Sample diagram of a business plan for cow breeding. Business plan for cattle breeding Business plan for beef cattle

To breed cattle at home, the farmer needs to correctly determine the breed of animals, study their productivity and maintenance features. Properly selected technologies for breeding will allow you to increase the number of livestock.

Raising cows of various breeds is quite a profitable business for many farmers, especially if you do it professionally and avoid mistakes. In addition, raising cows does not require huge investments from the farmer, so animal husbandry is suitable even for a novice farmer.

Raising cows will bring income to the owner only if he has the necessary skills and knowledge:

  • it is necessary to pay attention to the peculiarities of keeping cattle both in the warm and cold seasons;
  • become familiar with the nuances of feeding animals and their diet;
  • study beef and dairy breeds of cows and their profitability.

When the future farmer becomes familiar with the technology of raising cattle, it is necessary to take care of creating a farm. Select a site, build barns and purchase young dairy or beef animals.

The area of ​​barns must be at least 30x6 meters. It is best to organize a farm in a village, closer to enterprises involved in growing feed crops. Thus, it will be possible to sell them manure and receive either money or animal feed for it. It is also necessary to think about the wintering premises; its area should be at least two hundred square kilometers. Having mastered this necessary minimum and created favorable conditions for breeding animals, you can easily establish your own highly profitable mini-farm in a few years.

Raising cattle at home: first steps

Thanks to many years of experience, breeding large and small livestock has ceased to frighten novice farmers, since the livestock industry has been studied and a lot of advice and instructions have been given on raising cows. But still, in order to create a mini-farm, it is necessary to select the right breed of animals, taking into account climatic conditions, as well as organize appropriate care and nutrition for them. If these instructions are not followed, this can lead to decreased productivity, weak young stock and disruption of production function in animals, and deviation from the norms can lead to illness or even the extinction of the entire herd.

At the moment, raising cattle is a fairly promising activity, especially for those farmers who live in villages. First you need to clearly define the task of what you want to receive: meat or milk? And only after that purchase young animals.

But another step before purchasing is to study the characteristics of each selected breed. It is necessary to pay attention to how effective the growth, reproduction, ease of adaptation of animals to a new place, high milk yield and final mass indicator will be, which is very important to consider for meat animals.

The next step will be to select the location where the farmer will create his livestock farm. As an option, you can offer to rent land along with unused buildings, which, after restoration work and installation of equipment, can become a home for young animals.

Cowsheds will need to be equipped with specialized heating devices, a feed additive supply system, food dispensers and milking mechanisms, as well as manure removal units. In order for all these systems to work without failures, it is necessary to check in advance how things are going at the site with electricity, heating, sewerage and water supply. The size of the barn must be selected based on the planned number of animals.

If there is no veterinarian near the farm, the farmer must have a first aid kit with the most necessary medications that will help stabilize the animal’s condition until the doctor arrives.

After the production process is established on the farm, you need to think about where the products will be sold. This could be a supermarket, market, restaurant chain or special processing enterprises.

In order for the farm to function effectively, it is necessary to provide the livestock farm with a strong feed supply. In order for animals to quickly gain weight, they should be provided with seasonal grazing in meadows with the required amount of grass, adding various feed additives to the pasture, such as mixed feed, maize, grain crops, silage and beets. It is also necessary to provide animals with a constant supply of fresh drinking water.

Which breed should I choose?

The proper and profitable operation of a livestock farm will depend on many factors. Starting from the acquisition of young animals, maintaining the farm, organizing the feeding process, selecting highly qualified specialists and ending with the preparation of many documents. But we should also not forget about the correct choice of animal breeds that will be bred on the farm.

It does not matter what breed of animal the farmer chooses to keep. It is necessary to provide the cows with a warm barn, in which there will be no drafts. Each stall should have a feeder with sufficient feed additives and always fresh water. Manure must be removed every day so as not to provoke outbreaks of various diseases. The weight gain of animals must be monitored constantly, every month, by weighing them on special high-precision scales designed for livestock farming.

Production and its features

The livestock industry has always been relevant, and at the moment, when food products whose quality is questionable appeared, it has gained unprecedented popularity. Raising cattle is quite difficult and requires investment, patience and organizational skills. In order to organize a farm, you need to recruit milkmaids, a veterinarian, and a butcher. If the farm is large, then it is best to purchase your own fleet of vehicles for transporting animals and products from the farm.

It is best to purchase young animals together with an experienced breeder and veterinarian, since only they will be able to determine whether the animals are healthy and whether they have the declared production and breeding qualities.

The successful development and operation of a farm depends on the climatic conditions of the region chosen for organizing the farm. Do not forget that the goal of any enterprise is to use technologies that are aimed at obtaining maximum results with minimal financial investments. It is for this reason that you need to carefully think through everything, study and weigh it, and only then start raising cattle on your farm.

Cattle Breeding Techniques

This term implies many issues that are related to the reproductive qualities of livestock. They are represented by the physiological and sexual maturity of young individuals, the preparation of females for calving, the rationality of using bulls with the functions of producers and the timing of insemination of females after the birth of calves. All this implies animal husbandry. Cattle breeding is one of the most important branches of livestock farming, for this reason attention is paid to even the smallest details.

Sexual maturity represents the degree of readiness of the animal's body for fertilization - in the case of females and insemination - in the case of males. The moment of onset of puberty is different for all animals, as it may depend on climate, housing conditions, breed and the use of feed additives. Beef cows grow faster than dairy cows. If animals receive insufficient food or it is defective, then the growth and development of young animals is inhibited, and sometimes the animals begin to get sick. If the climate where animals are raised is hot, then they grow up much earlier than in cold climates.

Under the right conditions, females grow in six to nine months, while males take seven to eight months to reach maturity. Therefore, to prevent early fertilization, animals of different sexes are kept in different barns. If the farm practices beef cattle breeding, then animals of different sexes begin to be kept separately within three months after birth.

The first pregnancy of cows should occur only when they gain from sixty-five to seventy-five percent of the mass of a sexually mature individual. For small breed cows, this weight should be at the level of three hundred and thirty kilograms, and for large breeds, it will be three hundred and sixty kilograms. Dairy females must be inseminated no earlier than eighteen months, and meat females no earlier than fourteen months. Bull calves can be used as inseminators starting at fourteen months, when their weight reaches four hundred kilograms.

If insemination occurs naturally, it is called mating, and if using tools, it is called artificial. Mating is divided into free and manual. And artificial insemination into viso-cervical, mano-cervical and recto-cervical.

In a year, one inseminating bull can impregnate up to two hundred females, and in a season up to fifty cows. The load on the bull must be determined according to its age. Young animals can be treated two to three times a week, adults - once a week. After mating, the bull must rest for one day.

Artificial insemination is the main and most optimal method used to improve the productivity of cattle. In our country, up to ninety percent of female cows are artificially inseminated. It is best to mate a cow in the second half of the hunt.

Cattle breeding areas

Cattle breeding is the largest industry for which breeding and keeping cattle is a priority. It is bred in almost all regions of our country. But there are areas where dairy breeds are raised, and there are areas where beef cows are raised.

Dairy cows are raised in the Vologda, Perm, Udmurt and Yaroslavl regions. All this becomes possible thanks to the large territory, many meadows on which the grasses necessary for animals to gain weight and produce milk grow.

In the south of the Urals, the Caucasus, Siberia and the Lower Volga region, beef cattle are raised, this is facilitated by the abundance of field and stall feed, including beets and sunflowers.

Peasant farming is a good business for a mid-level entrepreneur. Only initially it is necessary to draw up a peasant farm business plan for cattle (cattle) in order to be confident in the profitability of the business. As practice shows, the most profitable farm business plan for cattle farms provides for about 50-60% of the profit from meat sales. The remaining income can be provided from the sale of milk or straw, but they are no longer so significant.

It is especially worth noting that it is quite difficult to draw up a farm cattle business plan, because you need to make a forecast for a couple of years in advance. Keep in mind that first you will have to organize a farm, purchase all the necessary cattle equipment, and you will be able to make a profit only after a year or more. Why do you have to wait so long for profit? Because the peasant farm business plan for cattle provides for the main profit from the delivery of meat to the population and enterprises, accordingly, you need to wait until the cattle grow up.

When drawing up a business plan for a peasant farm for cattle, you will have to purchase a large plot of land outside the city. Renting is excluded here, since business requires time and large capital investments. Often, a business plan for a cattle farm provides for an initial expenditure of 2 million rubles for opening and 200 thousand for each month of caring for cattle, although after a year or a year and a half you can make a profit of 1.5-2 million.

Business plan for cattle breeding

We propose to consider a business plan for cattle breeding using the example of a small farm in the Ulyanovsk region. This business plan can be used as a feasibility study for agricultural activities. enterprises when receiving a bank loan or participating in government support.
1. Project description

We bring to your attention a feasibility study for the creation of a small cattle breeding enterprise.

The goal of the project is to breed beef and dairy cattle for subsequent agricultural sales. products to the population in the form of milk and meat.

The production of this type of product is a promising direction, since the meat products market is one of the largest food markets. Meat products are in constant demand both among the population and among organizations when purchasing meat products for further processing.

Main stages of the project:

1. Construction of premises for cattle breeding;
2. Purchase of young cattle for meat and dairy production;
3. Growing and breeding cattle in order to obtain a finished product in the form of milk and meat;
4. Sales of finished products (milk and meat) to the population.
To implement the project, it is planned to attract credit funds in the amount of 650 thousand rubles. The entire amount of the loan received will be used for the purchase of fixed assets and the construction of premises for keeping cattle.

Starting cost estimate:

2. Description of the enterprise

To carry out the production activities of a cattle breeding enterprise, an individual entrepreneurship was registered.

The main activity of an individual entrepreneur according to OKVED is code 01.2 - livestock farming.

The simplified taxation system (STS) was chosen as the taxation system - 6% of gross income.

At the beginning of the project, the following cattle will be purchased:

1. Cows aged 24 months – 5 heads;
2. Young cattle (bulls) aged 6 months – 12 heads;

A total of 17 goals.

The main part of the feed will be purchased from farmers. processing enterprises at retail prices. The rest of the feed (hay and straw) will be partially procured by the individual entrepreneur.

The production activities of the farm will be carried out with the involvement of 2 hired workers for general laborer positions.

Table No. 1: Planned staffing

3. Product Description

The project provides for the purchase of young cattle from third-party organizations with further raising of the livestock on the farm and the sale of meat and dairy products.

The activities of our farm will be divided into 3 stages:

1. purchase of young cattle (up to 6 months old);
2. care of cattle livestock;
3. sales of the resulting products - meat and milk.

To obtain high milk yield, it is planned to purchase a highly productive black-and-white breed of dairy cattle. This breed of cow is capable of producing about 8,000 liters of milk with a fat content of 3.5 - 4% or 20 liters of milk per day during the lactation period (305 days).

The live weight of an adult cow is from 450 to 600 kg. In one calendar year, a cow consumes an average of 18 tons of feed.

To raise beef cattle, calves of the Simmental breed will be purchased. This breed of cattle is characterized by increased meat productivity; by the age of 18 months, the bull gains weight from 850 to 1100 kg.

The cattle feeding diet will include:
Compound feed;
Cake and meal.

4. Marketing plan

The main competitors of our farm will be similar producers, personal subsidiary plots, peasant farms and larger agricultural production complexes.

Sales of manufactured products are planned to be carried out in the following areas:
1. Sales of products at retail outlets in Dimitrovgrad, in particular at the “meat market”;
2. Sales of meat and milk in the locality at the place of registration of the individual entrepreneur;
3. Sale of manufactured products in small wholesale to reseller organizations;
4. Sale of products in the form of exit trade (from a car) in neighboring settlements.

Sales of products will be carried out at prices:

Beef retail: 250 rub./kg;
Beef wholesale: 170 rub./kg;
Milk retail: 35 rub./l.;
Milk wholesale: 24 rub./kg.

It is planned to sell up to 2250 liters per month. milk and 350 kg of meat, or:

1. Retail milk – 1000 kg;
2. Wholesale milk – 1250 kg;
3. Retail meat – 150 kg;
4. Wholesale meat – 200 kg.

The structure of sales of manufactured products is presented in the form of a diagram:

5. Production plan

To determine the main economic indicators of the enterprise’s activity, we will calculate the planned expenses and income of our farm.

To raise and maintain 1 head of cattle per month, an average of 1.5 tons of feed (hay, straw, grain) is required. One adult cow eats about 50 kg of feed per day. The average cost of a feed ration (50kg) per day is 80 rubles, per month – 2400 rubles per head. To maintain 17 heads of cattle per month, an average of 41,000 rubles will be spent.

Table No. 2 Fixed expenses of the farm

In total, the total monthly costs will be 79,000 rubles.

Let's move on to calculating the monthly gross income of the farm.

On average, one cow produces 20 liters of milk per day. For the first 2 months, 10 liters of milk will be used to feed the calves. Subsequently, all milk is used for sale. Considering that 2 months are allocated for calving, the planned volume of milk sales per year will be 5400 liters per cow:
1. 30 days*20 liters/day*8 months=4800 liters
2. 30 days*10 liters/day*2 months=600 liters
Accordingly, from 5 heads per year you can get up to 27,000 liters of milk.

Bulls purchased at the age of 6 months, with proper nutrition and care, will gain up to 500 kg of live weight in 1 year; with a meat yield of 70%, the yield is about 350 kg each.
Accordingly, from 12 heads you can get up to 4200 kg of marketable meat.

Table No. 3 Average monthly revenue of the farm

In total, the total monthly revenue will be 1,638,000 rubles.

* For ease of calculation, sales volumes are indicated by month. However, in the financial forecast, for the first time for several months, cattle meat will not be sold (unlike milk), but as young cattle grow, the entire volume of meat will be sold. As a result, the proceeds received from the sale of meat will cover all previous costs of maintaining cattle, and the remainder of the funds will be our profit.

6. Schedule

To implement the project it is necessary to carry out the following activities:

Table No. 4 Project implementation schedule

It is planned that milk sales will begin in the fall of 2013. The sale of the first batch of meat is planned for the summer of 2014.

7. Financial plan

To organize a cattle breeding farm, an investment of 650 thousand rubles will be required. A bank loan will be issued for these purposes.

The main expenses of a farm will be the cost of raising animals, that is, for feed - 41 thousand rubles per month. The second largest expense item is the payment of wages to two workers - 20 thousand rubles. per month.

The structure of annual farm costs is presented in the form of a diagram:

Based on the above data, we can calculate the main indicators of economic efficiency of the farm:

Net profit based on the results of annual sales of milk and cattle meat will be 556,720 rubles.
Farm profitability = 58.7%
The payback period for the project at these rates will be 14 months.

On the same topic:

The goal of this project is to open a farm in the village. Ryazanovo. The main areas of our activity:

  • raising young cattle with subsequent sale of meat to the population;
  • production and sale of milk;
  • production and sale of straw and hay.

To implement the project, it is planned to receive a subsidy in the amount of 1.5 million rubles as part of the state support program for beginning farmers, conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Ulyanovsk Region. It is also planned to allocate own funds in the amount of 509 thousand rubles for the implementation of the project. In total, the total cost of the project is 2,009,000 rubles.

Economic indicators of the project implementation:

  • Net profit per year = 1,850,806 rubles;
  • Farm profitability = 83%;
  • Project payback = 13 months.

Social indicators of the project implementation:

  1. Registration of a new business entity in the Melekessky district;
  2. Creation of new jobs;
  3. Receipt of additional tax payments into the budget of the Melekessky district.

The start-up cost estimate based on business plan calculations is presented in the following table:

Description of the enterprise

The organizational and legal form of our organization will be a peasant farm (peasant farm). The head of the peasant farm will be I.I. Ivanov.

  • Project Description
  • Description of the enterprise
  • Description of products and services
  • Marketing plan
  • Schedule
  • Which equipment to choose
        • Similar business ideas:

We bring to your attention a standard business plan (feasibility study) for organizing a farm to keep cattle. This business plan can serve as an example for obtaining a bank loan, government support or attracting private investment. Using the example of a farm in the Ulyanovsk region.

Business plan for organizing a farm for keeping cattle in a small village. Using the example of a farm in the Ulyanovsk region.

Project Description

The goal of this project is to open a farm in the village. Ryazanovo. The main areas of our activity:

  • raising young cattle with subsequent sale of meat to the population;
  • production and sale of milk;
  • production and sale of straw and hay.

To implement the project, it is planned to receive a subsidy in the amount of 1.5 million rubles as part of the state support program for beginning farmers, conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Ulyanovsk Region. It is also planned to allocate own funds in the amount of 509 thousand rubles for the implementation of the project. In total, the total cost of the project is 2,009,000 rubles.

Economic indicators of the project implementation:

  • Net profit per year = 1,850,806 rubles;
  • Farm profitability = 83%;
  • Project payback = 13 months.

Social indicators of the project implementation:

  1. Registration of a new business entity in the Melekessky district;
  2. Creation of new jobs;
  3. Receipt of additional tax payments into the budget of the Melekessky district.

Description of the enterprise

The organizational and legal form of our organization will be peasant farm(KFH). The head of the peasant farm will be I.I. Ivanov.

Which taxation system to choose for farming

As tax systems The single agricultural tax (USAT) will be applied. Tax rate is 6% of profit.

Location of the enterprise: Ulyanovsk region, Melekessky district, village. Ryazanovo.

Currently, practical activities have begun to implement the project:

  1. Registration of peasant farms with the Federal Tax Service has been completed;
  2. There is an agreement with a large farm for the purchase of 50 heads of young cattle;
  3. The peasant farm owns a premises that houses 24 heads of cattle, including 14 bulls and 10 dairy cows. It is also planned to build an additional premises with an area of ​​1400 m2 to house another 50 heads of cattle.

The management team of the organization will consist of 1 person - the head of the peasant farm. The organization also plans to attract hired labor in the amount of 5 people.

Description of products and services

The planned sources of income for the enterprise are:

  1. Sales of cattle meat to the population and processing enterprises;
  2. Sales of milk to the population and processing enterprises;
  3. Sales of hay and straw in bales to the population.

More than 52% of the farm's revenue will come from the sale of cattle meat.

To raise beef cattle, calves of the Simmental breed will be purchased. This breed is distinguished by good meat productivity; by the age of 18 months, the bull gains weight from 800 to 1000 kg.

Calves will be purchased at the age of 3 months at an average price of 15 thousand rubles per head. It is better to purchase calves when they are older and stronger. In this case, the risk of disease is reduced and, with proper feeding, calves gain weight very quickly.

In addition, the farm has 10 heads of dairy cows, from which it is planned to receive and sell from 4,500 liters monthly. milk. It is also planned to obtain annual offspring of young cattle from adult cows, which will reduce the cost of purchasing calves from third parties.

To effectively use production space, the farm will simultaneously house about 70 heads of cattle.

The feeding diet for young cattle and adult cows will include green fodder, root crops, corn, compound feed, barley, oats, straw, hay, etc. To raise one bull, about 20,000 rubles worth of feed will be spent per year, and about 10,000 rubles per year to maintain a dairy cow.

The collection of straw and hay will be carried out using a universal front loader KUN 10 with a lifting capacity of up to 500 kg. During the season (per year), it is planned to sell hay and straw for a total amount of 725 thousand rubles.

Download farm business plan

Marketing plan

The main competitors will be similar agricultural producers. products of the Melekessky region, personal subsidiary plots and larger agricultural production complexes.

It is worth noting that today the demand for high-quality agricultural products remains at a high level. This suggests that there should be no problems with the sale of our farm products.

Sales of manufactured products are planned to be carried out in the following areas:

  1. Sale of meat and milk to agricultural processing enterprises. products;
  2. Sales of hay and straw to the population and other farms of the Melekessky district;
  3. Sale of meat and milk to wholesale organizations;
  4. Sales of meat and milk in the form of away trade, at fairs and retail markets.

How much can you earn from this business?

Let's move on to calculating the potential annual income of the enterprise.

On average, one cow produces 20 liters of milk per day. During the first 2 months, 10 liters of milk are used to feed the calves.

Subsequently, all milk is sold. Considering that 2 months are allocated for calving, the planned volume of milk sales per year will be 5400 liters per cow:

  1. 30 days*20 liters/day*8 months=4800 liters
  2. 30 days*10 liters/day*2 months=600 liters

Accordingly, from 10 heads per year you can get up to 54,000 liters of milk.

The wholesale price of milk is 24 rubles/l.


Bulls purchased at the age of 6 months, with proper nutrition and care, will gain up to 450 kg of live weight in 1 year. With a meat yield of 70%, about 315 kg of marketable meat is obtained from each bull.

The farm will sell about 13,000 kg of marketable meat per year. The selling price of beef meat wholesale is 170 rubles/kg.

Hay and straw

During the season, the farm will produce and sell up to 10,000 bales of straw and 5,000 bales of hay. The selling price of 1 bale of straw is 35 rubles, a bale of hay is 75 rubles.

The total revenue from product sales for 12 months of operation will be 4,231,200 rudders.

The main share in the company's revenue is the sale of cattle meat (52%).

Technology of growing food and breeding livestock

The premises for keeping cows and calves will be convenient for servicing livestock, storing feed and manure. A walking area will be located next to the premises. Based on sanitary standards for keeping cattle livestock, the ceiling height in the room will be at least 2.4 m. The floor will be constructed using well-fitted wooden planks. This floor is easy to use and creates good hygienic conditions.

To feed livestock, feeders made of boards 600 mm high and up to 700 mm wide will be installed in the premises; the length of the feeders is about one meter.

The window area of ​​the cattle room will be one tenth of the floor area. The distance from the windows to the floor is 1.3 meters. This arrangement promotes better penetration of sunlight into the premises for keeping cattle.

A cemented manure ditch with a flat and smooth bottom, 10-12 cm deep and up to 30 cm wide, will be made into the room for urine drainage. The cattle stall will be spacious, with an area of ​​about 2.5 square meters. A cow produces about 10 tons of manure per year. Manure in the barn will be removed twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

The planned staffing of the farm will include 5 people:

The duties of general workers will include feeding livestock, removing manure and other household tasks.

Also, some work processes will be performed by third parties under paid service agreements:

  1. Slaughter of livestock. An experienced slaughterer will be hired for these purposes;
  2. Accounting services;
  3. Supply of feed from agricultural producers.

The cost of these services will be about 100 thousand rubles per year.


The list of events and their cost for starting a business is presented in the form of a calendar plan.

In total, the activities to open the farm will take 136 days and 2.0 million rubles will be spent.

How much money is needed to start this business?

Let's move on to calculating the main indicators of economic efficiency of a farm.

The organization's fixed costs are presented in the following table:

Total fixed expenses of the enterprise per month will amount to 185,330 rubles.

The structure of annual farm costs is presented in the form of a diagram:

The main expenses of a farm are the cost of purchasing feed - 40% of total expenses per year. Next come the costs of paying wages to employees - 30% of the total costs.

Net profit based on annual product sales will be 1,850,806 rubles. The profitability of the farm is 83.0%. With such indicators in the business plan, the farming project will pay for itself in 13 months.

Our organization will make tax contributions to various levels of the budget of the Ulyanovsk region up to 206,234 rubles per year.

We recommend download farm business plan, from our partners, with a quality guarantee. This is a full-fledged, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

Step-by-step opening plan, where to start

It is worth noting that starting a business will require serious investments. However, competent organization of activities will allow you to recoup the invested costs in a relatively short time and achieve a stable profit. First you need to draw up an organizational plan and determine the main areas of activity, which may include:

  • Growing grain crops, vegetables, herbs, berries and fruits.
  • Raising pigs, cows, rabbits, bees, birds or fish.

In addition, additional activities are possible, for example, the production of frozen fruit, stewed meat, flour, etc. After determining the main directions and calculating preliminary costs, it is worthwhile to start drawing up a contract for renting the territory, improving the premises/reservoirs, as well as purchasing the necessary equipment. At this same stage, you can begin recruiting personnel who will service the farm. You will definitely need to register your farm and obtain all the necessary permits to conduct activities. The final stage will be setting up work with the sales market.

Which equipment to choose

Any farm cannot do without machinery and auxiliary equipment. His choice depends specifically on the type of farm and what you are going to breed or grow on it. For beekeeping, beehives, refrigerators, rooms for wintering bees, as well as special clothing will be required. A cattle breeding farm will require breast pumps, as well as tractors, combines and other agricultural equipment, along with attachments for cutting grass, etc. If you are growing vegetables or grain crops, you will need equipment for watering and harvesting. The fishing business will require filters, compressors and pumps.

Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?

When registering a business, you must indicate OKVED codes according to the type of your farm. For example, if you have a cattle breeding farm, then OKVED code 01.21 - Cattle Breeding is suitable. For a fish farm - OKVED 2.03. Fishing and fish farming, and for beekeeping - OKVED - 01.25.1.

What documents are needed to open

Sales of business and sales of products are possible only after registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC (Find out what documents are needed to register an LLC). In the second case, you will be able to carry out partnership agreements with legal entities. To register an individual entrepreneur you will need: a copy of your passport, ID code, an application indicating OKVED codes and a receipt for payment of the state fee.

Do I need permission to open?

To open your own farm, you may need permission from employees of the fire service and epidemiological station, as well as territorial property management. In case of concluding an agreement to lease territory for locating a farm, permission from the fire inspection is not required, and all obligations are automatically assigned to the lessor. Do you want to earn money without leaving home? If yes, then see the offer 50 ways to make money on the Internet. Similar business ideas:

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