How to make big money out of nothing. Making money on human stupidity

I tried to search the Internet for an article about how to make money from nothing, and found complete nonsense. One author is simply trying to trick his visitors into making money, the other offers some incomprehensible revelations from psychics. This is all complete nonsense, and no one is actually offering a real way to make a big pile of money without doing anything. So I decided to tell you one simple example that I was able to hear in a bar.


The idea is based on simple human stupidity, nothing less. The person who came up with this method understood this perfectly. He sold one pack of chips for about 10,000 rubles, and did it without any problems. Of course, it cannot be said that he was able to earn money without doing anything, but in any case, his idea is worthy of attention.

It was like this: a young couple (a guy and a girl) was walking, cooing about something, smiling and laughing. Then, out of nowhere, our hero appears and asks the guy straight to the point if he loves his girlfriend. What do you think he will answer? He has no other choice - he says “YES”! And here he makes a huge mistake, but he simply has no right not to make it, otherwise his relationship with the girl can be considered over.

This question is followed by another: “Could you do something unusual for your girlfriend and thereby prove how dear she is to you?”. And here again the positive answer is “YES”. And here our guy offers to buy one chip from him (or what is correct?) for 100 rubles and give it to his girlfriend as proof of his words. Here people are divided into 2 types:

  1. The first ones buy it right away and give it to the girl, smiling solemnly and proud of themselves. They do not understand that in reality they were simply deceived, played on stupidity.
  2. The latter resist and refuse to buy. But just imagine how the girl feels? She immediately begins to naively believe that her boyfriend simply does not love her, because... doesn’t want to spend a measly 100 rubles on some, albeit unnecessary, chips (well, what’s the correct name for it??). Of course, the guy understands the girl’s feelings, and here you need to add a little fuel to the fire: “But you said you love your girlfriend, didn’t you? Then buy her THIS!”. This is where the majority splits. They spend their 100 rubles just to get away from this awkward situation. The fee for this is small.

Here's an idea for you on how to make money out of nothing. The main thing is that it works and is not practiced anywhere or by anyone. Now think, is it possible to get a lot of money from nothing? Let's say one pack contains 100 chips. The price of each of them is 100 rubles, i.e. From just one pack you can earn 10,000 rubles a day. I don't know if this is possible, but most likely yes.

Of course, this is not a completely legal way to make money from nothing from a moral point of view, but from a legal point of view it is quite legal.

ATTENTION! There is always a risk of running into a very hot-tempered young man who simply will not allow him to make money from his stupidity, because... he is not stupid. Here you can even get punched in the face (that's the jargon), so be careful if you try to implement this idea.

Ideal place for "business"

You don't have to be smart to understand that the ideal place to make this kind of money is in parks. This is where there are a lot of couples walking in the evening. They are relaxed, some are just starting to date, while others have been in serious relationships for a long time. All these people, or rather guys, can spend 100 rubles to surprise their beloved with their own... hmm, stupidity, I guess. So very little is required from you.

Today there are more ways to earn money than ever before. Don't believe me? Then go online and see what they offer. Of course, much of this is just bait for naive simpletons, however, as with everything, among the tons of ore there will always be a few nuggets. Let's look at how other people make big money and find out what you can make money from and what you need to stay away from so as not to waste precious time.

Where do they make money?

You know - but on anything. Look how many rich people there are around: some earned their money dishonestly, deceiving others, and others in a completely legal way, but they all earned this money with their brains: this cannot be denied. Conclusion: you can earn money only with your mind, and there are only two real ways. The first of these methods is to accumulate funds and invest them somewhere: in a project, on a stock or currency exchange, in a business - there are a lot of options. The second way: instead of saving, you can earn money quickly. In what way? Again, there are many ways and I won’t tell you a specific one, because I don’t know you. But you know yourself! Do what you know how to do and do it better than others. Can't? Learn! Come up with something that no one has thought of before. Look how those who invented the first online store or created unique websites - for example, Facebook - got rich. It is unlikely that they planned to become billionaires, but it is a fact that they wanted to earn money. Moreover, they really wanted to. If you really want something, it will definitely come true, the main thing is to strive for it and make at least some effort, and regularly. Now I will give you several ways to save money for further enrichment.

How to save money

  1. Do what you do, but make it a rule to put 20% of every interest you receive into an emergency fund. Do the math: even if your salary is 15,000 rubles, then putting aside 3,000 rubles every month, in a year you will gain 36,000 rubles - quite a decent amount so that you can invest it somewhere. Where - it's up to you to decide. The only thing: you need to strictly follow this rule and save exactly as much as you planned.
  2. Not enough money saved? Take another job: believe me, even if many people with disabilities can earn decent money, you can do it too. You can simply do more work and make more money. Then the deferred amount will increase significantly, and the more money you earn monthly, the more the deferred capital will increase. No, not monthly - weekly! For example, I count how much I earn per week. Believe me, a month is too long a period during which you can give yourself too many indulgences, and a week is stimulating.
  3. Don't do work that takes up a lot of your time and effort, but doesn't bring in enough income: let others do it. Cynically? But if your needs require it, there's no escape. If you know you can do something well and better than many, don't hesitate to leave your pittance salary and find something more suited to your talent. I found it and so did almost all my friends and acquaintances. You will find it too. Once you have accumulated the planned amount, this will serve as a tremendous incentive for further improvement in financial terms, which we will talk about now.
  4. Know how to sell your talent. If this phrase offends you, look at it this way: the situation in the world is that when people are offered something for free, they generally do not appreciate it. Thus, if you take at least some, even a purely symbolic, amount for your work, both parties will benefit from this. People will think that they received something valuable, but you will receive a very tangible material reward for this, which you will be able to use much better than those who gave you this money would have done.

How to make money from money

It's easier than saving up. Because if you have successfully coped with the process of accumulating a certain amount, it means that you are a good financier and will be able to use it profitably. What can you do with this amount? The main options are:

  1. invest in something;
  2. use it to develop something.

If the amount is large, you can buy real estate in a promising area, or you can invest it in the stock or foreign exchange market in shares, gold or currency purchases. The last method is not easy and will require you to have considerable knowledge of money management and market trading mechanisms. The option with real estate is simpler, but here you need to be careful so that the property does not depreciate. Now the development option. What does it mean? This means opening your own business or becoming a partner in some business. It’s up to you to decide which one, I’m just giving you an idea, and it’s completely free for you.

How to make money out of thin air

Everyone is talking about examples of the famous financial pyramids and network marketing. The first is an example of illegal enrichment, the second is completely legal, but not approved by many. Yes, here's an idea for you. You come to a company that sells cosmetics (as an option: personal hygiene items, dietary supplements, etc.). Pay money for the minimum set and recruit people just like you, that is, you grow, because the profit from their sales will also go to you. I agree - you need a certain type of character, but why not an option? Legally? Quite. And now the question is: is this money out of thin air? The one who invented the financial pyramid is, of course, a deceiver, but he also initially invested his money in furnishing offices, training staff, etc. etc. Someone who is involved in network marketing also invested their personal savings first. If you can’t work like this, it means this method is not for you, either study or look for something else. But this money does not come out of thin air. It's the same with the currency and stock markets. Having accumulated money, many take it there and... lose everything. Why? I have read many stories that today almost every second broker in our country is a swindler, people are being fooled, etc. But there are people who also make money from this. This means that they find a normal broker and are able to study this system. And this is not easy money, you need to sit and think, analyze and read a lot. Is it possible to make money out of thin air? No. But you can learn how to invest them correctly and control the growth of capital, or at least not lose the money invested. And always remember: what people make money from, you can make money from, too. Just study these methods and choose the most suitable one.

How to make money: the psychology of wealth

A lot of opportunities just lie under our feet, but for some reason we don’t notice them and continue to complain about the lack of stability. The basic rule for anyone who wants to earn and make money should be the following: whether you are rich or not, you must judge only yourself, according to your own criteria. At the same time, you need to achieve everything yourself, and not wait until a gift from a rich uncle, a promotion from your superiors, and so on fall on your head. Therefore, do not be a victim, do not wait - go and take it. There is no other way to earn good money in Russia. Money is something that we can only take ourselves, but what can we make money from? You just need to choose a legal way to obtain them that suits your character and temperament.

Sell ​​some of your items to local stores. There are both individual stores and chains that buy goods from the public at a reduced price and resell them, but at a higher price. Review your things: there is something you no longer like, something you don’t use, or something you don’t need – it’s time to take it to a similar store.

Direct sales. If you'd rather be completely hands-on with selling your own items rather than taking them to a local store, consider types of sales such as garage sales (where local laws allow), local markets, classified ads, and online auctions. Of course, this will require more involvement and planning on your part than just donating your items to a suitable thrift store, but on the other hand, you can make more money this way.

  • If garage sales aren't allowed or accepted where you live, find out if there's a flea market nearby—or perhaps you can sell items at a regular street market, which usually sells garden vegetables and flowers (but also and in another case you will have to pay for a place to trade). However, the simplest and most common way is to sell through advertisements on the Internet or even in a local newspaper. The ad will include your phone number, so consider purchasing a separate SIM card for this purpose.
  • Expensive or large items are best sold on sites like Craigslist or eBay to attract a wider audience. If you need to sell something more valuable than old clothes or garage tools, don't limit yourself to just your city or region: shipping costs will be well worth it.
  • Sell ​​organic materials. As strange as it may sound, you can sell the components of your body for normal money. We're not talking about organs, but things like plasma, sperm and hair are always in circulation.

    Get rid of excess metal. The range is wide - from old jewelry to a pile of metal in the garage. Metal things (like any metal) are always in price and this is a great way to get easy money.

    Rent out your space. If you have a room that you don't use or a parking space on a busy street, perhaps this is also a way to earn money, and receive money regularly. You must be in complete control of the agreement with the tenant in order to terminate the agreement at any time (if something goes wrong).

    Sell ​​photos. Stock photos (exchanges for selling images) are quite simple, somewhat generalized shots that people can use in their articles, booklets, and brochures. Such photos do not cost much, but if you manage to create thematic collections, you can make money from this, especially if you sell the photo several times. The best thing about this method is its simplicity: just upload a photo from a storage device, send it to the site and wait for payment.


    The education of the famous American millionaire Rockefeller consisted only of completing accounting courses, but he managed to succeed, making money from virtually nothing, from scratch. In this he was helped by an almost manic passion to save and calculate everything (very important for an accountant, however) and initiative. So often what is more important to appear is not your education, but your way of thinking, your habits and character.

    Since Soviet times, we have a stereotype that making money, especially from nothing, that is, without making special efforts, is immoral. This living in the subcortex slows down the growth of our well-being much more than we think. If you want to make money, then first of all get rid of it, in any case, start working on it in this direction. There's nothing wrong with being rich. Having a lot means not robbing others. Money is not about fears and loneliness, but about the emergence of new opportunities. Something like this “mantra” is worth repeating to yourself from time to time in order to free yourself from the stereotype of “rich scoundrels.”

    You need money for a reason, for something. Surely you dream of a new home, travel, and a good education for your children. Formulate this dream, let it live at least on paper. On your way home from work, buy several glossy magazines “on the topic” of your dreams, i.e., if you dream of a house, then let it be something about the interior. At home, find the ones you like in magazines, cut them out, make something like a collage. These children's games may seem silly, but they are very motivating. Finally, you will see with your own eyes what you are striving for. Hang the collage in any place convenient for you, for example, above the computer. It is important that you see him as often as possible.

    There are many ways to make money out of nothing; it all depends on what you know and what interests you. Sometimes a seemingly primitive business idea can bring dizzying success. It is easy to make money on something that is constantly required, for example, on some household services. For example, opening a tiny hair salon with a couple of chairs for someone who has always dreamed of being a stylist is not at all expensive. Who knows, maybe success will await you in this field, and after a while people will line up for you? And it won’t be difficult or burdensome for you, because you will be doing what you love.

    You can make money from what you have. Real estate prices are rising in Moscow every year. A considerable number of people around the world have managed to make money by reselling real estate. You can read about this in detail in R. Kiyosaki’s book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad.”

    Despite the prejudice against investing in securities that has persisted since the 90s, many more people than we think have made and are making money from profitable investments in stocks. Of course, a beginner shouldn’t do this: stocks are risky things, and only a financially literate person can invest correctly. However, everything can be learned by reading relevant books. In addition, you can hire a qualified investment manager who will handle investments for you for a small percentage. You should not think that you need to have a large capital to invest in stocks; many people started with minimal amounts.

    Please note

    The most important thing to consider when assessing yourself is whether you consider yourself rich so that you don’t suddenly, unexpectedly, have to make money and satisfy your desires OR are you really a rich person. In short, there is no need to lie to yourself.

    Useful advice

    At age 35, 20 out of 100 people are wealthy, but subsequently 16 lose their money in some way. The average businessman makes his money until he is 50 and then loses it. Why is this happening? Is it because he studied BUSINESS - the art of MAKING money and did not study FINANCE - the art of SAVING money?

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    • how to make a lot of money

    Sometimes you really want more of your money. And there’s nowhere to get it. At least draw. Why not. The main thing is to have like-minded people with whom you can exchange money for things and vice versa.

    You will need

    • - paper
    • - paints
    • - pencils
    • - scissors


    Release cash. Money should be pleasant to the touch and pleasing to the eye, even if it’s not exactly. First of all, they determined what denomination the bills would be - for example, one, two, five and ten conventional units. It is worth thinking about the name of money. As world practice shows, it should be resonant and a little mysterious. The next step is to develop a sketch of the banknote. Taking advantage of your position as the instigator of the idea, propose your own candidacy as the “money” person. If there are opponents, announce a competition for the best idea. This will spark interest.

    The desire to have a large amount of money and do practically nothing sometimes arises in everyone. But not everyone knows how to make a lot of money from nothing. Sometimes the answer to a question of this nature is hidden under a person’s nose. Almost every resident of the country has a plastic bank card on which funds are stored, which means they also have a bank account.

    You can use this quite profitably and put funds on deposit. It is especially good to put funds in a bank at interest when it comes to a currency of global importance, because this is how you can easily make a fortune without losing your own financial assets.

    Make real money - how easy it is

    In order for a person to make a lot of money from nothing, he should think about the need to put it in a bank at interest. But before you do this, you need to weigh the pros and cons so that you don’t end up creating a lot of problems for yourself instead of money.

    If you want to earn money this way, a person must weigh the following points:

    • compare offers from several banks and choose the most profitable and reliable one for yourself;
    • go to the bank and make a corresponding statement to its management;
    • deposit at interest by signing an agreement with the bank;
    • do not withdraw funds before the period when you can withdraw the interest accrual.

    Some people put their own money in the bank and live solely on the interest. It's quite profitable and simple. For those who are not entirely satisfied with this option, there is the opportunity to become an investor in some promising project.

    You can make a lot of money without effort through profitable business and affiliate programs, but not everyone has the talent and opportunity to do this. A bank deposit is the best option that is suitable for almost every person. The main thing is to take this issue very responsibly and seriously, because only then will a person be able to make enough money without putting in extra effort. Many do this with the help of their own labor, but this is a rather difficult path and for those who do not want to experience it on themselves, the above recommendations will be useful.

    Almost everyone has a desire to receive a lot of money, but not everyone finds the right solution to such a delicate issue. The answer may be very simple and close, but for this you need to include all possible mental resources and take advantage of real chances to earn money, and not look for something unrealistic and unattainable.

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