How Yakunin takes money out of your pocket. “Scam for hundreds of billions of rubles”: sponsors of Colonel Zakharchenko are suspected of embezzlement from Russian Railways The largest suppliers of Russian Railways

The person who works on the railway told me how they have on the railway with the crisis. It turned out that the crisis is in full order. Under one pretext or another, the authorities "reduce costs", but simply - rob workers and the Russian Railways itself.

So. At first there was such a scheme: workers, allegedly own will, wrote statements that they work an hour less, on the basis of which they were paid less salaries. But they worked the same amount of time as before. On this occasion, a complaint was sent to the pocket trade union by the workers. And the trade unionists came with a check - which the authorities, of course, knew about, and therefore let the workers go an hour earlier. Trade unionists in their publication published the results of the check - that "the information was not confirmed", but added that this could not be done - and if this happens somewhere, then the workers "should not" be told about this to their management.

After that, this scheme was replaced by another. Now - already 2 or 3 months - 3 days a month, each employee is issued "time off at their own request", despite the fact that employees do not go on any time off. And they get 10% less - because. they officially have less output.

Recently, it was announced on TV that Russian President Medvedev and President of OAO Yakunin agreed to allocate billions of credits "for workers' salaries." The workers hoped that now they would not have to write time off "at their own expense" and would be paid in full. But, as you understand, TV is not made to inform, but to deceive. In April it was announced that these fake "days off" would be written again.

This is not the only railroad theft scheme.

The other is the wage system itself. For example, the foreman of the railroad workers has a basic salary of 8 tr. - miserable crumbs for which no one will work. Another 100% is added to it - 8 tr. - premiums + some other additives - so that it comes out 23 tr per month Plus, there is a quarterly bonus, which is paid in installments for each month - an addition of about 10 thousand more rubles comes out. (calculated as a % of the original salary). Therefore, last year it was 40 tr, and now - with 10% fictitious days off - about 30 tr.

So. There are no fines as an incentive on the railway. Deprive not salaries, but bonuses. Due to the fact that "bonuses" make up the bulk of salaries, they can be deprived very much.

And deprived. The head of the distance said that he did not have a salary fund. Therefore, under any pretext, he will deprive everyone quarterly bonus. And deprived - shortcomings can always be found, for which you can cling. This is another minus 10 tr. from an employee.

Another way of stealing is "abbreviations". For example, reduced workshops. Of course, the welders, who are always needed, and who were listed in the workshops, were not fired anywhere, but they were enrolled in the railway brigades as "track fitters". Now they take the place of real fitters there, of which there are 20 according to the state. In real life, there are only 10 fitters: 5 work shifts, 5 rest. At the same time, this working team first works for one foreman, and the next day - for another. All the rest are the same "welders". The aunt who calculated the salary - she is also recorded as a "traveler". In addition, a character who works for the head of the department in the country is recorded in the "travelers". It's been working for 2 years now. And he receives a payment from Russian Railways, and the head of the department from those stolen from Russian Railways pays him an additional supplement. His supplement probably comes from the salaries of very dead souls - who are listed as "travelers", but no one knows who it is. The usual scheme of embezzlement is to receive a salary for a fictitious worker. And for all these "snowdrops" only one team plows (the second one is on vacation at this time). Work is not diminished, but works less, the rest are freeloaders. But even here the playful hands of economists-bosses are not asleep. At some department, it turns out that instead of 20 in the state, 18 cope. A new reason for layoffs. There will already be a conflict between the larger bosses and the middle one - who will get the money of dead souls.

It's about theft. Another type of theft is window dressing. The head of the Moscow railway not so long ago began to arrange road detours. At the same time, he leaves at 7 in the morning, and goes back at 5-6-7 in the evening, until half past seven. The wayfarers work time 8-17 with sentry lunch break. So, on the days of the detour of the head of the road, hard workers are driven out to work ahead of time and are not released until the "master" passes. "Tell the passers-by that they are the peasants of the Marquis of Carabas." People are rubbed that they have "not a standardized working day."

Now a little about manners. Chel told how some uneducated, but diligently licking his ass to the authorities, a young man, for a long time and stubbornly attached himself to the head of the department - from whom the master had to leave. And of course this slippery six is ​​now working as a master. Although he does not understand this nicherta in the work, and the foreman, whom the six bypassed, does all the work for him. And the situation turns out like this - some work is carried out by the foreman (because he knows how to carry it out), which only the master has the right to carry out - i.e. a violation for which both the master piper and the head of the department can get a cap. But as long as there is something to steal, no one is interested in such details. As there will be nothing to steal - squabbles and redistributions will begin.

And almost forgot. About grand theft. Under the USSR, the Moscow railway had one small building near the Kazansky railway station. Now a skyscraper has been built for it, where thieves from Russian Railways have moved (as the old building was enough for workers, it is enough now). Thieves who receive salaries of 100-200-300 tr. per month. In connection with the crisis, they did not receive less. And in order to find a salary for them in the face of falling demand for railway transportation, layoffs are being made. Who receive a penny, but who work.

By the way, Russian Railways is building another skyscraper.

This is how the authorities of Russian Railways OJSC - higher and secondary - plunder their OJSC and employees.

This post is dedicated to you, the most advanced citizens of Russia. You are tech-savvy, love gadgets, travel a lot and use Russian information network"Cheburashka" by the Internet.

Now the Anti-Corruption Foundation will tell you how your advancement and manufacturability brings money to the family of our old friend Vladimir Yakunin. Big patriot, billionaire and offshore empire owner.

Tell me, have you ever bought a train ticket online? Through mobile app? Surely bought or, at least, your relatives and friends bought.

Put aside your affairs, let's wander together through the expanses of the fur coat store, looking into its most hidden corners.

Oh, who's that standing there, guarding the chests of gold? Is it really a terrible witch, like in the fairy tale "Flint"?

Almost. This is the enterprising Cypriot lawyer Vera Lissiotis. You must remember it from previous FBK investigations.

It is this Cypriot with her father who is the nominal founder of the Cypriot offshore companies VRL and VERLYS, which own the main assets of the Yakunin family:

Got it with the girl? Do you know who she is and why?

Well, now let's pick up that darkened scroll, to the left of the basket with diamonds, and read some facts from it.

I repeat: exclusively the facts established by the FBK Investigation Department:

In 2012, after the entry into force of the order of the Ministry of Transport Russian Federation dated August 31, 2011 N 228 "On establishing the form of an electronic travel document (ticket) for railway transport" Russian Railways is coming to grips with the sale of electronic tickets for trains on the Internet.

We offer three answers:

a) Because LLC "UFS" and LLC " E-ticket» won in advance placed on trading floors contests

b) Because UFS LLC and Electronic Ticket LLC have unique knowledge and expertise, and apart from them, no one knows how to sell tickets on the Internet

c) Because the head of Russian Railways crook and thief Vladimir Yakunin secured a contract for an offshore company controlled by his son Andrey Yakunin, in order to steal and appropriate a percentage of the sale of each ticket of Russian Railways and build a fur storage for themselves.

Have you chosen an option?


This is an official extract from the Cypriot registry.

Fathers! VERLYS and our old friend Vera Lissiotis, treasurer of the Yakunin family. The director of AM EBOOKERS is a certain Alastair Matthew Cunningham:

Nothing remarkable in general, except that the English newspaper The Guardian included the first number in the list of fraudulent directors. In just a few mentioned jurisdictions, more than 1000 companies are registered on it:

So the ownership chain looks like this: Yakunin family - Vera Lissiotis - VERLYS company - AM EBOOKERS company - UFS LLC . It's all confirmed official bases data.

And now quickly! Drop everything and run to App Store or Google Play! One thing needs to be checked. You probably have doubts too! Downloading the only thing official application for selling tickets of Russian Railways

We look carefully

It turns out that no matter how advanced you consider yourself, little Vladimir Ivanovich Yakunin is sitting in your fashionable iPhone.

When you press the buttons to buy a train ticket, he, Yakunin, like a little leprechaun dwarf, appears to take a gold coin from you and put it in his pot.

Here's how much Yakunin's offshore clan earns from each ticket sold

Our rough estimate: in a year of work, the application was downloaded 800 thousand times and 90 thousand tickets were bought through him. Taking into account the average commission of 554 r (we do not know the distribution), UFS earned almost 50 million rubles on this application.

But the fashionable iPhone application is not limited to UFS. In fact, everyone literally every train ticket sold online in addition to the Russian Railways website, it is sold through the UFS. All with the same commission.

Buying tickets from any known site , you enrich the Yakunin clan (although, it would seem, much further).

For those who are interested in how it works, check it out.

In short, the UFS Yakunin sets the amount of the mandatory commission from each ticket sold and generously shares 30% of this fee with the partner site. Keeps 70% for himself.

Again, a rough estimate: in 2012, 7 million tickets were sold through the UFS. Suppose that in 2013 they sold a little more, the market is growing, let's say 8 million. We take the same average commission of 554 rubles, subtract 30% remaining from agents, total 388 rubles x 8 million = 3.1 billion rubles of UFS revenue in 2013 .

Is this not a dream business? We take the state railway monopoly and let electronic sale tickets through your office, collecting a commission of 600 rubles from each ticket.

The Anti-Corruption Foundation is often accused of showing only one side of the issue, not giving our opponents a chance to answer.

Here's a chance. We really want the powerful statesman and patriot Vladimir Yakunin to answer these questions. We kindly ask all journalists to ask him:

- Under what conditions did Russian Railways conclude an agreement with the UFS and what is the benefit of the state corporation from such cooperation?

- Who is the ultimate beneficiary of the Cypriot offshore that monopolized the sale of electronic tickets?

- Is it possible for third-party developers to have access to the sale of Russian Railways tickets, bypassing the services of the UFS?

- How can one explain the amazing and complete coincidence of the nominal owners of the UFS with the nominal owners of almost all famous business assets of Andrey Yakunin (RGS, etc.)

We will be glad to receive answers from Russian Railways and personally from Vladimir and Andrey Yakunin. In the meantime, we are waiting for preventive complaints to the FAS and blogger Medvedev that Vladimir Yakunin is still a terrible rogue and thief, and also lies about the fact that his son’s business does not have access to Russian Railways funds.

The FBK is also looking into how the sanctions imposed on Yakunin should be used by the US by Apple with the help of the application of which Yakunin steals the money of citizens of the Russian Federation.

It is inconceivable that in any developed (and even underdeveloped) country, the head of the railways was caught selling passenger tickets through his offshore and kept his job.

We understand that this will happen in Russia and the only response to information about Yakunin's monstrous corruption will be: it is a provocation in response to our work as effective managers.

Yakunin is the closest corrupt official to Putin and nothing will happen to him.

But it will be a small reward for us if you help spread this information. I really want all those 7,000,000 people who bought a ticket through the UFS and 800,000 people who downloaded the mobile application to find out why their ticket is 600 rubles more expensive than it should be and who gets these 600 rubles.

We don't ask much of you. Simply, if you bought a train ticket through one of these systems, then give a link to this investigation, adding something from yourself that people usually add when 600 rubles are illegally taken from them. Just remember that obscene language is now prohibited on the network.

The Anti-Corruption Foundation continues to press President Putin and Prime Minister Medvedev for Yakunin's resignation and a public criminal investigation into his family's corrupt activities.

P.s.: Thank you for the excellent work of the FBK Investigation Department, which proved to be good monsters.

Update: Based on the comments received from our readers, we clarify that for both iPhone and Android there is one unofficial application that works through the Russian Railways website and allows you to buy tickets without a UFS fee

Excuse me for addressing you, but I remind you that the Anti-Corruption Foundation is a non-profit organization,

Although he was born in Tashkent, he spent his childhood in Moscow, where his father Andrei Viktorovich Krapivin moved from Uzbekistan to trade in cotton. Krapivin Sr. not only had close relations with Uzbek officials, but also established relationships with influential people in Russia. On Russian market he went out through International Center business cooperation”, headed at that time. Power support for the business was provided by his partner Valery Markelov, who was associated with the bank, which controlled, among other things, the banking sector. In the mid-nineties, Krapivin Sr., together with Markelov and another entrepreneur, went into the banking business, receiving the post of vice president of the newly created Mezhtrustbank.

After the 1998 default, the Russian textile industry went on the rise, and Andrei Viktorovich Krapivin, together with his partners, bought out the Avangard factory in the Vladimir region. However, the bright prospects of entrepreneurs were spoiled by goods pouring into Russia from China and Turkey.

Andrey Krapivin

Yakunin saved Krapivin Sr. from ruin, who in the early 2000s became Deputy Minister of Transport, and then First Deputy Minister of Railways and helped his friend to have own business in the transport sector.

Andrei Krapivin managed to attach his son to the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation with a degree in International Currency Relations. Alexei Krapivin, in fact, from the first year, began to be listed in commercial structures affiliated with his father. In his third year, he already headed the budgeting department of the Eurodesign and K company, of which he himself was a co-founder. The company worked in the field of passenger air transport. Then the young financier completely headed the Railtech company, which supplied the railway workers with bearings, reinforced concrete sleepers, batteries and other products.

After Alexey Andreevich graduated from the university, he moved to the ED Logistics company, where he headed the budgeting and management reporting and then the finance department. The company was associated with Eurodesign and K and also worked on government orders.

TOKYO client

Naturally such a rapid career young man was not random. In 2003, as a result of the reorganization of the Ministry of Railways, Yakunin became the first vice president, and then the president of Russian Railways (RZD). At the same time, Alexei Andreevich's father began to win various tenders for a new state structure. He himself kept a low profile and received government contracts through technical companies, and owned large assets through offshore companies.

For the first time, Yakunin introduced his colleague to the general public in 2007, when he recommended him for the post of independent director of the First Freight Company (PGK), a subsidiary of Russian Railways, and also introduced him to the boards of directors of Transmashholding, the largest supplier of equipment for Russian Railways, and the largest grain carrier " Rusagrotrans. Then Vladimir Ivanovich designated Krapivin as his "freelance assistant", who understands "banking issues and issues of relations with the CIS."

Indeed, Andrei Viktorovich Krapivin, together with Markelov and Usherovich, were responsible for cooperation with the Capital Trade Bank, which was created under the tenders of Russian Railways. Over time, the partners themselves became shareholders of the bank. Their STB account was referred to as "TOKYO client". Most of the money from these accounts did not go to subcontractors, but to offshore companies, occasionally remained on bank deposits or simply cashed out. Krapivin's friends, in particular former director factory "Avangard" Andrey Kurkin and the son of a former member of the board of directors of "Avangard" Maxim Karayanis. They led a certain commercial structure "Roszheldorsnab", which acted as one of the main organizers of Russian Railways tenders.

The money earned on state monopoly contracts, Krapivin Sr. invested in development projects. So he got the GRAS group of companies, which built luxury real estate in Sochi and in the village of Novoe Lapino on Rublevka. In addition to Andrey Viktorovich, the beneficiaries of GRAS were businessman Ruben Khudoyan and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Transtelecom Sergey Lipatov. With the latter Andrey Krapivin had common projects back in the late nineties, including those associated with Mezhtrustbank. It was through Sergey Vladimirovich that GRAS entered the Sochi market.

Sergei Lipatov was another key figure in Yakunin's schemes to withdraw railroad money. Sergey Vladimirovich at that time headed the board of directors of the Lokomotiv football club, at the same time being the chairman of the board of directors of the main sponsor of the club, Transtelecom. Despite the fact that the achievements of the “railroad” team were going downhill, and the financing of the club was actually colossal from the budget. It was not possible to check the fate of the money, since Sergey Lipatov actually allocated them to himself. Traditionally, money was pumped through Krapivin's credit institutions and companies.

"GRAS" was also drawn into the "sports" corruption scheme. By that time, Sergey Lipatov left Lokomotiv with a scandal and joined the board of directors of the sponsor of the volleyball club Dynamo, Transmashholding. Immediately after that, it was GRAS that was entrusted with the construction of a sports complex for volleyball players called Flotilla. Over time, the complex turned from a sports complex into a multifunctional one, and was supposed to consist of four residential complexes of 29 floors with offices, a sports and recreation building, a hotel, a swimming pool and apartments.

Through Khudoyan, Sergey Lipatov and Krapivin tried to achieve the abolition of the protection status of the famous Arkhangelskoye estate. Thus, Khudoyan rented 6 hectares of manor land through the Park Arkhangelskoye LLC company, which GRAS was already preparing to build up. However, the Moscow Arbitration Court of Appeal invalidated the agreement on the lease of forests near the Arkhangelskoye estate, concluded by the Mosleskhoz with Park Arkhangelskoye LLC. Later, Khudoyan, having quarreled with his partners, sold his 33% stake to the A1 group. But Krapivin and Lipatov, not wanting to make the business transparent, bought out the share of the new co-owner, paying twice the cost for it.

Gorbuntsov and Maistrenko

Earlier, Krapivin, Markelov and Usherovich had another conflict, this time with one of the co-owners of the Capital Trade Bank. VIP clients decided to close their accounts and withdraw all funds from the bank - about 400 million dollars. Gorbuntsov himself assured that his clients had gone bankrupt on development projects and were looking for someone to hang their debts on.

He also claimed that armed people, having blocked the main office of the bank, forced his ex-wife Larisa to transfer to strangers those assets that were listed for her. According to another version, the conflict arose due to the fact that Gorbuntsov himself appropriated part of the “railroad” money, having withdrawn it abroad through the Moldovan Universalbank owned by him. As a result, the banker found refuge in Moldova, from where he told about the peculiarities of the work of Russian Railways with contractors.

People from Krapivin's entourage also owned the Cherry Orchard business center in Moscow, market price building which was approximately equal to 4 billion rubles. In addition, Andrey Krapivin was associated with the developer Flat and Co, which was 76% owned by a Cypriot offshore company, and 24% by CEO Dmitry Maistrenko. This Maystrenko, among other things, owned the Avangard hunting estate, which previously belonged to the textile factory of the same name from Yuryev-Polsky. It was "Flat and Co" that sold houses in the village of Novoe Lapino, which was built up by Krapivinsky "Gras".

The largest suppliers of Russian Railways

Krapivin and his partners in the early 2010s were the largest suppliers of Russian Railways. The same Markelov in 2010 became the owner of PKP Moboil, after which the company became the largest supplier of fuel for railway workers. In 2012 alone, it sold fuel for 42.5 billion rubles. Other organizations leading government orders were associated with Krapivin Sr. himself.

Among them, Roszheldorproekt can be singled out, which in 2012 and 2013 alone carried out work for the state monopoly for more than 50 billion rubles. For example, the company acted as the general designer of the famous Adler-Krasnaya Polyana road. There were other Olympic infrastructure facilities near Krapivin, also thanks to Lipatov's connections in the Sochi administration. One of the co-owners of Roszheldorproject was Krapivin Jr. Together with Markelov and Obodovsky, he was a member of the company's board of directors and owned a 50 percent stake. The second half of Roszheldorproekt belonged to Russian Railways. It should be noted that Obodovsky was another key partner of the Krapivin family.

Andrey Viktorovich Krapivin more and more actively introduced his son to the "railway" business. The same "Roszheldorproekt" was a subsidiary of the St. Petersburg Institute "Lengiprotrans", the board of directors of which was headed by Alexei Krapivin. In addition, he joined the board of directors of Transelectromontazh OJSC, which Krapivin Sr. bought out from a friend of an oligarch. By this time, his son was already the CEO of two companies at once - Ortiga Group and Diviti-Invest, located in the Skolkovo innovation center.

The interests of Alexei Krapivin extended not only to the railway theme. He was also a co-owner of almost three dozen organizations, among which were a textile mill, a yacht club, accounting companies, auto centers, suppliers finishing materials, internet startups. He also became, together with Usherovich, Markelov and Obodovsky, co-owner of Interprogressbank, another important partner of Russian Railways.


But most of Krapivin's companies were offshore. Through these commercial structures financed various projects in Russia, totaling hundreds of millions of dollars. Through these offshore companies, in particular, Russian Railways worked with the world's largest manufacturer of trains and aircraft, the Swedish company Bombardier Transportation, which since the 1990s has been supplying the Ebilock-950 microprocessor centralized switch and signal system. Later, a joint Russian-Swedish venture, Bombardier Transportation (Signal), appeared, after which the production of Ebilock-950 began to be transferred to Russia.

Krapivin traded Ebilock-950 systems through offshore Rambo Management. In particular, when Bombardier Transportation installed this system on railways in Azerbaijan, the British company Multiserv Overseas Limited unexpectedly won the tender for the supply of Swedish equipment. But Multiserv itself had a contract for the supply of Ebilock-950 with Krapivinsky Rambo. It turned out that the Swedish branch of Bombardier supplied equipment to its own subsidiary through at least two "gaskets".

It is noteworthy that Multiserv Overseas Limited was owned by Multiserv Management LLP, the first director of which was Yury Obodovsky. This scheme was also widespread in Russia. Only in the period from 2012 to 2014, the Russian Bombardier Transportation (Signal) purchased Ebilock-950 equipment from the British Multiserv Overseas Limited for tens of millions of euros. Krapivin's offshore scheme became available to a wide audience after secret documents of the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca is one of the largest offshore registrars in the world. And even the Swedish police became interested in the story of the supply of microprocessors to Azerbaijan.

With the disclosure of the "Panamanian archives", information also surfaced about other companies of Alexei Krapivin, in particular Redstone Financial Ltd and Telford Trading S.A., which received $277 million in their accounts with the Swiss bank CBH Compagnie Bancaire Helvetique SA. These funds were linked to the largest money laundering operation in Eastern Europe, which attracted the attention of the law enforcement agencies of Moldova, Russia and the Baltic States. It was about the withdrawal of 22 billion dollars from Russia in the period from 2011 to 2014 under the guise of executing illegal judgments adopted by Moldovan judges.

In addition, Krapivin's offshore companies issued loans to various Cypriot structures, including for the acquisition of assets in Russia. So, for example, in 2014, Gordox issued $100.5 million to another company from the Virgin Islands to buy the Cypriot structure Sterema. In the same year, Sterema became the owner of a controlling stake in a large Russian construction company Bamstroymekhanizatsiya, one of the main contractors the largest project reconstruction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline. The works were valued at 177.3 billion rubles, which amounted to almost 60% of all funds allocated for tenders.

Another contractor for the reconstruction of the BAM and the Trans-Siberian Railway was the Group of Companies 1520 created by Krapivin, Markelov, Usherovich and Obodovsky. Obodovsky also served as the general director of this organization. The 1520 Group of Companies won the tender for the electrification of the Eastern Test Site worth about 28 billion rubles. In total, until 2018, it was planned to allocate another 562 billion rubles for the reconstruction of BAM.

Yakunin's departure

Andrey Viktorovich Krapivin died in Switzerland in 2015. He died under very mysterious circumstances, unexpectedly for everyone, he had an acute edema of the liver - hepatomegaly. However, no autopsy was performed. Just a few months later, Vladimir Yakunin was sent into retirement, for whom death key figure in the schemes he built before the upcoming audit of the state-owned company, it became very “timely”.

The departure of the "unsinkable" railway worker was associated not only with the adoption of British citizenship by his son and the political ambitions of Vladimir Ivanovich himself, but also with a colossal waste budget funds. Oleg Belozerov, First Deputy Minister of Transport, became the new head of the Russian Railways, who was called upon to revise the activities of the monopolist. As a result, Bamstroymekhanizatsiya and Roszheldorproekt were under attack. The son of an oligarch close to Belozerov, Igor Rotenberg, began to claim to replace the Rapivin team.

Oleg Belozerov

The struggle for the huge offshore empire of the deceased began. One of the main contenders for it was Sergey Lipatov. However, Sergei Vladimirovich, without his patrons, himself began to rapidly lose ground, and a few years later came under suspicion of embezzlement. Money from Mezhtrustbank. Another partner of Krapivina Usherovich, together with Ivan Stankevich, a member of the board of directors of Novoye Vremya Bank, was summoned for questioning by the Investigative Committee. According to investigators, it was on their orders that four banks issued large amounts of currency in the packaging of the US Federal Reserve to Colonel GUEBiPK. And although Usherovich is still only a witness in the case, he chose to hide abroad and is currently engaged in obtaining citizenship in Cyprus.

However, Aleksey Andreevich did not give up hope of gaining a foothold under the new leadership of the Russian Railways. In his "United Construction Company 1520" was replaced CEO, which was a certain Sergei Klevakin. It is noteworthy that earlier Klevakin headed the Foratek ETS company, which, after the change of power of Russian Railways, began to receive contracts from the railway monopoly for larger amounts than before. In this regard, there were suggestions that Alexei Krapivin found a common language with the new beneficiaries. Later, there were reports that the 1520 group of companies was going to buy a stake in FSK Mostootryade-47, which was building railway around Ukraine.

The fact that Aleksey Krapivin chose the right strategy was evidenced by the fact that in 2018, in the Russian Forbes rating of “Kings of State Order”, he was in first place in the company of Valery Markelov and Boris Usherovich. According to the magazine's estimates, at the moment, USC 1520 and Roszheldorproject have contracts totaling 218 billion rubles. However, the figure of Krapivin can only nominally lead the pyramid of state orders, but in fact it is already undergoing a process of changing beneficiaries.

Aleksey Andreevich Krapivin is a "worthy" successor of his father's work, who managed to build an entire offshore empire. Krapivin Sr., using his close acquaintance with Vladimir Yakunin, carried out the largest contracts of Russian railways through his companies and banks.

After the death of his father and the change of leadership of Russian Railways, Alexei Krapivin managed to keep the schemes built, although it is possible that other people have become their beneficiaries. Nevertheless, today Alexey Krapivin continues to be considered the largest contractor of Russian Railways. This proves that the changes in the state monopoly have not led to the eradication of its huge corruption component.

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