Where to start a beer business on tap. Open a draft beer store and get a lot of income

Which business will bring good profits in 2019? Over the past few years, the demand for draft beer has been growing. Therefore, opening a beer store or bar will be a very profitable business.

Now beer in regular stores costs a little less than in pubs and bars. But the quality often varies greatly. In a regular store you can buy a bottle that has been on the counter for 3 months and the drink is even disgusting to drink. But in beer stores you can buy a fresh and tasty drink for almost the same price. Therefore, beer shops and bars are becoming increasingly popular among the population.

Naturally, businessmen also noticed this and they understood where to invest money in 2019, namely, to open their own cozy establishment for selling beer, and they can count on a good profit.

Opening a beer store from scratch

To begin with, it is worth deciding on the organizational and legal form. As a rule, most businessmen choose individual entrepreneurs. But the laws have tightened the requirements for individual entrepreneurs who sell beer. In other words, it is now necessary to maintain mandatory records and declarations of retail sales volumes.

The following codes are suitable for opening a beer store: OKVED OK 029-2014 (NACE rev. 2):

  • 47.25.12 (main) - Retail trade of beer in specialized stores.
  • 47.2 - Retail trade of food products, drinks and tobacco products in specialized stores.

Taxation of a beer store

You will also need to pay tax. There are different types of taxation, but experts recommend choosing the simplified taxation system (“simplified tax system”) when you plan to open a store in Moscow. If we are talking about regions, then it is better to choose UTII - a single tax on imputed income.

Moreover, contributions to the pension fund should be made from the salary of each employee. But often beginning businessmen work independently. Those. they are the store director, salesperson, loader, cleaner. All rolled into one.

Accounting management can be entrusted to an outsourcing company.

I recommend preparing documents for registering an LLC or individual entrepreneur using online service "My Business". The guys will help you choose the form of ownership and taxation.

In 2016, this service helped me prepare all the necessary papers quickly and free of charge; all I had to do was fill out a simple form with prompts, print out the received documents and submit them to the tax office.

Sergey Klyatov, owner of Dovir Finance

Beer business requirements

From March 31, 2017, a liquor store must have an online cash register. The cost of an online cash register starts from 16,000 rubles, service by a fiscal data operator is 3,000 rubles in the first year and 1,500 rubles in subsequent years.

According to Federal Law No. 278-FZ of July 29, 2017, individual entrepreneurs working on UTII or a patent and selling beer, beer drinks, cider, poire and mead receive a deferment for the implementation of online cash registers until July 1, 2018.

  • There should be no educational, medical or cultural institutions near the beer store.
  • Retail beer sales can only be carried out in stationary premises, with the exception of temporary premises, for example: a summer cafe.
  • It is mandatory to maintain a book taking into account the sale of beer in a special form approved by RosAlcoRegulation.
  • For individual entrepreneurs on UTII, it is possible to sell beer in 2019 without using a cash register, but upon request, the buyer must be issued a BSO.
  • Forbidden sell beer at gas stations, train stations, markets, and public transport.
  • Forbidden trade without accompanying documents for the goods.
  • Forbidden sell beer from 10 pm to 10 am the next day.
  • Forbidden sell beer to minors (citizens under 18 years of age).

To open a beer store, you need to be legally savvy, since there are many restrictions not only in state, but also in regional legislation. If you don’t want to delve into all the legal details, we recommend that you seek help from a lawyer.

Legal assistance with paperwork:

Premises for a beer store

The area is currently not limited by law; renting premises for a beer store of 50 m2 is quite sufficient. The retail space will occupy approximately 20 m2, the warehouse - 12 m2. The premises must comply with the requirements of the SES, fire inspection and Sanitary Inspector Resolution No. 23. Naturally, there must be a consumer corner. A beer store cannot be located near educational, medical and sports institutions closer than 100 m.

It is advisable to open not just a beer store, but something like a bar. People will not only buy draft beer, other drinks, various snacks, but also stay in the establishment for some time:

  1. Firstly, it will attract more people.
  2. Secondly, a tipsy customer who is having a good time in a beer bar is likely to make repeat orders.

If you plan to open just such an establishment, then you need to organize seating and tables. You definitely need to buy a large TV: visitors will be happy if they can watch, for example, football or hockey while enjoying a glass of beer.


It is advisable to organize smoking areas with high-quality ventilation in a separate room.

If the area of ​​the room allows, then you can buy a billiard table, air hockey or something similar.

The main feature of the business is beer. High-quality, fresh, draft beer of various types. You can't limit yourself to beer. It is better to obtain the appropriate licenses and sell stronger drinks. This may include draft wine, cognac, chacha, etc. The most important thing is a wide variety of choice. There is no point in opening a beer store that sells less than 10 different types of beer.

Don't forget about snacks. There should be a lot of variety here too:

  • Crackers of different flavors;
  • Nuts;
  • Dried fish;
  • Dried and smoked squid;
  • Spicy pig ears and stuff.

You should always conduct a demand analysis. People like certain types of beer more. Therefore, procurement will need to be adjusted over time. Statistics have shown that the greatest demand is for “live” and unfiltered beer. Also, light beer is the most popular, not dark.

Legal assistance with opening a beer store:

Choosing a beer and snack supplier

This is an important stage. It is necessary to choose a supplier of only high-quality and fresh beer. Timing also plays an important role. By concluding an agreement with suppliers, a businessman will know exactly about delivery times. Why is this important? The fact is that beer sells out quickly. And if delivery deadlines are missed, there will be a shortage on the shelf. Accordingly, this will cause a loss of consumer interest. Therefore, you should conclude an agreement with suppliers, which will stipulate fines and compensation for late delivery.

When purchasing large volumes of beer from the equipment manufacturer, you can get a good discount. It is also better to cooperate with manufacturers who are located as close as possible. This is already savings. But when ordering large volumes, you should also take into account the fact that draft beer is stored from 3 to 30 days.

Reliable suppliers, as a rule, always deliver the goods themselves. If pickup is offered, it is better not to cooperate with such a manufacturer. Beer is delivered in kegs (50 liters). Then the businessman can sell the drink in bottles or pour it into mugs.

Minimum equipment set:

  • bar counter;
  • showcase;
  • fridge;
  • defoamers;
  • kegs.

Profitability of a beer store

Of course, significant investments will be required to open it. This includes purchasing beer and snacks, renting premises, purchasing furniture and equipment, documentation, etc. But there is also a pleasant moment - profitability. For example, 1 liter of Zhigulevsky beer costs 56 rubles from the manufacturer, but in a store this liter can be sold for 120 rubles. In other words, the markup will be slightly more than 100%.

To open a business you will need approximately 500-600 thousand rubles. And the payback for a beer store can take 3-6 months if everything goes smoothly.

Please note

The figures are approximate. They may differ depending on the region, turnover size, room area, etc.

I will be happy to answer all questions in the comments to the article.

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Can a person who has never done business start his own business literally from scratch? What does it take to become a successful businessman? Is it now possible to find your niche in a market segment that seems to have been filled for a long time?

Our interlocutor, Sergei Rozhnov, owner of a draft beer store in Yekaterinburg, will tell you about this and more.

– Sergey, why beer? The choice of this drink in stores is huge; weren’t you afraid to enter into a confrontation with the giants?

– If you approach the organization of the matter correctly, then there will be no confrontation. Our business, of course, overlaps with retail sales, but still, as they say in Odessa, these are “two big differences.”

It may seem that canned or bottled beer and our product are aimed at the same audience. But in reality this is not entirely true. The difference is in the perception of the drink itself.

We offer a higher quality product. And, naturally, it costs more. Customers especially come to us not just to sip beer, but to get a drink that is different from the store-bought one.

True, the majority of our sales come from takeaway sales, but for this we had to work hard to get people to believe in us, to “educate” our clients, to prove our level.

From the very beginning, it was necessary to maintain the brand so that the buyer understood that he was not paying money in vain, and to maintain the image of a certain “luxury”.

How to open a draft beer store correctly?

– How did it all begin? Where did the idea come from, because to the untrained eye it may seem that the market is full, and it is quite difficult to carve out a niche in it.

– It’s very simple – I love beer, and good beer.

We have a lot of similar points in our city, there is even a whole chain of beer stores.

But there was nothing like this in our area, and it was inconvenient to go somewhere special.

And, in the end, I thought that there are not so few amateurs like me.

I know that, for example, beer stores in Moscow can be found almost every step, which means they find their customers.

Therefore, I began to find out how much it costs to open a beer store, what is required for this, search on the Internet for the interiors of beer stores, information about equipment. All this ultimately ended with the opening of our draft beer store at the beginning of 2014.

– The beer store business, like any other business, requires an initial investment. At first I thought about buying a beer business. There are companies that have been involved in the beer business for a long time.

They have experience, an established supplier base, they offer a business plan for any beer bar, and they train staff. In general, they offer a ready-made beer business. The sale of beer stores brings them their main income.

That’s why I first thought of opening a beer store as a franchise, but in the end I abandoned this idea because I found an option to get a loan specifically for my own business. But, in general, a beer store franchise is a rather interesting proposition.

– Have you invested your funds?

- No, I took out a loan. It turned out that this is not so difficult, but without a well-developed business plan they will not give you money. It is worth considering that a business plan is not just expenses and possible income calculated in a column, but a document with a serious justification, drawn up by specialists.

At first I tried to compose it myself, but I realized that such projects are better left to professionals. As a result, I decided to order a business plan for a beer store and was not disappointed at all.

I received a business loan from a bank, but with a guarantee from the Entrepreneurship Support Center. Banks approve such financing without any hesitation and do not require collateral.

Photo of a micro-shop on the street. Innovators, Moscow, Pinta retail chain. Photo by Vladimir Markov, correspondent for the Russian start-up website

And the rate turns out to be almost equal to the Central Bank refinancing rate. And this, even after its increase, turns out to be very profitable. But, I repeat, I was able to receive such a government guarantee only after I provided a detailed business plan for the beer bar.

Another issue that needs to be resolved when opening a draft beer bar store at the very initial stage is the premises.

There are three options for selling draft beer: your own premises, renting part of the space in a large grocery store or supermarket, something like an “on-site” option - either a stationary stall or a stall “on wheels”, in a special trailer.

I was lucky that at the same time I was looking for a place to rent, a small grocery store closed and the owner was looking for new tenants. The option of renting space in a supermarket was also considered, but at that time the proposed cost per square meter was high for me.

Photo of a micro-store selling beer on Vernadsky Ave., Moscow, of the Litra retail chain. Photo by Vladimir Markov, correspondent for the Russian start-up website

Well, I didn’t seriously consider “street” trading. Firstly, from the very beginning it did not coincide with the ultimate goal - the creation, in a certain sense, of a luxury beer store.

Secondly, the calculation was for a different clientele, or rather, for us to be perceived differently. And thirdly, the beer business largely depends on the time of year, and offering draft beer on the street in winter Yekaterinburg is an anecdotal idea.

In general, location largely determines whether your enterprise will be successful or not. A beer store must be connected to people. Expensive live beer is not only accepted in the bar itself, but is also bought to be enjoyed at home.

One more nuance - not always a large flow of people can give you a potential buyer. For example, the store is located near the metro or in the same shopping center. Yes, a person can come in and drink a glass of beer, but he would prefer to take the bottled beer sold nearby.

But own or rented premises are not always suitable for such a business. Firstly, you must have a second way out - these are fire safety requirements.

And, secondly, the presence of a toilet is mandatory - not only for the sake of the requirements of the sanitation station, but also for the convenience of clients. Otherwise, you also risk becoming an enemy of the residents of all the houses located nearby.

By the way, in the current conditions, many already equipped retail outlets will be closing, so I think there should not be any special problems with finding suitable premises. Most likely, the owners themselves will look for tenants.

Beer business – what documents are needed

– How many documents were required?

– When you first encounter such things, everything seems very difficult. In reality, it's not all that scary. You can prepare documents for opening a beer store yourself, or you can contact companies that offer assistance in these matters.

In this case, you will not only draw up a Charter, but also go through the full formalization procedure. What is required from the future business owner:

  • Go through the registration procedure for an enterprise or individual entrepreneur. Here the choice is yours, there are pros and cons in both cases, but it is better to base it on the tax rate. By the way, you can get advice either from the same Entrepreneurship Support Center or from the company that prepares the package of documents;
  • Open a bank account;
  • Conclude a rental agreement for the premises;
  • Purchase and register a cash register, enter into an agreement for its maintenance.
  • Obtain a trade permit from the trade department of the city or district administration;
  • Wait for the visit of firefighters and the sanitary and epidemiological station and get their signatures on the necessary documents.

Decoration, advertising, design of a draft beer store

– How did you resolve the issue of room decoration and advertising?

– Decorating a beer store is a very important stage. Simply arranging furniture and making cosmetic repairs is not enough. It is necessary to create a certain atmosphere; not only the comfort of visitors, but also how they will feel in your establishment depends on it.

Again, it is better to turn to specialists. Despite the fact that you will have to pay for their services, a professionally designed interior of a draft beer store will more than pay for itself.

It was a little easier for me in this matter - my wife, a designer by profession, helped. Before that, she looked at how beer store design is most often done; photos can be found in the portfolios of design companies.

The furniture was made to order according to our sketches. Finding a company that produces such things turned out to be quite easy, especially since the interior of a beer bar does not involve the use of expensive materials; the main requirement, in my opinion, is naturalness; the interior of a beer store will not require large investments.

You seriously need to think about what the name of the beer store will be. You can also study the signs of beer stores - there are quite a few photos on the Internet. You yourself understand that success will largely depend on the appearance of your establishment, on its attractiveness, especially in the first stages.

The most effective advertising move is outdoor advertising (back to the same signs) and advertising in the area where the store is located. Thematic design of the external display window and facade, the memorable bright name of the draft beer store, and bright lighting in the dark are effective.

Immediately after the opening, you can carry out “local” advertising, for example, distributing discount cards to the first visitors or residents of the area. By the way, the issue of discounts can be resolved in different ways.

We issue cards not based on the accumulation of a certain amount, but to clients in whom we feel “prospect”, thus turning them into regular visitors. You can come up with an original name for a discount card, for example, “card of a pleasant customer... for a good person...”, etc. This way our visitors receive not just a small saving, but also a good attitude towards the establishment itself.

The issue with advertising can be resolved with the help of the product supplier. Very often, distributors provide promotional products for free, including ashtrays and mug coasters (of which you need to stock up in large quantities - many visitors take them with them as souvenirs).

So we set up an open area with tables next to the store, and the sun and rain umbrellas were branded, with the manufacturer’s logos. We have exactly the same logos on window awnings and blinds.

By the way, this helped with solving the smoking issue. Many beer bars saw a significant drop in revenue after the ban on smoking in public places - it is customary for us to combine cigarettes and beer.

For us, this did not become a problem, because anyone in the summer can sit in an open area where smoking is allowed, and in the cold season they can simply go out here for a smoke break.

An oldie, but a great example: Miestins beer store chain

Assortment, equipment for a draft beer store

– Speaking of suppliers, where do you buy beer and how do you create your assortment?

– The assortment determines both the clientele and revenue. But, first of all, a lot depends on how much usable space you have. So, approximately, on 5 square meters you can install 6 taps, and on 10 square meters, respectively, 12.

Selling 20-25 varieties at one point is considered ideal. However, we settled on a slightly smaller quantity and now offer 15 different varieties.

It may not be profitable to increase your sales range too much. The fact is that we are selling a truly living product that spoils quite quickly.

And if you don’t sell it out on time, you’ll just have to throw out the beer.

Our store offers several domestic varieties, imported beer, with fairly well-promoted brands (many buyers do not want to experiment and prefer what they have heard of).

At the same time, you can buy beer from us that is rarely found anywhere - we found private small breweries and now they supply us with exclusive brands.

But we also have the most ordinary bottled beer, but not as a main product, but as an addition to the draft beer. And, of course, you must have a certain set of snacks.

Naturally, the beer business requires a large amount of equipment: refrigeration units, coolers, dispensers and towers, defoamers and much more.

At first we used the offer from beer suppliers.

They offered free equipment along with their goods. Renting beer store equipment is a good place to start.

But later it becomes not very convenient, since you have to create an assortment based only on what such a supplier offers.

As a result, we decided to purchase equipment for beer stores as our own. This required new investments, so we had to take out a loan again. But the second time the procedure was even easier.

We found a company that supplies any equipment for leasing, again turned to an already familiar company involved in drawing up business plans, and without any problems we received the necessary amount from the bank. Now we decide for ourselves what, when and how much to offer to our clients.

What is the best equipment to buy for a beer store?

– How was the issue with personnel resolved?

– This is one of the difficulties for any beginning businessman. At first it seems that it would be best to hire someone you have known for a long time, friends or even relatives.

But almost immediately you realize that nothing good will come from such an undertaking. Almost every one of these “workers” considers himself entitled to violate discipline, take time off from work, or ask for an increase in salary.

Another problem is the request to hire a son, nephew, son-in-law, or just a good friend. But what about it? If one of your friends or relatives works for you, then why can’t the rest?

At the same time, almost none of those with whom I started knew the specifics of the business, did not know how to communicate with visitors or handle equipment, although working in a draft beer store requires a certain approach.

As a result, almost all the staff changed during the year, and now I have experienced bartenders and waiters. Special advanced training courses, where employees receive the necessary knowledge and skills, are very helpful.

Beer store business plan for 2015, is it needed?

I started the business a year ago and, naturally, the prices were completely different then. But you can roughly calculate how much it will cost to open a beer store in 2015. In many ways, the amount of investment depends on the city in which you will open, on the rental price, on existing demand and other factors.

I’ll give you the numbers I came across myself:

Renting the premises cost one and a half thousand rubles per square meter, in addition, we had to invest in turning the premises into a beer store: decoration, signage, etc. - all this cost a little more than 100 thousand rubles.

At first, as I already said, we rented equipment for the beer store from a supplier, but furniture for visitors, a counter, and other parts had to be made to order - about 80 thousand.

You should immediately take into account wages; they will have to be paid even before receiving at least some income. The staff can be calculated from the available amount. By the way, it’s worth deciding how you will pay your employees and whether their earnings depend on sales volume. Naturally, I did not take into account tips - this is their personal income.

It is impossible to start without goods, and no one will give a trade loan to a start-up enterprise, so, at a minimum, count another 80-100 thousand.

In addition, it is better to pay for a business plan, legal services, etc. – 25-30 thousand rubles.

Of course, there will be other costs that may seem small, but add up to a significant amount. As a result, opening a business cost me about 500 thousand rubles.

Reading reviews on the Internet from owners of draft beer stores, I found out that in smaller cities it is quite possible to invest 250-300 thousand (with a small area and a small number of staff), and in Moscow it is advisable to have about 1-1.5 million on hand.

Now about what worries anyone who opens a draft beer store – profit

The markup on expensive imported beer is approximately 30%; on domestic beer it can reach up to 100%. On average, the price increase for a beer keg is no less than 2 thousand rubles, and in terms of per liter – 60-250 rubles in income per liter.

Monthly costs are approximately 250 thousand rubles (it is impossible to say exactly, it depends on many factors). That is, in order to recoup the business, you need to earn at least 9 thousand rubles a day. With a minimum order of 300 rubles (and it is usually higher), 30 buyers are enough. This is quite a bit, you will agree.

It’s also worth considering that we are, in a sense, a seasonal business – in the summer people drink more beer. But if you can create a pleasant atmosphere in the room, and the drink itself is of really high quality, then the winter decline in buyers will be almost unnoticeable.

– Sergey, as I understand, you are pleased with the result. Is there a desire to expand or, perhaps, new ideas have appeared?

- There are ideas. And I’m also thinking about expanding my business. The plans include creating a small beer restaurant with its own brewery. We ourselves will be able to produce those drinks that will be in demand and create a menu for them.

Another idea is an online store of draft beer. In addition to the fact that this can become an additional source of income, it is also quite possible to create a beer business forum, advertise promotions in draft beer stores, and promote a particular brand. In addition, the forum provides an opportunity to receive reviews, suggestions, etc. for our beer business.

I am sure that I will succeed. In just a year, I gained a lot of experience and learned so much about beer and running a business that it’s just a shame that all this knowledge did not remain unused.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 15 minutes


The fact that beer is still popular in Russia has long been beyond any doubt. Moreover, its popularity is steadily growing. Moreover, many fans of this foamy drink prefer the draft version, choosing it for its natural taste and quality. Opening a store where you can buy beer on tap is a good business idea with the prospect of a stable income.

First steps to open a draft beer store. Conducting marketing research

Any business starts with marketing research , that is, the assortment is analyzed, possible competitors are studied, and a suitable location for the store is selected.

Regarding the assortment

There are two types of draft beer.

Beer trading can be successful if it is available for sale at least seven types of drink . It’s good if there is an equal proportion of light and dark, plus two varieties of imported product.

Adds variety unfiltered beer . Nowadays there are more and more lovers cider, mead, cherry beer . These drinks can also be added to the assortment, thereby replenishing the ranks of buyers with representatives of the fair sex.

And, of course, beer related products : dried and dried fish of various varieties, salted nuts and other snacks.

There was great demand for opening such outlets in Russia during the crisis years of 2008-2009, when citizens who had lost their jobs decided to start their own business. And, I must say, many have succeeded in this.


Who would be a likely competitor for a draft beer store?

  1. Firstly, similar shops located nearby, as well as supermarkets and shopping centers.
  2. Secondly, nearby bars, restaurants, cafes and other establishments where they can offer beer products. All of them, to one degree or another, will help reduce the retail outlet’s turnover, so it is important to assess the level of competition in advance.

Choosing a location for a store

Undoubtedly, the correct choice of store location is one of the most influential factors on the profitability of a given business.

First of all, It is necessary to remember about “restricted areas” , where it is prohibited to sell or advertise alcoholic beverages, including beer. These include educational institutions and sports institutions, public catering establishments and medical organizations.

Typically, local legislation sets the rules for the sale of beer.

Human flow also an important aspect for the profitability of the chosen business. What affects store traffic? This is the number of people living within the coverage radius of a retail outlet (R=400 meters) and passing or driving past it.

  1. In the first case This means residential areas.
  2. In the second It is important to take into account the proximity to any transport hub, the location near a train station, a busy intersection, a market, as well as the availability of parking.

The business center is considered a bad place , remote from apartment buildings and private houses. And this is understandable, because live beer is purchased for leisurely home consumption, and not for drinking at work. As a last resort, in the city center or near a metro station you can buy a bottled version of the drink or visit a bar with a beer selection, where there are cozy tables and helpful staff.

At the same time, residential building (ground floor or basement) - also not the best option. The store will be located too close to courtyard benches and garages, which beer lovers often use as a bar and toilet. All this will not contribute to good relations between the residents of this house and the store owner.

Requirements and list of documents for opening a draft beer store in Russia

Services implementing sanitary control and fire safety take into account a list of basic requirements for a store selling draft beer.

List of documentation required to open a beer store in the Russian Federation:

  • A document confirming the registration of a citizen as an individual entrepreneur or LLC.
  • Premises rental agreement or ownership documents.
  • Documentary confirmation that the cash register has been registered with the tax authorities.
  • The conclusion received from the SES and the State Fire Supervision about the compliance of this premises with all sanitary and fire standards, that it is suitable for selling beer on tap.
  • Conclusion issued by Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Employment contracts concluded with employees and their health records.
  • License to sell alcohol.
  • For street trading, written consent of local authorities is required, for the location of a retail outlet in a shopping center - permission to sell beer there.

Costs and calculation of profitability of a key draft beer store + ready-made business plan

First of all, it is necessary to determine and calculate all expense items of the future business. It is important to find out how much money you should have to open a point and what your monthly expenses will be.

Expenses for renting premises

This is one of the main expense items. To sell 10 to 15 beers on tap would require approximately 20 square meters area . The cost of renting it in each region is different, on average it is - 80 thousand rubles. monthly.

Equipment purchase costs

This is the second, no less important expense item. Although it can be reduced to a minimum if the supplier offers to use the equipment for free or rents it out.

However, for a store focused on long-term activities, it is better to purchase equipment. To buy it you need to spend not less than 200 thousand rubles .

This price will include:

  • beer cooler,
  • stand for placing filling taps,
  • counter,
  • kegs (stainless steel containers for transporting beer),
  • beer column,
  • refrigerators,
  • showcase for related products.

Probably needed air conditioning, several tables and a stereo system , which will allow customers to drink a glass of beer right in the store.

Any equipment will require monthly maintenance or repair; this is the only way to ensure the safety of the product and uninterrupted operation. Therefore, it is recommended to immediately lay expenses for paying a specialist , preferably monthly.

Costs for the purchase of beer and related products

Must be spent monthly on average 200 thousand rubles. for the purchase of beer and goods that accompany it (fish, chips, nuts). But the initial costs will be higher than in the future.

In the winter months this amount is much less, and in the summer months it is more, because beer is a seasonal product. The average will be used for calculations.

This is also an important expense item. Advertising will convey information about the new beer store to a potential client through a bright, attractive sign, flyers, Internet resource .

Of course, the most effective advertising is the impeccable operation of the store and its high attendance by regular customers. But all this is in the future, when buyers appear. To begin with, advertising costs will amount to 70 thousand rubles. and more.

What the interior of the store will be like depends on the owner’s imagination. The renovation of the store and its design will require not less than 90 thousand rubles.

Personnel costs

The salary of 2 sellers will be monthly 135 thousand rubles. , and accountant services - not less than 15 thousand rubles. , total - 150 thousand rubles.

Utility bills, taxes, social services. deductions and other expenses

Social contributions will be 20 thousand rubles. , taxes will be added 45 thousand rubles . It will take on average to pay for utilities 15 thousand rubles.

Don't forget about the cost of registration, as well as a license to sell beer. This is still 45 thousand rubles. to initial costs.

How much income can be obtained from sales?

If we take into account that the markup for imported products is up to 40%, and for domestic products it is 100%, and this is the main assortment, then with properly organized work of the store you can earn an income of 25 thousand rubles per day, and per month - 750 thousand rubles.

It is important to take into account one nuance - do not buy beer for future use. After all, its shelf life is very short, for some varieties it is no more than 5 days. If during this time the drink is not sold, then the remainder can be safely attributed to losses.

Calculation of economic indicators

Costs to start a business will amount to 965 thousand rubles

  • Rent— 160 thousand rubles. (in two months).
  • Equipment— 200 thousand rubles.
  • Required documents— 45 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of goods— 400 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising, design, repair— 160 thousand rubles.

Current monthly expenses will be 530 thousand rubles

  • Rent— 80 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of goods— 200 thousand rubles.
  • Salary payments— 150 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising, design— 15 thousand rubles.
  • Taxes and other deductions— 65 thousand rubles.
  • Payment of utilities— 15 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses— 5 thousand rubles.

The amount of net profit taking into account monthly costs will be 220 thousand rubles .

Thus, the store covers the initial investment in four to five months. This indicator characterizes a beer store in no other way than highly profitable business .

How to properly organize the work of staff in a draft beer store?

Should work in a medium sized store 2 sellers , changing each other. Duration of each shift - half a day or a day .

You can hire a security guard and a person responsible for the cleanliness of the premises, but usually sellers handle these functions.

Accounting is carried out directly by the owner of the establishment or uses accounting services during the reporting period.

The seller's responsibilities include: monitor the quality of the goods sold, monitor the proper operation of the equipment, and keep it clean. Hoses are washed daily, devices - every month using special solutions.

In addition, one should not forget about unit maintenance every month and annual maintenance (repair).

Cleanliness of the store and area around is also the responsibility of the seller.

To stop the possibility of theft in the bud, every day during shift change reporting is compiled , which indicates the volume of beer sold and its remaining balance. The permissible shortage for a point selling 10 types of beer products is 3 liters per working day.

Is a draft beer store profitable? Owner reviews about payback

Beer store owners definitely talk about profitability of this enterprise , if you take this issue seriously.

A lot depends on the correct choice of point. In second place is the quality of the beer offered and its range. And then the professionalism of the sellers comes into play, that is, the selection of personnel cannot be treated casually.

If these conditions are met, any beer store will pay for itself, if not in three, then in six months.

Opening of a draft beer store. Frequently asked questions from aspiring entrepreneurs and answers from business gurus

  1. Firstly, carry out advertising events within the legal framework, organize a clearly visible, attention-grabbing sign, distribution of flyers and advertising booklets (in the store), an advertising banner located near the entrance to the store.
  2. Secondly, set lower prices (at least as part of a promotion) than competitors, and always provide high-quality products. This will attract customers, and the effectiveness of word-of-mouth advertising can hardly be overestimated.

What is the best way to design a draft beer store? Interior and exterior design ideas

The store should be designed in such a way as to make customers feel comfortable.

  • Dimensions of the sales area should not be very small (after all, this is not a reserved seat carriage), and not too large (as, say, in a banquet hall).
  • Arrange display cases it is necessary so that the buyer has the opportunity to freely approach them and examine the products.
  • Definitely needed written information about the available types of beer with a brief description of each (this is for those clients who do not want or are not in the mood for communication).

The interior of the premises usually reflects the personality of a particular retail outlet.

  • Quite often beer stores decorated with wood , starting from walls, kegs, and ending with furniture.
  • Widely applicable Irish pub style . The combination of a brick structure with wooden cladding always looks interesting.

You can come up with a special design that is unique.

In this material:

Understanding how to open a beer outlet from scratch, it should be noted that this is a very profitable and profitable business with fairly low “start-up” costs. The only problems that a novice businessman will have to face are the legal registration (obtaining a license to sell alcohol) of the facility. How long will all this take? How much money do you need for a “startup?” Where should we start? Let's look at a sample business plan for a beer kiosk.

Preliminary cost and initial calculation

A rough calculation indicates that opening a beer outlet from scratch will require from 150 to 600 thousand rubles. The final amount is affected by:

  • the number of planned varieties of beer that will be sold;
  • location of the point;
  • area of ​​rented or purchased premises;
  • additional expenses (purchase of a cash register, display case, marketing promotion).

And you need to take into account that beer can only be sold under a license, which is issued by government agencies. You can get it by contacting the tax office (after registering the company), although it is much easier and faster to hire lawyers who will deal with this issue for a small fee. This will save 2 to 4 weeks of precious time, when you can already establish trading. And there is the concept of a license for retail and wholesale trade. To open a regular retail outlet, you will need one that concerns retail sales.

It is also important where the retail outlet is located. The final profit depends on the number of visitors. If the premises are located in an uninhabited place, then you will have to invest many times more in advertising. But it is still more profitable to rent a commercially profitable territory. You will have to pay significantly more for it, but the excess profit will cover this.

Regarding equipment: this is the simplest topic. Typically, everything you need can either be purchased or rented from a supplier. We are talking about kegs, containers, defoamers, etc. If you buy all this separately, then the costs will increase by 100-150 thousand rubles. However, after this you don’t have to worry about paying rent. By collaborating with a “convenient” supplier, you don’t even have to worry about storing beer. It can be ordered in small quantities, purchasing additional delivery “if necessary.” The drink is delivered as quickly as possible. By the way, as practice shows, it is recommended to sell both draft and bottled beer at the same time: it will be more profitable!

Start of activity

One of the most important events is the opening of a beer outlet. It is at this moment that many evaluate the service, the taste of beer and decide for themselves whether they will visit this establishment again. For this, at the very beginning you should take care of everything, introduce some profitable or promotional offers, massively distribute flyers entitling you to a discount, etc. During this period, the retail outlet may even operate at a loss, but this is part of the marketing promotion . But in the future, the profit will be impulse and you won’t have to worry about the influx of customers. Aggressive advertising is also not required. As practice shows, it always negatively affects the reputation, and even regulars of the establishment will refuse to visit it again.

An important factor is the assortment offered to the buyer. The larger it is, the more interesting it is to be in the establishment. Therefore, it is necessary to diversify the offer, and in the future, create the main “price” from the best-selling product.

Naturally, the beer outlet should also sell beer snacks, so an additional refrigerator (industrial type) is purchased. The entrepreneur will be obliged to monitor the quality of the goods sold, which will again be checked by the sanitary and epidemiological station (with a warning about the planned inspection).

Obtaining a license and trade permit

If you are interested in obtaining a license and permit to trade, then you need to start by visiting the tax office and registering an individual entrepreneur. All this will take up to 20-30 working days.

Since the activity is related to the retail trade of alcohol, a cash register will be required.

Only after registration of an individual entrepreneur is documentation for obtaining a license submitted. To do this, you will need an extract from the Unified State Register, a certificate from the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations, a certificate of ownership (or a lease agreement for commercial real estate), an application, and a certificate of registration of a cash register. In addition to all this, you need to pay the state fee for the license. By the way, it is issued for 2.5 years. The requirements for an entrepreneur are the presence of a premises of more than 20 sq.m., where sales will take place.

Production and registration of a license takes from 8 to 12 working days. After receiving it, you can start trading according to the established rules. Before this, the premises are checked by the sanitary and epidemiological station for compliance with the requirements. For example, if the rented premises are located on the territory of an educational institution, then its activities will be prohibited.

If an entrepreneur plans to engage in wholesale trade (for example, he is a manufacturer of a beer drink), then we are talking about a different form of license. The principle for obtaining it is similar, but it is issued for 5 years. Plus, all equipment used in production must also be registered. The entrepreneur will have to pay an annual excise tax for the wholesale sale of alcohol.

If a license is not obtained or its validity period has expired, the sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited. And, it is worth noting, violation of this rule is punishable by a fairly large fine. In some cases, it is possible to initiate a criminal case.

Investments: Investments 300,000 - 4,000,000 rubles.

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