Presentations by Steve Jobs in Russian. All iPhone presentations

Legendary quotes, an envelope with a laptop, a pocket for condoms and much more.

In a few weeks, the world will see the next iPhone model. As we already know, . But, undoubtedly, everyone wants to see the next presentation of the company from Cupertino and touch the magic of its products.

For followers of the company, the announcements of its new devices are akin to Christmas. Steve Jobs taught us to do this. He was a brilliant leader and knew that the issue of “packaging” and presentation of a product is no less important than the product itself.

We decided to remember exactly how this or that Apple product was first shown.

1. iPod. 2001

Before showing the music player, which became a model for the entire music industry for many years to come, Steve Jobs talked at length about the company's goals when developing the iPod.

Video presentation:

After analyzing the development stage of the player, Steve simply took the player out of his jeans pocket. Having shown it to the public and causing a standing ovation, he added a phrase that became legendary:

This amazing gadget holds 1000 songs and fits in my pocket.

2. iPod Nano. 2005

During the presentation of the company's new player, Steve Jobs repeated the trick with the pocket of his own jeans.

Only this time, Steve drew attention to the small pocket for the lighter and asked the audience a question:

Does anyone know what this pocket is for?

The audience laughed, and Steve pulled out a miniature iPod nano, which replaced the iPod mini.

Video presentation:

Apple CEO compared the thickness of the player to the thickness of a standard pencil, and the overall dimensions to the “classic” iPod and players from other companies, thereby showing the miniature nature of the new product.

By the way, there are many versions of the appearance of that same pocket. At Levi's it is still called a “watch pocket” (at the end of the century before last, the pocket was used to store pocket watches). The latter believe that during the gold rush, gold miners hid their finds in this pocket. Still others hide small things in it like lighters, coins, condoms, or even bank cards. How do you use the pocket? Share in the comments.

3. iPhone. 2007

One of the coolest Apple presentations ever.

At the very beginning of his speech, Steve Jobs promised to present three devices at once: an iPod with touch controls, a revolutionary mobile phone and an Internet communicator. He did not deceive, although only one device was presented.

Video presentation:

The entire presentation was filled with humor. Steve showed a slide of an iPod with a rotary dial attached to it. He told me that the stylus sucks and that our fingers are everything. He promised that the smartphone would run OS X. And he almost ordered 4 thousand lattes from Starbucks.

Jokes aside, Jobs was damn right when he said:

Today Apple has reinvented the telephone.

4. MacBook Air. 2008

At the very end of the Macworld conference, Steve Jobs introduced the third type of Apple laptop.

Having paid tribute to the Sony TZ series laptop and compared its characteristics with the killer data of the new Apple product, Steve walked to his desk and picked up a large yellow envelope. Yes, there was a MacBook Air inside. This presentation of a new thin laptop looked grandiose.

Video presentation:

Jobs compared the length of the motherboard to the size of a pencil, noted the lack of an optical drive and called the MacBook Air a wireless machine.

5. iPhone 4. 2010

As always, Steve Jobs joked during the presentation of the new iPhone.

Throw a stone at me if you've already seen it

Thus, hinting at the iPhone 4 left at the bar by one of the company’s employees and eventually purchased by Gizmodo journalists. Well you know.

Video presentation:

During the presentation itself, Steve called Jony Ive and turned on the video call, demonstrating the capabilities of FaceTime.

6. iPad. 2010

At the very beginning of the presentation of the tablet, Jobs ridiculed Netbooks, which were popular at that time (remember this class of devices?).

They are slow, have low-quality displays and run on typical PC software. They are no better than regular laptops, they are just cheaper.

Video presentation:

After which Steve demonstrated the iPad, which was lying on the coffee table next to the chair. This moment well characterized the future of the “bedside” device.

7. MacBook Pro Retina. 2012

Updated line MacBook Pro with Retina displays was presented by Phil Schiller. To show off the amazing thickness of the new laptop, he used his own finger.

Video presentation:

An excellent comparison with a live example. Literally!

8. iPad Mini. 2012

Apple hid its small tablet on one of the presentation slides behind the “regular” iPad. At a certain moment, the picture was unfolded and the iPad Mini appeared before the eyes of the audience.

Video presentation:

Thus, the size of the new device was demonstrated in comparison with its older brother. Effective, nothing to say.

When you create a presentation, do you think about how to deliver it to your audience to impress them? How to capture people's attention and convey your thoughts?

I think it's worth learning from the professionals. Steve Jobs' presentations are legendary. Each of his product launches was accompanied by a show where he played the main role. So let's take a look at some of Steve Jobs' secret secrets for a successful presentation!

For starters, throw away fear! Fear of the public constrains and interferes. You won't get anything useful from him. Therefore, leave your fears at the door to the auditorium/hall/stadium (where are you holding your presentation?) and get started!

I looked at these rules in Carmen Galo’s book “How to be great in the eyes of any audience?”

When Jobs came on stage, everyone froze. And no wonder. He spent hours preparing for each performance, he was a professional in his field! So:

Rule 1: Create moments that are sure to be remembered.

Research shows that human attention is a very short-term thing. A person can listen to something with concentration for only 10 minutes! To keep him for a long time, you need to surprise him all the time. Cling. It's no secret that there were moments at Steve Jobs' presentations that could keep the entire audience in suspense. These moments were created specifically and thought out by the speaker in advance. He supplemented his presentation, slides, with them. It made the whole presentation breathtaking. He began his speeches with a phrase that was impressive, and then logically developed the idea.

For example, at the presentation of the MacBook Air, he began with the words: “There is something in the air ... (air (English) - air)." All. Attention is captured, listeners are intrigued.

Rule 2: Use the “rule of three”

3 acts in a play - this is what the audience is used to. This is how Steve Jobs used this rule at the Macword presentation in 2007, when he recalled the three products that conquered the world. These are: MP3 player, telephone and Internet device. Although in fact he was only talking about the iPhone. Therefore, open up your speech using the “rule of three.” Build a plan in which you write down the main points, theses and develop them during the speech. This will help you stay focused on what you're saying and your presentation clear.

When Jobs returned to Apple, Gil Amelio - general manager, invited him to speak at Macworld. Amelio refused the services of a speechwriter before his speech and his speech was a failure. Speech was confused, and thoughts jumped from one to another. When Jobs came out, he spoke clearly, briefly and to the point. He commented on his colleague’s speech as follows: “He knows nothing about theses.”

That's why, " rule of three"from Jobs you can also voice it this way: write down your speech briefly. Highlight the main points.

Rule 3. Simple numbers

It is difficult for the viewer to immediately visually perceive big numbers. Make the numbers in your presentation more accessible. Translate them into understandable language.

When introducing the iPod in 2001, he mentioned that this product has all 5 GB of memory on the hard drive. What is 5 GB of memory? How to introduce them? How about two buckets? Or half the stadium? Jobs came out of this situation as follows: he said that this was enough to store 1000 songs.

Besides, he loved to impress. And for this it is also convenient to use numbers. For example, “An iPad is sold every 3 seconds” or “More than a million IPhones sold.” Not bad, right? The most interesting thing is that such figures are taken at their word. No one can check them, but the speech creates an impressive, weighty message!

One more little tip. Don't leave numbers without comment. Steve Jobs always explained and clearly showed not only what certain indicators mean, but also how they will affect the future of the company and the world as a whole. Yes, Jobs liked to exaggerate, but this did not interfere, but rather helped make the presentation impressive.

Rule 4. Visual thoughts

Less text in your presentation can make the point you want to convey better understood. The human brain remembers only 10% of information reproduced in audio format or written in text. And 80% is perceived through the visual! This is much more than half.

Therefore, rule of successful presentation No. 4: Less text! Use more visual materials.

So, on Steve's slides there was very little text, but there was more clarity. When talking about the popularity of iTunes around the world, Jobs showed only their flags instead of the names of 23 countries.

Rule 5. Headings that are suitable forTwitter

Jobs always described the product with only a short phrase that would be perfect for a Twitter message. Example: “The thinnest laptop in the world” - sounded in the MacBookAir presentation. Jobs believed that short, punchy headlines worked much better than long, vague explanations. In addition, such things are remembered much better. Therefore, discard the unnecessary, leave only the essence. Only what is imprinted in your memory.

Rule 6. The scene is not for one actor

Jobs almost never showed up to a presentation without support. He introduced characters who played an important role in the presentation of the product. This technique worked as social proof.

In addition, the audience itself often became the actors in the presentation. He allowed us to go on stage and test our products. Jobs understood that a person who felt his invention and interacted with it would have a desire. He will not want to part with this item.

Rule 7. Training

Jobs never approached presentations lightly. He trained for hours. I thought through my speech, my every movement on stage, my intonation.

Therefore, rule number 6: prepare for the presentation. Rehearse it. Prepare answers to possible questions, let your friends/relatives listen to your speech.

Sometimes Jobs' employees would find him on stage, speaking to an empty room before a presentation. This technique allowed him to feel confident during the presentation itself.

Rule 8. Sell dreams, not products

In order for your work to be easy for you, you need to love it. It’s unlikely that your audience will love your product if you don’t admire it yourself. Look, there are thousands of different ones on the market mobile phones, smartphones. But what a line is lining up for a brand new iPhone! This is no longer a product – it’s a kind of dream!

Rule 9: Have fun with your presentation

Just imagine, you walk onto the stage/pulpit/pedestal. All attention is on you. You are the main one at this evening, everyone listens only to you. It's fascinating. The main thing is not to get lost! Enjoy this attention. If something goes wrong, tell a joke, an interesting incident.

Watch a recording of one of Jobs' most famous speeches. Speech to Stanford graduates:

He feels confident, in his element. When a person is confident in himself, it is impossible not to believe him. He understands what he is talking about, which means he is an expert, which means you can buy from him what he offers! See, a successful presentation will bring you new ones!


When preparing your presentation, be sure to review these tips. Their use will help make your performance memorable and vibrant. The audience will be grateful for such a performance, and you will feel pleased with yourself.

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10 years ago, on January 9, 2007, Apple founder Steve Jobs attended the Macworld Conference & Expo in San Francisco. introduced the iPhone. And to this day the world has changed with his help.

"Despite some shortcomings and omissions, the iPhone is ultimately a beautiful and breakthrough pocket computer," Walt Mossberg wrote in The Wall Street Journal at the time.

Editorial The New York The Times also gave the device a positive review. Even though she noted that the device does not work with 3G, so users have to be content with slow EDGE. But is it even important?

Steve Jobs turned the whole world upside down with the “Golden Path”

To this day, ardent critics of the iPhone, including former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, have admitted that the smartphone turned the world upside down, changed lives and forced competitors to follow suit.

10 years ago, Steve Jobs appeared on stage as a messiah who had come to revolutionize human understanding. mobile devices. And everything that happened then looked magic.

But few people know how much effort Apple engineers spent to ensure that those present at the Macworld Conference & Expo and online viewers perceived the iPhone presentation this way.

Yes, the iPhone has changed the perception of modern smartphones. But on January 9, 2007 he worked unstable. That's why engineers created for Jobs "Golden Path", only when passing through which the smartphone did not glitch.

Steve Jobs insisted on the risks of a live presentation

The founder of Apple was not a brilliant engineer, because at first he had Steve Wozniak and a whole team of talents for this, but his skills manager And marketer difficult to overestimate.

That's why Jobs insisted on real or a live presentation of the device, which would be better received than a recording. And the company and many of its competitors still use this format today.

But according to Andy Grignon, who then worked at Apple as an engineer, before the presentation the iPhone was still performing extremely poorly. And Steve wasn't interested in how the Apple team would handle it.

In addition, the smartphone independently interrupted the call, lost connection to the network, experienced terrible freezes, or simply turned off for no apparent reason. But 90 minutes of presentation lasted.

The success of the iPhone is the will of chance and the deception of Steve Jobs

Steve set tasks for his employees and demanded results. And he was not interested in how engineers would get rid of the problem or what technology would realize his vision.

“The iPhone was the only really cool new thing Apple was working on. He was very important for the company, so in this case we had to take a risk.” - Grignon.

Steve was aware of the tricks that were used to deceive spectators in 2007. And on stage at the Macworld Conference & Expo, Jobs played the role, demonstrating unprepared product.

“With Jobs’ permission, we made sure that the iPhone always showed the maximum signal strength,” says Andy about problems with loss of connection in smartphone prototypes.

But as they say "Winners are not judged". Yes, in 2007, during the presentation of the iPhone, we were deceived. But in the end they brought the device to fruition and changed the world- only this matters today.

Let's remember every presentation of Apple smartphones.

iPhone 2G

The first iPhone 2G ran on iPhone OS. It had 17 apps installed and system updates were free, unlike the iPod Touch, which charged $20 for new system features. The main differences even then were the large display - 3.5 inches, capacitive. No stylus with buttons - only finger control. 2 MP camera, non-removable battery, the ability to choose a model with 4, 8 or 16 GB memory.

What was important was the design, it was very good. Jobs always paid attention to detail. How can one doubt the success of the first model, if with a relatively high price of 500-600 dollars per copy, Apple managed to sell about 7 million devices and enter the large mobile device market.

iPhone 3G

At the WWDC 2008 conference, the iPhone 3G was presented, which was free of hardware and software flaws and already ran on the new iPhone OS 2.0 operating system. The smartphone was cheaper than its predecessor and was sold in the USA with an operator contract. This, by the way, was the first iPhone with Russian localization. Support for working in 3G networks was implemented, which is where the name came from.

One of the most important achievements is the emergence App Store with a bunch of programs that expand the capabilities of the device. How much did sales increase? More than 5 times. Unconditional success.

iPhone 3GS

The iPhone 3GS became faster, because the “S” in the name stood for speed. For those who like to play on their phone, it became simply necessary to buy a new model, since the updated hardware began to resemble the hardware of a laptop - a Cortex-A8 processor with a frequency of 600 MHz, 256 MB RAM, a separate PowerVR SGX 535 graphics module. The smartphone became available in 8, 16 and 32 GB configurations.

iPhone OS 3.0 introduced new features: copy and paste, the ability to send MMS, Spotlight, Speak Notes, Find my iPhone, the ability to download TV shows, music videos, movies and audiobooks directly to the device, and more. Multitasking also appeared in the system, which meant the work of all kinds of instant messengers, calculators and other programs in the background.

iPhone 4

2010 was a year of major renewal. iPhone 4 was presented in a radically new design, but maintaining its distinctive features. Glass on both sides and metal frame. New Retina display, A4 processor, 5 MP main camera and video camera.

But the smartphone lost its network as soon as it was picked up incorrectly, for which Apple later paid for it, paying compensation and handing out free cases. But I remembered that I couldn’t do that anymore.

New iOS - yes, at that presentation the system received the name now familiar to everyone, a number of changes and improvements.

iPhone 4S

In October 2011, corrected important issues last generation, Apple releases iPhone 4S with operating system iOS 5, and the day after the presentation, company founder Steve Jobs dies.

The main feature of the model is the virtual assistant Siri. It helped interact with the device and had quite good functionality at that time. The network issue has also been fixed. From this moment on, 64 GB models began to be produced.

iPhone 5

The first iPhone presented without Steve was the iPhone 5. It got bigger. The display has grown to 4″, which was the largest innovation in all generations released before it. An equally important innovation was the replacement of the old and familiar 30-pin port with Lightning. It turned out to be smaller than the previous connector and could be connected from either side, which other standards, both Apple and competitors with microUSB, could not boast of at that time.

iPhone 5s & 5c

In 2013, the world was shown the iPhone 5S, which received a 64-bit processor, an M7 motion coprocessor and a Touch ID fingerprint scanner built into the Home button. A new, golden color of the device has also appeared.

Along with the powerful 5s, a cheaper 5c was released in a plastic case in bright colors, but with the insides of an outdated iPhone 5.

iOS7 was the largest update to the system and was presented at this presentation. New, simple and bright interface.

iPhone 6 & 6 Plus

iPhone 6 was also a radical update to the line. A model with a display diagonal of 4.7 inches and a Plus version with 5.5 inches. Plus version. Not everyone liked the case, but they quickly got used to it. There was a modification with 128 GB of memory, a new Apple A8 processor and an M8 coprocessor.

The company did not avoid problems with this model: the main one was the ability to “easily” bend the smartphone. For example, if it was lying in the back pocket of your jeans, you sit on it and take out a bent piece of aluminum.

iPhone 6s & 6s Plus

iPhone 6s and 6s Plus were released on September 9, 2015. A new color is rose gold, which was later added to all the company’s main products. A screen that recognizes pressure, a new aluminum alloy and a slightly increased thickness solved the problem of case deformation. Now it has become almost impossible to bend the flagship on iOS.

The camera shot with a resolution of 12 MP and learned to shoot 4K video. The second generation Touch ID has become much faster. Just touch the button and the smartphone is unlocked.

iPhone SE

In March 2016, fans of small displays were given the iPhone SE - special edition. It was no different in design from the iPhone 5 and 5s, but had the processor and camera from the 6s. Only the front camera retained a low resolution, fingerprints were processed by the first generation Touch ID sensor, and the screen did not distinguish between pressure pressure.

iPhone 7 & 7 Plus

September 7, 2016 - presentation of iPhone 7 and 7 Plus. Minor changes in design and new colors – black and glossy black. The company decided to abandon the 3.5 mm headphone jack for the sake of protection from dust and moisture.

iPhone 7 Plus received 3 GB of RAM (the regular version has 2) and a dual camera. Taking photos in Portrait mode has become main feature smartphone.

iPhone 8, 8 Plus & iPhone Edition

New smartphones will be presented on September 12. The iPhone 8 and 8 Plus will change a little appearance(but you should count on new hardware), and the iPhone Edition will receive a display on the entire front panel, a dual camera and a glass body.

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