How to get back to work after maternity leave. How to get back to work after maternity leave? The procedure for the return of "maternity leave"


2. If the plans are Kindergarten, it will be useful to visit there in advance with the baby, introduce him to the teachers, go to the group, greet other children. Let the child know with whom he will communicate and where to spend his time in the future.

3. Start changing your daily routine. The child should be taught to fall asleep and wake up without a mother. Let one of the relatives, for example, dad or grandmother, take care of the important process of laying. If the baby has to go to kindergarten, arrange for him at home at the same time as in the garden. The same applies to the feeding schedule.

4. Give all people who will be involved in the care of the child, leaflets-reminders with emergency numbers and all available own numbers. At the same time, you should not call home every five minutes to make sure everything is in order.

A very common fear of a young mother when returning to work from maternity leave is to “run” the house, deprive the child and other household members of their usual comfort. Just decide for yourself that you will have to forget about perfectionism in household chores, and not a single child will be upset because the things in his closet are not laid out in perfect order, and the toys in the nursery are not lined up. Try to plan your new rhythm of life so that you can find more time to communicate with your child, but at the same time so that devastation does not start in your house.

1. Do not leave “for later” unresolved household problems: by the time you go to work, mountains of unironed linen, unpaid bills or items that need repair should not accumulate in the house. Check in what condition and replenish it; take inventory of essentials; replenish stocks of vegetables and cereals that are stored for a long time. Make small homemade preparations - for example, dumplings or lecho, which will help you not spend a lot of time cooking at first.

2. Adopt the Fly lady system (“flying housewife”). Many women are skeptical about the “scientific” way of cleaning, but in vain: she teaches the rational use of her own time in the process of putting things in order. And think about devices that can save you precious time. You should not think that all of them are “unnecessary luxury items”: for example, the most inexpensive egg cooker or slow cooker will prepare a simple but healthy hot breakfast for all households instead of you, leaving you Extra time for work fees.

3. And most importantly, don't be afraid to ask for help. Explain to your family that from now on you will not be able to devote much time to household chores, and therefore responsibilities in the family will now be distributed in a new way. Involve your child more actively - even a three-year-old kid is quite able to collect his own scattered things or cubes with cars.

How painful your exit from maternity leave will be for your baby depends on many factors. Including on how much you managed to accustom him to independent actions. It has been noticed that if the mother decides to leave the decree for work during the period when the child begins, then this helps to resolve the issue less traumatically.

The laundry is washed by the machine, the husband takes on half of the duties after work, I collect the children in the garden, he takes him away, he cooks dinner, at this time I walk with the children (or vice versa). From the first days, our everyday life is divided into two, somehow it’s not a burden, these are ordinary everyday things. And I will always find time for myself!

The kid, as it were, declares to the whole world “I myself!”, And it is in your power to direct his new worldview in the right direction. “Of course, you can sit on the potty yourself, change clothes.” These are the minimum skills, without which both the child and the working mother will have a hard time, and which must be instilled in advance. But even returning home after a stressful labor day, you can and should continue to hone these skills, and for this you need to learn to “switch” yourself.

After finishing work, devote ten to fifteen minutes to yourself - for example, get some air on a bench in the park. Or, when you come home, lie down for a while, let yourself relax. Then proceed to the evening affairs, in which the child who missed you must certainly take part. Let him spin around when cooking dinner, a little cleaning.

No matter how tired you are, do not shorten the usual “evening rituals”: ​​the baby must be sure that he will definitely hear that you comb his hair, kiss and stroke his back.

Your weekends should also be filled with emotions: take your child to the park, to the pool or to the playgrounds. Talk to him more, delving into every little detail of his "new" life. Play together, indulge, laugh, and then the positive emotions received will help both you and the baby survive the “separation” of the next working week.

Returning to work after a long break is a serious test for any person. And the difficulty here is not so much the need to get up early and drive, perhaps to the other end of the city. It is much more difficult to change the habitual way of life, remember everything you know, and even learn how to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. It is difficult for any person to go to the first job in life or start working again after a long break. What to say about a woman after maternity leave, in which, contrary to the stereotype prevailing among men, she did not rest around the clock, but for three years in a row she worked hard for the benefit of the child and the family as a whole? It is necessary to change as quickly as possible from the three-year "diaper-cooking" mode to the "contracts-agreements" mode. And it's not as easy as it might seem at first glance!

In this regard, we offer you the rules of psychological and vocational training young mother to having to go to work.


If you decide to return to your previous job, take care of it in advance. Keep in touch with colleagues, communicate, learn latest news. In short, you should not completely drop out of the life of the team.

While on maternity leave, you need to monitor the work of your company as a whole: learn about new projects, visit the site and watch updates, have information about new partners, etc. So from the very first day you will show your superiors that, despite the changed circumstances in your life, you still followed the life of the company and are aware of all the main affairs.

Before you go to work after the decree, invite your friends from work to meet in a cafe and spend an evening together. So you remind your colleagues about yourself in advance, and do not materialize like a ghost after three years of absence. And the latest gossip, which your colleagues, heated up with tea (or something stronger), will probably tell you, can give you additional bonuses when you return to work. And if you can get close to one of your colleagues, it will be much easier for you in the first working days in psychological terms.

And if, a couple of weeks before going to work after the decree, you ask for a meeting with your boss, this will be a very sure step on your part. So you will not only really get in the know, but also show yourself favorably as an enterprising, responsible and interested employee.

home preparation

At least 3-4 days before the planned return to work, prepare your child for the fact that now you will spend much less time with him. If your baby does not go to kindergarten, and one of his relatives will sit with him, leave them alone for an increasingly longer period so that the child has time to get used to a new person in his life.

If you are planning to send your child to a kindergarten, go there at least once, talk with the headmaster, teachers, go to the group so that the child sees those with whom he will now have to spend most of his time.

An important issue is household chores. After all, having decided to go to work after the decree, you perfectly understand that now you will have much less time for household chores. Therefore, in last days Before going to work, you need to make sure that there is always food or something in the refrigerator from which it can be prepared. You can make several dishes that are easy to prepare, and they can be prepared for future use (dumplings, dumplings). And so that at least the first 3 days you have something to eat at home, cook cutlets or fry a chicken. You just have to make a side dish for her.

Make sure that after you return to work from maternity leave, there are no mountains of ironed or unwashed linen left at home, there are necessary medicines, and all bills are paid. It is unlikely that in the first working days you will have the strength and time for this - and you can not always rely on your husband.

Confidence that all household chores are in order is very important psychologically if you decide to return to work after the decree. You will feel more confident and be able to focus on your work.

Remember everything

In order to successfully return to work after the decree, refresh all the knowledge and skills that you have in your memory. It is not for nothing that the rules of psychological and professional training emphasize remembering everything that you did before going on maternity leave. In order to successfully audit everything that you know, take a sheet of paper and write on it in a column all the strong and weak sides You as a professional - in your opinion. Then remember and write down all your skills and abilities in professional and related fields.

good psychological trick is to indicate 3 time points using any available means (coins, coils, buttons, etc.). Let one dot denote you 3 years ago - when you went on maternity leave. Away from it, mark another point - you now, at this moment in time. And, finally, at a distance from the second point, mark the third - you are in 3 years. Mentally return yourself to the time before the decree - to point 1, remember that you knew how and how you felt. Now return to point 2 - the present - and compare the sensations. Then again put yourself at point 1 and mentally form a message for yourself "real". Maybe it will be words of support, maybe advice, or maybe something else. And then go back to point 2 and look back at yourself 3 years ago, realize that a lot of time has passed - and you have some experience that you can apply in your work.

And after all this, mentally transport yourself to point 3 - into the future. Draw for yourself an image of this future - who you are in 3 years, what you do, what you know how and who you are in society. Look back at your “real” self and think about what helped you achieve certain heights.

Such psychological training not only disciplines you, but also gives you self-confidence and helps you to move firmly towards new achievements.

Preparing for problems

Before you return to work after maternity leave, prepare yourself for possible problems, which you will need to solve - and, perhaps, even in the first working days. Write down on a piece of paper various difficulties that may lie in wait for you at work, and ways to solve them. Such difficulties may include:

The need to meet new employees

Lack (or weakening) of the skills necessary for work,

The need to join a new team (if you have found another job),

Change in the rhythm of life, etc.

Adaptation at work

Adaptation at work - even at the one where you worked before the decree - is a difficult process. It is not in vain that many mothers complain that they have “run wild” while sitting at home with a child - that is, they have forgotten how to communicate with people and solve some work issues. Don’t worry if something doesn’t work right away for you – adequate employees will understand and support you. Answer the questions that you are asked, support certain topics of conversation, try not to stay aloof.

But do not answer the question: “How is your baby?” start twittering something about diapers, diapers and complementary feeding routines, and show all the photos of the baby “from birth to 3 years old”. This, perhaps, will please or touch someone - but the authorities still demand from the employee not a demographic boom, but labor feats. Agree, it will be unpleasant if valiant employees will not talk about your professional merits, but about “fun notes” from the life of your child. For the same reason, don't get too excited about discussing home economics or new puff pastry recipes with co-workers.

At first, try to be more restrained until you can boast of the first successes in the professional field. Then it will be possible to remember the baby and homemade cheesecakes! Although no one forbids you to have a couple of photos of your child on your phone - in case one of the employees really wants to admire him.

Having decided to go to work after the decree, you must understand for yourself that now you are not only a mother and wife, but also responsible worker from whom important accomplishments are expected and brilliant ideas. This does not mean that you should forget about the child and household chores - of course not. Now your task is to learn how to intelligently combine all the social roles prepared for you by life. And our rules of psychological and professional preparation for going to work after the decree will help you!

How not to be afraid to go to work after the decree? How to answer the question "why exactly you" at the interview? We have answered these questions for you.

No matter how long you stay on maternity leave, sooner or later you need to go to work. It's scary, and employers don't want to hire a mother with a small child. Stop being afraid, we have prepared for you 7 evidence that characterizes a woman after the decree as a valuable employee.

  1. You have a rest from work and you have a desire to work. Although a decree is not a vacation, you took a break from the bustle of work, dissatisfied customers, did not prepare reports for the authorities, did not worry about the sales plan and other points. All this time you spent all your time around the clock little child Therefore, for most women, work is a vacation from the constant care of the baby and household chores.
  2. You're not going to get pregnant anytime soon and you're not going on maternity leave anytime soon. A girl who does not have a child will go on maternity leave faster than one who has children. There are few women who, after the first baby, repeat such a feat in one or two years. The employer definitely has at least a couple of years left, right?
  3. Are you happy. Yes, it is directly related to work! A woman who has a beloved husband and child at home feels that her life has taken place, and she has realized herself as a mother and wife. And if the soul is calm, then everything works out with work. Thanks to inner harmony, you work much better than many colleagues who just sit out their pants in the office, because you know for sure why and why you are here.
  4. You have a desire to be fulfilled. This proof follows from point 3. Having taken place as a mother and wife, a woman boldly shows her creative fantasies and desires to improve in work and boldly satisfy her creative abilities, ambitions and desires. For many positions, this fact is a huge plus. Employers love it when an employee has a twinkle in his eye. Going to work with joy in the morning, and returning home with a happy smile in the evening is a rare success.
  5. You will not look for another job. The stereotype that a woman with a small child is not the best better worker, has not yet been eradicated. The arguments are the same: the child is regularly sick, constant absences to the clinic, kindergarten, etc. Who needs such an employee? Therefore, if you get a job, and there is someone to stay with the child, you will not want to change jobs.
  6. You are not asking for a big salary. Usually a woman goes to the same salary as before maternity leave. You do not require a large income, because you realize that you first need to gain a foothold in your place. You have to re-join the team and get used to the new rhythm of life. You do not have the opportunity to stay late at work, because the child is waiting at home.
  7. You are doing a good job. After leaving the decree, the woman wants to increase her salary, so she tries to work efficiently and quickly so that the management appreciates the zeal. You do not have the opportunity to stay late at work, so everything must be done on time or in advance. And considering points 5 and 6, you are a valuable shot!

If it's time to go to work, don't worry. Enter our evidence in the appendix. After all, only you yourself should be interested in proving your effectiveness.

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Good afternoon blog moms! Happy Spring Festival! Here is my question, I look forward to your answers.

My maternity leave is coming to an end, and now I'm going to work in the summer. But recently I began to notice that just thinking about work makes my teeth start to chatter.

We have an almost renewed team, and questions about how I will get used to new people drive me into a panic, although earlier I did not notice the fear of communication behind me and gladly make contact. Will I have new official duties or I will work with the old ones - 1000 questions in my head. According to one of my colleagues, my position was removed and all my duties were scattered among specialists. Or maybe I’ll go out and be told that my services are no longer needed ...

Yes, more! We have a management that does not like to let staff go on sick leave, and I have two small kids who get sick every now and then. When I asked my colleagues with whom I keep in touch how they cope without sick leave, they answer that their grandmothers help them out, but I don’t have such an opportunity. Grandmothers also work.

Can anyone give me some advice on how to deal with the fear of going to work? Also, has anyone else been in this situation or is it just me? Although I was not a coward before.

If you also want to ask your question in the rubric and get an answer from the collective "mother's" mind, just send it to us by mail [email protected]. We remind you that the rubric comes out on Wednesdays.


hope (

12.03.2014, 11:26

As the saying goes: “Fear has big eyes”, I know from myself that when you are afraid of the unknown, everything tends to exaggerate. It might actually not be that bad, but until you try it, you won't know. It's never too late to quit and change jobs.

12.03.2014, 11:07

Alena, I had to go to work honoring the old team, but the girl who worked in my place, and a friend, was not very happy with me, but so much has gone from here .... But it was necessary to work, so something urgently needed to be done. I already talked on my blog about how I shook my body and took a dip in the font, and after that I was offered to move up to a position, which I am very glad about.

What to advise? Yes, to be honest, if there is an opportunity, then in our time it is best to sit at home with the kids or devote yourself to making money on the Internet. And until you go to work, you will not understand whether you are ready for it. After all, after maternity leave, a lot changes in a woman’s head.

12.03.2014, 11:17

Alena, as I understand you) To leave the decree itself in a month, which dragged on for 5 years. But I have a slightly different situation - I DO NOT WANT to return to my old job. Firstly, I went on maternity leave (and worked before) in a completely different city, and now I live in a different one. So I just quit. But I don’t want to go out, because while I want to work for myself (I am engaged in tutoring), I want to try myself in a new business.
I can advise, if you really feel fear, to change the field of activity, to see what vacancies are in other places. At the very least, freelancing. Without knowing what kind of work you have, it's hard to give specific advice. But there is always a way out!

    12.03.2014, 12:33

    Thanks for the advice, I work in the field wholesale sales. Well, when there is an alternative to the profession! But before going on maternity leave, I liked my work and, which is no less important, it was highly paid. I can say that I have always been listed among the leading specialists. But, as they say, the team has been completely renewed and now I don’t know if I can find a common language with them. Yes, I have been on maternity leave almost since 2008, I have kids one after another (I went to work only for 6 months, then again on maternity leave). Also, our bosses (according to the words of the “old men” of colleagues) obliged me to deduct from the salary in case of going on sick leave almost half of the salary, I'm afraid if they find out that I'm writing about this, I'll be fired without trial or investigation. How to be I do not know. Everyone who writes about making money on the Internet, thank you very much. I studied this topic thoroughly and I can conclude that you can make money on the Internet only with the help of organized network marketing pyramids or if you have programming knowledge, layout designers, designers, blogging enthusiasts do not count. As for the "mom's" earnings, they are so minimal, but I would like to reach my pre-decree level. You also won’t earn much as a copywriter if you are not a philologist and you don’t have a well-delivered speech. Although I will listen to the opinion of others on this matter.

      12.03.2014, 11:28

      I am very familiar with your anguish. When, after the first maternity leave, it was necessary to decide where and how to go to work, I was also very afraid of this. And I didn’t want to - my soul didn’t lie. Plus, we do not have grandmothers who can help look after the children, and there is no way to hire a nanny. And by that time, I realized that it was impossible for me not to see a child all day, not to notice how he read the first word or miss the first time he sees a hedgehog. That's why I chose for myself remote work. I began to make engineering drawings to order, without officially getting anywhere. As a result, how much I did, I got so much. She worked at her own pace, mostly at night. And she managed to pick up her son from the garden, take a walk with him, play and work out. When my daughter was born, even such work became temporarily impossible for me: there were more worries. Even when she went to the garden, it didn’t get easier - we get sick more than we go there. But even here I try to find a parallel occupation for myself - blogging and writing paid projects has become a little financial help for me and gives me a sense of my own fulfillment.
      I can’t even imagine how I would be able to spin now and with official work and with his family - the youngest gets sick once a month, the older one has just finally reached the age when he can already be left alone for the whole day at home. Plus a school kid, that's even worse than a kindergarten kid. In the garden, at least they will be fed and taken for a walk. And from the first grade, children are left to themselves - they come home at 12-14, and who will look after them until the end of the working day? Plus, school holidays four times a year, for which, after all, they won’t give leave at work (((
      Therefore, for me, earning money at home is the only thing possible variant work.
      On the other hand, I have a lot of acquaintances who work in the office with two children and are perfectly happy. Apparently, this is not only a matter of financial capabilities, personal circumstances, but also of temperament.
      So the only thing that can be advised here is to listen to yourself - if you feel so bad, then don’t go to work. Of course, if the husband agrees to take on the double burden of providing for the family. Or find yourself another one that better suits your current circumstances. Moreover, everything changes so quickly with children: if now the baby requires your full attention, then in 10 years you will have so much free time that you yourself will look for something to do with it 🙂

        12.03.2014, 12:54

        Thank you, Tavika! we have the same story with sick leave! I'm afraid the management will quickly get bored with my sick leave. As for the school, I also worry in advance, we can’t really go to kindergarten, although, as my husband says, problems need to be solved as they come.
        But here’s one more thing, recently I’ve begun to notice that I want to break out of 4 walls, I want to be with people, I want to change my occupation, but still combine this without interrupting my direct duty as a MOM. How to combine it until I put my mind to it. Quitting is the easiest solution. I will think and look for solutions 🙂 Thank you

            12.03.2014, 11:44

            I went to work in the office when the oldest was 4.5, and the youngest 1.5. But I only worked 4 hours a day in the morning. And with the children at that time there was a dad who, on the contrary, came to the office later. Children are domestic and grandmothers in other cities. But even from such a sparing regime, I was tired ... A year later, I agreed that I would work from home. Thank God the work of a programmer makes it easy to do this. Now I get up early at 4-5 in the morning and work until 9-10. I don’t want to go to the office: I want more children, I want to spend time with them, educate, teach, develop.

            12.03.2014, 11:53

            Hello Alena! You are a great fellow who declares your fear openly, do not persuade yourself that you are not afraid of anything. Recognizing your fear is the first step to defeating it.
            Your fear is fully justified, it has a basis, so you don’t need to drive it, you need to work with it.
            Write down on a piece of paper everything that you are afraid of in connection with going to new job.Some points scare the unknown - try to clarify them (talk with colleagues, with the boss).
            Then weigh the pros and cons again. What is real in your fears and what is fictional. I worked in budget institutions, took sick leave, but the authorities didn’t like it very much, I was worried. And in private firms, this is even worse. So this is not fear, this is knowledge of the realities of life.
            They advise you correctly - consider alternatives. Working with two children all day is too much work, both children, and your husband, and yourself will suffer. Think you still have time. If you do decide to come out here, take the time to check in at work first, chat with new colleagues to reduce the stress of going to work. Alena, good luck to you! On my blogs, I accept questions and, if possible, answer them as a psychologist.
            Alena, and goodbye. Once you've made your decision, be sure to take the time to be positive, “I'm going to a great job! Everything is fine! All goes to good! I am doing my job well! I have great relationships with my colleagues!”

              12.03.2014, 12:45

              Thanks Natalia for the kind words! Being positive is half the battle. I drive from myself all the "But", "If" and "how it will be ...", I hope that everything will turn out well. The alternative is of course good, I have already considered this issue. But in our commercial time, high income and “comfortable work” are not the same thing, you have to sacrifice something. Or income, losing Good work, or precious time with my family, all the time disappearing in the office. I will definitely look at your blog for advice. Sometimes it seems that I am so strong, and sometimes I tremble from such a trifle, which I would have simply passed by a couple of years ago without making an accent. Coward!

              12.03.2014, 12:59

              I have three children:). Therefore, I came out of the decree three times to my previous job.
              To begin with, I would like to ask you what age the children are. And if the youngest is not three years old, then I just don’t see the point in going to work ahead of time, especially if you are afraid of it.
              The second point is that until you go to work, I would advise you to discuss all the issues that concern you personally with your boss, and not with your colleagues (after all, it is not for them to solve issues with your hospital and other problems). And if you can’t agree with the boss, then you still have time to find yourself a new job.
              Another nuance: it is possible that your colleagues are simply intimidating you, because for some reason they do not want you to return (perhaps they are paid extra for performing your duties and they do not want to lose extra earnings).
              And most importantly: if you are afraid of this particular team, then do not hide the problem, hiding behind your children. You can force yourself to go to work only if you need money, but you don’t know how to earn money in any other way (namely, “you don’t know how”, and not “haven’t tried”). In all other cases, you may also need to “grow up” a little, like your kids, in order to be able to break away from them and from home life.
              I left my job when my third child was one and a half years old. It was a deliberate decision and now I work as a copywriter while sitting at home: it’s so convenient for me, since the youngest will go to kindergarten only in the summer, and the middle son is just in the first grade, where he still needs to be looked after. Whether I will go to some work later - I have not decided yet.

                12.03.2014, 15:55

                Thanks Svetlana! The question is a little different! It's not that I'm "afraid" of work, but that a lot of time has passed from the beginning of my first maternity leave to the end of the second. If you add it all together, then I left in 2008 (first there were sick leave for pregnancy, then maternity leave with my first child. Now the eldest is 5 years old. When the first baby 1.7 found out about the second pregnancy and went on maternity leave again. Now the youngest is 2 years old 9 month and I'm leaving soon.I worked in the field active sales. business does not stand still, everything around changes. Appear more qualified specialists, and I'm stuck in 2008 (maybe I just think so). The question of whether I will work with the team, probably, it is paramount. “Commercial sharks” work in our structure, and if you are “not on horseback”, then the system automatically rejects you, that is, you are fired. Plus all my "mom" factors that always "enrage" any leadership. The question is not fear, but how to return to the previous regime, without harming your own family, because if you return to the previous regime, family “affairs” will have to be sacrificed.

                12.03.2014, 18:34

                Alena, hello! As I understand you, I myself have to go to work, the baby already goes to the garden, but he gets sick a lot and often. We generally have a routine: a week in the garden, a month and a half at home. Grandmothers, like you, are not around. At work, duties have changed in many ways, the team has been updated. In general, there are also a lot of questions in my head. For myself, for several months I have already been doing the following steps on my return. I actively communicate with my old colleagues at work, asking about the news at work, not just to gossip, but to understand how everything has changed. Before the New Year, I went to work to talk with the management, which reassured me in many ways, the boss told me about my duties, about who I would work closely with, about my attitude towards my possible sick leave ... I also solve this issue for myself - we are looking for "grandmother" - a familiar woman who can sit with the child until he recovers completely. Unfortunately, this is the only way out for us. And to be honest, I feel a little more confident when I understand that I am not alone. Many girls in the comments to your question describe their situations when they themselves stood on the threshold of a choice and made it!!! You just have to decide. If you return to work, I can also advise you to communicate with colleagues who love their work and are positive about everything. Good luck to you and good health kids!!!

                  12.03.2014, 18:34

                  Oh, how I was afraid of going to work! I was not even afraid, but rather I could not imagine working from 9 to 18 away from the child.
                  I immediately understood that I would be leaving my old job, since it was no longer possible to travel 3 hours one way with traffic jams, so there were attempts to find work near the house. Searched without special desire and enthusiasm, because I just didn’t want to, and I couldn’t imagine that I would take my daughter to the garden for the whole day. As Tanya correctly wrote above, I didn’t want to miss all her most important discoveries and become a mother who comes home from work and falls and is no longer up to games and fun pastime. I know what a working mom is! When you are left to yourself all day, as the lessons end quickly. Of course, it is also useful to learn how to cook in the first grade, but being a child with a mother is much more pleasant.
                  Therefore, after the decree, I quit my job and didn’t go anywhere, but opened an individual entrepreneur and took up what became really interesting to me. Now I work at home, I am always with my daughter and I like it. And my husband likes it) Yes, this is an unstable income, this is not a salary level (when compared with pre-maternity life), but the child is under my supervision, I am happy with what I do!
                  As for the new team - that's definitely not a problem! During my life I have changed dozens of teams (this includes several schools and an institute and many jobs). Therefore, I would say that this is an incentive to show them all what you are capable of! New team, like a new job, it is always a challenge, especially for yourself! Therefore, if you have a desire, you will quickly catch up. And I don’t think that much has changed in wholesale sales techniques either, your clients are only now with other specialists, but new ones are waiting for you!!!

                  12.03.2014, 19:21

                  Once again I will say “as I understand you!”))) I have to go to work in a week, today I went and wrote an application for a vacation. We also have a garden big problems, we went to the state for the last time yesterday (we suffered for 1.5 weeks with nervous vomiting and screams). Let's try to start going to a private one, and see how it goes. It’s very disappointing for me to lose my profession, and it’s a pity to give my son for the whole day (for now, we’ll only have half a day for 2 months). And my bosses have changed, and there will be big changes in the team, and of course no one will be happy about the exit from the decree of a mother with a child who needs to leave the garden on time for the child (we don’t have grandmothers either). However, we are all people and have the right to work and rest, so I will try, and then time will put everything in its own place)))

                  12.03.2014, 20:37

                  And I understand)) But I can’t advise anything, because I suddenly managed to extend the decree for another 3 years))) And it’s even scary to think about what will happen after this time. How will I look for a job, how to get out after such a long break .... I know one thing for sure - you need to set yourself up for positive, overcome fear. After all, staying at home all the time is wrong. We, women, are especially tired of society, the team, work, development ...

                  12.03.2014, 21:16

                  I really understand you ... Not only are you tormented by the fact that the child suddenly turns out to be not clear where and with whom, how he adapts there, how he will be treated, but also in his place, because of himself, sheer anxiety and torment… But if you don’t have other options with work, then you still have to go into an ice hole… And see what happens. Unfortunately, I don't see any other options. After all, mom's earnings on the Internet are really cheap. and about copywriters - I'm not a bad SEO copywriter, but to find those who want to buy your articles, you first need to work long and hard for three kopecks ... I figured - it turns out good article- this is 5-6 hours of work .. and I will get it well if 100 (!!!) rubles. such rates on freelance sites. Or rather suggestions. I’m not ready to puff for such pennies for a year or two in search of worthy clients = ((Although I like to write.

If you are a happy mother who is on a “legal” maternity and paid job, then when the baby reaches the age of 3, you will have to plunge back into the routine of plans, reports, productivity, sales and other difficulties - you will have to go to work.

How to return to work after maternity leave?

What clauses are present in the Labor Code? What to do if the employer refuses?

How to overcome your fear and doubt? How to separate from a child? Will such separation from the mother cause health problems and emotional discomfort?

The questions are endless. The main thing is to understand that going to work entails stress and grandiose household chores. A working mother must be in time for everything and everywhere, and fulfill her duties impeccably.

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The procedure for the return of "maternity leave"

As soon as a woman becomes pregnant, she must register with the antenatal clinic and be sure to warn her about an interesting situation. In the future, the woman first takes the appropriate certificate from the doctor leading the pregnancy and provides it to the employer.

This happens before going on maternity leave. At the same stage, she needs to write an application for maternity leave for a period of 3 years - as stated in article 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. At the end of the execution of all documents, the woman is sent on vacation, her position is retained for her.

If the entire procedure for going on maternity leave took place in the sequence presented, the return will not be difficult - the young mother simply comes to the enterprise on the day indicated in the order and begins her duties, according to her position.

This is a direct answer to the question of how to return to work after maternity leave 3 years later. The procedure presented is regulated by the Labor Code - Article 256.

What if the place is taken?

Employers like to operate on refusals to return a woman after a decree by the fact that an employee who does an excellent job is already working in her place. This is completely illegal.

Employers are forced to take on a new employee or shift part of the work to existing workers. At the time of hiring a new employer, the employer must draw up fixed-term contract, where the end date is not indicated, but is specified “until the main employee leaves”.

This suggests that when the main employee enters the job, the temporary immediately leaves. If desired and possible, he may be offered another position, but it is impossible to leave him in the place of the position of a woman on maternity leave.

What must an employer do?

Each employer must work in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In the case of the regulation of pregnant women and employees on maternity leave, it is necessary to be guided by Article 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Here are all the obligations that the employer must fulfill. The main ones include the following fundamentals:

  • The employer must keep the workplace for the "maternity leave".
  • During the decree, the position should not be reduced or replaced in order to hire another employee.
  • The decree provides a certain guarantee in the prohibition of dismissal from the enterprise.
  • The employer cannot accept a new employee for the position of a temporarily departed woman on a permanent basis during the decree.
  • Employers are obliged to leave the “maternity leave”, even if she did it ahead of time, to provide her with the same position as before.
  • Employers do not have to cut an employee who has just left the decree wages, arguing this with the previous tariff rates.

If a woman leaves maternity leave exactly at the specified time to work, she can count on her previous position with a new wage rate that is in effect at the enterprise at the time of leaving.

Early exit from maternity leave

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the decree is submitted for two terms - for a period of 1.5 years and for 3 years. If desired or necessary, a woman indicates the period of maternity leave in a statement that is signed by the employer unconditionally.

But sometimes women prefer to hire their nanny and go to work ahead of schedule. How to return to work after maternity leave up to 1.5 years?

A little time has passed, but during this time the employer has already found a temporary replacement, promising the new employee the opportunity to work until a certain time - it is indicated by the “maternity worker” herself in the application. What should the employee and the "maternity leave" do?

A woman who wants to exit the decree ahead of schedule must write an appropriate application addressed to the employer with a desire to exit early. The application indicates the date and form of entry to work - full-time, full-time.

Upon the fact of the completed application, a new order is made, which is signed by the employee as a sign of familiarization and with confirmation to take on the previous duties ahead of schedule.

On the day indicated in, the woman goes to work in her previous position and begins her direct duties. An employee who temporarily performed the duties of a “maternity worker” is fired. If possible, they simply transfer to another position.

In case of early exit to work, the employee is subject to the same requirements both in work and in the required schedule of visits. If a woman has a sick child, she can take him on sick leave.

It is forbidden to leave the workplace temporarily again without appropriate statements and certificates. The argument “I left the decree ahead of schedule” is not taken into account - immediately after the signature in the order, the maternity ends.

According to the same article 256 Labor Code Russian Federation, a woman on maternity leave can go to work part-time.

This can be achieved by writing an appropriate application addressed to the employer.

After the application, the employer draws up an additional agreement to the current employment contract.

In the agreement, after the agreements with the employee, the following bases for further labor activity are indicated:

  • working hours of the employee - the hours of arrival and departure are indicated
  • how many days a week the employee will work, performing their duties
  • mode of work and rest - a possible or mandatory lunch break is indicated
  • wages - a fixed rate of labor for one hour of work is indicated

If you want to go to work part-time and drafting additional agreement the employee must fully comply with the conditions specified in the documents. Absence from work on one day must be compensated by working hours on another day.

In the absence of compensation, the employee may be reprimanded for violation labor discipline. Arguments “I am on maternity leave” are not taken into account.


If a woman comes out of full-time maternity leave, even early, childcare benefits stop. Benefits are paid only in case of part-time work until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years.

And if they don’t take on their previous job after the decree?

Not all employers are so honest with their employees - some simply refuse to go to work after the decree, even at the appointed time. The arguments are different: there is no place, the past reorganization, possible frequent sick leave, and other facts. What to do in this case?

There are two ways out of the situation here. The first is the need to visit the labor inspectorate and write a complaint against your employer. Staff labor inspectorate conduct an “investigation” and force the employer to re-hire the employee.

The disadvantage of such a return is the lack of personal desire of the employee to work after such an exit after the decree.

There is a second option, perhaps the most beneficial for the employee herself. Here it is necessary to agree with the employer on dismissal by agreement of the parties or upon the fact of reduction. In this case, a woman, having entered the labor exchange, will receive higher amounts of unemployment benefits.

The second most successful, although you should not give up without a fight - the employer is obliged to reinstate you to your previous position, so you have the right to demand that you comply with the rules and regulations of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The psychological side of the issue

Going to work after the decree is not so terrible from the point of view of designing and compiling a labor basis. The thought that it is necessary to completely change the former and already familiar way of life seems more terrible.

If earlier you were with your child 24 hours a day, now you will spend only evenings with him. This is the first fear of a young mother - they are bored and worried about their child, as a result of which the work does not go well.

The second fear of a young mother is to return to her previous place of work, where a lot has changed, new employees have come, perhaps the leader has changed. Often, enterprises undergo reorganization, which forces the "maternity leave" to go to new position. In combination with concern for the child, it is impossible to quickly and reasonably delve into new ones. How to be?

Go to reconnaissance

In order not to be discouraged on the first working day, it is better to find out all the features of the work in advance.

Go to work for a visit. Visit Human Resources to find out about the surviving position and nuances.

Visit your old place of work - get to know the employee who replaced you during your maternity leave.

Perhaps he will tell you about everything and the changes in your position.

Call colleagues at work with whom you could not talk at the workplace.

In a friendly and relaxed atmosphere, they can tell more interesting information, as well as tell all the rumors and gossip, which sometimes you should know to prevent missteps on your part.

As a result, before leaving the decree, it is important to find out the situation at work. If working conditions are hardened, then at home it will be easier to prepare for them in advance.

Self-preparation for difficulties

Of course, at work after the decree, you will have to face a lot of difficulties. Here and ignorance of new employees, and forgotten skills, and the introduction of new technologies, and simple care for a child, and fatigue from household chores, and much more.

To partially or fully prepare for exiting, make a list of possible difficulties that you may encounter. Try to solve them in advance:

  • assign a child to a good kindergarten, hire a nanny or entrust grandmother
  • reconsider household chores - from the fact that you will not wash the floors daily due to going to work, the house will not become dirtier
  • shift some of the household chores to your husband - for example, let him do the shopping
  • meet new employees
  • familiarize yourself with new programs or equipment - you can find information on the Internet and study the instructions in detail
  • remember everything you did at work before

Careful preparation will prevent the occurrence of emotional and physical fatigue in the first days of the working week.

Why be ready?

Returning to work after the decree is a complete change in the previous rhythm of life, priorities, opportunities, goals. Why prepare in advance? Psychologists identify the following inevitable changes in the life of the former "maternity":

  • Change of environment - if earlier for years a woman was mainly at home, now she will have to be in a strange environment most of the time. Often this entails emotional depression, a change in biorhythm, and often health problems.
  • Change of personal status - now the woman is not a housewife who sat "on the neck" of her husband, but a self-sufficient young mother. Often, such changes entail “arrogance” in a woman - she stops running a house, takes less care of her child, arguing this with work and high income (bringing money to the family). With a rather sharp quarrel with her husband, who is not ready to “reduce his appetites” in the house, in cooking, is not ruled out.
  • A change in the rhythm of life - now a woman will have to do everything faster, because it used to take her a whole day to complete all household chores. Now it’s only the evening, during which you need to cook dinner, gather the child for tomorrow’s trip to kindergarten, tidy up the house, play and take a walk with the child, take time for your husband and yourself.
  • Change of relationship with the child - yes, after going to work, you will have to devote less time to the child. If the baby is vulnerable and strongly attached to the mother, this can negatively affect the emotional state of the baby and his health. The task of the mother is to communicate with the child as much as possible in the evenings. You must let him know that the mother's attitude has not changed, and care and love have remained at the same level.

The listed changes in the life of the former “maternity leaver” are only the main and frequently encountered ones. Often women face smaller problems, but in the absence of preliminary preparation they bring them to global and insoluble ones.

Psychologists say that three years of absence from work requires the same amount of time to return. Therefore, it is recommended not to get out of the working rhythm, but it is better to constantly be aware of events. Communicate with employees, learn about changes and implementations.

Returning to work after maternity leave is always stressful. Stress for the youngest mother, for the child, for the husband and even for pets. stressful situations it is necessary to decide together with the family - with the husband, with the parents.

The support of loved ones best smooths out sharp corners - after the first working day, a woman will “wind up” herself with unfulfilled tasks, comments from the manager or other employees. Only warm words, words of encouragement and partial help in household chores will help to cope with changes after a long period of calm.

How to go to work after the decree - the psychologist advises on the video:

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