Characteristics for the head of the motor transport department for awarding. Sample characteristics of a manager

Neutral characteristics of the general director of an enterprise (example sample)

Samples on the topic: Labor. Characteristic

An example of a neutral characteristic of the general director of an enterprise

In the position of General Director - since January 2009. He strives to exercise his official powers in good faith, but does not have all the required professional knowledge and skills for this.

Management of the enterprise's activities is generally satisfactory, not always achieving the planned financial and economic results. Thus, according to the results of the first half of 2010, the growth of the enterprise’s profit (compared to the same period in 2009) amounted to 5.1% (according to the plan - 5.0%), and in general for 2010 - 8.7% (according to plan - 9.0%).

Management decisions are made, as a rule, well-founded, within an acceptable time frame, but without proper consideration of current legislation. It is possible to organize effective interaction between structural divisions and officials from among the management team of the enterprise only with the involvement of additional resources. He does not pay sufficient attention to improving enterprise management methods and its advanced technical equipment.

In general, it ensures that the enterprise fulfills its obligations to the federal, regional and local budgets, state extra-budgetary social funds, suppliers, customers, and credit institutions. The development of measures aimed at increasing the economic efficiency of production of an enterprise is sometimes organized without taking into account the real situation and appropriate preparation. The implementation of plans for the main activities of the enterprise is monitored irregularly, and the results of control are analyzed formally.

Measures to provide the enterprise with workers of the required number and qualifications are not taken sufficiently justifiably and energetically. In the work of organizing personnel management, he is often unable to highlight the main thing. Coordination and control of work to strengthen labor and production discipline among the enterprise's employees is carried out mediocrely.

Work to maintain and improve safe and favorable working conditions for life and health at the enterprise, and protect the environment from the influence of adverse production factors is not managed effectively enough. Ensured the development and implementation of a set of measures aimed at ensuring the safety of information constituting a commercial secret of the enterprise by the deadline established by the Management Board, exceeding the limit of financial and material resources allocated for these purposes. He exercises other powers assigned to the General Director largely satisfactorily.

Improves personal professional training independently. From being sent to MBA courses at the Russian Academy of Economics in 2009. G.V. Plekhanov refused, citing personal circumstances. He knows well the advanced domestic and foreign experience in the profile of the enterprise's activities, but applies this knowledge in everyday work from time to time. Competent in performing official functions, but not goal-oriented enough. Has average performance, is passive and ineffective when working outside the normal working hours. Neat, tidy. Overall healthy.

Reacts adequately to changes in the business environment, but not quickly enough, and is capable of independently developing and applying new approaches to solving suddenly arising problems in the enterprise’s activities only in certain areas. Methods of communication and processing of business information, incl. documented, has a satisfactory level of knowledge.

In relations with colleagues he is correct, but sometimes overly formal. Adheres to the rules and regulations of business ethics and decency. He has not been found to have committed unseemly or unworthy acts. He takes criticism addressed to him indifferently and works sluggishly to eliminate shortcomings.

1. Mainly corresponds to the position held.

2. Re-contracting as CEO is not appropriate.

Today, characteristics have again begun to be called letters of recommendation. During the time of the USSR, the recommendation of a guarantor was replaced by a banal characteristic. If you had to. All news

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Characteristics for a director sample

Now the characteristics, as before, began to be called a letter of recommendation. When it was time to go to work, or take an elected position. It's one thing to ask for specifications, it's another to provide them. During the time of the USSR, a letter of guarantee was replaced by an ordinary reference. Find an example that will save time in producing the right document Everyone has had to deal with a concept as a characteristic. Characterization was always required. In modern realities, the foreign concept of a letter of recommendation has come into common use.

Throw a sample

An example of a positive characteristic of the general director of an enterprise In the position of general director - since January 2009. Performs official functions conscientiously, at a high professional level, in strict accordance with job regulations, systematically showing reasonable initiative, for which he has a number of incentives from the board of the enterprise. The company is managed skillfully and efficiently, constantly achieving high financial and economic results. Thus, at the end of 2010, the growth of the enterprise’s profit (compared to 2009) amounted to 9.1% (against the planned figure of 6.0%). Makes operational management decisions based on legislation, other regulations and the interests of the enterprise. The emphasis in daily work is on organizing effective interaction between structural units and officials from among the management team of the enterprise. He pays a lot of attention to improving enterprise management methods and its advanced technical equipment. For three years, ensures the timely and complete fulfillment by the enterprise of all obligations to the federal, regional and local budgets, state extra-budgetary social funds, suppliers, customers, and credit institutions. He headed the development and subsequent implementation of a medium-term program aimed at accelerating growth in the economic efficiency of production and more rational use of the financial and material resources of the enterprise. The economic effect from the implementation of the program at the end of 2010 amounted to over 1 million rubles. Takes effective measures to provide the enterprise with workers of the required number and qualifications. Special efforts are made to attract and retain highly professional workers under the age of 30 in production departments, to progressively develop their business careers, and to form an internal personnel reserve in advance. Coordinates and controls work aimed at strengthening labor and production discipline among employees of the enterprise. Manages the work to maintain and improve safe and favorable working conditions for life and health at the enterprise, and protect the environment from the influence of adverse production factors. Successfully developed and implemented a set of measures aimed at ensuring the safety of information constituting a commercial secret of the enterprise. Performs other duties assigned to the General Director in a timely manner, in full and with high quality. Systematically improves personal professional training and strives to acquire new knowledge. In 2009, he successfully completed his studies at the MBA (Master of Business Administration) courses at the Russian Economic Academy named after. G.V. Plekhanov.

He has an excellent knowledge of advanced domestic and foreign experience in the profile of the enterprise, and competently applies this knowledge in everyday work. When exercising official powers, he demonstrates high competence and determination.

Sample characteristics from the place of work



position held by the employee, name of the organization


Full name employee

He has been working as a chief accountant since "_____" year.

Education ____________-graduated from ___________________

In the year "____" he began working as a chief accountant in _____________.

In the year "____" he received the qualification of a Professional accountant - financial manager, financial consultant (expert).

In the same year, he was transferred to the position of Deputy Director - Financial Manager __________________ with the functions of the chief accountant of the enterprise.

Participates in all _________________ professional development activities.

During his work at _______________, the company was repeatedly audited by tax and other authorities. Based on the results of the inspections, no sanctions were imposed on the company for violations of accounting and reporting.

Based on the results of his work, he was repeatedly awarded. And in "____" year, by decision of the meeting of founders, she was included in the founders of _____________

In connection with the transition to the New Chart of Accounts and the introduction of tax accounting at the enterprise, he developed an accounting program that combined accounting, tax and management accounting at the enterprise.

He proved himself to be an excellent organizer and professional specialist.

Director (Executive Director)

Completed sample reference from the place of work:


for the chief accountant of LLC "Horns and Hooves"

Petrov Petr Petrovich

Petrov P.P. born in 1900, graduated from Moscow State University in 1917 with a degree in reindeer herding, has a higher education.

From 1918 to the present, he worked at Horns and Hooves LLC in the following positions: secretary to the manager, head of the personnel department. During his work, he proved himself to be a qualified specialist. He is a true professional, skillfully manages the department entrusted to him, and enjoys well-deserved respect among employees.

P.P. Petrov constantly improves his professional level: he studies legislative and regulatory documents on issues of working with documentation, reads special literature on issues of working with official documents, takes responsibility and seriousness in fulfilling his official and other duties assigned to him by management.

The management of the organization highlights the constant desire of P.P. Petrov to professional growth: this employee is currently receiving a new professional education in the specialty “law”.

For his conscientious attitude to work, he was awarded the medal “For the Conquest of Space.”

In communication with colleagues he is attentive and friendly. During my work, I introduced specific proposals that had a beneficial impact on the company’s work.

The characteristics were issued for presentation at the place of request.

Characteristics of the head of the enterprise

In modern office work, a certain style has been adopted in the preparation of documentation and the procedure for recording and exchanging official papers. The characteristics of a manager are no exception and are drawn up by authorized officials in accordance with the rules adopted by the organization.

The list of required information in each specific case may differ, but there are general principles for the preparation of such documents.

A job description for the head of a company or its structural unit is drawn up in the following cases:

  1. at the official's own request
  2. upon request from authorized representatives of judicial and investigative authorities, road safety inspection and prosecutor's office and others
  3. when transferred to another organization or company
  4. when considering a candidate for appointment to a position.

The composition of the information set out in the specification directly depends on the purpose of the document and the organization that requested it.

For the judicial authorities and investigators, what is important first of all is moral qualities and psychological characteristics, rather than professional and organizational abilities.

The essence of the document

There are no uniform requirements for documents of this kind; each company organizes office work in accordance with its own requirements. State organizations are required to follow the requirements of GOST R6.30-2003, put into effect in March 2003 by the Resolution of the State Standard, and the Classifier of All-Russian Management and Administrative Documentation OK 011-93.

The purpose of this document follows from its name; it must contain comprehensive and complete information characterizing the personality of the official and his moral and business qualities. Responsibility for the objectivity of the information provided lies with the authorized official who compiled and signed the description. Documents prepared in response to external requests, in addition to the signature, are certified by the seal of the enterprise.

You can open a flower shop even in a small town. See how to do it.


The characteristics are an official document containing information about the head of an enterprise or a separate division.

Its main goal is to provide the most complete and comprehensive information about a person, his professional activities, organizational abilities and relationships with subordinates.

This information is necessary when making decisions:

  • on the form of punishment, encouragement or reward (requests from the traffic police, courts, investigations, state security)
  • about a person's career advancement
  • on the possibility of appointment to a leadership position upon transfer from another institution
  • on admission to civil service in internal affairs bodies, courts, the Ministry of Defense and other departments.
  • Characteristics are compiled both upon requests from institutions and organizations, and for internal use.

    Depending on the purpose, the following types of documents of this kind are distinguished:

    1. production - required when undergoing a medical examination by a medical-social or medical-labor commission
    2. official documents are usually prepared at the direction of a higher organization to make a decision on suitability for a position, punishment or reward
    3. certification reports are compiled to confirm the professional suitability of the manager and consider issues of career growth.

    In some cases, the legislation directly provides for the requirement to provide a reference for an applicant when appointed to particularly responsible positions, for example, judges.

    The candidate is required to provide documents from all places of service and work for the last five years.


    In accordance with the requirements of current legislation, a number of government bodies have the right to request information characterizing an employee of an enterprise, as well as his manager. First of all, these are institutions that conduct operational investigative activities: the police, the prosecutor's office, the FSB and others.

    Enterprises and organizations are required to issue objective characteristics of employees upon requests from courts of the peace, general jurisdiction and traffic control authorities.

    Documents characterizing the head of the enterprise may also be required by a higher organization. They are an integral part of the package for nomination to a position or awarding state awards. The characteristic for a leader is designed to help the head of a higher-level organization form an opinion about a person and his business, organizational and other qualities.

    Characteristics for a leader

    Documents characterizing an official contain personal data and when drawing them up it is necessary to be guided by the requirements of Russian legislation. The Labor Code directly provides for the grounds for drawing up the characteristics and the composition of the information that is indicated in Articles 86 to 90.

    In addition, the Law “On Personal Data” presupposes the consent of a person to the dissemination of information about him.

    When drawing up characteristics, especially for requests from investigative or judicial authorities, you should consult with lawyers. The wording in the document and the composition of the information provided must be as objective and accurate as possible, on the one hand, and not cause harm to the person, on the other.

    Document structure

    The characteristics of a manager are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of modern office work. The document is drawn up on the official letterhead of the company or on a white sheet of standard A4 format. In this case, the signature of the authorized person must be certified by a seal.

    The structure of the document should be as follows and contain a number of mandatory information:

    1. At the top of the sheet are printed the details of the enterprise, organization or institution and the date of compilation.
    2. Document title: CHARACTERISTICS are indicated in capital letters in the center on a separate line.
    3. The next paragraph indicates the full personal data of the manager: last name, first name and patronymic, date, month, year and place of birth in accordance with the passport. The same section indicates the names of educational institutions from which he graduated at what time and in what specialty.
    4. Information about the manager’s work activity: full name of the position held according to the staffing table, date of appointment, information on career growth and general functional responsibilities.
    5. Assessment of moral, business, professional and personal qualities of a leader. This section provides information about relationships with subordinates and organizational skills. A separate paragraph provides information about work experience in management positions, incentives, penalties and awards.
    6. If the characteristics are drawn up at the request of government or other authorized bodies, then the purpose and purpose of the document must be indicated. It is allowed to use phrases like: the characteristic was issued for presentation at the place of request.

    As an example, below is a description of the head of the enterprise:

    A written reference for a manager is usually drawn up using software tools that are used in the organization. If necessary, the document is certified by a seal.

    Who writes a reference for a manager?

    Working with personnel is one of the main responsibilities of the general director of an enterprise.

    The preparation of characteristics for heads of structural divisions is carried out by him personally or by the head of the personnel department on his behalf. Usually the general director gives the main theses, and the executor prepares a detailed document indicating all the necessary information from the personal file.

    If it is necessary to prepare a reference for the general director, then it is drawn up by the founder of the enterprise.

    Anyone who fills out the declaration correctly has the right to a VAT refund from the budget. See what you need for this.

    Do you need an example of a staffing table for a construction company? Search here.

    This official has the right to sign this document; the direct executor may be the secretary-assistant or an employee of the personnel department. If necessary, the characteristics can be discussed and approved at a meeting of founders in accordance with the charter of the enterprise.

    The influence of given information on a manager’s career

    The characteristics of a leader are an important document that can affect a person’s fate.

    Documents drawn up at the request of investigative, judicial authorities or the prosecutor's office may be considered when considering criminal, administrative and economic cases.

    When preparing characteristics of this kind, you should be especially careful and consult with lawyers. Unbiasedness when drawing up a document of this kind is especially important when promoting a manager to a higher position. This issue should be approached with special responsibility, decisions should be made carefully and objectively in terms of recommendations.

    Topic: Characteristics of a director

    Characteristics for the director

    Today the boss demanded that you write a reference for him, why and where he doesn’t say is none of your business.

    this is what I wrote


    For the director of the enterprise LLC "ХХХ"

    * Full name, born 19xx, has been working as director of XXX LLC since January 16, 200x. He has a higher education with a degree in “Engineer for Automation of Technological Processes and Production”, graduated from the XXX State Technological University in 199.

    An extrovert, sociable in a team, open to communication, principled. He is courteous and polite with partners and clients of the company, in difficult situations he is always aimed at finding compromise solutions, and approaches problems creatively. An excellent organizer. Professional training meets the requirements. We train quickly. Although he is open in communication, he always fiercely defends his opinion, even if it turns out to be wrong, he admits it with great difficulty. Motivated to solve complex problems and receive recognition.

    Doesn't smoke or drink alcohol. He always helps those who turn to him for help or advice. He has high demands on himself and others.

    * Characteristics are given for provision at the place of request.

    An example of a positive characteristic of a workshop manager

    In the position of shop manager - since February 2009. He performs his duties at a high professional level, energetically, responsibly, and has two awards from the department management for high performance indicators.

    He heads the work of the workshop and confidently manages it. During 2009 and the first half of 2010, he ensures the complete and high-quality implementation by the workshop of tasks for the production of products and the development of new types of products within the established time frame.

    Takes effective measures aimed at improving the rhythm of production, proper use of fixed and working capital. He personally manages measures to improve the organization of production and its technology, directing the main efforts to further automation of production processes, preventing defects, saving raw materials and electricity, and introducing the most progressive forms of labor organization. Current production planning, accounting, preparation and timely submission of reports on the production activities of the workshop (site) are carried out in a timely manner and with high quality.

    Conducts fruitful work to introduce progressive forms of management, improve standardization, optimize wage forms and systems, generalize and disseminate advanced techniques and labor methods. Provides effective control over compliance with the rules of operation of workshop equipment and other fixed assets, as well as over the implementation of their repair schedules. He does a lot to maintain safe and healthy working conditions in the workshop.

    Skillfully coordinates the work of foremen and shop services. Together with subordinates, he develops and periodically submits proposals regarding the long-term development of the workshop and modernization of production technology for consideration by the department management. Takes appropriate measures to extend the service life of workshop equipment and ensure its trouble-free operation.

    In cooperation with the HR department, he actively participates in the selection and placement of workers and employees, their adaptation and the most appropriate use. Carries out constant supervision over employees' compliance with labor protection and safety rules and regulations, production and labor discipline, and internal labor regulations. Presents reasonable proposals to encourage distinguished employees, and, if necessary, to bring the perpetrators to disciplinary (financial) responsibility.

    Along with production, he pays a lot of attention to the economic activities of the workshop. Effectively manages work to improve the skills of workshop personnel. Performs other duties assigned to him in a timely manner, in full and with high quality.

    He persistently improves his personal professional training in the corporate training system. Strives to obtain additional knowledge required to more effectively perform the assigned work. He knows best practices in his professional field and successfully applies this knowledge in practice.

    When performing his duties, he demonstrates high competence. Has high performance. Complies with corporate ethics rules. Physically healthy.

    In a difficult business environment, he acts correctly and quickly, and is able to quickly organize the preparation and implementation of optimal solutions aimed at effectively overcoming the problems that have arisen. Using everyday methods, incl. Excellent operational skills and management of subordinates.

    In relations with colleagues, he is businesslike, correct, and benevolent. He combines demands on his subordinates with caring for them.

    I am not inclined to commit unseemly and unworthy acts. He takes criticism addressed to him in a businesslike manner, and strives to eliminate shortcomings in his work quickly.

    1. Complies with the position held.

    2. Worthy of encouragement from the management of the enterprise - a declaration of gratitude for the conscientious performance of the assigned work and the achievement of high results in it.

    A job description is a fairly important document that allows you to evaluate the professional, business and personal qualities of an employee. Based on this document, you can understand what a person is like and what he is capable of.

    In this article we suggest downloading several options for standard characteristics for various categories of workers. Below you can download a job description for an accountant, for management personnel (director, boss) and for a driver.

    Characteristics may be needed in various cases. When applying for a new job, for submission to government agencies, courts, executive authorities, for submission to credit organizations, banks. In addition, such a form may be useful for the internal needs of the organization, for example, for transferring an employee to a new position or during certification.

    A reference can be provided either at the request of the employee or at an official request from government agencies. A positive reference from a previous place of work will greatly simplify employment in a new place, therefore, upon dismissal, it is advisable to obtain such a document from your employer.

    The completed reference must be signed by a representative of the personnel service and management.

    Sample characteristics from the place of work

    It is better to prepare characteristics of an employee’s qualities on the company’s letterhead; if this is not available, then you must indicate all the details of the company.

    A typical specification form should include the following information:

    • Employer details;
    • Date of document preparation;
    • Information about the employee from his application form;
    • Assessment of job responsibilities performed during work;
  • Assessment of professional skills and abilities;
  • Achievements, awards in the course of work;
  • Penalties applied to the employee in the course of his work activity (if any);
  • Description of the employee’s personal qualities, the characteristics of his relationship with the team, the ability to establish contact with others.
  • To compile a profile, you need to use data from the employee’s personal file (personal card (download a sample T-2 form), questionnaire, orders for bonuses and penalties, nominations for awards and other documents). The composition of the personal file is discussed in this article.

    In the text of the specification, it would be a good idea to indicate for whom it is being compiled. If a document is needed to be submitted to official bodies, then the name of this body must be indicated. If a character reference is drawn up for an employee upon his dismissal, then the text can be written “for presentation at the place of request.”

    Below we offer you to download standard characteristics templates for various categories of employees.

    Example characteristics for the head of an enterprise » examples, samples of personnel documents, other useful information, personnel and accounting career

    for the Head of the State Unitary Enterprise of Moscow Trust Mosotdelstroy No. 1


    Sorokin Yuri Pavlovich, born June 00, 1900, was appointed Head of the State Unitary Enterprise of Moscow Trust Mosotdelstroy No. 1 in accordance with Order No. 123 dated May 05, 2005 of the Head of the Department of Urban Development Policy, Development and Reconstruction of the City of Moscow.

    During the period of work of Sorokin Yu.P. Positive changes have occurred and are occurring within the trust. The staffing level of the enterprise is being optimized in order to ensure the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the enterprise.

    As the head of the enterprise, Sorokin Yu.P. even in conditions of an economic crisis, it finds opportunities to continue the activities of the enterprise with minimal losses, including maintaining the staff of the enterprise, thereby ensuring that workers do not join the ranks of the unemployed.

    A special feature of Yu.P. Sorokin, as a manager and including an employer, is his particularly tolerant attitude towards employees; he is able to delve into the problems of employees and solve these problems with a high degree of efficiency.

    Sorokina Yu.P. distinguished by an innovative approach to solving issues. Having received higher education in Russia, as well as in the United States of America as a Bachelor of Science, he actively uses his managerial potential, knowledge in the field of law, economics and management to effectively solve assigned problems.

    Sorokin Yu.P. constantly improves his knowledge by taking part in conferences and seminars.

    He behaves correctly with subordinates, demands strict fulfillment of assigned tasks, and is self-disciplined.

    Employees of the enterprise have a positive attitude towards the activities of Yu.P. Sorokin as a manager.

    A distinctive feature of Sorokin Yu.P. is his ability to listen to people and heed proposals, but at the same time the last decisive word always remains with him, he is not afraid to bear responsibility for the decisions made, he is able to defend them and bring them to their logical conclusion.

    I believe that Sorokin Yu.P. possesses all the qualities of an enterprise manager, which give him the opportunity to effectively use them in managing it.

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    Positive characteristics of the head of a separate structural division of the company (branch, representative office) (example sample)

    An example of a positive characteristic of the head of a separate structural division of a company (branch, representative office)

    In the position of branch manager - since July 2009. Exercises powers exclusively in good faith, at a high professional level, in strict accordance with job regulations, systematically showing reasonable initiative.

    Manages the activities of the branch skillfully and efficiently, constantly ensuring that it achieves high financial and economic results. Thus, according to the results of the second half of 2010, the growth in the branch's profit (compared to the same period in 2009) amounted to 6.9% (according to the plan - 4.5%).

    Management decisions are made informed, quickly, based on legislation, other regulations and the interests of the company. The emphasis in daily work is on maintaining effective interaction between departments and leading specialists of the branch, paying special attention to improving the methods of managing the branch and their proper organizational and legal support.

    Constantly ensures the timely and complete fulfillment by the branch of all obligations to the federal, regional and local budgets, state extra-budgetary social funds, suppliers, customers, and credit institutions. Led the development and subsequent implementation of a medium-term program aimed at rapid growth in the economic efficiency of production, a more rational and justified use of the branch’s financial and material resources.

    The economic effect from the implementation of the program at the end of 2010 amounted to over 0.5 million rubles. Currently, he is energetically leading a large-scale project to expand the branch’s business relations.

    Takes effective measures to provide the branch with personnel of the required number and qualifications. Special efforts are made to attract and retain middle-level managers and highly qualified specialists with experience of five years or more in the main divisions of the branch.

    Maintains conditions conducive to the progressive development of employee careers, as well as the early formation of the branch’s internal personnel reserve. Skillfully coordinates and controls work aimed at strengthening staff discipline.

    Manages the work to ensure safe and favorable working conditions for life and health at the branch’s facilities. Takes due care to protect the environment from the effects of adverse production factors.

    In 2009, he ensured the successful development and implementation of a set of measures aimed at ensuring the security of information constituting the company's trade secret to branch employees. Timely, fully and with high quality carries out other official powers assigned to the branch manager.

    Personal professional training is systematically improved. Strives to acquire new knowledge in the field of management, law, and information technology.

    He knows very well the best domestic and foreign experience in the company’s profile. Competently applies this knowledge in everyday work.

    When performing job duties, he demonstrates high competence and independence, setting an example for his colleagues in the branch.

    Has high performance. Neat, tidy. Physically healthy.

    Reacts competently to changes in the business environment. Able to independently develop and apply new approaches to solving suddenly arising problems in the activities of the branch in a short time.

    In relations with colleagues, he is businesslike, correct, and benevolent. Strictly adheres to the rules and norms of business ethics and integrity.

    Not inclined to commit unseemly and unworthy acts. He takes criticism addressed to him constructively and strives to eliminate shortcomings in his work quickly.

    1. Complies with the position held.

    2. Worthy of appointment to the post of company manager.

    General information about the characteristics of a manager

    A document that contains information about the labor merits, personal qualities and achievements of an employee is a characteristic. It is issued for submission at the place of request and includes up-to-date information about the head of the organization.

    Despite the fact that the manager is the highest official in the enterprise, he is also an employee, and he may need a characteristic to provide:

    • to senior management, for example the chief director (to decide on promotions);
    • authorized state, judicial and other bodies (for example, within the framework of a criminal case);
    • institutions and organizations that are preparing for the possible rewarding of citizens for any merits.

    Various types of characteristics can be distinguished, depending on the recipient of the receipt:

    • production - necessary for submission to a medical and labor expert commission or for conducting a medical and social examination;
    • official - as part of a package of documents for promotion or transfer to another position, etc.;
    • current - for other purposes not related to work.

    Characteristics for a manager from the place of work - sample and procedure for drawing up

    The director's reference is drawn up on the organization's letterhead, certified by the company's seal and the signature of an authorized person (head of the human resources department, participants, etc.).

    FOR REFERENCE: if a reference is submitted for passing a medical commission, for example, in order to establish a disability, then its text must indicate the working conditions of the director (presence/absence of harmful factors). As a rule, a medical organization issues a characterization form that must be filled out; in its absence, the paper is produced on the company’s letterhead.

    Don't know your rights?

    In the text of the description, it is advisable to dwell on the description of the director’s personal qualities, his attitude to stressful situations, organization of the work process, etc. It is also necessary to indicate business qualities, which may include diligence. You can clarify his role in the team, authority, and ways to solve problems that arise.

    If a reference is needed to nominate a director for an award, then you need to dwell in detail on the issue of work activity, namely career moves, work experience, and performance indicators.

    Document structure

    The document includes the following information:

    • Name;
    • date and place of compilation;
    • personal data of the director (full name, position, etc.);
    • data on secondary education, completed higher educational institutions (if necessary);
    • availability of certificates, commendations and other forms of recognition of merit for work activities;
    • information about work activity (work experience, position held, responsibilities, advanced training, etc.);
    • an indication of business and personal qualities;
    • conclusions about the employee depending on the purpose of providing the document.

    A sample profile for a manager can be found at the following link:


    Thus, a character reference for a director can be prepared either by an employee of the human resources department or by one of the founders of the enterprise. The document is transmitted at the place of request and includes all the information that the addressee needs about the director as an employee of the organization and a person.

    Often, various government agencies and non-governmental organizations require references from the place of work. For example, when applying for a new job or employment, in court in civil, labor, criminal cases, as part of or consideration of a protocol on an administrative offense.

    Strictly speaking, compiling a job description is the task of the HR department. But most often, such a document is drawn up by the employee himself, and is signed by the immediate supervisor and the main employer (chief manager). We will tell you how to draw up such a document yourself, what to include in its content, and also post an example of a description from your place of work so that you can use it as a sample.

    Example of a job description

    Limited Liability Company "Newest Electronic Technologies"

    TIN 364616841365 OGRN 3546516546 legal. address: 394054, Voronezh, st. Koltsovskaya, 49


    This characteristic was issued to Valery Stepanovich Abakumov, born March 30, 1972, who has been working at the Limited Liability Company “Newest Electronic Technologies” from January 15, 2012 to the present as an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment.

    Abakumov Valery Stepanovich, born 03/30/1972, has been working under an employment contract at New Electronic Technologies LLC since 01/15/2012 as an assistant electrician, since 12/12/2015 as an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, 3 qualification.

    Has a higher education in the profession of "auto mechanic", series PN No. 687461, issued on June 25, 1996 (Vologda State Technical University), secondary vocational education, diploma from the Voronezh College of Welding and Industrial Technologies, series AC No. 65874351, issued on June 20, 2011.

    Marital status: married, 2 children.

    During his time working at New Electronic Technologies LLC, Valery Stepanovich Abakumov proved himself to be a professional, competent and responsible employee. The duties of Abakumov V.S. includes participation in the repair, inspection and maintenance of electrical equipment, repair of transformers, switches, rheostats, magnetic starters, reconstruction of electrical equipment, processing of insulating materials.

    Strives to improve his qualifications (he increased his rank during his work). He has no disciplinary sanctions and has been repeatedly rewarded for his work with cash bonuses. During the period of work, there were no emergency situations with work objects. Hardworking and highly efficient.

    Non-conflicting. He has friendly relations with colleagues and shows delicacy and patience. Consistent and correct. He is distinguished by punctuality, high demands on himself and a desire for professional growth. He has proven himself to be a proactive, responsible and reliable specialist, capable of completing assigned tasks on time. Able to make independent decisions in difficult situations and bear responsibility for the results of their activities.

    This specification has been issued for presentation at the place of request.

    General Director of "Newest Electronic Technologies" LLC

    Viktorov V.V.

    When to use a job reference

    In Soviet times, such a document was very common. It was required for every new employment, during transfers, etc. But even now the reference from the place of work has not lost its meaning. Such a document can be used in cases, in labor disputes, etc. as a document.

    There are so-called internal and external characteristics from the place of work. Internal is used for transfer, promotion, assignment of a new rank. External characteristics from the place of work are used exclusively for presentation to all other (except the one where the employee works) organizations and authorities. In the first case, we recommend paying more attention to the description of work activity: advanced training, education, incentives, disciplinary sanctions. When a description is drawn up for other organizations, work activity may be described in a brief form.

    The job description has its own structure. Such a document is given legal force by: the signature of the head of the organization, who has the right to act on behalf of the organization (sometimes the reference is also signed by the immediate superior), seal, and date of issue. It is advisable to prepare the document on the organization’s letterhead indicating the OGRN, INN, legal address, and telephone numbers.

    Contents of production characteristics

    For your convenience, we have systematized the information that may be indicated in the job description. Use them as a template to compile a document:

    1. Company letterhead, format – A 4
    2. In the center is the name of the document - CHARACTERISTICS FROM THE PLACE OF WORK
    3. In whose name it was issued, date of birth, position, period of work in the organization
    4. Information about the employee's education
    5. Marital status information
    6. Employee’s work history – date of hire, career growth, job responsibilities, work results
    7. Assessment of professional qualities: disciplinary sanctions, incentives, work experience, self-education, study of the regulatory framework, self-improvement
    8. Assessment of business and personal qualities: punctuality, responsibility, communication skills, relationships in a team, with subordinates, ability to plan work, assessment of work ability, behavior in stressful and conflict situations, relationships with the boss, etc.
    9. The purpose of compiling a reference from the place of work: for presentation to a government agency or others.

    The reference from the place of work does not have a statute of limitations, but it is more logical and expedient to present a document that is current as of the date of preparation.

    Our sample description from the place of work is not the only possible one, but, as practice has shown, when using it, the result is the most optimal.

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