Non-state examination of engineering results. Non-state examination of design documentation

Among all the expert events conducted by our expert organization, non-state examination of projects is in particular demand. Such research can consider not only the complete package as its object project documentation, but also individual sections of a specific document.

Often, non-state examination of projects is carried out in order to correctly prepare everything necessary documents before handing them over government specialist Timely implementation of this procedure makes it possible to find out how appropriate and objective the technological and constructive solutions, which were adopted in the process of developing project documentation.

Non-state examination of projects also makes it possible to assess the significance of certain provisions of the document for the total cost of construction activities. In other words, this procedure makes it possible to:

  • promptly make competent edits to project documentation;
  • optimize individual stages of construction activities;
  • achieve high quality construction.

The customer is free to submit design documentation for both state and non-state examination. However, there are some exceptions, so it is recommended to consult with our specialist in advance.

Within of this material We will consider the following questions:

  1. What activities does non-state examination of projects involve?
  2. What documents and information will the customer have to provide if he needs a non-state examination of projects?

The recommended period for the implementation of non-state expert activities is sixty working days. At the request of the applicant, this value can be shifted down or up, if possible.

Non-state examination of projects. Content

Specialists involved in this procedure work in several priority areas. Based on the results of the activities carried out, they should:

  • evaluate the activities of design organizations and specialists in terms of compliance with building codes and regulations, legislative acts and other requirements, the fulfillment of which is a mandatory aspect of construction;
  • evaluate the work carried out by design companies and specialists for compliance with the provisions of concluded contracts and agreements;
  • evaluate technological and design decisions made by a specialist in the process of developing design documentation for feasibility and validity.

In other words, non-state examination of projects is a procedure that allows you to compare already identified project solutions with a list of those activities, without which it will be impossible to carry out high-quality projects construction work for the construction of a new property.

Many consumers see the ultimate goal of such a study as to eliminate any problems during the commissioning or construction of a reception committee at the final stage of construction. In fact, non-state examination of projects is primarily focused on ensuring such a level of quality of the constructed structure so that residents on its territory can live in comfort and safety for decades. In general, this option does not conflict with the consumer version in any way, so there is no need to dwell on this point.

After the non-state examination of projects has been completed, the specialist must prepare:

  • expert opinion;
  • recommendations regarding making amendments to the reviewed project documentation.

An expert opinion is a document that includes the final verdict of an expert on the issue of compliance of project documentation (and its individual provisions) with current rules and regulations, and legislative acts. The expert report describes all the activities carried out by the specialist, records their results, and displays the process of processing the information received. Each conclusion indicated by the expert in the final report is necessarily confirmed by a reference to the relevant regulatory act.

An expert opinion is an official document, the provisions of which can be safely based on when making certain decisions in construction. It is also suitable for resolving controversial situations of various types both pre-trial and during trial

Non-state examination of projects. What do you need to provide?

If either the technical customer has come to the conclusion that the planned or ongoing construction requires a non-state examination of projects, he will have to provide the following documents:

  1. Application for holding expert events.
  2. Data allowing to identify the performers involved in the preparation and development of project documentation.
  3. Documents relating to the construction project, which required non-state examination of projects.
  4. Identification document of the applicant.
  5. Project documentation, the consideration of which is implied within the framework of the ordered procedure.
  6. Design assignment.
  7. Assignment for carrying out engineering and survey activities.
  8. Results of engineering survey activities.
  9. Documents confirming the admission of the specialist involved in the development of project documentation to carry out this type of activity.

For most documents, an original is not required. In particular, all tasks (for design, for carrying out engineering and survey activities) can also be provided in the form of a copy. The client will be able to learn more about exactly what documentation should be presented in its original form during a free preliminary consultation with our specialist.

In situations where non-state examination of projects is initiated by a person who is not technical customer or developer, the conclusion of an agreement will not be possible without providing additional information. In particular, the applicant will have to provide a document that confirms his right to act on behalf of the designated persons.

What are the advantages of non-state examination of projects?

Firstly, the timing. Government agencies do not have a direct interest in getting their work done in the shortest possible time. as soon as possible. In addition, their interaction with citizens is often greatly complicated by numerous bureaucratic mechanisms and various red tape.

The specialists of our expert organization are free from such problems, so they always complete their work on time. The time frame for which the non-state examination of projects will be carried out is negotiated personally with the customer when concluding the contract.

As was already noted at the very beginning of the article, the recommended period for the implementation of non-state expert activities is sixty working days. The time that a specialist will need to carry out the examination directly depends on the complexity of the object under consideration and can vary significantly from one case to another.

In cases where urgency is of fundamental importance to the customer, the period for conducting the examination can be reduced relative to the recommended value, provided that the complexity and volume of the upcoming work allows such an option.

Secondly, . The fact is that the price that a non-state examination of projects will cost the customer can be set outside the provisions of Resolution No. 145, on which state experts are based. In our expert organization, the cost of the service is formed by:

  • volumes of upcoming work;
  • the complexity of the necessary activities;
  • specifics of a particular object.

For this reason, we can always name a fair and fair price and reach a compromise with our client.

Thirdly, quality. This point does not mean that state examinations are carried out poorly, but the following fact is undeniable: government organizations has no direct interest in establishing very high bar If a private organization plans to gain a foothold in the market, it must always do everything in the best possible way, since only in this way is it possible to withstand the greatly increased cost recent years competition.

Therefore, non-state examination of projects is carried out by our specialists at the highest level quality: we are always happy regular customer and are focused on long-term and productive cooperation, rather than short-term profit.

State and non-state examination of design documentation is a set of measures aimed at checking the project and its compliance with building codes, standards, rules and requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation. The work is carried out by an authorized government agency or company accredited for inspection engineering surveys or project.

Expertise (public or private) is a key stage in ensuring the safety of structures. The purpose of this work is to determine the compliance of the documentation (design, pre-design, urban planning) with technical conditions and primary construction data. Thanks to such activities, it is possible to track violations of safety requirements, “weak points” in the stability and reliability of structures, and the rational use of various resources.

In the article we will pay attention to non-state examination, consider the features of its implementation, timing, legislative framework and we will highlight recommendations for choosing a qualified performer in Moscow or another city.

The peculiarity of non-state examination is that its implementation is entrusted to legal entities (companies) that are accredited to carry out this type of work. The involvement of private specialists is an initiative of the construction company, the customer or the entity that, under an agreement with the developer, is engaged in the creation of the project.

The object of non-state examination is the entire project or specific sections, as well as engineering surveys. When performing work, an agreement is drawn up, the parties to which are the applicant and the expert company. The agreement is concluded taking into account civil law.

Conducting a non-state examination is allowed for all capital construction projects, including for a certain stage, restoration or major repairs. This category also includes works that, according to legislation, are subject to state examination of the Russian Federation.

As noted above, the interaction between the parties is based on an agreement. It is there that the cost of performing the work, the volume of documentation to be verified, what requirements of the Regulations it must meet, and so on are determined. In the process of conducting a non-state examination, the project is checked for compliance with:

  • Urban planning and technical regulations.
  • Results of engineering surveys.
  • National and private company standards.
  • Design assignment.
  • GPZU.
  • Established standards (when preparing estimates).

Legislative framework

Statistics show the growing popularity of non-state expertise. This is explained by the fact that such verification is carried out in a shorter time frame (up to 10 working days). In addition, the cost of non-state examination is lower than that of state examination. The result of both types of checks is recognized on official level and allows you to obtain future permission to construct the facility.

Federal Law No. 337 on amendments to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and a number of legislative acts of the Russian Federation stipulate that design documentation for the reconstruction, overhaul or construction of a building undergoes mandatory examination. In 2012, amendments to the law came into force, according to which the conclusions of state or non-state examinations are recognized as equal in rights. The procedure and form of document execution is established by the Federal Antimonopoly Service and Housing and Communal Services.

Taking into account the new norms construction company and the customer have the right to personally choose where to transfer engineering surveys and the project for further verification - to a state or non-state body. This is stated in Part 1, Article 49. If the estimate is checked simultaneously with the examination of the design and engineering surveys, the work is carried out taking into account the deadline established in the contract between the parties.

The main nuances of an independent (private examination) are specified in the relevant Regulations, which were approved by V.V. Putin in 2008. (at that time the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation).

Carrying out non-state examination is the right of companies accredited to carry out such work. The admission of organizations is handled by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation - it is this organization that carries out the inspection legal entities planning to carry out private examinations, and issues permits to conduct this type of activity.

Based on the results of the inspection, the applicant is accredited to conduct a non-state examination in relation to engineering surveys or the project (separately) or the performance of both types of work. The company has the right to conduct only those types of examinations for which permission has been received.

To pass accreditation, the applicant must meet a number of requirements:

  • To obtain permission to carry out the examination of project documentation, the applicant must confirm the presence of employees with higher specialized education in the field in which accreditation is being carried out. Work experience of workers in the field of facility design must be from 5 years or more, as well as from 3 years in the field of state examination of projects, in the construction control or supervision sector.
  • To obtain accreditation to conduct an engineering survey examination, employees of the applicant company must have a specialized higher education in the field of engineering and geodetic research. Experience in this sector of 5 years or more or experience in conducting state examinations of 3 years.

To obtain accreditation, the applicant company collects the required package of papers and submits it to the authorized body. This work is carried out personally or by transmission registered letter. The package of papers sent to obtain accreditation includes:

  • Application for accreditation. It specifies the types of private (non-state) examination that the applicant plans to conduct, as well as the terms for which accreditation is issued.
  • A copy of documents confirming the fact that the organization has been included in the Unified state register legal entities
  • Constituent papers of the company (copies).
  • Documents confirming that employees have specialized education or work experience (a copy is sufficient).


The period for conducting an inspection and submitting a conclusion on the applicant’s compliance with current requirements is provided for in the regulations expert company. As a rule, the document contains a reference to the fact that the period for conducting the examination is determined individually, taking into account the terms of the agreement between the customer and the expert company.

The regulations establish a general period, which can be shortened when drawing up a contract. Typically, the deadline expert assessment for residential properties it is 45 days, and for non-residential properties - 3 months.

How not to make a mistake in choosing an expert?

The main difficulty for customers is choosing a non-state company that would meet the requirements and have the appropriate accreditation. It is important that during the verification process, the organization checks the project for compliance with technical regulations, budget standards, company and state standards, design assignments and other applicable standards.

The result issued by an accredited non-state body has the same force and can be used for further processing of permission to construct the facility. In this case, the customer has the right to personally decide where to apply - to a government agency or a private structure.

A qualified company offers:

  • Assistance in creating the results of engineering surveys and preparing the project for private examination. The work is carried out in relation to structures whose projects require expert assessment.
  • Direct examination of design and estimate documentation.

At the request of the customer, a company that conducts a non-state examination can verify documents (estimates and designs). The main requirements for the performer include:

  • Experience and reliability.
  • Individual approach to the provision of services.
  • Consultations with specialists on issues of interest.
  • Audit of each section of the project.
  • Accompaniment during government tenders(if necessary).
  • Providing personal manager who will lead the project (some companies offer such a service).
  • High speed of project examination.
  • Availability of a calculator that allows you to calculate the cost of services.

Is non-state expertise worse than state expertise?

Many people have a stereotype that an examination carried out by a non-governmental (private) organization is worse than an examination carried out by a government agency. This is a misconception. It was noted above that the results of such checks have identical validity. In addition, an independent examination, which is carried out by a private company, has a number of advantages:

  • The ability to independently choose an organization that, in the customer’s opinion, meets the stated criteria and performs the required amount of work.
  • Obtaining quality services for expert assessment.
  • There are no differences in legal force between an opinion issued by a state and non-state company. The results of the inspections can be equally used to carry out further work, including obtaining permission to carry out construction work. In some cases, it is possible to conduct an inspection by a private body without the expertise of a state company.
  • High speed of verification (faster than this work is performed government bodies). The timing of verification activities is specified in the agreement concluded between the parties.

The cost of project verification by government agencies is set taking into account current tariffs (determined by the state). Private organizations adhere to established tariffs in their activities, but in order to attract clients they often reduce rates and make cooperation more profitable. The development of this sector and the emergence of private institutions for carrying out examinations makes it possible to speed up and simplify the process of carrying out work without compromising the safety of buildings. As a result, the customer saves two main parameters - time and money.


According to the law, an examination carried out by a private or public body has equal validity. The resulting conclusion can be used to carry out further work, including obtaining a construction permit. But it is worth remembering that there are situations in the legislation when it is impossible to do without state expertise. This is true even in cases where a private institution has given a positive assessment.

Certificate of accreditation for the right to conduct non-state examination of design documentation and examination of engineering survey results No. RA.RU.611081 dated May 16, 2017

Design and estimate documentation- a set of documents revealing the essence of the project and containing justification for its feasibility and feasibility; documentation containing text and graphic materials and defining architectural, functional-technological, structural and engineering solutions to ensure construction, reconstruction and/or technical re-equipment capital construction projects and utilities.

Non-state examination of design and estimate documentation is a set of measures to assess the compliance of design documentation with requirements technical regulations(building codes and regulations, state standards, urban planning standards, etc.), including sanitary and epidemiological, environmental requirements, fire safety requirements, as well as the results of engineering surveys, and assessment of compliance of the results of engineering surveys with the requirements of technical regulations.

Also, project examination - important stage to ensure the safety of the future facility being built. The examination allows us to ensure in the design documentation the operational safety, structural reliability and stability of the buildings and structures being created, high quality architectural and design solutions, rational use building materials, material, financial and energy resources.

Careful attention must be paid to the preparation of project documentation, and the development of project documentation must be carried out strictly in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documentation, because errors made and not identified at the project stage can lead to, at a minimum, financial costs and, at a maximum, human casualties. Statistics show that more than a quarter of accidents occurring in modern construction occur precisely because of incorrect calculations by designers. An accident can occur either after construction is completed or after a certain period of time. In any case, such an object becomes potentially dangerous. Project examination is used to prevent this.

Composition and content of project documentation

The Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation establishes the mandatory development of design and estimate documentation for planned construction, reconstruction, overhaul(if during repairs the structural and load-bearing elements, as well as the volumetric characteristics and safety of the building change) of commercial and industrial real estate, within the boundaries land plot, to which the property rights of the investor or developer are properly registered.

The set of design and estimate documentation includes a text part and a graphic part. The completeness and content of project documentation is established By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 N 87 “On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content”.

Project documentation contains all the information necessary for the construction of the future facility (main mechanisms and tools, building materials, the number of workers required, etc.), and also displays on paper the future architectural and technical appearance of the building. The reliability and strength of the future depend on the level of preparation of project documentation construction site, the period of its normal operation, the correct functioning and operation of building structures, engineering systems and communications.

Text design materials must contain information about the construction project, a list of adopted engineering and technical solutions, explanatory note, links to regulatory and technical documents regulating the preparation of design documentation, as well as design calculations justifying decisions made. The graphic part contains drawings that display the adopted design and technical decisions in the form of diagrams, plans and other documents in graphic form.

Graphic material (drawings) reflects architectural, planning, structural and layout technological solutions. The calculation and explanatory note contains information that substantiates the technical feasibility of construction, reliability and safety of work in specific conditions. The economic estimate determines the cost of construction and justifies the feasibility of spending financial, material, technical and labor resources.

Expertise of design documentation is required:

  • to determine compliance with project documentation technical specifications, Russian legislation, technical regulations, building codes and regulations, state standards, etc.;
  • to optimize the future construction production and planning the proper use of resources;
  • to check the need and feasibility of additional design work, which were not taken into account in the original version of the project.

Based on the Town Planning Code Russian Federation design documentation of capital construction projects and the results of engineering surveys performed to prepare such design documentation are subject to mandatory examination. Examination of design documentation and (or) examination of engineering survey results is carried out in the form of state examination or non-state examination. Changes and amendments made to Town Planning Code previously Federal law dated November 28, 2011 No. 337-FZ “On amendments to the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” entered into force on April 1, 2012. The amendments actually established legal and legal “equality” between expert opinions of state and non-state examination of design documentation; therefore, the developer or technical customer, at his choice, has the right to send design documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys for state examination or non-state examination.

A positive conclusion based on the results of a non-state examination of project documentation is necessary to obtain permission to construct a capital construction project from local authorities.

Also, a positive opinion of an independent expert on certain sections of the project documentation can be used for submission to judicial body as a defense and proof of one’s position. The experts conducting the examination are not interested parties, they are independent in their study of the project, therefore the independent examination of project documentation is fair. Experts, in accordance with Article 307 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, are warned against a receipt that their provision of knowingly false information in an expert opinion is punishable by law.

The ASG Construction Expertise Center offers you the following services:

  1. Free consultation before examination of project documentation;
  2. Independent examination of the project without issuing an opinion in the form of research, analysis and oral recommendations;
  3. Non-state examination of design documentation and engineering survey results with the issuance of an expert opinion;
  4. Forensic examination of design documentation and engineering survey results. In this case, the examination is appointed by the court, and the expert’s conclusion, when ready, is sent directly to the court, where you can familiarize yourself with it. Before forensics you can contact our expert institution and get information letter for the court about the possibility of conducting an examination, indicating the cost and timing of the examination.

What will you get as a result of the examination of project documentation?

  1. Consultation with a qualified expert before conducting the examination and further actions after it has been carried out;
  2. Conclusion based on the results of the examination.

What is the difference between state examination and non-state examination?

According to Russian legislation An expert organization conducting an independent examination of project documentation is a full participant in relations conducted in the legal field. Experts have the right to testify and explain their findings in court as an expert witness.

Compared to the state construction examination, the advantage of the non-state examination is that the examination period is shorter and the cost is lower. However, in accordance with the new requirements of the Town Planning Code, the period for conducting an examination of the project is limited to two months. Our experts have extensive experience in conducting such examinations and assessing design documentation; we are always happy to help you in resolving issues related to construction examination.

The result of the examination of project documentation is a conclusion on compliance (positive conclusion) or non-compliance (negative conclusion) of the project documentation with the requirements of technical regulations and the results of engineering surveys, requirements for the content of sections of project documentation provided for in accordance with Part 13 of Article 48 of this Code, as well as compliance the results of engineering surveys in accordance with the requirements of technical regulations (if the results of engineering surveys were sent for examination simultaneously with the design documentation). If the results of engineering surveys were sent for examination before sending the design documentation for examination, the result of the examination is a conclusion on compliance (positive conclusion) or non-compliance (negative conclusion) of the results of engineering surveys with the requirements of technical regulations.

To conduct an examination of design documentation, our experts will need:

  • design documentation for the facility in full;
  • task for designing an object;
  • report on the results of engineering surveys on the construction site;
  • assignments for conducting and performing engineering surveys;
  • a document allowing the applicant for the examination to act on behalf of the investor, developer, or technical customer.

How much does a non-state examination of project documentation cost?

IN government institutions the cost of the examination is determined according to a unified methodology for determining the cost of the expert assessment of the project (see: part VIII of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 5, 2007 N 145 “On the procedure for organizing and conducting state examination of design documentation and engineering survey results”).

When calculating the cost in our company, we follow the same methodology as in government agencies, and we multiply the final cost by a factor of 0.6-0.7, depending on the complexity of the project. This reduction allows the Customer to significantly save their funds allocated for the examination.

Contact us, send requests for examination, our experts are ready to review your application in a short time and calculate the cost of the work, thereby making our financial relationships transparent.

The design documentation includes various documents relating to building plans and engineering survey results. All of them are used when the examination of project documentation is carried out. The audit is carried out in order to determine the compliance of the collected documents with existing legal standards. Examination of construction design documentation can be either private or public. Carrying out an examination of design documentation allows us to identify possible deviations from accepted construction standards.

Who can carry out the examination?

Examination of project documentation is possible only with the participation of legal entities that have been accredited to conduct such activities. However, for those types of documentation that are not an exception, verification is only available in state form. The conclusion of the examination of project documentation contains information that allows us to ensure the stability, safety and reliability of objects.

What does design expertise reveal?

This study makes it possible to answer several important questions:

  • How rationally were building materials used?
  • How correctly were questions of an architectural nature posed?
  • How efficiently water and other natural resources were used.

Advantages of non-state design expertise

Currently, many people use such a service as examination of project documentation. The turnaround time for the study is not very long, which allows you to get results fairly quickly. The objects of examination of project documentation may be different. Therefore, ordering an inspection of a specific object is quite simple.

Non-state examination has several valuable features:

  • Short lead times. It is carried out much faster than the state examination, which can take several months.
  • Affordable price.
  • Equivalence of state and non-state expertise from the point of view of the law. Therefore, after a quality check, re-examination of the design documentation will not be required.

A request for an examination can be submitted to both government agencies and private company, which has passed accreditation. It may be carried out simultaneously with other studies, such as checking estimates. However, in this case, the duration of the examination can be significantly increased.

Some buildings do not need to check design documentation. They must have the following features:

  • They have less than three floors and are located away from residential complexes.
  • Multi-storey buildings consisting of many apartments divided into residential sections. Used in the industrial sector.
  • They are located far from residential complexes, have no more than two floors, and are used in industry. Area no more than 1550 sq.m.

Order an examination of design documentation in Moscow

Contact our company if you need to conduct a high-quality examination of project documentation. Thanks to many years of research experience different levels complexity, our employees are able to verify documentation in optimal timing. The cost of the examination is low, which makes it accessible to many people. Since our employees can inspect a wide variety of objects, their services can be used by a wide range of people.

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