What do technology parks do? What is a technology park? Global technology park movement

Photo: Press services of the Mayor and the Moscow Government. Evgeniy Samarin

Implants, batteries, navigation equipment, lasers, surgical complexes, water purification installations, optical systems for launch vehicles and even a thyroid gland printed on a 3D printer are just some of what Moscow technology parks produce. For the city, this is an important contribution to the economy, and it supports such areas with benefits.

In 2014, there were six technology parks in the capital. Then all specialized territories occupied 503.6 thousand square meters premises. They employed 450 residents, who created 6.7 thousand jobs.

Today Moscow is one of the leaders among European cities in terms of the number of specialized territories. The status was assigned to 24 technology parks and two technology cities. More than 1.4 thousand enterprises have been opened in them, employing almost 32 thousand people.

Management companies and residents of technology parks and technopolises receive benefits, but the development of such territories is beneficial not only to them. The city also benefits, as it receives efficient and high-tech enterprises with jobs for highly qualified specialists. This is a plus not only for the image, but primarily for the economy.

What is a technology park?

Technopolis was created in December 2012 on the territory of the largest. Manufacturing companies can rent premises ready for installation of equipment with all utilities, and those who work in the field of microelectronics and biopharmaceuticals are provided with “clean rooms”. The technopolis has a congress center, a logistics center, temporary storage warehouses and a Federal post customs service Russia.

Space and thyroid gland on 3D-printer

Technopolis "Skolkovo" is one of the largest investment projects not only on a city scale, but also on a national scale. Its area is 400 hectares. There is a technology park, a university and a business school, and scientific work is combined with the creation and development.

More than 80 Skolkovo residents are engaged in biomedicine, energy and nuclear technologies, developments in the IT field and in the space field. It was here that scientists printed a mouse thyroid gland on a 3D bioprinter, and in the near future they plan to print human organs from their own stem cells.

Lasers for doctors and GLONASS

Technopark "Polyus" is Russia's largest research and production center in the field of quantum electronics. Semiconductor and solid-state lasers, laser gyroscopes and navigation devices based on them are developed here. Polyus supplies its products to India, Australia, China and Israel.

Medical devices are also made here. Among them is a device for the treatment of varicose veins, erysipelas, arthrosis, and complications after breast removal. Another development of the technology park is needed for the treatment of uroandrological diseases and impotence.

An ophthalmic surgical complex with a beam lamp is currently being tested. He will treat cataracts and glaucoma using a laser, that is, without surgery. Polyus is also developing a laser gas analyzer for non-invasive diagnosis of bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, oncological diseases in the early stages. Crystals for lasers, which are used in PET tomography examinations, are also grown here.

Installations for purifying water from open reservoirs are already ready for mass production. Such a device with remote control can purify from two to 240 cubic meters of water per day and prepare drinking water according to SanPiN standards.

The technology park employs more than five thousand people with average salary 93.9 thousand rubles. It has its own synchrotron-neutron research complex, a center for molecular and cellular biology, and a nuclear medical center. The volume of investment in the development of the enterprise over the past five years has amounted to about 30 billion rubles.

Why is it profitable for companies to work in a technology park?

Moscow provides economic support to innovative enterprises. For example, technology parks receive subsidies of up to 100 million rubles for infrastructure development, and three times more for technology cities. Special benefits are also provided.

Current rate

Preferential rates for technology parks

Income tax credited to the city budget

18 percent

13.5 percent for owners of technology parks, management companies and anchor residents of technology parks

Property tax

2.2 percent

0 percent on real estate

Land tax

1.5 percent of the cadastral value

0.7 percent of the accrued tax is paid

Land rent

0.01-1.5 percent of the cadastral value

0.01 percent of the cadastral value

Who hasright to benefits?

To receive tax benefits, technology parks must have the following indicators:

— investment volume over five years — at least 50 million rubles (excluding VAT) per hectare of area land plot;

— revenue volume—at least 600 million rubles (excluding VAT) per year per hectare;

— the size of the wage fund is at least 200 million rubles per year per hectare;

— the average monthly salary of employees is 20 percent higher than the average monthly income in Moscow.

In addition, technology parks must use at least 80 percent of the building area for the main activities of tenant enterprises - production, research and development. There should also be a center for collective use of equipment.

There are requirements for industrial parks.

Anchor residents of specialized territories must also meet certain criteria. These include being registered for tax purposes in Moscow, not using a simplified taxation scheme, not having debts on taxes and fees, and others. The entire list can be found.

More information about the requirements and procedure for obtaining status can be found here. Applications for status assignment industrial complex and a technology park can also be submitted through the Moscow investment portal.

Why do children need technology parks?

The first children's technology park in Moscow was opened in May on the territory of the Mosgormash technology park. A branch of the city of masters “Masterslavl”, a lecture hall, a co-working space and a center for youth innovative creativity have been created here. Children will be trained in three areas: astronautics, geoinformatics and robotics.

— “Quantorium” — started operating in the capital in the fall. In addition to classrooms, it has workshops and laboratories, a multimedia lecture hall, an area for communication and relaxation, a sports block with swings, a basketball hoop and a table tennis table. About 1.2 thousand children from 13 to 17 years old will study according to a specially developed Quantorium program, attend on-site lessons, joint classes with colleges and develop their own projects. They will learn to design and assemble copters, study the main directions of alternative energy and the principles of creating modern ones based on it. vehicles, synthesize and modify at micro- and nanolevels.

In the future, “cities of professions” should become centers additional education. Children will master the latest technologies in a playful way, and after training they will be able to sign a contract with leading companies. Such programs help them decide on a profession in advance and make the learning process interesting and understandable.

Who else will receive the status of a technology park?

The Moscow government and investors are discussing construction in the TiNAO. They can be built in Sosensky, Shcherbinka and Troitsk. will be created in Molzhaninov. First, a production complex will be built here, and at the second stage - a research and laboratory complex.

IN next year will appear in Moscow. The Itelma company will build an engineering and laboratory building with a sports and recreation complex. Here they will begin not only to develop electronic devices For diesel engines, but also to produce, test and certify them.

A new production complex will be created on the territory of the Indigo industrial park in the village of Nikolo-Khovanskoye. It is planned to be put into operation at the end of 2017. They will serve here pumping units different models, as well as assemble them and additionally complete them. The park itself will be completed by the end of 2018.

The history of technology parks began in the fifties of the last century. It was at this time that those located in the state of California (USA) decided to rent out empty premises and unused land. Agreements were concluded with a variety of organizations. It was like large companies, and small firms engaged in knowledge-intensive business.

All these organizations at that time carried out government orders. Small industries developed in direct contact with the university. This benefited both sides. As a result, a community was formed, which somewhat later began to be called Silicon Valley.

Further implementation of the project

It took almost thirty years to completely develop the empty territory and debug the necessary infrastructure. This was the first creation of a technology park. became known throughout the world due to its achievements in high-tech industries. Computer and information technologies especially developed here.

Small firms with two or three employees grew rapidly, turning into companies with more than one thousand employees. In 1981, more than eighty companies operated in the territory where this technology park was located. These are such giants as Polaroid and Hewlett-Packard, the aerospace company Lockheed and other industrial leaders.

Since the 80s, technology parks began to appear in large numbers in the United States. They contributed to the development of those regions that were affected by unemployment and economic recession. And today America has the largest number of these industrial-scientific zones. In terms of numbers, they make up one third of the world's number.

The emergence of technology parks in Europe

A wonderful idea crossed the ocean in the 70s of the last century. It was during this period that the Scottish arose Research Center. Similar organizations began to develop in Cambridge at Trinity College, in Belgium at Leuven-la-Neuve, etc. The technology park movement in Europe intensified significantly due to the crisis that erupted in the 80s. It was then that in order to help the problematic centers of coal and textile industry, ordered the creation of a whole network of industrial zones in the UK at existing universities. This idea paid off. And today about fifty technology parks operate successfully in England. They are also available in other European countries. There are about 260 such formations on its territory.

European technology parks, which include two thousand different innovation centers, have used overseas experience in their development. This allowed them to go through a shorter path to development. "Business incubators" for short time gained great popularity. Their services were used by small companies and private firms, as well as organizations public sphere. What role did the technology park play in this? It was the link between industry and research.

Technopark movement in China

The American experience in creating unique industrial zones was picked up by China. In this field, the country has achieved stunning success, attracting the attention of the world community. The accelerated development of knowledge-intensive industries in China was made possible thanks to active participation states.

Already at the beginning of 1986, the government of the country approved a program for the development of technology and science. It identified the priority sectors that the technology park was supposed to include. The center for cosmonautics, computer science and electronics, biotechnology and fiber-optic communications and energy-saving technologies according to the project was to be located on this territory. In addition, it was planned that the industrial-scientific zone would include production facilities for the creation of medical equipment.

Government assistance

Two years later, a program called “Torch” was launched, which was the next stage in the project, according to which it was planned to build a technology park. This was another decision of the country's government, the goal of which was to commercialize and industrialize already achieved successes in the creation of high-tech technologies. The Torch program involved production capacity, the cost of which exceeded $25 billion.

When implementing this project technopark zones were created that, in addition to the development latest technologies and promoting their own products to the foreign and domestic markets, played a huge role in attracting foreign investment and advanced developments to the country.

China's first technology park is the Beijing Experimental Zone, located in Haidan Province. Since its opening in 1988, 120 such formations have already been created in the country. Moreover, fifty percent of them work to fulfill government orders.

The Chinese government has provided enormous assistance in the creation of technology parks. Moreover, it was expressed not only in significant amounts of financial injections. At the government level, preferential conditions for doing business in these zones were established. This is a reduction or complete exemption from payment income tax, benefits for maintaining capital construction, as well as the possibility duty free import imported equipment.

Global technology park movement

In the eighties of the last century, the idea of ​​​​creating scientific and industrial territories experienced a real boom. Technoparks began to be created not only in economic developed countries Oh. Their construction began in Australia and Singapore, India and Malaysia, Brazil and Canada, as well as in many other countries.

Start of construction of technology parks in Russia

The creation of industrial-scientific zones in our country began in the 80s-90s. It was a difficult period when, due to the outbreak of the crisis, the state stopped funding industrial and applied sciences. One of the opportunities to retain qualified personnel was the idea of ​​​​creating a zone in which a technology park should be located. Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Tomsk, Ministry of Higher Education of Russia, State Committee by education, as well as large enterprises became the founders of the first of these formations. This technology park was state property.

Later there was a reform. The technopark became a joint stock company. At the same time, the share of state ownership in its authorized capital dropped to 3%.

Young technology parks in Russia experienced great difficulties. They were affected by the lack of management experience in the changed economic conditions. During these years, industrial-scientific zones were not able to make a breakthrough in the creation of new technologies. It was a time when any enterprise was faced with the task of simply surviving. In such conditions, technology parks were considered as institutions capable of receiving government support.

In 1990, the program of the Ministry of Economy “Technoparks of Russia” appeared. It was designed for five years. However, funding under this program did not allow for the purchase of real estate and the organization of all the necessary infrastructure. With the allocated amounts, some universities deployed only commercial activities, which was far from scientific.

Further work of the state

During these same years, the Technopark Association was created. She was given the task of studying and adapting foreign experience to Russian conditions. In addition, the Association was supposed to promote the creation and operation of technology parks as an effective link in the support and development of small innovative businesses.

In this work, the Russian government provided not only material, but also legislative assistance. However, there was an opinion that the technology park should not enjoy any tax benefits. Production there must be carried out under the same conditions that have prevailed throughout the country. It was assumed that otherwise such zones would easily turn into internal offshores where assets would be transferred.

By the mid-90s, the Technopark program in Russia continued to gain momentum. The number of such zones grew. Their creation took place on the basis of scientific centers owned by the state. However, among these formations there was some stratification in development. The most advanced were the science parks of Tomsk and Moscow, St. Petersburg and Zelenograd, Chernogolovka and Ufa.

Technopark in Saransk

Based on the accumulated world experience, we can say that a technology park is a special economic zone with a rapidly developing knowledge-intensive industry. That is why such formations are under the special control of the government; the task of developing them was set by the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin back in 2005. Five years later, the development of a federal program for the creation of industrial and scientific zones in the field of high technology. To date, twelve technology parks have already opened in our country. It is worth saying that in December 2014, the implementation of the federal program was completed in full. It is assumed that the budget efficiency of all technology parks will be within 55%. At the same time, they will produce at least 12% of export products.

Another project

One of the objects of the federal program was the Technopark Mordovia complex. Its construction began after Putin signed the corresponding order, issued on September 12, 2008. Total area This structure is about 6000 sq.m. Its territory hosts companies that develop software, as well as those organizations whose activities are related to the information environment and the creation of databases based on modern technologies.

By the end of 2014, the second stage of production was launched at the Technopark Mordovia complex. Currently, fifty-one resident companies are successfully operating throughout the zone, providing 1,634 jobs. The total annual revenue of the technology park is 1 billion rubles.

Technopark in Tolyatti

The largest scientific and industrial zone in Russia is the Zhigulevskaya Valley. This is a technology park built near the city of Tolyatti. The area of ​​this zone is 65,000 square meters. m. The main areas of work of the Zhigulevskaya Valley technology park are telecommunications and information technologies, energy saving and energy efficiency, transport, chemistry, as well as developments in the field of space exploration.

Today there are 22 companies operating here, the number of which should grow to hundreds in the future.

Despite the fact that technology parks have existed for more than half a century, at the moment there is no generally accepted definition or established classification. The International Association of Technology Parks at the beginning of 2002 proposed the following definition:

"A technology park is an organization managed by specialists whose main goal is to increase the well-being of the local community through the promotion of an innovative culture, as well as the competitiveness of innovative business and scientific organizations. To achieve these goals, the technology park stimulates and manages the flow of knowledge and technology between universities, research institutes, companies and markets. It makes it easier for innovative companies to create and grow through incubation processes and spin-off processes. The technology park provides other services in addition to high-quality space."

Such a broad definition of a technology park was intended to embrace all models existing in the world. Thus this definition sets a minimum set of standards and requirements for an applicant for the title “technology park”. The International Association of Technoparks especially notes the equivalence of such concepts as “technological park”, “technofloor”, “technological area”, “research park” and “science park”. In the UK they usually use the term “science park”, in the USA - “research park”, in Russia - “technopark”.

Organizations designed to stimulate the creation of technology parks on their territory define them more specifically. Thus, the Queensland Innovation Council proposes the following formulation:

"The technology park is legal entity, created to make more adequate use of scientific and technological resources to improve the economic base of the region. The mission of the technology park is to stimulate regional development, deindustrialization, as well as simplify the implementation of commercial and industrial innovations. The activities of the technology park enrich the scientific and/or technical culture of the region, create jobs and added value."

Some researchers, in addition to the technology parks themselves, also distinguish their subtypes:
- technological incubators,
- science/research parks,
- technological areas.

Technology incubators specialize in the commercialization of scientific and commercial developments. Even in case financial independence, as a rule, are located within the existing technology park. Scientific/research parks have closer connections with universities than technology parks and they concentrate highly educated personnel and large volumes of high-tech research. Technology hubs are a cluster of interdependent businesses operating in a common and/or related industry and located in the same geographic region. These enterprises share a common infrastructure, labor and service markets, and face similar opportunities and threats.

There are several organizational forms in which technology parks operate successfully. A university or research institute may be the sole founder of a technology park. A more common option is when the park has from 2 to 20 founders. This governance mechanism is much more complex than a single-founder mechanism, but is considered more effective, especially in terms of access to various sources of financing. In the case of several founders, either joint venture, or a limited liability company. In this case, the contribution of each of the founders depends on his resources and usually consists of the following:

  • university - technology transfer, land, working capital;
  • local administration - land, infrastructure, grants;
  • bank - capital investments, financial expertise, venture capital;
  • industrial enterprises - land, infrastructure, capital investments, project examination.

However, regardless of the form of organization, a successfully functioning technology park can make a significant contribution to the economy of the region due to:

  • Incentives economic growth region
  • Diversify the local economy, making it more resilient
  • Development successful companies small and medium businesses
  • Increase in local budget revenues.
February 12, 14957

Today the term “technopark” is being heard more and more often. This is the name for a special format of real estate that has been known in the West for a couple of decades and is beginning to conquer Moscow. And this is also a certain status that is assigned by the Moscow government.

In February 2015, the Technospark research and production site, located in New Moscow, received this status. How is this format fundamentally different from office buildings and industrial parks and what companies is it intended for?

The procedure for awarding a certificate of transfer of Technospark to the status of a Moscow technology park

Key features of technology parks

As a real estate format, a technopark is a self-sufficient platform offering companies full cycle organization and development - from registration to entry into big business. Here, in “one bottle” there are offices, warehouses, production and research laboratories - this is its main difference from other formats of commercial real estate. In fact, this is a variation of a multifunctional complex.

The official status of the Moscow technology park is a large set of benefits (including tax benefits) that its residents (that is, those companies that rented space on the territory of the technology park) receive.

Today these benefits include:

  • Exemption from payment of corporate property tax
  • Reducing the rate of income tax credited to the budget of the city of Moscow to 13.5% (without benefits 18%)

The period for providing benefits is 10 years from the date of assignment of resident status

It is assumed that technology parks will have more specific equipment and services, unlike classic business centers that will become a determining factor in attracting tenants in certain areas of activity.

The rise of research and production startups

As follows from the definition, a technology park is a platform primarily for private production, scientific organizations and developers. Why? As Oleg Bocharov, head of the Moscow Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship (DNPPP), explained, the project development process can last for years, therefore, at the final stage of process optimization and the company’s entry into the big voyage, response speed is extremely important.

There are often cases in history when a new and relevant invention takes so long and difficult to achieve mass implementation that it manages to become obsolete. But this deprives developers of the capitalization of their labor. The sad result is the lack of motivation to do research in Russia. To prevent this from happening, technology parks are being formed aimed at low-volume production, rapid production of prototypes and support for promising projects.

In the technology park it is much easier and faster to work on optimizing a finished project

The aforementioned DNPPP is engaged in the development of this direction. The goal is to ensure that young businesses and startups can find inexpensive premises for rent in Moscow, as well as receive additional services and support for project development.

Opportunities of modern technology parks

Which technology park to choose for rent depends on the range of services it provides and the tasks of your company. This largely depends on anchor tenants, who attract specialists in the relevant field under their wing.

For example, Technopark in Troitsk (developer - Business Development Center LLC, executive organization- JSC "SMP-1", commissioned in 2014) is focused on laser and nanotechnologies, the development of new materials and devices. The anchor tenant is RUSNANO, and in just two functioning buildings about 30 technology companies and startups work.

General plan of the technopark "Technospark"

The location in Troitsk is not accidental: Technospark plans to attract many specialists, because the district is known for its high potential for research activities.

Technospark production building

Another example is the Skolkovo technology park, where the emphasis is on IT development, prototyping and biomedical services.

There is a customs post in the Moscow technopolis that facilitates the import and export procedure innovative products and materials, clean rooms for rent for companies in the microelectronics and biotechnology industries, as well as the Hackspace robotics center.

In addition to them, 6 more technology parks operate in Moscow and the region: “Slava”, “Strogino”, “Mosgormash”, “Sapphire”, “Vizbas”, “Caliber”. As Oleg Bocharov said, another 60 similar new sites may appear in 2015.

Almost all technology parks have the following service:

  • Business incubator for the initial stages of development of companies. Its task includes information support and training of organizations. Sometimes program participants are offered a reduced rental rate, like starting projects.
  • Infrastructure for the comfort of employees, ranging from business (coworking spaces, conference rooms, etc. ) and ending with entertainment - cafes, gyms, shops and personal services.
  • Conducting events and seminars on both scientific and business topics
  • A shared use center (CSC) is a collection of equipment and professional services available to all tenants.

Laboratory for growing artificial diamonds in the Technospark technology park

The cost of renting premises in the technology park

The price for premises in the technology park is definitely lower and more attractive than in neighboring business centers - and this does not take into account benefits and bonuses for the tenant. The nuance is that almost every technology park offers fixed premises without the possibility of redevelopment. For example, an object may have all its small premises rented out, so you will either have to look for alternative premises in another building, or subtenants for one large room.

In addition to the obvious advantages of the technology park, such as benefits and specialized equipment, for developers and startups it is also a creative synergy and exchange of business development experience. The only drawback of the new format of technology parks is the limited supply of such specialized space given the high demand and potential of the industry, which is why the landlord still rules in this market. He decides to include the company as a resident and provide it with premises. So, if your business is not related to scientific research and is not an innovative startup, you should look for an office in a comfortable business center, not a technology park.

Technopolis is a scientific and industrial complex created for the production of new progressive products or for the development of new high-tech technologies on the basis of close relations and interaction with universities and scientific and technical centers; special compactly located modern scientific and industrial formations with developed infrastructure providing necessary conditions for work and leisure, for the functioning of research and educational institutes (organizations) that are part of these entities, as well as their enterprises, companies and firms producing new types of products based on advanced science-intensive technologies.

The technopolis brings together science, technology and entrepreneurship, and there is close cooperation between academic science, entrepreneurs, local and central authorities. The basis of the technopolis is its research complex, “ think tank» enterprises and industries developing there. It prepares radical breakthroughs in technology based on basic scientific research. The Technopolis is being created in such a way as to facilitate and strengthen the interaction of the research and industrial sectors to the greatest extent, to ensure the speedy development and commercialization of scientific research results.

The most famous technopolis in Russia is the Novosibirsk Academic Town - a complex created according to a single project research institutes, design bureaus. In addition to diverse research activities, a well-thought-out system for training scientific personnel is being implemented here, and constant searches are underway for optimal forms interaction between science and production. The uniqueness of the complex is also manifested in the features of its location: proximity to a large city, an extensive network industrial enterprises and research organizations, compactness and availability of necessary housing and other services. IN recent years this complex began to be supplemented by a large number of scientific and technical cooperatives and small enterprises, and many proactive forms of communication between science and production arose here.

Technoparks - these are large concentrations of industrial companies with their scientific and technical divisions. There is no academic science here, the research sector is much less represented than in the technopolis.

The idea of ​​creating technopolises arose in the mid-1950s. in the USA. The first technopolises were Silicon Valley in California and Route 128 in Massachusetts - now widely known throughout the world as outposts of the connection between science and industry. Today, such ultra-modern complexes that carry out the entire technological chain from basic research before the production and sale of new products, turned into centers of high-tech production and spread throughout the world.

There are several reasons for the emergence and intensive growth of technopolises and technoparks:

  • exhaustion of resources for industrial development, primarily its traditional industries: automotive, shipbuilding, metallurgy, steel production. The return of competitiveness and profitability of these industries primarily presupposed an increase in their knowledge intensity while simultaneously reducing unit costs all types of resources in the production of products. This problem could be solved mainly through the development of a new high-tech sector of the economy. Science and technology parks made a certain contribution to the formation and development of such a sector;
  • an urgent need for the development of new technologies that would determine the state of economically developed countries in the future, as well as new high-tech industries - electronics, biotechnology, new modern materials, special chemistry, optics, information technology, leisure industry, etc.;
  • the need to overcome the relative autonomy of science and production, turning them into interested partners. Science and technology parks are the most promising form of such interaction;
  • the need for reconstruction that has emerged in some Western countries large enterprises and the creation of small and medium-sized innovative companies on their basis. We are talking about the emergence and development of venture (risky) knowledge-intensive business.

The creation and operation of scientific and technological parks helps to equalize the economic level of various regions of the country, more rationally allocate productive forces, and transform individual economically less developed regions into scientific and industrial zones with relatively high productivity.

Depending on the nature and scope of the functions performed, five types of technopolises are distinguished:

  • innovation centers, the purpose of which is to provide assistance primarily to new companies associated with high technology. As an example of innovation centers, we can cite West German centers, primarily the Berlin Innovation Center, which has gained wide international fame. It was conceived as an incubator for companies and from the very beginning of its activities fully corresponded to this purpose. The center provides premises for small innovative companies to locate small production, assembly and development work; provides financial support, provides these companies with the necessary consulting assistance in solving technological and organizational problems, etc.;
  • science and research parks, which serve both new and mature companies, support close ties with universities or research institutes. An example is Cambridge Science Park, which is based on a world-famous university. At Cambridge Science Park in the mid-1990s. there were over 400 high-tech small firms specializing in the field of electronics, instrument making, computer equipment and software etc. In addition, Cambridge is an incubator of new venture companies, diverse in their types of activity (research, production, consulting);
  • technology parks, who have at their disposal whole network knowledge-intensive firms and industries, but at the same time there are no strong ties with universities or research institutes:
  • technology centers - service enterprises created for the development of new high-tech firms. Their main task is to promote small knowledge-intensive businesses. There are especially many of them in the USA (more than 400). An example is the Center for Advanced Technology in the state of Georgia, created on the basis of a local institute of technology. The center advises new companies and provides them with financial assistance during the first three years from the date of establishment;
  • conglomerates (belts) of technocomplexes and science parks, the goal of which is to transform entire regions into high-tech zones. The most famous conglomerate is the world-famous Silicon Valley, consisting of many diverse research organizations, institutes, knowledge-intensive and service firms. Now Silicon Valley has largely exhausted its spatial capacity, and its new research and industrial companies will move to cities around the corner. Route-128 is currently a similar conglomerate.

Russia has also accumulated some experience in organizing science and technology parks. However, perestroika and the subsequent economic reform caused some damage to the system of these parks. Funding has been reduced, and many scientists have left the industry. The problem of conservation and multiplication has become more acute innovation potential countries. Technoparks and technopolises, as well as others organizational forms innovation activity, currently functioning in Russia, should become the basis for further scientific and technological progress. Occurring in the mid-1990s. The natural process of stratification of technology parks created in the country led to their quantitative growth and the emergence of technology parks organized not at universities, but on the basis of large scientific centers, science cities, in academic campuses and previously closed settlements.

In mid-2002, the State Council and the Security Council determined subsequently approved by the President Russian Federation nine main areas of scientific development and 52 critical science-intensive technologies that will be emphasized. A concept has been developed for reforming state research centers so that the science development program is completed.

The Government of the Russian Federation in 2006 approved state program“Creation of technology parks in the field of high technologies in the Russian Federation”, aimed at the development of high-tech sectors of the economy and the creation of technology parks in the field of high technologies, which is the most effective mechanism for the development of high-tech industries - one of the main driving forces of the country’s economic growth.

It should be noted that the low specific gravity organizations carrying out technological innovations in the total number of organizations in Russia. Thus, in 2008, for mining, manufacturing, production and distribution of electricity, gas and water, this value was only 9.6%, and the share of costs for technological innovation in the total volume of goods shipped, work performed, and services was only 1 .4%.

The number of organizations performing scientific research and development has decreased significantly in recent years: for example, if in 1992 the number of such organizations was 4555, then in 2008 it decreased to 3666 (Table 1.1).

As can be seen from the table, the greatest damage was suffered by design and design and survey organizations, the number of which decreased from 495 to 42 over the same period.

Accordingly, the number of personnel employed scientific research and developments. If at the end of 1992 there were 15,326 thousand people, then at the end of 2008 there were only 761.3 thousand people. The number of researchers decreased especially dramatically - from 804.0 to 375.8 thousand people over the specified period (Table 1.2).

Table 1.1 Number of organizations performing research and development

Table 1.2 Number of personnel engaged in research and development (at the end of the year; thousand people)

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