought low-calorie foods over the past six months. Only about 5% of housewives satisfying these requirements correspond to this qualifying ground. An indicator of the degree of coverage in this case means that only one of the twenty housewives surveyed randomly corresponds to the objectives of the survey conducted.

The process of collecting data in this example, accompanied by high costs of money and time to search for respondents with the required characteristics, may require more time and means than the interviewing itself. It is possible to use an inspection by mail, using the principle of self-removal, according to which only respondents are responsible for questions that satisfy the qualifying features given in the Questionnaire.

2. Desire to participate in the survey. The researcher always concerns the high degree of respondents to participate in the survey. You can highlight two types of reasons for unwillingness to take part in any survey. The first is due to certain generalized feelings of suspicion and the desire of anyone to no longer admit to his personal life: a certain category of people simply does not want to take part in any examination. The second is due to the specific circumstances of a specific examination. For example, some respondents do not want to discuss certain topics. The selected survey method affects the degree of desire to participate in the survey. So people find more difficult to refuse to participate in personal interview than in the postal examination. Typically, various methods of stimulating the desire to take part in the examination are usually used: cash payment, small gifts (handles, lighters, etc.), etc.

3. The possibility of participation in the survey. Even if the potential respondent meets two of the above requirements, it may not participate in the examination (travel, disease, unexpected family circumstances, forgetfulness, etc.). Typically, personal contacts with potential respondents increase the likelihood of their participation in the survey, while the mail surveys do not have such stimulating social impact.

4. A variety of respondents characterizes the degree in which promising respondents have some key features. For example, if only a small part of the target population attends large universal stores, the survey of visitors to such stores will not give representative results. The more diverse the target group is, the more personal approach to ensure participation in the survey of the necessary respondents should use researchers.

The choice of data collection methods is largely determined by the nature of the issues. Here, first of all, it is necessary to allocate the level of complexity of tasks that are placed in front of the respondents. For example, testing the taste qualities of some food or testing television advertising require sufficiently difficult preparation, special equipment, individual premises and clear control over the procedures for their implementation.

This should be noted that the amount of information requested from the respondents is strongly changing from one study to another. For example, one study is as intended to obtain a variety of information about the product and its brand, about the life style of buyers and their demographic characteristics.

While the other is trying only to know that the store's visitor remembered from advertising at the entrance to this store.

Traditionally, telephone surveys are the shortest, while personal interviews are quite extensive.

All other data collection methods occupy an intermediate position. Often, several methods of data collection are combined. For example, after a short telephone interview, a poll is conducted by mail.

A significant impact on the choice of a data collection method has a degree of sensitivity of the topic of the topic, that is, the degrees of affecting personal interests, views, moral and ethical aspects (blood surprise, racial problems, personal hygiene, donations for charitable purposes, etc.). The experience of studying these problems suggests that it is less suitable for personal interviews, and most often a telephone interview or an interview with a computer is used.

The choice of the proper method should be based on simultaneous accounting of all these factors, which is extremely difficult and sometimes gives contradictory results. The final choice depends largely on the qualifications and experience of the work of researchers, the depth of the possession of them by individual data collection methods. In general, when choosing a survey method, you must be guided by the answers to the following question: "What method of data collection will allow to obtain the most complete representative information within the released time and money?"

Questions for checking

  1. Give the definition of quantitative and high-quality marketing research; Specify what they differ from each other?
  2. What is the method of observation? What is observed and what is registered in the process of its implementation?
  3. Describe at least three different directions for using the focus group method.
  4. What way is the composition of the focus group?
  5. Should members of the focus group be similar or disliked on each other and why?
  6. Should the head of the marketing service act as a leader during the work of the Focus Group?
  7. What does the definition of "projection" mean in the title "Projection Method"?
  8. The head of the marketing service of the wine-vodka plant is concerned about the low level of consumption of liquors compared to other alcohol products of the plant. Help him choose two projection methods to study this problem and justify the possibility of applying them in this case.
  9. Present the main advantages and disadvantages of the survey methods compared to high-quality methods.
  10. What features of a survey method carried out using a computer are the most attractive?
  11. What is common and what is the difference between the interviewing, implemented at home, in the store and in the office?
  12. Why are the polls on the phone?
  13. What three resource factors affect the choice of a survey method?
  14. The firm of the security alarm is selected the survey method of apartment owners relative to the proposed signaling system. In the case of penetration of the thief in the apartment turns on the beep and simulates the Lai watchdog dog. The firm would like to know what the number of potential customers have information on the existence of this system, what they think about it and whether they are going to acquire it next year. Which of the considered survey methods is most suitable in this case and why?



2. Hague Paul, Jackson Peter. Marketing Research in Practice. 1992.

3. Kotler Philip. Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, IMPLEMENTATION, AND CONTROL. Seventh Ed. Prentice Hall, 1991.

Data collection methods

Marketing research is the process of searching, collecting, processing data and prepare information for the adoption of operational and strategic decisions in the system of entrepreneurship.

Accordingly, this definition clearly defines the main stages of any marketing research:

Development of research concept

Search and collect information;

Data processing;

Preparation of the final analytical note (report).

Types of research

One of the most time-consuming and costly stages of any marketing research is a search and collection of information on the problem under study. Depending on the sources used, the research information is divided into:



However, in practice, field and office studies complement each other, solving their specific range of issues.

Cabinet study - search, collecting and analyzing already existing secondary information ("Writing Study"). Secondary information is the data collected earlier for purposes other than those solved at the moment. The main advantages of working with secondary information are: a small cost of work, because it is not necessary to collect new data; speed of collecting information; the presence of several sources of information; relative accuracy of information from independent sources; The ability to pre-analyze the problem. Obvious disadvantages of working with secondary information are: a frequent inconsistency of secondary data to the objectives of the study, by virtue of the general nature of the latter; information is often obsolete; Methodology and tools with which data are collected may not comply with the objectives of this study. In this regard, it is often complemented by a parallel conduct of several expert interviews to increase the validity of information.

Field study - Search, collecting and processing data specifically for specific marketing analysis. Any field study is based on primary information, in other words, on the newly obtained data to solve the specific problem under study. The main advantages of primary information: data are collected in strict accordance with the exact objectives of the research task; The data collection methodology is strictly controlled. The main lack of field information collection is the considerable costs of material and labor resources.

Depending on the tools used (methods) of the collection (primary) information, research can be divided into:



Often, the practical implementation of marketing research requires an integrated approach - sharing quantitative and qualitative techniques.

Quantitative research is the main tool for obtaining the necessary information for planning and decision-making in the case when the necessary hypotheses relative to consumer behavior have already been formed. The basis of quantitative research techniques always contains clear mathematical and statistical models, which makes it possible to result in not the opinions and assumptions, but accurate quantitative (numeric) values \u200b\u200bof the studied indicators. Based on the results of quantitative research, it is possible to calculate the necessary volumes of production, profitability, to form the price, product parameters, find the unoccupied market niches and much more. The main merit of quantitative research is that they reduce the risk of making incorrect solutions and select inaccurate planning parameters. Confidence is that without research, everything is known about the market, often turns insufficiently thoughtful and insufficiently effective actions in the market and reminds the method of samples and errors. Quantitative studies are the most adequate method of numerical evaluation:

Market capacity and supply and demand structures;

Sales of market operators;

Prospects for product development;

Efficiency of various activities of companies to support and promote the product;

Directions for the development of the product portfolio and its individual components;

Efficiency of the distribution network;

Reactions of consumers for possible marketing actions of the manufacturer.

Qualitative studies, in contrast to quantitative, not focused on statistical dimensions, but are based on understanding, explanation and interpretation of empirical data and are the source of formation of hypotheses and productive ideas. Simply put, they are not answering the question "How much?", But on questions "What?" "as?" and why?". In high-quality research, projective and incentive techniques are widely used - unstructured, non-viewing ways to ask questions that help the researcher to reveal motives, beliefs, installations, relationships, preferences, values, degree of satisfaction, respondents' problems, etc. regarding products or brands. Projective techniques contribute to overcoming such difficulties of communication as verbalization of feelings, relationships, etc., as well as identifying latent motifs, implicit installations, displaced feelings, etc. The greatest application. Qualitative research is found when learning:

Consumption models, buying behavior and factors determining the choice;

Relationships to products, brands and companies;

Degrees of satisfaction with existing products;

Buying intentions.

Important value Qualitative research is played in the development of new products, where these studies allow:

Understand whether a niche for a new product is exist on the studied market;

Reselection to new products (or product concepts).

Using quality research at the stage of strategic development of the brand concept, providing an opportunity:

Generation of a set of ideas regarding the concept of brand positioning;

Estimates of the brand concept;

Generation of ideas regarding the creative embodiment of strategic concepts;

Estimates of the elements of marketing communication (titles, logo, packaging, TV advertising, etc.)

Another area of \u200b\u200bapplication of high-quality methodology is the so-called diagnostic studies. Obviously, the perception of the product and advertising by consumers is changing over time. Qualitative studies in such cases help determine the level, direction and nature of changes in the perception of brand and advertising over time.

In addition, high-quality methodology can be used when carrying out tactical studies to select the most successful version of advertising, packaging, logo. For testing, alternative versions of visual, textual, etc. elements of the specific execution of already created advertising, packaging, etc.

Methods for collecting information

Despite the huge number of various research techniques and techniques, the overall scheme of measures implemented in market research is quite simple and understandable. The main sources of obtaining marketing information are:

Interviews and polls;

Registration (observation);


Expert review.

Interview (survey) is to find out the position of people or receiving certificates from them for any question. The survey is the most common and most important form of data collection in marketing. Approximately 90% of studies use this method. The survey may be oral (personal) or written.

With a written survey, participants receive questionnaires (questionnaires), which they must fill and give as intended. Usually, in written surveys, closed questions are used, the answers to which are to choose one of the above. Usually, with written surveys, the questionnaire is sent to representatives of the target audience, by means of email, mailing or facsimile. The main disadvantage limiting the use of this method is a long period and a low percentage (average 3%) return of the completed questionnaire.

Personal (Face-to-Face) and telephone polls are called an interview.

Telephone interviews is a relatively cheap method of conducting surveys of any level of accuracy from the point of view of sampling (the geographical location of the respondents has no fundamental importance in terms of the cost of the interview). This method is applicable only in quantitative research. However, there are objective disadvantages of using this method:

Not quite complete control of the understanding and sincerity of the respondent;

There is no possibility to make visual materials (samples, cards with answer options);

The unrealizability of long interviews (it is difficult to keep the attention of the interlocutor for more than 15 minutes by phone);

In cities with an insufficient level of telephones, it is impossible to obtain a representative sample.

Interviews Face-to-Face can be formalized and informalized.

With a formalized interview, there is a specific survey scheme (usually a questionnaire containing predetermined clear formulations of questions and thoughtful models of responses to them). The formalized interview loses most of its meaning if the respondents are not analyzed in the plane of their social and demographic (sectoral and geographical) characteristics. Therefore, he assumes be sure to fill the "passports" where the data is made about each respondent, the need for which is dictated again by the research program. Similar interviews are held on the street, in stores, at public events, at the place of residence of respondents (quarter surveys), etc. The greatest use of formalized polls received in the implementation of quantitative studies. The main disadvantages of this method are: relatively high cost and minor geographic coverage.

Informalized interviews are a specific method of collecting information at which there is only the topic and purpose. Specific polling scheme, no. This makes it possible to identify the deep motives of the consumer actions, studying both rational and irrational causes of its purchasing behavior. In practice, informalized interviews are used in high-quality research. Informalized interviews are individual and group.

Individual informalized interviews are held with the respondent one on one in the form of a dialogue, while the respondent has the opportunity to express detailed judgments on the task under study. You can identify such forms of individual unformalized interviews, like deep interviews and halls - tests.

The deep interviews are a series of individual interviews on a given topic conducted according to the discussion of the discussion. The interview is conducted by a specially trained interviewer of high qualifications, which is well understood in the subject, owns the technique and psychological techniques of conducting conversation. Each interview takes place for 15-30 minutes and is accompanied by the active participation of the respondent - he decides the cards, draws, writes, etc. The deep interviews, in contrast to the structured applied in the quantitative survey, allow you to deeper into the psychology of the respondent and it is better to understand its point of view, behavior, installation, stereotypes, etc. The deep interviews, despite the large (in comparison with the focus groups), the cost of time, turn out to be very useful in situations where the atmosphere of the group discussion is undesirable. This is necessary when studying certain problems and situations, which is not customary to speak in a wide range, or when individual points of view can differ sharply from socially appreciated behavior - for example, when discussing the issues of sexual relationships, sex, certain diseases, hidden political convictions and T .P. The depth interviews are used in testing and studying primary advertising developments (creative ideas), when it is required to obtain direct, individual associations, reactions and perception - without regard to the group. At the same time, the combination of the method of deep interviews and focus groups with one and the same respondents is optimal. And finally, the depth interviews are indispensable when conducting quality research, when the features of the target group make it impossible to collect respondents on the focus group - i.e. At one time in one place for 2-3 hours. For example, when it comes to busy businessmen, rich citizens, narrow professional groups, etc.

Hall - tests are personal semi-formalized interviews in a special room. As a rule, premises are used in libraries, shops, halls of administrative buildings, etc. The respondent and interviewer sit at the table, and the interview passes in a structured conversation mode. The need for Hall - Test, as a rule, is caused by one of several reasons:

Testing bulky samples that are uncomfortable to wear on the conversion or not confidence that in the apartment there will be an opportunity to interview under normal conditions;

Testing is limited by the number of samples;

Using specials. equipment (for example, television-video) to demonstrate the material tested;

The interview is carried out in places of accumulation of potential respondents, but it is complex and not suitable for conversation "on the legs".

Hall - tests formally relates to quantitative methods for obtaining information. With high-quality methods of the hall - the test relatives is that the information is obtained on a relatively small directional sample (from 100 to 400 people), as well as the fact that the respondent is asked to comment (explain) its behavior. For Hall - Test, representatives of the target group (potential consumers) are invited to the room ("Hall"), equipped to tasting goods and / or viewing advertising, where they are given the opportunity to demonstrate their reaction to the test material and explain the cause of its choice. During the answers to the questions of the questionnaire, the selection criteria, frequency and volume of grades of the studied commodity group are determined. The method is used to evaluate the consumer properties of the new product: taste, smell, appearance, etc. The method is also used when testing the elements of a trademark, packaging, audio and videos, promotional appeals (promotional recognition, memorability, reliability, persuasiveness, understanding of the primary and secondary idea of \u200b\u200badvertising, slogan, etc.), etc.), etc.

A group informalized interview (focused interviews, focus - group) - represents a group discussion of issues of interest to the target audience. "Focus" in such a group - on the subjective experience of people who give their understanding and explanation of a given topic, including all its nuances. The stroke of the conversation is controlled by the moderator according to a predetermined plan and fixed on a video blind. As a rule, during the discussion, various projective techniques are used, allowing you to learn the "real" relationship of consumers to the subject under study, receiving much more deep and detailed information than at the level of "ordinary" communication. Usually people do not think specifically above the issues that are discussed on the group, or have no opportunity to compare their opinions with the views of other people. During the focus of the respondent group, they are not just asked to appreciate anything according to the principle of "Like - I don't like", but also explain your point of view. And the subsequent qualified analysis of the results obtained makes it possible to understand the psychological mechanisms for the formation of one or another opinion of the participants of the Group. The main disadvantage of this method is the tendarial nature of the results. In other words, the results of focused interviews cannot be expressed in numerical terms, for further extrapolation on the general set of research objects. Therefore, in practice, the focus - group technique is used in combination with quantitative research methods.

Observation (registration) is the form of marketing research, with which systematic, systematic study of the behavior of a particular object or subject is carried out. Observation, in contrast to the survey, does not depend on the readiness of the observed object to report information. Observation is the process of open or hidden from the observed collection and registration of events or special points associated with the behavior of the object being studied. The subject of observations may be the properties and behavior of individuals; moving things, goods, etc. The disadvantage of observations is the impossibility of identifying opinions, ideas, knowledge of people. Therefore, in practice, observation is commonly used in conjunction with other research methods.

The experiment is a study of the influence of one factor on another while simultaneously controlling foreign factors. Experiments are divided into laboratory, passing in an artificial atmosphere (product test), and field, flowing in real conditions (market test). The main disadvantages of this method are the significant cost and duration of the holding, which significantly limits the use of this method in practical studies.

The panel is a repetitive data collection in one group of respondents at equal periods of time. Thus, the panel is a type of continuous sample. It allows you to fix changes in the observed values, characteristics. The panel survey is used when studying the opinions of consumers of a particular group over a period of time when their needs, habits, tastes, complaints are determined. The disadvantages of using panels are: "mortality" panels manifested in a gradual refusal of participants from cooperation or transition to another consumer category, and the "panel effect", consisting in conscious or unconscious change in the image of the behavior of participants under long-term control.

An expert assessment is an assessment of the processed processes by qualified experts - experts. Such an assessment is especially necessary when unauthorized information cannot be received about any process or phenomenon. In practice, a dolphic method is most often used for expert assessments, a brain attack method and synthetics method.

Delphi-method is a form of a survey of experts, in which their anonymous answers are collected during several tours and through familiarization with intermediate results receive a group assessment of the process under study.

The brain attack method lies in uncontrolled generation and spontaneous interlacing ideas by the participants of the group discussion of the problem. This database has chains of associations that can lead to an unexpected solution to the problem.

Synetics are considered to be a method with high creative potential. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe method is the gradual alienation of the initial problem by building analogies with other areas of knowledge. After multistage analogies, a quick return to the source task is made.

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Dough Questions:

Non-prominent solutions include:
According to J.Dewie, the problem is:
Choose the author of the classification, according to which each of the three dedicated structural elements (problem, waiting, solutions paths) can be both known (clear, set) a decision that makes a decision is not known.
Within the framework of which paradigm it is argued that the process of developing solutions is rational to the extent that it exists in the detailed form is stable and not excessive, allows depersonification, alienation from a particular LPR, replication?
What decisions are based on last unsuccessful experience, as well as are accepted with the very large responsibility of the head or company for the entrusted matter?
The peculiarities of modern solutions formation are:
The system approach is:
What an alternative analysis method is to design a model describing objects and processes according to important, but not for all indicators?
Are the concepts of "systemic analysis" and "systemic approach" synonyms?
The influence of which factors is characteristic of innovative solutions?
Instructions for organizing the decision-making process are:
What decisions are based on professional use of management technologies and development and selection methods?
The employee, whose functional responsibilities include the actions on the management of subordinates - this is:
In what conditions there are tasks when possible outcomes can be described using some probabilistic distribution:
What is the central concept in the concept of decision support systems?
The economic and mathematical method used to make a specific managerial solution is a method:
The process of transferring tasks and powers to the person who takes responsibility for their implementation is:
What aspects are present in the adoption of any decision?
What paradigm indirectly contributes to the invocation of counterproductive stereotypes, such as: change suppliers, consultants or employees or the choice of management theory of the month.
Within the framework of which paradigm, the process of developing solutions is rational to the extent in which it has a high degree of attractiveness for the decision maker, emotionally painted, mobilizes and fully uses the creative potential of the LPR and contributes to its development?
The principle of decision-making determining the need to take into account the set of factors with a long-term nature and accounting for the consequences of the implementation of decisions is an approach:
The key elements of determining the problem are:
The main defining feature of the modern leader is:
Creative paradigm questioned ...
How can I submit to the focus of the solution?
T. Shelling is the author of the theory:
Creative paradigm pays primary attention ...
Some inconsistency (discontinuity) between the goals that confronts or preplete the decision-making person and the actual (or projected) provision of affairs in the managed system (object, or process) is:
"Compliance of various types of organizations of the interests of employees and other groups of stakeholders" is a definition ... efficiency.
What methods are collective decision making?
The steps of the control procedure include:
What task of group activities implies that the executive decision will implement, and therefore the analysis of their capabilities, interests?
"Criteria included in the set should ensure an adequate assessment of the object of examination or an assessment of the degree of reaching the goal facing the LPR, if a set of criteria is designed for this" is a description of the property ...
In which country was the Delphi method for the first time?
What management decisions are effective?
What factors depends on the effectiveness of management solutions?
The initial stage of decision making algorithm is?
At what stage of the control procedure, the manager should choose one of three lines of behavior: do not undertake anything, eliminate the deviation or revise the standard?
In which cases are verbal-numeric scales apply?
The main sphere of applying morphological analysis?
What indicator is the measure of the uncertainty of information?
The use of the expert prediction method comes from the assumption that:
Specific goals, progress for which is amenable to measurement - this is:
The concept of "effectiveness of solutions" can be viewed as:
Identifying the reaction of participants (organizations, units, persons) on the decision and coordination of their goals and interests is:
"Using various tools, try to present a possible future of an organization that comes from the decision" is the essence of the method when the Delphi method was developed and first applied?
The tasks of group activities include:
Fixation on paper possible solutions options is:
What method (tool) is designed to solve quality management tasks and also used to identify possible causes of problems?
What type of control implies a comparison of the actually obtained results with the required or immediately upon completion of the controlled activity, or after the expiration of a certain period of time?
"Using various tools, try to present a possible future of an organization that comes from the decision" is the essence of the method of which of the object analysis methods implies the choice of several component parts (elements) and finding for each of the elements of alternative solutions?
What type of control is carried out directly during the work?
Measure of uncertainty is:
Two faces or more, which interact with each other in such a way that each person affects others and at the same time under the influence of others is:
What method is used to present possible solutions and check them on the formal completeness?
What type of effectiveness is considered as a compliance of various types of activities of the organization of employees and other groups of stakeholders?
Demonsonification are a distinctive feature ... paradigm.
What decisions take into account the balance of interests of interested parties?
What method is used to form a sufficiently representative set of random source data (imitation of real conditions for the system development)?
What factors affect the process of the organization?
The result of the mental activity of a person who leads to any conclusion and (or) to the necessary actions is:
In technical solutions:
What systems can management solutions be oriented?
Creative paradigm puts forward on the forefront ...
A significant disadvantage of the collective solution is:
What systems combined the capabilities of modern computers, knowledge and experience of specialists, experts?
The design and implementation processes of management solutions in any system contain:
What solutions need to take into account the uncertainty factor?
The first attempt to formulate basic concepts associated with strategic games took - ...
Persons endowed with the right to initiate reactions or implement them - this is:
What decision is considered to be more preferable?
"In the case of the application of the procedure at which, after considering the next pair, the rejected alternative is replaced by a new, final decision depends on the procedure for alternatives" is the wording of the voting paradox:
What type of effectiveness characterizes the process of achieving the objectives of the functioning and development of the organization?
The factors of uncertainty include:
Who is the author of the method of morphological analysis and synthesis?
The configuration of the "Star" network type implies:
"Using various tools, trying to present a possible future of the organization that comes to the decision taken" is the essence of the method What type of effectiveness can be determined if the purpose of the decision is expressed by any quantitative indicators relating to the activities of the organization as a whole, or on concrete market?
The main reason for the need for control is:
What is the function of control, is the provision of achieving the goals set by the organization, the implementation of adopted management decisions?
Delphi method is advisable to apply under the following conditions:
What concept currently does not have an unambiguous interpretation, since it seems to be quite difficult to clearly allocate the organization in the results of the organization as a whole, which is the direct result of the effectiveness of the management solution?
The main property to which the criteria must have:
"The relative effect (effectiveness) of the process or operation, defined as the ratio of the effect on the costs that caused its appearance" is a definition of a concept ...
In which aspect can information be presented?
In what conditions is the solutions with risk or uncertainty?
What kind of control gives the management of the organization the information necessary for planning in the event that similar works are supposed to be carried out in the future:
The intermediate phase between the solution and action, to a large extent communication, including the impact on the social environment - developers and performers of the decision taken is:
The organizational aspect of the management group reflects:
Network configurations can be represented as:
The combination of methodological means used to prepare and substantiate decisions on weaklystructed and unstructured issues is:
What elements includes the concept of "problem situation"?
Persons developing solutions, such as developers, designers, managers, belong to the category ...
What character is peculiar to the accepted managerial decision?
A complex complex of social and economic forecasts, including aspects such as scientific and technical, political, currency and financial is:
A distinctive feature of the social system is:
Optimality postulates is:
What groups unites the concept of "formal methods"?
Collective decision making suggests:
What voting paradox can be described how the ability of the minority to impose their own opinion to the majority in the ability to vote, although the process will always be carried out according to the rule of the majority?
The authors of the Delphi method are:
In which group of methods, the dependence of the resulting utility of an alternative to its estimates in many criteria is set without any theoretical grounds?
The key point of application of expert assessment methods is:
Obtaining a consent to solve the problem by survey without convocation of the management structure (Council, Commission) of the Organization - this is the essence:
A distinctive feature of the scientific approach is:
The way to achieve organizational goals, a set of techniques and operations of practical and theoretical development of reality is:
Illegal, however, a fairly successful way to collect data on the actions of competitors, and these data were often used to reformulate the objectives of the organization - this is:
A set of techniques for selecting and accurate execution of rules and instructions when making management solutions, which is characterized by the establishment of an analytical, formal dependence on the conditions of the task being solved and its result is ... Method.
"All is considered to be an alternative that received the largest number of votes" is the wording:
The meaningful aspect of the management of the group reflects:
What aspects are allocated when managing a group?
The method used to assess the impact of any action in the conditions of uncertainty caused by conscious, malicious actions of the conflicting parties is:
The object under study, the situation, phenomenon or system is reduced, that is, it represents what is investigated by using an enlarged or reduced description of the object or system - this is ... model.
What methods are directed to identify similarities in the patterns of development of various processes?
The main types of mathematical models are:
What is the problem be the problem if it can be eliminated by changing only the parameters of the organizational and production system?
The condition for using the analytical method is:
To fulfill all managerial functions in management is required:
What management decisions are the most cheap costs for their formation and choice?
A computer program that embodies the components of the expert experience in such a form that this program based on the information being processed may give the user options or recommend a solution - this is:
"Communication arising within the individual itself. The individual says with himself. It is and sending, and the host party "is a characteristic ... Communication.
The simplified form of a real life situation, phenomena or object liberated from unnecessary elements or information that imperocating perception or analysis of a real object, phenomena or situation is:
A distinctive feature of the modern organization is:
What type of forecast is based on the results of a survey of customer organizations?
The lack of a single ready-made solution is an element ...
What models are used to determine the optimal method of distributing scarce resources in the presence of competing needs?
The conditions for using the statistical method include:
The method in which the experience gained in the past and current assumptions about the future in order to determine it is:
Additional management functions are:
"Criteria included in the set should ensure an adequate estimate of the object of examination or evaluating the degree of achievement of the goal facing the LPR, if the criteria set is designed for this" is a characteristic of the property:
The process of creating a model and its experimental use to predict the change of a real situation is:
Some inconsistency (discontinuity) between the goals that puts themselves or pursues a decision making, and the actual (or predicted) provision of cases in the managed system (object or process) is:
What method is based on the assumption, according to which the incident in the past gives a fairly good approach in assessing the future?
Key elements of the problem include:
The method of impact on the effectiveness of the organized or functioning productive process, the meaning and content of which is reduced to the fact that in organizations you can simplify the operating operations if you approach it in terms of effective management - this is:
What method is a set of receptions for selecting and accurate execution of rules and instructions when making management solutions?
The characteristic features of the individual LPR are:
What solutions is the principle of perspectivity?
As part of the Delphi method, the analytical group determines:
The initial stage of the modeling process is:
The functional problem can be solved with:
In which games are the interests of the parties face, but they cannot be considered directly opposite, since there is a more or less extensive region of compromises, concessions, cooperation?
The process of finding output from the position and the result of this process is a description of the concept ...
The process of analysis, prediction and assessment of the situation, the choice and coordination of the best alternative option to achieve the goal is:
The main aspects of forecasting are:
The object of any nature that is capable of replacing the object under study so that its study gives new information about the test object - this is:
What type of modeling is an attempt to predict what will happen in such situations, by studying the statistical dependence between the factor under consideration and other variables?
What character is the problem if its solution does not require changes the functions, but can no longer be achieved by changing the number of individual parameters.
Specialists who have deeper knowledge on certain issues that are invited to the organization on a permanent or temporary basis are:
What is the problem be the problem if it can be solved at the level of the functions of the organizational and production system?
In technical solutions:

Marketing research is the process of searching, collecting, processing data and prepare information for the adoption of operational and strategic decisions in the system of entrepreneurship.

Accordingly, this definition clearly defines the main stages of any marketing research:

  • development of research concept
  • search and collect information;
  • data processing;
  • preparation of the final analytical note (report).
Types of research

One of the most time-consuming and costly stages of any marketing research is a search and collection of information on the problem under study. Depending on the sources used, the research information is divided into:

  • cabinets;
  • field.

However, in practice, field and office studies complement each other, solving their specific range of issues.

Cabinet study- Search, collecting and analyzing already existing secondary information ("Study at the desk"). Secondary information is the data collected earlier for purposes other than those solved at the moment. The main advantages of working with secondary information are: a small cost of work, because it is not necessary to collect new data; speed of collecting information; the presence of several sources of information; relative accuracy of information from independent sources; The ability to pre-analyze the problem. Obvious disadvantages of working with secondary information are: a frequent inconsistency of secondary data to the objectives of the study, by virtue of the general nature of the latter; information is often obsolete; Methodology and tools with which data are collected may not comply with the objectives of this study. In this regard, it is often complemented by a parallel conduct of several expert interviews to increase the validity of information.

Field study - Search, collecting and processing data specifically for specific marketing analysis. Any field study is based on primary information, in other words, on the newly obtained data to solve the specific problem under study. The main advantages of primary information: data are collected in strict accordance with the exact objectives of the research task; The data collection methodology is strictly controlled. The main lack of field information collection is the considerable costs of material and labor resources.

Depending on the tools used (methods) of the collection (primary) information, research can be divided into:

  • quantitative;
  • quality.

Often, the practical implementation of marketing research requires an integrated approach - sharing quantitative and qualitative techniques.

Quantitative research is the main tool for obtaining the necessary information for planning and decision-making in the case when the necessary hypotheses relative to consumer behavior have already been formed. The basis of quantitative research techniques always contains clear mathematical and statistical models, which makes it possible to result in not the opinions and assumptions, but accurate quantitative (numeric) values \u200b\u200bof the studied indicators. Based on the results of quantitative research, it is possible to calculate the necessary volumes of production, profitability, to form the price, product parameters, find the unoccupied market niches and much more. The main merit of quantitative research is that they reduce the risk of making incorrect solutions and select inaccurate planning parameters. Confidence is that without research, everything is known about the market, often turns insufficiently thoughtful and insufficiently effective actions in the market and reminds the method of samples and errors. Quantitative studies are the most adequate method of numerical evaluation:

  • market capacity and supply and demand structures;
  • sales of market operators;
  • prospects for product development;
  • efficiency of various activities of companies to support and promote the product;
  • directions for the development of the product portfolio and its individual components;
  • efficiency of advertising activities;
  • efficiency of the distribution network;
  • reactions of consumers for possible marketing actions of the manufacturer.

Qualitative studies, in contrast to quantitative, not focused on statistical dimensions, but are based on understanding, explanation and interpretation of empirical data and are the source of formation of hypotheses and productive ideas. Simply put, they are not answering the question "How much?", But on questions "What?" "as?" and why?". In high-quality research, projective and incentive techniques are widely used - unstructured, non-viewing ways to ask questions that help the researcher to reveal motives, beliefs, installations, relationships, preferences, values, degree of satisfaction, respondents' problems, etc. regarding products or brands. Projective techniques contribute to overcoming such difficulties of communication as verbalization of feelings, relationships, etc., as well as identifying latent motifs, implicit installations, displaced feelings, etc. The greatest application. Qualitative research is found when learning:

  • consumption models, buying behavior and factors determining the choice;
  • relationships to products, brands and companies;
  • degrees of satisfaction with existing products;
  • buying intentions.

Important value Qualitative research is played in the development of new products, where these studies allow:

  • understand whether a niche for a new product is exist on the studied market;
  • reselection to new products (or product concepts).

Using quality research at the stage of strategic development of the brand concept, providing an opportunity:

  • generation of a set of ideas regarding the concept of brand positioning;
  • estimates of the brand concept;
  • generation of ideas regarding the creative embodiment of strategic concepts;
  • estimates of the elements of marketing communication (titles, logo, packaging, TV advertising, etc.)

Another area of \u200b\u200bapplication of high-quality methodology is the so-called diagnostic studies. Obviously, the perception of the product and advertising by consumers is changing over time. Qualitative studies in such cases help determine the level, direction and nature of changes in the perception of brand and advertising over time.

In addition, high-quality methodology can be used when carrying out tactical studies to select the most successful version of advertising, packaging, logo. For testing, alternative versions of visual, textual, etc. elements of the specific execution of already created advertising, packaging, etc.

Methods for collecting information

Despite the huge number of various research techniques and techniques, the overall scheme of measures implemented in market research is quite simple and understandable. The main sources of obtaining marketing information are:

  • Interviews and polls;
  • Registration (observation);
  • Experiment;
  • Panel;
  • Expert review.

Interview (survey) - Finding out the position of people or getting certificates from them on any question. The survey is the most common and most important form of data collection in marketing. Approximately 90% of studies use this method. The survey may be oral (personal) or written.

With a written survey, participants receive questionnaires (questionnaires), which they must fill and give as intended. Usually, in written surveys, closed questions are used, the answers to which are to choose one of the above. Usually, with written surveys, the questionnaire is sent to representatives of the target audience, by means of email, mailing or facsimile. The main disadvantage limiting the use of this method is a long period and a low percentage (average 3%) return of the completed questionnaire.

Personal (Face-to-Face) and telephone polls are called an interview.

Telephone interviews is a relatively cheap method of conducting surveys of any level of accuracy from the point of view of sampling (the geographical location of the respondents has no fundamental importance in terms of the cost of the interview). This method is applicable only in quantitative research. However, there are objective disadvantages of using this method:

  • not quite complete control of the understanding and sincerity of the respondent;
  • there is no possibility to make visual materials (samples, cards with answer options);
  • the unrealizability of long interviews (it is difficult to keep the attention of the interlocutor for more than 15 minutes by phone);
  • in cities with an insufficient level of telephones, it is impossible to obtain a representative sample.

Interviews Face-to-Face can be formalized and informalized.

With a formalized interview, there is a specific survey scheme (usually a questionnaire containing predetermined clear formulations of questions and thoughtful models of responses to them). The formalized interview loses most of its meaning if the respondents are not analyzed in the plane of their social and demographic (sectoral and geographical) characteristics. Therefore, he assumes be sure to fill the "passports" where the data is made about each respondent, the need for which is dictated again by the research program. Similar interviews are held on the street, in stores, at public events, at the place of residence of respondents (quarter surveys), etc. The greatest use of formalized polls received in the implementation of quantitative studies. The main disadvantages of this method are: relatively high cost and minor geographic coverage.

Informalized interviews are a specific method of collecting information at which there is only the topic and purpose. Specific polling scheme, no. This makes it possible to identify the deep motives of the consumer actions, studying both rational and irrational causes of its purchasing behavior. In practice, informalized interviews are used in high-quality research. Informalized interviews are individual and group.

Individual informalized interviews are held with the respondent one on one in the form of a dialogue, while the respondent has the opportunity to express detailed judgments on the task under study. You can identify such forms of individual unformalized interviews, like deep interviews and halls - tests.

The deep interviews are a series of individual interviews on a given topic conducted according to the discussion of the discussion. The interview is conducted by a specially trained interviewer of high qualifications, which is well understood in the subject, owns the technique and psychological techniques of conducting conversation. Each interview takes place for 15-30 minutes and is accompanied by the active participation of the respondent - he decides the cards, draws, writes, etc. The deep interviews, in contrast to the structured applied in the quantitative survey, allow you to deeper into the psychology of the respondent and it is better to understand its point of view, behavior, installation, stereotypes, etc. The deep interviews, despite the large (in comparison with the focus groups), the cost of time, turn out to be very useful in situations where the atmosphere of the group discussion is undesirable. This is necessary when studying certain problems and situations, which is not customary to speak in a wide range, or when individual points of view can differ sharply from socially appreciated behavior - for example, when discussing the issues of sexual relationships, sex, certain diseases, hidden political convictions and T .P. The depth interviews are used in testing and studying primary advertising developments (creative ideas), when it is required to obtain direct, individual associations, reactions and perception - without regard to the group. At the same time, the combination of the method of deep interviews and focus groups with one and the same respondents is optimal. And finally, the depth interviews are indispensable when conducting quality research, when the features of the target group make it impossible to collect respondents on the focus group - i.e. At one time in one place for 2-3 hours. For example, when it comes to busy businessmen, rich citizens, narrow professional groups, etc.

Hall - tests - These are personal semi-formalized interviews in a special room. As a rule, premises are used in libraries, shops, halls of administrative buildings, etc. The respondent and interviewer sit at the table, and the interview passes in a structured conversation mode. The need for Hall - Test, as a rule, is caused by one of several reasons:

  • testing bulky samples that are uncomfortable to wear on the conversion or not confidence that in the apartment there will be an opportunity to interview under normal conditions;
  • testing is limited by the number of samples;
  • using specials. equipment (for example, television-video) to demonstrate the material tested;
  • the interview is carried out in places of accumulation of potential respondents, but it is complex and not suitable for conversation "on the legs".

Hall - tests formally relates to quantitative methods for obtaining information. With high-quality methods of the hall - the test relatives is that the information is obtained on a relatively small directional sample (from 100 to 400 people), as well as the fact that the respondent is asked to comment (explain) its behavior. For Hall - Test, representatives of the target group (potential consumers) are invited to the room ("Hall"), equipped to tasting goods and / or viewing advertising, where they are given the opportunity to demonstrate their reaction to the test material and explain the cause of its choice. During the answers to the questions of the questionnaire, the selection criteria, frequency and volume of grades of the studied commodity group are determined. The method is used to evaluate the consumer properties of the new product: taste, smell, appearance, etc. The method is also used when testing the elements of a trademark, packaging, audio and videos, promotional appeals (promotional recognition, memorability, reliability, persuasiveness, understanding of the primary and secondary idea of \u200b\u200badvertising, slogan, etc.), etc.), etc.

A group informalized interview (focused interviews, focus - group) - represents a group discussion of issues of interest to the target audience. "Focus" in such a group - on the subjective experience of people who give their understanding and explanation of a given topic, including all its nuances. The stroke of the conversation is controlled by the moderator according to a predetermined plan and fixed on a video blind. As a rule, during the discussion, various projective techniques are used, allowing you to learn the "real" relationship of consumers to the subject under study, receiving much more deep and detailed information than at the level of "ordinary" communication. Usually people do not think specifically above the issues that are discussed on the group, or have no opportunity to compare their opinions with the views of other people. During the focus of the respondent group, they are not just asked to appreciate anything according to the principle of "Like - I don't like", but also explain your point of view. And the subsequent qualified analysis of the results obtained makes it possible to understand the psychological mechanisms for the formation of one or another opinion of the participants of the Group. The main disadvantage of this method is the tendarial nature of the results. In other words, the results of focused interviews cannot be expressed in numerical terms, for further extrapolation on the general set of research objects. Therefore, in practice, the focus - group technique is used in combination with quantitative research methods.

Observation (registration) is the form of marketing research, with which systematic, systematic study of the behavior of a particular object or subject is carried out. Observation, in contrast to the survey, does not depend on the readiness of the observed object to report information. Observation is the process of open or hidden from the observed collection and registration of events or special points associated with the behavior of the object being studied. The subject of observations may be the properties and behavior of individuals; moving things, goods, etc. The disadvantage of observations is the impossibility of identifying opinions, ideas, knowledge of people. Therefore, in practice, observation is commonly used in conjunction with other research methods.

Experiment - This is a study of the influence of one factor on another while simultaneously controlling foreign factors. Experiments are divided into laboratory, passing in an artificial atmosphere (product test), and field, flowing in real conditions (market test). The main disadvantages of this method are the significant cost and duration of the holding, which significantly limits the use of this method in practical studies.

Panel- This is a recurring data collection in one group of respondents at equal intervals. Thus, the panel is a type of continuous sample. It allows you to fix changes in the observed values, characteristics. The panel survey is used when studying the opinions of consumers of a particular group over a period of time when their needs, habits, tastes, complaints are determined. The disadvantages of using panels are: "mortality" panels manifested in a gradual refusal of participants from cooperation or transition to another consumer category, and the "panel effect", consisting in conscious or unconscious change in the image of the behavior of participants under long-term control.

Expert review- This is an assessment of the processed processes by qualified specialists - experts. Such an assessment is especially necessary when unauthorized information cannot be received about any process or phenomenon. In practice, a dolphic method is most often used for expert assessments, a brain attack method and synthetics method.

Delphi-method - The form of a survey of experts, in which their anonymous answers are collected within a few rounds and through familiarization with intermediate results receive a group assessment of the process under study.

The brain attack method lies in uncontrolled generation and spontaneous interlacing ideas by the participants of the group discussion of the problem. This database has chains of associations that can lead to an unexpected solution to the problem.

Synetics are considered to be a method with high creative potential. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe method is the gradual alienation of the initial problem by building analogies with other areas of knowledge. After multistage analogies, a quick return to the source task is made.

Analysis tools

In the course of processing and analyzing the data of marketing research, the first step is the frequency analysis. The following is a description of the statistical indicators of the studied signs. Among these basic, the following indicators can be noted:

The average (average arithmetic value) is a private from dividing the sum of all values \u200b\u200bof the attribute for their number. It is defined as the sum of values \u200b\u200bdivided by their number. Characterizes any totality as a whole. Used only to characterize interval and sequence scales.

Dispersion- The value equal to the average value of the square of deviations of the individual values \u200b\u200bof the signs from the average. Used only to characterize interval and sequence scales.

Medium linear deviation - The value equal to the average value of the deviation module of the individual values \u200b\u200bof the signs from the average. Used only to characterize interval and sequence scales.

Average quadratic deviation - The value equal to square root from the dispersion. This is a measure of scattering measured values. Used only to characterize interval and sequence scales.

The variation coefficient is the ratio of the average quadratic deviation to the middle arithmetic. Used only to characterize metric scales.

The minimum value is the smallest value of the variable encountered in the data array

The maximum value is the greatest value of the variable encountered in the data array.

Mediana - the value of a variable in the unit of the totality, which is located in the middle of a ranked row of frequency distribution. Cuts half a number of distribution. Used only to characterize metric scales.

Upper quartile - the value of a sign that cuts off 3/4 row of distribution. Used only to characterize metric scales.

Lower quartile - the value of a sign that cuts off 1/4 of a row of distribution. Used only to characterize metric scales.

Fashion - the most common value of the variable, i.e. The value with which you can most likely meet in an array.

The frequency is the numerical value of the attribute (the number of responses of respondents). Used for all types of scales.

The valid percentage is the proportion of the numerical value of a sign of the total population. Used for all types of scales.

The second stage of processing and analyzing data of marketing research is a description of the correlation bonds between the variables studied. The correlation is a measure of the dependences of the variables. There are several correlation coefficients indicating the tightness of the relationship between the studied variables. Correlation coefficients vary in the range from +1 to -1. If the correlation coefficient is -1, the variables have a strict negative dependence (the higher, the lower) if the correlation coefficient is +1, the variables have a strict positive dependence (the higher, the higher). It should be noted that if the coefficient is zero, there is no connection between the variables. Among the most famous and frequently used correlation coefficients can be called:

  • Pearson correlation coefficient
  • Spearman correlation coefficient
  • Correra correlation coefficient
  • Correlation coefficient FI.

Verification of extended research hypotheses is performed using correlation, dispersion or factor tests. As a result, the analysis of data, the hypothesis extended is confirmed or rejected that in any case indicates the resulting result.

Conjoint Analysis (Joint Analysis) Analysis method designed to evaluate and compare product attributes in order to identify those that have the greatest impact on purchasing solutions. The "Conjoint Analysis" method is the best technology for measuring the importance of one or another factor due to the fact that it forces the respondent to think not about what is important, but only about his preference. The advantage of the method is the ability to identify latent factors affecting the behavior of consumers. With this method, you can select the optimal combination of product properties, leaving the product in an acceptable price category.

Cluster analysis is a set of methods that allow you to classify multidimensional observations, each of which is described by a certain set of variables. The purpose of cluster analysis is the formation of groups similar to among themselves objects that are customary to be called clusters. With the help of cluster analysis, you can produce market segmentation (for example, the allocation of priority groups of consumers). The use of clustering methods for segmentation is based on the following assumptions. First, it is believed that according to the values \u200b\u200bof the variables described by the properties of consumers, groups of similar consumers can be distinguished. Secondly, it is believed that on the allocated segment you can achieve the best marketing results for product promotion. It is believed that more significantly for marketing results, combining consumers to the group, taking into account the proximity of the proximity to each other. To justify these assumptions, a dispersion analysis method is used.

Dispersion analysis. Using dispersion analysis, the influence of one or more independent variables per depending variable or several dependent variables is investigated. The method of statistical analysis, which makes it possible to determine the accuracy of the hypothesis of differences in the average values \u200b\u200bbased on the comparison of dispersions (deviations) of distributions (for example, you can check the hypothesis about the differences in two groups of consumers allocated by clustering). In contrast to the correlation analysis, dispersion analysis does not make it possible to evaluate the tone of the relationship between variables.

Regression analysis. Statistical method for establishing a relationship between independent and dependent variables. Regression analysis based on a constructed regression equation determines the contribution of each independent variable to a change in the studied (predicted) dependent variable. Marketing is often used to predict demand.

Factor analysis. The combination of methods that, based on actually existing links (or objects), make it possible to identify latent (or hidden) generalizing characteristics of studied phenomena and processes. The main objectives of factor analysis are to reduce the number of variables and determining the structure of the relationship between variables, that is, the classification of variables. When reducing the number of variables, the total variable includes the most essential features of the combined variables. The classification implies the allocation of several new factors from variables connected with each other. In marketing, this method is used in connection with the deepening of the analysis of consumer behavior, the development of psychographic and the like. Tasks in which the identification of clearly non-observed factors is necessary.

The results of field studies are significant arrays of variables that are quite complex for handling "manual method". Today, in the arsenal of researchers there are many software packages that allow you to optimize and simplify the analysis procedure. Packages such as Vortex, SPSS, Statistica received the greatest distribution.

The program "Vortex" is designed for:

  • input primary information collected during an application marketing or sociological study;
  • processing and analyzing this information;
  • representations of the obtained analysis results in the form of tables, texts, graphs and charts with the possibility of transferring them to Microsoft Word and other Windows / NT applications.

Opportunities for analyzing information:

  • The Vortex program allows descriptive statistics of the studied variables (calculation of statistical indicators: mean, fashion, median, quartile, dispersion, rms deviation, coefficient of variation, SCOS, Excess, etc.);
  • Allows you to segmented consumers for several features, as well as a description of the allocated target groups (the allocation of contexts - submassive documents for in-depth analysis, for example, men or only respondents aged 20-25 years).
  • With the help of the Vortex program, you can conduct a correlation analysis, which allows you to identify the dependences of the studied factors affecting the marketing result (calculation for tables of the two-dimensional distribution of the Pearson correlation coefficients, gamma, lambda, crafes, Yula, Fisher, Criteria X-Square, Student, determination of statistical significance) .

SPSS for Windows is a modular, fully integrated, which has all the necessary software products intended for all stages of the analytical process: planning, data collection, data access and data management, analysis, reporting and dissemination of results. SPSS for Windows is the best software that allows you to solve business problems and research tasks using statistical methods.

SPSS software allows you to conduct frequency analysis, descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, dispersion analysis, cluster analysis, factor analysis, and regression analysis.

With the help of the analytical capabilities of the SPSS program, you can obtain the following data:

  • The most profitable segments of the market;
  • Strategies for positioning goods / services with respect to similar goods / services of competitors;
  • Evaluation of the quality of goods / services by customers;
  • Development prospects, new opportunities for growth;
  • Confirmation or refutation of research hypotheses.

Statistica is a universal integrated system designed for statistical analysis and data visualization, database management and user application development, containing a wide range of analysis procedures for use in scientific research, technology, business.

Statistica is a modern packet of statistical analysis, which implements all the latest computer and mathematical methods for analyzing data. The experience of many people who successfully operate with the package indicates that the possibility of accessing new, unconventional data analysis methods (and Statistica provides such opportunities to fully) helps find new ways to test the working hypotheses and data research.

Software Statistica allows the following statistical data processing procedures:

  • Descriptive statistics;
  • Analysis of multidimensional tables;
  • Multidimensional regression;
  • Discriminant analysis;
  • Compliance analysis;
  • Cluster analysis;
  • Factor analysis;
  • Dispersion analysis and much more.

There are many sources to search for data necessary for statistical studies, and every year, with the development of technical progress, their circle is expanding and improved. According to the method of obtaining data are divided into primary - if the information was collected specifically for this analysis and secondary - If information is used from other sources collected by other people and for other purposes.

Primary data can be assembled independently or other people by order, the main difference is planned and carried out in accordance with the tasks of a specific study. Therefore, they, of course, have a number of advantages, first of all, since in this case, the maximum of the compliance of the data collected by the requirements and objectives of the analysis is achieved. But, unfortunately, often such research may not be available or too expensive.

Examples of primary data

  • data about the most interesting film recently released on the screens received by polling the members of their labor collective and (or) viewing relevant thematic forums on the Internet;
  • data on the cost of tourist vouchers, obtained by studying sites and a telephone survey of travel agencies and companies;
  • data on consumer demand for the category of products planned for the release ordered by a professional marketing agency;
  • Data collected by the quality control department of its own company, on the characteristics of products manufactured.

But not all data can be obtained independently or ordered to professionals (for example, if we are interested in space research, but we do not have sufficient funds for carrying out super-armore experiments or need history and accumulated experience in this area). Therefore, the use of secondary data is a more common option - already collected by specialized firms or simply by other researchers. Secondary data possess its advantages - they are usually much cheaper or generally free, they can be great in volume, often assemble with special hard-to-reach equipment and professional researchers in the relevant field. These may be data collected by scientific institutions and divisions of the relevant direction, government agencies and marketing agencies, scientists and researchers. The secondary data was greatly distributed thanks to their placement in the world's actively distributing Internet. Despite the fact that the necessary information is very difficult and for a long time to look for, the World Wide Web has enabled access to colossal arrays of information collected by scientists and non-professionals around the world, and significantly expanded the scope of statistical research. Internet search engines greatly facilitate the search for secondary information.

Examples of secondary data

As such data can be:

  • Statistical data of the Federal State Statistics Service on the socio-economic situation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 1990-2014. (GKS.RU);
  • Dynamics of US dollar courses and euros to ruble and indicators of exchange trading for the period from 06/20/2005 to 01.01.2015 According to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (CBR.R.);
  • Dynamics of Russian PTC RTSI, RTS2 stock indexes, futures for PTC RTS-3.12 index, shares and bond quotations for 2006-2015. According to the Agency "RosbusinessConsulting" (RBC.RU);
  • Statistical data on the results of the activities of insurers - insurance premiums and payments, the number of concluded contracts, etc. For 2005-2015 gt. According to the Bank of Russia in the Financial Markets Bank (FCSM.RU);
  • Investment ratings of Russia regions for 2005-2015. according to the rating agency "Expert RA" (;
  • Statistics on demographic indicators and health of the population of all countries of the world according to the World Health Organization ( WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION) ( health_statistics / en), etc.
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