Left hand rule presentation. Left hand rule presentation for a physics lesson (9th grade) on the topic

“Magnetic field physics” - More precisely, magnetic fields are a necessary consequence of the existence of electric fields. Photographing impossible objects. Is it possible to see a magnetic field? You can also consider the magnetic field as a component of the electric field. The electron beam is deflected by a magnetic field.

“Magnetic field physics lesson” - Check and draw a conclusion. Purpose of the lesson. Hans Christian Oersted (1777 – 1851). Physics lesson on the topic “magnetic field of current”. Eq uipment. Draw a conclusion about the reasons for the rotation of the arrow. Systematize the concept of “magnetic field” from the point of view of ideological ideas. S. Reverse polarity.

“Physics Lorentz Force” - Classical body mass: © Repchenko Oleg Nikolaevich, 2005, www.fieldphysics.ru. In Field Physics, it is proven that the use of a field addition to mass is mathematically equivalent to the relativistic dependence of mass on velocity: In accordance with this logic, Field Physics leads to the following expression for the Lorentz force:

“Magnetic field” - 23. The circuit is oriented at a given point in the field in only one way. So it is sent to us. qV=const. 12. 22. 4. 1.2. 3 Biot-Savart-Laplace law. Galvanic element.

“Direction of magnetic field lines” - Formulate the gimlet rule. Magnetic field induction. The gimlet rule. State the right hand rule for the solenoid. Such a field is called inhomogeneous. Inhomogeneous and homogeneous magnetic field. Questions and assignments. Michael Faraday (1791-1867). The effect of a magnetic field on an electric current. If you position your left hand like this.

“Lesson Magnetic Field” - Electromagnets. Goals and objectives of the lesson. Lesson plan. Oersted's experience. Lesson topic: Magnetic field of a coil with current. Magnetic spectra. Repetition New material Consolidation Checking mastery Homework Results. Lesson objectives: To concretize students’ knowledge on the topic being studied.

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Electromagnetic field

Let's repeat How can we experimentally show the connection between the direction of the current in a conductor and the direction of its magnetic field lines? Formulate the gimlet rule. What can you determine using the gimlet rule? State the right hand rule for the solenoid. What can be determined using the right hand rule?

Independent work The figure shows the position of the conductor section connected to the current source and the position of the magnetic line. Determine its direction. + A. Clockwise B. Counterclockwise C. From us D. To us -

Independent work 2. Which figure correctly shows the picture of the magnetic field lines of a long conductor with a direct current directed perpendicular to the plane of the drawing away from us? 1 2 3 4 A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

Independent work 3. Current flows through the conductor from us. Determine the direction of the magnetic line of this current. A. Clockwise B. Counterclockwise C. To us D. From us

Independent work 4 . Current flows through the conductor towards us. Determine the direction of the magnetic line of this current. A. Clockwise B. Counterclockwise C. To us D. From us

Independent work 5. The figure shows a picture of the magnetic lines of a straight conductor carrying current. The magnetic field is weakest A. At point A B. At point B C. At point C D. At point D G B C A

Detection of a magnetic field by its effect on electric current. Left hand rule.

A current-carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field is acted upon by a force from the magnetic field.

A magnetic field is created by an electric current and is detected by its effect on the electric current.

Left hand rule N N S S

Rule of the left hand If the left hand is positioned so that: 4 fingers are directed along the current; Magnetic lines entered the palm perpendicularly; then the thumb placed at 90° will show the direction of the force acting on the conductor.

Left hand rule for particles

Left hand rule for a positively charged particle 4 fingers are directed along the movement of the + charged particle; Magnetic lines enter the palm perpendicularly; = the thumb positioned at 90° will indicate the direction of the force acting on the conductor.

We consolidate Exercise No. 36 p. 155

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Physical dictation. The reason for the occurrence of a magnetic field in a conductor is... A uniform magnetic field is... At what point is the effect of the magnetic field greatest? The reason for the appearance of a magnetic field in a permanent magnet is... A non-uniform magnetic field is... At what point is the effect of the magnetic field the least? A B C I A B C

Physical dictation 4. Formulate the gimlet rule. 5. Determine the direction of magnetic lines in the point. 4. Formulate the right-hand rule. 5. Determine the direction of magnetic lines in the point O. O I O I

05/03/17 Detection of a magnetic field by its effect on electric current. Left hand rule.

The force acting on a current-carrying conductor from a magnetic field is called the Ampere force. Ampere Andre Marie (1775-1836)

Left hand rule for current:

The force acting on moving charged particles from the magnetic field is called the Lorentz force Hendrik Anton Lorentz (1853-1928)

Left hand rule for particles:

Homework: § 45, Ex. 36 (3,4,5).

Task 1: determine the direction of action of the Ampere force. N S I

Task 2: determine the direction of the current in the conductor. N S I

Task 3: determine the direction of action of the Lorentz force. +

Task 4: determine the direction of motion of the particle. -

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Physics lesson 9th grade. “Detection of a magnetic field by its effect on an electric current. Left hand rule"

Physics lesson 9th grade. “Detection of a magnetic field by its effect on an electric current. Rule of the left hand” Physics teacher Dause M.G. MBOU "Krasnokholmskaya secondary school No. 2 named after S. Zabavin" Lesson objectives: Education...

This development fully covers the repetition of the topic of the magnetic field and its graphical representation, and also introduces children to new concepts such as Ampere and Lorentz forces. In this lesson we will work...

“Magnetic field” - 14. The current is directed towards us. 24. 5. Galvanic cell. The direction of the magnetic field at a given point is taken to be the positive direction of the normal. Stepanova Ekaterina Nikolaevna associate professor of the department of physical sciences of the Physicotechnical Institute of TPU. Electromagnetism. 8. The gimlet rule.

“Magnetic field physics” - Is it possible to see a magnetic field. More precisely, magnetic fields are a necessary consequence of the existence of electric fields. Photographing impossible objects. The electron beam is deflected by a magnetic field. There will be a color change on the TV screen where the magnet is close. You can also consider the magnetic field as a component of the electric field.

“Direction of magnetic field lines” - Completed by: Anna Kadicheva. Right hand rule. What can be determined using the gimlet rule? It is known that there is always a magnetic field around an electric current. What are magnetic induction lines called? Electric current and magnetic field are inseparable from each other. For every conductor with current.

“Magnetic field physics lesson” - Equipment. Continue to form the basis for understanding the modern scientific picture of the world. Tasks. S. Physics lesson on the topic “magnetic field of current.” Hans Christian Oersted (1777 – 1851). b). Your conclusion What can change the angle of deflection of the arrow? Reverse polarity. Repetition tasks.

“Physics Lorentz force” - The transition from a stationary source to a moving one leads to the emergence of dynamic additions to the static force: In the Lorentz field force: In accordance with the specified logic, Field physics leads to the following expression for the Lorentz force: The force of the electrostatic interaction of two charged objects (Coulomb’s law ):

“Lorentz force” - The direction of the Lorentz force. Left hand rule. Magnetic field. Radius of curvature. According to Newton's second law: Hence the radius: In what case does a particle move in a magnetic field in a straight line? Ampere's law? Ampere force: Equation for the current strength in a conductor: Lorentz force Modulus of the Lorentz force. Define the Lorentz force.

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