Ready-made 1s configurations. Basic functionality

Software on the 1C platform: Enterprise, regardless of modification, has two launch modes. The first option is intended for a custom database start, and the second (1C configurator) is used by programmers or developers. And only for the period of making changes to the code, screen or printed form.

Access to the "Enterprise" mode is usually provided to those whose responsibilities include filling out directories, entering documents, generating reports and starting processing. Full access to both options is available to specialists (system administrators) who have sufficient qualifications for this.

Launch method and interface appearance

To start the 1C configuration via local network or the Internet, there are several launch methods: thick and web client. If you need to start the 1C program in the “Configurator” mode, you should consider the possibility of launching it only through a thick client. Or you will have to do the setup work locally on the server, where it is possible to directly connect to the database.

Important. The lack of access to the configurator in custom launch modes provides additional protection against unauthorized interference in the database.

Externally, the interface of the 1C program configurator differs little from the user interface, but the set of menu items here is completely different. The program window contains following positions:

  • Configuration. Basic functions like “open”, “save changes”, etc.;
  • Debugging. Used by programmers to test changes made;
  • Administration. Setting up access rights, creating new users;
  • Service. Interface settings, calculator, calendar;
  • Windows. Functions for managing windows open in the configurator;
  • Reference. Helper for syntax, functions, general information about the program.

Below this menu are quick commands that are most popular when working with the configurator. Their list can be changed at will. The main window displays metadata representing a predefined set of classes.

To the right of the metadata tree, the 1C configurator displays the properties of the class that is open for editing. In fact, this is the main work area of ​​the program. It will open:

  • Screen form editor.
  • Editor of printed forms and syntax.
  • Reference materials.

After making changes, you can check the functionality of the innovations in debugging mode. You need to save the changes and select launch in “Enterprise” mode (F5 key). If the errors are syntactic in nature, then before saving the configuration the Configurator will issue warnings indicating the errors. If an error appears in enterprise mode, for example, division by 0, then the programmer can go from the error window to the configurator to the part of the code where the error occurs.


The first launch after installing any configuration of 1C 8.x programs is mainly carried out in configurator mode. This is necessary to create users, assign certain rights to them, and install protection for the software module from unauthorized access by employees and third parties.

Tip: To open the configuration, you must immediately set a password, otherwise changes to even a small section of code may result in complete inoperability of the program.

In the future, this mode is used to make adjustments and introduce new modules. The complete list of functions is as follows:

  • Program change;
  • Debugging code execution;
  • Checking the performance of modules;
  • Setting up logbook parameters;
  • Database reindexing;
  • Checking logical and referential integrity;
  • Publishing the database on a web server;
  • Creating a backup copy of the database;
  • Recovery after failures;
  • User administration.

To facilitate and speed up the work of programmers and developers, contextual hints are used in the 1C configurator window. It's enough to own them common basis editing modules, it will be really difficult to make a mistake in writing commands.

Configuration update

One of the most popular areas for using the “Configurator” mode is the implementation of updates. The 1C company releases to the market at least once a quarter new version each configuration. Due to this, errors that users find are corrected, printed and electronic forms according to current regulations. Accounting is characterized by regular adjustments, and even the introduction of new types of reporting.

Only when using automatic update via an executable file will the installer usually erase non-standard code changes. Before starting, you should consider the following:

  • If there are large database changes, it is better to use the manual update method.
  • Before starting the process, you should make sure that there are no changes blocked.

If you carry out the procedure without taking into account the introduction of new code, the system administrator will then have to restore everything manually. Therefore, they try to use the “Update configuration” item in the “Configuration” menu.

The specialist has the opportunity to preliminary compare the two modules. If the code change in the new file affects only those areas where no changes were made, then an automatic update is triggered. In other cases, it is easy to transfer the necessary innovations to the database step by step, ignoring those that may disrupt the functionality or performance of your own modules.

The delivery package of software products for the 1C: Enterprise software system includes standard configurations. They represent universal application solutions for automating a specific area of ​​the economy.

Configurations that use the capabilities of one functional component are intended to automate certain areas of enterprise activity, for example, accounting, trade accounting or calculation wages. Configurations that leverage the capabilities of multiple components provide complex automation various directions accounting in a unified information base.

A feature of the 1C: Enterprise program system is the ability to change the configuration by the user himself or by organizations specializing in the implementation and support of 1C software products. This feature allows for maximum compliance automated system accounting features in a particular organization.

Let's look at a few typical configurations containing the above listed functional components.

Typical configuration 1C: Accounting 7.7 (Accounting component)

“1C: Accounting” is a universal mass-use program for automating accounting. It can be used in enterprises of different areas of activity and forms of ownership.

"1C: Accounting" provides the accountant with flexible accounting options:

  • · use of several charts of accounts simultaneously
  • · multi-level charts of accounts
  • · multidimensional analytical accounting
  • · multi-level analytical accounting
  • · quantitative accounting
  • · multi-currency accounting for an unlimited number of currencies
  • · maintaining accounting records for several enterprises on one computer
  • ·maintenance of consolidated accounting
  • · accounting of imported goods in terms of customs declaration (automatic selection of necessary customs declaration numbers when issuing invoices)

The program allows you to automate the maintenance of all sections of accounting:

  • · bank and cash desk operations
  • fixed assets and intangible assets
  • · materials and MBP
  • · goods and services, performance of work
  • · production accounting
  • · accounting of currency transactions
  • · mutual settlements with organizations
  • · settlements with accountable persons
  • · payroll calculations
  • · calculations with the budget
  • · other sections of accounting.
  • 1C: Accounting allows you to automate the preparation of any primary documents:
    • · payment orders
    • · invoices and invoices
    • · incoming and outgoing cash orders
    • · acts, invoices, demands, powers of attorney
    • · other documents.

Tools for working with documents allow you to organize the entry of documents, their arbitrary distribution among journals and the search for any documents according to various criteria: number, date, amount, counterparty.

Convenient user interface

  • · The configuration guide is intended for the accountant to quickly master the program. It allows you to familiarize yourself with the procedure for using the program for specific sections of accounting and immediately perform the necessary actions.
  • · Commenting mode for documents. In the process of automatically generating document transactions, the program informs the user about why certain transactions were generated.
  • · "Tips of the Day" will tell you effective working methods and convenient system capabilities.
  • · Customizable toolbars allow you to quickly access frequently used program features.

Typical configuration 1C: TRADE AND WAREHOUSE 7.7 (Component “Operational Accounting”)

"1C: Trade and Warehouse" is intended for accounting of any types trading operations. Thanks to its flexibility and customizability, the system is capable of performing all accounting functions - from maintaining directories and entering primary documents to receiving various statements and analytical reports.

"1C: Trade and Warehouse" automates work at all stages of the enterprise’s activities and allows:

  • · maintain separate management and financial records
  • · keep records on behalf of several legal entities
  • · keep party records inventory with the ability to select a cost write-off method (FIFO, LIFO, average)
  • · keep separate records own goods and goods taken for sale
  • · arrange the purchase and sale of goods
  • · perform automatic initial filling of documents based on previously entered data
  • · keep records of mutual settlements with buyers and suppliers, detail mutual settlements under individual agreements
  • · generate the necessary primary documents
  • · issue invoices, automatically build a sales book and a purchase book, keep quantitative records in the context of customs declaration numbers
  • · Perform goods reservation and payment control
  • · keep records of funds in current accounts and in the cash register
  • · keep records of trade loans and control their repayment
  • · keep records of goods transferred for sale, their return and payment

In "1C: Trade and Warehouse" you can:

  • · set the required number of prices of different types for each product, store supplier prices, automatically control and quickly change the price level
  • · work with interrelated documents
  • · perform automatic calculation of prices for write-off of goods
  • · quickly make changes using group processing of directories and documents
  • · keep records of goods in different units measurements,
  • · and cash - in various currencies
  • · receive a wide variety of reporting and analytical information on the movement of goods and money
  • · automatically generate accounting entries for 1C: Accounting.

Reliability and safety

"1C: Trade and Warehouse" contains means to ensure the safety and consistency of information:

  • · the ability to prohibit users from “directly” deleting information
  • · special data deletion mode with cross-reference control
  • · the ability to prohibit users from editing data for past reporting periods
  • · setting a ban on editing printed forms of documents
  • · "locking" of the system by the user during temporary cessation of operation.
  • 1C: Salary and Personnel 7.7 (Calculation Component)

The program "1C: Salary and Personnel" is designed for calculating wages and personnel records, can be used in self-supporting enterprises Russian Federation, and in organizations with budgetary funding. It allows you not only to automate payroll calculations, but also to organize employee records, register official movements, and receive statistical information on personnel. The versatility of the system allows you to implement any approach to solving these problems and receive any reporting documents.

Basic functionality:

Initial Features

  • § Various features supported by configuration
  • § All necessary reports and documents


  • § Various systems and forms of remuneration
  • § Recording of hours worked
  • § Taking into account northern and regional features

Personnel records and staffing table

§ Automation of personnel records and staffing

Peculiarities budgetary organizations

§ Taking into account the specifics of budgetary organizations.

Additional system features

  • § Various configuration options
  • § Working with distributed information bases
  • § Administration, networking and access rights
  • § Additional service
  • 1C: Enterprise 7.7". Integrated delivery "Accounting; Salary and Personnel; Manufacturing and Services; Trade and warehouse accounting"

The program system "1C: Enterprise" provides ample opportunities for maintaining automated accounting at enterprises, organizations and institutions, regardless of their type of activity and form of ownership, with different levels accounting difficulties.

"1C: Enterprise" allows you to organize effective accounting, personnel, operational trading, warehouse and production accounting, as well as payroll.

The comprehensive delivery includes the main components of the 1C: Enterprise software system:

  • - "Accounting"
  • - "Operational accounting"
  • - "Calculation"

as well as basic configurations:

  • - "Accounting"
  • -"Trade + Warehouse"
  • -"Salary + Personnel"
  • -"Production + Services + Accounting"
  • -"Accounting + Trade + Warehouse + Salaries + Personnel"

Users can use the configurations included in the new comprehensive package, either individually or together, choosing the appropriate option for working with the system. The choice of configuration depends, first of all, on the tasks being solved, on the type of activity and structure of a particular enterprise, the level of complexity of accounting and other conditions.

Users can maintain accounting in a comprehensive configuration or solve different accounting problems in separate configurations using data exchange tools, or start with automating one of the accounting areas using a separate configuration.

Complex configuration "Accounting + Trade + Warehouse + Salary + Personnel"

While maintaining the capabilities of the main configurations “Accounting”, “Trade + Warehouse” and “Salaries + Personnel”, the complex configuration provides integrated accounting:

Unified system of regulatory and reference information;

Automatic reflection of trade and warehouse operations and payroll calculations in accounting;

Financial accounting for several legal entities;

Consolidated management accounting.

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Talking about software package"1C:Enterprise" should mean a product consisting of two components:

  • technology platform (or simply platform) 1C:Enterprise,
  • application configuration.

Technology platform is the software environment in which the configuration code is executed. The platform has its own programming language, which is a means of developing application configurations and fully defines their functionality. The development of the platform is carried out exclusively by 1C employees. Platform updates are released on a regular basis, expanding the functionality of previous versions. Currently, the 1C company is actively developing the generation of the platform with version number 8.3.

Application configuration is a software module developed in the 1C language to solve specific problems (accounting, salary calculation, etc.). The development and modification of configurations is carried out in the platform configurator and can be carried out (unlike the platform) by any user with the necessary skills.

Deployment software product 1C:Enterprise comes down to two simple steps:

There is an assumption here - there can be one platform, but there can be several configurations. The main thing is that the platform version supports the necessary configurations (for example, on platform version 8.1 it is impossible to install the Enterprise Accounting 3.0 configuration, which is installed on version 8.3).

If we explain the interaction of the configuration and the platform “on fingers”, then we can draw an analogy with television: there is a TV and there are TV channels. One does not exist without the other. We watch TV channels, and for this we need a TV. Moreover, there may be only one TV, but many channels. So, the TV in our example is a platform, and TV channels are configurations.

Finally, I’ll give you a few typical mistakes in the description of configurations by users:

  • "accounting 8" - both the name of the configuration and the version number of the platform are indicated, the result is something incomprehensible. Three accounting configurations with version numbers 1.6, 2.0 and 3.0 fit this description. When describing your configuration, you must indicate its name and its version number (not the platform) .
  • " - the name for the platform is indicated, and the version number is from some configuration (Salary and Personnel Management or Enterprise Accounting).

Speaking about the numbering of configurations and the technology platform, I note that it consists of four digits of numbers, for example, platform version Here the first digit indicates the version number, the second - the revision number, the third - the release number, the fourth - the sub-release number. The set of all four digits is usually called release.

Considering all of the above, report the parameters of your software product correctly:

  • platform release, for example,
  • name and release of the configuration, for example Enterprise Accounting

You can find out these parameters by clicking on the button with an exclamation mark in the upper right corner of the working window:

If your configuration is for a regular application (for platform version 8.2), then go here:

In the window that appears, we see the information we need:

Payment details Cost, licensing, use by multiple users Product cost - 0 rubles. The number of jobs is unlimited. No additional licensing required. What are the payment options? You can pay with a bank card (Visa, Mastercard or Mir), Yandex wallet, or send the TIN of your organization for issuing an invoice (from an individual entrepreneur). When paying from a legal entity, closing documents are provided if necessary. Is payment on the site safe? Payment by bank card or through Yandex wallet on this site is absolutely safe. The site has an SSL certificate - unique digital signature for reliable protection during data transmission. How to receive the file after payment? After payment, you will automatically receive an email within one minute with a link to download the product (you indicate your address when paying).

Technical issues How to add a product to the database? You can implement the product yourself by viewing the instructions. If you have any difficulty with this, I can help. Contact me and we will set up a specific time for communication. If the development does not start (or works incorrectly) In this case, first of all, check the instructions to see if you connected the development correctly. If the check did not yield anything, make a screenshot of the error and send it to me by mail indicating the name of the development. At your choice, I can either correct the error and send you a new version of the file, or return the money. If the development breaks after the update, you will need to contact me, tell me the number of the new release of your configuration and the name of the development you purchased. After that, I will send an adapted version of the file by mail. Is it possible to improve the development on my own? Yes, you can. The source code is open and available for any modification, there are no restrictions. Are there changes to the configuration? No, the implementation of the development does not change the database configuration in any way and will not affect subsequent updates. Is there a demo version? No, I cannot provide demo access to development.

Other issues Sales of developments during non-working hours/holidays/weekends Sales on the website are carried out in automatic mode 24/7, seven days a week, holidays and lunch breaks. Are developments updated? Some developments are updated and improved from time to time. When products are updated, you will receive email notifications detailing the changes and a download link (free). You also have the opportunity to send your wishes for improvements. Are closing documents provided? When paying by invoice, a certificate of completion of work with a stamp and signature is provided (scanned and/or original by Russian Post, upon request). Refund Cash for the purchase of website developments are returned immediately in full following cases:

  • the development does not start or works with errors in your database, and you refuse to adapt it,
  • the development does not correspond to the functionality stated in the description.

Having a problem with payment?

Payment on the site works based on the Yandex payment service. If it does not work for you, I can assume that you are not in Russia, and Yandex does not work in your country (or is unstable).

What to do?

You can make payment in alternative ways:

  • Sberbank card: 4276 3000 2875 5851
  • Yandex wallet: 410011805420743

In the payment note, be sure to include product ID 332 and your address email, where I will then send a link to download the development.

Today we will walk you through the process in detail. 1c configuration settings. We will install "Enterprise Accounting". There are absolutely no difficult moments in this process, and now we will make sure of this.

Downloading configuration installation files

In order to set configuration we need its distribution (installation files). You can download the necessary files from the ITS disk, or from the 1C user support site ( After you have downloaded the archive with the configuration, you need to unpack it. Open the folder where you unpacked the archive. It should look something like the figure shown below. Run the file configuration setup (setup.exe)

Start installing the 1c configuration template

In the window that appears, you need to specify the folder where the installer will unpack all the necessary files for installing the configuration (template). The path in our picture differs from the standard one. It is recommended to use the standard path. Click "Next".

The installer will inform us that the installation of files into the specified directory has been successfully completed. If you do not want to read the delivery file then uncheck this box. Click "Finish".

The initial stage of installing 1C configuration

Now we have access to the following in our database manager: the configuration we installed. To start working with the database, we first need to create it from the template that we installed. We said that installed the 1c configuration, in fact, we installed a template from which we will now deploy the configuration we need. So let's launch the 1c shortcut. We will see the 1c database manager, click the “Add” button.

Select the "Create a new infobase" option. Click "Next".

This page shows all the templates that are installed in the system, we have several templates installed, this can be seen in the figure. Since we installed “Enterprise Accounting”, we select it by double-clicking, or click on the “+” on the side. After this, you will have access to two templates for 1c configuration settings these are “Enterprise Accounting” and “Demo Enterprise Accounting”. The first configuration is installed empty (without data), in the second case the database will already contain test data (they are created so that you can immediately evaluate the performance of all necessary functions programs). After all, without data, you will not be able to see how this or that report, document, or reference book is filled out. Therefore, if you want to see how this configuration works and how some data is filled in, then select the Demo option, otherwise another option. Click "Next".

Now you need to give your name information base, let's ask it. Leave the option “On this computer or local machine” and click “Next”.

Configurator 1C 8.3 - development environment information systems based on the "" platform. Development application solution usually called . Using this environment, it is possible not only to refine a solution, but also to develop your own, full-fledged configuration.

Below I will try to describe the main features and interface of this development environment.

The main function of the 1C configurator is to help the developer in as soon as possible develop a viable business automation solution. Additional functions - making a database backup, entering users, working with storage, updating the solution, routine testing of the database, etc.

The entire set of commands, the location of menus, buttons - all this can be changed by the developer, so we will consider the “out of the box” state.

The appearance of the 1C configurator is quite simple and conservative:

The top panel contains the main context menus of the program - file, edit, configuration, etc.:

Below are the shortcut commands most often used by users:

Share with friends or save for yourself:
