Electrician of linear structures. Job description for an electrician of linear telephone and radio installations

Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (UTKS), 2019
Part No. 1 of Issue No. 58 ETKS
The issue was approved by the Decree of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR, All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated April 27, 1984 N 122/8-43
(As amended by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated November 11, 2008 N 642)

Electrician of linear telephone and radio installations

§ 17. Electrician of linear telephone communications and radio installations of the 2nd category

Characteristics of work. Participation in the operational and technical maintenance of overhead communication lines, intercity and intraregional communication cables, work on fixing the cable route, simple measurements on the cable, inspection, routine and overhaul of overhead and cable lines, development and repair of subscriber devices, impregnation, strengthening and replacement supports, in equipping supports and traverses with fittings, installation and repair of intra-house networks, installation of grounding. Assembly of individual structural elements of linear subscriber devices. Cleaning insulators on poles and racks. Excavation work (digging and filling holes, trenches and ditches). Preparation of materials and fittings in warehouses and lines, loading and unloading of materials, numbering of supports. Cutting down bushes, trimming tree branches, clearing communication lines from logging residues. Manufacturing and painting of auxiliary devices (warning signs, measuring posts, barriers, etc.). Breaking drafts and making grooves in brick walls.

Must know: basic information on electrical engineering; main types and profiles of supports and racks and their purpose; rules for performing work on inspection, repair and maintenance of overhead and cable communication lines and subscriber devices, on processing, equipment, strengthening and replacement of supports; design and types of serviced cables, overhead lines and subscriber devices; numbering order of supports; rules for storing and handling antiseptics and blowtorches; techniques for impregnating supports in the field.

§ 18. Electrician of linear telephone communications and radio installations of the 3rd category

Characteristics of work. On overhead lines: installation (replacement), straightening and strengthening of supports and racks. Processing and equipping supports and attachments with power tools. Suspension, relocation of wires. Welding of steel wires and making joints of non-ferrous metals. Grounding installation on overhead lines and subscriber points. Testing wires from control supports. Installation and replacement of telephone sets. Participation in work to determine the location and nature of damage and eliminate damage on overhead lines and subscriber devices. Operational and technical maintenance and elimination of damage on subscriber lines, intra-house networks and radio broadcasting points of single-program broadcasting. Installation and rearrangement of radio broadcasting points, checking the serviceability of loudspeakers. Maintaining technical documentation according to the work being performed.

On cable lines: determination of the cable route on the ground according to technical documentation. Technical supervision and protection of cable routes from damage; issuing prohibitions on the performance of uncoordinated work. Maintenance of instruments and equipment for maintaining cables under excess air pressure. Participation in work to determine the location and elimination of damage, protect cables from corrosion and electromagnetic influences, carry out electrical measurements, determine the cable route with a cable detector. When servicing payphones: inspecting payphones and payphone booths. Participation in eliminating damage to payphones. Preparation and replacement of piggy banks in payphones. Maintaining documentation when processing piggy banks. Registration of issuance and return of piggy banks and payphone keys. Repair of handsets in workshops.

When working on technical certification: inspection of ground-based linear structures with drawing up simple sketches of overhead lines, cable and air inputs, small-type telephone wells and distribution boxes. Making changes to wardrobe books based on outfits. Testing of main and distribution cables.

Must know: basics of electrical engineering; principles of telephony, telegraphy and wire testing; circuit diagram and structure of a telephone; basic information about power supplies; methods for measuring DC communication lines; procedure for maintaining technical documentation.

On overhead lines: arrangement of overhead communication lines and rules of their operation; nature of damage on overhead lines; rules for welding and tying wires, using power tools; the procedure for counting pairs on overhead lines; basic provisions for certification of lines, on the arrangement of intersections of communication lines with power lines and rules for working near and intersections of power lines with overhead communication lines.

On cable lines: rules technical operation, protection of communication lines and conditions for work in the security zone; procedure for maintaining cable lines under excess pressure; numbering of pairs in cable, distribution and terminal devices; rules for using a gas analyzer and checking the gas contamination of telephone wells and mines.

When servicing linear radio facilities and rural telephone communications: basic principles wire broadcasting, construction of radio broadcasting and telephone networks, installation of subscriber loudspeakers; rules for the design and operation of radio and rural telephone lines, intra-house networks and radio broadcasting points.

When servicing payphones: rules for installing payphones at a subscriber point; requirements for inspection of payphones; procedure for working with the payphone control desk attendant; basic provisions on the procedure for collecting revenue from payphones.

When working on technical certification: basic provisions for certification and accounting of subscriber devices; procedure for maintaining cabinet books and counting telephone sewer channels.

§ 19. Electrician of linear telephone communication and radio installations of the 4th category

Characteristics of work. On overhead lines: operational and technical maintenance and elimination of damage on trunk and intra-regional communication lines; feeder radio broadcasting lines with voltage up to 240 V and subscriber lines of joint suspension with power supply wires with voltage up to 380/220 V; on intra-house networks and radio broadcasting points of multi-program broadcasting; on combined radio and rural telephone lines. Carrying out routine and major repairs. Replacement of complex wooden supports (corner, half-anchor, cable). Adjusting the wires. Maintaining cable inserts, protective and matching devices in good condition. Electrical measurements of lines with direct current, measurement of ground resistance. Participation in the arrangement of spring ties and installation of crossings. Installation and repair of damage to telephone sets and diode-triode set-top boxes (DTP). Determination of the location and nature of damage and elimination of damage at subscriber points with air and cable inputs, on pole and rack lines.

On cable lines: determining the route and depth using a cable detector. Carrying out cable fixation work. Electrical measurements of cables with direct current, measurement of resistance of grounding devices. Determining the location of cable damage in the presence of serviceable cores. Carrying out explanatory work at enterprises, construction and installation organizations and among the population about the protection of cable lines.

When servicing payphones: servicing and eliminating damage to payphones in a designated area. Profitability analysis of payphones. Participation in the equipment of subscriber points. Registration of acts for theft of payphones and their parts.

When working on technical certification: inspection of medium-type telephone wells, inspection of overhead and cable lines, telephone sewerage. Certification of cables. Assigning line data to new installations.

Must know: basics of telephony and long-distance communication; wiring diagrams of serviced telephone sets, blockers and road accidents; power sources (batteries, dry cells); design and principle of operation of instruments for electrical measurements on overhead and cable lines; basic electrical parameters of serviced overhead and cable lines.

When working on overhead and cable lines: rules and methods of using mechanization equipment (drilling and crane machines, cable layers, brush cutters, etc.); operating principle of the cable detector; methods for measuring and detecting damage on overhead and cable lines, laying and installing communication cables, measuring grounding resistance, rules for the construction and repair of overhead lines; rules for adjusting wires.

When servicing linear radio installations: principles of multi-program broadcasting; design and principle of operation of multi-program loudspeakers; features of multi-program broadcasting lines and combined radio and rural telephone lines.

When servicing payphones: the operating principle of the payphone control table; technology for routine repairs of payphones; procedure for registering reports of theft of payphones.

When working on technical certification: basic provisions for accounting and certification of linear structures; the procedure for issuing orders for new installations, rearranging and removing telephones and making changes to technical documentation.

§ 20. Electrician of linear telephone communications and radio installations of the 5th category

Characteristics of work. On overhead lines: operational and technical maintenance and elimination of damage on main overhead lines with circuits sealed with 3- and 12-channel system equipment; on lines operating in high voltage mode; cable entries and inserts; feeder lines with voltage from 240 to 960 V for single and multi-program broadcasting; lines that intersect with contact networks electric transport and power transmission lines (PTL), as well as those in the zone of influence railways, operating on alternating current; sealed connecting lines; on subscriber devices sealed with AVU equipment (high-frequency subscriber device). Dismantling of overhead lines. Installation and reconstruction of wire crossings. Measurement of basic electrical parameters of lines. Participation in the commissioning of linear subscriber devices. Technical supervision of the construction and reconstruction of linear structures.

On cable lines: operational and technical maintenance and elimination of cable damage. Determining the location of cable damage in the absence of a working core. Installation of symmetrical cables, rural telephone and radio cables. Installation, adjustment and repair of protective devices and devices for maintaining cables under excess air pressure. Electrical measurements of AC cables and preparation of defect reports, technical supervision of the construction of cable lines. Determining the order of work in the security zone. Participation in cable balancing.

When servicing payphones: servicing and eliminating all types of damage to payphones in large areas. Operational maintenance and repair of counting machines and mechanisms for the collection of payphone piggy banks. Equipment of new subscriber points. Participation in activities to combat the theft of payphones and increase their profitability.

Repair of telephones (payphones) and interlocks of all systems in workshops.

When working on technical certification: drawing up technical documentation and passports for wells large type and special, cable and other linear structures and subscriber points. Checking passports and technical documentation for compliance with the situation on the network.

Must know: when working on overhead lines: principles of operation of 3 and 12-channel high-frequency transmission systems; rules for conducting work when crossing communication lines with power lines and contact networks of electric transport, as well as in areas approaching power lines; requirements for the installation of overhead lines and subscriber points; arrangement of inputs, sealed circuits and cable inserts; devices and procedure for measuring operating and transient attenuation of circuits; purpose and rules for crossing wires; operating principle of subscriber radio extenders.

On cable lines: principles of balancing and piping of cables; diagrams of measuring instruments and methods for measuring AC cables and determining the location of damage; means of protecting cables from corrosion; basic provisions of the instructions for acceptance of cables into operation.

When servicing payphones: installation diagram, mechanical and electrical adjustment of payphones and blockers, diagram of the payphone control table; instructions for adjusting and checking payphones and blockers; design of machines and mechanisms for collection of piggy banks.

When working on technical certification: rules for examining and drawing up passports for large-type and special wells, cables and other linear structures.

§ 21. Electrician of linear telephone communications and radio installations of the 6th category

Characteristics of work. On overhead lines: operational and technical maintenance and repair of main lines on particularly difficult sections of the route (with cable inserts, equipped with electrical drainage and other cable protection devices, mast crossings, etc.); connecting rural telephone lines with a complex route profile, compacted by transmission systems with remote power supply; radio feeder lines with a voltage of 960 V and higher, including lines of multi-program broadcasting, street sound systems and lines of experimental sections; complex measuring and switching linear devices and control devices for sound equipment. Finding and eliminating interference in linear structures during the transmission of multi-program broadcasting. Maintenance of radio extender equipment. Drawing up wire crossing diagrams. Determination of the location and nature of damage on communication lines using the pulse method. Calculation of basic line parameters. Inspection of routes of new construction lines and lines subject to reconstruction. Installation, maintenance and repair of all systems of special telephone equipment and prototypes. Management of operations and maintenance, repair and development of linear structures and subscriber devices. Commissioning of repaired line-subscriber devices.

On cable lines: installation and repair of input and cable equipment. Balancing of low-frequency cables and piping. Electrical measurements with alternating current of overhead lines and cables sealed with HF equipment. Installation and activation of electrical drains. Guidance on the installation and maintenance of protective devices against electrical corrosion and lightning strikes.

When servicing payphones: installation, maintenance and repair of more complex, technically perfect types payphones, coin change machines, security alarms in any area of ​​the area. Management of work on equipping payphone subscriber points.

When working on technical certification: examination and preparation of passports for particularly complex structures and equipment. Drawing up diagrams of cabinet areas and telephone sewerage, diagrams of the backbone network and inter-station communication. Checking technical documentation when commissioning new structures.

Must know: rules and instructions related to the design, operation and repair of linear subscriber facilities; procedure for acceptance of newly built, reconstructed and repaired linear subscriber facilities.

On overhead lines: diagrams, designs and procedures for switching on special telephone equipment; inductive signal transmission method; arrangement of complex transitions of overhead lines through railways, highways and power lines; diagram of complex measuring and switching linear devices and street sound control devices; the procedure for calculating the main parameters of lines and drawing up wire crossing diagrams.

On cable lines: primary and secondary parameters of cables; schemes and methods for measuring and determining the location of cable damage; the procedure for drawing up potential distribution diagrams on cable sheaths; methods of joint protection of underground structures from corrosion, balancing and piping of cables.

When servicing payphones: diagrams and design of all types of payphones and change machines; principle of operation and circuits of security alarms.

When working on technical certification: rules for examining and drawing up passports for particularly complex structures and equipment, rules for constructing telephone networks.

§ 21a. Electrician of linear telephone communication and radio installations, 7th category

(introduced by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated November 11, 2008 N 642)

Characteristics of work. Maintenance of wireless radio access subscriber points on overhead communication lines. Installation, maintenance and repair of subscriber compression equipment on cable communication lines. Organization of work on equipping payphone subscriber points connected using radio extenders or wireless radio access equipment when servicing payphones. Checking technical documentation when commissioning new linear telephone and radio installations connected using radio extenders or wireless radio access equipment.

Must know: rules and instructions for wireless telephone communications and security alarm circuits; installation of subscriber multiplex devices and payphones; the procedure for acceptance, certification, inspection rules for newly introduced wireless radio access equipment.

LLC "CHELNYVODOKANAL" announces recruitment for the vacancy " Electrician linear telephone communication and radio installations (6th category)" LLC "CHELNYVODOKANAL" (subsidiary PJSC enterprise"KAMAZ") is a high-tech modern...

from 25,000-28,000 rub. per month | Schedule: Full day

| September 24, 2019

2 |

Responsibilities: installation, configuration, commissioning of facilities and structures, equipment, channels and paths of technological communication; Requirements: experience in installation, configuration, commissioning of facilities and structures, equipment, channels and technological paths...

Gazprom transgaz Tomsk
Svobodny, Amur region

| November 19, 2019

3 |

Responsibilities: Laying and repairing telephone cables, installing switching boxes, maintaining telephone cabinets Requirements: ​​​​​​​- vocational education(College of Communications), - work experience of 1 year. Conditions: ​​​​​​​- stable salary...

from 35,000-40,000 rub. per month | Schedule: Full day
Moscow, Moscow region

| December 23, 2019

4 |

Responsibilities: Equipment maintenance: Telephone communications Radio communications Video surveillance Industrial television Loudspeaker communications Civil and emergency warning systems Requirements: Secondary specialized...

from 30,000-40,000 rub. per month | Schedule: Full day
Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region

| January 17, 2020

5 |

Discipline Availability of a certificate in the profession. Absence bad habits. Responsibility, diligence. Availability of a certificate in the profession. No bad habits. Responsibility, performance...

OJSC "Combine KMAruda"
from 17400 rub. per month | Schedule: Full day
Gubkin, Belgorod region

| May 16, 2017

6 | Electrician of linear telephone communication and radio installations, 5th category

New workplace for the enterpriseResponsibilityDisciplineHaving a certificate in the profession of the 5th category (or an instrumentation and automation mechanic), work experience, responsibility.A certificate in the profession of the 5th category (or an instrumentation and automation mechanic), work experience, responsibility...

JSC " Coal company"Southern Kuzbass"
from 22,000 rub. per month | Schedule: Full day
Mezhdurechensk, Kemerovo region

| 05 June 2017

7 | Electrician of linear telephone communication and radio installations, 6th category

Communication skills Responsibility for hanging, re-laying wires and cables, operational and technical maintenance and eliminating damage on physical and digital communication lines, identifying the location of damage and eliminating damage on cables and communication lines...

Society with limited liability"CHELNYVODOKANAL"
from 28,000 rub. per month | Schedule: Full day
Naberezhnye Chelny, Tatarstan Republic

| June 14, 2017

8 | Electrician of linear telephone and radio installations

Driver's license cat. B Responsibility Having your own car A category B driver's license is required Participation in operational and technical maintenance of overhead communication lines, intercity and intraregional communication cables, work on...

Limited Liability Company "MIR Telecom"
from 30,000 rub. per month | Schedule: Full day
Temryuk, Krasnodar region

| March 30, 2017

9 | Electrician of linear telephone and radio installations

ACTIVITIES IN THE FIELD OF COMMUNICATIONS BASED ON WIRED TECHNOLOGIESDisciplineResponsibilitySecondary vocational education, responsibility, discipline, no criminal recordSecondary vocational education, responsibility, discipline...

Trekhgorny, Chelyabinsk region

| June 19, 2017

10 | Electrician of linear telephone and radio installations

Responsibilities: equipment setup and connection broadband access Internet conditions: setting up equipment and connecting broadband Internet...

From 16,000 rub. per month | schedule: Shift schedule
Armavir, Krasnodar region

| January 25, 2020

11 |

Responsibilities: Ensuring the good condition, trouble-free and reliable operation of linear telephone and radio installations, telephone communication equipment, security and fire alarms, video surveillance systems, warning systems, their correct operation,...

from 25,000-26,000 rub. per month | Schedule: Full day
Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai

| January 27, 2020

13 |

Responsibilities: Carrying out preventative, preventative, emergency recovery work on network elements; Solving and eliminating technical problems on the network; Requirements: Secondary vocational (technical) education;...

from 17566 rub. per month | Schedule: Full day
Navlya, Bryansk region

| 05 February 2020(updated)

15 |

Responsibilities: Crossing of lines (crossing to RS) Perform PNR on site Carry out installation work Configure client equipment, demonstrate to the subscriber the functionality of the service Link equipment to the subscriber...

from 22450 rub. per month | schedule: Shift schedule
Serpukhov, Moscow region

| February 10, 2020(updated)

16 | Electrician of linear telephone communication structures

Participation in operational and technical maintenance of communication lines. Simple measurements on the cable. Inspection and repair of overhead and cable lines. Repair of subscriber devices....

from 16000-18000 rub. per month | schedule: Shift schedule
Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai

| August 25, 2019(updated)

18 |

Responsibilities: Maintenance and troubleshooting in the operation of subscriber and line-cable equipment of telephone, industrial public address systems, systems wired radio broadcasting, clock and precise time systems; Installation of SK lines...

SIBUR, Group of companies
Salary not specified | Schedule: Full day
Voronezh, Voronezh region

| February 13, 2020(updated)

1. General provisions

An electrician of linear telephone communication and radio installations, category 5, 2nd qualification group, 1st qualification level (hereinafter referred to as an electrician of linear telephone and radio installations) belongs to the category of workers.

The decision to hire and fire an electrician for linear telephone and radio installations is made by the director of the plant.

A person who has a secondary vocational (technical) education without requirements for work experience or secondary general education and work experience in a specialty corresponding to the profile for at least one year is appointed to the position of electrician of linear telephone communication and radio installations.

The electrician of linear telephone communication structures reports to the chief power engineer.

An electrician of linear telephone communication and radio installations must know:

Regulatory and methodological materials on telephone installation, radio installation, alarm system of an enterprise within the limits of their official duties;

Rules for acceptance and delivery of equipment after installation and repair;

Technical characteristics, functional diagram of the telephone exchange, block diagram routes of communication cables, alarms,

Technical characteristics, operating principles, maintenance procedures for the cathodic protection station against electrochemical corrosion of underground tanks;

Requirements rational organization labor during operation, repair and modernization of equipment;

Fundamentals of labor legislation; labor protection rules and regulations;

Industrial sanitation and fire safety rules.

Diagrams of measuring instruments, methods for measuring cables and determining the location of damage.

2. Functions

Carrying out technically correct operation and timely, high-quality repairs of automatic telephone exchanges, cable management of communication and signaling equipment, cathodic protection stations.

Providing the enterprise and its divisions with stable and high-quality communications.

3. Job responsibilities

An electrician of linear telephone communication and radio installations is obliged to:

Carry out preventive inspection of PBX equipment, communication lines and their maintenance;

Carry out work on the installation and adjustment of telephone installations, radio installations and, together with a technician, on engineering and technical means of physical protection of fire and security alarm systems and cables;

Carry out in accordance with the Order of the Committee Russian Federation according to state reserves No. 18 dated January 30, 1995 “On approval of the Rules for the technical operation of storage bases for petroleum products, ethyl alcohol, vegetable oil” (section 10)” performance monitoring and maintenance of the cathodic protection system:

Check the effectiveness of electrochemical protection in the spring-summer and autumn-winter periods;

Once every two weeks, monitor the operating mode of the cathode stations, if necessary, adjust the output parameters, record the operating parameters in a special log (voltage and current, as well as breaks in its operation);

Repair cable damage;

Determine the location of cable damage;

Maintain official secrets;

Know and comply with occupational safety and fire safety standards labor regulations and industrial sanitation.

4. Rights

An electrician of linear telephone communication and radio installations has the right to demand from the plant administration:

Creation of normal working conditions;

Timely provision of special clothes, tools;

Providing the necessary sanitary and living conditions.

5. 0responsibility

An electrician of linear telephone communication and radio installations of the 5th category, 2nd qualification group, 1st qualification level is responsible for:

For failure to comply or improper execution their duties stipulated by these instructions, in accordance with the current labor legislation;

For offenses committed during the period of its activities, in accordance with current civil, administrative and criminal legislation;

For causing material damage, in accordance with current legislation.

6. Procedure for revising job descriptions:

The instructions are subject to revision as necessary, but not less than once every 5 years.

Job Description developed on the basis of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers

Compiled by: Chief Power Engineer

Agreed: Chief Engineer. 2014

"Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers. Issue 58. Section: "Works and Professions of Communication Workers" (approved by the Resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR, All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated 04/27/1984 N 122/8-43) (as amended on 11/11/2008)

§ 20. Electrician of linear structures

telephone and radio communications

5th category

Characteristics of the work. On overhead lines: operational and technical maintenance and elimination of damage on main overhead lines with circuits sealed with 3- and 12-channel system equipment; on lines operating in high voltage mode; cable entries and inserts; feeder lines with voltage from 240 to 960 V for single and multi-program broadcasting; lines that intersect with contact networks of electric transport and power transmission lines (PTL), as well as those located in the zone of influence of railways operating on alternating current; sealed connecting lines; on subscriber devices sealed with AVU equipment (high-frequency subscriber device). Dismantling of overhead lines. Installation and reconstruction of wire crossings. Measurement of basic electrical parameters of lines. Participation in the commissioning of linear subscriber devices. Technical supervision of the construction and reconstruction of linear structures.

On cable lines: operational and technical maintenance and elimination of cable damage. Determining the location of cable damage in the absence of a working core. Installation of symmetrical cables, rural telephone and radio cables. Installation, adjustment and repair of protective devices and devices for maintaining cables under excess air pressure. Electrical measurements of AC cables and preparation of defect reports, technical supervision of the construction of cable lines. Determining the order of work in the security zone. Participation in cable balancing.

When servicing payphones: servicing and eliminating all types of damage to payphones in large areas. Operational maintenance and repair of counting machines and mechanisms for the collection of payphone piggy banks. Equipment of new subscriber points. Participation in activities to combat the theft of payphones and increase their profitability.

Repair of telephones (payphones) and interlocks of all systems in workshops.

When working on technical certification: drawing up technical documentation and passports for large-type and special wells, cable and other linear structures and subscriber points. Checking passports and technical documentation for compliance with the situation on the network.

Must know: when working on overhead lines: principles of operation of 3 and 12-channel high-frequency transmission systems; rules for conducting work when crossing communication lines with power lines and contact networks of electric transport, as well as in areas approaching power lines; requirements for the installation of overhead lines and subscriber points; arrangement of inputs, sealed circuits and cable inserts; devices and procedure for measuring operating and transient attenuation of circuits; purpose and rules for crossing wires; operating principle of subscriber radio extenders.

1. General provisions

1.1. A communications and radio electrician belongs to the category of specialists.

1.2. A person with a professional education is appointed to the position of communications and radio electrician

1.3. Appointment to a position and dismissal from it are made by order of the director of the institute.

1.4. A communications and radio electrician must know:

Schematic diagrams of serviced equipment and equipment;

Power transmission circuits and signaling circuits;

Procedure and techniques for measuring and testing channels and wires;

Switching principles and protection devices;

General information about air and cable communication lines;

Instructions for routine repair and maintenance of relays, finders, keys;

Methods of testing and adjusting the equipment used;

Main types of possible damage and ways to eliminate them;

The procedure for drawing up schematic diagrams for new prototypes of devices and equipment, automation and communications equipment;

Rules for technical operation of equipment;

Safety regulations, fire protection and labor protection;

1.5. The communications and radio electrician reports directly to the chief engineer-manager of the SEZ.

2. Job responsibilities

Communication and radio electrician:

2.1. Ensures trouble-free and reliable operation of communication devices.

2.2. Studies the operating conditions of devices, identifies the causes of premature wear, takes measures to prevent and eliminate them.

2.3. Monitors the correct operation of communication devices, etc.

2.4. Conducts daily preventive maintenance and inspection of serviced equipment, devices and equipment.

2.5. Identifies damage in serviced equipment and eliminates it.

2.6. Replaces faulty equipment and equipment, blocks it, adjusts faulty telephone relays, checks and seals cords, etc.

2.7. Assembles and adjusts individual components of start-stop devices.

2.8. Conducts scheduled maintenance of TT, AT, PS switching devices (keys, finders, cords, etc.), performs equipment installation work (AT, PS terminal points, ventilation and electrical installations).

2.9. Performs routine repairs and all types of preventive maintenance on equipment and equipment being serviced.

3. Rights

A communications and radio electrician has the right to:

3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the institute’s management concerning its activities.

3.2. On issues within his competence, submit for consideration to the management of the institute proposals for improving the activities of the institute and improving the forms and methods of work in the field of its work activities.

3.3. Request, on behalf of your immediate supervisor, from the heads of departments of the institute and specialists, information and documents necessary to fulfill their official duties.

3.6. Require the administration of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

4. Responsibility

The communications and radio electrician is responsible for:

4.1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description, within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

I have read the instructions: I.N. Nevstruev

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