International competition man and nature. All-Russian competition in natural science

Often teachers primary classes they are looking for Olympiad works such as “kangaroo”, “Russian bear cub”, “Golden Fleece”, “Man and Nature”. So here are the Olympiad works “Man and Nature” presented. They can be used as an Olympics on the world around us. Keys are also included here.



CHIP-2016 (Asia)

1-2 grades

1. Asia is...

A) country; B) continent; B) part of the world; D) island; D) planet of the solar system.

2. In the photo is the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. The cosmodrome, from which the first rocket with a person on board launched into space, is located in…

A) Kazakhstan; B) Kyrgyzstan; B) Uzbekistan;

D) Russia; D) Turkmenistan.

3 . This animal is the largest in Asia.

4. From the north, Asia is washed by... the ocean.

A) Indian; B) Southern; B) Arctic; D) Atlantic; D) Quiet.

5. The photograph shows an ancient architectural monument of the world - the Great... Wall.

A) Japanese; B) Indian; B) Mongolian;

D) Chinese; D) Uzbek.

6. In Tove Janson’s fairy tale “The Magic Winter,” Tuu-tikki tells Moomintroll about snow:

“You think it’s cold, but if you fashion a snow house out of it, it becomes warm.” It appears white, but sometimes it is pink, sometimes it is blue. It can be softer than anything in the world, or it can be harder than stone. Nothing can be known for sure about him.

What kind of snow can't it be?

A) soft; B) hard; B) sticky; D) fluffy; D) liquid.

7. Which of the animals depicted in the pictures was not a friend of Mowgli, the hero of Rudyard Kipling’s book “The Jungle Book”?

8. Fox Chip, getting ready for a trip to Asia, wrote about it interesting facts. One entry was incorrect. Which?

A) Part of Russia is in Asia.

B) Asia is surrounded on all sides by seas and oceans.

C) There are deserts in Asia.

D) The capital of Russia, Moscow, is not located in Asia.

D) Asia has the highest mountains.

9. The drawing by artist Vyacheslav Nazaruk shows an illustration to P. Bazhov’s tale “The Mistress of the Copper Mountain.” What mountains separating Europe and Asia are discussed in Bazhov’s tales?

A) Caucasian; B) Ural; B) Sayan;

D) Tien Shan; D) Alps.

10. This delicacy has Asian roots.

A) halva; B) popcorn; B) marzipan; D) ice cream; D) macadamia.

11. The picture shows a fragment of Nicholas Roerich’s painting about Mongolia. The dwelling depicted on it is called...

A) a needle; B) hut; B) yurt; D) plague; D) wigwam.

12. “Ship of the Desert” is called...

13. The famous Siberian cedar is actually...

A) spruce; B) juniper; B) fir; D) pine; D) araucaria.

14. National costumes on paper dolls...

A) China; B) Vietnam; B) Russia; D) Japan; D) India.

15. In the north of the Asian part of Russia, vast spaces are occupied by taiga, dominated by coniferous trees. Which picture shows the taiga?

16. The main grain crop grown in Asia is...

A) wheat; B) rice; B) corn; D) barley; D) millet.

17. In Asia, among the mountain ranges of Siberia, there is Baikal - the deepest lake in the world, which is shaped like a moon. Which photograph shows Baikal?

18. Of the great rivers of the Asian part of Russia, only...

A) Cupid; B) Yenisei; B) Irtysh; D) Lena; D) Ob.

19. Couldn't come from an egg...

20. In order for balance to be established on the swing and for children to swing comfortably, they must sit on the swing as shown in the figure:


CHIP-2016 (Asia)

3 – 4 grades

Tasks worth 3 points

1. Which of the listed states is located in two parts of the world at once, one of which is Asia?

A) India; B) China; B) Russia; D) Mongolia; D) Uzbekistan.

2. From the east, Asia is washed by... the ocean.

A) Atlantic; B) Indian; B) Arctic; D) Quiet; D) Southern.

3. In the north of the Asian part of Russia, the tundra stretches in a wide strip. Which picture shows the tundra?

4. The mountain system located along the western border of Asia is called ...

A) Altai; B) Himalayas; B) Ural; D) Tien Shan; D) Pamir.

5. Which of these animals lives only in Asia?

6. In Kipling’s “The Jungle Book” we read: “A slender shadow slipped into the ring of wolves. It was Bagheera, black..., all black, like ink, but with spots visible like watermarks in a certain light.” Bagheera is...

A) panther; B) tigress; B) lioness; D) puma; D) lynx.

7. Faithful companion of the legendary Khoja Nasreddin.

A) horse; B) donkey; B) camel; D) rickshaw; D) ox.

8. In the book “From Siberia” A.P. Chekhov wrote: “...bears, wolves, eagles, sables and wild goats live in the taiga.” Which picture shows the animal that the writer called “forged”?

9. This human activity does not harm nature:

A) land reclamation; B) mining; B) creation of nature reserves;

D) laying pipelines; D) construction of power plants.

10. The headdress in the picture is called:

A) skullcap; B) kamilavka; B) fresco; D) yarmulke; D) fez.

Assignments worth 4 points

11. Which statement is true?

A) The equator divides Asia into two equal parts.

B) Asia is located entirely in the Northern Hemisphere.

C) Most of Asia is located in the Northern Hemisphere.

D) Asia is located entirely in the Southern Hemisphere.

D) Most of Asia is located in the Southern Hemisphere.

12. National costumes on paper dolls...

A) China; B) Vietnam; B) Russia; D) India; D) Japan.

13. Asia is separated from America by ... a strait.

A) Gibraltar; B) Magellans; B) Hudson; D) Beringov; D) Sannikova.

14. This grain crop, most of which is grown in Asia, is the basis of nutrition for many peoples of the world.

A) oats; B) rice; B) quinoa; D) corn; D) rye.

15. The fruit you see in the photo is familiar to residents of southern Asia. This …

A) mango; B) avocado; B) papaya; D) melon; D) passion fruit.

16. The largest rivers in the Asian part of Russia - Ob, Yenisei, Lena - flow...

A) from north to south; B) from south to north; B) from east to west; D) from west to east; D) to Lake Baikal.

17. What flower is national symbol India?

18. The mistress of the copper mountain in the tales of P.P. Bazhova turned into a lizard. Which picture shows this reptile?

19. In the old days, Rus' traded “soft junk” with many countries, most of which came from Siberia. This - …

A) felt boots; B) fur; B) gold; D) black caviar; D) wool.

20. In the painting by Vasily Vasilyevich Vereshchagin you see a caravan of pack animals. This …

A) yaks; B) mules; B) donkeys; D) oxen; D) llamas.

Assignments worth 5 points

21. The painting by Vasily Vasilyevich Vereshchagin depicts the famous Taj Mahal mausoleum, which is called an architectural pearl

A) Uzbekistan; B) Turkmenistan; B) Bangladesh;

D) China; D) India.

22. Residents of... learned to extract a valuable natural dye - purple...

A) Japan; B) Ancient China; IN) Ancient Rome; D) Phenicia; D) Assyria.

23. The village of Oymyakon in Yakutia is...

A) north pole cold; B) the geographical center of Russia; B) the lowest point in Asia;

D) the capital of Yakutia; D) the geographical center of Siberia.

24. In many areas of China, mulberry trees have been bred for thousands of years, mainly for...

A) procurement of firewood;

B) growing caterpillars;

B) production of berry jam;

D) fattening livestock;

D) use in hedges.

25. These Russian hydroelectric power plants are located in Siberia and are among the ten most powerful hydroelectric power stations in the world, except ...

A) Krasnoyarsk; B) Bratskaya; B) Sayano-Shushenskaya;

D) Saratov; D) Ust-Ilimsk.

26. Dad loves to swim with his little son. Where is it easier for a dad to hold his son in his arms?

A) on the shore; B) in the river; B) in the pool;

D) at sea; D) the same everywhere.

27. The white crane - the Siberian Crane, nesting only in Russia, mainly in its Asian part, is under threat of complete extinction. In Russia there is a special program for its conservation. Siberian crane - in the picture...

28. What kind of fish goes from rivers to the sea to spawn?

A) catfish; B) sturgeon; B) eel; d) muksun; d) pike perch.

29. Rising Sun is a symbol of the country, which has a red sun in the center of the national flag. This is a flag...

April 7, 2016 In kindergarten, for the first time, a natural science competition for preschoolers “Man and Nature” (CHIP) was held.

Eight pupils preparatory groups No. 9 and No. 10, whose parents gave consent for their children to participate in the competition, responded with great interest to the competition tasks on the topic “I live in Russia”:

  1. Kosheleva Varvara
  2. Kostomarova Vasilisa
  3. Kalugina Evgenia
  4. Kashanskaya Ekaterina
  5. Aryutkin Saveliy
  6. Lozinsky Grigory
  7. Pronina Kira
  8. Laptev Vladislav

Children-competitors together with the inquisitive little fox Chip and his friends Manechka. Vanya and Snowball traveled across the expanses of Russia and enjoyed getting to know its flora and fauna. The host of the competition was senior teacher Marina Gennadievna Afanasyeva.

After completing the tasks, all participants received personalized certificates, later - the best inside educational organization will be awarded diplomas and gifts. The results of the competition will be transmitted to our kindergarten until May 20, 2016.

We invite as many children as possible to participate next year.

From the history of the competition.

The natural science competition “Man and Nature” (CHIP), one of the competitions of the all-Russian project “Productive Game Competitions”, has been held in schools since 2010. Preschoolers have been participating in the competition since 2014.

The central organizing committee of the competition is the Novosibirsk Center for Productive Training (NCPE).

The symbol of the competition is the inquisitive red fox Chip, who, together with his friends, always strives to learn new things, look for answers to difficult questions and solve the mysteries of nature.

The competition is held directly at the educational organization. The decision to participate in the competition is made by the head of the organization and appoints the organizer of the competition. The organizer can be a senior teacher, educator or methodologist of a preschool educational institution. To participate in the competition, the organization submits an application to the regional organizing committee.

The competition is held from April 7 to April 14, 2016 at any time convenient for the educational organization.

Theme of the competition this year for preschoolers "I live in Russia".

Each child participating in the competition receives a colorful booklet with tasks and a small gift. The booklet contains 15 multiple-choice tasks. During the competition, the organizer reads out the question, the participants select and mark the correct answer in the booklet with tasks. The time to complete competition tasks is no more than 30 minutes.

The organizer receives materials for the competition (booklets with tasks, instructions, gifts, a summary sheet for participants’ answers) before the competition from the regional organizing committee or from the district organizer.

Participation in the competition is voluntary, only with the consent of the child’s parents or legal representatives. The registration fee is 75 rubles for each participant ( Orphans and children left without parental care are exempt from the registration fee).

The materials of previous CHIP competitions for preschoolers can be found in detail on the website of the Central Organizing Committee: (in the “For preschoolers” section).

School administrators, science teachers, primary school teachers.
Dear colleagues!
April 12, 2018 the next one will take place gaming competition in natural science “Man and Nature”. Its main focus is man and the world around him, the relationship of man with the surrounding reality. The competition is closely related to school subjects such as: astronomy, biology, geography, natural science, history, social science, natural history, physics, chemistry, ecology, ethnography.
The symbol of the competition is the inquisitive red fox Chip, who, together with his friends, always strives to learn new things, look for answers to difficult questions and solve the mysteries of nature.
In 2015, “Chip’s journey around the globe” began. In 2015, Chip the fox visited Europe, in 2016 - in Asia, in 2017 - in North America.
The theme of this school year's competition is “South America.”
The competition is held for students in grades 1-10 in five age groups: grades 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10. The format of its holding is similar to other competitions: it is held directly at the educational institution for everyone who has paid the registration fee. Participants in the test form answer questions within a certain time. Each participant receives a certificate.
The results of the competition are summed up in the summer and transmitted to educational institutions by September 1, so that on Knowledge Day all participants in the competition can receive certificates with their results, and the winners receive awards.
Participation in the competition is paid; the contribution amount for one participant in 2018 is 70 rubles. The competition is open to everyone, without preliminary selection; refusal to participate in the competition is not allowed. Participation in the Competition is voluntary; inviting students to participate in the competition against their will is prohibited. The right to free participation in the competition is given to orphans, students from boarding schools and schools at hospitals and sanatoriums. If your school has students who wish to take part in the competition and belong to the specified categories, then for their free participation you need to provide the regional organizing committee with the relevant certificates in free form signed by the school director with the school seal.
Schools wishing to take part in the competition are asked to notify the regional representative of the Organizing Committee, Irina Nikolaevna Steblinova, by e-mail to the address: ( [email protected]) estimated number of participants (application form is attached), name, address and telephone number of the school, full name of the director and person responsible for the competition. At the same time, a written application with the same information should be sent to the address: 295000 Simferopol, Gorky St., 30 MBU DPO "Information and Methodological Center" (it can also be submitted upon receipt of the competition materials). Materials for the competition game (problem options, answer forms, instructions) are issued to schools no earlier than two days before the game by a representative of the regional Organizing Committee at the address: 295000 Simferopol, Gorky St., 30 MBU DPO "Information and Methodological Center" . For remote schools that are unable to receive materials within these deadlines directly from the Organizing Committee, the issue of earlier issuance of materials or sending them by mail is decided individually.
Detailed information about the competition can be found on the website:

Questions of the competition “Man and Nature” for grades 1-2
(the competition took place on April 19, 2012)

Tasks worth 3 points

1. The largest ocean on Earth:
A) Atlantic; B) Indian; B) Arctic; D) Quiet; D) Southern.

2. In P. Ershov’s fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” there are the following lines:
“Here they enter the clearing
Straight to the ocean-sea;
lies across it
Miracle-Yudo fish-whale"
Keith is:
A) fish; B) amphibian; B) octopus; D) reptile; D) mammal.

3. Does not consist of water:
A) rain; B) ice; B) smoke; D) steam; D) fog.

4. The painting by Giovanni Canaletto depicts an Italian city:
A) Rome; B) Milan; B) Florence; D) Venice; D) Bologna.

5. “You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.” What kind of fish is in the pond?
A) mackerel; B) crucian carp; B) sprat; D) herring; D) flounder.

6. The painting by V. Stozharov shows:
A) icebreaker; B) ice hole; B) freezing; D) ice drift; D) polynya.

7. The structure in the photograph is intended:
A) to purify water from algae;
B) for irrigating fields;
B) for cellular communications;
D) for heating water for bathing;
D) to generate electricity.

Assignments worth 4 points

8. Snowflakes are drawn in Anya’s picture. How many rays does a real snowflake have?
A) 3; B) 4; B) 6; D) 8; D) 9.

9. This plant requires more water to live than others:
A) wheat; B) cabbage; B) corn; D) rice; D) rye.

10. Which animal enters its house underwater?
A) muskrat; B) water vole; B) groundhog; D) ferret; D) mole.

11. What liquid can turn into jelly when cooled?
A) salt water; B) green tea; B) meat broth; D) berry juice; D) bread kvass.

12. This baby will grow into:
A) crocodile; B) frog; B) whale; D) shrimp; D) dragonfly.

13. Sometimes in winter, fish die en masse in ice-covered water bodies.
This happens due to:
A) low water temperature; B) water blooms; B) lack of food;
D) lack of light; D) lack of oxygen.

14. If, while moving on a frozen body of water, a person felt that the ice under him began to crack, then he needs to move:
A) forward; B) back; B) left; D) to the right; D) stop and wait for help.

Tasks worth 5 points

15. Name the plant that botanists call reed:

16. State the correct statement.
A) A person can live without water for a month.
B) A person needs to drink 10 liters of water every day.
C) All human organs contain water.
D) Human bones do not contain water.
D) A person needs water only for washing.

17. The name of this animal translates as “river horse”

18. The largest reserves of fresh water on Earth are concentrated in:
A) lakes; B) glaciers; B) rivers; D) atmosphere; D) groundwater.

19. Choose the aquatic animal that moves the fastest
20. If you put several stones on a flower bed, then:
A) the plants will receive additional moisture; B) there will be no weeds in the flowerbed;
C) pests will not crawl onto the plants; D) bees will fly to flowers more often;
D) the flowers will not require watering.

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