Cooperation production. Production of cooperage products

Making wooden (cooperage) utensils is an ancient Slavic craft. Presented in our store T trade mark "BONPOS" revives the undeservedly forgotten traditions of cooperage art. After all, if previously cooperage products were an integral part of people’s lives, now the possession of such products cannot be called anything other than exquisite taste. And thanks to this fact, cooperage has moved from a craft to almost an art.

When purchasing products in our store, you receive the goods first-hand, since our Bondarny Dvor store is a branded retail representative office of a large manufacturer of cooperage products. Our main production facilities are located in the city of Kanev, Cherkasy region, next to large oak forestry enterprises. The proximity of materials to production can significantly reduce the cost of the product without loss of quality. The store and office itself are located in Moscow , from where delivery is carried out throughout Russia.

In the production of cooperage products, oak, aspen and linden wood of the highest grades is used, which has passed radiological control. All wooden products are made without the use of glue, paints or any other chemical compounds. All cooperage products of our production have passed State certification and fully meet all sanitary requirements.

A signature feature of our products is a unique method of joining rivets (planks) in the product, which guarantees reliability, durability and excellent product quality.

Today, our cooperage factory offers consumers a wide selection of products, including more than a hundred items: from plates and mugs to industrial wine barrels and fonts with a volume of 300 liters or more. Thanks to the wide range, everyone can find a wooden product to their liking.

Until recently, our company placed its main emphasis on wholesale sales of our products, mainly to the Russian market. But one of our principles is to steadily increase the availability of our products to consumers. This is why we open online retail stores. Now any buyer can purchase our cooperage products at home directly from the manufacturer.

From June 14 to 19, 2016, the food festival “Tasty and Healthy” was held in the Tishinka shopping center, in which about 30 interesting participants took part and farm goods, bio and eco products were presented. Among the festival participants was a private store of Siberian delicacies “Sibirsky Gastronom No. 1” and barrels of the BONPOS trademark acted as an official partner at the festival.

In our store there is no concept of a minimum order - absolutely everything can be ordered individually and you will receive your order as soon as possible. The process of selecting a product and purchasing in our store is extremely simple and should not cause you any difficulties. Payment methods and delivery options are described in detail on the “Delivery and Payment” page.

If you have any questions or difficulties, our managers will always help. Call or write your message in the form on the page contacts and you will receive our answer soon. We will make every effort to make your purchase easy and enjoyable.

We wish you a pleasant shopping experience in our store!

For questions regarding wholesale supplies, please contact us using any method indicated on the page.

In addition to barrels, cooperage includes the manufacture of tubs, vats, jugs, tubs, all kinds of buckets. All these products are made in the same way as barrels. Therefore, for a craftsman who has mastered the production of barrels, making a tub or tub no longer seems particularly difficult. On the contrary, they are much easier to make, since the rivets for them, as a rule, do not need to be bent or they are bent only slightly. However, the work should begin with outlining future products. Based on the drawings, the required number of rivets is calculated, and their shape is also known. Make appropriate riveting templates for the sides of the dishes and for the bottom. Blanks are made using these templates. Let's say a few words about the features of each of the additional cooperage products.

For example, tubs are usually equipped with 8 wooden hoops or 4 iron hoops. Barrels and tubs, as a rule, are not painted. But the jugs are usually coated with oil paint or painted with patterns. A decoction of elderberry bark can serve as paint. A little wood glue is added to it for strength and stickiness. The painted jug is then covered with drying oil, which makes the product more durable and gives it an elegant look.

But before decorating or painting the jug, let’s talk in a little more detail about its manufacture. Due to its complex shape, it requires special attention from the cooper. At the bottom, the jug has a convex shape; towards the neck it narrows, and the edge itself expands again, becoming funnel-shaped. Small ones are used for making jugs. And the narrower they are, the more accurately and correctly we will be able to bend them into the desired shape of the jug. The stave for the jug follows the shape of the finished product: it is wide at the bottom and narrows at the top. Rivets should be made according to a template. The work will go faster and more accurately. To make the riveting easier to bend from the inside, a sample is made at the bend point. When assembling the rivets, use one or two hoops, making sure that the rivets fit snugly against each other, first in the lower convex part.

It often happens that the narrow upper ends of the rivets do not meet each other. Then the top jug put into a cauldron of water and boil for a while. This procedure eventually makes the rivets flexible and easier to bend. The hoops are placed in the same order as on the barrels. For stronger compression, wooden wedges are often driven in between the hoops and rivets. They are driven in and left for several days. Then they cut out the chimney, insert the bottom, replace the working wooden hoops with metal ones, attach a handle and a funnel-shaped spout made of galvanized iron sheet, or better yet, sheet copper. The handle is made of wood or strip iron. Bend as shown in Fig. 50. The handle is attached to the jug using glue (for example, epoxy), nails or screws. Or its ends are brought under the hoops, having previously been placed on glue and nails. It is clear that the nails should not penetrate the wall of the jug more than half its thickness.

Vats They differ mainly in shape. They are round and oval, with straight walls and inclined, tapering and expanding upward. The capacity of small vats is from 4 to 40 buckets. Large vats are often made from sawn staves. As a rule, they taper towards the top. Because of this, hoops can only be placed on them from above. The capacity of large vats is up to several hundred buckets.

The peculiarity of the tubs is their ears, which are formed due to two longer rivets, located opposite each other in the product. In the tubs, the walls are made inclined inward, which is why the water in them splashes less than in dishes with straight sides.

In addition to ordinary ones, barrels are also made in oval shape. Oval barrels are more convenient to place on shelves in cellars and basements. True, it seems to me that in this case it is worth using the technology of storing barrels in a suspended state on chains or cables, like Duke Stepanovich in the city of Galich. In any case, you can try.

We draw the attention of craftsmen: for oval barrels, it is useful to number the rivets during manufacturing, since each of them should only occupy its place during assembly.

  • A couple of years ago, two problems arose: first, the bottom of several barrels rusted; second, the apple trees in the garden dried up due to the heat.
  • How closely the cooperage industry was closely connected with the life of the people can be judged by proverbs and sayings. So, they said about the insufficient satisfaction of a person’s spiritual needs:

The technology for manufacturing all types of cooperage products, regardless of their purpose and shape, is basically the same and includes: making rivets, assembling the frame, heat treatment of the frame, inserting a bottom or bottoms and attaching hoops. For some types of products, the technology includes enameling and painting.

Calculation of the capacity of cooperage products. The volume of cooperage products is determined by internal dimensions and is calculated in liters.
Production of cooper's staves. The blanks for cooperage riveting obtained from the timber dryer must be kept in the warehouse for 3-4 days and only after that the final processing begins. This is done in order to equalize the humidity of the workpieces with the humidity of the environment (air).
Processing of the riveting consists of cutting to size, processing (gouging) its faces and giving the riveting the required rounded angles and when jointing its edges - joints. Trimming rivets to size can be done on edgers, pendulum saws or universal saws. In cases where such machines do not exist, you can make them yourself. Planing of riveted faces is carried out on jointing machines with special knives installed on them for this purpose.

The radius of curvature of the knife for planing rivets should be slightly smaller than the radius of curvature of the frame of the barrel for which the rivet is being cut. The knife can process the riveting correctly if it is not at a right angle to it, but at an angle of approximately 45°. When the riveting takes the desired concave-convex shape, it is transferred to the jointing machine. In the absence of a special jointing machine, jointing of the edges is carried out on a universal woodworking machine UDS-2, which is equipped in many rural workshops. In the process of manufacturing cooperage products, jointing the edges of the riveting is the most important operation, since, all other things being equal, the strength and density of the core of the product depends on it. Therefore, if for some reason the machine does not joint well enough, the riveting must be straightened manually with a jointer.

Wooden barrels manufacturing frames: planed and trimmed rivets are assembled into a frame. The assembly of the frame of a barrel, tub or other type of cooperage product is done manually on an assembly form. Assembly forms can be wooden or metal.
In addition to assembly forms, when assembling cooper bodies, tension belts or compression hoops are used. The process of assembling the frame itself is carried out as follows: grooved rivets are installed inside the working hoops, edges close to each other. In this case, you need to ensure that the rivets are spaced one or two apart in width. When all the rivets, except the closing one, have been installed, select and install the closing rivet. However, it often happens that there is so much space left for the closing rivet that even the narrowest rivet cannot be placed there. In such cases, several of the widest rivets are removed from the set, replacing them with narrower ones, in order to make room for the closing rivet. When the closing rivet is installed and the assembled frame is so compacted that it is held by working hoops, it is removed from the mold and transferred for processing, and in the manufacture of convex barrels - for boiling in water or steaming to give the wood the greatest elasticity.
The frames of cooperage products with straight, unbent rivets after assembly are transferred directly to the screed, bypassing hydrothermal treatment. The frames are tied using tension belts or compression hoops. Frames with bent rivets for high-quality containers are secured with working hoops during screeding and transferred to the barbecue for the so-called firing, or heat treatment of the wood.

Heat treatment of the frame. Heat treatment (so-called maigalization) of the frame with bent rivets is a necessary part of the technological process for manufacturing convex barrels. Braziering (firing) helps to increase the impermeability, strength and rigidity of the barrel structure as a whole. With existing methods for making barrels, firing the frame helps preserve the shape given to the frame and the technological properties of the wood. The skeletons are fired on barbecue stoves at a temperature of 240-270°. Firing duration is 3-5 minutes. The still-warm burnt shell of the barrel is compacted with the sediment of the working hoops.
After heat treatment of the frame and settling of the working hoops, it is transferred for trimming - aligning the end of the rivets along the entire circumference of the frame and removing the morning groove.

In workshops that do not have a universal woodworking machine, trimming the ends and selecting the grooves is carried out on conventional drilling machines equipped with a rotating table or a special tool holder-driver. In both cases, work should be carried out at maximum machine spindle speeds and minimum cutter depth.
The jointing of bottom staves for ordinary jellied cooperage products (tubs, tubs, etc.) is carried out on jointing or universal woodworking machines or on a simplified jointing machine. In the absence of machines, jointing of rivets is carried out manually.
The trimmed rivets are assembled into a shield, from which the bottom is cut to size. On the end side of the bottom, the internal and external chamfers are removed. Before starting assembly, the frame and bottom are carefully checked, all irregularities and sagging are smoothed out with a humpback, jointer or cooper's crook.

The methods for inserting bottoms are not the same for all products and depend on their type and farm. The bottoms are inserted into convex barrels like this: the frame is placed on the floor with the end into which the bottom will be inserted upward, a working neck hoop is put on it and the “squeezers” are removed. As a result, the ends of the rivets will diverge slightly, expanding the frame in the place of the morning groove. Then the bottom is lowered at an angle into the frame so that the chamfer of the bottom opposite to the hand fits its edge into the groove - the chime. After this, the bottom is gradually settled, bringing its chamfer into the groove. When most of the chamfer has entered the groove, the bottom is released from the hands and, pressing from above, first with the hands and then with a hammer, it is pushed down until the bottom enters the groove along the entire circumference. The rivets of the frame, widened by the bottom, will quickly converge and clamp the bottom in the morning groove.
The insertion of bottoms into open products is done somewhat differently. In products that taper upward, the bottom is inserted from the outside, and in products that taper downwards, the bottom is inserted from the inside, that is, from the wide end.
By the time the bottom is inserted, there are two hoops on the frame of the open products - the end hoop and the middle hoop. Before inserting the bottom, the second end hoop is stuffed, and the first one is removed; as a result, the ends of the rivets diverge slightly, which makes it possible to insert the bottom with a chamfer into the morning grooves without much effort.

After the bottom is inserted, permanent hoops are placed on the product and removed by workers.
Making and attaching hoops. Wooden or metal hoops or both are placed on cooperage products. Metal hoops are made from steel tape, their ends are fastened with metal rivets. Wooden hoops are made from thin trunks of young trees of various species (birch, hazel, bird cherry, willow, krasnotal, chernotal, whitetal, spruce), as well as spruce branches. Hoops made from spruce undergrowth and spruce branches are usually placed on cooperage items placed for a long time in damp rooms. The prepared stakes are collected in bundles of 20-40-80 and 100 pieces, depending on their length and thickness, and tied with strings in 2-3 or 4 places.
To make hoops, thin stakes are hewn and threaded along their entire length, and thick ones are split in half or into 3-4 sectors. When splitting stakes, they use an axe, a piercing wedge, hand cleavers and knives. The piercing wedge is made from ornamental or tool steel of the following dimensions: wedge length 100-120 mm, width 40:-50, thickness at the butt 15-25, leg length 170-200, width 50 and thickness 12-15 mm.

The piercings are made from a piece of round tool steel 120 x 35 mm, on one end of which piercing feathers are cut, and the other end is rounded.
The halves or sectors obtained as a result of splitting are hewn until the required thickness and width of the hoop is obtained and the inner side - the bed - is given a flat surface. The hewn hoops are cut through with a plane (sherhebel). Locks are cut on the hoop plates prepared in this way.

To do this, the beds at the ends of the hoop in the part where they will enter the lock are cut off, and the ends of the beds themselves are cut off in thickness and width to nothing. On beds half the thickness of the hoop, notches are made at equal distances from the ends, on one at the top along the width, and on the other at the bottom. From the notches to the side towards the middle of the hoop, a recess is made with a length equal to the ends of the hoop, which should fit into them. When the lock is cut, the hoop is bent and the ends are brought in one after the other, while the notches should fit into one another. The ends bend one up, the other down and insert into the cutouts. The connection of the hoop is strong, and the surface of the hoop is relatively smooth. The strength of the lock depends on its length, which is usually 160-250 mm.
Practice has established that hoops made from such types of wood as blackwood, belotal and other willows, bird cherry, etc., can be bent in a freshly cut state without pre-treatment.

The attachment of the hoops is done manually using a hammer and tamper. To fit the end iron hoops, tension is applied. In some cases, especially in dry barrels, wooden hoops are attached to the barrel frame with construction nails (GOST 4028-48-4033-48). Metal hoops are sometimes secured with special crutch nails. Finished barrels are checked for strength and tested for impermeability.

In the early 90s, the art of cooperage was completely lost; it took years to establish new production. If twenty years agobuy a wine barrelwas problematic, today many companies offer this product.

"Veles"- one of the few specialized companies for the production of cooperage products that produces truly high-quality products. In our work we have combined ancient traditions and modern technologies. The result is high quality products - hundreds of our customers will confirm this to you! In 10 years of work, there has not yet been a person who was dissatisfied with our work, and there are several reasons for this:

Huge assortment. You can buy all cooperage products in one place. Wooden barrels for pickles, oak (and not only) barrels for wine and cognac, barrels for honey, tubs, flowerpots, bathtubs, bath accessories and even furniture made from barrels - you can find everything in our catalog!

Excellent quality. We are both a manufacturer and a seller of our own products, and therefore we are responsible for each product. The Veles company values ​​​​its reputation and produces only the highest quality cooperage products.

Experience. We have been doing our business for ten years now - over these years we have not only thoroughly studied the traditions of cooperage, but also mastered new technologies. Now this knowledge allows us to delight customers with truly high-quality barrels made from environmentally friendly types of wood.

Safety. Each lot in our catalog is an environmentally friendly product that is completely safe for human health. In addition, by using our barrels to preserve the quality of wine, cognac, mead and other drinks, they acquire a rich color and taste.

Individuality. The production of cooperage products is our specialization, and therefore we will make a personal order for you without any problems. Souvenir and decorative barrels, laser engraving of logos and dedicatory inscriptions - everything according to your wishes.

Guarantees. We make sure that your purchase is as comfortable and quick as possible. We provide guarantees for all products, we conclude a transparent contract with wholesale customers, without additional payments or fine print. We are for honest cooperation!

Company "Veles" - Production of cooperage products for any purpose!

You can purchase cooperage goods for all occasions, all in one place. Our catalog represents a wide range of everything you may need, we are pleased to offer you:

tubs and barrels for pickling;
flower pots and flowerpots;
furniture in cooper style;
bath accessories;
sections, dummies and decorative items;
barrels for honey;
barrels for wine, whiskey, cognac, brandy and other things.

A distinctive feature of our products is that they are all made from natural material and are completely safe, both for human health and for stored drinks. Perfect environmental friendliness is our rule No. 1.

Some features of cooperage

Our craftsmen use different types of wood - oak, linden, pine, larch, birch, teak and others. For each type of product we use different materials. For example, coniferous trees will never be used for honey barrels - so that the honey does not absorb their smell and lose its rich taste.

Besides, production of cooperage products is carried out without glue, varnish and tongues - each barrel is assembled by hand, using fire firing and screeding of the frame. It is safe to say that our craftsmen have achieved perfection in this art; the products are distinguished by the following characteristics:

It is being manufactured made of oak aged one year;
durable and allows you to store products for many years;
durable - not afraid of transportation and dragging;
environmentally friendly - promotes gas exchange and product ripening.

We base our work on old traditions of craftsmanship, supplementing them with new technologies and tools.

An individual approach to each product, together with industrial production volumes, allows us to create real works of cooperage art. Each product meets high quality standards - all clients of the Veles company, without exception, were able to verify this.

Cooperage products wholesale and retail

Veles LLC sells its products both at retail - individual products, and wholesale. If you decide to purchase a large batch, we are happy to provide you with several interesting offers. And remember that for each client we have a product that will fully meet his needs - we are able to produce absolutely any cooperage products.

Wholesale and regular customers - nice discounts! To find out all the details, call now.

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