Rare meat breeds of rabbits: breeding features. The largest breeds of rabbits in the world and Russia What are the largest rabbits

There are many breeds of rabbits, including both miniature decorative ones and real giants that reach a weight of 25 kg. Large rabbits are quite common among common breeds. The main part of them are crosses, that is, hybrids of several species.

The Flanders or Belgian Giant is perhaps the most famous breed of large rabbit. The first mentions of these giants appeared 500 years ago. They began their history in Belgium in the province of Flanders, hence the two names - Belgian giant and Flanders. These rabbits belong to the meat and wool breed.

The maximum weight of this breed is reached by 1 year and is 8-10 kg. The body length of giants reaches 90 cm. If a rabbit is less than 70 cm, then this is considered a breed defect. Its front legs are short, and its hind legs are quite long and large. They have a heavy and large head with long ears, the length of which reaches 19 cm. Flanders have a strong skeleton, a straight and wide spine. The tail is long, stiff and slightly carried upward.

The breed's fur is quite thick and silky. The length of the hair reaches 3-4 cm. The coat can have the following color:

  • grey-brown;
  • blue;
  • white;
  • coffee;
  • grey;
  • white;
  • kangaroo;
  • black.

Flandre is calm by temperament. He will not jump and run around like small breeds. He prefers to lie quietly and watch. Flandre is quite friendly and calm, he treats people well. He easily allows himself to be stroked and played with. This breed is a good alternative to affectionate dogs, such as Labradors. They are truly gentle giants that get along well with both people and animals.

Continental Giant – champion breed

Rabbits of the Continental Giant or Conti breed are known for their championship makings. The two largest rabbits registered in the Guinness Book of Records belong to this breed. This is one of the most ancient breeds, which is still popular today.

Average weight These giants weigh 16 kg at their peak, but with proper care they can weigh more than 20 kg. The body length is at least 65 cm. This breed has large ears, the length of which can reach 20 cm. The rodent has a rather dense and powerful bone structure. Conti's fur is dense, thick rollback, and silky to the touch. The villi reach a length of 4 cm. There are 7 fur colors:

  • black – plain black fur, the rabbit’s eyes are black or light brown;
  • light steel - the hairs are gray on top, sandy in the middle, gray-blue closer to the body;
  • dark steel - dark gray color, lighter closer to the skin, brown eye color;
  • Agouti is the most common color of this breed. The fur is chestnut, orange in the middle, and the undercoat is dark gray. There is a black edging on the ears and the underside of the tail, a white belly;
  • red agouti – chestnut-red coat, black ticking, dirty blue undercoat. The rabbit's tail and belly are cream-colored;
  • opal – the coat is pale blue at the top, creamy in the middle, the undercoat is dark. The ears have a dark blue edging. The eyes, tail and belly are light beige;
  • Fawn is a color with shades of red, the belly is white or beige, and the undercoat is light.

These rabbits live up to nine years. Average life expectancy is 4-5 years. These giants have an excellent character; they are quite affectionate and friendly. In addition, they are quite smart and calm. You can play with them, “squeeze” or stroke them without any problems. These rabbits are often kept as pets. They can easily be taught the simplest commands. But like all rabbits, they are quite timid, so you should not expose Conti to stress.

Rabbits are very intelligent and sociable, so they can be trained quite easily. If you want to have a good relationship with your rabbit and train it properly, then you should immediately familiarize yourself with this and start training.

German Riesen is the work of breeders from Germany. The breed was developed from the Belgian giant in 1937. Translated from German, “Riesen” means giant. This breed belongs to the meat and wool category, like most other giant rabbits.

Rizen's meat is very juicy. It is considered one of the most delicious among giant rabbits.

The weight of an adult Risen is 6-10 kg. However, some rabbits reached a weight of 14 kg. Rabbits have well-developed muscles and a massive build. They have fairly large, fleshy ears located on a wide head; the length of the ears reaches 20 cm. The legs are massive and strong. The fur is thick and dense. The length of the pile reaches 4 cm. There are various colors: sand, blue, black, dark gray and others.

Rizen's character is excellent. They are good-natured and fearless. They can also be kept as pets. Particularly popular in farming These rabbits don't use it. They grow quite slowly and require a lot of space to keep them.

The Gray Giant breed was bred in Ukraine in the Poltava region. Breeders from the Petrovsky animal farm crossed Flander with outbred rabbits. From Flander, the Gray Giant took large sizes and colors. And other rabbits have adaptation to different living conditions.

Gray giants have large bones and bodies. The body length reaches 66 cm, and the weight can be up to 7 kg. The legs are long and straight. The ears are erect and long, slightly rounded at the ends. The coat is dense and thick.

A special feature of the Gray Giant is its large area of ​​skin. Sometimes its area can reach 3 m2.

The fur of this breed can be of the following colors:

  • grey;
  • black;
  • dark grey.

The undoubted advantage is the unpretentiousness of the Gray Giant. It is suitable for growing in cramped conditions and does not require undue attention. In addition, breeders note the fertility of females.

The ancestor of the White Giant is the Belgian Giant. Among the Belgians, only albinos with white fur were selected. They were crossed with chinchillas and the Gray Giant breed. The result was a snow-white albino rabbit with excellent weight characteristics.

It is very easy to distinguish the White Giant from other breeds - these rabbits have a snow-white coat and red eyes. The body is strong and moderately long (about 60 cm), weight is 4-6 kg. The paws are thin but strong. The ears are erect and of medium length. The White Giant's fur is the pride of this breed. The coat is thick and dense. The skins of rabbits of this breed are highly valued among fur manufacturers.

Video - Review of the White Giant breed

Ram - giant lop-eared rabbit

The French ram is the only decorative rabbit that is classified as a giant. The breed dates back to 1850. It was then that the first mention of the breeder Condeniere from France appeared. He was not a professional and was engaged in book binding. However, this did not stop him from breeding such an interesting breed. The basis for the hybrid was an English ram, which was crossed with the Normandy and Rouen breeds. Condeniere's goal was to create a commercial rather than an ornamental breed.

The weight of a French ram is at least 5 kg. The body in the back is round and massive. The legs are meek but strong. Main feature, of course, are the ears. The French ram's are long and droopy. They hang down without curling and have no folds. The breed criterion is that the ears hang at least 4 cm below the chin.

A feature of French rams is age-related flabbiness. As they age, they develop a “skirt” of skin at the back of the body.

There are many colors of the French Ram. From white to black. The fur of these rabbits is of medium length, the hairs reach 3 cm.

These rabbits are calmer in nature and are even suitable for keeping indoors. They get along well with people, including small children. Rams are playful, they will happily have fun with the simplest toys like a ball or cardboard box. But it is worth remembering that they are quite mobile. Therefore, it is worth providing them with a place to play. If you are not ready to devote a lot of time to the French Ram, then it is better to make him a friend.

How to keep giant rabbits?

Of course, giant rabbits will not be suitable for the typical living conditions for small rabbits. If you want to raise a champion, you will have to take care of both its habitat and feeding. Of course, each species has its own content characteristics. Below are some general guidelines.

Where to place it?

The most common housing option for rabbits is cages. It is also suitable for giant breeds. Only the cells must be much larger than for small representatives of this species of animal. Average size – at least 0.6 sq.m. for one rabbit. But everything will depend on the size and weight of the particular animal. The best option There will be placement of cages in the fresh air.

Prices for cages for rabbits

Rabbit cage

It is better to make the floors of the cage mesh or slatted. This will help in getting rid of droppings, which often cause diseases. Hay or straw is placed at the bottom; it is important to change the flooring regularly. If possible, it is worth organizing a pen for the giants, where they can walk peacefully.

Often, giant rabbits are kept directly in the house instead of pets.

What is the best way to feed giant rabbits?

When it comes to food, giants are most often unpretentious. They feed on the same food as small representatives of the species. The only difference is the amount of food.

Prices for feed for rabbits

Compound feed for rabbits

  1. When kept in cages, a feeder with a drinker is placed in each of them. The drinking bowl should always be filled. Feeders and drinkers should not be allowed to become dirty, as this leads to various diseases.
  2. In the summer, it is important to let rabbits free-range in an equipped enclosure, where they can not only exercise to their heart's content, but also enjoy fresh, lush grass.
  3. In winter, rabbits are fed hay and feed.
  4. It is better to feed systematically. Giants sometimes feed excessively and eat everything that is given to them.
  5. DIY rabbit food

    Every farmer wants his charges to develop well and quickly. Making food at home significantly reduces costs. From our article you will learn the advantages and disadvantages of compound feed, as well as recipes for homemade stern.

    Select best breed large rabbits are impossible. They all have their own characteristics. If your goal is to raise a champion, then you should choose the Conti breed. If you want to have a large rabbit on your farm, but you are not ready to devote a lot of time, attention and money to it, then the Gray Giant would be a worthy option. Well, if your goal is fur, then you should pay attention to the snow-white White Giant or Gray Giant, whose skin area can reach 3 sq.m.

The rabbit was tamed by man a long time ago. This is mentioned in written sources of ancient Roman history. From then until now, rabbit breeders have created many new breeds. Rabbits are bred to produce dietary meat, fur, and fluff. Fur products are highly durable, and down in quality is superior to the wool of merino and angora goats. This article will present breeds of rabbits with names and photographs.

Some general information

Rabbits belong to the class of mammals of the hare order, but differ significantly from their relatives: they do not change the color of their fur when molting, and the offspring of rabbits are born naked and blind. Hares' babies are born with their eyes open and fully furred. A distinctive feature of rabbits is early maturity and fertility. Rabbits are capable of reproducing all year round. On average, there are 8 rabbits in a nest, but there are also female rabbits who produce up to 16 babies in a litter. These animals become sexually mature at 4-5 months.

Pregnancy of female rabbits lasts only a month. Very often, rabbit breeders allow females to mate a few days after giving birth. Thanks to this, one individual can have several litters during the year and get a larger number of rabbits (over 40), which can significantly increase the volume of production. The main conditions for successful rabbit breeding are compliance with sanitary and technical standards, animal health, and breeding technologies.


In rabbit breeding, rabbits are divided into the following breeds:

  • meat;
  • fur;
  • downy;
  • decorative.

The largest breeds of rabbits: with names and photographs

Giant rabbits are mainly bred by experienced breeders. Animals are large enough to require special conditions. Both skins and meat are in demand among them.


The beginning of this breed can be traced back to the 16th century, from the time when large rabbits with gray fur - Belgian giants - were spotted in Flanders. TO end of the 19th century century the breed was brought to Germany. Taking it as a basis, in 1937 German rabbit breeders bred and registered the Deutsche-Riesen breed, which translated meant German giant. A dispute often arises among rabbit breeders and breeders: some of them believe that Risen is just a larger variety of Flanders, while other experts claim that it is an independent breed. Formally, the breeds are different, but very similar.

Characteristics of the breed and conditions of detention

Currently, the Risen breed is considered the largest in the world. The body of rabbits is massive with very developed muscles, the chest is quite wide, the body is elongated, and the paws are thick. The skin colors are agouti, yellow-gray, sand, dark grey, black and blue. Weight can reach from 6 to 10 kg. The meat has high taste, and the skin of the animal is also valued. It is recommended to buy rabbits when they reach the age of 4 months. Producers are allowed to mate at the age of 8, and breeding males - upon reaching 10 months. The animals are large, so they need to be provided with comfortable cages to live in. They have a strong immune system, but you still shouldn’t let animals freeze. Ventilation is necessary in the room where rabbits live. IN warm time years, their diet also consists of vegetables, they are given a mixture of grains with the addition of vegetables. Rabbits are late-ripening, the first litter should be planned when the female reaches 10 months. There are usually from 8 to 12 little rabbits in the nest, which the female takes good care of.


Belgian Flanders - the breed of these rabbits is considered the oldest. According to one version, it is believed that this is a hybrid that was obtained by crossing Flemish rabbits, Argentinean and Patagonian breeds. The very first rabbits were brought to North America in the 19th century, where they received special recognition. In 1916, a national federation was created, consisting of breeders of the Belgian giant. The breed is named after Flanders, this region was part of the state of Belgium in the 16th century. It is believed that it was from this place that they came to America.

Breed characteristics, content

Flanders rabbits are large with well-developed muscles, wide chests, strong strong paws. The rounded head is large, wide cheeks and the weight of rabbits can reach from 7 to 10 kilograms. They can be the following colors:

  • reddish-gray;
  • light gray;
  • dark gray;
  • black;
  • silver;
  • bluish;
  • sand;
  • white.

Rabbits need to be provided with proper care: the cages must be kept clean, and the animals must be fed with high-quality, balanced food. It is recommended to receive preventive vaccinations against infectious and viral diseases in a timely manner. Rabbits become sexually mature at 8-9 months. You can breed rabbits all year round, but experts do not recommend breeding in the fall. At this time, animals actively shed, and pregnancy will put additional stress on the female. Pregnant females must be fed high-quality food and ensure that there is fresh water in the drinking bowl. A female usually bears and gives birth to 7 to 8 rabbits, in rare cases 15. If a female rabbit produces a small litter during her first litter, do not rush to cull her - this is a feature of the breed.

One of the leaders

The breed is very popular. Flanders brought to Russia at the beginning of the 20th century did not adapt well to our climatic conditions and did not grow well. It was decided to cross these rabbits with local ones. In 1952, the gray giant rabbit breed was bred in the Poltava region. The color of the animals is agouti, the so-called hare. The body length can reach 66 centimeters. Weight ranges from 4.5 to 6.5 kilograms. In one litter, the female brings up to 8 cubs, sometimes up to 12, which she feeds well. They tolerate low temperatures and being kept in cages very well. Animal skins are especially prized.

Albino rabbit

To obtain a rabbit of this domestic breed - white giant- Soviet chinchilla, Belgian and gray giant were crossed. The animal has a completely white color (albino) and reddish eyes. Body length - 60 centimeters. Weight reaches 5-6 kilograms. It has a skin of very good quality - thick fur with dense undercoat. There are up to 9 little rabbits in a nest. This breed of rabbit is not recommended to be kept in cramped cages. Mainly kept for their fur.

Meat breeds of rabbits: with photos and names

Rabbits of these breeds are quite precocious and unpretentious in care. Many of them can be kept at home. Their meat has a delicate taste, which is why they are called broiler.


Black and brown rabbit - this breed was obtained by crossing three species: Viennese, white and Flanders. The body reaches a length of 61 centimeters, the chest is wide, with a girth of 37 centimeters. Rabbits are unusually beautiful: the fur is thick and fluffy, black-brown in color, the fluff is slightly blue. The back and head are colored, and the sides are brown and unevenly colored. An adult animal weighs 5-7 kilograms. A female rabbit brings 8 or more babies per litter. Beautiful skins are especially valued.


One of the best meat rabbit breeds. Its silver-blue fur is no less valuable. In 1913, the Soviet chinchilla gained fame. Animals with exactly this color were bred in France. In 1927, several individuals were brought to Russia and the breed began to be bred. Breeders worked for several years to create this breed. As a result of crossing an imported chinchilla with a white giant, the Soviet chinchilla breed was obtained. The breed was finally formed in 1963.

According to the description, the Soviet chinchilla stands out among other breeds with its silver-blue color and very thick fur, which is second in quality only to the fur of black-brown rabbits. The color of the breed is zonal, with uneven transitions, moiré, the fluff is blue. There must be a light wedge on the back of the head. Also, the bottom of the tail, paws on the inside, and abdomen have a light shade. The eyes are brown, lined with white. Ears up to 15 centimeters, framed in black, the tip of the tail is the same shade. The chinchilla's body is large, with developed muscles, long - up to 66 centimeters. Round croup, wide back. Weight reaches 5 kilograms, but some animals can weigh 7.

The Soviet chinchilla is a rather unpretentious animal. Basic conditions that should be observed when leaving:

  • it is necessary to maintain cleanliness in the cells;
  • feed with balanced feeds;
  • ensure continuous drinking regime;
  • avoid overheating in the sun;
  • reliably protect from drafts and frost.


For the purity of the breed, several breeding lines must be maintained; inbreeding should not be allowed. Puberty in these animals it occurs at 6-7 months. The maternal instinct is very developed. Females give birth to 8 cubs and are distinguished by their milk production and fertility. Breeders receive from 30 rabbits per year; with more frequent mating, their number can increase to 40. Males are good producers.

Rabbits for breeding at home

Let's look at domestic rabbit breeds with names and photographs. These rabbits can be kept outdoors or indoors. Some owners keep animals of these breeds in apartments.


The Soviet marder is a rabbit that was obtained by crossing breeds such as ermine and chinchilla. The color is brown, usually the muzzle, tail, back and paws are darker in color. The animals are small in size, the body has a length of 50 centimeters, the chest circumference is 31 centimeters. Adults weigh 3.0-4.2 kg. There are usually about 7 rabbits in one litter. The fur of this breed is valued for its high fluff content.

Endangered species

Vienna Blue - rabbits of this breed are on the verge of extinction; it was obtained by crossing the Moravian Blue and Flanders. The body is of medium size, proportionally folded. Neat, small head. The inside of the ears are colored in a lighter tone than the color of the rabbit itself; they are small, slightly rounded at the top. Rabbit fur is dove-blue. Average weight - 4.5 kilograms. In a litter, a female has up to 9 babies. Valued for the quality of its fur, the skin is very soft with a high content of fluff.

Description of the Rex breed

Among the large number of breeds, the fur of these animals occupies a leading position. It is used for high-quality counterfeiting of more expensive furs.


This breed was bred in the 20s of the last century in France. It got its name from its short fur. In 1924, they appeared at a rabbit breeding exhibition in Paris and immediately attracted attention. They appeared in private farming as a result of an intraspecific mutation in Belgian giants.

Description and characteristics

Rex rabbit skins are of particular value. Description of the breed: their body is oval, slightly elongated. The head is well set on a strong neck. The paws are not very long, not thick, the tail is small. The head is slightly elongated, the forehead is wide. The ears are small, rounded, length - up to 12 centimeters. The eyes are dark brown. The weight of an adult rabbit is up to 5.5 kilograms. Depending on the color, there are more than 30 subspecies of this breed.

The main purpose of breeding is animal skins. Therefore, it is necessary to keep rabbits extremely clean. It is also recommended to regularly carry out preventive vaccinations and veterinary examinations. It is prohibited to keep rabbits of this breed on mesh floors. It is better to use a slatted floor for this purpose or simply cover the surface with a large layer of straw.


In winter, rabbits should be fed grain mixtures, hay, dry feed, and root vegetables. In summer, dried grass should be added to the main diet. It is necessary to provide rabbits with clean water in unlimited quantities, especially in summer.


Newly arrived animals must undergo quarantine. A female Rex breed produces no more than 5-7 rabbits at birth, which is considered a rather low figure. The survival rate of babies also leaves much to be desired. When giving birth, there must be water in the cage, otherwise the mother rabbit may eat the babies. You should be more careful about breeding this breed. But despite some difficulties in keeping animals, it is undoubtedly worth breeding them.

The largest breeds of rabbits

One of the largest breeds of rabbits is the Belgian Giant breed. The breed is also called Risen or Flander. This is not only the most famous breed on the planet, it is also one of the oldest. The average representative of the giant breed grows up to a meter in length. Most often, his body varies from sixty-five to seventy-five centimeters. The ears are also long, they reach eighteen centimeters.

On average, the weight of such a rabbit can be from six to eight kilograms, although there are also much heavier specimens. Rabbits of this particular breed were included in the Guinness Book of Records in three categories at once - as the thickest, longest and heaviest. Flanders - very large breed rabbits. They often live with people as pets. Flanders are smart, good with children and love to be cared for. The main thing is to provide this large rabbit with sufficient space to live.

Angora giant rabbits are bred for sale. They are gray, spotted or white. The weight of one representative of the breed can reach five and a half kilograms. They have increased fluffiness, which is why they look like fleecy balls.

The Soviet chinchilla is another type of giant rabbit. They are approximately twice the size of regular rabbits. Their bluish fur is similar to that of a chinchilla, which is why they got their name. Rabbit breeders prefer breeding this breed because of its increased profitability. Rabbits grow so quickly and adapt to any conditions that breeding them is not at all difficult. Sometimes individuals of this breed are kept as pets, but this is only possible if there is sufficient space.

The previous record holder is the huge rabbit Darius

The owner of a huge rabbit named Darius is Anette Edwards. She is engaged in breeding. Darius is already the fourth record-breaking rabbit that she has managed to raise. Before this, the rabbits Roberto, Amy, and then Alice were recorded as giants. Each of them gained weight of more than ten kilograms.

Darius entered the Guinness Book of Records in 2010, at that time he was still growing, and his height at that time reached one meter and twenty centimeters. The champion's weight was nineteen kilograms. The breeder assumed that he would be able to maintain a leading position for a long time, as the animal continued to gain weight. These sizes are the result of a good variety of food and exercise. Darius has a great appetite and runs a lot. It is known that the record holder eats two heads of cabbage, twelve carrots and six apples every day.

Like many representatives of giant rabbits, Darius enjoys human attention and is always ready to communicate. As soon as you walk past him, according to Anette Edwards, the animal’s eyes light up with joy.

Ralph is the biggest rabbit in the world

Ralph is recognized as the largest rabbit on the planet. He is only four years old. This is the fattest representative of the known rabbits. Ralph is a resident of Great Britain. His owner is Paulina Grant. Ralph was considered the fattest until 2010, but then lost this title. In 2010, the rabbit Darius was recognized as the leader, who then weighed nineteen kilograms. Very little time passed, and Ralph was again in first place in weight. He recovered and began to weigh twenty-two kilograms, while his length crossed the mark of one meter.

Ralph has enviable genetics - both of his parents were former record holders, and at different times were recognized as the largest in the world. His mother is a giant rabbit named Amy, and Ralph's father's name is Roberto. In different years, both parents were named by the Guinness Book of Records as the largest rabbits by weight.

Ralph is in great shape. Veterinarians advise his owner to be more attentive to the diet of his champion and in no case overfeed him. From time to time, the Grant family experiences inconvenience because of Ralph. This happens during molting, when tufts of his fur lie everywhere.

The Grants allocate fifty pounds weekly to feed the insatiable giant. The rabbit has an excellent appetite. Every day he eats several ears of corn, a head of cabbage, two slices of black bread, two apples, a bunch of watercress, crackers and half a cucumber. Of course, the cost of feeding a rabbit cannot be called small, but the family loves their pet and tries to provide it with everything that is necessary for Ralph’s health and growth.

Due to the fact that the rabbit is the fattest, it is very popular. There are many who want to help feed this giant; they are ready to pay all the costs of its maintenance. In addition, when family friends come to visit, they always bring something for the record-breaking pet.

Animals of the Capybara breed weigh about 100 kg. You can read more about the largest animals in the world here.
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There are at least five breeds of rabbits, distinguished by their large sizes, and in the Guinness Book of Records the title of largest rabbit alternates between one record holder and another. Both candidates belong to the Flandre breed, which was bred by Belgian breeders. Large rabbits are bred for meat and skins. This article will tell you about the largest breeds and eared rodents that managed to become record holders in size and weight.

The largest breeds of rabbits

The largest rabbits are representatives of breeds of foreign and domestic selection. Their main purpose is to obtain meat and skins, although some keep such animals as pets. Giant rabbits have a good-natured disposition, know how to get along with people, and love to play, despite their impressive size.

The main difference between these breeds is rapid growth and weight gain, and early maturity. Rabbits born from large parents already gain 3.5-4 kg of weight by the age of 4 months, and by the age of six months the pets already weigh 5-6 kg. When breeding for meat, there is no point in feeding them longer, but you can’t slaughter baby rabbits too early, you need to wait until the skin reaches the desired size, like adult. Then you can get more money for it.

The main disadvantages of large breeds:

  • they need a lot of free space;
  • they cannot be kept on a mesh floor, otherwise calluses and cracks will appear on the pets’ paws;
  • late puberty (females are allowed to mate at 7-8 months).


Flanders is the largest breed of rabbit in the world. It is its representatives who are included in the Guinness Book of Records. There is no reliable information about the origin of these animals. Several assumptions regarding their history contradict each other. However, the name Flanders was given to giant rabbits because they are believed to be native to the Belgian province of Flanders.

Attention! Flanders are the progenitors of all large breeds; their genetic potential was used to create gray and white giants, as well as the Soviet chinchilla.

Representatives of this breed are funny and clumsy. They have an elongated body, a large head with huge wide ears, and convex cheeks.


  • body length – 70-75 cm, for record holders – 120 cm;
  • the body is well-built, the muscles are well developed;
  • pet weight – from 7 to 10 kg;
  • chest girth – 39-42 cm;
  • ear length – 17-19 cm;
  • the coat is thick, hair length – 3.5 cm;
  • Various colors - agouti, white, sand, gray, fawn.

Flandes are fertile. Females give birth to 6-8 cubs per litter, and in a year you can get 35 rabbits. The maternal qualities of female rabbits of this breed are well developed, the milk production rate is high level. Thanks to this, the rabbits quickly gain weight.


Risen rabbits are descendants of Belgian giants. German breeders worked on their creation. Representatives of this breed are classified as meat-skin breed, as their fur is thick, has a beautiful glossy shine, and the hair length reaches 4 cm.

Characteristics of the German giant:

  • long body – 75 cm;
  • strong physique;
  • weight – 9-12 kg;
  • The chest is powerful, its girth is 42 cm;
  • medium sized head;
  • prominent cheeks;
  • massive paws;
  • the ears are erect, 15-17 cm long.

Rizen rabbits quickly adapt to any climatic conditions, but in Russia they are bred mainly in the middle zone. Thick fur protects them from the cold. Females bring up to 7-8 rabbits in a litter.

Attention! The mesh floor is not for the German giant. Rabbits are very heavy, so they put a lot of stress on their legs. These pets often suffer from pododermatitis.

Gray giant

Gray giants are a normal-haired meat-skin breed, the pride of domestic selection. To breed it, Belgian Flanders were used, which were crossed with outbred rabbits from Ukraine. The work was carried out from 1927 to 1952. The result was achieved - the breeders managed to develop a breed that was well adapted to local conditions and food, was distinguished by its large dimensions and stable immunity.

Attention! Gray giants rarely suffer from pododermatitis.

Gray giants are distinguished by a strong constitution, an elongated torso, and fleshy straight limbs. Feature- long ears, located on the head in the form of the English letter V. The fur of these animals is of medium density, heterogeneous. The fur color is predominantly hare-gray, sometimes with admixtures of red or black hairs.


  • the type of body structure is close to leptosomal;
  • elongated body – 55-60 cm;
  • the back is wide;
  • The croup is fleshy and round in shape;
  • the chest is well developed, its girth is 37-40 cm, there is a dewlap;
  • the ears are dense, rounded at the tips, erect;
  • pets weight – 5-7 kg.

Attention! The slaughter yield of meat for this breed is slightly lower than that of other representatives of the meat breed, it is 52-54%.

This breed is the fruit of the joint work of breeders from Saratov and Novosibirsk. When chinchilla rabbits were brought to the Soviet Union in 1927, they were not large in size, but their fur attracted attention. The goal of the breeders was to increase the body size of these animals. To do this, they began to crossbreed with white giants. The breed was entered into the register in 1963 and was named Soviet chinchilla.

The Soviet chinchilla has an original coat color - gray-blue, with a dark stripe running along the back along the ridge, and there is a light edging around the animals' eyes. Rabbits' fur is uniform and thick, making it highly valued.


  • animals are distinguished by a strong body constitution;
  • body length is 60-65 cm;
  • weight of an adult animal – 5-7 kg;
  • The chest is deep, girth – 37-40 cm;
  • the croup is round, fleshy;
  • the head is small;
  • ears are erect with rounded ends;
  • color blue-gray with silver inclusions.

White giant

White giants are rabbits of Belgian origin, they were bred from albino Flanders in the early 20th century. Soon they were brought to the territory Soviet Union, but the local climate was not suitable for animals. It was decided to cross them with the Soviet chinchilla and the gray giant in order to improve their adaptive qualities. Only albinos were selected for selection in order to preserve the parental genes responsible for the white color of the fur.

There is not a single speck of a different color to be found on the fur of a white giant, and their eyes appear red because the iris does not have its own pigment. Translucent capillaries give them a reddish tint.


  • strong physique;
  • wide back;
  • developed breasts;
  • plump, round croup;
  • body length – 60 cm;
  • chest circumference – 37 cm;
  • the weight of an adult animal reaches 4-6 kg;
  • the ears are erect, fleshy, their length is 16 cm.

Female rabbits belonging to the white giant breed are capable of producing 7-8 babies in each litter. By the age of four months they are already quite well-fed, their weight reaches 3.5 kg. Animal meat has excellent taste, and fur is used to make accessories and items of clothing - fur coats and hats.

Attention! A white giant rabbit has 20,000 hairs on one square centimeter of skin.

Rabbits included in the Guinness Book of Records

The Guinness Book of Records includes two representatives of the Flanders or Belgian giant breed. At first, a rabbit named Darius held the palm for a long time. Its weight reached a record level - 22.2 kg with a body length of 1 meter 30 cm. According to the animal's pedigree, it received its gigantic size through the female line of kinship - from its mother and grandmother. Now he has a son who may soon surpass Darius and set a new record.

Not long ago, Darius was forced to give up his place as the record holder to another representative of the Flanders breed, the rabbit Ralph. His weight reached 25 kg. The animal's parents were distinguished by their enormous body size and were also record holders in this area for some time, but their son was able to break their record. So, at the moment the biggest rabbit in the world is Ralph.

Large rabbits are the result of the hard work of breeders from different countries, and they appeared thanks to the oldest large breed - the Flanders. They are often used not only as a source of profit by being raised on farms, but also as pets. They can become true friends and bring joy to their owners.

The largest rabbit in the world grew up in England on the farm of Anetta Edwards; this pet was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. There are very large rabbits in the world, which due to their size are considered giants. Their length exceeds the encyclopedic data, according to which the maximum height of rabbits is 50 cm. The largest of them are record-breaking rabbits, included in the Guinness Book of Records. The whole world knows them; a lot of information about them now appears in popular newspapers, magazines, on television and on the Internet.

The largest rabbit in the world grew up in England on the farm of Anetta Edwards

The largest rabbits included in the Guinness Book of Records

Rabbit Darius broke all records. Many farmers around the world are trying to raise giant rabbits, but Annette Edwards has done it best so far. She lives in England, in the city of Worcester. The woman bred a whole offspring of giants - Roberto, Amy and Alice. They reached a weight of more than 10 kg. But the next rabbit that the farmer raised received the title of “The Largest Rabbit in the World.”

The largest record-breaking rabbits are included in the Guinness Book of Records

His name is Darius. He broke all the records. The animal grew to 1.3 m in length and gained a weight of 22.2 kg. As the hostess said, this is a merit of increased mobility and good appetite. Darius eats a wide variety of foods and runs all day. During the day he eats 1 kg of apples, about 2 kg of carrots and 2 heads of cabbage. The huge rabbit is very sociable and attentive. His eyes light up when someone starts flirting with him.

But in all likelihood, Darius will not have long to hold the title of the largest rabbit in the world, because he has a son who is a serious competitor to his father. His name is Jeffy. The smallest rabbit is only one year old, but its body length has already reached 1.2 m. The breed of rabbits bred by the Englishwoman is called the Continental Giant.

Previously, this breed was bred for meat, but now as pets. In Darius's family, his mother, Alice, and grandmother, Amy, were distinguished by their large size. Darius and his owner Anetta were born on the same day - April 8, so they celebrate their name day together. Darius and Jeffy live in doghouses. To feed her pets, the owner spends about 7 thousand euros.

Ralph the rabbit, who lives in Great Britain, is recognized as one of the largest in the world. His owner's name is Paulina Grant. He is over 4 years old, but due to his weight category he is considered one of the fattest rabbits in the world. Ralph is a hereditary giant record holder. His parents, rabbit Amy and father Roberto, were among the record holders as the heaviest in the world. Before Darius, Ralph was the leader among the giants. Both pets are serious competitors for the title of world record holder. Ralph has an excellent appetite. His weekly food costs are £50. The expenses cannot be called small, but the Grant family loves their pet and provides him with everything he needs. The hostess said that guests very often come to them to look at Ralph and bring with them something tasty for the champion pet.

The biggest rabbit (video)

What are the largest rabbit breeds in the world?

The largest breeds of rabbits in the world are known:

  • Belgian giant;
  • gray giant;
  • chinchillas;
  • Angora rabbit.

The largest breed of rabbit in the world is the Belgian giant. Otherwise they are also called flander or risen. Their height ranges from 65 to 75 cm, ear length is up to 18 cm, and chest circumference is 37 cm. Weight ranges from 8 kg or more. They were also included in the Guinness Book of Records as the fattest rabbits. Their homeland is Belgium. This is a very old breed, known since the second half of the 16th century. They are easy to care for and very calm. They can be called pets with full responsibility. Children love to play with them. A female rabbit can give birth to up to 12 rabbits per lamb. The Belgian giant has a very beautiful skin. It can easily be confused with the skin of a cat, beaver or kangaroo.

IN Soviet era, or rather in 1927, an attempt was made to breed the Belgian breed. But the harsh climate did not suit the animals, and it was decided to cross them with ordinary individuals. Based on the Flanders, a new breed was developed - the gray giant. The largest pets turned out to have good immunity and endurance, but their fur was in many ways inferior to that of the Belgian rabbit. Although they are called gray giants, among them there are rabbits and female rabbits with white and black fur.

In Soviet times, or more precisely in 1927, an attempt was made to breed the Belgian breed

Many people are probably familiar with chinchillas. They belong to the domestic breed. Their fur is white, with a blue tint, very high quality. Because of their unpretentiousness, rabbit breeders love to breed them. Animals easily adapt to any conditions, do not require special care, gain weight well and are very fertile. Their meat contains many nutrients and is very tasty.

There is another breed of large rabbits called Angora. Looking at them, it’s difficult to immediately tell what kind of animal it is. Outwardly, they resemble a large fluffy ball. Their fur is highly prized and this breed of rabbit is bred for its wool.

Despite the huge number of breeds, not all species are suitable for breeding at home. Breeders are trying to increase the productivity of breeds, since animal meat is highly valued as a dietary product, and fur is an inexpensive product, in no way inferior to the wool of goats and sheep.

Gallery: the largest rabbit (25 photos)

Rabbits and hares

Many people ask the question, how is a hare different from a rabbit? And indeed, looking at these animals, you can see many similarities in external features. They both belong to the order Lagomorpha. They have the same tastes, i.e. They both eat the same foods. They escape from common enemies - predators. But at the sight of danger, the rabbits freeze in place, and the hares run away. Thanks to the structure of their hind legs, they can do this very well. But despite all the similar features, biologically these are completely different animals. When I tried to cross them, nothing came of it because of the different number of chromosomes.

Rabbits can be tamed and made pets, but hares cannot. Their breeding process is also different - rabbits breed all year round, but this does not apply to hares; they breed in a favorable period for this, from March to September.

And another important difference between a rabbit and a hare is caring for their young. The rabbit does not take her eyes off her babies and constantly looks after them, which cannot be said about the hare, who comes running to feed her babies once a day. But if you give a hare someone else’s baby, she will feed it, which cannot be said about a female rabbit.

Giant rabbit giant (video)

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