How long do parrots live. How long does a budgerigar live

Getting yourself a feathered talking friend, hunting in advance to know how long domestic parrots live. Most often, wavy chirps are purchased home. Such bright birds will bring joy for many years.

However, in addition to budgerigars, they acquire, or even, as pet birds. incomparably beautiful birds having character. Not everyone can find an approach to them. However, you have years to tame. After all, some birds live longer than cats or dogs.

How long do domestic budgerigars live

Bright feathered chirps of small size. Therefore, they do not need a huge cage, but space is needed. Any bird that nature is supposed to fly needs to “knead” its wings. Do not think that the bird will live with you for another year, and you do not need to spend money on arranging its cage.

They live for about ten years, but there are also long-livers who are able to play repeat games with you for two decades. Agree, not every dog ​​will be able to live so long next to you, even if you carefully look after her. Much depends on the subspecies of the pet, the conditions of detention, the balance of the bird's "menu" and the general situation in the house. If the apartment has "hellish conditions", then the budgerigar will not last a couple of years. If you try and provide your winged friend Better conditions, then he can please you with his chirping for fifteen years.

Do you know how long medium-sized budgerigars live? These birds can live for three decades! The larger the bird, the longer they live. Even at home. Some especially large individuals can live up to 50 years, but these are far from the pets that are full in the markets and pet stores. These "kids" will be able to talk with you under one roof for only a decade and a half.

How long does a cockatiel parrot live

If we compare how many live compared to wavy ones, then the difference is huge. Corella can live up to thirty years, and the minimum life threshold (in ideal conditions of detention) is 15 years.

How long do lovebird parrots live

The same couple with a person can Twitter up to 35 years, although on average it is only two dozen.

How long does a macaw parrot live

- one of the longest-lived domestic parrots. The duration of their life at home sometimes reaches up to four decades! But there were also those who lived next to a person for more than half a century.

How long does a cockatoo live

Such a bright parrot should not feel sad. Chat with him

Here opinion diverges. For example, pink and yellow-crested can live up to 50 years, white-crested up to 70, Moluccan even 80 years can live in captivity. Still those centenarians. There is a huge amount of documentary evidence that the cockatoo has been a human companion for more than 63 years. It's amazing how many parrots live at home.

How long does a parrot live

But these are the real record holders. They can live at home for a century! This pet will be inherited. Because he will outlive many. But that's with good care.

How many years do parrots live in the wild

IN wild nature parrots do not live so sweetly. The world is full of danger

It's funny that budgerigars live longer at home than in the wild. Wild birds rarely live up to 8 years. The average number of years lived by them is from four to six. Such a short life expectancy is connected not only with the fact that the external environment is not so favorable. Either the humidity is high, or it is windy, or it is hot, or the predator will catch.

What can shorten the life of a parrot

It is not enough to know how long budgerigars live, if you do not have an idea what shortens their life.

Before you get yourself a parrot, think about whether you can provide it with everything necessary for happy life captive?

  1. Small cell. It is necessary not only for living, but also for flying on it. Agree, it’s much more convenient for you to move around a spacious room than 2 square meters. In addition, the pet should be allowed to fly around the house, having previously closed all windows and doors tightly. A little movement around the airy space of the room will not harm the feathered talker.
  2. drafts. They don't benefit anyone. Drafts can cause pneumonia. In the "best case" - a cold.
  3. Direct sunlight. No, this does not mean that the parrot must be kept in the dark. Just don't put it on a window where the sun beats down and doesn't let your pet hide. In addition, do not forget that in nature the sun sets and rises. Therefore, do not knock down the biological clock of your twitterer. Don't forget to cover it with a thick cloth. And follow the routine. You need to arrange a “day-night” for the bird at the same hours.
  4. The location of the cell in the kitchen. It's very hot and humid there. This is detrimental to the parrot. Besides household appliances must be placed away from the parrot. And the TV should be far away. Noise and radiation will interfere with the life of a feathered pet.
  5. Bad air. Cigarette smoke, burning, steam, smoke, pungent odors and even incense (even from candles, even from an aroma lamp).
  6. Bad content. An unbalanced diet causes a reduction in the life expectancy of a parrot. Because of this, a huge number of diseases arise, including metabolic disorders (metabolism).

The budgerigar is a popular and fairly common bird. The historical homeland of these birds is Australia, they were specially imported to other continents since 1840. Most people choose this type of bird as a pet for various reasons, because of their small size, malleable nature, friendliness and intelligence. In more detail, the article will discuss the life expectancy of budgerigars. Observing the correct conditions for their life, in captivity, a bird can live an average of 15-16 years. In general, it depends on a number of factors.

The first factor is comfort.

The very first thing to take care of before acquiring a parrot is a cage. The cage is the home of the feathered, it must be spacious and durable. In the cage there should be not only a parrot, but also its objects, a feeder, a drinking bowl, a pool and a variety of toys.

Attention! It is necessary to remove the cage from the place where direct rays fall, this causes stress for the pet. You should not often transfer the cage to new places, the bird is hard going through the rearrangement.

The second factor is food.

Nutrition needs to be given more attention. The parrot menu plays a big role in the life expectancy of a bird. Feeding birds should contain all the necessary complex of vitamins, be always fresh. IN modern world this is no longer a problem as there are plenty of pet stores selling everything you need.

The only thing you should carefully look at the expiration date of the goods and the condition of the packaging. The integrity of the packaging may be compromised, the food may be spoiled. Health, and hence the life of a feathered fidget, directly depends on this. You should add green dandelion leaves, boiled yolk, berries and fruits to your pet's food.

You should also add chalk to the feed and mineral stone specially designed for parrots. In no case should a feathered one be left alone for a long time.

Important! Many owners, leaving home for a few days, leave a lot of food in the cage and put an extra drinker. However, a parrot can eat all the food in one day and sit hungry the rest of the day. It should be remembered that a parrot can live without food for 3 to 4 days. One day without water.

The third factor is leisure

Birds love to communicate with people, cats or birds. The ideal option would be to get your favorite bird a partner. Two females can get along very well in one cage, while boys, living together, often show their harmful character and jealousy. Here it is important not to deprive any of them of the attention, so that everyone feels that he is important and loved. If the feathered fidget lives without a couple, his owners will have to try hard so that he does not miss.

Attention! Budgerigars that are caged with their mate live longer than those that live alone. Positive emotions of feathered pets are connected with this.

Many are mistaken in thinking that you can give a parrot a lot of toys and brighten up his leisure for the whole day. Of course, they like to learn a lot of new things, but they also quickly get tired of it, they constantly need a variety of new items and, most of all, attention and love. If the owners are often not at home, you can cheat a little, hang a mirror in a cage, the fidget will look in the mirror, see itself, and perceive another bird and communicate with it.

The fourth factor is the temperature in the room

Budgerigars love heat, they absolutely can not supercool. Therefore, it is worth considering where to put the cage in order to protect the pet from drafts. Air humidity also depends on the life span of a parrot. It is necessary to maintain the humidity of the room at 50 percent, in which case the feathered one will feel comfortable.

The fifth factor is stress

Many do not pay due attention to this factor, however, these birds are timid, their hearts may not be able to withstand severe stress, in such cases they die. Therefore, if other animals live in the apartment, it is necessary to observe whether they managed to make friends, otherwise, the bird should be moved to another room, protected from communication with the animal.

Sixth - daily routine

An important point is the regime moment, the parrot has its own biorhythm. It is important to build a precise boundary between day and night. If the TV is constantly on in the room, the lamps are on, loud sounds come out, the parrot can get sick.

All of these factors affect the life span of a bird in home environment. But here it is necessary to include a few more secondary factors that can cause the death of a bird:

  1. Open vents. It is necessary to close the windows when the parrot's cage is open.
  2. Glass. The windows should be covered with curtains, otherwise the bird may be injured by the glass when it flies around the room.
  3. Dangerous objects and plants.
  4. Smoking. It is advisable not to smoke in the house where the parrot is kept. Nicotine is bad for your pet's health.

It should be remembered that few wavy fidgets live to old age, they mostly die from the paws of cats, fly into open doors or windows, drown in the aquarium. In many ways, the life span of a parrot depends on the person.

At will budgerigars live much less. In the wild, birds are constantly in danger, there is a risk of being eaten by a wild animal, various cataclysms and being without food for a long time also threaten. Birds of prey are constantly looking for easy prey. They will not catch up with adult parrots, but they will feast on small chicks. In this regard, the life expectancy of the budgerigar in wild environment habitat rarely exceeds 5 years.

Read in this article

The life span of various representatives of the parrot family is different. Owners of talkative "wavy" certainly need to know the age of their pets and take into account, at home without a partner. This will help to adjust the diet in time, enrich it with useful substances to strengthen immunity and maintain health. Comfortable conditions of keeping allow you to extend the life of a bird, even if it lives in a cage without relatives.

Lifespan of budgerigars in nature

In the wild, birds whose homeland is distant Australia rarely live longer than 3-5 years. Individuals who have reached the age of eight are considered long-livers.

Such a short age is the result of nomadic life, the need to travel considerable distances to obtain food, to escape from bad weather or the paws of predators. In addition, outbreaks of diseases often occur in numerous flocks of parrots. Ornithologists cannot accurately establish the nature of their origin. We only know that epidemics cause mass deaths. Such aggressive living conditions kill the weakest and youngest individuals.

How old do pet parrots live?

The existence of budgerigars in an apartment or house is much safer, more comfortable, more satisfying than in natural environment habitat. The owners make sure that they receive food on time, do not freeze or overheat, protect them from dangers, for example, from meeting cats or other animals. All this prolongs life.

In the literature, you can find different data on the life expectancy of budgerigars at home. But on average they live up to the age of 8-10 years. The following factors allow extending it to 13-15 years:

  • proper diet;
  • sufficient cell size;
  • observance of the light regime;
  • the possibility of free flight;
  • protection from external threats (for example, from other animals);
  • communication with relatives and people.

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for birds to fail to cross the age threshold of 5 years. But there are also real centenarians who live to see their 20th birthday. This is an advanced age for budgerigars and rare individuals reach it. The long life expectancy is explained by the physiological characteristics of the bird and the conditions of its maintenance. At the same time, the gender of the parrot does not matter in this matter. Male and female can live equally long.

Wavy owners often have to face difficulties in determining their age. After all, 5-year-old individuals may look no different from 15-year-olds. Only experts can tell them apart. You can be sure of the age of your pet only when buying a young chick that has not yet passed the first molt.

Lifetime without a partner

Budgerigars that do not have a pair live less than their relatives. These are social birds, and communication plays an important role in their lives.

Hand birds consider people members of their flock, friends. Therefore, they often need to talk, stroke, pick up. This causes positive emotions in birds and.

In captivity, birds experience stress, which only intensifies when they are alone. Anxiety, fears, alertness of individuals living without partners reduce life expectancy. Lone parrots can show aggression, pluck feathers or even lose them. Often this leads to illness.

The owner cannot completely replace relatives, especially if the parrot is afraid of people. When they entertain each other in the absence of the owner. Birds do not experience longing, stress, are less susceptible to diseases.

The lifespan of a budgerigar depends on many factors, including genetic health, conditions environment, as well as having a partner. These are important conditions for the longevity of birds. It is important for owners to comply with them so that the budgerigar is nearby and delights for many years.

Budgerigars make wonderful pets and real family members. I don’t want to think about the moment of separation from my beloved birds, but the thought of how long budgerigars live does arise from time to time. Many factors affect the life expectancy of birds, which owners should definitely know about in advance.

It is impossible to determine the exact age of a bird, but there are a number of signs by which you can tell whether you are going to buy a young bird or an adult bird. Carefully examining the parrot, signs of disease will also become noticeable. This is important, because if there are other birds in the house, there is a high risk of infecting them.

When choosing a parrot, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. Inspection of the wax. This is an area of ​​thickened skin at the base of the mandible. In young individuals, it looks very pale. In males, as they grow older, it acquires a more blue saturated color, and in females it becomes brownish.
  2. Assessment of the condition of the beak. Very young parrots have a blackish beak. As they grow older, the dark shade disappears and in an adult, the beak acquires a greenish or yellowish tint.
  3. Tail inspection. A long tail occurs only in an adult wavy, in a young individual it is much shorter. Parrots reach the size of adult birds very quickly, so one of the signs of youth is the length of the feathers, which become normal with a little delay.
  4. Feather color assessment. Very young birds have duller plumage. On the head, feathers up to the wax can acquire a slight waviness. At the age of 4-6 months after the first few molts, the plumage of the bird acquires a richer and brighter shade.
  5. Determining the age of a bird by the eyes. The younger specimen has a black eye tint that merges with the pupil, which gives the impression that the eyes of the wavy are especially large and expressive. When examining the eyes more adult bird it becomes noticeable that plumage is often absent around them, and the pupil is framed in a white ring.

By carefully examining the parrot, you can determine its age.

The life span of parrots does not depend on whether the bird is male or female. In most cases, in the question of how many years budgerigars live at home, an important role is played by proper care and related pet rules.

A sign of a sick bird is often the loss of a large number of feathers. But if instead of feathers small protruding needles are distinguished, then this means that the parrot is in the process of molting. Another sign of the disease is a loss of interest in toys and a lack of physical activity. Wavy are extremely playful and mobile birds. If you see that the parrot is sitting, perched on a perch, and does not interact with its fellows in any way, this may be a sign of weakness and illness.

If the parrot sits perched on a perch and does not interact with its fellows in any way, this may be a sign of weakness.

The first molt for each parrot occurs at different times, but often this process occurs at the age of three months. After the bird becomes very similar to an adult, which is why determining its age will be problematic.

Experts have calculated how many years budgerigars live in a cage at home. Birds that live up to 15-20 years are considered centenarians. Often wavy reach 8.5 years. Unfortunately, being extremely fragile creatures due to diseases, malnutrition and oversight of the owners, this figure can be much less. The life expectancy of parrots at home depends on several factors.


As a result of incorrect selections, a whole brood of birds may have congenital diseases that cause a pet to have a short life. Many unscrupulous or inexperienced breeders do not try to stop closely related ties, because of which latent chronic diseases develop in offspring. Therefore, when buying at first glance, absolutely healthy parrot, after a while, an exacerbation of the disease may occur. And it won't be the owner's fault.


Balanced food is the key to the longevity of the feathered. With malnutrition or nutrition from the human table, the pet may develop tumors of various organs, obesity, as well as an upset digestive system. In addition to purchased mixtures of grains, the bird's diet should include fruits, berries, pitted and vegetables. Each bird has its own taste preferences, so it takes some time to experiment to figure out your pet's favorite treats.

Suitable cage and environment

Even before buying a feathered one, you need to take care of the presence of a cell with everything you need. The parrot should have bells, a swing, a drinker and a feeder with grains. The cleanliness of the drinker should be regularly checked to prevent the formation of a slimy film on its surface. The feeder with grains is blown from the husk.

The parrot must have interesting toys, bells, swing, drinker and feeder

It is important that the room where the cage will stand has a constant temperature and humidity. There should be no drafts, excessive noise and harsh sounds. It is worth taking care of sufficient lighting. In the autumn-winter period, when there is a short daylight hours, it is necessary to organize additional lighting.

You should not place a cage with a parrot in the kitchen or in the hallway. These are the most unfortunate rooms, as the temperature is constantly changing here, there are drafts and a lot of noise. It is best to place the pet in the living room where the whole family gathers. Then the wavy will not lack communication, and he will quickly get used to the person.

Regular physical activity

Experts note that parrots leading an inactive lifestyle gain weight faster, suffer from obesity, as a result of which they develop various diseases. For a pet to be healthy, it must be able to exercise regularly. For this, a spacious cage of several floors is suitable, where the feathered one can perform its maneuvers. Swings, ladders, perches and other devices for feathered games and amusements are hung in it.

Some toys in a cage are not enough. It is necessary to organize the space around the cage in such a way that the wavy can fly freely without harming itself. Outside the cage is installed where you can place:

  • abacus beads, sorting through which the parrot will train its beak;
  • bungee or swing. One of the favorite activities of birds is to sway to examine their toys and plan what to do in the future;
  • a rope ladder, on which the parrot, climbing, will train its paws;
  • bells, rattles, mirrors - all these attributes are necessary to maintain interest and good mood parrot.

Communication with family members and the absence of stressful situations

It is extremely important to protect your pet from getting into any stressful situations. If repairs are planned at home, then loud sounds can frighten the bird so much that its heart cannot stand it. During this period, it is better to go out with a cage to the neighbors.

You need to protect your pet from getting into any stressful situations.

Any for parrots unusual situation is already cause for concern. But if you regularly communicate with your pet and try to establish contact with him, then the arrival of a noisy company of guests, rearranging furniture or elementary cleaning will no longer scare him so much.

What safety rules must be observed when a parrot lives at home

How long budgerigars live at home is very much influenced by such a factor as the indiscretion and negligence of the owners themselves. Many things and objects that are absolutely safe for humans can cause irreparable harm to the health of a bird.

The table shows the sources of danger for birds, which often cause their premature death.

Item name Description
open windows Through an open window, a feathered one can fly out into the street. From fright and many street sounds, he will no longer find his way home. Got into external environment, the feathered one will not be able to survive on its own. Temperature fluctuations, cold snaps, lack of normal nutrition, as well as many predators preying on careless birds await her.

There is no need to sit around the clock with closed windows. In order to prevent the wavy from accidentally flying out through the window, it is enough to put mosquito nets and regularly check for their integrity.

Kitchen So many dangers await the parrot in the kitchen that it would be better for him to not have access to this room. If the wavy is given complete freedom, then at least during cooking or cleaning, it must be closed in a cage, otherwise flying over a boiling pot, the bird may be scalded. In addition, fumes from Teflon dishes are deadly for a bird.
Fan or air conditioner In the hot season, out of habit, the hand reaches out to turn on the fan or air conditioner, but when a parrot flies freely in the house, this cannot be done. A bird can be injured or even killed by being hit by a fan blade. Due to the draft created by the air conditioner, the feathered one can catch a cold.
Batteries and heaters Heating devices should not be placed near the cage, as they are a source of dry air that is extremely harmful to the pet's respiratory system.
Coils of wires, bare wires Since the wavy are very inquisitive, after they are released from the cage, they will carefully examine each room in turn. In the process of getting to know new objects, parrots are very fond of trying everything on their beak. Therefore, it is necessary to put in order all the sockets and wires, make sure that the insulation is not broken anywhere.

A large accumulation of wires, as a rule, happens near the computer. So that during a walk the pet does not get tangled in them, it is necessary to carefully tighten all the cables with construction ties or place them under a special box.

Mirrors and windows Large mirrors on wardrobes are dangerous, as a parrot, seeing its own reflection, may think that another bird is flying towards it. A collision with a mirror surface sometimes causes fatal injuries to the bird. In the windows, the wavy does not see his reflection, but he does not see any obstacles in front of him, so he may think that nothing threatens him and that he can fly further.

You can prevent injury to the bird if you hang mirrors for a while while it flies, and lower tulle or blinds on the windows.

An aquarium with fish and any deep containers with water. Parrots do not know how to swim, but they show great interest in water. To protect your pet from drowning, be sure to cover the aquarium. Another danger is vases of flowers, which are very easy to slip into. If your pet likes to splash in the sink, then make sure that the water level is not too high for him.
Cigarette smoke, cigarette butts In the room where there is a cage with a feathered one, smoking is strictly prohibited. For cigarette butts and ashes, there should be a closable ashtray so that the bird cannot start pecking at cigarette butts out of interest. Packs of cigarettes, whether open or not, should be stored in a closed cabinet. If, nevertheless, the bird gets to the cigarette butts or inhales cigarette smoke, acute poisoning may begin, which, without urgent help, is fatal.
Large mesh curtains Birds love to climb higher to watch the affairs of the household from above. Their favorite place is the cornice. Parrots often descend from the eaves onto curtains or tulle. Therefore, if a tulle with a large mesh pattern hangs in the house, the pet's claws can easily catch on it and without outside help it will not get out of there.

It is undesirable if the tulle has protruding threads, as they will certainly attract the attention of a parrot. Having eaten threads, he will score a goiter.

Fumigators Fumigators must not be turned on in the room where the pet's cage is located, as these devices spray deadly substances into the air not only for insects, but also for parrots. To get rid of annoying mosquitoes, it is better to put mosquito nets and do not remove them until the winter. Some responsible hosts leave grids on all year round. True, in this case they will often have to be pulled.
Aerosols and sprays Do not spray any cleaning products, window cleaners or hairspray near the cage. The components contained in the composition can cause the development of diseases of the liver and respiratory organs.
Indoor plants and seedlings Many birds are partial to home flowers or garden seedlings. They would love to start eating the leaves of plants on the windowsill. Seeing such attempts, the feathered one must be driven away from the flowers, since most of them are extremely dangerous for the health of the parrot.
Pencils, markers, crayons To protect your pet from poisoning, you need to teach children to put all the pencils, crayons and felt-tip pens in a box after themselves, otherwise the wavy can gnaw the lead and eat the pencil shavings.
New Year decoration Avoid decorating your home holidays not worth it. However, it is recommended to choose light unbreakable balls. Perhaps they are less beautiful or dressy, but you will not have to worry about the safety of your pet. It is worth refusing from balloons, as they often burst and the feathered one can get scared. For the same reason, crackers should not be used.

Having decided to have a feathered friend, you should not get too hung up on the question of how many years a budgerigar lives at home. The best care for a bird will be the arrangement of its cage and playground, rich and proper nutrition, as well as constant communication so that it does not get bored.

Before we get a budgerigar, we are looking for answers to many questions, whether it is the nuances of nutrition or the arrangement of the cage. But invariably, one of the most frequently asked questions will be: “How many years do budgerigars usually live in a cage?”. In captivity, oddly enough, birds live longer, about 10-15 years, because the need to look for food, water, and avoid predators is gone.

Of course, there are centenarians who are able to celebrate their 20th birthday, but this is more an exception to the rule than the norm. Although there will always be a seller in a pet store who will say that it is their birds who live all 20 or even 25 years in captivity. However, it has been recorded that the oldest parrot of the presented species was the wavy, whose life expectancy was 21 years.

But even in apartments, not all parrots die of old age, because there are many dangers from which a newly-made neighbor should be protected. Remember that life expectancy is directly dependent on the conditions and quality of water, food, keeping the cage clean and the safety of the room.

It is the right diet that is the key to the health and long life of a parrot. An indispensable part of the diet has always been and will be a grain mixture. Quite often, the owners of birds are lost when choosing food in a pet store, seeing how many different brands are presented.

However, the choice is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, give preference to imported grain mixtures, even if they are more expensive, but their quality speaks for itself. Do not forget to carefully examine the packaging, make sure that the food is intended specifically for budgerigars.

Look at the date of manufacture, check the tightness of the package and carefully read the composition, because there are medicinal grain mixtures that budgerigars should eat only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Before you pour the grains into the feeder, inspect them for the presence of impurities. You should not take food in weight, anything could get there, even mouse droppings, which can poison a budgerigar. If a bird feeds on the same brand of grain mixture for many years, then it is worth introducing a new one carefully and little by little, carefully observing the behavior of the budgerigar.

In addition to grain food, budgerigars need greens, vegetables, fruits and tree branches. Just think how many vitamins and nutrients are contained in these products, and they significantly affect life expectancy and the number of years spent next to you. Berries picked in summer can be frozen and treated to a bird in winter.

From greens, spinach, dandelions and nettles are well suited. Also be sure to include carrots, cucumbers, zucchini and other vegetables in the bird's diet.

Branch food is another mandatory component of a balanced and proper diet, branches are rich in fiber and a large number of trace elements. In addition, they help to take care of the beak and claws by grinding down a little and not allowing them to grow too much.

Of course, there are trees that are not suitable for birds, these include:

  1. Pear.
  2. Bird cherry.
  3. Poplar.
  4. Lilac.
  5. All conifers.

Twigs must be collected away from roads and must be treated with boiling water before offering to the budgerigar. In winter, the branches are first placed in the water, waiting until the buds swell, after which the parrot plays and feasts on them.


You have probably noticed how many different shapes and sizes of cages are now presented in pet stores, however, for a comfortable life for a bird, it is worth observing a number of criteria when choosing:

  1. Rectangular shape.
  2. Unpainted steel bars.
  3. Plastic pallet.
  4. Maximum horizontal roof.
  5. No gratings on the bottom.
  6. The distance between the bars is not more than 20 mm.

The cage in which the parrots live must be cleaned every day. This rule also applies to the drinker, even if the water looks clean on the outside, you have no idea how many pathogenic bacteria can live in it with a rare change.

Make sure that direct sunlight does not fall on the cage, this causes discomfort in the budgerigar. Do not move it around the room, you should choose a place in advance and let the parrot get used to it. In this way, you protect the bird from unnecessary stress, which significantly affects life expectancy.

No cage is complete without toys. Hang a bell or a mirror, add a couple of perches and twigs. But remember that not a single toy can replace a parrot communicating with you, in the wild they live in large flocks, where they have more than enough communication, but in apartments loneliness for such active neighbors is extremely destructive.

A second parrot will become a good company in a wavy cage, and if the individuals are of different sexes, then there is a possibility of creating a married couple and the birth of offspring. Remember, if several birds live in one cage at once, its size must match.


How many years a budgerigar will please you is significantly affected by the absence stressful situations. Most often they are created by pets and children who live in an apartment and show great interest in a new tenant.

It is in your power to ensure that a cat or dog does not have direct access to a cage with a wavy, especially for walks, because how many birds died under the teeth and paws of animals seeking to play or hunt.

If the bird was brought to a new home recently, then it needs time to adapt. During this period, avoid close contact, loud and harsh noises. The parrot has already received its share of stress when it was taken out of its familiar environment and brought to a completely unfamiliar place, is it worth strengthening its condition?

If before the arrival of a new tenant you already have a cage in which other budgerigars live, then the new tenant should be followed for a couple of weeks separately, cases when a bird from a pet store is sick is far from uncommon. The wavy fully adapts to the new environment and other residents within a month, after which you can start releasing the parrot for walks.

The quality of food and water, the comfortable temperature in the room and the cleanliness of the cage determine how many years the budgerigar will delight you and the whole family.

After all, it is often the wrong care and non-compliance with safety measures that lead to the interruption of the life of budgerigars that fly out of the windows, knock on windows and mirrors, get injured, and sometimes die due to the fault of pets.

It is not so difficult to create all the conditions for a good life for a wavy in captivity. Gradually, cleaning the cage, walking and regularly changing the water will become a habit. It is thanks to the observance of such nuances that the life expectancy of a parrot can approach a record figure of 20 years.

Light and temperature conditions

The optimal length of daylight hours is considered to be 10-14 hours a day, depending on the time of year. It is very important for budgerigars to get vitamin D, which is produced due to sunlight and affects the growth of bones and appearance plumage.

If it is not possible to provide these conditions, then special lamps are used, which partially compensate for the lack of natural light.

A comfortable temperature for keeping a wavy at home is 22-25 degrees Celsius.

With more high temperature breathing problems and overheating may occur, and at low temperatures, the threat of colds increases. Parrots are not so much afraid of the cold as drafts and sudden changes, which significantly undermine the immunity of birds.

Possible causes of death

The death of a parrot is usually due to oversight, improper treatment or late visits to the doctor, but other reasons are possible in addition to this.

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