Nastasya Samburskaya and Vladimir Yaglych starred naked in a Reebok advertisement. Nastasya Samburskaya and Vladimir Yaglych completely naked for Reebok Nastasya Samburskaya completely naked for advertising

Nastasya Samburskaya and Vladimir Yaglych completely undressed for advertising campaign sportswear.

Nastasya Samburskaya and Vladimir Yaglych are connected by at least two things - the acting profession and the love of sports. Reebok decided to take into account the general passion of celebrities for fitness by inviting them to appear in a bright and provocative lookbook for a new clothing collection.

First, Samburskaya and Yaglych pose for the cameras in uniform - light shorts, T-shirts, sneakers, performing sports exercises. And then - in the second part of the advertising campaign - they take all the same poses of athletes, but completely naked. Reebok justifies such a bold photo experiment with the concept of the new collection - “Perfection of Fitness”. Only through hard training and effort can you achieve your goal and perfection of form, the company promotes.

The equipment that was demonstrated by Anastasia Samburskaya and Vladimir Yaglych, and which fans of sports training will be able to try on after them, is presented in restrained dark colors with a predominance of blue and gray. All things are created taking into account anatomical features bodies made of high-tech materials that “work” even under the most intense loads. Clothing from the new collection exactly follows the movements of the body, providing comfort combined with functionality and laconic design.

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Nastasya Samburskaya and Vladimir Yaglych continue their collaboration with the Reebok brand. The company has chosen celebrities to star in the lookbook of its new 'Fitness Excellence' collection. The lookbook turned out to be very piquant and provocative. If in the first part Nastasya and Vladimir demonstrate new products from Reebok, then in the second they appear completely naked before the viewer.

Nastasya Samburskaya // Photo: Instagram

As representatives of the brand note, such a bold photo experiment is easily explained by the concept of the new collection “Perfection of Fitness”. Only with the help of hard training can you achieve good results. In addition, Reebok clothing is designed to make it appear as if the wearer is working out in the nude.

The equipment demonstrated by Nastasya and Vladimir was created from high-tech materials, taking into account all the anatomical features of the body. The clothes are made in subdued colors. The main goal of the equipment is to provide comfort combined with functionality and laconic design.

Vladimir Yaglych // Photo: Instagram

Note that neither Vladimir Yaglych nor Nastasya Samburskaya advertised their participation in the Reebok Fitness Excellence project. If Vladimir does not like to tell subscribers too much about his life outside the set, then Nastasya is more active in sharing details of her personal life with her followers.

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