Tr 3b aircraft. Technical data of wagons

Former US intelligence officer Robert Hanks, who became famous for his sensational confessions about the existence of secret materials confirming the connection of current world leaders with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations, presented another sensation to the media.

So, in an interview with the British edition of the Mirror, Robert Hanks reported on the fact that in the spring of 2014 the US Army used its top-secret TR-3B Astra aircraft directly in combat conditions. The event in question took place near the city of Asadabad in Afghanistan. The aircraft attacked Taliban positions.

Hanks claims that the top-secret aircraft of the Aurora project TR-3B Astra is not something fantastic, but has existed in reality for a long time. Combat air car used by US intelligence agencies.

According to Hanks, the TR-3B Astra aircraft was often seen by eyewitnesses and even filmed in various parts of the Earth, however, positioning it as an unidentified flying object. TR-3B has powerful searchlights in the corners, and a large lantern is located in the center (quite often it is the searchlights and the lantern that are perceived by eyewitnesses as a UFO).

Robert Hanks is sure that all the technologies that were used to create the TR-3B Astra aircraft of the Aurora project, including electronic warfare jamming, were received by representatives of the US government from one of the extraterrestrial civilizations back in 1998. The capabilities of the aircraft and its technical characteristics are more than impressive. It develops the speed of light, which no other terrestrial apparatus is capable of developing, while the aircraft easily performs the most complex maneuvers and is able to fly into space. TR-3B Astra is almost impossible to fix on the radar. Any spy plane needs camouflage, the Astra has a unique opportunity to disguise itself like a chameleon under the sky. The main power source of the secret aircraft is supposed to be a nuclear engine (modified), and the dimensions of the triangular apparatus allow this.

Pilots TR-3B Astra are able to safely endure simply incredible acceleration up to 40 Gs, through the use of an MFD generator that creates the effect of an 89 percent loss of gravity.

to the information it conveys former employee American intelligence services in old age, the attitude is not unambiguous. At first glance, it is impossible to take seriously the words of a person who talks a lot and does not provide material evidence, but ...

In the spring of 2014, a video was posted on the Youtube fideohosting, which depicted the fact of a powerful strike on the positions of the Taliban by a mysterious object that looked like a TR-3B Astra. The event took place in the aforementioned Afghan city of Asadabad, and the video was captioned of a UFO striking.

Photos from open sources

In the video at the very end of the article, you can see the night flight of a mysterious object over St. Petersburg, a plane very similar to a top-secret one. aircraft United States codenamed TR-3B Astra. Moreover, this flight is allegedly interrupted, which is why the conspiracy theorists concluded that the scout was shot down Russian system air defense. (site)

Whether the United States even has such an aircraft, no one really knows, but conspiracy theorists have been talking about it since the 90s of the last century. During this time, a lot of evidence has accumulated from various kinds of insiders of the famous American base "Zone-51", and then photo and video materials (see the video below) about this mysterious aircraft, which, by the way, can hardly be called an aircraft.

What specifically is known about the TR-3B? This is a triangular apparatus, very similar to alien UFOs (which is why there is an opinion that the Americans just stole the technology of such devices from aliens). At the corners of this device is a magnetic field interrupter (MFD) filled with plasma capable of creating vortex fields, thanks to which the TR-3B can fly (both quickly and slowly - practically glide above the ground, and silently), instantly change the direction of flight when any speed (just like a UFO), disappear from view and much more. In a word, fantasy, not a machine.

Photos from open sources

TR-3B was seen by hundreds of people, and most often the mysterious device appears in the "hot spots" of the planet, but it was noticed both in the USA and in Russia. Here is how a resident of Sakhalin describes, for example, this meeting:

A mysterious triangular apparatus flew over the sea. Lights were flashing in the corners, a UFO (presumably an American secret TR-3B) was flying completely silently, and rather slowly - doing no more than 60-70 kilometers per hour. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera with me while I ran home to get it, the TR-3B was gone. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke weed, I don’t even indulge in coffee, so I saw all this in my right mind and solid memory. The US military seems to have a second similar thing, called the Big Black Delta - a big black delta. But I haven't even seen it in pictures...

There are many such messages on the Internet (most often in the English-speaking segment of the World Wide Web). But here’s what’s surprising: when they appear, even on some godforsaken forums or on video hosting with scanty attendance, someone immediately starts trolling them hard, accusing the author of a fake, advising him to rub his eyes or attach to a photo and video camera glasses. And this one is weird...

TR-3B Astra over Russia

The video considered here (at the very end) was made surprisingly not by foreigners, but by residents of St. Petersburg. What is unusual in this case?

A clearly triangular object with MFD breakers flashing at the end, like the TR-3B. It flies very slowly and silently. Moreover, the lights begin to flash somehow out of sync, and then one goes completely out, which makes it possible to make the assumption that the device is influenced from the outside, say, by electromagnetic air defense guns of Russia.

Some Western conspiracy theorists have suggested that this may be some kind of secret Russian project, but this is unlikely: why should the Russian military test something over a metropolis, as if we have few territories for such tasks? And here is the American reconnaissance apparatus could well fly into the territory of Russia and then fail.

But the hopes of some conspiracy theorists to wait for the continuation of this story can be called naive: neither the Americans, nor even the Russian military, will ever report anything about this to the general public. And if the air defense of Russia is aliens - even more so ...

TR-3B Astra is a secret development of tactical reconnaissance aircraft. Most often, it is perceived as a UFO of a triangular shape due to the fact that the power plant of this aircraft is essentially a generator of a powerful magnetic vortex field and the light flux periodically emitted by this generator is perceived by outside observers as unearthly and inhuman.

This creates the effect of an incredible lightness of the ship and allows it to maneuver and absolutely exceed technical specifications all built aircraft. The cockpit of the TR-3B Astra is surrounded by a kind of ring particle accelerator, which is ahead of all conceivable technologies of our time. The main goal and feature of such an installation is to generate a powerful magnetic vortex field, which, partially (up to 90%) or completely, neutralizes the effect of gravity on the mass of the apparatus itself. Astra pilots are able to safely endure accelerations up to 40 Gs, since the 89% loss of gravity effect provided by the MFD generator makes it the same for the human body as 4.2 Gs under normal conditions.

The ring accelerator uses mercury in operation and rotates at a speed of about 60,000 revolutions per minute. The main source of power on the TR-3B is a modified nuclear engine, and the dimensions of the flying triangle allow this.

The outer coating of the TR-3B responds to electrical stimulation, so to speak, which can cause the aircraft to change color.

As described above, in the center of the case of this fantastic device is the so-called magnetic field interrupter MFD, in which mercury plasma circulates, creating the effect of gravitational breakdown. The most complex aircraft propulsion system, which also includes liquid-propellant engines operating on liquefied oxygen and hydrogen, was created by Rockwell. This firm has always been distinguished by original designs, the most famous of which is the B-2 Spirit strategic "invisible" bomber.
Until now, despite the fact that aviation publications have published far from one photo of the TR-3B, on official level their very existence is not confirmed.

“It was divine again to soar silently over the Atlantic, surrounded by a sea of ​​raging plasma, knowing that you are invisible and inaccessible to anyone ... Only the whistle of the cooling of the nuclear reactor and the exchange of remarks of the crew members broke the heavenly silence and the grandeur of the flight ...”

I will repent, I came up with it myself, inspired, you know ...

The past week was marked, in general, by a common event for us: one of the former commentators, foaming at the mouth, argued that all our attempts to create the T-50 are simply nothing, because the Americans already have a miracle, before which everything fades . And which is already successfully used in terms of combat use.

"Ingenious Engineer" (as it was written in the profile) was removed, but we were interested in this miracle. Moreover, the one who stands up for the fact that “we are forever behind” left its name.

So, TR-3B Astra. A super-aircraft that has no equal and which has already fought in Afghanistan and Syria.

There are a lot of things on the Internet about this miracle, from photos and videos to some drawings with detailed explanations of "how it works."

All this cuisine is really exclusively for people with a strong psyche. So we take something to strengthen the psyche and plunge into the world of super-technologies of the future.

In general, all sources are divided into two groups: those who are “not sure” and those who “know everything”.

A bright representative of the insecure is, oddly enough, Wikipedia. The most adequate source, which mentions this crap.

"Aurora - supposed US Strategic Intelligence Officer, probably, capable of suborbital flight at hypersonic speeds and using stealth technology.

Presumably, an aircraft developed under the Aurora project in the 1980s and 1990s, has since been tested and participated in operations as a replacement for the SR-71 Blackbird, decommissioned in 1998, however no evidence of existence aircraft from reliable sources not received. Government and US Department of Defense deny the existence of such an aircraft in their arsenal.

Pay attention to the number of words "alleged", "probably" and so on? However, for the confident "experts" of the Runet, Wiki has never been an authority (quite rightly), so there, in the depths of the inflamed desire to collect likes, you can find simply masterpiece descriptions of the unit from the future.

“The aircraft, codenamed TR-3B Astra, is a secret development of US tactical intelligence. The first reconnaissance flight was conducted in the early 1990s. It is actually an aerospace platform, 182 meters long and 98 meters wide. Most often, this device is perceived as a UFO of a triangular shape due to the fact that the power plant of this aircraft is essentially a generator of a powerful magnetic vortex field, and outside observers perceive the light flux periodically emitted by this generator as unearthly, inhuman. Their state-of-the-art propulsion system allows them to hover for long periods of time and is completely silent.”

Appreciated? Liked? So do I. My education is clearly not enough to evaluate, so I turned to a familiar specialist in the field of physics. Something seemed to me so that a powerful magnetic vortex field and streams of light is too much. Yes, if we talk about phenomena like the aurora borealis, everything is fine here. It is the passage of charged particles through the Earth's magnetic field that generates light phenomena at the poles of the planet. But then, as it were, solar activity, and here flying horseradish. The specialist, in fact, confirmed my doubts, albeit in somewhat unflattering terms.

“Aurora program devices are of nine types and have sizes from 36 to 600 meters. The National Security Agency, NRO, CIA, and US Air Force played a game of modifications to the vehicle, creating the TR-3A, TR-3B, and Teir 2, 3, and 4, with "+" or "-" prefixes. This was done for confusion, in order to hide the fact that these names hide completely different aircraft, and not just modifications. For example, TR-3B is as similar to TR-3A as a banana is to a grape. Some of these vehicles are piloted by a crew, while others are drones.”

“It is believed that 24 of these aircraft were produced, for which between 10 and 24 billion dollars were spent. Until now, despite the fact that aviation publications have published far from one photo of the TR-3A, their very existence is not officially confirmed at the official level. It is possible that this is due to the fact that after the Pentagon gave preference to the use of small reconnaissance satellites, some of these machines were disposed of, and taxpayers' money was buried in the ground.

O! And it turns out that not idiots are sitting in the Pentagon, it turns out ... They drank - and into the ground. Well done.

In fact, photographs of superletters appear from time to time on the pages of "authoritative" publications. Like this one here:

Horror? Yep... It's actually an F-14 tumbled into the water with a photoshopped clutch basket from a car. The rest of the pictures are no better.

"The cockpit of the TR-3B Astra is surrounded some semblance a ring particle accelerator that is ahead of every conceivable technology of our time. The main goal and feature of such an installation is to generate a powerful magnetic vortex field, which partially (up to 90%) or completely neutralizes the effect of gravity on the mass of the apparatus itself.

The outer coating of the TR-3B reacts to electrical stimuli, as a result of which the device can change its color.

The old Soviet cartoon "The Secret of the Third Planet" immediately came to mind. “Would you like me to hit him and he will turn speckled purple?”

I wonder why these "electrochromatic panels" that change color when exposed to electricity? I'm at a loss, to be honest.

But "something like" a ring particle accelerator - it's strong! I would like to say about the presence of a certain semblance of a thinking apparatus at the top of the body of the writer.

“The ring accelerator (“magnetic field interrupter”, or “MFD”), surrounding the cockpit, is filled with plasma, which is capable of creating magnetic vortex fields. This accelerator uses mercury, which is subjected to a pressure of 250,000 atmospheres at a temperature of 150 degrees Kelvin (approximately 66 degrees Celsius) and accelerates to 50-60 thousand revolutions per minute, which makes it possible to obtain superconducting plasma.”

No, it's amazing! To shove a certain bandura in front of which our accelerator in Dubna is like a Zaporozhets in front of BelAZ, spin the plasma there, which was washed down from mercury under a pressure of 250,000 atmospheres !!!

Russians, penetrated? Penetrate until this thing, which changes color and is invisible to radar, has not appeared over your city. For in this case, you will need to hurry. No, not in a bomb shelter, but in the nearest psychiatric hospital. Only there is salvation.

Although some of us have already seen it. Countrywide. From the Far East to St. Petersburg.

By the way, what is the dream of the Dubna physicists fueled by?

"The main power source on the TR-3B is a modified nuclear engine."

Wu! Not just a nuclear engine, but a modernized one! Apparently, I missed something, and the country, which is still buying RD-180s from its eastern partners for its flights, has not only invented its own nuclear engine, but also managed to modernize it ...

And I thought that the first and so far the last nuclear engine was made and even tested with us ... To be specific - in KBKhA, in Voronezh. But this is completely different.

RD-0410 (also known as Irgit and IR-100) is the first and only Soviet nuclear rocket engine. It was developed in the design bureau "Khimavtomatika", Voronezh.

In RD-0410, a heterogeneous thermal neutron reactor was used, zirconium hydride served as a moderator, neutron reflectors were made of beryllium, nuclear fuel- material based on uranium and tungsten carbides enriched in the 235 isotope by about 80%. The design included 37 fuel assemblies covered with thermal insulation separating them from the moderator. The design provided that the hydrogen flow first passed through the reflector and moderator, maintaining their temperature at room temperature, and then entered core, where it cooled the fuel assemblies, heating up to 3100 K. At the stand, the reflector and moderator were cooled by a separate hydrogen flow.

The reactor went through a significant series of tests, but was never tested for the full duration of operation. The extra-reactor nodes were fully worked out.

Where are we to the States, right?

In general, it’s not worth taking apart the uber-flyer further. And it is so clear that all this nonsense is for people with a weak psyche. Well, for those who want to make money on fakes on the Internet. Like, for example, the "work" of the flying triangle in 2014 in Afghanistan.

It is impossible to call a video that has collected a mullion of views on YouTube anything other than a well-bundled fake. Although the uber-flying was very professionally shoved there. But there are also nuances. If you watch it in slow motion, it's quite normal to see that when the camera jumps to one side, the crap in the sky follows it. Plus flashes from "shots" for some reason are not accompanied by any sounds.

Apparently, there were titanium hypersonic crowbars in action. Silent and destroying everything in its path.

All clear. It is not entirely clear that this brew is for some reason taken seriously by our readers. Well, okay, just readers who gave pluses to the author of the comments. But when a person begins to cite this nonsense as an argument when discussing our developments - excuse me here.

Yes, there is no clause in the rules that says that a ban is put for demonstrating deviations. It's like behind the scenes. In the rank of trolling and provocation.

Even our great leader said that one should not succumb to provocations. So don't give in. Do not get fooled by everything that is written on the Internet. You never know what they say there ... Not everything can be trusted (c) ...

It's a pity, of course, that I will never get to know these guys from the US Air Force, who flew on an airplane (sorry, aerospace platform) with a nuclear engine surrounded by a cyclotron with mercury plasma.

I would bow to ask for an autograph. And he asked, what about the testicles - should I have titanium or tungsten ones?

People, be vigilant and take care of your psyche!

The fact that the US government and the Pentagon intend to launch a program to develop a hypersonic strategic reconnaissance aircraft that will replace the Lockheed SR-71 (US Air Force strategic supersonic reconnaissance aircraft operated from 1964 to 1998) was discussed in America's aerospace circles back in the second half of the seventies years.

Soon the Aurora program was launched. Funding for the development of a new aircraft that could develop an amazing speed of up to 6M was carried out from the so-called "black accounts" of the US budget. However, it is known that the design of the SR-91 Aurora, also known as the TR-3A, was spent 455 million dollars in 1985, and by 1987 the total cost of its development was 2.3 billion dollars. . Two years later, the new machine was first tested in the air.

It is believed that 24 such aircraft were produced, for which between 10 and 24 billion dollars were spent. Until now, despite the fact that aviation publications have published far from one photo of the TR-3A, their very existence is not officially confirmed at the official level. It is possible that this is due to the fact that after the Pentagon gave preference to the use of small reconnaissance satellites, some of these machines were disposed of, and taxpayers' money was buried in the ground.

There is an assumption that the technologies used in the Aurora program were obtained from aliens, or copied from crashed UFOs.

Model TR-3B Astra

The aircraft, codenamed TR-3B Astra, is a secret development of US tactical intelligence. The first reconnaissance flight was conducted in the early 1990s. It is actually an aerospace platform, 182 meters long and 98 meters wide. Most often, this device is perceived as a UFO of a triangular shape due to the fact that the power plant of this aircraft is essentially a generator of a powerful magnetic vortex field, and outside observers perceive the light flux periodically emitted by this generator as unearthly, inhuman. Their ultra-modern propulsion system allows you to soar for a long time and completely silently.

The Aurora program vehicles come in nine types and range in size from 36 to 600 meters. Control Homeland Security, the NRO, the CIA, and the US Air Force played a game of vehicle modifications, creating the TR-3A, TR-3B, and Teir 2, 3, and 4, with "+" or "-" prefixes. This was done for confusion, in order to hide the fact that these names hide completely different aircraft, and not just modifications. For example, TR-3B is as similar to TR-3A as a banana is to a grape. Some of these vehicles are piloted by a crew, while others are drones.

In the center of the triangular, with rounded corners of the TR-ZV body, there is a round rotating cockpit. The cockpit of the TR-3B Astra is surrounded by a kind of ring particle accelerator, which is ahead of all conceivable modern technologies. The main goal and feature of such an installation is to generate a powerful magnetic vortex field, which partially (up to 90%) or completely neutralizes the effect of gravity on the mass of the apparatus itself.

The outer coating of the TR-3B reacts to electrical stimuli, causing the device to change color.

The ring accelerator ("magnetic field interrupter" or "MFD") surrounding the cockpit is filled with plasma, which is capable of creating magnetic vortex fields. This accelerator uses mercury, which is subjected to a pressure of 250,000 atmospheres at a temperature of 150 degrees Kelvin (approximately 66 degrees Celsius) and accelerates to 50-60 thousand revolutions per minute, which makes it possible to obtain a super-conducting plasma.

The essence in general terms can be understood as follows: charged particles moving along the ring act as a current, which in turn creates a magnetic field around the ring. It's a well known fact that electrons (or ions) tend to spiral around magnetic field lines. In other words, the charged particles end up moving in much the same pattern as the current on a wire wrapped tightly around a toroidal core. According to this principle, a plasma moving in a circle creates a magnetic field around itself.

The TR-3B's primary power source is a modified nuclear engine. To obtain a super-conductive plasma that reduces the effect of gravity, a magnetic field is created in the form of a funnel, which neutralizes the effect of gravity on the mass within the influence of the accelerating ring, thereby reducing the effect of the Earth's gravitational field on the device. The mass of the accelerator itself, as well as the mass of the pilot capsule, aircraft equipment, fuel, atmospheric system of the crew and nuclear reactor— are reduced by 89%.

This creates the effect of an incredible lightness of the ship and allows it to easily maneuver and get incredible performance characteristics. Astra pilots are able to safely endure acceleration up to 40G, since the 89% loss of gravity effect provided by the MFD generator makes it the same for the human body as 4.2G under normal conditions.

With a mass reduced by 89%, the device can move at a speed exceeding the speed of sound by 9 times, move vertically or horizontally. The characteristics of the machine are limited only by physical loads on the body of the device. 3 rocket engines operate on only 11% of the total weight of the TR-3B.

Propulsion is provided by 3 multi-mode thermo-rocket engines installed in each corner of the base of the triangular platform. These three engines use either hydrogen or a mixture of methane and oxygen as fuel. The reactor heats liquid hydrogen and ejects liquid oxygen into an ultra-velocity nozzle. So hydrogen burns simultaneously with liquid oxygen in the afterburner. The multi-mode thrust system can operate in any layer of the atmosphere using the thrust of a hydrogen reactor, and in orbit using the combined force of hydrogen and oxygen.

The most complex aircraft propulsion system, which also includes liquid-propellant engines operating on liquefied oxygen and hydrogen, was created by Rockwell. This firm has always been distinguished by original designs, the most famous of which is the B-2 Spirit strategic stealth bomber (Lockheed SR-71).

Eyewitness accounts in Russia

I live in Sakhalin. I saw a similar machine. He flew over the sea. I don’t remember what color the lights are in the corners, but orange in the center. It flew silently. Distance is difficult to determine. Speed ​​about 60-70 km/h. While running after the camera, he flew away. It didn’t seem exactly, because in a sober mind and a solid memory, I don’t drink alcohol at all. The Americans seem to have another similar thing, called BBD (Big Black Delta) - a big black delta.

We have a strategic aviation airfield in the Far East, not far from the city where I live. Four-engine bombers often fly there. So, one night I saw the following picture: at a fairly low altitude and low speed, this bomber flew right over my house, and next to it, almost into the wing, something that looked like a triangular object was flying. Slightly larger than a bomber. It was dark, so even the silhouettes were hard to see, but illumination! If on the plane the side lights looked familiar - blue and red on the wings, a strobe on the tail, then on the triangle the lights were located at three vertices and were slightly larger - two blue and red, looked dull, as if through a light filter. And most importantly, the sound of the engines was heard only from one aircraft, and not two, although they were flying low. Then they tried to explain to me that I observed refueling in the air. But I'm not completely stupid, refueling at such an altitude, right above locality- strange. And I have not yet seen airplanes refueling with wings.

South of Moscow region. We have had similar devices flying over the fields for 2 summers in a row. They appear as a bright flash from the sky, and then this light gradually goes out. Moreover, the object is hanging at this time. Then the signal lights are turned on, just like on a conventional aircraft, and the object begins to move, almost silently. It looks like a military aircraft. I saw it many times and I am sure that these are the developments of our military. Sometimes 10 pieces fly at once.

I saw this in 1996 in Chukotka. It hung in the early morning, over a hill, making an intermittent sound, as if a mallet was being turned. It hung for ten seconds, then abruptly disappeared ...

According to this evidence, the new type of aircraft is almost indistinguishable from a real UFO and has some of its characteristics. It is likely that these devices are already being produced not only in the USA, but also in Russia. This explains why such devices fly freely over Russia, without opposition from Russian air defense.

TR-3B Astra on video

This video was posted on May 8, 2014. It captures how a TR-3B Astra shoots down a Taliban base in Afghanistan. A strange incident occurred in the city of Asadabad in the east of the country. The video was filmed by American NATO employees.

Materials used: blog

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