Breeding fish at home as a business. Where is the best place to start fish farming? Payback of a business plan for breeding fish in a pond

Russia has unique opportunities to develop fish farming. And yet, today half of all products on the market are imported from abroad. It's a shame, but in the current realities it is more profitable not to produce, but to resell.

Fishing and hunting in the country are not adequately developed, although it would seem that business in this area is the dream of every man, because all (or almost all) representatives of the stronger sex love fishing and hunting. Why does this happen? What pitfalls are fraught with the organization of fisheries? What are the secrets of such a thing? Read about this in the article.

Which fish is more profitable to breed?

Before drawing up a fish farming business plan, decide what kind of fish you will breed. The technology of work will depend on this. In fact, there are few options, or rather, there are only two of them - trout or carp. Only these types of fish are in constant demand among buyers, and they grow well.

Of course, if opportunities allow, you can simultaneously grow trout, carp, and other types of fish, as well as engage in fish processing (canning, smoking, etc.). But in the article we are talking about beginning fish farmers, who, of course, are not able to reach such scales of activity.

Unpretentious carp

Growing carp is probably the easiest thing to do. They are tenacious and can exist in any body of water. To learn the technology of breeding these fish, you do not need to graduate from a higher educational institution with a degree in Agriculture and Fisheries; you just need to read some textbooks on your own.

Capricious trout

Breeding trout will require slightly higher costs than those required to grow carp. But you will sell it at a price almost three times more expensive. Great, right? Of course, everyone will want to grow trout in this case. But it's not that simple. This fish is very sensitive and whimsical; without hiring a qualified specialist, it will not be possible to organize a trout farm: both certain knowledge and experience in this matter are required.

Fishy climate

The main thing when organizing a business is to create conditions for the health and growth of fish. And to do this, you need to constantly monitor the water temperature and its oxygen saturation. Therefore, carefully consider the suitability of the pond you rent for fish farming. The best solution to the problem would be to conduct a fish farming and biological survey. If its results are optimal, you can stock the reservoir with fish. In general, such an examination should be carried out several times a year, in different seasons.


So, the temperature favorable for trout is sixteen to nineteen degrees. Warming up the pond to twenty-four degrees is disastrous for the fish: even if it does not die, it will definitely stop feeding. It is best to keep trout in a quarry about ten to fifteen meters deep, in which case you can be sure that even in the summer heat nothing will threaten the fish, because the sun's rays do not penetrate to such a depth. Due to the strong sensitivity of trout to temperature, many fish farms in Russia that specialize in trout breeding take water from artesian wells or are located on cold rivers.

When breeding carp, everything is much simpler. It is desirable that the pond warms up well (up to 24-25 degrees), and it is also necessary that it is not polluted with manure, oil products, or decomposing organic matter. The depth can be very small - only one and a half to two meters. The natural food supply at this depth will develop most actively. A pond of five hectares will be sufficient to produce ten tons of carp.

There is one secret: the larger the reservoir, the easier it is to breed fish. It is quite difficult to operate a small pond - it quickly warms up and cools down quickly, creating a tense hydrochemical regime. In a large body of water, the temperature is more even, and this is favorable for any type of fish. If the carp pond is drainage, then the process of catching in the fall will be significantly easier. If a body of water is created by damming a river, a dam can be built.

Fish farming zones

A fishery project should be created taking into account the characteristics of the specific territory in which it is organized. All of Russia is divided into fish farming zones. So, for example, the Moscow region is the 1st and 2nd zones, and the Krasnodar Territory is the 5th and 6th.

In the southern regions, growing fish will be more profitable due to a longer growing season, during which it feeds intensively and grows actively. But this does not mean that if you decide to organize a fishery, you need to move to the south. With proper technology development and selection of a good reservoir, business can be effectively conducted in the middle zone of the country.

On the question of benefits

In general, is it profitable to maintain a fishery in Russia? The question is ambiguous. Wholesale prices for live fish are not very high now, but such a business can still be called profitable. However, when drawing up a fish farming business plan, consider everything carefully.

It is attractive that now all entrepreneurs involved in fish farming pay a single agricultural tax. The object of taxation is income minus expenses, and the rate is 6 percent. You will only need to pay this tax, protecting yourself from paying property tax, unified social tax, income tax, and VAT.

Still, fish farming is a very risky and complex business. Many people mistakenly believe that all that is needed is to put fish into a pond, and then it will grow on its own, and all that remains is to catch it and sell it. If only everything were so simple... In fact, nothing like that! Fish is a “living” product, and anything can happen to it at any time.

Main expense item

You probably know that the biggest expense of any fishery is the purchase of feed. Fifty to sixty percent of all expenses come from them. Many people ask: “Why buy food when you can put, say, carp in a pond and just wait for them to grow, feeding naturally?”

This is possible, but you will have to wait a very long time. And at the same time, you can get no more than 120 kilograms of fish from one hectare of water surface. At the same time, fish farms that grow carp using a highly intensive method manage to produce twenty centners of fish per hectare, or even more.

What is this high intensity method? It consists of using nutritious, high-protein feeds containing at least 5-7 percent fat and 26-28 percent protein, as well as high stocking densities. Such feed is on average 20 percent more expensive than conventional feed. Approximately a kilogram of food for carp will cost 7-8 rubles.

With trout, in this aspect too, the situation is much more complicated. This fish requires high-quality extruded feed, costing 30-40 rubles per kilogram. If you decide to feed the trout with cheap compound feed, do not be surprised later that it will have white meat. Consumers are accustomed to red, so it is unlikely that you will be able to sell such fish. And red meat can only be obtained by using special additives - carotenoids obtained from krill.

Such a significant difference in price is offset by the amount of feed required to fatten these two types of fish and, of course, by the final price of their sale. So, from one kilogram of food you can get a weight gain of trout, also equal to a kilogram. And in order to achieve a kilogram weight gain in carp, you will need to spend 3.5-4 kilograms of feed. Thus, the cost of growing one kilogram of carp will be somewhere around 25-32 rubles, and trout – only a little more.

Fishing business plan

Organizing such a business from scratch will require very large investments. It is not possible to name a specific total amount, since there are many nuances in this matter. Let us focus our attention directly on the aspects of fish farming. You can buy trout seeding material for 250-400 rubles per kilogram.

The price varies depending on how much the fry weigh (their weight can be from 1 to 50 grams). The smaller the individuals, the more expensive they are, because a kilogram of fry with less weight will ultimately produce more fish. About 10% should be allowed for losses. After 2.5 years, the fry will turn into eight-hundred-gram fish, and you can sell them at an average price of 160-175 rubles per kilogram.

Carp planting material is much cheaper in price - 60-120 rubles per kilogram. The weight of the fry ranges from 14 to 40 grams. The growing cycle to an optimal weight of 1.2-1.7 kilograms is three years. You can sell fish at a cost of 60-70 rubles per kilogram.

Return on investment

The fisheries business plan must contain a calculation of the payback period for investments. It should be said that the long period of refunds is the biggest drawback of such a business. Therefore, get ready for the fact that you will not start making profits very soon. But there are a number of ways that will allow you to quickly return your invested money.

For example, you can initially purchase not carp fry, but two-year-old fish weighing up to 200 grams. They will cost more, but in just one season it will be possible to fatten them up to marketable weight. Another good option for replenishing your budget is to organize paid fishing trips. By the way, you can sell a considerable part of your products this way. And fewer expenses will be required - there will be no costs for fishing the pond, logistics, etc. That is, in fact, you will sell the fish directly in the water, but at a price slightly lower than the market price. Good luck in your business!

In their free time, many men like to go fishing. For many of them, business is a dream. Many men would like to have their own fish farm. Is this possible? The director of the fish processing plant, which is the largest in the Moscow region, Andrey Semenov, talks about the conditions for breeding fish and all its secrets.

What is more profitable to breed trout or carp?

In order to start your own business, you need to understand what kind of fish is worth breeding. You will have to make a choice about what to breed - carp or trout. These two types of fish are in greatest demand, and the technology of the fishery itself will depend on this.

If opportunities allow, then it is worth breeding both carp and trout. Our farm sells about 1000 tons of live fish, with 500-600 tons grown in the Moscow region, and the rest is imported for sale and holding from other fish farms. In addition, we rent reservoirs in the southern regions and breed fish there, organize paid fishing, and also process it (smoking and canning).

Carp is easier to grow, it is unpretentious, and many bodies of water are suitable for it. To breed carp, just read a book; there are plenty of them on the market. Breeding trout costs twice as much, they are very capricious. You can’t do it without a specialist fish farmer; you need education and experience.

This year there have been low prices for fish. Trout has fallen in price from 175 to 140 rubles per 1 kg, and carp costs 50-63 rubles per 1 kg. However, the business remains profitable. The average farmer may have higher profits; they do not need to maintain a large staff. The profitability of our plant is 8-9%. This year, all fish farms switched to a single agricultural tax. We pay the state 6% of income reduced by expenses, exempt from VAT, unified social tax, income tax, and property tax.

Where is the best place to start fish farming?

Water temperature and oxygen content determine the health and growth of fish. In addition, the condition of the reservoir and its acidity (pH) are important. These factors can be determined by a specialist. It is necessary to carry out a “fish biological justification”. You can invite specialists from the Research Institute of Fish Farming from the city of Dmitrov, Moscow Region.

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The optimal water temperature for trout is 16-19 degrees Celsius. At water temperatures up to 24 degrees, fish can die. We keep trout at a depth of 15 meters. At this depth, the water temperature will not rise.

Breeding carp is easier. It is important that the pond is not clogged with dirty drains, decaying organic matter and petroleum products. The optimal pond temperature is 24-25 degrees, depth is up to 1.5-1.8 meters.

All fish farming in Russia is divided into zones. Moscow belongs to the first and second zones, and the southern regions, such as the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories, belong to the fifth and sixth. It is more profitable to raise fish in them, so we started renting ponds in the Rostov region.

In order to produce 10 tons of carp, you need a pond with an area of ​​5 hectares. The larger the body of water, the easier it is to breed fish in it. In a large body of water the temperature regime is more uniform.

It is advisable that the pond be drainage, this facilitates the process of catching fish. A dam can be built if a reservoir was formed by damming a river.

Enhanced nutrition

The main expense item is feed, which will account for 50 to 60% of all costs. From one hectare we get 22 centners of carp using a high-intensity method (high stocking density plus Reflex feeders with a protein content in feed of at least 26-28%, fat -5-7%. The average price of carp feed is 7-8 rubles per 1 kg.

Trout are more difficult to feed. For her, you need to buy German feed at 0.7-1 euros per 1 kg. In Sergiev Posad they produce food of this level. If you buy cheap food, the trout meat will be white.

When feeding fish, it is important to know when to stop. Due to excess, fish may stop growing. Every day, carp require food in an amount of 1.5-3% of the weight of the fish, depending on the water temperature.

Trout spend their entire lives in cages measuring three by three meters made of nylon mesh, its depth is 5 meters. We make these simple designs ourselves.

Fish diseases and their prevention

Fish disease and epidemics are the main risk in business. The health of the entire population must be constantly monitored every 10 days. It is necessary to check the condition of the internal organs, gills, and growth of the fish. Medicinal foods should be added to the diet to enhance immunity.

Size matters

Large fish are in great demand. The optimal weight of carp is 1.2-1.7 kg, trout - 0.8-1 kg. To reach this weight, carp grow for three years.

Trout is grown in 2.5 years. But it can be sold after 1.5 years with a weight of 300 grams.

How much can you earn from this?

  • Trout seeding material costs 250-400 rubles per 1 kg. You need to set aside 10% for losses. It is profitable to buy fertilized eggs in Adler, where 100 thousand eggs cost 20 thousand rubles.
  • Carp planting material costs 60-120 rubles per 1 kg, and the weight of fish ranges from 14 to 25-40 grams.
  • In winter, it is profitable to grow trout at state district power stations. There is an optimal temperature regime.
  • If you have connections with trade, cage lines, and fish transport vehicles, you can buy fish for holding.
  • The budget can be replenished if you arrange paid fishing. It gives 5-6% of turnover.

Sales problem

  • The market won't eat a lot of fish.
  • Very strong competition is a problem in fish marketing. In addition, the demand for fish has fallen slightly. The product is not available to all customers.
  • Fish breeders have a complex relationship with the trade. Everyone asks for money to put products on store shelves and not everyone wants to deal with live fish. All goods are distributed by the fish farms themselves.
  • Wholesalers don't handle live fish, and stores don't want to take on that burden.
  • Only 10% of stores have fish aquariums in Moscow. In addition, all stores pay for fish upon sale. Payments are received with a delay of 7 to 30 days.

We can conclude: it is risky to build a fish farming business if you count on stable sales. It’s better to start by organizing paid fishing.

Fish products are always popular among buyers. That is why the fish farming business is a promising direction in farming (especially in conditions of limited import of imported products). Breeding fish in artificial reservoirs as a business will bring good income to beginning farmers.


To create a fish farm you will need:

  • creation of a reservoir - 200 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment – ​​245 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of fry – 10–11 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of feed – 7 thousand rubles. for 100 fish per month.

The cost of feed depends on the choice of breeding technology. If you refuse to purchase specialized feed, this expense item will be significantly reduced.

Setting up a farm will cost at 562–563 thousand rubles.


Stable profits can be expected only 2–3 years after the creation of the farm. In the first year, the profitability of the farm will not exceed 9–10%, but by the third year it will be at least 30%.

Advantages and disadvantages of a fish farm

Fish farming has a number of advantages:

  • it is easy for a farmer to find a market;
  • organizing a business does not require major investments;
  • the enterprise generates income from the sale of fish, from the organization of paid fishing, recreation on the shore, and a mini-snack bar.

There are also many disadvantages to a fish farm:

  • payback – 2–3 years;
  • fish are caught only in autumn;
  • the fish population is declining as a result of epidemics and the influence of negative factors;
  • high feed costs.

Conditions for keeping fish

If you decide to start fish farming, you need to equip an artificial pond for it. Fish are grown in pools, aquariums or cages, but an artificial pond on your own property is an ideal option.

How to make a fish pond?

Choosing a location for a pond

The site where you will build a pond for fish may be located in a populated area. G The main thing is that its dimensions allow the construction of a reservoir measuring from 30 to 50 m 2. It is advisable to build a road to it to make it easier to export finished products.

Do not place the pond in a lowland: during spring floods it will flood. It is ideal if part of the pond is in the shade, since fish do not like excessive heating of the water.

The area should not be completely covered with bushes and trees. Their roots can deform the bottom of the pond, and their leaves will pollute the water in the fall.

Pond requirements

In order for an artificial reservoir to be suitable for breeding and keeping fish, it must meet the following requirements:

  • depth - 1.5 m (in the southern regions the depth may be less, in the northern - more);
  • size – 30–50 m2 (at the rate of 10–15 cm per individual);
  • bottom topography – the presence of thresholds and ledges, alternation of shallow and deep areas;
  • clean bottom without silt and peat;
  • varied soil and the presence of aquatic plants at the bottom;
  • water temperature – 24–26ºС (for carp), 16–19ºС (for trout);
  • in winter, the layer of non-freezing water should be about 1 m;
  • the water must be clean, saturated with oxygen.

A reservoir that meets these requirements is suitable for fattening and growing adult fish and for incubating young fish.

How to make a pond at your dacha with your own hands step by step: instructions

If the site does not have a natural reservoir suitable for growing fish, they do it themselves.

Stages of making an artificial pond:

  1. You need to dig a round pit, compact the soil at the bottom and fill it with cement.
  2. A plastic film should be placed at the bottom, and then water should be poured into the pit 1/3 full.
  3. Then soil and river sand are placed in the pit, underwater plants are planted, and water is added to the required level.

Types of fish: which one to choose?

The choice of fish species for farming depends on consumer demand. If you live in a large city where residents can afford expensive fish, feel free to start breeding fish of the salmon family. Otherwise, opt for the carp family.

The two types of fish that are most popular among farmers are carp and trout.

Carp require much less care than trout. They feed on everything: algae, aquatic microorganisms, roots of coastal vegetation, insects. To accelerate growth, they will have to be fed with compound feed, but this will cost a minimal amount of money.

Trout is a predatory fish. She requires a special diet. Cattle offal, shellfish, small fish, and bird eggs are used to feed this fish. You will have to spend a lot of money on fattening trout.

Carp weighing 1.2–1.7 kg and trout weighing 0.8–1 kg are on sale. Trout acquires this weight in the second year of life, and carp in the third.

Raising fry

Experienced farmers say that it is better to hatch fish yourself - from larvae. This method allows you to reduce the cost of purchasing fry, but is not suitable for novice fish farmers: if the conditions are incorrect, the fry will not hatch.

Therefore, it is better to purchase grown fry from trusted fish factories. In this case, losses will be no more than 10–15%. The amount of planting material depends on the size of the reservoir (keep in mind that the fish will grow over time). Fry are purchased in the spring so that they gain weight over the summer.

You can find out how to breed crayfish at home and how profitable this type of business is

Fish grow in a pond for 2–3 years. During this time, she gains sufficient mass. Breeding fish at home for sale is possible in two main ways:

  1. Traditional technology. This method is very labor-intensive, since it involves regular movement of fish from one pond to another (from the incubator to the feeding pond, from there to the wintering pond). After each transplant, the water from the pond is drained. Such a multi-stage technology is fraught with large losses.
  2. Continuous technology. This method involves raising young animals in a separate pond up to 1–1.5 kg and then transplanting them into a feeding pond. The fish live in this pond for several years and gain weight. Now this technology is used on most farms.

The pond should be kept clean. To do this, install filters that will clean the water from fish waste products.

If you don't clean it regularly, the fish in your pond will get sick. And any disease turns into an epidemic, as a result of which most of the inhabitants of the pond die. This is why you need to monitor the condition of the fish every 10 days.

Sales of products

Fish are sold 2–3 years after the start of fattening. During this period, she reaches the required weight. You can sell one-year-old fish, but this will bring little income.

Fish farm products can be sold:

  • in chain supermarkets;
  • in fish departments of stores;
  • in markets;

A large number of people in our country want to work and make a profit from their activities, do something interesting for themselves and be independent. More and more individual entrepreneurs (IP) and various LLCs are appearing; the state and local authorities are paying more attention to businessmen. Banks are reducing interest rates when issuing loans to LLCs and individual entrepreneurs. The type of activity that is becoming more and more popular is fish farming in artificial reservoirs as a type of business.

Fish is a healthy food product that can be used in various ways: boiled, fried, smoked, salted, dried, canned. Mostly fresh frozen fish is found. Anyone who supplies food to the market never loses. Fish is in especially high demand; for this reason alone, the business must be profitable. There are several directions for the development of fish farming: pond, cage and pool - breeding fish in artificial reservoirs. We will consider this in detail in the review.

Fish farming in artificial reservoirs is a modern, progressive method of intensive development of fish farming. A dug pond is also an artificial reservoir. A foundation pit is required for its construction. The pond is profitable, but its creation process is very labor-intensive. The main thing is that the bottom should be level. The presence of holes can cause waterlogging of the soil. The following insulating materials are used at the bottom: clay, asbestos, concrete, sand. Large farms usually have several ponds with different purposes: spawning, for fry, for wintering, feeding.

Business organization

Fish farming as a business practically does not depend on bad weather conditions or time of year. With skillful organization of your activities, you can quickly start receiving a stable income.

When organizing a business, you must first consider:

  • high-quality planting material is needed - raising fry;
  • for individual entrepreneurs it is advisable to purchase, raise young animals, and bring them to marketable weight;
  • it is useless to practice alone or with the whole family;
  • great success will not be achieved in the absence of qualified specialists.

Pros and cons of this business

The main advantage is profitability - the possibility of receiving a stable income (up to 20% on average). Sometimes profitability reaches 40% on large farms.

Profit can be obtained in the following cases:

  • fish sales have been established;
  • The issue of transporting fresh fish has been resolved. Quite a high market price with the possibility of transporting it over long distances.
  • the possibility of breeding, selling locally with a small number of competitors is a particularly profitable business.

The advantages include:

  • low costs to start your own business;
  • requirements for fish care are significantly lower than in other sectors of agriculture;
  • rapid growth of fish using advanced farming methods. A young carp can reach marketable weight (one to two kilograms) within a year.

Main disadvantages:

  • significant amounts of money are spent when organizing your business;
  • not a quick return on investment (requires 2 - 2.5);
  • possible difficulty with sales. Not even all supermarkets have fish tanks;
  • in summer it is difficult to store and transport fresh fish;
  • in hot weather the fish grow and feed well. In cold weather it feeds poorly and does not grow;
  • ecology and associated fish diseases are important;
  • seasonality in the sale of fresh fish. The price of fish is higher in the summer, but at this time it is still scarce. In autumn, generally, the fish acquires marketable weight, the bulk of it is sold, and as a result, the price decreases.

Types of fish for appropriate cultivation

Among the variety of fish species, it is necessary to choose species that are not picky about food, quickly gain weight, are resistant to diseases, and are in stable demand. Many experts advise starting fish farming with carp and trout, which are in great demand.

Please note that it is more profitable to breed carp. Feed costs are somewhat lower and care is easier. It is important to remember that carp cannot tolerate shallow water.

Growing trout is a more labor-intensive and complex process. However, its breeding attracts many businessmen. This is due to its excellent taste, relatively lower habitat requirements compared to other salmon species, and high prices. Many farmers breed silver carp. They quickly gain mass (up to 30 kilograms of weight and up to a meter in length).

Experts advise paying attention to a little-mentioned fish - tench. Fish with excellent taste, is not whimsical, requires minimal care, and is resistant to disease. The main thing is that it perfectly tolerates the lack of oxygen, which is often insufficient in water in artificial small reservoirs.

Ways to breed fish for a profitable business

For a business to be profitable when using swimming pools, you must:

  • have a large area of ​​land. In this case, various approvals and certain conditions are not required;
  • apply new technology of closed water exchange (RAS). It does not require renting large areas of land. When using RAS, it is recommended to choose sturgeon or salmon for cultivation - delicious varieties of fish. Since expensive equipment for purifying and exchanging water increases the cost of cultivation by approximately 1.5 times.

Large fish farms have several hangars with swimming pools with a very high density of fish (from 40 to 400 kg of fish per 1 m³). There is an automatic feeding process with dry granular food, which promotes rapid weight gain in fish. The purification system used allows you to remove contaminants and saturate the water with oxygen.

It is also important that you can choose any volume, shape of the pool, material that does not require careful maintenance and is durable. The swimming pools can be used all year round.

Modern technology has obvious advantages:

  • there is no wastewater discharge;
  • saving water resources;
  • ease of removal of fish waste products;
  • care time is reduced;
  • control of the fish breeding process - the ability to automatically regulate the water temperature and its oxygen saturation, and regulate the feed supply. The only but significant drawback of RAS is the high cost of the system;
  • the process of growing fish must be continuous.

When planning a business, a plot of land in a dacha is clearly not enough. You may need to rent a plot of land.

Business plan

To run a profitable business, it is imperative to develop a business plan. It will help you avoid unnecessary costs and many mistakes.

When investing significant funds in organizing a business, you need to think everything through, calculate it, and then strictly carry out what you planned. Business can be profitable only with proper planning. It is important to take into account the scale of the project, the region of activity of the businessman, the fish for breeding, the technology used, and a number of other factors.

To reduce the payback period of your project and reduce costs, you need to contact specialists and pay for their services. When drawing up a business plan for a large company, it is necessary to involve specialized specialists.

Breeding fish in small pools requires virtually no costs and usually does not require drawing up a business plan.

How to succeed in running a business?

You can increase profitability in the following ways:

  • organize fish farming and sales in the area of ​​residence;
  • follow the recommendations of business experts;
  • organize normal conditions for the existence of fish. It is important to monitor the condition of pools and your own pond (clean it in a timely manner, monitor the water temperature);
  • organize your own processing if it is impossible to sell fish in full (freeze, smoke, make canned food);

Please note that demand is not always stable; sales need to be adjusted. It takes some time to acquire a reputation as a reliable supplier to shops, restaurants, and bars.

  • do not forget to pay special attention to quality advertising. Buyers, clients should inquire about the availability of fresh fish sold at a favorable price. It is necessary to place advertisements on the Internet, at fish stores, supermarkets, on city websites, in local newspapers, in leaflets and magazines about fishing. The method is effective, relevant, and will allow you to quickly start making big profits;
  • If there is a large artificial reservoir, you can also allow fishing for a small fee.

Business registration

To start any activity, business registration is required. At the same time, the expected volume of fish farming and its marketing (how and where to sell it) is important. When creating an artificial reservoir, it is much easier to register your activities than in a natural reservoir. This requires an epidemiological conclusion from the fishery and does not require permits. It is necessary to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC with the OKVED code “Fish farming” in the classifier “Types of economic activity”.

When making wholesale deliveries, you must register as an LLC - a legal entity. Intermediaries, fish stores, and supermarkets are interested in wholesale supplies. They prefer to deal with LLCs. This is the most profitable, fastest, simplest option for selling products. You can also arrange pick-up.

Individual entrepreneurs who do not have a legal address have to take care of selling their products on their own, without the possibility of wholesale deliveries. They can open a retail outlet, rent a place in the market. This entails additional costs associated with organizing transportation, paying for the trading place, and arranging a place to store fish that was not sold on the same day.

LLC registration

To register you need:

  • provide a package of documents to the tax office;
  • choose a name for the company. It must convey to the consumer information about the products being manufactured;
  • choose a taxation system for calculating taxes and fees;
  • register in the Unified State Register (USRLE) and receive a LLC Registration Certificate;
  • the enterprise is registered with pension, medical, and social funds.

Registration of individual entrepreneurs is also carried out by the tax service. For tax purposes, a simplified tax payment system is usually chosen or a patent is issued.

Initial capital

“Start-up” capital can be purchased:

  • at a banking institution. However, despite the constant reduction in interest rates on loans for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs, experience shows that this is not the best option for acquiring capital.
  • A businessman will begin to receive income from his activities no earlier than 2 - 3 years. In this case, the minimum period for which the loan is required must be at least three years. In the form of interest for using bank funds, you will have to pay a significant amount of money;
  • it is much more profitable to organize a business on shares;
  • borrow money from friends or relatives.

Someone can borrow money at a certain interest rate, which will be significantly lower than that of the lending bank. Or they can give you money with the prospect of purchasing fresh fish at a better price in the future.

The most common misconceptions of young farmers

The most common things new farmers don't consider are:

  • You cannot start an activity with a large volume of production. Despite the fairly simple technique of raising fry, experience and knowledge in this industry is required. Raising fry is the most difficult, important and responsible activity in fish farming. Basic mistakes can lead to the loss of all the fry at once. Even with proper care of the fry, sometimes up to 10% of them die.

First, you need to master the basics, gain the necessary skills in caring for fry, obtain positive results, and then increase production volumes;

  • You cannot buy a non-reliable, makeshift tank for raising fry. If there are failures in cleaning, enriching water with oxygen, or pumping water, all the fry in the pool cannot die - the loss of funds will be enormous. Fish farming is a profitable business, but the main thing is that there is no need to chase big profits and rush to get it;
  • If you have no experience in making a swimming pool, you should entrust its construction to professionals - masters of their craft. The costs will pay off if things are done correctly. And having spent significant amounts of money when constructing a swimming pool yourself and having experienced the first setbacks, you can lose interest in your brainchild and stop commercial activity that has almost never begun;
  • the need to conduct financial calculations of costs incurred and profits received, consultations with economists and experienced businessmen. With a large production volume, they can help make significant profits and avoid losses.


More and more businessmen are involved in fish farming, and for many it brings not only tangible benefits, but also pleasure from their activities. To start a business, you do not need large investments, and you can receive regular and significant income if you skillfully manage your business and use expert advice.

A guarantee of success is the use of modern closed water exchange technology and process automation. It is important for a successful business to create normal conditions for growing fish, optimal conditions for marketing fresh fish, and try to sell products wholesale in your area. It is advisable to organize your own fish processing and pay more attention to advertising your products.

Fish is one of the most important products in human nutrition and its cultivation cannot, with proper business management, not be profitable and not bring significant permanent income.

Today, many specialists involved in activities in the fish farming industry are confident that the fishing business is a promising sector of the economy. If all the necessary conditions for the successful development of the population are provided, fish supplies can be organized at the state level. Nowadays, raising fish at home as a business is very popular not even on a state scale, but to ensure high personal profits.

Previously, growing fish in artificially created reservoirs was considered a popular method. But poachers interfered with the natural development and reproduction of young animals. Therefore, private business has moved mainly to mini-farms built at home.

For the successful development of a fishing business and its prosperity, it is not enough to simply invest the required amount of money in it, build a pool or organize a reservoir, buy equipment and launch fish. Every novice fish farmer should become familiar with the basics of breeding and keeping various fish breeds in accordance with established standards.

Growing fish at home for beginners involves following the following steps:

  • arrangement of a home farm;
  • providing the farm with the necessary equipment;
  • selection of breed and purchase of fish;
  • purchase of feed;
  • compliance with feeding and maintenance rules;
  • searching for places of sale;
  • taking into account all possible risks when doing business;
  • documentation.

How to start home fish farming from scratch

Water remains an indispensable condition for ensuring the life of a private fishery. The liquid must be of high quality, which affects the health of fry and adult fish.

To provide fish with this important resource it is necessary:

1. Create an artificial pond

To ensure this stage, it will be useful to contact Epidemiological Surveillance so that specialists can carry out the necessary analyzes of the aquatic environment and give valuable advice on improving its quality if necessary. If the water quality is low, it will be enough to clean the pond or aerate it.

2. Determination of water quality

The well-being of the fish depends on this parameter. To prevent living creatures from getting sick, water must have the following characteristics:

  • suitable proportion of salts;
  • various temperature conditions;
  • optimal pH level;
  • the required content of bacteria in it;
  • general transparency;
  • the right amount of minerals;
  • color properties;
  • proportions of gaseous substances dissolved in water.

All indicators are subject to certain standards. If they fit into them, then problems with keeping fish will not arise.

3. Launching the fry

Each breed of fish needs to be provided with optimal housing conditions, including suitable temperature conditions. Therefore, you should ask about this in advance.

Some species exist comfortably in cold water, including carp, crucian carp, sterlet, catfish, grass carp, silver carp, salmon, and trout. There are also breeds that ideally live and reproduce in warm water, not lower than 20 degrees.

4. Fish farming process

When organizing a home mini-farm or a large farm, you need to know the main stages of fish life. They include spawning, the appearance of fry, the passage of the wintering phase, the growth process and the final stage - feeding. Taking them into account helps to separate each stage and create a step-by-step plan for the growth of the young replenishment and the old generation. It is advisable that a separate reservoir or pool be equipped for each period.

Experienced fish farmers know how to breed fish from fry eggs. This requires a separate pool where the hatched fry are transplanted. During the growing process, when they reach the required age, they should be moved to another special reservoir necessary for gaining weight. When the new generation finally gains strength and its health is no longer threatened by external factors, it is moved to a feeding reservoir. During the wintering period, the fish are placed in special wintering ponds, where suitable conditions are created for the fish to live comfortably.

You should always monitor the quality of water in the pond, its purity and oxygen saturation. It is necessary to check the water for the presence of methane and hydrogen sulfide - these substances must be absent. The presence of aquatic plants in reservoirs, which will allow young organisms to be saturated with necessary microelements and minerals, will have a good effect on the health of fish.

5. Feeding

At each age, fish need certain feed additives. For fry, supplements will be required to increase immunity in the form of therapeutic stress food. They help fish overcome illnesses and develop immunity to them.

Containers for fish breeding

Preparing equipment for business

Since it will be difficult to grow high-quality and healthy fish with only one pond or pool, it is necessary to provide your future business and fisheries with the necessary equipment.

Every body of water requires mandatory purification, which will help provide a gravitational filter. Its installation does not take much time, it is quite simple. The cost of such a device is around 5 thousand rubles. It allows you not only to purify water from contaminants, but also to eliminate harmful microorganisms that cause the formation of mud and water blooms.

For an artificially created reservoir you will need a compressor apparatus. But its cost will be 2 times more expensive than that of a gravity filter. It will also prevent the bloom of liquid in the reservoir through the use of sterilizers with ultraviolet diodes.

The most convenient way to pump out liquid from an artificially created reservoir is to use a hydraulic pump. An alternative option is to create your own apparatus from tubes. When using such equipment, underground mines will fill the pond. In specialized stores you need to buy feeders and various fishing equipment. You also need to take care of the availability of drainage equipment.

Separately, the reservoir should be equipped with everything necessary for future fish offspring. To do this, you will need a closed water supply installation, which includes the following components:

  • pool;
  • biological and mechanical water purification systems;
  • pumping stations for supplying clean liquid;
  • denitrification plants;
  • acidity control system;
  • heat generators;
  • installations for enriching liquids with oxygen.

Depending on the size of the pool or reservoir, as well as the type of living creatures that live there, different equipment capacities are selected.

Types of fish for breeding

The ideal varieties of fish, which are often used in private business, as well as for industrial breeding, are:

  • trout;
  • carp;
  • perch;
  • crucian carp;
  • other species of the carp family.

It is advisable for every novice entrepreneur to choose a specific breed and stock up on relevant literature in order to learn how to breed, how to raise, how to maintain this or that variety.

Beginning businessmen planning to breed several breeds of fish at the same time should know that they need to be combined in such a way that they naturally can get along with each other. For example, perches are predatory fish; they cannot be kept together with young fish, as they will simply eat newborn fish.

Cyprinidae are an unpretentious breed; they will feed on cereals, grains, beans, consume larvae and eat feed, corn or peas with particular pleasure. Carp, a fairly unpretentious fish to keep, will cost much less on the market than, for example, trout. But it will be difficult for novice fish farmers to start their activities with the same trout, since it requires professional care.

Methods of marketing finished products, providing additional income

When planning any type of business, you should think through in advance all possible ways to sell finished products and think through additional sources of income.

In the fishing business, low prices will be useful. In order to quickly ensure the sale of products, you should not inflate prices, especially at the beginning of work. Do not forget that fish is a perishable product. Therefore, you should worry in advance about finding suitable 3-4 points that will be ready to accept products for sale.

The main supplies of fish products are provided from foreign companies, and accordingly, the price of such products is significantly inflated. If you get in touch personally with the owners of shops and grocery stores, they will be happy to agree to sell good quality products from domestic production and private entrepreneurs at a more affordable price.

Places where you can offer fish products:

  • local city or regional markets;
  • supermarket chains;
  • public institutions;
  • fast food places;
  • online stores are places for selling almost any goods that are quickly gaining popularity;
  • personal retail outlets.

It will be very convenient for the fishing business to set up not only the process of keeping and breeding individuals, but also to ensure the sale of products. To do this, private entrepreneurs organize their own sales points, where they deliver products.

For a fishing business to stay afloat, it needs constant investment. They can be achieved by attracting regular customers. As an additional income, you can organize paid fishing if it is a large artificial reservoir. To do this, you need to provide convenient and comfortable places for fishing, passages and paths, and equip the reservoir with bridges and paths. You also need to worry about timely mowing of the grass, fencing the area and hiring watchmen.

Another option is to rent a boat if the body of water is large. Selling related products, for example, fishing equipment, may also be appropriate.

Benefits and risks of the fishing business

The advantage of the fishing business is that it generates income even when prices for finished products in the markets fall. The main thing is to be able to bring it to the official and legal level when organizing a business. There will always be difficulties in performing these tasks, including:

  • difficulties of an administrative nature - if this is a lease of a pond or reservoir, then this must be agreed upon with local authorities. The process is bureaucratic. If the body of water you like is endowed with the status of a natural monument, then it will not be possible to rent it;
  • fish is a perishable product, therefore it has a short shelf life, which is not always beneficial for entrepreneurs who did not have time to find successful places to sell;
  • impact of infectious diseases – fisheries are susceptible to infection by common diseases. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the health of the population three times a month. To do this, control individuals are caught and subsequently tested. If a disease is detected, it is necessary to purchase additional medicinal feed containing antibiotics or immunoprotectors.

The process of starting your own business

From a formal point of view, opening a fishery involves registering an organization, purchasing all the necessary equipment, renting a reservoir, establishing a population and concluding agreements for the sale of finished products. The necessary documents for registering a company are determined by the type of ownership. You can register an enterprise as an LLC, as an individual entrepreneur or as a peasant farm.

Nowadays, fish farming at home as a business is very popular and is a promising sector of the economy.

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